12 signs:customebay storefront design is a disaster


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Post on 26-Jan-2017




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Page 1: 12 Signs:CustomeBay Storefront Design is a Disaster


Page 2: 12 Signs:CustomeBay Storefront Design is a Disaster

6) The “WOW” factor in your design

• If you are reading this then it seems that your so called custom eBay storefront design lacks something or else you are wise enough to study before going into actual designing process. Continue reading you are on the right track.

• Every seller on eBay or any other eCommerce platform wants people to come and get amazed by the sheer awesomeness of the look & feel of your custom eBay storefront design. That is what we all call the "wow" factor.

• Wait a second! In this wow factor mayhem you skip the basic consideration of the user – what they are expecting? & what they will experience when they come across your store?


Page 3: 12 Signs:CustomeBay Storefront Design is a Disaster

• It is really flashy to attract visitors with unwanted CTA buttons, pop ups, sparkling texts and so on.

• These things merely distract visitors; you are seriously mistaken if you think they surprise people.

• In fact these tactics will negatively impact visitor by slowing them down from accessing some really important areas of your store.

• Finally what happens, they fly away without even looking at your products or content they were here to see.

• It must be your priority to provide the target audience what they need when they come to your store.


Page 4: 12 Signs:CustomeBay Storefront Design is a Disaster

7) Blind Faith in your Designer

• You don’t time, you either don’t have knowledge, and you hired less experienced designers or may be something else behind a disastrous design.

• Simply relying on the service provider will only lead you to a useless store or listing designs.

• In fact it is very simple, do some research work online. There are tons of resources available on designing subjects in easy & understandable languages.

• These resources e often allow users with no knowledge of programming to learn the basics of the same.


Page 5: 12 Signs:CustomeBay Storefront Design is a Disaster

8) Time, Money & Energy being wasted

• A very substantial amount of time, money& energy are being wasted after updating current store designs with new one.

• And this goes on with every change in the platform provider from where you operate your store.

• The ultimate gainer is the service provider who earns from you, then who is the looser?

• It’s YOU meanwhile your designer gives your store a so called decent, big facelift your sales are down. Buyers go away with a negative perception.


Page 6: 12 Signs:CustomeBay Storefront Design is a Disaster

• Solution is to go for modern method designs that keep pace with changing environment giving you less amount of expense on makeover or up gradation.

• Follow us for the concluded fourth & the final part of this blog series. We hope you are enjoying this blog post brought to you by the excellent team of ebaystoredesign.org

• Have you missed the second part? Click here to read.
