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Reflective Practice PGCE Primary ICT Seminar 2 6 th February 2013

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The aim of this session is to enhance your reflection in preparation for the assignment by sharing your evaluations and responding to others. You will share your reflections on your two extended lesson evaluations, focusing on your pedagogical issue or question and making explicit links to theory and research. You should draw on a wide range of reading that will reflect your knowledge and understanding of the curriculum area, of teaching and learning issues and of reflective practice.


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Reflective Practice

PGCE Primary

ICT Seminar 2

6th February 2013

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The seminar

The aim of this session is to

enhance your reflection on your evaluations

make explicit links to theory and research

clarify the essay and resolve any issues

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Plans and Evaluations

Theory (again!) Meaningful Learning Good ICT

The Essay Structure Criteria


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“How have your views about learning and teaching ICT changed?”

Section 3

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Present your annotated plans to two or three colleagues

Focus on… The intended learning and subject

understanding The role of the teacher What will be assessed and how

Is there reference to relevant subject texts to support the choices made?

Be a ‘critical friend’ to those presenting

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Present your evaluations to two or three colleagues

Focus on… the extent of children’s learning and evidence for

this; evidence for the effectiveness of the talk used by

you and the children; what you have learned about how children learn

and your teaching.

Are the points made related to relevant reading?

Be a ‘critical friend’ to those presenting

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Being a critical friendQuestion - Challenge assumptions - Suggest

interpretationsWhat did the children learn? How do you know that the children were learning? How did they learn? What were the factors that affected learning? How did you use your assessments to inform planning?How does any of this relate to your reading?

How did you bring about learning? How did the evaluation affect your teaching?How does this relate to your reading?

How does all this relate to your question? What changes would you make or aim to make in your practice? How have you changed in your view of yourself as a teacher and how children learn? How does this relate to your reading?

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Meaningful Learning





CooperationalCC by-nc-nd Laura Burton, CC by Matti Mattila, CC by-nc-nd Mundocuardo, CC by-nc-nd Parl,

CC by mawel

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Support pupil




Develop ICT


Enable high

quality work

Extend the

scope of


Characteristics of good practice

Use ICT to support good practice

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Capacity & rangeSpeed & automaticityProvisionality


• Pupils can access to large information sources

• A wide range of media formats is available.• Some tedious tasks can be completed quickly.

• Certain features can be set to operate automatically.

• Digitised information can be easily modified.

• ICT responds quickly and engages learners.

Use ICT to scaffold & extend learning

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Piaget (1896-1980)

Constructing schema

Assimilation and accommodation

Stages of development

Concrete and formal operationhttp://www.learningandteaching.info/learning/piaget.htm

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Vygotsky (1896-1934)

The centrality of social interaction

The more knowledgeable other

The zone of proximal development

Scaffolding (Bruner)


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Constructivist learning happens best when ‘constructing a public entity’

“Concrete” materials rather than abstract propositions


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CC by jean-louis zimmermann CC by-sa Hijod.Huskona

CC by-nc-sa Mr Ush http://www.connectivism.ca/

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The essay…

… is about evaluating your practice drawing on theory and reflecting on your assumptions.

You are not trying to generate a definitive answer.

The style of your answer is about discussion and analysis.

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Structure of your essay

Extended reflective lesson evaluations

Implications for future practice

Evaluation of focus children’s learning and teaching

Annotated lesson plans

Social Constructivism with a focus on talk in ICT

Myself as a teacher

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1.Myself as a teacher: a reflective discussion considering your aims for teaching your chosen curriculum area and the kind of teacher you would like to be. Discuss how your own experiences and your reading may influence your views and practice.

250 words

2. Social Constructivism with a focus on talk in one curriculum area: What does a social constructivist view of learning imply for teaching approaches? Critically consider current issues in your subject area and justify your views, related to reading.

1250 words

Annotated lesson plans

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3. Evaluation of focus children’s learning and your teaching: Discussion of above considering the children’s learning drawing on their responses and your evaluation. Reflections on your teaching including decisions made ‘in action’.

1500 words

4. What are the implications for your practice within the national context?Include ways your views have changed and reflections on this process.

1000 words

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Towards Section 3

Drawing on your plans and evaluation discuss what you will write in section 3:

What did you learn about: how children learn ICT? the role of talk in learning?

How have your views about learning and teaching mathematics changed / developed?

How does this relate to what you have written previously?

How does this relate to your reading?

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Section 4

What are the implications for your practice?

What are the possible difficulties and tensions for yourself as a teacher of ICT in the current context?

How does this affect your teaching across the curriculum?

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The current context“Disapplying the ICT programme of study is about freedom. It will mean that, for the first time, teachers will be allowed to cover truly innovative, specialist and challenging topics.

And whether they choose a premade curriculum, or whether they design their own programme of study specifically for their school, they will have the freedom and flexibility to decide what is best for their pupils.

Teachers will now be allowed to focus more sharply on the subjects they think matter – for example, teaching exactly how computers work, studying the basics of programming and coding and encouraging pupils to have a go themselves.”

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The current context 2 The Government has made clear that it considers

ICT to be an important subject that should be taught to all pupils. As a clear statement of the importance that it attaches to ICT education, the Government has decided that ICT will continue to be a National Curriculum subject, with new statutory Programmes of Study at all four key stages, from September 2014. The Department for Education will look to work with experts from industry, IT organisations and the teaching profession to develop the new Programmes of Study as a national standard for all schools, whilst providing sufficient flexibility and scope to meet the changing demands of the subject.

See bcs.org/ictpos for the draft PoS

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To pass…

evaluation of effectiveness of teaching strategies and the use of talk, related to theories of learning and demonstrating awareness of current research and developments;

identification and evaluation of children’s learning with implications for subsequent teaching;

demonstration of the ability to reflect on practice, including beliefs and values about teaching and learning in the national context.

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Evaluation of teaching

Assessment of learning

Reflection on practice

Myself as a teacher

How to should ICT be taught

Evaluation of learning and teaching

Implications for future practice

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Evaluation of teaching

Assessment of


Reflection on practice

Myself as a teacher x x

How to should ICT be taught x x x

Evaluation of learning and

teachingx x x

Implications for future practice x

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To get M level credits…

The assignment in addition demonstrates

a systematic understanding of related knowledge and a critical awareness of current problems and insights;

the application of theory to an analysis of practice;

the independent learning ability required for continuing professional development.

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Systematic Understanding

Demonstrating understanding of key concepts by discussing what is problematic about them

Using definitions and referring to concepts with consistent meaning

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Developing a critical frame of mind

Why am I reading this?

What question am I asking?

What are the authors saying and what is relevant to what I want to find out?

What type of literature is this?

How convincing is what the authors are saying?

What use can I make of this?

What claims are being made and how convincing are they?

Wallace, M. & Wray, A. (2008). Critical Reading and Writing for Postgraduates. London, Sage

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Independent learning ability

Thinking things through for yourself

Researching original sources

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Google Scholar

Becta and Futurelab

Cambridge Primary Review

Teaching and Learning

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Practicalities 5000 words equivalent,

made up of 4000 words of substantive text

two annotated lesson plans, bibliography and optional appendices

Section word counts are advisory

+/- 10% without penalty (ie 3600 – 4400 words substantive text)

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See the style guide. No, really. You should do this.

DfEE/QCA, (1999) The National Curriculum, London: HMSO

Chazan, M. & A. F. Laing, (1982) Children with Special Needs, Milton Keynes: Open University Press

Zotero, Mendeley, Refworks

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Draft your essay

E-Mail me a copy when you’re ready for feedback, but not later than 15th February

Tutorial a few days after I get your draft

Revise your draft


Hand in by 14:00, 15th March – earlier is better

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The Turnitin file is in the RP folder on Studyzone (tutorials there if needed)

You must submit the final version of your essay via Turnitin and in hard copy.

Fill in the electronic cover sheet and make it page 1 of your essay.

You do not need to give us the copy of the originality report.

You can submit your essay at earlier stages to get formative feedback. Later submissions overwrite previous versions.

It could take 24 hours to generate the originality report at busy times (but you don’t need it before handing in).