110 e queen st hampton va 23669 may 5, 2019 10:00...

First United Methodist Church of Hampton 110 E Queen St Hampton VA 23669 (757) 723−6577 May 5, 2019 10:00 a.m. In the name of Christ WELCOME! Although you may be a stranger to us, you are no stranger to God, who knows you and loves you, and whose heart is glad at your presence here. We sincerely hope this time of worship will bless your life. As you are able, please stand for acts of worship indicated by an asterisk (*). UMH indicates The United Methodist Hymnal (red book in pew rack). TFWS indicates The Faith We Sing (thin black book in pew rack). Help us sustain God’s creation by placing used worship bulletins in the basket on the credenza in the back of the sanctuary for recycling.

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Page 1: 110 E Queen St Hampton VA 23669 May 5, 2019 10:00 a.m.firstumchampton.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/5-5-19.pdf · *CLOSING HYMN Here I Am, Lord UMH 593 *COMMISSIONING AND BLESSING

First United Methodist Church of Hampton 110 E Queen St Hampton VA 23669 (757) 723−6577

May 5, 2019 10:00 a.m.

In the name of Christ WELCOME!

Although you may be a stranger to us, you are no stranger to God, who knows you

and loves you, and whose heart is glad at your presence here. We sincerely hope

this time of worship will bless your life.

As you are able, please stand for acts of worship indicated by an asterisk (*).

UMH indicates The United Methodist Hymnal (red book in pew rack).

TFWS indicates The Faith We Sing (thin black book in pew rack).

Help us sustain God’s creation by placing used worship bulletins in the basket on the

credenza in the back of the sanctuary for recycling.

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*INTROIT Sanctuary The Chancel Choir

*CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsively) We Have Come to this Holy Place [Calls to Worship for Native American Ministries Sunday © 2009 Jeff Ramsland.

All Rights Reserved. Posted with Permission on the Discipleship Ministries Worship website.]

We have come to this holy place to worship our God;

yet sanctuary is not always built by human hands.

Everywhere I go is a sanctuary,

every place a time to worship God!

When we live as if this planet and all creation, even ourselves, is a

sanctuary -- a holy place full of the Creator's presence -- we walk

differently upon this earth.

I am always on sacred ground. I must move with reverence

through all creation, and I enter this holy place now to worship

our Creator!

*HYMN For the Beauty of the Earth UMH 92

*OPENING PRAYER All Things Hold Beauty [From Mohawk prayer tradition by Sue Ellen Herne (Mohawk) 1991]

Thank you, Lord, for all that you have given us. Thank you for the beauty

of the universe that you created; the trees, the sky, the mountains, the

rain. All things hold beauty in themselves and all are related and touch

each creature of the earth. You created the rhythm and pattern of the

universe in a harmony of movement, of sight, and sound. Help us to

appreciate your creation and to live with our eyes and ears and hearts

open to your message. Amen.

GOSPEL LESSON LUKE 4:38-44 (NIV) 38 Jesus left the synagogue and went to the home of Simon. Now

Simon’s mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked

Jesus to help her. 39 So he bent over her and rebuked the fever, and it

left her. She got up at once and began to wait on them.

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40 At sunset, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of

sickness, and laying his hands on each one, he healed them. 41 Moreover, demons came out of many people, shouting, “You are

the Son of God!” But he rebuked them and would not allow them to

speak, because they knew he was the Messiah.

42 At daybreak, Jesus went out to a solitary place. The people were

looking for him and when they came to where he was, they tried to

keep him from leaving them. 43 But he said, “I must proclaim the good

news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is

why I was sent.” 44 And he kept on preaching in the synagogues of


The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God.


OFFERTORY PRAYER (In Unison) [From Vision on the Wind by Larry Mens. Used by permission.]

Creator God, we believe that you made all people to be spiritual and,

that to live as you intended, we must work with you and one another

on this earth. May we live by your spiritual truths showing good

example for our brothers and sisters. But most of all, may we share your

gifts in gratitude. O, Great Spirit, bless these gifts we bring in

thanksgiving and praise. Amen.

OFFERTORY ANTHEM In Remembrance of Me The Chancel Choir


Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!

Praise God, the source of all our gifts!

Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!

Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

*HYMN God of the Sparrow God of the Whale UMH 122



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COMMUNITY PRAYER We Thank You, Great Spirit [From Family Prayer by Sister Kevin Marie Flynn. Used by permission.]

For life, and the gift of living each day,

We thank you, Great Spirit.

For calling us to be Christians by our baptism,

We thank you, Great Spirit.

For our family and friends,

We thank you, Great Spirit.

For the great gift of Mother Earth,

We thank you, Great Spirit.

SUNG RESPONSE On Eagles’ Wings UMH No. 143

For the sun that rises in the East to give us warmth and light

and for its brilliance as it sets in the West,

We thank you, Great Spirit.

For the soft wind and rain that come from the South,

We thank you, Great Spirit.

For the shelter you provide to protect us from the North winds,

We thank you, Great Spirit.

For the gift of vision to see and

the gift of voice that we send to you in prayer and praise,

We thank you, Great Spirit. Amen.

SUNG RESPONSE On Eagles’ Wings UMH No. 143

MESSAGE Mattaponi Healing Eagle Clinic Diane Garrison


Welcome to this sacred place we call sanctuary and to the table of

Jesus Christ. In the United Methodist tradition, we believe in an open

communion where all are welcome. We place our trust in the

unconditional love of God and the unlimited welcome of Jesus Christ.

I invite you to join with me as we lift our voices in this humble confession

to God.

PRAYER OF CONFESSION (In Unison) Help Us to Be Upright

O Great Spirit, when we walk the path of beauty with sincerity, honesty,

courage and truthfulness, we are like the upright basket which can

hold the fruits of harvest. We can receive and share blessings

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abundantly. But when we have strayed from the beauty path and are

not trustworthy, we were not honest or reliable, we are like the basket

turned over. We cannot contain, receive or give of the many blessings

of life. When we are upside down, we are empty and useless. Help us

to always be upright, to receive and share the blessings of life.

[A Time of Quiet Reflection]

The love of our Creator God is broader than a beach, more expansive

than the oceans and the skies. Divine forgiveness flows to the very

depths of our beings and beyond. In the name of Jesus, we are

forgiven. Amen.



Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom

come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our

daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who

trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from

evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.



THE SHARING OF THE LORD’S SUPPER [Gluten-free communion elements are available. Please ask Pastor Candee.]

[As you come to the communion rail, you may leave an offering for those in need in the basket.]

PRAYER AFTER RECEIVING (In Unison) [Adapted from the Liturgy of St. John’s,

Red Lake MN-Red Lake Band of Chippewa & Elizabeth Gaskins, Muscogee (Creek)]

Jesus Christ, our leader, you are the Son of the Creator. We will live as

you have taught us. We will follow your commandments. Watch over

us. Speak to us from the trees, from the grass and herbs, from the

breeze, from the passing rain, from the passing thunder and the deep

waters. Before us there is beauty, behind us there is beauty. Allow us to

walk a long life in happiness, completed in beauty. Creator, together

our breath is a prayer to you. As we prepare to leave this sacred space,

give us your peace as our time together in this sacred and holy space

is done. Grant us rest on this earth and give us rest when we get to

heaven once our time in your wondrous creation is finished. Amen.

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*CLOSING HYMN Here I Am, Lord UMH 593

*COMMISSIONING AND BLESSING [by Kelly Sherman-Conroy, Oglala Sioux]

Great Spirit, our Creator God, look upon these faces gathered in holy

community together and send them anywhere you would have them

go, so that they may embody the word of reconciliation through their

actions. Walk with them so that they may face the winds of change

and walk the good road. Enlighten them. Sustain them. May God our

Creator be with you this day and always. Amen.


There are not enough words to express how very grateful we all are for the tremendous amount of love and support showered on us and dad during his illness and subsequent passing. Please know that THANK YOU doesn’t even come close. We so appreciate all the phone calls, cards, visits, flowers, food and tons of other kindnesses shown to all of us but especially dad. We are truly blessed to have a church family that truly cares and shows it in amazing ways! We are and will be forever grateful!

Anne Smith and Nancy Allen and family

Saturday, May 18 5:30 pm

Peninsula Rainbow Emmaus Gathering

Our church has been asked to host a gathering of the

Peninsula Rainbow Emmaus community. Several

people from our congregation have attended an

Emmaus Walk and there may be others who have an

interest in learning more about the weekend. The

gathering will take place in our fellowship hall on May 18 and will include

a covered dish supper at 5:30. Please contact Ron Rumsey if you would

like to attend or for more information about Emmaus, which is an Upper

Room sanctioned ministry.

Sunday, May 19 11:00 am (right after worship)

Baked potato/Salad Bar Lunch

To benefit Project Crossroads Mission Trip

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Reminders, Announcements,

and Other News


Billy Woods


Cheryl Baker



Nora Evans

Matt Ware



Cynthia Stacy



Earl Baker

The Pastor and staff

wish everyone a happy

birthday and pray God’s

blessings upon you.

If your birthday is not listed

or listed incorrectly,

please accept our apologies

and let us know in the office

so we can correct our

records. Thank you. FH-Fellowship Hall HP-Happy People’s Class

CR –Choir Room S-Sanctuary

CFR-Craft Room Kit-Kitchen

C-Crouse Room P-Parlor


UMW Spiritual Life Retreat – Bus Reserved

8:30 am Fellowship (FH)

9:00 am Sunday School

10:00 am Worship w/ Communion (S)


6:00 pm UMW Circle 10 (FH)


6:00 pm Fitness Yoga (FH)


10:00 am UMW Circle 1 (Lou Beasley’s home)

11:30 am UMW Circle 4 (Vancosta’s Restaurant)


10:00 am Gentle Yoga (FH)

5:00 pm Sine Nomine Ringers (CR)

6:15 pm Glory Ringers (CR)

7:15 pm Chancel Choir (S)


No scheduled activities


Parking lot reserved for HPO

8:00 am UMW Circle 9 (Kathy Kilgore’s home)


8:30 am Fellowship (FH)

9:00 am Sunday School

10:00 am Worship (S)

Wednesday, May 15 7:00 pm

Church Council (FH)

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Please remember in prayer

those from our congregation:

Lil’ Bit Brown

Nell Writtenberry

Jane Roberts

Ed Kilgore

Allen Langford

Barbara Cubbage

Candee Martin and family

Aggie Hogge

Lenny Yarrington

Robin Welch

Marianne Prentiss

Beth Nystrom

Lewis Thurston

Jackie Taylor

Winnie & Gale Barnes

Sue Miserentino

Wayne Barfoot

Ray Waldon

Sympathies to Greg Wilson and

family on the passing of his


Is there someone for whom you

would like us to pray?

Please contact the church office.

Our friends and family in need of prayer:

Bishop Lewis

Lyle (Wilson’s grandson)

Chad Sayers (Winnie Barnes’ grandson)

Jimmy Parker (friend of Carol Gardner)

Maddie Davis (student at Armstrong)

Tim (friend of the Milholens)

Patsy G. Maney (friend of Vince Mundie)

Linda Lowry (Linda Marushi’s cousin)

Nancey (friend of Jane Miller)

Vicki Pogozelski (Judy Rushton’s daughter)

Ellen Sue Ryan (friend of Meg Moore)

Leo (infant friend of Hannah Kourtiche)

Chris (Audrey Thurston’s brother)

Barbara Farrand’s daughter-in-law

Gene Ferguson (friend of Vince Mundie)

Carolyn Schmid (friend of Shirley


Jim McLees

Mike Lulofs’ dad

Judy (Richard Slye’s sister)

Dalton Furbee

Josh Swann’s grandfather

Peggy McLean (friend of Linda Minetree)

Billy Stooks (friend of Rich Foley)

And many others…

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The changing face of ministry

Many of us remember a time when most congregations were staffed by seminary-

trained M.Div. graduates, usually assisted by one or two other staff members, such as a

secretary. Larger congregations typically had more paid staff in specialized roles. But

this model of ministry, perceived by many as the gold standard, is shifting with the

decline of many mainline churches. The Lewis Center has received a three-year grant

to study the changing landscape of the religious workforce. Here are a few trends

illustrating why this inquiry is so critical amid a rapidly changing religious culture in the

United States.

Decreasing number of full-time pastors ~ As congregations shrink, the cost of

maintaining a full-time, fully credentialed clergyperson is unsustainable for many. We

see evidence of this trend in The United Methodist Church; in many regions of the U.S.

the number of part-time pastors is increasing, the number of full-time pastors

decreasing. This trend has implications for the configuration of Master of Divinity


Bi-vocational pastors ~ Certainly, there have always been bi-vocational pastors, but

the difference will be the increasing number of bi-vocational pastors in mainline

churches. This trend suggests a need to rethink the leadership role of the pastor since

they will no longer be available in the same manner as before. This shift is already

occurring in some small congregations, and we may discover effective models of bi-

vocational ministry in these smaller churches.

More volunteers taking on paid roles ~ We suspect that congregations will see more

volunteers taking on roles that used to be paid positions — positions such as Christian

education, youth ministry, and even church assistants. This shift implies a need for high-

caliber volunteer training.

Shifts in financial models ~ Many congregations rely on pledges or some form of

parishioner giving to sustain their finances. But shrinking memberships and a less

religiously inclined culture make this financial model less sustainable. Congregations will

need to think about ways of sustaining ministry that move beyond the standard model

of parishioner support. One implication is the need to leverage physical assets and pay

attention to property issues ranging from repairs, under usage, and the affordability of

mortgages. New models of church ~ In recent years, unconventional faith communities are

popping up across the United States with increasing frequency. These communities

range from house churches to a canoe church. Some are within denominational

bodies and others are unaffiliated. Many of these unconventional faith communities

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are “small on purpose.” This trend begs the question of the kind of training appropriate

for leaders of these novel expressions of church. Some may not seek an M.Div. degree

but still need a solid foundation for leading a faith community. ~ Lewis Center for Church


District Days to follow Judicial Council Decision

Bishop Pete Weaver is inviting clergy and laity of the Virginia Conference to join him in

Eastertide district gatherings in May and early June. “We will share in Communion, seek

to care for one another and look at the meaning of the Judicial Council decisions and

their implications as your Bishop and Cabinet seek to follow the Book of Discipline

which governs our church,” Weaver said. Here is the schedule:

May 10 – 7PM Alexandria/Arlington-Fairfax UMC,

10300 Stratford Ave Fairfax, VA 22030

May 11 – 9AM Harrisonburg/Winchester- Riverton UMC,

55 E Strasburg Rd Front Royal, VA 22630

May 11 – 2PM Rappahannock River/Richmond-Wright’s Chapel UMC,

8063 Ladysmith Rd Ruther Glen, VA 22546 May 18 – 2PM James River/York River-Williamsburg UMC,

500 Jamestown Rd Williamsburg, VA 23185

May 19 – 4PM Eastern Shore/Elizabeth River-Baylake UMC,

4300 Shore Dr Virginia Beach, VA 23455

June 1 – 9:30AM Charlottesville/Staunton-Crozet UMC,

1156 Crozet Ave Crozet, VA 22932

June 1 – 3PM Lynchburg/Roanoke-Bethlehem UMC,

13586 S Old Moneta Rd Moneta, VA 24121-6210

June 2 – 3PM Danville/Farmville-St. Luke’s UMC,

3090 N Main St Danville, VA 24540-1741

Each meeting will last approximately two hours. Additional details about the district

gatherings will be available from each district office.

Conference seeks Green Church Award nominations ~ Caretakers of God’s Creation,

a ministry of the Virginia Conference Board of Church and Society, is now accepting

applications for the Green Church Award, an award recognizing churches in the

Virginia Conference who are answering God’s call to be caretakers of God’s creation.

Nominees should be churches who are dedicated to caring for and healing God’s

creation, as demonstrated in five areas of church life: worship, discipleship,

stewardship, evangelism and mission. To nominate a church to receive this award,

please send a letter with the name, address, phone number and email of the church

and a church representative. Also send a detailed description of what that church is

doing to care for creation in these five ministry areas. Send all items to the Rev. Anita

Mays at [email protected]. The deadline to receive applications is May 15, 2019.

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The winner will be contacted prior to Annual Conference, and the award will be

presented during the 2019 Annual Conference session.

Attendance Last week Worship: 64 Sunday School: 42



LITURGIST: Tami Langford

FINANCE: Wayne Barfoot

BUS DRIVER: Gary Bergtholdt

COUNTERS: Bob Allsbrook

Ralph White



LITURGIST: Richard Slye

FINANCE: Vesta Wallio

BUS DRIVER: Judy Rushton

COUNTERS: Jackie Taylor

Donna Robinson

Altar Flowers Thank you to Carolyn Slye for arranging our special altar

in honor of Native American Sunday.

The following dates are available for flower dedication:

May 19, 26; June 9(Pentecost); July 21,28; Aug 11, 25;

Sept 8, 22; Oct 13, 20; Nov 3; Dec 8, 29

Please see the sign-up list posted on the cabinets across from the choir room.

Next week: Vince Mundie

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Visitor Center How to Reach Us


Enter through the canopied entrance on the

side of the building. Rest rooms are down the

hall to the left. The Nursery is up the steps

and down the hall to the right. Greeters and

ushers are available to guide you.

REGISTRATION PADS are located in each

pew near the center aisle. Please use these

to record your presence, and to pass along

information for the pastor or the church


PRAYER REQUEST CARDS are available in the

pews and in the foyer atop the Prayer Box.

Deposit them in the box or drop them in the

offering plates.


celebrate Holy Communion on the first

Sunday of each month, and at other special

times. All are welcome at the table of the

Lord, regardless of church membership, age,

or feelings of worthiness. If you wish to come

into relationship with Christ, deepen or renew

that relationship, there is a place for you



MEMBER OF FIRST UMC, please indicate so on

the registration pad, or contact the pastor.





There is a place for you and your family on

Sunday mornings here at First UMC



[email protected]



Rev. Candee Martin

[email protected]

Office Manager/Finance

Laura Harris

[email protected]

Director of Music Ministries

Dean Shinn

[email protected]

Nursery Director

Jenny Hamm

[email protected]