14.12.2015 1 vba (visual basic for applications) what is excel, just a spreadsheet? time for...

27.06.22 1 VBA (V isual B asic for A pplications) What is Excel, just a spreadsheet? Time for demos... by Christian Brade

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(Visual Basic for Applications)

What is Excel, just a spreadsheet?

Time for demos...

by Christian Brade

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Time for demos...

Snake game Speed game SMS sender Excel with movies Sudoku solver Etc.

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What is a macro

Small computer program, that needs to run within another program.

Collection of instructions for the computer. Automates a task for you.

What you would normally need several clicks for can now be done with one click.

Reduces the risk of errors. Control hole computer, not just MsExcel tasks.

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Recording macros

MS Office has a built-in recorder. You can record anything you can do yourself in

Excel (in theory). You can use the recorder without knowing any

VBA commands. You can edit marcros in VBE (Visual Basic Editor) Macros will be generated to Modules in VBE

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Excercise 1

Start recording Type your name to cell E1 Autowidth column E (doubleclick) Stop recording Check the macro from module1 Clear your name from cell E1 and resize the

column to original width Run the macro

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Excercise 2

Start recording Type your name to cells E1, F2 and G3 Autowidth columns E, F, and G Stop recording Try to shorten the code as much as possible in

the module Clear your name from cells and resize the

columns to original width. Run the macro.

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VBA –programming: Basic elements

If -sentence Loop -structures Event-Run programs Microsoft Visual Basic Help <F1>

’ –to comment lines in a code (apostrophe)

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VBA –programming: Basic elements

If -sentenceIf value = true Then

do thisElse*

do that*End If

Workbook If(value=true;this;that)*Voluntary

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VBA –programming: Basic elements Enhanced If -sentence

If value = 1 ThenMsgBox "1.choise”

ElseIf value = 2 ThenMsgBox "2.choise"

ElseMsgBox ”No choise”

End If

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VBA –programming: Basic elements

Excercise III Code a macro what reads a number from the cell A1

and multiplies it by 2 If the number is smaller than 100. Code the program to Module and name it ExcerciseIII

Sub ExcerciseIII …

End Sub

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Assigning macros to buttons

View – Toolbars – Form – Button Click and draw -> Add macro

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VBA –programming: Basic elements

Excercise IIIb

Assign a button to excercise III

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VBA –programming: Basic elements

Enhanced If –sentence (And and Or)If value = 1 Or value = 2 Then

MsgBox ”Value is 1 or 2”ElseIf value >= 2 And value <=3 Then

MsgBox ”Value is between 2 and 3”Else

MsgBox ”No value”End If

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VBA –programming: Basic elements

Excercise IV Code a macro what reads numbers from the cells A1

and B1. If B1 is greater than A1 change the values. A1 gets the

value of B1 and B1 gets the value of A1. If B1 is not greater than A1, divide the numbers by 2. The macro will be started from a button.

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VBA –programming: Basic elements

Do Loop Whilei = 1

Do Range("A" & i).Value = i i = i + 1Loop While i < 100

What does the loop do?

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VBA –programming: Basic elements

For NextFor i = 1 To 100 Range("A" & i).Value = iNext

What does the loop do? To quit eternal loop <Ctrl+Break>

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VBA –programming: Basic elements

Excercise V Code a macro what types the multiplication table of

number 3 to 100. The macro will be started from a button.

1 * 3 = 32 * 3 = 63 * 3 = 9…100 * 3 = 300

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VBA –programming: Basic elements

Excercise VI Code a macro what types to column N, row 1 one *,

to row 2 ** and finally to row 10 **********. The macro will be started from a button.


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Visual Basic Editor (VBE) Alt+F11

Place for Event-Run Macros to each Worksheet (Like Worksheet_Change )Place for Event-Run Macros to whole Workbook (Like Workbook_Open)Place for user-defined Macros and function + global variables (Like HelloWorld)

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Creating the Code. What do We Need?

Understand the MS Office object model Access to the Visual Basic Editor VBE Basic programming skills Motivation

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The Object Model. Why bother?

Excel (and the other Office applications) consist of a number of objects

Macro programming is actually just manipulation of these objects

When you understand the basic principle, it’s easier to learn how to program other Office programs

Press a dot after the object and you will the subobjects, properties and methods

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Definition of an object

An object is a named part of a computers memory

It has certain features or properties, like some people have brown hair, others red hair etc.

It has some functionality or methods, like people are able to walk or cars able to drive

Objects can contain other objects

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An example – A box

• Size• Color• Position

Object properties

The object might have a move method.

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The Objects in Excel

The mother object is called an ”Application” An application contains a number of workbooks. These workbooks contain sheets. The sheets contain ranges etc. Application, Workbooks etc. contain many other

objects, properties and methods.

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Excercise VII

Try to find out who is the user of Excel (=application) at the moment.

Find a function ”at the moment” Use MsgBox to show info to the user Start the Macro from button

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Event-run Macros

Normal Macros are run manually Run from Buttons, Shortcuts

Event-run macros will be started automatically. They are started from an event (like Workbook_Open())

Major virus alert! If you open an application with Workbook_Open() Macro, the macro will be run.

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Security levels

Tools – Macros – Security

If your macro doesn’t work in another computer, try to choose Medium level.

Never Low!!!

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Excercise VIII

Code a macro that requires a user’s name and types it to cell A1 when entering to WorkSheet 1 Use InputBox()

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Excercise IX

Code a macro that automatically saves the file when closing it

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Private Sub Workbook_Open()Dim Users(2) As StringDim Found as BooleanFound=FalseUsers(0) = "Christian Brade"Users(1) = "Elvis Presley"Users(2) = "George Bush"For i = 0 To UBound(Users)

If Application.UserName = Users(i) Then Found=TrueEnd If

NextIf Found=False Then

Application.ActiveWorkbook.CloseEnd if

End Sub


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Final advice

If you wonder how a certain operation is done, record it and look it from the code.

Place the cursor over a keyword and press F1 for help on that word.

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Thank You!