16 art

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  • 8/16/2019 16 art


    16. Art (ARHT), noun The ability to make things; creativeness; the creative processapplied to aesthetic principles; the objects subject to aesthetic standards; works of art

    including painting, sculpture, architecture, music, literature, drama, the dance, etc.

    NOUNS art nouveau (ART noo!"#$. A popular form of design that originated in

    the %&&'s, characteried by wavy objects such as flower stems, flowing hair, flames,

    etc. That museum’s collection of ART NOUVEAU jewelry is one of the town’s best!e"t secrets#auteur (ohT)R$. A filmmaker who establishes complete control and imposes his

    distinctive style on a film. $%iles is so cau&ht u" with bein& an AUTEUR that he’sruinin& the "ro'uction %arla com"laine'#avant-garde (uhvahnt *AR+$. Relating to the latest trends, especially in the

     world of art; of a new or eperimental nature. As a scul"tor* %ilton foun' !ee"in& "ace with the AVANT+AR,E both challen&in& an' rewar'in& for his own wor!#  baroque (buhR"-$. A style of art and architecture originating in /taly in the

    early seventeenth century and characteried by much ornamentation and curvedlines. -aula 'eci'e' not to buy the house because she feare' its .ARO/UE 'ecorwoul' ma!e it a 'ifficult resell# chiaroscuro (keeareuh0-)Roh$. A pattern of light and dark (or light andshadow$ in a painting or literary work. The "ower of the "aintin& comes from its0H1ARO20URO* which seems to in'icate loomin& 'isaster#expressionism (e1R0#uhnium$. An art movement with roots in the late

    nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in which eternal forms of reality are

    distorted as a means of communicating an interior vision of the artist. 3or E'4ar' %unch* whose "aintin&

    The 0creamis "erha"s the sin&le most reco&ni5able ima&e

    of E6-RE221ON12%* the themes of isolation an' an7iety were of "aramountim"ortance# futurism (23""churium$. An early twentiethcentury arts movement stressingthe dynamics and movements of the industrial age. 8ones was fascinate' by earlyin'ustrial art9 last semester he too! a course on 3UTUR12%# genre (4#A56ruh$. A particular style that characteries a type of music, art,literature, film, etc. Thou&h their +ENRE 'oesn’t ma!e for "leasant or easyrea'in&* one has to a'mire muc!ra!ers li!e U"ton 2inclair* who aime' to brin&about im"ortant social reforms with their no4els# impressionism (im1R0#uh

    nium$. An art movement of the late nineteenth century dedicated to reproducing theeffect of light on objects, typically by means of short brush strokes. The "ainter an'scul"tor E'&ar ,e&as was one of the foremost "ractitioners of 1%-RE221ON12%#Labanotation (labehnoTA3shun$. A nomenclature used to choreograph ballets,

    modern dance, and other performances so the dancers can follow the steps. E4enwith the besta4ailable :A.ANOTAT1ON* ;al!er was unable to a'e

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     ibretto (li8RToh$. The tet of a musical work, such as a cantata or opera, oftenaccompanied by a translation. As she is fluent in 1talian* %aria rarely nee's to referto the :1.RETTO when atten'in& the o"era#mimesis (mi9sis$. /mitation or representation, especially of human speech,

     behavior, etc. The "lay’s %1%E212 ma'e me tem"orarily for&et 1 was watchin&actors#minimaism (9/6ihmullium$. A school of art in which :less is more

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     trompe "oei (tromp 7"3$. An instance of visual trickery, as, for instance, anoptical illusion giving the impression of three dimensions in a twodimensional

    artistic medium. The "ainter s"eciali5e' in TRO%-E :’OE1: murals that often foole' "assersby into thin!in& they were wal!in& towar' a storefront# verism (!A/Riuhm$. The theory that art and literature should closely represent

    reality, including the ugly and distasteful. The artists from the VER12% school areusually res"onsible for the wor!s that create the most "ublic outra&e# virtu (verT""$. A knowledge of or appreciation for artistic objects or curios; the

    >uality of being artistic, beautiful, rare, or otherwise of interest to collectors. Uncle ,a4i' was !nown for his V1RTU an' his &ifts were ea&erly antici"ate'# AN#ON$%S eementa (eluh96tul$. 1rimitive; starkly simple; basic. 1t wasclear e4en to the untraine' eye how the artist’s wor! "ro&resse' from

     E:E%ENTA: 'e"ictions to more so"histicate' forms later in his career# vestigia (ve0T/?eeuhl$. /mperfectly developed. This "ottery shows VE2T1+1A:

    attem"ts at artistry that woul' mature later#1&6. Literature (:1Teruhchur), noun The body of writings of a specific language,people, or period; the profession and output of an author, especially creative prose or


     NOUNS bees-ettres (bell7Truh$. 7iterature considered as fine art; fictional

     work having a solely aesthetic function. Those who stu'y rhetoric s"ea! 'erisi4ely of literature that e7ists for an aesthetic "ur"ose only* an' therefore i&nore .E::E2

     :ETTRE2 # bibiomania (bibleeoh9A3neeuh$. A preoccupation with the ac>uisition andownership of books. :auren’s .1.:1O%AN1A e7ten's only to her stoc!"ile ofcatalo&s for e7clusi4e sho"s#  bidungsroman (8/77dungsrohman$. A comingofage novel, such as The0atcher in the Rye or A -ortrait of the Artist as a ?oun& %an. Ale7 has starte'writin& a .1:,UN+2RO%AN about his e7"eriences in "re" school# breviar! (8Rveeairee$. A brief summary or abridgement. 2he calle' it a .REV1AR?* but :ana’s recountin& of her family’s month on the Ri4iera wasanythin& but short# corrigendum (korih?6dum$. An error to be corrected in a manuscript. The

     "roofrea'er han'e' the manuscri"t bac! to .ill* who was horrifie' to fin' that it

    still containe' hun're's of 0ORR1+EN,A#ga'etteer (gaihTR$. A geographical inde or dictionary of places organied by

    name. The Rothschil's "refer their "ilot sim"ly hea' for the sun* rather thanconsult a +A@ETTEER "rior to short fli&hts#exicograph! (leih-"*ruhfee$. The compiling, writing, and editing of

    dictionaries. Thou&h he ha' ne4er inten'e' to "ursue a career in :E610O+RA-H?* 8eremy s"ent twenty years with %erriam;ebster* wor!in& his way u" fromresearcher to e'itor#exicon (7-sihkawn$. A dictionary composed for a specific, narrowly defined

    (professional$ audience; the vocabulary associated with a specific discipline or group. Arthur* thou&h not a 'octor* was well 4erse' in the :E610ON of me'icine#

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     magnum opus (9A*num "#pess$. A great work, especially of art or literature;

    the chief work of an artist or author. All the in&’s %en coul' be consi'ere' Robert -enn ;arren’s %A+NU% O-U2#monograph (9"6uhgraff$. A scholarly article or essay on a certain topic, usually

    intended for an academic audience and not for the general public. -eterson’s %ONO+RA-H on theoretical "hysics was well recei4e' in the scientific community*althou&h it certainly ma!es for tou&h rea'in& for the layman#necroog! (nuh-R"7uhjee$. A list of people who have recently died; an obituary.

     .enjamin scoure' the lon& NE0RO:O+? for the name of his father* but it was notthere#oeuvre (""vruh$. An artist=s, writer=s, or composer=s body of work, treated as a

     whole. Esmerel'a is familiar with an' a'ores all of -uccini’s OEUVRE* but many fin' his o"eras o4erly maw!ish# opus ("#puss$. A major literary or musical work.The .rec!inri'&es commissione' the com"oser’s ne7t O-U2* which will be 'ebute'

    at the family’s fall ball#paeograph! (paylee"*ruhfee$. The study of ancient writings and inscriptions.

    or'er to un'erstan' their 'isco4eries* archeolo&ists stu'y -A:EO+RA-H?#paimpsest (1A7impsest$. A parchment manuscript on which the tet is written

    over older, earlier tet, much like an oil portrait or landscape painted over another

    painting. The newest a''ition to the -attersons’ rare manuscri"t collection turne'out to be a -A:1%-2E2T* co4erin& a te7t nearly one thousan' years ol'# pr(cis (pray0$. A concise summary; abridgement; abstract. The authors weretoo in4este' in the wor! to be able to write an acce"table -RB012#protagonist (proTA*uhnist$. The lead character in a story, play, novel, etc. 1sto""e' rea'in& the boo! because 1 foun' the -ROTA+ON12T so unbelie4able#recension (ree06shun$. A critical revision of a literary work. 0han&es inliterary tastes ma!e a RE0EN21ON of stan'ar' wor!s seem li!e a &oo' i'ea# roman ) cef (ro9"6 ah -7A3$. A purportedly fictional work that only thinly

     veils the actual eperiences of the author or of characters based on real personages.

    Truman 0a"ote was ostraci5e' by those in his circle when he "ublishe' a'e4astatin& e7cer"t from a RO%AN C 0:E3* )nanswered 1rayers* that lam"oone'the frailties an' in'iscretions of the "eo"le who ha' been closest to him# strophe (0TR"fee$. A stana containing lines that do not conform to the type,

    style, or form of the poem in which they appear. Those not wearin& haute couturestic! out at our &atherin&s li!e 2TRO-HE2 stic! out in short "oems# tome (T"A9$. A large or scholarly book. $2he carries a boo! but it is not > theTO%E of the ancient wis'om* > the "a&es* 1 ima&ine* are the blan! "a&es > of theunwritten 4olume of the new#=Hil'a ,oolittle* American "oet an' memoirist @BCtractate (TRA-tayt$. A treatise. 8ason s"ent more than si7 months "olishin& his

     first TRA0TATE treatise (TRtiss$. A formal and systematic written work on the principles, facts,

    evidence, and conclusions of a subject. %ill’s TREAT12E on the e

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     work containing alternative readings or notes by various editors or scholars. The "ublisher belie4e' that the

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     euphemism (3)fehmiim$. A synonym that is less offensive than the word it isused to replace. $The 'octor tol' me 1’m bi& bone'* sai' 0huc! 'efensi4ely# $That’s

     just a EU-HE%12% for fat* his brother sai' meanly#euphuism (3)fewiim$. "rnate, flowery, overly elaborate language, often

    making the eact meaning difficult to discern. 3elicia’s wor's are full of EU-HU12%* "articularly when 'escribin& the architecture of her family’s 4arioushouses# homon!m (#"9uhnim$. A word with the same pronunciation and spelling asanother but with a different meaning. %ost serious writin& 'oes not use

     HO%ON?%2 e7ce"t occasionally by acci'ent# exicon (7-sihkahn$. The language or vocabulary of a specialied discipline orprofession. $1n the :E610ON of li"smac!in&* an e"icure is fasti'ious in his choicean' enjoyment of foo'* just a sou"Don more e7"ert than a &astronome#=;illiam

     2afire* American journalist an' "resi'ential s"eechwriter

     neoogism (neeA#7uhjiuhm$. A new word, or an :old word used in a new way. ;illiam 2ha!es"eare coine' such NEO:O+12%2 as $&ossi"* $swa&&er* an'$'omineerin nomencature (6"menklaycherr$. A labeling or naming systemused in a specialied field or industry. E4en an acti4ity as seemin&ly sim"le as&ar'enin& has a NO%EN0:ATURE all its own* in'eci"herable to the lay"erson ornewbie# onomatopoeia (onuhmatuh1uh$. 5ords that sound like, or suggest, theirmeaning. The s"rin& &ala* with its "o""in& cor!s* fi55in& cham"a&ne &lasses* an'thum"in& music was a cornuco"ia of ONO%ATO-OE1A# ox!moron (awksee9"Ron$. A phrase made by combining two words that arecontradictory or incongruous. %elissa shee"ishly use' the O6?%ORON$acci'entally on "ur"ose to e7"lain to her father why her emer&ency cre'it car'inclu'e' a char&e for F %anolo .lahni! heels#paindrome (1A7indrohm$. A word or sentence that reads the same forward as

     backward. 1n En&lish class* E4elyn learne' about -A:1N,RO%E2* inclu'in&*$%a'am* 1’m A'am#  phioog! (fi7"7uhgee$. The study of ancient written records and tets. Arthur’sinterest in lin&uistics an' the ori&ins of wor's naturally le' him to a seriousin4ol4ement in -H1:O:O+?# pidgin (1/?in$. A type of language created by the

    interaction of two distinct languages, used to help people communicate acrosslanguage barriers. ;e s"o!e -1,+1N to each other* an' 1 finally was able toun'erstan' how to &et to the nearest bathroom po!got (1A57eeglot$. A person who speaks a number of languages. The

     "resi'ent’s translator* a -O:?+:OT* ser4e' him well in missions to +ermany* -ortu&al* an' %e7ico# rhetoric (RTerik$. The art or science of using words effectively in writing orspeaking as a means of communication and persuasion. -lato calle' RHETOR10 $theart of rulin& the min's of men#

    semantics (suh9A6ti$. The science of the way meaning is communicatedthrough language. ;hether we say the com"ensation will be $a""ro"riate or

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    $com"etiti4e is really a matter of 2E%ANT1029 we !now e7actly how much weinten' to "ay the "erson we finally hire#soecism (0"77ihsium$. A violation of rules of grammar and usage. ;e allwaite' ea&erly for the "resi'ent’s ne7t 2O:E012%#s!necdoche (sih6-duhkee$. A type of shorthand speech in which a partial

    description is understood by the reader or listener to represent the whole; e.g., saying

    :6ew 3ork in a discussion of baseball when you mean :the 6ew 3ork 3ankees.

     %arla coul' not sto" usin& 2?NE0,O0HE after she returne' from her tri" to En&lan' 'urin& which she met the royal family* sayin& re"eate'ly that she ha' met an' sociali5e' with $the crown# vernacuar (ver6A-yuler$. The language of a particular region or specific group

    of people. 0ommunicatin& with stoc!bro!ers is 'ifficult for many in4estors becausethey 'o not s"ea! the VERNA0U:AR of the financial worl'# AN#ON$%S abridge (uh8R/?$. To shorten by decreasing the number of words;

    shorten; curtail. $%any a lon& 'is"ute amon& 'i4ines may be thus A.R1,+E,G 1t isso# 1t is not so# 1t is so# 1t is not so#=.enjamin 3ran!lin* American statesman an'scientist 0ee alsoE 0peech, Talk  45. 0idactic ('y,Ati!), adjective +esigned, made, or tailored for purposes ofeducation, selfimprovement, or ethical betterment.

     A0+2#3*+S erudite (A/Ryoodyte$. 0ophisticated; well educated; deeply

    learned; knowledgeable; scholarly. .eneath his ERU,1TE ima&e* ,r# 8ohn .rin!leywas a money&rubbin& con manh!percritica (hyper-R/Tihkuhl$. cessively or meticulously critical. $+oo'writers ha4e two thin&s in commonG they woul' rather be un'erstoo' thana'mire'* an' they 'o not write for hairs"littin& an' H?-ER0R1T10A: rea'ers#=

     3rie'rich Niet5che* +erman "hiloso"her meticuous (mehT/-yuhluss$.tremely precise; fussy. The o4erly %ET10U:OU2 matre '’ ma'e us selfconscious an' 'etracte' from our enjoyment of the meal# nigging (6/*ling$. +emanding a great deal of care, attention, or time; or, triflingand insignificant. -eo"le just 'on’t un'erstan' how 'ifficult it is for us to atten' toall the N1++:1N+ nee's of our ser4antsNOUNS autodidact (awtoe+3dakt$. A selfeducated person. 1n the twentiethcentury* the library was the uni4ersity of the AUTO,1,A0T9 in the twentyfirst

    century* it is the 1nternet#!ceum (7/seeum$. A school or other place of learning. $ITele4isionJ shoul' beour :?0EU%* our 0hautau

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    classmate* %iles 'i' not ha4e to E:U0U.RATE his term "a"er an' coul'* instea'*atten' "arties with us# quibbe (-5/8ul$. To argue over a minor matter; to voice a niggling objection. 1fyou are not K "ercent satisfie'* your money will "rom"tly be refun'e' withoutual toonebillionth of a second. 0ertain "rocesses can now be measure' in

     NANO2E0ON,2 # ornithoog! (ornihT#"77uhjee$. The study of birds. Her lifelon& lo4e of bir'sle' 2tella to see! a 'e&ree in ORN1THO:O+? # taxonom! (tak0"6uhmee$. The science of formal classification and naming.

    %'F' The newly 'isco4ere' insect was 'ubbe' $:illi"ut by the researchers*althou&h its formal name was a

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      8i'ardr! (5/4erdree$. The art of a wiard; magic; sorcery. .rian was anaccom"lishe' "olitician9 his 'i"lomatic an' rhetorical s!ills a""roache';1@AR,R?