12 seo tips to improve your website ranking in 2014


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12 SEO tips to improve your website ranking in 2014

…For more info check - Whitetheory.com

Many people ask me what should be taken into account when positioning a website. As

is something that always takes me too long to explain, I thought of capture it in this

post, so leave it black and white and that interested parties can check, which IMHO have

summarized in 12 recommendations for positioning a website in Google .

1. Original Content.

The content is most important for your position. A page without a content-rich minimally extended “keywords” not indexed and thus achieved will be difficult to ever reach the first page of Google. However, if the content of the site is sufficiently detailed and extensive, not only be indexed quickly, but positions will rise rapidly because the content will be of interest to readers.Google Panda & Penguin.

It is important that the content is original , that is, it is not worth copying and pasting from other sites or blogs. What you can do is extend a topic you have talked someone on the web. In this case it is best that cites the article, page or post, even inserting a link to that page.

After the arrival of Google Panda Google Penguin in 2011 and in 2012, the seeker father markedly improved search results through the elimination and prosecution of websites referred to as “spammy”, ie junk content. These are sites that, in general, seek to profit from advertising inserted on websites that do not offer or even relevant content has been copied from another author. This has resulted in search results provide links to websites with content that Internet users really want.

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12 SEO tips to improve your website ranking in 2014

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2. Choose the keywords used.

The first thing to do is put in the place of a person who might find a topic that is related to what your website. Think what would you put in the search engine to search on the theme of your website.

Also, so you have more chances of you are under certain key words or terms is important to know what the terms and words that are used in this case. You can use the tool http://www.google.com/trends/ to see how often have one and use other words, to know what words or terms are the most wanted . For example, say you want to create a blog about films and premieres. If you create a page that talks about the movie premieres, will have the option of using different terms such as movie premieres, or releases 2013 or recent movies, etc.. With this tool you’ll learn the most commonly used.

Another very useful tool to detect keywords is the Keyword Tool from Google Adwords called Google Keyword Tool: http://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal . It’s actually designed to insert advertising through Google Adwords but you can use for this same purpose. And if you want to use it for advertising, you will have more chances of appearing in search results advertising (they are shown with a light yellow background on search engines. But this is a topic for another article)

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12 SEO tips to improve your website ranking in 2014

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3. Use keywords in the meta tags and urls

For Google it is very important that the keywords are included in the label < title> of your website. If you are using a blog like WordPress, the title of your post or entry will be the default display on the label. You should not use more than 70 characters in the title, because otherwise you will not be cut and what is beyond 70 characters . In the picture you can see how the second link is the title cut, by exceeding the number character.


Here you can see examples of overly long title tags and description tags absent.

It also helps that the keywords appear in the description , or tag . On this subject there is much debate, but in my opinion, although it is not strictly relevant to the positioning of Google, yes it is for Internet choose your site among the many search results. Do not use more than 150 characters . If you describe correctly the content of your website will give you more opportunities for users to click on your link. If you do not put anything in the description, then the search engine will automatically choose a piece of text on the page.

You can judge for yourself the look you get when Google chooses the text portion. For example, the first link of the image shows a snippet (or extract) of description without any sense chaotic. I think it is more effective to create a custom description focused on your readers or potential visitors.

And the same goes to the url of your website :

It will crawl much better www.misitio.com/estrenos-cine-2013 a link as www.misitio.com/category?=987 . Platforms with Drupal, WordPress, Blogger even use permanent links (permalinks) to improve the SEO of your website. If your site is built in HTML simply save the page under a file name that matches the title or the keywords under which you want to position. An example would be “premieres-film-2013.html”

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12 SEO tips to improve your website ranking in 2014

…For more info check - Whitetheory.com

4. Harness the power of images and videos

A website or an article on a blog will not last long if they are accompanied by pictures.

Unfortunately human beings have strong instincts and inevitably even sight always going first to an image rather than text. It is therefore very important to use images on your web page or post. This will achieve reaffirm the content of your website, entertain the reader and above all, you can use images in your favor to boost SEO.

The use of images and video to enhance the SEO

Would not it have looked first before reading this text?

Use the tag “alt” and “title” . Describe the image on these tags. You can also use keywords. Robots for search engines is very difficult to trace or “see” an image, therefore, the better you describe a picture, best positioned and consequently appear as such in the image search results of search engines.

The same goes for videos. You can upload them to YouTube , where you can even correct small errors in your videos and also apply a visual effect. Very interesting is that you can insert comments and links on any part of the video. It’s my favorite tool, besides acting as “leverage” in the SEO. An example of this is the blog of Miguel Araujo , who is practically built around video, thereby achieving a very good position.

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12 SEO tips to improve your website ranking in 2014

…For more info check - Whitetheory.com

5. Use social media to your advantage

One phenomenon that has significantly influenced the behavior of Internet users in the last decade is the social network. When someone likes an article, a website or blog, to share it with their friends and acquaintances. This behavior is being increasingly important for determining search results of search engines. The reason for this is that nobody shares anything you do not like. Although there are also websites that create a certain “revulsion” social, and also achieved a good position. The question is whether you want to position through good or bad reviews.

Do not forget to use the tag rel = “author” in the links to confirm that you are the author of what you have posted.

6. Avoid grammatical or spelling errors

Grammatical Errors bad for SEO?

Although this is not a factor, it does indirectly influence your position as there are people who hate misspellings and start reading the content of your site, if they see

that is poorly written, with grammatical and syntactical errors, get bored or lose credibility in it and leave your website. Dropouts are a website for Google is a clear example that your website does not match what a reader looking, falling directly on your

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12 SEO tips to improve your website ranking in 2014

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positioning. Apart, of course, the poor image will be giving if you represent a business website or a website e-commerce.

7. Generate Backlinks

The backlinks used to be one of the most common recommendations in the world of SEO, and although still very important are beginning to take second place due to updates of the search engines to improve the fight against spammers and junk pages.

There are two ways to generate backlinks: manually and virally.

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12 SEO tips to improve your website ranking in 2014

…For more info check - Whitetheory.com

The manual backlinks are the first to be created for a website indexed well and we must do it ourselves. Google understands that you need to publish or share on other websites your content, so a reasonable number of links to your website are even necessary. But beware, it is very important not to put a link to your site on a web page that has a low ranking. Especially if you generate backlinks on sites already penalized or called linkfarms (link farms) this may affect your ranking. Try to insert a link on high ranking websites with good positioning. About how to check the Page Rank and the Rank Domain see this post . course not recommend using software to generate backlinks automatically, but in this regard you can visit this post to Miguel Araujo, who can give you an idea of what can be achieved thereby.

The other backlinks, I call viral, are what generate your own readers or visitors. Returning to the first point of this post, the content is the most important to consider. If your content is relevant to readers, then it will spread, as it were, all over the web, like a virus. Is becoming viral phenomenon or as some Anglo-Get Viral. There are very interesting articles on how to generate viral content like this .

8. Do not abuse advertising

Nobody likes to read an article and have to fight countless advertising messages.

Anyway, if you want to introduce advertising on your website to keep in mind that it is possible that not all the world to see. More and more users installed on their browsers to

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12 SEO tips to improve your website ranking in 2014

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block some advertising programs called Ad Blockers. Even links to “affiliate programs” can be blocked by these programs, you have to start thinking about changing the way that we want to insert advertising. However, Google Adwords makes a very clever use of the behaviors of Internet users and advertising positioned just to interest you on sites that use it.

9. Generate new content regularly

This is very important. If you do not generate new content with a certain frequency, your existing readers and visitors (those to which you have earned by posting interesting content) will lose interest in your site. It is very important to regularly updating the contents and also tell your readers that they have new content to discover.

Like the fruit, the content of your website should always be fresh.

If you own a company or business and your website is a mere “letter” of your activity, then perhaps it’s time to think about creating a blog to talk about issues related to the activity that engages your business. I do not mean to give free information on how to do your job, but to show that you know what’s cooking in your scene or business sector. This helps you establish trust with your customers / readers and improve your credibility.

10. Write HTML clean and error

This recommendation is similar to item 7 on spelling. As readers do not like to read something full of misspellings, to the search engines and their “crawlers” do not like sloppy sites HTML. Other than that can cause cross-browser compatibility issues, for search engines can be a sign that your site may contain garbage content.

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12 SEO tips to improve your website ranking in 2014

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If more than 50 errors you should check the code of your website or ask an expert who will clean your website.

11. Do not forget the design

It is much more pleasant to read an article on a website nice and well appointed. Think about the functionality of your website, which is easy to navigate and with a clear and understandable typography. Useless to publish interesting content if you design the content with a typeface that impede reading. Use a font size appropriate and do not worry if the content is too long. Users have learned over the years to use the “scroll wheel” mouse or move the screen with your finger on touch screens.

Use web design adaptable

And in my opinion, very important is your website to be adaptable to different screen sizes. The new designs “responsive” Wonder fulfill this function, adjusting the content to the width of the screen being used. This will facilitate the navigation from a 22 “screen from a tablet 10″ or Smartphone 2.5 “.

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12 SEO tips to improve your website ranking in 2014

…For more info check - Whitetheory.com

12. Use web analytics software

Use Google Analytics or tool “Webmaster Tools” will help you to check that you are having visitors, what keywords you’re positioning, the time users spend on your website, as many other features that will help to improve the content of your website to optimize its positioning. If you seem too complicated these tools exist simpler ones, like this plugin for WordPress.


About White Theory:

This is an online marketing service and consultancy provider. Obviously, it's not a junk

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12 SEO tips to improve your website ranking in 2014

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12 SEO tips to improve your website ranking in 2014

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SEO Consultant

MD. Abdullah Al Kafi

Mail: [email protected]

Skype : kafiemon

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/whitetheory

Website: http://whitetheory.com/

White Theory Corporation

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