13th annual limestone coast wine show 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... ·...

1 13th ANNUAL LIMESTONE COAST WINE SHOW 2013 INDEX Programme of Events .................................................................................................................................. 2 Committee Letter......................................................................................................................................... 3 Previous Show Statistics ............................................................................................................................... 4 Trophy Flow Chart ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Trophies and Awards ................................................................................................................................... 6 Previous Trophy Winners .............................................................................................................................. 8 Show Regulations ....................................................................................................................................... 12 2013 Vintage Wines ................................................................................................................................... 14 2012 Vintage Wines ................................................................................................................................... 14 2011 Vintage Wines ................................................................................................................................... 18 2010 Vintage Wines ................................................................................................................................... 19 Reserve Section .......................................................................................................................................... 20 Sparkling Wines........................................................................................................................................... 22 Sweet White Wines..................................................................................................................................... 23 Museum Wines ........................................................................................................................................... 24 Local Association Details .......................................................................................................................... 28 Limestone Coast Wine Region Map ......................................................................................... Inside front OBJECTIVES To educate, encourage communication and fine tune our wine styles by focusing on absolute quality. To promote the zone and the regions within. To promote interest in the quality of wine made from grapes grown in the zone and the regions. GOALS To educate producers within the region. To fine tune and evolve the wine styles. GENERAL ENQUIRIES ENTRY ENQUIRIES Ulrich Grey-Smith, PO Box 28, Coonawarra SA 5263 Sean Murphy - Mobile: 0401 054 225 Mobile: 0429 499 355 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: www.limestonecoastwine.com.au/wineshow

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Page 1: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone


13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013indexProgramme of events .................................................................................................................................. 2

Committee letter ......................................................................................................................................... 3

Previous show statistics ............................................................................................................................... 4

trophy Flow Chart ....................................................................................................................................... 5

trophies and Awards ................................................................................................................................... 6

Previous trophy Winners .............................................................................................................................. 8

show Regulations ....................................................................................................................................... 12

2013 Vintage Wines ................................................................................................................................... 14

2012 Vintage Wines ................................................................................................................................... 14

2011 Vintage Wines ................................................................................................................................... 18

2010 Vintage Wines ................................................................................................................................... 19

Reserve section .......................................................................................................................................... 20

sparkling Wines ........................................................................................................................................... 22

sweet White Wines..................................................................................................................................... 23

museum Wines ........................................................................................................................................... 24

local Association details .......................................................................................................................... 28

limestone Coast Wine Region map ......................................................................................... inside front

objeCtiVes• Toeducate,encouragecommunicationandfinetuneourwinestylesbyfocusingonabsolutequality.• Topromotethezoneandtheregionswithin.• Topromoteinterestinthequalityofwinemadefromgrapesgrowninthezoneandtheregions.

GoAls• Toeducateproducerswithintheregion.• Tofinetuneandevolvethewinestyles.

General enquiries entry enquiriesulrich Grey-Smith,POBox28,CoonawarraSA5263 SeanMurphy-Mobile:0401054225 Mobile:0429499355 Email:[email protected]:[email protected]:www.limestonecoastwine.com.au/wineshow

Page 2: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone

Wine Show ‘13’13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst

Wine shoW 2013

28th oCtobeR - 1st noVembeR 2013

DeaDline for entriesFriday,6thSeptember,2013

(Entries can be submitted by post or online. See entry form for details)

supply of entry labelsMonday,27thSeptember,2013

exhibit DeliveryMonday,14thuntilFriday,18thOctober,2013

ExhibitsmustbeforwardedtoLimestoneCoastWineShow c/-PenleyEstate,McLeansRoad,CoonawarraSA5263

All freight must be pre-paid


Andrew Wigan – judging Chairman(Wynns Coonawarra)

limestone Coast Wine shoW trophy presentation DinnerThursday,31stOctober,2013

(Naracoorte Town Hall)

exhibitors tastinGs & publiC tastinGsFriday,1stNovember2013


ResultsBook-$10(Wynns Coonawarra)


Page 3: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone


FRom the Committee

2013 Committee

2013 sees the limestone Coast Wine show evolving yet again.

there is a new trophy for other single Red Varieties – splitting these wines from the Best BlendedRed trophy, to reflect thegrowthand strength of both thesecategories.Thesparklingwineclassstructurehasalsobeentransformedtoreflectthe growth of entries in the sparkling category. All these changes are made to tailoryourwineshowtowhatyouaremaking,andwanttoenter–sopleasereadthe regulations carefully.


We have another stellar line up of judges this year, with AndrewWigan onceagainsteeringourcourse.FongyeeWalkerisarespectedwineeducatorbasedinBeijing,andwelookforwardtoherperspectiveonourwines. Checkoutourwebsiteforallthejudges’biographies.

The committee farewells and thanks Brendan Provis, andwelcomes somenewfaces.Pleasefeelfreetoapproachanyofthecommitteewithquestionsorideas.Webelievethiswineshowisagreatplatformforourregions,andthankyouforbeingpartofit.

Limestone Coast Wine Show Committee

Gerard Coote

bruce Gregory

Greg Foster

tony lees

sean murphy

sarah Pidgeon

Angela Pomery

stacey seymour

bryan tonkin


Page 4: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone

Wine Show ‘13’

results CataloGue – online at www.limestonecoastwine.com.au/wineshow



previous Wine shoW statistiCs year JuDGinG entries exhibitors trophies GolD silver bronze

2001 oct. 30-31st 353 58 10 19 35 104

2002 oct. 29-30th 342 61 11 25 42 102

2003 Oct.28-29th 455 67 13 28 75 136

2004 Oct.25-27th 472 66 13 31 76 171

2005 Oct.25-27th 433 64 13 33 64 163

2006 Oct.24-26th 441 65 11 27 42 170

2007 Oct.30-31st 506 74 13 35 63 148

2008 Oct.28-29th 470 72 13 23 49 155

2009 Oct.27-28th 449 76 12 20 47 105

2010 Oct.26-27th 442 78 13 26 49 146

2011 Oct.25-26th 423 76 12 38 50 159

2012 oct. 30th - nov. 1st 469 78 13 42 77 178



jane Faulkner

sophie otton

ed tomlinson

Virginia Willcock


2013 judGes

Page 5: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone


1 2

3 6

12 18


Karl seppelttrophy forbest White

(excluding Chard.)



Colin Kiddtrophy for best

White Wineof show


bill redman

trophy for best

Wine of show


arthur hoffman

trophy for


of best Wine

of show

David Wynn trophy for

best red Wineof show

bestindividual vineyard trophy


h.r. (ron)haselgrove trophy for

best Cabernetsauvignon

bestblended red


other single red variety


best sparkling or sweet


ewen fergusson

mcbain trophy for best

museum Wine*

best small batch*

international Judge’s award









23 27




4 7

12 18


1 1

1 1


8 13

19 24


1 1

1 1


9 14

20 25


34 35


all Classes

all Classes



all Classes








tRoPhy FloW ChARt

* stanD alone trophies Winning wine will not be eligible for next tier trophies

28 29

30 31



Page 6: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone

bill reDman trophy for best Wine of shoW co-sponsoredbyWaterDynamics,PentairWaterSolutions&PentairONGA

arthur hoffman trophy for vitiCulturalist of best Wine of shoW co-sponsoredbyElders&PadthawayGrapeGrowers

DaviD Wynn trophy for best reD sponsoredbyCooperages1912

Colin KiDD trophy for best White Wine of shoW sponsoredbyAirLiquide

Karl seppelt trophy for best White in Classes 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 18 sponsoredbyPellenc

best CharDonnay sponsoredbyVAFiltration

best blenDeD reD sponsoredbyDiverseBarrelSolutions

other sinGle reD variety sponsoredbyTorresansWineBottlers

best shiraz sponsoredbyevOAK

h.r. (ron) haselGrove trophy for best Cabernet sauviGnon sponsoredbyWrattonbullyWineRegion



Wine Show ‘13’

Page 7: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone


best inDiviDual vineyarD Wine sponsoredbyLallemand

eWen ferGusson mCbain trophy for best museum Wine sponsoredbyhahncorp

international JuDGe’s aWarD sponsoredbySeguinMoreau

most suCCessful exhibitor sponsoredbyKauri

sparKlinG & sWeet Wines trophy sponsoredbyLimestoneCoastGrape&WineCouncil

small batCh trophy sponsoredbyLimestoneCoastGrape&WineCouncil





Punters Retreat


Page 8: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone


bill reDman trophy for best Wine of shoW 2003– LadbrokeGroveKillianVineyard



2005– Stonehaven‘Rat&Bull’Cabernet Shiraz2002


2007–WynnsCoonawarraEstateJohnRiddoch CabernetSauvignon2005

2008– MajellaCabernetSauvignon2006

2009– TheYalumbaWineCompanyMenzies ‘TheCigar’CabernetSauvignon2006

2010 – lindemans Wines - 2008 lindemans Coonawarra limestone Ridge

2011 – Wolf blass Wines – 2009 Wolf blass Grey LabelShirazCabernet

2012 – Wolf blass Wines – 2010 Wolf blass Gold LabelCoonawarraCabernetSauvignon

arthur hoffman trophy for vitiCulturalist of best Wine

2003 – bill brand

2004 – stuart sharam

2005 – Peter bird

2006 – Anthony lynn

2007– StuartSharman

2008 – Anthony lynn

2009 – james Freckleton

2010 – scott jolley

2011 – Angela Pomery

2012 – ben harris

Colin KiDD trophy for best White 2003 – jamiesons Run limestone Coast

Chardonnay 2003

2004 – browns of Padthaway sauvignon blanc 2004

2005 – balnaves of Coonawarra Chardonnay 2003

2006 – balnaves Chardonnay 2005

2007– StonehavenhiddenSea Chardonnay 2005

2008– LadbrokeGroveRiesling2005

2009 – Punters Corner single Vineyard Chardonnay 2008

2010 – Partick of Coonawarra - 2010 Patrick ‘Estate’RieslingWrattonbully

2011 – blok estate Coonawarra – 2009 blok estate Riesling

2012– LadbrokeGroveWines–2009Ladbroke Grove Riesling

best shiraz2003– StonehavenLVRPadthawayShiraz1998

2004– BalnavesofCoonawarraShiraz2002

2005– Lawson’sPadthawayShiraz2002

2006– FlintsofCoonawarraRostrevorShiraz2004

2007– FlintsofCoonawarraRostrevorShiraz2005

2008– MaloneShiraz2006

2009– BalnavesofCoonawarraShiraz2006

2010– Jacob’sCreekWines-2005Jacob’s Creek limited Release 35th Anniversary PadthawayShiraz

2011– PepperTreeWines–2009‘TheGravels’ ReserveWrattonbullyShirazVioginer

2012 – Wynns Coonawarra estate – 2010WynnsBlackLabelShiraz

PReVious tRoPhy WinneRs

Page 9: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone


best CharDonnay 2003 – jamiesons Run limestone Coast

Chardonnay 2003

2004 – balnaves of Coonawarra Chardonnay 2003

2005 – balnaves of Coonawarra Chardonnay 2003

2006 – balnaves of Coonawarra Chardonnay 2005

2007– StonehavenhiddenSea Chardonnay 2005

2008 – balnaves of Coonawarra Chardonnay 2007

2009 – Punters Corner single Vineyard Chardonnay 2008

2010 – dorrien estate – 2008 tolley elite Chardonnay

2011 – no Award

2012 – balnaves of Coonawarra - 2011 Chardonnay

Karl seppelt trophy for the best White Wine in Classes 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 18

2003 – browns of Padthaway Riesling 2002

2004 – browns of Padthaway sauvignon blanc 2004

2005– LadbrokeGroveRiesling2005

2006 – no Award

2007– MurdockRiesling2006

2008– LadbrokeGroveRiesling2005

2009 – no Award

2010 – Partick of Coonawarra - 2010 Patrick ‘Estate’RieslingWrattonbully

2011 – blok estate Coonawarra – 2009 blok estate Riesling

2012– LadbrokeGroveWines–2009Ladbroke Grove Riesling

DaviD Wynn trophy for best reD 2003– LadbrokeGroveKillianVineyard



2005– Stonehaven‘Rat&Bull’Cabernet Shiraz2002


2007–WynnsCoonawarraEstateJohnRiddoch CabernetSauvignon2005


2009– TheYalumbaWineCompanyMenzies ‘TheCigar’CabernetSauvignon2006

2010 – lindemans Wines - 2008 lindemans Coonawarra limestone Ridge

2011 – Wolf blass Wines – 2009 Wolf blass Grey LabelShirazCabernet

2012 – Wolf blass Wines – 2010 Wolf blass Gold LabelCoonawarraCabernetSauvignon

h.r. (ron) haselGrove trophy for best Cabernet sauviGnon 2003– LadbrokeGroveKillianVineyard





2007–WynnsCoonawarraEstateJohnRidoch CabernetSauvignon2005


2009– TheYalumbaWineCompanyMenzies ‘TheCigar’CabernetSauvignon2006

2010 – Wynns Coonawrara estate - 2008 Wynns JohnRiddochCabernetSauvignon

2011– Brand’sWinesPtyLtd-2009Coonawarra ThePatronCabernetSauvignon

2012 – Wolf blass Wines – 2010 Wolf blass Gold LabelCoonawarraCabernetSauvignon


Page 10: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone


PReVious tRoPhy WinneRs

best blenDeD reD2003 – lindemans limestone Ridge



2005– Stonehaven‘Rat&Bull’Cabernet Shiraz2002


2007– LindemansPyrus2005

2008 – lindemans Pyrus 2005

2009–WynnsCoonwarraEstate,WynnsThe GablesCoonwarraCabernetShiraz2006

2010 – lindemans Wines - 2008 lindemans Coonawarra limestone Ridge

2011 – Wolf blass Wines – 2009 Wolf blass Grey LabelShirazCabernet

2012 – brands Wines Pty ltd - 2010 brands laira Coonawarra August tide

eWen ferGusson mCbain best museum reD2003 – orlando Wines lawsons Padthaway Shiraz1991

2004–OrlandoWinesLawson’sPadthaway Shiraz1994

2005 – Wynns Coonawarra estate john Riddoch CabernetSauvignon1982

2006 – Wynns Coonawarra estate 1990 john RiddochCabernetSauvignon


2008 – Parker estate First Growth 2001

2009 – balnaves of Coonawarra the tally 2001

2010 – majella Wines - 2001 majella CabernetSauvignon

2011– Jacob’sCreekWines-2004Jacob’s CreekSthugoCoonawarraCabernet sauvignon

2012 – balnaves of Coonawarra – 2005 the tally

international JuDGe’s aWarD2004– BalnavesofCoonawarraShiraz2002

2005– PenleyEstatePhoenixCabernet2004

2006– Lawson’sPadthawayShiraz1998

2007–WynnsCoonawarraEstateMessenger VineyardCabernetSauvignon2005

2008– KatnookEstateOdyssey1998

2009–hollickWines,hollickWrattonbully Shiraz2006

2010 – dorrien estate - 2008 black Wattle black LabelMtBensonCabernetSauvignon

2011 – Wynns Coonawarra estate - 2009GlengyleCabernet

2012 – Penley estate – 2010 Penley estate SpecialSelectShiraz

best inDiviDual vineyarD Wine2003– LadbrokeGroveKillianVineyard


2004–OrlandoWinesLawson’sPadthaway Shiraz1998

2005– ReddenBridge‘Gully’Shiraz2003

2006 – no Award

2007–WynnsCoonawarraEstateJohnsons BlockShirazCabernet2004

2008 – Punters Corner single Vineyard Chardonnay2007

2009–WynnsCoonawarraEstate,WynnsAlex 88CabernetSauvignon2006

2010 – lindemans Wines - 2008 lindemans Coonawarra limestone Ridge

2011 – Pepper tree Wines – 2009 “elderslee Road’ReserveWrattonbully CabernetSavignon

2012 – Pepper tree Wines – 2009 “Calcare” ReserveCoonawarraCabernetSavignon

Page 11: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone


small batCh aWarD

2010 – no Award

2011 – no Award

2012 – no Award

most suCCessful exhibitor2003 – orlando Wines

2004 – balnaves of Coonawarra

2005 – stonehaven Winery

2006 – Wynns Coonawarra estate


2008 – orlando Wines

2009 – Wynns Coonawarra estate

2010 – Wynns Coonawarra estate

2011– Jacob’sCreekWines

2012 – brands Wines Pty ltd


Torresan Estate congratulates the award winners, and thank our many customers from the Limestone Coast region for their continued support.

48 Martins Road, McLaren ValeP: (08) 8323 9500 E: [email protected] W: www.torresan.com.au

Page 12: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone

Wine Show ‘13’


shoW ReGulAtionsexhibitors are requesteD to reaD the reGulations Carefully. it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure entries are CorreCt.

1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone Coast includes all regionswithintheLimestoneCoastZoneofSouthAustralia(Seemaponfrontinsidecover).

2. Allexhibitsshallbe85%orgreaterLimestoneCoastandmustconformtotheAustralianWineandBrandy Corporation(AWBC)‘LabelIntegrityProgram’(LIP).

3. Entry feeof$50 includingGSTperexhibitmustaccompanyApplication for Entry; thisentry fee isnon- refundable.

4. Eachentry shall consist of four (4) x 750ml or equivalent (eight (8) x 375ml samples in class 30).One dozenextrasamplesrequiredforgoldmedalandtrophywinners.Commerciallylabelledstockpreferred ifavailable.Tobedeliveredwithinonemonthoftheendofthewineshow.

5. An exhibitor is defined as any Person, Partnership,Company or BodyCorporatewho orwhich in the opinionoftheCommittee:

(a) produceswine;or (b) growsgrapesandhaswinemadeforthepurposeofsalebywholesaleorretailunderthename


6. AllEntriesshallbearlabelssuppliedbytheWineShowCommittee.Exhibitsbearingcommerciallabelswillbe accepted.TheWineShowlabelshouldnotobscurethecommerciallabelsifpossible.

7. EntriesintheMuseumclasses34&35shallbecommerciallylabelled&dressedaswellasbeartheWineShow labelsupplied.TheWineShowlabelshouldnotobscurethecommerciallabelsifpossible.

8. TherewillbeaTrophyfortheBestIndividualVineyardWine.TheIndividualvineyardwineswillbejudged amongsttheregularexhibitsandtheTrophycanonlybeawardedtoagoldmedalwine.Foranexhibit to be considered by the committee as individual vineyard it shall be from anamed single block or vineyard,clearlyreferredtoonthecommerciallabel(frontorback)thatreflectsthelinkbetweensiteand label.Theindividualblockorvineyardshallbeasinglesite,continuousanddefined.Thewineshallbe85% or greater from this site. both entry form and form 2 statutory declaration shall be completed and signed for these exhibits. (note - map and labels will be required with form 2.)

9. Exhibitsaretobepackedincartonsclearlystatingtheexhibitor’snameandclassnumbersinthatcarton. Thewine showcommitteewill supplybottle labels,detailingclassnumber,entrynumber, vintageand varietalcompositionandwhetherthewineisbottledornot.

10.Anyentriesnotpaidfor,incorrectlylabelled,orreceivedoutsideoftheallocateddeliveryperiodwillnot beincludedinthejudging.




Page 13: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone


15.OnlywinesthatwinGoldmedalsshallbeeligiblefortrophyselection.Theexceptionwillbeforthe InternationalJudgesAward(seeRegulation16).

16.TherewillbeanInternationalJudgesAward.Anylabelledwineenteredintheshowiseligibleforthisaward. the international judge will determine the criteria for selection. the philosophy is to award a deserving wine that shows excellence but would not necessarily achieve status in the existing judging and trophy structure.Theawardwillbepresentedalongwiththetrophiesandinsimilarfashion.

17.Therewillbeanopportunitytoentersmallbatchwines.Smallbatchiswhereamaximumof1350L(150 dozen)wereproducedandaminimumof25casesareinstockattimeofentry.Thesewillbejudged withtheregularexhibitsandintheregularclasses.Ifawineisenteredassmallbatchattimeofentry, it is noteligible forany trophyother than the smallbatch trophy. The StandAlone TROPhY for Small Batch wines may be given to the best wine that exhibits something new or innovative or is simply excellent.SmallBatchwines shallnotbeentered in theMuseumclasses (classes34&35).Onlygold medalwinesareeligibleforthisTrophy.

18.Judgeswillusethestandard20pointscale,withresultspublishedforallwines.tank samples or unbottled/unfinished wines will receive points only and are not eligible for medals or awards trophies.

19.Themost successful exhibitor trophywill beawarded to theexhibitorwhohasacheived thehighestaggregatescore,fromtheirtopfiveorlessscoringentries.Nomorethanfiveexhibitsshallbeincludedforthecalculationforthistrophy.Non-bottledwinespointsandMuseumClasses29&30areexcludedfrom this.


*Althoughjudgedwiththeregularclasses,exhibitsenteredassmallbatchwillonlybeeligibleforthestand alonesmallbatchtrophy.




Current Vintage Wine Classes 1 - 5 1350L (150 doz)

One Year Old Wine Classes 6 - 11 1350L (150 doz)

Two Year Old Wine Classes 12 - 17 1350L (150 doz)

Three Year Old Wine Classes 18 - 23 1350L (150 doz)

Reserve Wine Classes 24 - 26 1350L (150 doz)

Sparkling Wine Class 28 - 32 450L (50 doz)

Sweet Wine Class 33 450L ( 50 doz)

Individual Vineyard Wine All Classes 1350L (150 doz)

Small Batch Wine All Classes 225L (25 doz)*

Museum Wine Class 34 - 35 45L (5 doz)

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Wine Show ‘13’


2012 VintAGe WinesAllexhibitsshallbe85%orgreaterLimestoneCoastandmustconformtotheAustralianWineandBrandyCorporation(AWBC)‘LabelIntegrityProgram’(LIP).Classes6,10&11requirevarietalcompositiontobemarkedonlabelsbytheexhibitor.PleasenotethattanksamplesarepermittedforClasses8-11.



2013 VintAGe WinesAllexhibitsshallbe85%orgreaterLimestoneCoastandmustconformtotheAustralianWineandBrandyCorporation(AWBC)‘LabelIntegrityProgram’(LIP).Classes1,2,3,&5requirevarietalcompositiontobemarkedonlabelsbytheexhibitor.PleasenotetanksamplesarepermittedinClasses1-5.



Classes vintaGe CateGory variety

1 2013 dry White Riesling&Traminer

2 2013 dry White SauvignonBlanc&blendscontainingSauvignonBlanc

3 2013 dry White Singlewhitevarietiesandblends

4 2013 dry White Chardonnay

5 2013 light dry Red Rosé&LightDryRed

Classes vintaGe CateGory variety

6 2012 dry White Whitevarietiesandblends

7 2012 dry White Chardonnay

8 2012 dry Red Shiraz

9 2012 dry Red CabernetSauvignon

10 2012 dry Red other single red varieties

11 2012 dry Red Redblends

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Email: [email protected]

H.R. (Ron) Haselgrove Trophy Proud sponsors of for Best Cabernet Sauvignon for the 2013 Limestone Coast Wine Show

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Page 17: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone

Proudly Sponsoring the

Limestone Coast Wine Show & The Bill Redman Trophy

for Best Wine of Show

Phone (08) 8762 1022

Freecall 1300 928 371

Fax (08) 8762 1897

Email [email protected]

A division of


Page 18: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone

Wine Show ‘13’


2011 VintAGeAllexhibitsshallbe85%orgreaterLimestoneCoastandmustconformtotheAustralianWineandBrandyCorporation(AWBC)‘LabelIntegrityProgram’(LIP).Classes12,15,16&17requirevarietalcompositiontobemarkedonlabelsbytheexhibitor.Allentriesmustbecommerciallybottled.


Classes vintaGe CateGory variety

12 2011 dry White Whitevarietiesandblends

13 2011 dry Red Shiraz

14 2011 dry Red CabernetSauvignon

15 2011 dry Red other single red varieties

16 2011 dry Red BlendscontainingShiraz(eg.Sh/Cab,Cab/Sh,Cab/Sh/Mer)

17 2011 dry Red Otherredblends(Bordeauxblendseg.CabMerlot)

Bulk Wine Freight ManageMent

Proud sponsors of the Ewen Fergusson McBain Trophy for Best Museum Wine

Peramangk Road, (PO Box 664) Nuriootpa SA 5355Phone 08 8561 2800 Fax 08 8561 2888Email [email protected]

Page 19: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone


2010 VintAGeAllexhibitsshallbe85%orgreaterLimestoneCoastandmustconformtotheAustralianWineandBrandyCorporation(AWBC)‘LabelIntegrityProgram’(LIP).Classes18,21,22&23requirevarietalcompositiontobemarkedonlabelsbytheexhibitor.Allentriesmustbecommerciallybottled.



Classes vintaGe CateGory variety

18 2010 dry White Whitevarietiesandblends

19 2010 dry Red Shiraz

20 2010 dry Red CabernetSauvignon

21 2010 dry Red other single red varieties

22 2010 dry Red BlendscontainingShiraz(eg.Sh/Cab,Cab/Sh,Cab/Sh/Mer)

23 2010 dry Red Otherredblends(Bordeauxblendseg.CabMerlot)

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Wine Show ‘13’


ReseRVe seCtionPleaseensureallwinecomplieswithregulationsandallstockmustbebottledatthetimeofentry.TanksamplesARENOTpermitted.Allexhibitsshallbe85%orgreaterLimestoneCoastandmustconformtotheAustralianWineandBrandyCorporation(AWBC)‘LabelIntegrityProgram’(LIP).Classes26&27requirevarietalcompositiontobemarkedonlabelsbytheexhibitor.



Natural solutions that add value to the world of winemaking

Lallemand Australia Pty Ltd

23 – 25 Erundina Avenue, Edwardstown, S.A. 5039

(P.O. Box 210, Edwardstown, S.A.5039)

Ph: 08 8276 1200 - Fax: 08 8177 1802

Contact: Ian Slater

Mobile: 0434 433 313

Email: [email protected]

Sponsoring The Best Individual Vineyard Wine Award

Classes vintaGe CateGory variety

24 2009-07 dry Red Shiraz

25 2009-07 dry Red CabernetSauvignon

26 2009-07 dry Red other single red varieties

27 2009-07 dry Red Red blends

Page 21: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone


Proud to be associated with the

2013 Limestone Coast Wine shoWwww.elders.com.au

Co–sponsors of the Arthur Hoffman Trophy for Viticulturalist of Best Wine

“Without the hardwork and dedication of our vignerons there wouldn't be the great wines...”

A EmersonBeeamma EstateDA & MJV CharlickDolling Produce Pty LtdGlendon Park Pty LtdGlendon VineyardsHenry’s Drive VigneronsMcElroy Family

Morambro Creek WinesNational Vineyard Fund of AustraliaOparinaOrlando WinesPadthaway Eliza Lawson VineyardsPadthaway EstatePGL Vineyards

Scott Longbottom Pty LtdSR and AK OrtonStonehavenTreasury Estate WinesTynans ViewVogelsang and PartnersW and B LongbottomWira Vineyards

Page 22: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone

Wine Show ‘13’


SPARKLINGWINESEntriesmustbecommerciallybottled. Grapevarieties,vintage(orNV)mustbespecifiedontheentryform. Entriesmustadheretothedescriptionsbelow,outofclasswinesmaybewithdrawnbythecommittee.


Classes vintaGe CateGory variety

28 up to 18 months on lees sparkling Wine SparklingWhite(MC,CharmatorTransversage)

29 At least 18 months on lees sparkling Wine SparklingWhite(MCorTransversage)

30 Any Vintage sparkling Wine SparklingRosé(Allmethodsaccepted)

31 Any Vintage sparkling Wine SparklingRed(Allmethodsaccepted)

32 Any Vintage sparkling Wine Sweet&FruitySparklingWine(Allmethodsaccepted)

Page 23: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone


Sweet white wineSAll exhibits shall be 85% or greater Limestone Coast and must conform to the Australian wine and Brandy Corporation (AwBC) ‘Label integrity Program’ (LiP). entries must be commercially bottled and available for sale. Grape varieties and vintage dates must be specified on the entry form and bottle label. non vintage wines are permitted.

* Minimum stock of 50 dozen (450 litres). each entry shall consist of eight (8) x 375ml samples or equivalent (vol).



28 Any VintageSweet

white winewine >1 Be

Proud Sponsors of the Limestone Coast Wine Show since its inceptionInspired by the past, built for

the future.

SEGUIN MOREAU continues to build on nearly two centuries of tradition and more than three decades of pioneering oenological research, consistently delivering top quality oak for wineries’ barrel programs.

Seguin Moreau – Po Box 5, Hindmarsh SA 5007 Ph: 08 8340 5400 – Fax: 08 8340 5401 – Email: [email protected]

www.seguin-moreau.fr & www. seguinmoreaunapa.com Graeme Little – 0437 060 943; [email protected]

Dan Eggleton – 0438 824 493; [email protected]


sWeet White WinesAllexhibitsshallbe85%orgreaterLimestoneCoastandmustconformtotheAustralianWineandBrandyCorporation(AWBC)‘LabelIntegrityProgram’(LIP). Entriesmustbecommerciallybottledandavailableforsale. Grapevarietiesandvintagedatesmustbespecifiedontheentryformandbottlelabel. non vintage wines are permitted.

*Minimumstockof50dozen(450litres).Eachentryshallconsistofeight(8)x375mlsamplesor equivalent(vol).


Classes vintaGe CateGory variety

33 Any Vintagesweet

White WineWine >1 be

Page 24: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone

Wine Show ‘13’


museum WinesAllexhibitsshallbe85%orgreaterLimestoneCoastandmustconformtotheAustralianWineandBrandyCorporation(AWBC)‘LabelIntegrityProgram’(LIP).

Winesjudgedinthissectionareineligibleforjudgingelsewhere,thereforemustcomplywiththefollowingspecial regulations



3.Thevintageofthewinemustbestatedontheentryform,ifnotspecified,thewineshallbedeemed no entry.



Classes vintaGe CateGory variety

34 ‘09 or older dry White

35 ‘06 or older dry Red

Page 25: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone


Co-SponSor of the DaviD Wynn trophy for BeSt reD Wine of ShoW

ContaCt Steve Chapman

telephone 08 8563 1356 faCSimile 08 8563 0243

email [email protected]

CraftSmen of the WorlD’S fineSt quality oak BarrelS




The difference between us and the others is our Nanofiltration process accommodates four different levels of filtration. Therefore we can tailor the process to suit your product needs with no heat, resulting in little or no effect on the wine. Our process maximises the potential of your wine with minimal volume loss. Ask about our wine concentration and alcohol adjustment services.

To find out more, go to vafiltration.comor call Matthew on 0438 131 551. We are mobile and we are here to help.

Gently does it to varyinG deGrees.

PrOud sPONsOrs Of This yeAr’s Best Chardonnay troPhy

Page 26: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone

Wine Show ‘13’



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Page 27: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone


Proud to sponsor Accommodation for the

2013 LimeStone CoaSt Wine ShoW




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Proud supporters of every limestone Coast Wine show


Your total design, print & web solution

Page 28: 13th AnnuAl limestone CoAst Wine shoW 2013limestonecoastwine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/... · 1. open to any producer who sources fruit from the limestone Coast Zone. the limestone

Wine Show ‘13’


At BOC, we understand the knowledge, expertise and processes needed to create a successful vintage, and we’re proud to play a small but important role.

Whether you’re talking about gases, a host of products including flow meters, timers and regulators, or safety equipment and training programmes — we’re there.

You can count on our reputation and commitment to service and safety because your business is important to both of us.

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A great wine takes much more than just a bunch of grapes

A Member of The Linde Group

BOC LimitedRiverside Corporate Park, 10 Julius Avenue, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Australia [email protected] BOC is a trading name of BOC Limited, a Member of The Linde Group. © BOC Limited 2012. M






loCAl ContACtslimestone Coast Grape & Wine CounCil SueBell0417080945orUlrichGrey-Smith0429499355

mount benson viGnerons assoCiation Anna hooper 08 8968 5053

CoonaWarra viGnerons assoCiation & CoonaWarra GrapeGroWers assoCiation Suehodder0887362217orDanNewson0427850022

limestone Coast other StevenSkeer0887372724orFrankDiGiorgio0428854386

Wrattonbully Wine inDustry assoCiation JamesFreckleton0887620622

robe BillQuinlan-Watson0887682190

mount Gambier reGional Wine GroWers terry strickland 0408 258 854

paDthaWay Grape GroWers assoCiation DavidEdwards0887655600

munDulla Wine GroWers TrentRileyorBruceGuthrie0427775040