1.5.12 classwork thursday

Max David Cameron Brian Linder Joey Alan Andres Matthew Angel Alan Joshua Eric Adolfo Christopher Ryan Johnny Ramon Ricardo Jose Christian Carlos Emma Cincere Massire Roxana Natalie Sualee Mitzy Nyashia Gia Brianna Elizabeth Writing Journal: Pretend that you are walking in your neighborhood and find a pair of magic shoes. Write about what happens when you put on the shoes and where you go.

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  • 1. WritingJournal:Pretendthatyouarewalkinginyourneighborhood andfindapairofmagicshoes.Writeaboutwhathappenswhenyou putontheshoesandwhereyougo. Brianna Johnny MitzyJoshua Roxana Joey Emma Max Nyashia Eric Alan Cincere Ricardo Ramon Natalie Jose GiaAdolfoDavid AndresMassire CameronElizabeth Carlos Angel MatthewLinder Brian Christian Christopher Ryan Sualee Alan

2. Describe how you would rearrange ordecorate any room in your house. Include asentence about each area in the room thatyou change. Tell why you are making thechange.Write neatly, skipping a line, and use loose-leaf (lined) paper. Hand in once you arefinished. The work will be graded. 3. Write an answer.1. What is a survey?2. What is a frequency table?3. What is a line plot?4. How do line plots organize data? 4. Reading - When Esther Morris Headed West (page 294)GenreA Biography tells thestory of a persons lifeand is written byanother person.Fact and OpinionAs you read, use yourFact and Opinion Chart. Fact OpinionRead to Find OutWhat opinions does the PreviewandPredictauthor give aboutReadthetitle,previewtheillustration,andnote questionsandpredictionsaboutthestory.WriteEsther Morris? aboutyourpredictionsandanythingelseyou wanttoknowaboutthestory. 5. Reading - When Esther Morris Headed West (page 294) FactsOpinionsName:EstherMaeHobartMcQuiggSlack AwomanshouldbeabletovoteandholdMorris office,thesameasaman.In1869theWyominglegislaturevotedtogivewomentherighttovoteandtohold RecklessCopperheads!office. 6. Reading - The Right to Vote (page 290) Reading Homework Page 307, questions 1-5.Write the questions and answerusing complete sentences. Useyour notebook. 7. Math - Range, Mode, Median, and Mean (page 154)LearnA group of seven friendseach created a new flyingdisk.They decided to collectdata on how far theirdisks can fly.What are the range,mode, median, and meanof the data? 8. Math - Data, Statistics, and Graphs (page 150)Math HomeworkPractice book, page 32 9. Spelling - Word Meanings 10. Spelling - Word Meanings1.video11.fluid2.poet 12.rodeo3.riot 13.cruel4.piano14.genuine5.diary15.casual6.radio16.trial7.ideas17.fuel8.ruin 18.meteor9.diet 19.diameter10.patriot 20.meander 11. Spelling - Word SortsWrite the spelling word that best describes each sentence.1.Estherwroteinherdiaryeachday.2.Didyouwatchthevideoaboutvotingrights?3.Sheplayedthepianowhilehesang.4.Didalltheangrypeoplelookingforgoldcauseariot?5.Herideasincludedthebeliefthatwomenshouldbeabletovoteandholdoffice.6.Idliketowriteapoemabouther,butIamnotapoet.7.WewenttoWyomingandsawhorsesandcowboysattherodeo.8.Thehorseshadadietofoatsandothergrains.9.Thecowboyswerenotcruel.Theytreatedthehorseskindly.10.Weworecasualclothingbecauseweweresittingontheground. 12. Spelling - Word SortsWrite the spelling word that matches each definition below.11.Devicethatplaysmusicandnews12.real,notfake13.linethroughthecenterofacircle14.moveorwalkslowly15.onewhosupportshisorhercountry16.rockfromspace17.typeofenergy,suchasgasoline18.destroy19.decisionprocessinacourt20.liquid 13. Spelling - Word SortsSpelling Homework Use the spelling words in asentence. Use your notebook 14. Science - How Can You Describe and Measure Properties of Matter?Chapter 1 ContentsHow Can You Describe andMeasure Properties ofMatter?Properties of MatterMixtures and SolutionsMeasuring MassMeasuring Volume 15. Science - How Can You Describe and Measure Properties of Matter? Science HomeworkChapter 1 Science Vocabularyhandout. 16. Social Studies - Bartolome de Las Casas (page 151) "Forallpeoplesoftheworldare ...rationalbeings.Allpossessunderstanding..."ActivityReadpage151.ImagineyouareBartolomedeLasCasas.WritealettertotheKingofSpaininwhichyoutrytopersuadethekingtoimprovetreatmentofNativeAmericans.ExplaininyourletterhowyouthinkSpanishcolonistsandNativeAmericanscouldlivetogetherinpeace. 17. Religion - In the Sacrament of Confirmation, we are sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit (page 110) HolySpirit, strengthenus. Think about the different kinds of oil that you and your family use. List them in your Religion textbook and describe how these oils help us. 18. Religion - Confirmation leads us from Baptism to the Eucharist (page 108)What does the bishop say when he anointsthe candidate with Sacred Chrism?"N., be sealed with the Gift of the HolySpirit." 19. Religion - Confirmation leads us from Baptism to the Eucharist (page 108)Why does the bishop extend his hands overthe whole group of candidates seekingConfirmation?The bishop extends his hands to remind usthe laying on of hands by the Apostles ofthe early Church. 20. Language Arts - More Irregular Verbs (page 190)RULESIrregularverbsdonotadddoredinthepasttenseorpastparticiple.PresentTense: Ispeaktomyfriends.PastTense: Yesterday,Ispoketomyfriends.PastParticiple: Ihavespokentomyfriendsrecently.Alwaysusethehelpingverbhas,have,orhadwiththepastparticiple. 21. Language Arts - More Irregular Verbs (page 190)Past PastPresentPastPresent PastParticipleParticiplebreakbrokebrokenspeakspokespokenchoose chosechosenswim swam swumdraw drew drawn take took takendrinkdrankdrunk teachtaught taughtflyflew flown throwthrewthrownknow knew known wear wore worn 22. Language Arts - More Irregular Verbs (page 190) 23. Language Arts - More Irregular Verbs (page 190) 24. Language Arts - More Irregular Verbs (page 190) 25. Writing Activity - A PostcardCreate a postcard thatdescribes an activity you liketo do when the weather iswarm. Draw an illustration onone side. Choose vivid wordsto describe. APPLYGRAMMAR:Drawonelineundertheirregularverbs youuse.Circlethehelpingverbs. Write neatly. Hand in once you are finished. The work will be graded. 26. HomeworkSummaryThursday,January5,2012Math1.Practicebook,page32Spelling1.Usespellingwordsinasentence.2.UseyournotebookScience1.Chapter1ScienceVocabularyhandoutLanguage1.Createapostcardthatdescribesanactivityyouliketodowhentheweatheriswarm.Drawanillustrationononeside.Choosevividwordstodescribe.2.Drawonelineundertheirregularverbsyouuse.Circlethehelpingverbs.Library1.FreaktheMightyhandout2.DueThursday1/12 27. KEYScorePayment03: $10debit745: $5debit6: $07: $2credit8: $3credit9: $4credit 10: $10credit 28. MondayMondayThursday ThursdayTuesdayTuesday Friday Friday WednesdayWednesday Saturday SaturdaySunday SundayNOTESNotes 29. Class JobsTeachers Assistant -$15/pay periodTextbook Assistant - $10/pay periodBanker/Cashier - $20/$15Cell Box Carrier - $4/dayLiner Leader - $4/dayCaboose -$3/daySubstitute - $2/daySnacks Leader -$4/dayHomework - $3/checkReminder - $2/dayHonor Roll - $30Math Achievement - $25Language Achievement - $25Citizenship -$20Birthday - $15 30. Attachments imgres