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  • 8/10/2019 14FallHANCSM


    Presidents Letter

    We Are One Community There are many facets to the community weknow of as San Mateo. They can vary bythe kind of neighborhood we live in, wheth-er in working class neighborhoods or inmore affluent ones, whether in blended eth-nic ones with different social and economic

    backgrounds or in more homogenous ones.They can vary by how we live, whether insingle family homes, condos, townhouses ormulti -housing complexes. They can vary bywho we are, whether we are retired, single,couples, or families. Some of us are owners;some are renters. However, we all would like to livein harmony in a safe and clean neighborhood wherewe can respect one another.Unfortunately, there are those who disrespect ourneighborhoods and our community by their ill -

    mannered behaviors - throwing their unwanted trashon the streets, in alleyways, in creeks, and in serviceindustry areas. As you drive along, you see the mat-tresses, the pieces of furniture, the plastic bags (whoknows what's inside), and the people who clean outtheir vehicles and dump trash like diapers or fastfood containers on the roadways. You can hear thenoise pollution from some neighbors and cars driv-ing by. How do we get people engaged and involved inknowing what is happening in our city? Many devel-opment proposals (residential, offices, and other

    businesses) are happening now in our city and willaffect our future -- traffic, parking and circulation,strains on our water resources, infrastructure, cityservices and many more problems facing our variousneighborhoods. What affects one area of our city cancause a domino affect in other parts.FOLKS, WAKE UP AND KNOW WHAT IS HAP-PENING IN OUR CITY. GET INVOLVED to helpshape and press for better development that will help

    and not hinder our efforts to make SanMateo one community. Join your neigh-

    borhood association, attend city commis-sion and council meetings, (or watch themon TV or online), and even attend school

    board meetings to find out what's happen-ing. WE NEED YOU AS CITIZENWATCHDOGS to help our community.

    Jane Williams & Bertha Sanchez ,Co- Presidents Free Flu Shots Free Flu shots are available at King Centeron Nov 13 and Dec 11. See CommunityCalendar below for more details.

    H O M E Association of North Central San Mateo

    HANCSM - Our Organization Welcomes Home Owners, Renters, Property and Business Owners

    Fall 2014 www.HANCSM.wordpress.com

    Community Calendar

    Thursday, Oct 30 6:30 -8:30pm

    HANCSM General MeetingKing Center

    Monday -Thursday3:30 -6:00

    Teen Resource Centergrades 6 -12

    At King Ctr - FREE

    Fridays 6:30pm 8:45pm

    Friday Night Fun grades 6 -12 At King Center - FREE

    Friday, Oct. 31 6-8pm

    Halloween Happenings At King Center - FREE

    ThursdaysNov 13 & Dec 11 4-6:30pm

    Free Flu Vaccine At King Center - FREE http://www.smchealth.org/flu

    Friday, Dec. 5

    6-7pm King Building Lighting

    At King Center - FREE

    Wednesdays12/10 12/176:30 -7:30pm

    Planning for College Workshopgrades 10 & up King Center - Free

    Wednesday, Dec 3111am 1pm

    Happy NOON Years EveCelebration

    At King Center - FREE

    Saturdays Jan 31 Mar 28

    Jr. Warriors Basketball League grades 3 -8 - $42

    At King Center

  • 8/10/2019 14FallHANCSM


    Good News from the Library No Fee to ReserveThe Peninsula Library System has eliminated the 75 centfee to reserve and request titles. This means that librarycustomers using any of the San Mateo libraries can nowreserve and request books, DVDs, CDs, etc., without pay-

    ing a fee!

    Ben Ocn | City Librarian

    Council Initiatives / Healthy Financial Position Highlights of the 2014 -16 Business Plan and

    the 2014 -15 Fiscal Year Budget.The City of San Mateos new fiscal year, which starts onJuly 1 st begins with a healthy financial position and focuseson Council initiatives. The San Mateo City Council adopt-ed the 2014 -16 Business Plan and the 2014 -15 AnnualBudget during the June 16 th City Council meeting.The adopted budget totals $189.92 million which includesan operating budget of $133.85 and a Capital Improvement

    Program (CIP) budget of $56.07 million. This includes ananticipated increase in General Fund revenue of approxi-mately 2.1% over 2013 -14 as well as a projected four per-cent increase in 2015 -16. The Citys financial sustainability goals instituted over the

    past few years combined with an improved economy have provided the City with additional flexibility and an oppor-tunity to proceed with projects that have been on hold forseveral years, including directing funding to projects and

    positions in areas such as Community Development, Infor-mation Technology, storm water maintenance and streettree trimming.Additionally, the Emergency Reserve Fund, equal to threemonths operating revenue, has been achieved and totals$20.3 million. Additional resources will be allocated asnecessary to maintain consistency with the Council policygoal.The budget includes a variety of Council Initiatives identi-fied as part of the Council Goal Setting Session which took

    place in February. These priorities represent many shortand long -term goals that have been incorporated into de-

    partmental work programs. The Central Park Master Plan,sustainability efforts, downtown parking, cleanliness andmaintenance, water conservation, the build -out of BayMeadows, improving North B Street and installing cleanand efficient LED lighting citywide are a sampling of the

    projects that Council has identified as priorities for thiscoming fiscal year.Through the years, the City has adapted and changed toaddress economic circumstances and community needs.The leadership of the City Council, partnered with dedicat-ed City staff makes this possible. The measures taken toachieve financial sustainability are beginning to pay off,says Larry Patterson, San Mateo City Manager. Its goingto be an exciting, productive year in San Mateo and I lookforward to working with the San Mateo community toachieve these important goals.

    Rebecca Zito , Senior Management Analyst

    San Mateo - Foster City School District Increasing enrollment in the San Mateo -Foster City SchoolDistrict of 250 students per year is impacting school facili-ties and equity opportunities for all students in San Mateoand Foster City. Town Hall Meetings have been designed

    by the Next Steps Com. for the community to offer recom-mendations and comments. These Meetings will be heldfrom 6 to 8:00 pm with Spanish translation available. Please go to the Districts website http://www.smfcsd.net for more information and locations.

    Taste & Talk Be sure to attend the final Taste & Talk forums during thecoming months. The next one will be on Complete StreetsAre Better for Business by: Josh Mello from Alta Plan-ning + Design on Wednesday, October 29, 6:00 -7:30 pm, atthe San Mateo Main Library, 55 West 3rd Avenue. He willspeak on real -world examples from across the United

    States where cities used complete and sustainable streets toimprove their local economies. The last forum will be"Taste & Talk Wrap -Up 2014. Go to http://sustainablestreetssanmateo.com/tasteandtalk/ for more information.

    San Mateo Police News Avoiding Auto Burglaries

    It takes less than a minute for a thief to break your car win-dow and snatch the iPod, laptop or purse on the front seat.In the time it takes for you to grab your morning cup ofcoffee, you could end up becoming the victim of an auto

    burglary. It happens that fast!

    In general, vehicle burglars work in groups of two or moreand are skilled at what they do. They work fast in order toavoid detection and apprehension. Although they committhese crimes anywhere they can, they like to hit areas suchas public parking lots or any place there are lot of vehicles.Each year, approximately $1.26 billion dollars in personalitems and accessories are stolen from vehicles in about 1.85million thefts.Dont become a statistic. The following 10 common sense

    Page 2 HOME Association of North Central San Mateo

    HANSCM Board Jane Williams - Co -President: 342 -6795

    Bertha Sanchez - Co-President: 344 -5021

    Wesley TaokaSecretary: 344-7987

    Christine Alford - Bd Member: 685 -7879

    Joanne BennettBoard Member: 340 -9699 Mike Caggiano - Board Member: 342 -8244Dorothy Chow - Board Member: 343 -3894 Enrique Diaz - Board Member: 347 -7418 Emanuel Huff - Board Member: 342 -0102 Joshua Hugg - Board Member: 579 -7369 Karen Jensen - Board Member: 375 -8191

    Ben Toy - Board Member: (415) 370 -8491 Dianne Whitaker - Bd Member: 343 -4340 Tracey Kobayashi - Bd Member: 868 -7246


    Email:[email protected]

  • 8/10/2019 14FallHANCSM


    Page 3 HOME Association of North Central San Mateo

    Home Association of North Central San Mateo JOIN NOW! As a member, you will receive a newsletter, attend informative meetings, and be represented at City and Coun-ty meetings. You will also have the opportunity to meet your neighbors in a spirit of cooperation and shared interest. Pleaseinclude your email address so we can keep you informed. Your email will not be shared with anyone and we use blind copyso others will not see your address.

    Name: Mr. Ms. Mrs.____________________________________________________________________________________


    Phone: _____________________email:_______________________ Occupation/Interest:_____________________________

    Circle one: Homeowner - Renter - Business Property Owner - Associate Member (outside of North Central) Do you want to be called prior to each meeting? YES NO Basic Dues ($10.00 /year/voting member or $20.00/household; $25/business) Dues:______________

    Donation:__________Make check payable to HANCSM

    TOTAL:___________ Mail to: HANCSM, c/o King Center 725 Monte Diablo Ave., San Mateo, CA 94401

    habits and tips for preventing car break -ins came from Na-tionwide Insurance .

    Car Break -In Prevention Tips 1. Keep your car visible; 2. Dont make it easy; 3. Activate your vehicles alarm; 4. Hide your valuables either with you

    or in a locked trunk; 5. Hide your valuables - get a retractable

    fitted cover for wagons or SUVs; 6. Dont hand a thief your keys; 7. Stow your stuff before arrival; 8. Stash the evidence, too; 9. Trust your instincts - if you see suspi-

    cious activity, find another spot to park; 10.Take it one more step use visible anti -theft devices.

    The aftermath of a car break -in can be expensive, both inrepair costs and replacement of your valuables, as well asmaking you feel vulnerable. Help protect yourself with agood auto insurance policy and by following Nationwides10 car break -in prevention tips. Visit Nationwide.com formore car safety tips.

    Lt. Ryan Monaghan 650 -522 -7653

    [email protected]

    Jen Wilson - New Community ServicesCoordinator at King Center

    I am excited to be back working at the Dr. Martin LutherKing Jr. Community Center. I began working for the Cityof San Mateo in 2006 as the Teen Coordinator. I really

    enjoyed working with the teens in our community throughthe Youth Activities Council, service projects and youthdances, to name a few. In 2009, I was transferred to theSan Mateo Police Activities League, where I worked withthe police to develop programs aimed at building the bond

    between cops and kids. This opportunity provided me witha unique experience and platform to begin engaging withfamilies and the community, not only in North Central, butthroughout all of San Mateo. While working at PAL, somegreat community partnerships were forged and programslike the Third Grade Reading Club was formed. I foundthat working with community members to tackle commu-nity issues was one of my favorite parts of the job!

    Recently, I was transitioned back to serve as the Commu-nity Services Coordinator for the King Community Center.Ever since I started working for the Park and Recreationdepartment, I have longed to hold this position. Every dayI am meeting new community members who come by forthe lunch program, new youth who frequent the homeworklounge or teen room and new parents who drop off theiryouth for a dance class at the King Center. I am excited to

    be back and cannot wait to develop long -lasting partner-ships with people in the NorthCentral Community. If you areever near the King CommunityCenter, please stop by and say hel-lo. I look forward to meeting you!

    Jen Wilson - 650 -522 -7474 [email protected]

    http://www.nationwide.com/smash-and-grab.jsp?NWOSS=car+theft+tips&NWOSSPos=1http://www.nationwide.com/smash-and-grab.jsp?NWOSS=car+theft+tips&NWOSSPos=1mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.nationwide.com/smash-and-grab.jsp?NWOSS=car+theft+tips&NWOSSPos=1
  • 8/10/2019 14FallHANCSM


    H O M EAssociation of North Central San Mateo Martin Luther King Center725 Monte Diablo Ave.San Mateo, CA 94401

    HANCSM - Our Organization Welcomes Home Owners, Renters, Property and Business Owners




    EDDM Retail

    FEMA Flood Control North Shoreview and a section of North Central neighbor-hoods are still in the FEMA flood zone. Flood insurancerates appear to be skyrocketing for those homeowners whohave mortgages. Our city is trying to find/figure out fund-ing methods to update the pump stations at Coyote Pointand No. Shoreview and other methods needed to remove the

    last sections in our city from the flood zone map. A surveyis being looked at to determine the tolerance of our rate pay-ers/voters on how to pay for these improvements. Keep awatch in the future about our aging infrastructure and possi-

    ble solutions. Details about this and other infrastructure fi-nancing, e.g. street repair, are available at https://app.box.com/s/ldmohqkflcwbp8itbb6x

    Anna Kuhre, Speaker at the Fall General Meeting Do you know what is in your Tax Bill? Anna Kuhre, PublicWorks Commissioner and President Emeritus for SanMateo United Homeowners Association will give us thisinformative presentation. Did you know that currently there

    are six school taxes on our 2013 -2014 Tax Bill, which con-sists of Three Parcel School Taxes and Three School BondMeasures? Additionally, there are Sewer Taxes, MosquitoAbatement and City Debt Liability fees. We will be goingto the polls in November for a new San Mateo CountyCommunity College Bond, Measure H for $388M. Addi-tionally, The San Mateo -Foster City School District hasasked to meet with SMUHA officers regarding new pro-

    posals for 2015. Most importantly, our Public Works De- partment will be initially asking for $278M to cover ournew Wastewater Treatment Plant, and the North Shoreviewand North Central Flood Control Improvements

    Please join us for this very important information -sharingmeeting, covering existing taxes and proposed future ex-

    penses. Citizens will be asked to make some difficultchoices in the future, and we need to have a realistic pro-spective on what we can ask citizens to shoulder.

    Volunteers Needed at King

    We are currently looking for volunteers to tutor middle andhigh school students in a variety of subjects. We are also looking for Coaches to volunteer for our up-coming Jr. Warriors Basketball League. Call the King Cen-ter if you can help: 650 -522 -7470

    PUBLIC MEETING Thursday, October 306:30 - 8:30pm

    King Center

    Monte Diablo and Fremont Special Guest:

    Anna Kuhre , Public Works Commissioner andPresident Emeritus for SMUHA

    Taxes and proposed future expenses

    Join our meeting, be involved. Our neighborhood needs YOU!

    Light refreshments will be served.

    Local Postal Customer
