13 god created man with dust - jbch.org

13 God Created Man With Dust 104 God formed man last out of all of his creation. God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. And Man breathed. God gave Man this earth to rule over.

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13 God Created Man With Dust


God formed man last out of all of his creation.

God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.

And Man breathed. God gave Man this earth to rule over.


Genesis 1:26~2

We have a body and a spirit. We can’t see the spirit

with our eyes. God made our bodies with dust,

but he gave us a spirit in his own image.

When we die, our bodies will become dust

but our spirits will go to God.


Let’s try to build a house! We make the walls strong.

We build a roof so it will stay nice and dry in the rain.

Shall we make a chimney to keep it warm?

Make the house colorful!


Ta-da! The house is finished!

But this house is not happy.

Why is it? A very important thing is missing.

What’s wrong? Even the best house has no use

without people to live in it.


Namwoo was shocked to see that his plant was dying. “Mom!” he

cried, “something is wrong with the sprout.” “That’s called a *cotyle-

don. That little thing has many nutrients for the plant to grow.”

*cotyledon: this small leaf grows on newly grown plants. It contains

many nurients for the plant to grow.

It was prepared


“Your dad and I prepared bottles, diapers, and toys before you were

born, Nate. A baby bird in an egg has everything it needs in order to

grow. Just like your dad and I prepared everything we need before

you were born, God prepared everything pared we need to live.”


God made us out of dust.

Glue the picture of the person.

Then sprinkle some soils on her!


Trace this verse:

Write this verse:

To Teacher To parents

God made man out of the dust of the ground

Genesis 2:7

Lesson 1 Hello, Friend!- Get everyone familiar with their friends and their teacher.

- Be independent and friendly with everybody.

- Teachers should access their student’s needs and interests.

Lesson 2 I Like Sunday School!- Learn that church school is a place where we study the Bible.

- Make sure the students promise with their teachers the rules they need to keep.

Lesson 3 The Invisible God- Learn that God created things that we can and cannot see.

- Learn that we can’t see God but he surely exists.

- Learn that God always loves us.

Lesson 4 The Loving God- We can know that God loves us through how our bodies work.

- God made everyone we love as well.

- We should learn how to love and be thankful to God.

Lesson 5 The Bible Is a Letter From God- Learn that the bIble is God’s written word.

- Learn that the bIble tells us things God wants us to know.

- Learn the importance of the bible and read it daily.

Lesson 6 God Created the Light- Learn that God created light.

- Learn the difference between darkness and light.

- Be thankful to God for light, and know how precious the light is.

Lesson 7 God Created the Skies- Learn about the sky which God created.

- Learn that God is greater than the sky.

- Learn God’s love to us through the water cycle.

Lesson 8 God Created Flowers and Trees on Earth- Learn that God created trees and flowers with great skills.

- God created trees and flowers for us.

Lesson 9 God Created the Sun, the Moon, and Stars- God created the sun, the moon, and stars.

- Learn why God made the sun, the moon, and stars.

Lesson 10 God Created Birds- God made many kinds of birds and raises all of them.

- Learn that God created birds for us.

Lesson 11 God Created Fish- God made all of fish and animals of the sea.

- Learn that God made fish live right in the sea.

Lesson 12 God Created Animals- Learn that God made animals for us.

- Learn there are many animals in this world.

Lesson 13 God Created Man With Dust- Learn that God made us out of the dust of the ground.

- God created everything in this world for us.