11.29.11 classwork tuesday

Max David Cameron Brian Linder Joey Alan Andres Matthew Angel Alan Joshua Eric Adolfo Christopher Ryan Johnny Ramon Ricardo Jose Christian Carlos Emma Cincere Massire Roxana Natalie Sualee Mitzy Nyashia Gia Crystal Brianna Elizabeth Writing Journal: Would you rather know how to play an instrument well or draw well? Explain.

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  • 1. WritingJournal:Wouldyouratherknowhowtoplayaninstrumentwellordrawwell?Explain. Brianna Johnny MitzyJoshua Roxana Joey Emma Max Nyashia Eric Alan Cincere Ricardo Ramon NatalieChristian JoseGiaAdolfoDavid AndresMassire CameronElizabeth Carlos Angel MatthewLinder Brian Crystal ChristopherRyanSualee Alan

2. 1. 119 3 =4. 97 4 =A. 39 R2C.43 R3 A. 28 R2 C. 24B. 39 R3 D. 39 R4 B. 28 D. 24 R12. 243 5 =5. 125 6 =A. 49 R3 C. 48 R3A. 20 R5 C. 23 R2B. 48 R2 D. 49 R2B. 20 R3 D. 98 R33. 150 7 =6. 118 7 =A. 24 R2 C. 22 R2A. 16 R5 C. 18 R2B. 21 R3 D. 26 R3B. 16 R6 D. 20 R1 3. Class JobsTeachers Assistant - $15/pay periodBanker -$20Cell Box Carrier -$4/dayLiner Leader -$4/dayCaboose - $3/daySubstitute -$2/daySnacks Leader - $4/dayHomework -$3/checkReminder -$2/dayHonor Roll -$30Math Achievement -$25Language Achievement -$25Citizenship - $20 4. Word Parts Suffixes are word parts that are added to the end of a base word or root to change its meaning.For example, the suffix -ous means "full of" somischievous means "full of mischief."Read"JohannainJamaica" click to reveal 5. SummarizeProblem and Solution CharacterA Story Map helps yousummarize information about Settingthe problems and solutions Problemthat characters encounter.Use your Story Map as you Eventsreread "Johanna in Jamaica"to identify the problems andsolutions in the story. Solution 6. Reading HomeworkPractice book, page 60 7. Math HomeworkPractice book, page 23 8. RulesA verb must agree with itssubject. A singular subjecttakes a singular verb. Aplural subject takes aplural verb. Singular: Julie likes poetry about nature. Plural: The girls like poetry about birds. 9. If the subject is singular, the verbmust be singular. Add -s to mostverbs if the subject is singular inthe present tense.Tim enjoys poems about nature, too. 10. If the subject is plural, the verbmust be plural. Do no add -s to theverb if the subject is a plural nounor if the subject is the pronoun I oryou. Poets create beautiful images with words. I write poetry about the ocean. 11. LanguageArtsSubjectVerbAgreementGrade: 5 Subject: LanguageArts Date: 11/29/11 12. Language HomeworkPractice book, page 36 13. 1. joint11. fountain2. foul 12. sprawls3. coil 13. douse4. hoist14. clause5. stout15. sprouts6. dawdle 16. cautious7. mouthful 17. turmoil8. counter18. scrawny9. brought19. foundation10. bawl20. turquoise 14. HomeworkSummaryTuesday,November29,2011Reading1.Practicebook,page60Math1.Practicebook,page23Language1.Practicebook,page36 15. KEYScorePayment03: $10debit845: $5debit6: $07: $2credit8: $3credit9: $4credit 10: $10credit 16. Attachments imgres