15 minutes manifestation

15 MINUTE MANIFESTATIONS-Can It Rewire Your Brain? A proven Top-10 offer, 15 Minute Manifestation works great for Law of Attraction, Manifestation, and general Personal Development traffic. Personal Development / Self-Help (audio) program that is designed to automatically reprogram a person's subconscious mind, to help dissolve their limiting beliefs and scarcity mindset, and allow them to manifest the life of their dreams. This is a 3-week audio program that takes just 15 minutes a day to use, by listening through a pair of earphones. It helps users rewire their brains to automatically and effortlessly attract abundance into their lives.

Upload: agnivestige

Post on 27-Jun-2021




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Happiness, health and well-being are the "Ultimate Three Aspects of Life" that you need to manifest so that you can experience an awesome life, reality and world. I would like to share with you 10 WAYS, 10 AFFIRMATIONS and 10 MIND POWER QIGONG breathing exercises that I have done and continue to do and that you can use to set yourself on your road to happiness, health and well-being.


  • 15 MINUTE MANIFESTATIONS-Can It Rewire Your Brain?

    A proven Top-10 offer, 15 Minute Manifestation works great for Law of Attraction, Manifestation, and general Personal Development traffic.

    Personal Development / Self-Help (audio) program that is designed to automatically reprogram a person's subconscious mind, to help dissolve their limiting beliefs and scarcity mindset, and allow them to manifest the life of their dreams.

    This is a 3-week audio program that takes just 15 minutes a day to use, by listening through a pair of earphones. It helps users rewire their brains to automatically and effortlessly attract abundance into their lives.


  • 15 Minute Manifestation is about making a positive impact on the lives of people. This self-help audio program is designed to automatically reprogram a person’s subconscious mind, helping them dissolve limiting beliefs and scarcity mindsets, and work towards manifesting the life of their dreams.

    It takes just 15 minutes a day for 21 days, to see results reflected in the lives of those who have bought and invested 15 important minutes of their everyday to manifest the life they want.

    How Does 15-Minute Manifestation Work?

    I'm sure by now you're asking the same question I did when I first discovered this incredible program.

    How does it work?

    Let me explain it in simple terms.


  • 15-Minute Manifestation uses theta brainwave technology to bring your brain into the theta state almost instantly. Theta state is where the magic happens. This state is where the subconscious is most receptive to messages.

    Theta brain waves operate between 3 and 8Hz. The only state slower than this is the state of delta brain waves, which is the state of deep, dreamless sleep.

    It is virtually impossible to reach the theta state through conscious effort. We generally drift into the theta state just prior to sleep...which we don't usually recall doing.

    The human brain has an amazing ability to 'reorganize itself' by establishing new connections between brain cells. Although your brain doesn't necessarily 're-shape' itself (as if it were made of clay), it finds new ways to 'connect-the-dots.' Neurologists call it 'neuroplasticity' or 'brain plasticity.'

    Based on the principle of quantum psychics, 15-Minute Manifestation can help you achieve your goals and become a better you by essentially retraining and rewiring your brain.


  • Countless people have used it to reduce years of negative thinking, wiping the slate clean and allowing them to live a life that they could only previously dream about. The process is so effortless that you simply won't believe it!

    You may experience vivid imagery, long forgotten memories and intuition leading to creative ideas. I often experience downloads of information far beyond what I'm able to receive during my normal waking hours.

    But I'm not asleep and I don't forget the thoughts I have, as is so often the case when we dream.

    15-Minute Manifestation is the most wonderful 15 minutes of my daily life.

    There are no long and tedious books to read, no theories to understand and nothing to memorize. All you need is a pair of headphones. Learn more from the 15-Minute Manifestation Video For an in-depth explanation check out the 15-Minute Manifestation Website Enjoy the Free Manifestation Wizardry eBook (in exchange for your email address)


  • We provide everything you need to start making money TODAY!

    Get the life of your dreams by investing just 15 minutes of your day for 21 days. This audio program is designed to automatically reprogram your subconscious mind, dissolve any limiting beliefs or change scarcity mindsets, allowing you to manifest the life you’ve always wanted.

    The product was created based on our partner’s true story (as evidenced in the VSL) that is relatable by anyone. Your list will appreciate when you share great quality products and content with them, and we are proud that 15 Minute Manifestation has received many wonderful testimonials from customers.

    This is a nice by-product of knowing that the people who bought 15 Minute Manifestation so far have loved it. In addition to sweet testimonials, low refunds mean you’re making a difference in the lives of those on your list while making a tidy profit for yourself in the process.


  • 15 Minute Manifestation Main Features:

    15-minute manifestation is designed to reprogram your subconscious mind from beliefs that no longer benefit you.

    Its sole purpose is to help you manifest your desired outcome, whether that be love, money, happiness, confidence and/or total abundance.

    Listening to these frequencies for 15 minutes every day for 21 days has been proven to stimulate parts of the mind that will assist the manifestation process.

    Before I go into detail about what’s included, let’s first go over some of the features.

    Subliminal Brain Programming:

    In the previous version of this program, the audio tracks had a voice over that received a lot of negative feedback.

    Since then, the voice over has been removed and replaced with subliminal messaging to prime your subconscious, break through limiting beliefs and open the mind up to new thought patterns.

    Although I’m unsure as to what the subliminal messaging is being said (you cannot hear them consciously) they have been tried and tested to specifically help you manifest.

    Synchronization of Brain Frequency:


  • 15-minute manifestation aligns both hemispheres of the brain.

    According to Eddy, when the two sides of your brain are in sync it creates the right vibration match with your desires.

    When they are not in sync, both sides will start working against each other which creates resistance, basically a blockage to your desires.

    Here’s a photo of what it looks like when both sides are working together.

    Simply Simple Yet So Effective:

    The thing I really like about this program is that it’s so simple to use.

    It doesn’t require your full attention as its programming your subconscious; you don’t need to read long novels or practice any tedious tasks.

    All you need is a pair of headphones, a nice relaxing spot, and at least 15 minutes of your day.

    You can listen in the bath, while you’re sleeping or anytime where you aren’t operating machinery or using motor skills.

    It’s all about letting your mind rest and allowing your subconscious to reprogram with these sound waves Eddy and his team have created.


  • Create A New You:

    Like I’ve said before, the Number 1 goal with this product is to break down self-doubt and eliminate past fears that have been holding you back.

    It is about recreating yourself to the person you truly want to be.

    Natural Frequencies:

    Unlike most binaural beats found online, these frequencies are created using high technological sounds compiled together from nature.

    Crashing waves, Amazonian rainfall, and the ringing of Tibetan bowls are just a few of the relaxing settings for the binaural beat tracks in this program.

    Eddy has enlisted the help of special hypnotherapists as well as audio engineers to assist with compiling the very best quality frequencies.

    What’s The Verdict on 15 Minute Manifestation?

    This product honestly surprised me.

    As someone who listens to a lot of Binaural beats, these tracks exceeded my expectations not only in quality but also in how easy it was to get into a meditative trance.

    I would recommend this product to anyone whether they are new or experienced in the Law of Attraction.

    I do feel like there’s still room for improvement but this product is without a doubt going to kick-start a life of abundance.


  • Pros: The program comes as an instant download via email. You can upload the tracks to your phone and listen anywhere you like. It includes a quick Q and A Guide to getting started. The tracks only take 15 minutes a day so are great for someone with a busy schedule wanting to manifest. The program comes with a full 60-day money back guarantee. Makes the concept of meditation very easy. High-quality sound by the best NLP experts and audio engineers. The tracks really are life changing. Helps you relax more instead of worrying about the things you may lack

    You Should Try 15 Minute Manifestation If You:

    Had past fears or limiting beliefs that have held you back. Tried the law of attraction but didn’t get any results. Have resistance that is stopping you manifest. Can’t visualize properly. Have trouble meditating. Want to create your dream life. Want another tool to help you manifest. Want to create a money mindset. Are looking Improve your well being.

  • For More Information Click here about “15 Minute Manifestatin”
