11 mar 11 monthly meeting miinutes

Monthly Meeting Minutes – Friday 11 th March, 2011 1. The Pig was Oinking from the Boinking at 7.45pm at the Waters Edge, Friday 11th March 2011, and will be remembered as the meeting where all were thoroughly distracted about the Japanese (now 9.0) Earth Quake and resulting catastrophic Tsunami, although not distracted enough to put the ravenous horde off Renee's food! AND NO, The Donno does not have enough bog roll supplies for all the stinky bottoms of Pac Hbr in the event of a local Tsunami! 2. Minutes of February's Meeting confirmed as a true and accurate record of the management's misfit maniacal meanderings. 3. Last meeting minutes errata of 36 members stated wherein it was actually 56 members. Blame this on The Callan 'speaking in tongues' 4. 28 rather dodgy looking members present out of the current 60 current paid members. 5. The Callan welcomed everyone and reviewed the results of the very enjoyable mini comp held 27th February. 'CASTAWAY' Fishing Comp

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Twisted Leaders FIshing Club Monthly Meeting Mintues 11 Mar 11


Page 1: 11 MAR 11 Monthly Meeting Miinutes

Monthly Meeting Minutes – Friday 11th March, 2011

1. The Pig was Oinking from the Boinking at 7.45pm at the Waters Edge, Friday 11th March 2011,

and will be remembered as the meeting where all were thoroughly distracted about the

Japanese (now 9.0) Earth Quake and resulting catastrophic Tsunami, although not distracted

enough to put the ravenous horde off Renee's food! AND NO, The Donno does not have

enough bog roll supplies for all the stinky bottoms of Pac Hbr in the event of a local Tsunami!

2. Minutes of February's Meeting confirmed as a true and accurate record of the management's

misfit maniacal meanderings.

3. Last meeting minutes errata of 36 members stated wherein it was actually 56 members. Blame

this on The Callan 'speaking in tongues'

4. 28 rather dodgy looking members present out of the current 60 current paid members.

5. The Callan welcomed everyone and reviewed the results of the very enjoyable mini comp held

27th February.

'CASTAWAY' Fishing Comp

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Distance Events:

Mens Ladies KIds

15 lb 54m, Russell 46m, Sarah & Katie 60m, Markey

30 lb 64m, Jeff 50m, Katie 60m, Markey

50 lb 61m, Russell 45m, Renee 62m, Markey

OPEN 75.001m, Katie (2nd place 75m, Donno) 71m, Markey

The Winners are grinners!

The event clearly demonstrated that casting technique beats brute neanderthal power (not

referring to The Jeff here!). Markey clearly outclassed the entire field with one of the furtherest

casts of the day and winning all Kid's categories! The Katie also put a few men in their place.

Well done!

It was also observed that The Brendan either needs glasses (3 inches thick might do the trick?),

Mr. Magoo's guidance or a laser range finder to assist his finely honed distance measuring skills

for next year's Comp.

It was remarked that The Chantal cast ever so gracefully, and The Gary initially lobbed out

sideways until his technique from younger year's returned.

Accuracy Events: Although, the ever-committed Wayne was prepared to put up his house to

buy enough chances to attempt winning Longo’s Bongo, there were NO WINNERS in any of the

comps or challenges and is indicative of the myopic 'skill' of salt-water anglers.

The event raked in a tidy profit and will be used to pay for the Club T-Shirts and stylish Caps

coming soon.

6. Thanks again to the many sponsors and helpers at the Comp.; to Callan & Rosie for use of their

boat, the water from Scott, marquee from Mike, truck from Big Bad Jo, prizes from Gary, Loren,

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Katie & Billie, bread rolls from Kundan Singh, chili from Eric, food prep. from Rosie, Sue, Sherry,

Brian and B-B-Jo, photography from The Sarah and Russell for use of his block, BBQ and raising a

tidy profit in the accuracy comp.

Many thanks to The Billie (dubbed the 'orange whale' on his kayak), and The John Smith

diligently scoring, (AND The Ben for sitting next to the John Smith ensuring he didn't consume all

the club beer on the sly!)

And special thanks to The Callan and The Brenden “Moriarty” Yee for their superb efforts in

putting together a seamlessly conducted Comp.

7. As expected (perhaps cynically), no feedback or response yet on the ENVIRONMENT

COMMITTEE'S Arts Village recycling proposal.

8. The EDUCATION COMMITTEE had a smorgasboard of skills to impart on the grasshoppers, but

due to the Tsunami unknown threat level, it was decided that The Eric can serve up his training

edumacation delights at the next meeting.

9. Discussed the next fishing comp. which is being planned for late May to early July and is aimed

to be a boating based competition

Many ideas were discussed and the primary aim is to get Club members who have no boats

some exposure to this kind of fishing, INEXPENSIVELY or at least significantly much less than a

charter would cost.

Another aim is to gain experience running this kind of event in order to reciprocate invitations to

the game fishing clubs of Suva and Denaru Island next year. (The Suva Tuna Classic

Competition occurs on the 26/27th March and we have an open invitation to the Twisted

Leaders to participate).

Current boats available: Ben(w) + 4, Jan + 2, Joe + 4, Callan + 4, Rajinesh + 3, Mike + 3,

Shiloh(w) + 5 or + 3 (2 boats), Mala(w) + 4. ( ‘w’ denotes Waidroka based boats.)

Mike indicated he would be able to participate in July with his boat, although it was heard

Pistol Pete was scheming about pirating his boat in his absence.

Items discussed for the Events Committee to consider for this kind of Comp:

• Lunch Time High Tide run over an entire weekend,

• Waidroka boats check in/out points,

• Points based Comp based on species variety and weight,

• Catch and release for certain species would attract higher points,

• Distance range bounded Comp,

• Lottery or Captain selected teams or maybe a combination of both?,

• Minimum 8 boats to be registered 1 month prior for Comp to proceed,

• Fuel paid equally by participants,

• As this is points based, species can be caught by trolling/popping or jigging.

• Betting on winning boat as a prize for the boat owner capt, with The Callan as bookie?

10. The Donno went to urgently unload some 2 litres of grog and found on his return that the

meeting had ended (tsunami induced mass exodus and evacuation seemed to have taken

place?), so I don't know what else I may have missed?

11. Next meeting for 7:30 pm Friday 8th April, 2011.

12. Meeting ‘expired’ at 9:20pm.

"Always with the negative waves Moriarty,

always with the negative waves..." Kelly's Heroes

Club Secretary The Donno “Oddball” Casey

In a more lucid moment