$12 k in 72hrs?? this is ridiculous!!!

$12K in 72Hrs?? This is ridiculous!!!! Presented by: Tracey Walker www.KeepAllTheCash.com

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Post on 15-Dec-2014




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$12K in 72Hrs??

This is ridiculous!!!!

Presented by: Tracey Walker


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$12K in 72Hrs?? This is ridiculous!!!!

Magical stories always seem to find their way to me!

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I have no idea why…wait…yes I do!

Magical stories always find their way to me because I believe in them!

Anything you believe in shows up in your experience, just like things you don’t believe in don’t show up in your existence.

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What do I mean by that?

Well lets take this example.

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In Empower Network, I sponsored a lady.

That lady sponsored a man.

That man sponsored Brian Cain.

And Brian Cain sponsored Tom “The Furry Hat Guy”.

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Point #1

The first thing I want to point out is the duplication!

In most of my other businesses, sponsoring below the “third” level was always a challenge for me.  It seems like no matter what  I did, whomever was on the third level in my organization appeared to never be able to sponsor anyone.

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So I began to believe growing an organization deeper than 3 levels, successfully was impossible.

And for me, it was…it was what constantly showed up and proved me right! Ha!

Well that was until now…

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See technically Brian Cain is 3 levels deep into my organization, and not only has he sponsored TONS of people..

He is only 21 He is ALL-EN and he sponsored a BEAST, lol

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Point #2

There is a common misconception that in our pay structure, you can’t earn commissions from people “deeper” in your organization.

Well let’s just see about that.

As I shared above:

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In Empower Network, I sponsored a lady.

That lady sponsored a man.

That man sponsored Brian Cain.

And Brian Cain sponsored Tom “The Furry Hat Guy”.

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Based on that misconception, I earn something from the lady I sponsored…and MAYBE a little something from the man she sponsored, but definitely nothing from Brian.

In reality, the lady didn’t buy all the products.

The man she sponsored didn’t either (looks like he did what his sponsor did)

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However Brian Cain did…

So his Costa Rica sales that are due for pass up, pass up to ME.. ($500 each)

His $15K sales that are due to pass up, pass up to ME..($1,000 each)

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His Master’s Course sales that are due to pass up, pass up to me!! ($3,000 each)

So do I earn commissions from affiliates deeper in my organization?

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This is what happens when people don’t get ALL-EN…the commissions pass up!

Now the other side is this.

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What if all the people got all-en?

Well AMEN to that!

That would mean that your team is invested into the company and that they are positioned to make all the sales they qualify to receive!!

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I mean really…don’t you want your team to make money and stop the madness of the cycle of broke network marketers selling a dream they ain’t livin??!!!

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Point #3

Success is possible several levels deep when you have a system that is designed to help all team members leverage the training and the support like we do on the dream team!

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See, because Brian was able to simply plug Tom “The Furry Hat Guy” into a system and a company that makes sense, Tom had the freedom to go out and produce without worrying about doing all the trainings, doing all the support, answering all the questions, and so on.

In fact, Tom “The Furry Hat Guy” was the one who generated $12k in 72 Hrs!!!

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Here’s the image of Brian (left) and Tom “The Furry Hat Guy” (right) celebrating on Skype moments after Tom made the $12k!!

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And guess what, I am so frikken excited!


Because when you can see leaders such as Brian and Tom “The Furry Hat Guy” produce massive results like this, but be doing it from several levels deep in your organization, it revitalizes you!

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Well, it revitalizes ME!!!

See, here’s what I know…

I know that success is possible here at Empower Network!

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I have seen it time and time again where there is no one who could ever try to tell me different.

And just like it is possible for Brian and for Tom “The Furry Hat Guy”, it is possible for you too!

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All you have to do is do what we tell you to do! LOL

I know that sounds crazy, but I’m serious.

We know the formula to $15k per month and it works…

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The question is will YOU follow it exactly how we instruct you to, or will you find a way to self sabotage yourself like you’ve always done by amending and reinventing and changing up things to make it more comfortable for YOU??

If you are ready for the change your heart is screaming for, follow these next steps:

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1. Put your email in the box below.

2. Watch the video that will then appear

3. Put in your credit card info and pay the $25 to get started NOW!!!

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To your success,~Tracey Walker