157307 use your smile rgagpage.reallygoodstuff.com/pdfs/157307.pdf · • 32 check out my smile...

Congratulations on your purchase of this Really Good Stuff ® Use Your Smile Today Poster and Photo Holder Set—a colorful way to encourage students to share their smiles and positive attitudes and to display your students’ smiling faces for all to enjoy. This Really Good Stuff ® product includes: Use Your Smile Today Poster • 32 Check Out My Smile Photo Holders • This Really Good Stuff ® Activity Guide Displaying the Use Your Smile Today Poster and Photo Holder Set Before displaying the Use Your Smile Today Poster and Photo Holders, make copies of this Activity Guide, cut apart the reproducibles, and file the pages for future use. Or, download another copy of it from our Web site www.reallygoodstuff.com. Hang the Poster and Photo Holders in a prominent spot so that everyone entering the classroom can see you emphasize positive attitudes in your classroom. Introducing the Use Your Smile Today Poster Explain that people have different things they enjoy and therefore, different reasons to smile. Choose students to point to each photo on the Poster and tell why the person or animal might be smiling. Talk about how a smile gives off positive feelings and why positive feelings are important. Together, brainstorm things that make you and your students smile. Have each student create a Smile Poster about what makes him or her smile. Provide magazines, drawing paper, crayons, and other collage materials for students to choose images of things that make them smile, or have them draw pictures of things that make them happy. Students with writing skills can either create a list of things that make them smile, or they can choose one memory that makes them smile and then write and illustrate a story about it. Display the students’ work around the Use Your Smile Today Poster. Say Cheese! Before you take a photo of each of your smiling students to display in the Photo Holders, brainstorm things that make them smile, such as funny faces, jokes, and silly pictures, and use those things to help your students wear their best smiles for their portraits. (As an alternative, you can ask each student to bring in a school picture or a smiling photo from home to place in his or her holder.) Display each photo in a Photo Holder. Place the photo behind the holder so that the image shows in the open space on the holder. Holding the photo centered within the frame, tape it to the back. Create a bulletin board display with the Poster and the Photo Holders by centering the poster and arranging the holders around or underneath. Or, arrange the Photo Holders underneath the Poster in a large smile formation to complete your display. Recognize Classroom Smiles and Positive Attitudes To encourage positive attitudes further, complete copies of the You Made Me Smile! Award Certificate Reproducible to recognize students who show a positive attitude in the classroom, and add them to your classroom display. Ways to Pass Along a Smile Smiles can be contagious—so help your students think of ways to make others smile and to brighten their days. As a class, brainstorm the various ways that you can make someone else smile. Then provide magazines for students to flip through and cut out pictures that show things that might make people smile. Students can then assemble the images into a collage, and glue them in place. Display their collages under the headline of Pass Along a Smile. For a writing connection, have students write a poem or a paragraph on things that they can do to make other people smile. Or, have them write about a time when they smiled to brighten someone else’s day. Name That Smile Create a Name That Smile bulletin board: Have each student bring in a baby picture from home. Copy and distribute the Check Out My Baby Smile Photo Holder Reproducible and have students frame their photo. Write a number on each frame and hang the framed photos on the bulletin board. Then create a “ballot” with the photo numbers listed along with a line for students to write their classmates’ names. Encourage students to guess which baby photo belongs to which student and to write that student’s name on the correct numbered line. Tally up the ballots to see who correctly identified the most classmates! You may even want to give the winner(s) a disposable camera as a prize. Smile Acrostic Poems Copy and distribute the Smile Acrostic Poem Reproducible for students and ask them to write SMILE acrostic poems. Challenge students to think of things that make them smile or things that would make others smile, and use the letters in SMILE as the first letter in the word or phrase they use in each line of the poem. Have students share their poems with the class and/or post them around the Poster. Pass Smiles Along Your students can help encourage positive attitudes among their classmates, too. Reproduce and cut out plenty of the tokens on the You Made Me Smile Tokens Reproducible, place them in an envelope labeled Smiles, and clip them to the Use Your Smile Today Poster. Tell students that when they see someone who may need a pick-me-up, to take a token, decorate it, write an encouraging message on the back of it, and give it to that person. Likewise, if they see a classmate doing something that shows a positive attitude, they should give that student a token, too! Use Your Smile Today Poster and Photo Holder Set Helping Teachers Make A Difference ® © 2008 Really Good Stuff ® 1-800-366-1920 www.reallygoodstuff.com #157307 All activity guides can be found online:

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Page 1: 157307 Use Your Smile RGAGpage.reallygoodstuff.com/pdfs/157307.pdf · • 32 Check Out My Smile Photo Holders ... Ways to Pass Along a Smile Smiles can be contagious—so help your

Congratulations on your purchase of this Really Good Stuff®

Use Your Smile Today Poster and Photo Holder Set—acolorful way to encourage students to share their smiles andpositive attitudes and to display your students’ smiling facesfor all to enjoy.

This Really Good Stuff® product includes:• Use Your Smile Today Poster• 32 Check Out My Smile Photo Holders• This Really Good Stuff® Activity Guide

Displaying the Use Your Smile Today Poster and PhotoHolder SetBefore displaying the Use Your Smile Today Poster and PhotoHolders, make copies of this Activity Guide, cut apart thereproducibles, and file the pages for future use. Or, downloadanother copy of it from our Web site www.reallygoodstuff.com.Hang the Poster and Photo Holders in a prominent spot sothat everyone entering the classroom can see you emphasizepositive attitudes in your classroom.

Introducing the Use Your Smile Today PosterExplain that people have different things they enjoy andtherefore, different reasons to smile. Choose students to pointto each photo on the Poster and tell why the person or animalmight be smiling. Talk about how a smile gives off positivefeelings and why positive feelings are important. Together,brainstorm things that make you and your students smile.

Have each student create a Smile Poster about what makeshim or her smile. Provide magazines, drawing paper, crayons,and other collage materials for students to choose images ofthings that make them smile, or have them draw pictures ofthings that make them happy. Students with writing skills caneither create a list of things that make them smile, or theycan choose one memory that makes them smile and then writeand illustrate a story about it. Display the students’ workaround the Use Your Smile Today Poster.

Say Cheese!Before you take a photo of each of your smiling students todisplay in the Photo Holders, brainstorm things that makethem smile, such as funny faces, jokes, and silly pictures, anduse those things to help your students wear their best smilesfor their portraits. (As an alternative, you can ask eachstudent to bring in a school picture or a smiling photo fromhome to place in his or her holder.) Display each photo in aPhoto Holder. Place the photo behind the holder so that theimage shows in the open space on the holder. Holding thephoto centered within the frame, tape it to the back.

Create a bulletin board display with the Poster and the PhotoHolders by centering the poster and arranging the holders aroundor underneath. Or, arrange the Photo Holders underneath thePoster in a large smile formation to complete your display.

Recognize Classroom Smiles and Positive AttitudesTo encourage positive attitudes further, complete copies of theYou Made Me Smile! Award Certificate Reproducible torecognize students who show a positive attitude in theclassroom, and add them to your classroom display.

Ways to Pass Along a SmileSmiles can be contagious—so help your students think ofways to make others smile and to brighten their days. As aclass, brainstorm the various ways that you can makesomeone else smile. Then provide magazines for students toflip through and cut out pictures that show things that mightmake people smile. Students can then assemble the imagesinto a collage, and glue them in place. Display their collagesunder the headline of Pass Along a Smile.

For a writing connection, have students write a poem or aparagraph on things that they can do to make other peoplesmile. Or, have them write about a time when they smiled tobrighten someone else’s day.

Name That SmileCreate a Name That Smile bulletin board: Have each studentbring in a baby picture from home. Copy and distribute theCheck Out My Baby Smile Photo Holder Reproducible and havestudents frame their photo. Write a number on each frame andhang the framed photos on the bulletin board. Then create a“ballot” with the photo numbers listed along with a line forstudents to write their classmates’ names. Encouragestudents to guess which baby photo belongs to which studentand to write that student’s name on the correct numberedline. Tally up the ballots to see who correctly identified themost classmates! You may even want to give the winner(s) a disposable camera as a prize.

Smile Acrostic PoemsCopy and distribute the Smile Acrostic Poem Reproducible forstudents and ask them to write SMILE acrostic poems.Challenge students to think of things that make them smile orthings that would make others smile, and use the letters inSMILE as the first letter in the word or phrase they use ineach line of the poem. Have students share their poems withthe class and/or post them around the Poster.

Pass Smiles AlongYour students can help encourage positive attitudes amongtheir classmates, too. Reproduce and cut out plenty of thetokens on the You Made Me Smile Tokens Reproducible, placethem in an envelope labeled Smiles, and clip them to the UseYour Smile Today Poster. Tell students that when they seesomeone who may need a pick-me-up, to take a token, decorateit, write an encouraging message on the back of it, and give itto that person. Likewise, if they see a classmate doingsomething that shows a positive attitude, they should givethat student a token, too!

Use Your Smile Today Poster and Photo Holder Set

Helping Teachers Make A Difference® © 2008 Really Good Stuff® 1-800-366-1920 www.reallygoodstuff.com #157307

All activity guides can be found online:

Page 2: 157307 Use Your Smile RGAGpage.reallygoodstuff.com/pdfs/157307.pdf · • 32 Check Out My Smile Photo Holders ... Ways to Pass Along a Smile Smiles can be contagious—so help your

Helping Teachers Make A Difference® © 2008 Really Good Stuff® 1-800-366-1920 www.reallygoodstuff.com #157307

You Made Me Smile! Award Certificate Reproducible

Check Out My Baby Smile Photo Holder Reproducible

You Made Me Smile Tokens Reproducible

You Made Me Smile!

Thanks for showing a positive attitude.


From: _____________________________________________

For: ______________________________________________


Page 3: 157307 Use Your Smile RGAGpage.reallygoodstuff.com/pdfs/157307.pdf · • 32 Check Out My Smile Photo Holders ... Ways to Pass Along a Smile Smiles can be contagious—so help your

Smile Acrostic Poem Reproducible

Helping Teachers Make A Difference® © 2008 Really Good Stuff® 1-800-366-1920 www.reallygoodstuff.com #157307





