11th week handtools design.ppt

HAND TOOL DESIGN HAND TOOL DESIGN Hilma Raimona Zadry Hilma Raimona Zadry

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7/23/2019 11th week Handtools Design.ppt

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Hilma Raimona ZadryHilma Raimona Zadry

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Human hand is able to perform a

large variety of activities ranging from

those that reuire fine control to

others that demand large forces!

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Hand tas"s can be divided#Hand tas"s can be divided#

$ine manipulation of ob%ects &ith little

displacement and forces!

$ast movements to&ard the ob%ect' reuiringmoderately accuracy to reach the target but

a fairly small e(ertion of force!

$orceful activities &ith little or moderatedisplacement!

$orceful activities &ith large displacements!

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Designing )nd *electingDesigning )nd *electing

+ood Hand Tools+ood Hand Tools

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$it the Tool$it the Tool

Hand tools need to fit the contours ofHand tools need to fit the contours of


Hand tools need to held securely &ithHand tools need to held securely &ithstraight &rist and suitable arm postures!straight &rist and suitable arm postures!

Hand tools must utili,e strength andHand tools must utili,e strength and

energy capabilities &ithout overloadingenergy capabilities &ithout overloadingthe body!the body!

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*ome methods of gripping*ome methods of gripping

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There are t&o basic grips#There are t&o basic grips#

-!-! .o&er grip.o&er grip

/!/! .recision grip.recision grip

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.O01R +RI..O01R +RI.

$orce parallel to forearm

$orce at an angle of forearm $orce acting on a moment forearm

.o&er grip is used for force orholding heavy product

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Tools is held bet&een the distal ends of

one or more fingers

2 types#3 4ateral pinch

3 .ulp pinches

3 .alm pinch

3 $inger press

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Handle DesignHandle Design

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Obliue thrust lineObliue thrust line

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.roper.roperorientation oforientation of

po&er tools inpo&er tools in&or"place&or"place

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$actors to consider $actors to consider 

Design tools so that they can be used byDesign tools so that they can be used by

either hand by most individualseither hand by most individuals

 )void repetitive finger action )void repetitive finger action Use the strongest &or"ing finger Use the strongest &or"ing finger 

Handle openingHandle opening

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 ) +uide to *elect ) +uide to *electNon3.o&ered HandNon3.o&ered Hand


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77 ) large number of in%uries "no&n as ) large number of in%uries "no&n as

musculos"eletal disorders are attributablemusculos"eletal disorders are attributable

to hand tool use in occupational settings'to hand tool use in occupational settings'

resulting in unnecessary suffering' lostresulting in unnecessary suffering' lost&or"days and economic costs!8&or"days and economic costs!8

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The best tool is one that9The best tool is one that9

$its the %ob you are doing$its the %ob you are doing

$its the &or" space available$its the &or" space available

Reduces the force you need to applyReduces the force you need to apply $its your hand$its your hand

Can be used in a comfortable &or"Can be used in a comfortable &or"


It is safe in all aspectsIt is safe in all aspects

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06*D ha,ardous e(posures06*D ha,ardous e(posures

 )&"&ard postures )&"&ard postures

.ostures that strain.ostures that strain

the nec"' shoulders'the nec"' shoulders'elbo&s' &rists orelbo&s' &rists or


 )lso' bending' )lso' bending'stooping' t&isting andstooping' t&isting and


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06*D ha,ardous e(posures06*D ha,ardous e(posures

Contact pressureContact pressure

.ressure from a hard.ressure from a hard

surface' point' orsurface' point' or

edge on any part ofedge on any part of

the body!the body!

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06*D ha,ardous e(posures06*D ha,ardous e(posures

.o&er +rip.o&er +rip

The hand grip thatThe hand grip that

provides ma(imumprovides ma(imum

hand po&er for highhand po&er for high

force tas"s!force tas"s!

 )ll the fingers &rap )ll the fingers &rap

around the handle!around the handle!

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06*D ha,ardous e(posures06*D ha,ardous e(posures

.inch +rip.inch +rip

The hand grip thatThe hand grip that

provides control forprovides control forprecision and accuracy!precision and accuracy!

The tool is grippedThe tool is gripped

bet&een the thumb andbet&een the thumb andthe fingertips!the fingertips!

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:no& your %ob:no& your %ob

Thin" about the %obThin" about the %ob

you &ill be doing!you &ill be doing!

Tools are designedTools are designed

for specific purposesfor specific purposes


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:no& your %ob:no& your %ob

Cutting' pinchingCutting' pinching

gripping tools#gripping tools#

 ; plierspliers

 ; snipssnips

 ; cutterscutters


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:no& your %ob:no& your %ob

*tri"ing tools*tri"ing tools

 ; HammersHammers

 ; 6allets6allets


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:no& your %ob:no& your %ob

Driving toolsDriving tools

 ; *cre&drivers*cre&drivers

 ; Hand &renchesHand &renches

 ; Nut driversNut drivers

 ; T3handle &renchesT3handle &renches


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:no& your %ob:no& your %ob

*truc" or hammered*truc" or hammered


 ; .unches.unches

 ; ChiselsChisels

 ; Nail setsNail sets


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:no& your %ob:no& your %ob

$or$or .O01R.O01R tas"s consider#tas"s consider#


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:no& your %ob:no& your %ob

$or$or .R1CI*ION.R1CI*ION tas"s consider#tas"s consider#


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4oo" at your &or" space4oo" at your &or" space

 )&"&ard postures may )&"&ard postures may

cause you to use morecause you to use more


*elect a tool that can be*elect a tool that can be

used &ithin the spaceused &ithin the spaceavailableavailable


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4oo" at your &or" space4oo" at your &or" space

If you &or" in a crampedIf you &or" in a cramped

space it is better to use aspace it is better to use ashorter tool that fits &ithinshorter tool that fits &ithinthe &or" space!the &or" space!


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Improve your &or" postureImprove your &or" posture

 )&"&ard body postures )&"&ard body postures

ma"e more demandsma"e more demands

on your bodyon your body


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The placement of theThe placement of the&or" piece &ill affect&or" piece &ill affectyour postures in the#your postures in the#

 ; *houlder *houlder  ; 1lbo&1lbo&

 ; 0rist0rist

 ; HandHand ; 5ac"5ac"

Improve your &or" postureImprove your &or" postureC.

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Choose a tool thatChoose a tool thatreuires less continuousreuires less continuousforce and a&"&ardforce and a&"&ardpostures!postures!

The right tool &ill notThe right tool &ill notcause pain and fatigue'cause pain and fatigue'

because your body partsbecause your body parts&ill be rela(ed!&ill be rela(ed!

Improve your &or" postureImprove your &or" postureC.

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*elect the tool*elect the tool

*ingle3handle tools for*ingle3handle tools for

.O01R tas"s#.O01R tas"s#

Tool must feel comfortableTool must feel comfortable&ith a handle diameter&ith a handle diameter

- < inches to- < inches to

/ inches!/ inches!


You may increase thediameter by adding a sleeve

to the handle

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*elect the tool*elect the tool

*ingle3handle tools for*ingle3handle tools for

.R1CI*ION tas"s#.R1CI*ION tas"s#

Tool must feel comfortableTool must feel comfortable

&ith a handle diameter <&ith a handle diameter <

inch to = inch!inch to = inch!


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*elect the tool*elect the tool

Double3handle toolsDouble3handle tools>pliers3li"e? for .O01R>pliers3li"e? for .O01Rtas"s#tas"s#

@!@! Tool &ith a grip span atTool &ith a grip span atleast / inches &hen fullyleast / inches &hen fullyclosed and no more thanclosed and no more than@ = inches &hen fully open!@ = inches &hen fully open!


When continuous force isrequired, consider using a

clamp, a grip or locking

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*elect the tool*elect the tool

Double3handle tools >pliers3Double3handle tools >pliers3

li"e? for .R1CI*ION tas"s#li"e? for .R1CI*ION tas"s#

2!2! Tool &ith a grip span that isTool &ith a grip span that is

not less than - inch &hen fullynot less than - inch &hen fully

closed and no more than @closed and no more than @

inches &hen fully open!inches &hen fully open!


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*elect the tool*elect the tool

Double3handled pinching'Double3handled pinching'

gripping or cutting tools#gripping or cutting tools#

A!A! Handles spring3loaded toHandles spring3loaded to

return the handles to thereturn the handles to the

open position!open position!



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*elect the tool*elect the tool

B! *elect a tool that isB! *elect a tool that is

coated &ith softcoated &ith soft



Adding a sleeve to the toolhandle pads the surface but

also increases the diameter ofthe grip span of the handle.


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*elect the tool*elect the tool

! *elect a tool &ith an! *elect a tool &ith an

angle that allo&s youangle that allo&s you

to &or" &ith a straightto &or" &ith a straight



Tools with straight handlesare better when the force is

applied vertically.


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*elect the tool*elect the tool

!! *elect a tool &ith*elect a tool &ith

an angle thatan angle that

allo&s you to &or"allo&s you to &or"

&ith a straight&ith a straight&rist!&rist!


Tools with bent handles arebetter when the force is applied

horizontally same direction asyour straight forearm and wrist!


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*elect the tool*elect the tool

E!E! *elect a tool that can*elect a tool that can

be used &ith yourbe used &ith your

dominant hand or &ithdominant hand or &itheither hand!either hand!



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*elect the tool*elect the tool

$or HI+H $ORC1$or HI+H $ORC1


-F!-F! *elect a tool &ith a*elect a tool &ith a

handle length longerhandle length longerthan the &idest partthan the &idest part

of your hand ;of your hand ;

usually 2 inches to Busually 2 inches to B



"ake sure the end of thehandle does not press on thepalm of your hand.

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N t f ll i th id li lt iN t f ll i th id li lt i

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Not follo&ing these guidelines may result in one orNot follo&ing these guidelines may result in one or

more of these symptoms#more of these symptoms#


*&elling in the %oints*&elling in the %oints

Decreased ability to moveDecreased ability to move

Decreased grip strengthDecreased grip strength .ain from movement' pressure or e(posure to cold or.ain from movement' pressure or e(posure to cold or

vibrationvibration $ontinual muscle fatigue$ontinual muscle fatigue %ore muscles%ore muscles &umbness&umbness $hange in the skin color of your hands and$hange in the skin color of your hands and


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The 1rgonomics CycleThe 1rgonomics Cycle

The ergonomics cycle provides &ith an organi,edThe ergonomics cycle provides &ith an organi,ed&ay to start GOUR ergonomics effort at a store!&ay to start GOUR ergonomics effort at a store!










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6ore resources6ore resources

1asy 1rgonomics# ) +uide to *electing Non3.o&ered Hand Tools1asy 1rgonomics# ) +uide to *electing Non3.o&ered Hand Tools

1asy 1rgonomics! ) practical approach for improving the &or"place1asy 1rgonomics! ) practical approach for improving the &or"place &&&!cbs!state!or!usoshapdfpubs@@2!pdf &&&!cbs!state!or!usoshapdfpubs@@2!pdf 

On 06*D ha,ardous e(posures visit the 0I*H) &ebpage at#On 06*D ha,ardous e(posures visit the 0I*H) &ebpage at#&&&!lni!&a!gov*afetyTopics1rgonomics&&&!lni!&a!gov*afetyTopics1rgonomics

1(ample accident prevention program #1(ample accident prevention program #&&&!lni!&a!gov*afety5asics.rograms)ccident&&&!lni!&a!gov*afety5asics.rograms)ccident

Ideas to reduce ha,ardous e(posures can be found at theIdeas to reduce ha,ardous e(posures can be found at the1rgonomics Ideas 5an"1rgonomics Ideas 5an"