124378514 book shop management system documentation

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    This is to certify that project entitled

    Book Shop Management System


    Mr. Prashant V. Dandekar




    Internal Examiner External Examiner

    B.C.A Course Co-Ordinator


    With immense we are presenting Book Shop Management System Project report

    as part of curriculum of Bachelor of Computer Applications. We are wishing thank all the

    people who gave us unending support while working on this project.

    We express our special thanks to our head of department and the project in charge

    Prof. Miss Preeti Deshmukh and all those who have indirectly guided and helped us in the

    preparation of this project.

    Mr. Prashant Dandekar

  • Contents

    A. Problem Definition and Analysis

    Preliminary Analysis

    Need for change

    B. Research Methodology

    System Flow chart


    C. Front End

    D. Back End

    E. System Design

    Input Format

    Output Format

    F. Documentation

    User manual

    System Requirement

    G. Limitations and Future Scope

    H. References


    Topic Name Pages.

    1) Preface 1

    2) System Analysis 2.1 > Current System 2.2 > Proposed System 2.3 > Requirement Analysis 2.4 > Feasibility Study

    2.4.1 > Technical Study 2.4.2 > Economical Study 2.4.3 > Operational Study 2.4.4 > Behavioral Study


    3) Project Design 3.1 > Entity Relationship Diagram 3.2 > Data Flow Diagram

    3.2.1 > Context Level DFD 3.2.2 > First Level DFD 3.2.3 > Second Level DFD 3.2.4 > Third Level DFD


    4) Front-End and Back-End 4.1 > About Visual Basic 6 4.2 > About MS Access


    5) System Design 5.1 > Data Tables


    6) Input / Output Screens 23-34

    7) Documentation 7.1 > User Manual 7.2 > System Requirements

    7.2.1 > Hardware Requirements 7.2.2 > Software Requirements


    8) Future Scope and Limitation 41

    9) References 42

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    1) Preface

    Book Shop Management System

    Computer is fast emerging as a daily need in walks of life. The knowledge of computers and

    programming language has become basic

    Skill need to service in todays information based society. Every business

    Institution and the corporate section, make a use of computer for making their operation

    efficient & effective.

    Book distributors transaction handling is one of the complex process and it required

    computerized system to maintain overall transactions in an easier manner. Due to heavy

    demand of books in these competitive worlds, data increase so much. Books shop required

    up to date information about the customer who purchased books or about the suppliers

    from where books are purchased. The books shop requires large amount of data to record

    and to store, which are collected from the Book House.

    A Book Shop Management system is basically for management of incoming and

    outgoing material from the Book shop It also maintain management of all incoming and

    outgoing finance from the Shop account section. It will reduce paper work & work load of

    user. To reduce the Paper work and provide fast service to customers. The main objective is

    to provide the customers fast and error free transaction. It can be used in any Book Shop for

    maintaining database details and their quantities. This project is used for handle user needs.

    It must be outgoing process to know requirements of customer during whole system

    development life cycle

    Following are some of the inputs to the Book Shop

    Book Details

    Quantities of Books

    Customer Details

    Sale Details

    Quantities of the products System will help to produce following outputs

    Customer bill receipt

    Rate List

    Current Quantities of the products

    Various Reports sales, stock, customers etc.

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    2) System Analysis

    Before developing any new system anywhere, it is imperative upon the developers to

    acquaint themselves with environment in which the proposed system would be installed.

    Also, it is necessary to interact with the user regarding their demands and the resources

    available with them. This gives a clear overview of the improvements wanted and to be

    provided. The study and analysis of the proposed system was carried out diligently under the

    guidance of experts of the organization. In the existing system, all the work is being carried

    out manually. Computers available are just for typing in the excel sheets. Besides him, we

    have checked an earlier package being done in FoxPro and the reports created in Excel

    sheets for more hints.

    2.1 Current system

    The book shop contains different types of books of various subjects with various

    quality according to the customers needs and requirement. The main thing of the book

    shop is to maintain lot of records for the daily transaction of the business. It is necessary for

    every business to maintain all records, which show the profit and loss of the business.

    In todays life people have very little time and many things

    To do. They have to manage all this unbalance workload, although everyone wants to

    achieve all their ambitions and dreams. And the present system of managing Books is very

    time consuming so it is very difficult to maintain good records and fast service. The paper

    work is becoming very difficult to handle day by day. Currently we have to keep track of each

    and every thing about the book shop on the paper or in register. We have to maintain lot of

    registers to enter these large volumes of data. This leads to the wastage of stationary. Some

    disadvantages are:

    Manual system involves a lot of paper work, so it becomes time-consuming and


    The chances of errors in calculation of delivery of Books are more in the current

    manual system. The calculation of total collection for day or month or year is very


    Currently no security is provided to the large amount of data of the every book


    It becomes very difficult to maintain details of every Book as records increases day by


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    2.2 Proposed system

    While creating new software we should analyze what is the basic need of the software.

    Analysis is nothing but a planning of creation of software to get proper output from it.

    Analysis is details study of projects that you want to show in your software solving problems.

    The basic need of the software is to save the time of the user with the help of all useful

    information. And also to maintain the collection of data in your computer systematically, so

    that its easy to understand. The proposed system provides lot of facility to the user to store

    information of the Books and it provides information in quick time in a systematic manner.

    The processing time on the data is very fast. It provides required data quickly to the user and

    also in specified manner to the user. All the information of Books changes is given to the

    user and also the reports are also generated according to the requirement of the user. Today

    it is becoming very difficult to maintain record manually. This software system easily does

    the job of maintaining daily records as well as the transaction according to the user

    requirements. Some advantages are

    User Friendly software

    Easy to record all data about the Books and its details

    It saves time of the user as well as prevent paper work

    It provides the security to the database that is large amount of important data of the Book Shop

    It provides more reliability for keeping information.

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    2.3 Requirement Analysis

    Identifying needs is the first step while designing a system and implementation. This is

    the way to handle user needs, it must be an outgoing process to know requirements of

    customer during whole system development life cycle. During this phase the main things to

    be considered are got by placing meetings and questionnaires with customer. Requirements

    found during all the stages proposed system development are

    How the present system work.

    Time take to operate the system.

    List of contents associated with the system.

    Error/failure rate to be acceptable.

    Risk factors involved.

    Proprietary aspects, liability risks, potential infringement, and political issues to


    Human-machine and machine-machine communication.

    Interfacing with external environment

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    2.4 Feasibility study

    Depending on the results of the initial investigation the survey is now expanded to a

    more detailed feasibility study. FEASIBILITYSTUDY is a test of system proposal according to

    its workability, impact of the organization, ability to meet needs and effective use of the

    resources. It focuses on these major questions: 1.What are the users demonstrable needs

    and how does a candidate system meet them? 2. What resources are available for given

    candidate system? 3. What are the likely impacts of the candidate system on the

    organization? 4. Whether it is worth to solve the problem? During feasibility analysis for this

    project, following primary areas of interest are to be considered. Investigation

    and generating ideas about a new system does this. Steps in feasibility analysis eight steps

    involved in the feasibility analysis are:

    Form a project team and appoint a project leader.

    Prepare system flowcharts.

    Enumerate potential proposed system.

    Define and identify characteristics of proposed system.

    Determine and evaluate performance and cost effective of each proposed system.

    Weight system performance and cost data.

    Select the best-proposed system.

    Prepare and report final project directive to management.

    Feasibility study is the procedure to identify, describe the evaluate candidate system and

    select the best possible action for the job. The initial investigation culminated in a proposal

    summarized the thinking of the analyst, was presented to the user for review. The proposal

    initiated a feasible study to describe and evaluate the best system to choose in terms of

    economical, technical and behavioral constraints. The terms constraints involved in

    feasibility analysis are-

    o Technical

    o Economical

    o Operational

    o Behavioral

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    2.4.1 Technical Feasibility

    A study of resource availability that may affect the ability to achieve an acceptable

    system. This evaluation determines whether the technology needed for the proposed

    system is available or not.

    Can the work for the project be done with current equipment existing software

    technology & available personal?

    Can the system be upgraded if developed?

    If new technology is needed then what can be developed?

    This is concerned with specifying equipment and software that will successfully satisfy the

    user requirement. The technical needs of the system may include:

    Front-end and back-end selection

    An important issue for the development of a project is the selection of suitable front-end

    and back-end. When we decided to develop the project we went through an extensive study

    to determine the most suitable platform that suits the needs of the organization as well as

    helps in development of the project. The aspects of our study included the following factors.

    Front-End selection

    1. It must have a graphical user interface that assists employees that are not from IT


    2. Scalability and extensibility.

    3. Flexibility.

    4. Robustness.

    5. According to the organization requirement and the culture.

    6. Must provide excellent reporting features with good printing support.

    7. Platform independent.

    8. Easy to debug and maintain.

    9. Event driven programming facility.

    10. Front-end must support some popular back end like MS Access. According to the

    above stated features we selected Java 1.6 as the front-end for developing our


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    Back-End Selection

    1. Multiple user support.

    2. Efficient data handling.

    3. Provide inherent features for security.

    4. Efficient data retrieval and maintenance.

    5. Stored procedures.

    6. Popularity.

    7. Operating System compatible.

    8. Easy to install.

    9. Various drivers must be available.

    10. Easy to implant with the Front-end.

    According to above stated features we selected MS-Access as the backend. The

    technical feasibility is frequently the most difficult area encountered at this stage. It is

    essential that the process of analysis and definition be conducted in parallel with an

    assessment to technical feasibility. It centers on the existing computer system (hardware,

    software etc.) and to what extent it can support the proposed system.

    2.4.2 Economic Feasibility

    Economic justification is generally the Bottom Line consideration for most systems.

    Economic justification includes abroad range of concerns that includes cost benefit analysis.

    In this we weight the cost and the benefits associated with the candidate system

    And if it suits the basic purpose of the organization i.e. profit making, the project is making

    to the analysis and design phase. The financial and the economic questions during the

    preliminary investigation are verified to estimate the following:

    The cost to conduct a full system investigation.

    The cost of hardware and software for the class of application being considered.

    The benefits in the form of reduced cost.

    The proposed system will give the minute information, as a result the performance is

    improved which in turn may be expected to provide increased profits.

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    2.4.3 Operational Feasibility

    It is mainly related to human organizations and political aspects. The points to be

    considered are:

    What changes will be brought with the system?

    What organization structures are disturbed?

    What new skills will be required?

    Do the existing staff members have these skills? If not, can they be trained in due

    course of time? The system is operationally feasible as it very easy for the End-users to

    operate it. It only needs basic information about Windows platform.

    2.4.4 Behavioral Feasibility

    After considering the following point that the system is behaviorally feasible. The

    project is carried out on the request of the users. To a greater extent, the proposed system

    aims at maximizing user friendliness. This is intended to overcome resistance to change by

    the exiting staff. Users are quite experienced in handling the computerized system. Users are

    aware of the software and hardware environment.

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    3) Project Design

    3.1 Entity Relationship Diagram

    3.2 Data Flow Diagram


    Class Details

    Order Details

    Bills Details

    Book Shop



    New Customer




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    3.2.1 Basic

    3.2.2 First Level DFD

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    3.2.3 Second Level DFD




    PrashantTypewritten TextOrder

    PrashantTypewritten Text

    PrashantTypewritten Text

    PrashantTypewritten Text

    PrashantTypewritten Text

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    3.2.4 Third Level DFD

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    4) Front-End and Back-End

    4.1 About Visual Basic 6.0

    Visual Basic 6.0 is Microsoft latest and greatest version of the Visual Basic

    programming language. Although writing programs can be a tedious chore at times Visual

    Basic educes the efforts required on your part and marks programming enjoyable About

    Visual Basic 6.0 Visual Basic marks many aspects of programming as simple as dragging

    graphic object onto the screen with your mouse

    Even driven programming

    Traditionally programming is essentially linear and is based on the flow of the execution.

    Operation runs for fixed span or until they reached a decision Point. At the decision point

    the programming branches depending on the point to the program or the status of various

    variable of the program. This operation continues till the program is completed. Once the

    program execution starts it is impossible to interrupt the activity. The programmer is

    responsible for the structure looks and the flow of program. If the programmer wants a good

    user interface, he has to explicitly write the long and complex code for the user interface of

    the program. In the conventional method the programs are usually written in a top down

    manner. This may be done either using the structure programming Approach i.e. by breaking

    up the program in to small sections of independent Procedures or function or using a

    modular approach i.e. by creating a program from a set of more or less self-contained

    function and procedures. Theoretically, this makes a possible to reuse the modules to

    be used in other programs. In Practice, there are generally a very few routines that can be

    reused without major Reworking. On this data is declared globally, any function or

    procedure can Access the data, which might put it at the mercy of any function or procedure. The likelihood of incorrect data manipulation is high. If data is declared locally

    only the procedure in which the data is safer, it is very restricted. In object oriented

    programming, a method (the function or procedure of an object) Know what data if can

    manipulate them. There is no confusion about who control whom. Declaring object and

    enclosing method and their data in a Class achieve this. General procedures the kind use in

    structured programming cannot access data with an object without using the object

    methods which are designed to manipulate their data. In procedural program, the order of

    procedure and control statement determines the program, flow of control. This implies that

    the programmer knows the entire flow of the program while he developed it. In program

    designed to capture the essence of the dynamic world, this assumption is unrealistic and

    cumbersome. Object oriented programming captures these logical relationship in object

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    Determines the flow of control in objects clarify the communication along the Component of

    an application. Object responds to the other objects. Massages move through the system,

    not data. Instead of invoking a Function on some data like in conventional programming

    method, a message is sent to object. This is the principle of operation in windows, Visual

    Basic is Object oriented, i.e. revolves around readymade objects, and it is event driven, All

    the activity in program are

    Triggered by one event or another. Each object also has its own event

    Handling procedures. The Visual Basic system knows all about this already. It knows what

    button is and how it work. It also knows how to handle Menus dialogue boxes, drive and

    directory list and much else. The

    Programmers job is to determine where, how and when an object appears on the screen

    what it is to do. What is caption reads what colorist would He end what happens, when an

    event occurs. The events are trapped by the Execute, when the event occurs. Because the

    program code run through event and as such at any point a Whole range of event might be

    possible, the program flow is not as fixed as in a Conventional program. Operations do not

    have to follow a set if sequence, and Can be easily interrupted, suspended or abandoned.

    The processes of program Design reflex the nature of the system. One begins by creating the

    screen layout, And work out words from here , adding first the code that will run in response

    to Specific events and then any necessary code to co-ordinate the whole program. This

    approach of programming is called event driven programming.

    Programming terminology

    The terminology that is used in Visual Basic programming are:

    o Forms

    o Controls

    o Module

    o Project

    o Procedures

    o Properties

    o Methods

    o Events


    The form is the basic object used in Visual Basic application development. It is a window,

    initially black on which controls are placed to create the screen display. The forms size,

    colors type reprogrammable. Code can be attached to the form, which would be executed

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    when the form is loaded, closed or when the mouse is clicked or moved on the form. A

    simple application may use only one form but a complex application may use many form

    activated by various controls pasted on the form. Each of the form on the application is

    saved in the

    Disk as separate file with an extension Form



    These are objects which can be pasted on to a form and these Controls range from simple

    labels, which are used to display text on the screen on Form, or picture boxes for buttons,

    check boxes, list and other menus, to file management utilities and spreadsheet style grids.

    Their properties, and event they can handle, very to suit their nature. Each control can have

    coed Attached to it, though not all will have. A text label or graphic image, for ex. May be

    There simply to improve the display, and not as the start point for any activities.


    Code that is attached to form is accessible from anywhere on that Form, but a program

    more than one form. In such a case a code attached to a form. In such case a code attached

    to a form is not available to the other forms. In this case, the code that is required to be

    made available to the other forms is written in a separate module. Modules are code

    segments, which are not written inside the scope of any form. They have global scope.

    These cannot be made visible during run time. It is like any other program code. There may

    be several modules in one program and each is saved as separate file. These

    Files have an extension of BAS, because these are BASIC code modules.


    All the code in the visual basic program is written in the forms of procedure, or subroutines.

    Most of these procedures will be attached to the event some controls or forms. Some of the

    procedures would be separately written inside the modules as global functions. All the

    procedures start with keyword Sub and close with the keyword End Sub.


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    The project is a file in which all the form files (*.frm files) and the modules (*.bas files) that

    make up the entire application, is kept. These

    Have an extension of * .Mac. They are called

    Make file thus any

    Application will have a *. vbpfile.


    Each control has a set of predefined properties, method and events that it will respond to.

    Properties are simply characteristics of an object or control. They are used to store data

    describes some particular attribute of the object such as color, size or the picture present in

    a control. The one property that every object must have is the Name property. This is used

    to refer to the object must be unique in a project. Visual Basic assign default name to control

    when you add them to your form, but you can alter these at design time (and you should

    alter them at design time) to make

    Your code more descriptive. Note that you cant change a controls

    Name property at run time, and

    These wont appear in the properties

    Window .Properties can be set at design time using the properties window or they can be

    set and reference within your Visual Basic code. Properties are reference in the form of

    object name. Property and in some respect you can think of them like a variable. You can

    assign a value to a property

    Just as you assign a value to a variable. Here we assign the text string

    John smith to text property of the object called Text1:

    Text1.text= john smith

    Just as with variable, properties can also be used as part of other statement: Print your

    name is: Text1.text


    Methods are action that can be performing on an object. These are like procedures. They are

    written in code in the form object name. Method parameters for e. forms have a move

    method that moves them to the procedure specified by the parameter. In this case, the top

    left of the form would be move screen coordinates (370,915) asForm1.move 30,915When

    you referred to the property or method of an object that resides in a form other than one

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    form which you are refereeing it , you will need to give it a fully qualified reference. These

    means preceding name of the object with the name of the form like this:

    FormName.ObjectName.property This sort of reference to an object can be extended in the

    case of OLE application to include the name of the project before the name of

    The form. If you dont supply a fully qualified reference,

    Visual Basic assumes that you are referring to the project and form in which you are making

    the reference.


    Events are the key to Visual Basic programming each object in the Visual Basic can be

    respond to a predefined set of events. These would-be movement of the mouse, the

    pressing of the key on the keyboard or

    The lapsing the particular period of time. You can see which events control can respond to

    by adding controls to your form and double-clicking it to bring up the code window. The

    procedure dropdown list box in the top right corner of the code window contains a list of all

    the events that a control can respond to. If you select one of the item in the list box, the first

    and last lines of a procedure are added to your code. Thisproce4dure will be triggered

    whenever that particular event occurs, so any code that you add to the procedure will be

    executed at the sometime. This is how you create Visual Basic code to respond to

    user interaction and other events.

    4.2 About Microsoft Access

    Access is database program and it is very popular RDBMS (Relational Database

    Management System) Software. We can use access database to stores almost any information

    when purpose of application is to allow voluminous data to be stored in computer and

    permit quires to be made to find needed data with the little effort.

    Access is powerful database and is for ease with which you can use it. Using

    Access you can built relationship between tables that contain different fields to pull

    together reports. Our primary navigation tool in access is that database windows tabs on

    database window which

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    Give access to each object contained in the current database it contains tables,

    queries, forms, reports, macros, modules etc.


    A database is files in which you store data include all the major objects related to the

    stored data; including objects you define to automate the use of your data. In other

    database systems, the term database used to refer to only those files in which you store


    Here is a summary of the major objects in an Access database.


    An object you define and use to store data. Each table contains information

    about a particular subject, such as customers or orders.

    Table contains Fields (or columns) that store different kinds of data, such as a name or an

    address, and, Records (or rows) that collect all the information about a particular instance of

    the subject.

    E.g. All the information about a company

    You can define a primary key (one or more fields that have a unique value for each record)

    and, one or more indexes on each table to help retrieve your data more quickly.


    Query in an object that provides a custom view of data from one or more tables. In Access,

    you can use the graphical query by example (QBE) facility or you can write SQL statements to

    create your queries. You can define queries to select, update, insert, or delete data. You can

    also define queries that create new tables from data in one or more existing tables.


    An object designed primarily for data input or display or for control; of application

    execution. You use forms to customize the presentation of data that your application

    extracts for queries or tables. You can also print forms. You can design a form to run a macro

    or a Visual Basic procedure in response to any of a number of events- for example, to run a

    procedure when the value of data changes.


    An object designed for formatting, calculating, printing, and summarizing selected data. You

    can view a report on your screen before you print it.

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    5) System Design

    Software design is an actually a multi-step process that focuses on four distinct

    attributes of program namely data structure, software architecture, interface representation

    and procedural details. The design process translates requirements into a representation of

    the software that can be assessed for quality before code generation begins. The design is

    documented and is part of the software configuration.

    Code Generation

    The design must be translated into a machine readable form. The code generation

    steps perform this task.


    The testing process focuses on the logical internals of the software assuring that all

    statements have been tested and on the functional externals that is conducting tests to

    uncover errors and ensure that defined input will produce actual results that agree with



    Software will undoubtedly undergo changes after it is delivered to the customer.

    Change will occur because errors have been

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    5.1 Data Tables

    1) Users Table Login Information

    No. Field Name Data Type

    1 User_Name Text

    2 Password Text

    2) Books Table Book Information

    No. Field Name Data Type

    1 BookID Number

    2 BookName Text

    3 ISBN Text

    4 Category Number

    5 Author Text

    6 Price Number

    7 SalePrice Number

    8 Stock Number

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    3) Cat Table Book Categories Information

    No. Field Name Data Type

    1 Cat_ID Number

    2 Cat_Name Text

    4) Customers Table Customer Information

    No. Field Name Data Type

    1 Cust_ID Number

    2 Cust_Name Text

    3 Cust_Addr Text

    4 Cust_No Text

    5 CreditAmt Number

    6 GenTime Date\Time

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    5) Bills Table Bills Information

    No. Field Name Data Type

    1 Bill_ID Number

    2 Customer_ID Number

    3 BillDate Date\Time

    4 Bill_Details Number

    5 Bill_Time Date\Time

    6 Total Number

    7 TotalDisc Number

    8 AmtRecv Number

    6) Bill Details Table Bill Item Details Information

    No. Field Name Data Type

    1 Bill_Details_ID Number

    2 Bill_ID Number

    3 Book_ID Number

    4 Quantity Number

    5 Discount Number

    6 Cust_ID Number

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    6) Input / Output Screens

    Splash Screen

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    Login Screen

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    Main Screen

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    Sales Operations Screen

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    New Bill screen

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    Book Details Screen

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    Customer Details Screen

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    Inventory Operations screen

    Order Entry

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    Inventory Details Screen

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    Customer Details Report

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    Stock Report

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    7) Documentation

    7.1 User Manual

    Login Process

    Start program and enter user name and password in the boxes and press ok button

    Sales Operations

    View Existing Bills/Sale Details

    o Start the program and login

    o Press the Sales Button or Select View\Edit Details from Sales Menu

    o Select Bill No. you want to view from list

    Edit Existing Bills

    o From the Main Screen Press the Sales Button or Select View\Edit Details from

    Sales Menu

    o Select Bill No. you want to edit from list

    o Click on edit button at the bottom

    o Make changes add\delete books from bill and click Ok button

    Delete Existing Bills

    o From the Main Screen Press the Sales Button or Select View\Edit Details from

    Sales Menu

    o Select Bill No. you want to edit from list

    o Confirm delete operation

    Add New Bills

    o From the Main Screen Press the Sales Button or Select View\Edit Details from

    Sales Menu

    o Press Add button at the bottom

    o Select Existing customer from list or Enter Details for new customer

    o Enter other details and Add Books to bill

    o Confirm Discount and Amount Received from customer

    o Press OK button

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    Books Operations

    View Details of Books

    o From the Main screen Press Books Button or Select View\Edit from

    Books Menu

    o Select Book from list which details you want

    Edit Details of Books

    o From the Main screen Press Books Button or Select View\Edit from

    Books Menu

    o Select Book from list which details you want to edit

    o Press Edit Details Button at the Bottom

    o Make Changes

    o Press OK Button

    Delete Book

    o From the Main screen Press Books Button or Select View\Edit from

    Books Menu

    o Select Book from list which details you want to edit

    o Press Delete Book Button at the Bottom

    o Confirm Operation

    Add New Book

    o From the Main screen Press Books Button or Select View\Edit from

    Books Menu

    o Select Book from list which details you want to edit

    o Press Add Book Button at the Bottom

    o Enter Details

    o Press OK Button

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    Customers Operations

    View Details of Customers

    o From the Main screen Press Books Button or Select View\Edit from

    Customers Menu

    o Select Customer from list which details you want

    Edit Details of Customers

    o From the Main screen Press Customers Button or Select View\Edit

    from Customers Menu

    o Select Customer from list which details you want to edit

    o Press Edit Button at the Bottom

    o Make Changes

    o Press OK Button

    Delete Customer

    o From the Main screen Press Customers Button or Select View\Edit

    from Customers Menu

    o Select Customer from list which details you want to edit

    o Press Delete Button at the Bottom

    o Confirm Operation

    Add New Customer

    o From the Main screen Press Customers Button or Select View\Edit

    from Customers Menu

    o Select Customer from list which details you want to edit

    o Press Add Button at the Bottom

    o Enter Details

    o Press OK Button

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    Stock Report

    o From the Main screen Press Reports Button or Select Stock Report

    from Reports Menu

    o Press Stock Report Button

    Sales Report

    o From the Main screen Press Reports Button or Select Sales Report

    from Reports Menu

    o Press Sales Report Button

    Customer Details Report

    o From the Main screen Press Reports Button or Select Customer List

    from Reports Menu

    o Press Customer List Button

    Books Report

    o From the Main screen Press Reports Button or Select Books List from

    Reports Menu

    o Press Books List Button

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    Inventory Operations

    Order Entry

    o From the Main screen Press Inventory Button or Select Order Entry

    from Inventory Menu

    o Press Order Entry

    o Select Book From List

    o Enter Quantity of Order to be added to Inventory

    o Press OK

    Adjust Quantity

    o From the Main screen Press Inventory Button or Select Adjust

    Quantity from Inventory Menu

    o Press Adjust Quantity

    o Enter New Stock value

    o Press OK

    View All Sold Inventory

    o From the Main screen Press Inventory Button or Select Show All Sold

    from Inventory Menu

    o Press Show All Sold

    Logout Process

    o From the Main screen Press Logout Button or Select Logout from File


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    7.2 Hardware and Software Requirement

    7.2.1 Hardware Requirement:

    Here is the recommended hardware requirement for this software to run efficiently.

    1) Pentium 166 MHz or higher processor

    2) 32 MB RAM

    3) 50 MB free hard disc space

    4) SVGA monitors

    5) Printer (Optional)

    7.2.2 Software Requirement:

    This software comes under application software. So the necessary software for this is

    1) Windows operating system family.

    2) Window 9x, (that is window 95, 98, ME, etc.)

    3) Window NT, 2000, 2003, XP

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    8) Future Scope and Limitation

    This software has demands in private and public area. This software provides a great

    help in managing the data in a well-mannered order. This project is designed specially to

    maintain the data in a sequential manner and to save the tome and efforts of database

    Administrator. The project is structured according to todays need.

    Due to time constraint it is possible that some points might remain uncovered by us. In

    future we will update our software to give valuable information left at present.

    Though the system has been designed according to the requirements of the users it has its

    own limitation. Thus the limitation of system are-

    No facility to create new users with different roles

    Object oriented Approach has been not been fully utilized

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    9) References


    Visual Basic 6.0 Black Book

    Visual Basic 6.0 Programming Vision Publication





    CertificateAknowledgementContentsIndex1) Preface2) System Analysis2.1 Current system2.2 Proposed system2.3 Requirement Analysis2.4 Feasibility study2.4.1 Technical FeasibilityFront-End selectionBack-End Selection

    2.4.2 Economic Feasibility2.4.3 Operational Feasibility2.4.4 Behavioral Feasibility

    3) Project Design3.1 Entity Relationship Diagram3.2 Data Flow Diagram3.2.1 Basic3.2.2 First Level DFD3.2.3 Second Level DFD3.2.4 Third Level DFD

    4) Front-End and Back-End4.1 About Visual Basic 6.0Even driven programmingProgramming terminologyFormsControlsModuleProcedureProjectPropertiesMethodsEvents

    4.2 About Microsoft AccessDatabaseTableQueryFormReport

    5) System DesignCode GenerationTestingMaintenance5.1 Data Tables

    6) Input / Output ScreensSplash ScreenLogin ScreenMain ScreenSales Operations ScreenNew Bill screenBook Details ScreenCustomer Details ScreenInventory Operations screenOrder EntryInventory Details ScreenReportsCustomer Details ReportStock Report

    7) Documentation7.1 User ManualLogin ProcessSales OperationsView Existing Bills/Sale DetailsEdit Existing BillsDelete Existing BillsAdd New Bills

    Books OperationsView Details of BooksEdit Details of BooksDelete BookAdd New Book

    Customer OperationView Details of CustomersEdit Details of CustomersDelete CustomerAdd New Customer

    ReportsStock ReportSales ReportCustomer Details ReportBooks Report

    Inventory OperationsOrder EntryAdjust QuantityView All Sold InventoryLogout Process

    7.2 Hardware and Software Requirement7.2.1 Hardware Requirement:7.2.2 Software Requirement:

    8) Future Scope and Limitation9) ReferencesBooksWebsites