12 twitter stats that will refine your twitter strategy

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12 Twitter Stats That Will RefineYour Twitter StrategyPosted on March 26, 2015 by Nicholas Grizzell

They may only be 140 characters long, but we still have to think about whatgoes into our tweets if we want to better our business.

Thankfully, we (generally) know what works and what doesn’t, which Twitterstats will help produce results, and which ones won’t. Chances are, you’re











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doing many things right! We’ve broken down this HubSpot infographic to giveyou a little affirmation on what you’re rocking, and to give you a little boostwhere you need it.

1. Title Tweets & Copy Tweets

Your Twitter following calls for variety. And when it comes to content, youhave two kinds of tweets to work with – title tweets and copy tweets. Shortand long. To-the-point and elaborative.

Title tweets perform a little better – last June copy tweets averaged 110 clickseach while copy tweets were just below that at 98 clicks. Don’t just stick withtitle tweets – your audience will get bored.

We recommend alternating between them.

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AgoraPulseMarch 23 at 8:13am

2. Use Short Links

Your tweets may be clever, and you may be able to say a lot in 140characters, but no good Twitter strategy stops with Twitter. Direct yourfollowers off the social network from time to time- your website, a pressrelease or a product page for a newly launched product, can be optimal.

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Strike a balance between "titletweets" and "copy tweets" for themost clicks on Twitter.


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Tweets by agorapulse


21,277 people like AgoraPulse.

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By November 2014 Social Bakers was reporting that tweets including photos got by far the most engagement on any tweet type.

You need to know when to share, what to share and which tools can help you, and that’s what Amanda is going to show you today!

How to Increase Engagement and boost Retweets with Twitter ImagesA year ago, Twitter released research showing that tweets containing images got 35% more ReTweets. By November Social Bakerswas reporting that


Whatever it is, include a short link in your tweets so your followers can getthere easily. Be sure the link is short, though. Use Bit.ly or Goo.gl to get thejob done.

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Don't tell your followers to go to yourpage - tweet a short link to get themthere.


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3. Don’t Forget Images

Copy, however well-written, takes a little imagination. Generally, we respondbetter to the immediate and visceral nature of images.

Tweets with images receive 18% more clickthroughs, 89% more favorites,and an extraordinary 150% more retweets. Those are metrics you can take todepartmental meetings with confidence.

Make sure your images mean something, though. They should be relevant toyour brand, product, or the point you’re making.

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4. Ask for Retweets

It might come across as hard-selling to ask for re-tweets, but trust us – it isn’t.You’re not pitching for users to buy anything. You just want a little of their timeto click a button on a social network that’s made for sharing.

So, ask, but remember to spell out “retweet” instead of abbreviating it as “RT.”It’ll take you from an average 10 fold increase in retweets to 23!

Big difference.

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When in doubt, tweet a relevantimage. More clickthroughs, favorite, &retweets.


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Be it retweeting, favoriting or clicking a link, you can achieve business resultson Twitter. Just don’t hamstring yourself with passive language. Think back toyour English classes and choose a powerful, actionable word instead – like“download.”

It’ll increase your clicks by 13%.

Passive language will drop yourclicks by 13% on Twitter. Speak

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7. Tweet on Twitter Topics

Depending on your industry, this may be easy or hard to do. If you work insocial marketing – like us! – it should come naturally. But hunting suppliersand industrial chemical producers will probably have to work a little harder.

Still, if you can, tweet about Twitter. Think of a topic that involves Twitter – orany social network – and ask yourself if you can relate it to what you sell orwho you are as a company.

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Save evergreen tweets for thosetimes when you just don't haveanything else.


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8. High Follower Counts Don’t Matter

It might seem counterintuitive, but fame doesn’t make or break mentions onTwitter. You would think that high-follower accounts – the true celebrities onTwitter – would control most of the social mention market share.

They don’t.

After looking at over 1 billion tweets from the past couple years, HubSpot sawthat 91% of mentions came from accounts with fewer than 500 followers.

As you probably know, 500 isn’t a record-breaking number on Twitter. It’sactually pretty modest. If they can do it, you can too.

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9. Tweet at Night for More Retweets

There’s something to be said for limiting your competition.

If you move into a crowded industry you’ll be up against a lot of people. Manyof them will likely have more experience (and talent) than you, but even ifyou’re the best, you still have to fight your way through the rest who are tryingto get noticed.

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Most mentions come from accountswith fewer than 500 followers. You'renever too small to get a...


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That’s a waste of time, frankly. Try tweeting late at night during “off hours.”Your followers will see fewer tweets from other accounts – your competitors –and be more likely to retweet you instead. There’s simply fewer alternativesavailable.

The path of least resistance is a very effective one.

10 PM and 11 PM EST is the goldenhour for retweets, generallyspeaking.

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11. Statistics for Reach, Not Clicks

Looking from one angle, statistics are a good thing to tweet about. Tweetsthat included metrics were retweeted 5.4% more than average last May.

From another angle, however, they’re kind of worrying. Those same tweetsgot 32.7% fewer clicks per tweet.

If it’s reach you’re after, put those numbers in. If you’d prefer clicks, then don’t.

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After 60 mins, you're late on replyingto 72% of customer servicecomplaints on Twitter.


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Ambiguity has a place in writing. It works – creatively and professionally –some of the time.

But when it comes to moving visitors down the funnel, you can’t afford to beopaque. Plainly say what you’re offering.

Tweets including clear offers got 18% more clicks and were retweeted 30%more often. And that’s compared to tweets with the same offers – the sameaccounts, the same brands, the same everything – worded in vaguerlanguage.

You can’t afford to hide your intentions.

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Of course, your Twitter strategy is more complex – and more personal – thanthe 12 general pointers here. But these do work.

Just A/B testing a few of the more variable ones – like posting time – to seewhat’s right for your unique business needs.

And don’t forget to visit the original infographic at HubSpot!

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Bold, concise, to-the-point copy turnsvisitors into leads on Twitter.


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Tags: a/b testing, clicks, hubspot, infographic, mentions, retw eets, Social Media, social netw ork, Tw itter

Nicholas GrizzellNicholas is a copywriter and marketer, with a particularly strong interest inthe digital space. He prefers his content driven by ROI and his steak well-

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