Presentation On Democracy Submitted by SHREYA

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Presentation On

Democracy Submitted by


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DemocracyDemocracy is "a system of

government in which all the people of a state or polity ... are involved in making decisions about its affairs, typically by voting to elect representatives to a parliament or similar assembly Democracy is further defined as (a:) "government by the people; especially : rule of the majority (b:) " a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.

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RESTORATION OF BRAZIL Censorship in Brazil, both cultural

and political, occurred throughout the whole period following the colonization of the country. Even though most state censorship ended just before the period of redemocratization that started in 1974, Brazil still experiences a small amount of non-official censorship today. The current legislation restricts freedom of expression concerning racism (Paim Law) and the Constitution prohibits the anonymity of journalists, although freedom of speech is enforced.

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RESTORATION OF BRAZIL Transition towards democracyThe last military president, João

Figueiredo signed a general amnesty into law and turned Geisel's distensão into a gradual abertura (the "opening" of the political system), saying that his goal was "to make this country a democracy".

The process of transition towards democracy, that culminated in the end of the military regime in 1985 and the adoption of a new, democratic, Constitution in 1988, was, however, troubled.

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Democratization in Brazil Section One would delineate the

theoretical scope of democratization and prevalent definitions of democracy.

Section Two would enunciate Brazil’s early political developments.

Section Three would delineate the re-democratization process in Brazil during the Third Wave of democratization.

Section Four would trace the political and economic challenges which Brazil has faced since the last decade.

Section Five would analyse the requisites of democratic consolidation and explore the road ahead for Brazil’s democracy.

Section Six would offer concluding comments.

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Rousseff Administration

On October 31, 2010, Dilma Rousseff also from the Worker's Party was the first woman elected President of Brazil, with her term beginning in the January 1, 2011. In her winning speech, Rousseff, who was also a key member in Lula's administration, made clear that her mission during her term will be to keep enforcing her predecessor's policies to mitigate poverty and ensure Brazil's current economic growth.

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After that, things turned around quickly: By 1988, three years after the constitutional assembly, the new Brazilian basic law and one of the most progressive constitutions in Latin America had been passed. On November 15, 1989, Brazilians were able to cast a free vote 25 years after the military coup.

According to Brazilian author Zuenir Ventura, the country's return to democracy 30 years ago is one of the best chapters of Brazil's history. "The Diretas Ja movement brought back hope," he wrote in a column for daily "O Globo." "The people protested in a peaceful and disciplined manner for democracy. This dignity can't be compared to protests these days."

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"I am sure that their souls sang when they landed in Rio," Rousseff said in reference to the anthem during an official ceremony at Rio de Janeiro's airport. Rousseff, who was also part of the resistance movement, said Brazilians returning from exile gave momentum to the push for democracy.

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