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BIOSCIENCES Undergraduate Courses SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES AND SOCIAL CARE www.brunel.ac.uk BSc Biomedical Sciences with pathways in: BSc Biomedical Sciences (Biochemistry) BSc Biomedical Sciences (Forensic) BSc Biomedical Sciences (Genetics) BSc Biomedical Sciences (Human Health) BSc Biomedical Sciences (Immunology) All courses available in 3 years full-time and 4 years sandwich

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BSc Biomedical Sciences Undergraduate Courses SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES AND SOCIAL CARE www.brunel.ac.uk SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES AND SOCIAL CARE • Opportunities to undertake a sandwich course to obtained paid work experience. • Opportunities for hands-on research in your final year project. • Guaranteed on-site accommodation for first year students. • £300 million campus redevelopment with state-of-the-art facilities • Refurbished Biosciences teaching and research laboratories. www.brunel.ac.uk 2


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BIOSCIENCESUndergraduate Courses



BSc Biomedical Scienceswith pathways in:

BSc Biomedical Sciences (Biochemistry)

BSc Biomedical Sciences (Forensic)

BSc Biomedical Sciences (Genetics)

BSc Biomedical Sciences (Human Health)

BSc Biomedical Sciences (Immunology)

All courses available in 3 years full-time and 4 years sandwich

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The impact of modern biomedical science on society is now greater than ever and the need for well-trained biomedical scientists for careers in health care, pharmaceutics, education & management and related industries is increasing. Our modern BSc programmes, with the opportunity for integral work placement opportunities, not only give our graduates a competitive edge in the employment market but also ensure that they are well qualified to secure places on post-graduate courses.

We hope to see you at Brunel University in the near future to begin an exciting career in the Biomedical Sciences.

Reasons to choose Biosciences at Brunel• Modern and relevant courses in Biomedical

Sciences, taught by research active staff.

• All courses quality assured with an excellent rating, by Quality Assurance Agency (QAA: Higher Education Funding Council).

• BSc in Biomedical Sciences with themed pathways allowing greater student choice.

• Excellent record of health related research in

• Cancerresearch

• HumanHealthandAgeing

• Genomicmedicine

• Genomestructure/organisationand genetic disease

• Genomicstability/DNArepairand human health

• Immunedefectsanddisease

• Opportunities to undertake a sandwich course to obtained paid work experience.

• Opportunities for hands-on research in your final year project.

• Guaranteed on-site accommodation for first year students.

• £300 million campus redevelopment with state-of-the-art facilities

• Refurbished Biosciences teaching and research laboratories.



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BSc Biomedical Sciences Courses

The Biomedical Sciences courses build on our reputation of excellence in the provision of medically oriented undergraduate study. The courses aim to provide you with an understanding of the main subject areas in biosciences to include genetics, cell and molecular biology, biochemistry, immunologyandanatomy/physiology.Modernbiomedicalscientists need to be familiar with a wide range of subject disciplines and laboratory methodology. Our degree programmes combine innovative and classical teaching methods with leading-edge research. Our renowned research groups feed specialist knowledge and an enthusiasm for discovery into the teaching at every level. If you are a committed student with a passion for science then Biosciences at Brunel University is the right choice for you.

Greater Choice and Flexibility

The BSc Biomedical Sciences courses are offered with themed pathways (Genetics, Forensic, Biochemistry, Human Health and Immunology) with options at Level 2 and Level 3. These courses provide a broad grounding in all subject areas whilst allowing you to follow a degree programme which reflects your own interests and strengths. Whichever programme you choose, you will develop transferable and professional skills appropriate to a wide range of careers in health care, industry and academia.

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Course Content

Level 1 gives a grounding in cellular and biochemical processes. Practical lab skills and research skills are included to prepare students for the practical nature of the subject, and to give students a ‘taster’ of the various pathway options.

At level 2, we are introducing more formally the biochemical and molecular processes which are altered in various human diseases. Employability skills are developed alongside the practical skills needed for your degree. This is delivered in partnership with employers, the Careers Service and work placement office.

At Level 3, you are given as much choice as possible, to allow you to follow your interests. You must undertake a research project, which allows you to bring together the skills developed at levels 1 and 2. It is an opportunity for you to use your initiative and demonstrate your own talents in an individual research project.

Level 1

• BiologyoftheCell

• Biochemistry:StructureandFunction

• AnalysisofAnatomyandPhysiology

• ResearchSkills

• PracticalSkillsInBiomedicalSciences

• CriticalThinking1

Level 2

• MolecularandCellBiology

• PrinciplesofHumanDisease

• CareerSkills

• GeneticsandDevelopment

• MetabolicRegulation

• MedicalMicrobiology

• AnalyticalBiochemistry

• GeneticEngineeringandImmunobiology

• CriticalThinking2

Level 3

• FinalYearProject

• MicrobialPathogenesis

• GenomicMedicine

• MedicalImmunology

• MedicalBiochemistry

• ForensicTechnologies

• BiologyandTreatmentofCancer

• CellularPathologies

• EndocrineDisorders

• MolecularPharmacologyandToxicology

• GenomicTechnologies


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3D reconstruction of a cell nucleus with 2 Homologous chromosomes in red

Course Mode of Study UCAS code

BSc Biomedical Sciences 3 year full-time C900

4 year thick C901

BSc Biomedical Sciences (Biochemistry)

3 year full-time C722

4 year thick C723

BSc Biomedical Sciences (Forensic)

3 year full-time F410

4 year thick F411

BSc Biomedical Sciences (Genetics)

3 year full-time C400

4 year thick C401

BSc Biomedical Sciences (Human Health)

3 year full-time B990

4 year thick B991

BSc Biomedical Sciences (Immunology)

3 year full-time C550

4 year thick C551

3D reconstructions of the structures of lung surfactant proteins A and D

Course Details

For up-to-date information on entry requirements, please see ourwebsiteatwww.brunel.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate

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How do we Teach

All subjects are taught through a mixture of:

• Lectures

• Seminarsandtutorials

• Laboratorysessions

Assessment is a key component of your study and you will be assessed by a variety of methods including:

• Endofyearexaminations

• Submissionoflaboratoryreports

• Oralandposterpresentations

• Researchproject

The Sandwich Course – Opportunity to gain work experience

The two modes of study for your BSc Biomedical sciences course are

• Threeyearsfulltime

• Fouryearsfulltime,toincludeaoneyearperiodofpaid work experience at the end of year two.

The course with professional experience is recommended if you wish to obtain work experience prior to graduation, in order to get that important competitive edge in the employment market. The sandwich course is assessed and forms part of the degree classification.

Jobs available during the sandwich course include:

• Pharmaceuticalresearch(e.g.AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithkline)

• BasicResearchatVariousInstitutions(Cancerresearch, Infectious diseases, Heart disease research, Alzheimer’s disease research and many others).

• HospitalPathologyLaboratorydiagnosis (Medical Laboratory Assistant)

• DataManagement–Clinicaltrialsdataanalysisandinterpretation

Most placements are paid employment and salaries range from £13-17K per annum.


Image of human chromosomes showing telomeres (in yellow) protecting the ends of chromosomes.

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Graduation and Careers

On graduation you will be a confident biomedical scientist trained in a range of subject specific and professional skills. We have found our graduates tobehighlyemployablewithintheNHSandmedically related professions, pharmaceutical and biotechnical industries and also within the business and financial environment. A number of our graduates go on to obtain higher degrees by research or by study for further qualifications such as medicine, dentistry, opthamology or teaching.

ForthosewishingtopursueacareerasanNHSMedical Laboratory Officer, please note that this course is not IBMS accredited.

Course Choices in Biosciences

Research in Biosciences

All academic staff in Biosciences are research active and at the forefront of their chosen disciplines. All the staff publish research articles, books and book chapters. Staff also hold research grants from a variety of funding sources in the UK (Breast Cancer Campaign, Cancer Research UK, AtaxiaUK,BBSRC,WellcomeTrust,Departmentof Health, Arthritis Research Campaign, Medical ResearchCouncil)andabroad(EU,NIHUSA),aswell as industrial funding for knowledge transfer. This means that people who are internationally renowned experts in their field will teach you. We have newly refurbished research laboratories, a state-of-the-art bio-imaging suite and modern tissue culture facilities. The research is housed in three centres: Centre for Cell & Chromosome Biology or the Brunel Institute for Cancer Genetics, Pharmacogenomics, and the Centre forImmunobiology,InfectionandDiseaseMechanisms and a fourth interdisciplinary Centre for Systems and Synthetic Biology. Students undertaking their final year project will be

under the direct supervision of a research active member of staff within one of the centres.

Research activity in Biosciences includes:

• Thegeneticsofleukaemia,breast,prostate, lung and skin cancer

• Tumoursuppressorgenes

• Theroleoftelomeresinthedevelopment of cancer, genomic instability and damage response

• Cellularmechanismssuchasgeneexpression,splicingandDNArepair

• Genomeandnuclearorganisationindevelopment, differentiation and disease

• Geneandstemcelltherapies

• Bonemetabolism

• Newtherapeutictargets,drugresistance and genotoxicity

• Endocrinology

• Ironmetabolism

• Hereditaryneurodegenerativediseases

• Cellular,organismalandprematureageing

• Radiationbiologyandchromosomal aberrations

• Biomaterialsforwoundhealingandimplants

• Immunobiology,complement,host: pathogen interactions

• Geneticsandepigeneticsofmodelorganismssuchasmouse,Drosophila,pigandsnail

• Useoffunctionalgenomicsandhighthroughput data to study cellular behaviour and regulation

• Useanddevelopmentofnovelexperimentaland computational approaches to study and model biological systems

• Thedevelopmentofsyntheticbiologytools and modified biological systems to study and develop biological systems with novel and useful properties.

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Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this brochure and the University will take all reasonable action to deliver these services in accordance with the descriptions set out in it. However, the University reserves the right to vary these services, using all reasonable efforts to offer a suitable alternative. All costs, rates and prices stated in this brochure are subject to amendment and should be taken as a guide only.


For further information on accepted qualifications and course information, please see our website at www.brunel.ac.uk/courses/ug or contact

Biosciences School of Health Sciences and Social Care Brunel University Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH, United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 1895 265718 Email: [email protected]

For information on the UCAS tariff system, please visit the UCAS website www.ucas.ac.uk

Information on the University and its facilities can be found on the University website www.brunel.ac.uk


Brunel University aims to provide all first year students with pleasant, secure and comfortable accommodation that has the benefit of being situated on campus. A dedicated Housing Service is also available to second, third and fourth year students to help them find appropriate, University-inspected housing off-campus.

Brunel University is one of the most optimistic, ambitious and forward-looking universities in the country and has undertaken a £300 million, 10 year spending programme. The Uxbridge campus is based to the west of London, close to Heathrow and to the countryside of the ThamesValley.Brunelstudentsbenefitfroma diverse and stimulating community, which attracts students from 110 countries worldwide.

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