11 - 13 world trade organisation

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  • 7/29/2019 11 - 13 World Trade Organisation


    World Trade Organisation


    AgreementsMinisterial Conferences

    Thursday, February 14, 2013 1Dr. S. Jain

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    Dr. S. Jain 2

    Learning Objectives

    To elucidate the significance of WTO and its genesis

    To briefly explain the functions and structure of WTO

    To describe the principles of multilateral trading system under


    To provide an overview of WTO agreements

    To explicate the dispute settlement system under WTO

    To discuss the ministerial conferences and emerging issues

    To evaluate the WTO system in context of developing countries

    Thursday, February 14, 2013

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    Dr. S. Jain 3

    Significance of WTO

    The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only

    international organization that deals with global rules of

    trade between nations. It provides a framework for

    conduct of international trade in goods and services. It

    lays down the rights and obligations of governments in

    the set of multilateral agreements.

    Thursday, February 14, 2013

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    History of WTO -

    Year Place/name Subjects covered Countries

    1947 Geneva Tariffs 23

    1949 Annecy Tariffs 13

    1951 Torquay Tariffs 38

    1956 Geneva Tariffs 261960-1961 Geneva Tariffs 26

    Dillon Round

    1964-1967 Geneva Tariffs and anti 62

    Kennedy Round dumping measures

    1973-1979 Geneva Tariffs, non-tariff measures, 102

    Tokyo Round framework agreements1986-1994 Geneva Tariffs, non-tariff measures, 123

    Uruguay Round rules, services, intellectual property,

    dispute settlement, textiles,

    agriculture, creation of WTO, etc

    Thursday, February 14, 2013 4Dr. S. Jain

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    The Directors-general of GATT and WTO -

    GATT 1948 1994

    Sir Eric Wyndham-White (UK) 1948-68

    Olivier Long (Switzerland) 1968-80

    Arthur Dunkel (Switzerland) 1980-93

    Peter Sutherland (Ireland) 1993-94;

    WTO 1995

    Renato Ruggiero (Italy) 1995-1999

    Mike Moore (New Zealand) 1999-2002 Supachai Panitchpakdi (Thailand) 2002-2005

    Pascal Lamy (France) 2005

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    Members and Observers of WTO -

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    Composition of geographical regions of WTO

    North America

    South America




    Middle East


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    Dr. S. Jain 8

    WTO vs. GATT

    GATT remained a provisional agreement and organization

    whereas WTO commitments are permanent.

    GATT rules mainly applied to trade in goods whereas the WTO

    covers other areas, such as services, intellectual property, etc.

    GATT had contracting parties whereas the WTO has members.

    GATT was essentially a set of rules of the multilateral treaty with

    no institutional foundation whereas the WTO is a permanentinstitution with its own Secretariat.

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    Dr. S. Jain 9

    A country could essentially follow domestic legislation even if

    it violated a provision of the GATT agreement which is not

    allowed by the WTO. In WTO, almost all the agreements are multilateral in nature

    involving commitment of the entire membership whereas a

    number of GATT provisions were plurilateral and therefore


    The WTO also covers certain grey areas, such as agriculture,

    textiles and clothing, not covered under the GATT.

    The dispute settlement system under the WTO is much more

    efficient, speedy, and transparent unlike the GATT system

    which was highly susceptible to blockages.

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    Dr. S. Jain 10

    Functions of WTO

    To facilitate the implementation, administration, and

    operation of trade agreements

    To provide a forum for further negotiations among

    member countries

    Settlement of differences and disputes among itsmember countries

    To carry out periodic reviews of the trade policies of

    its member countries

    To assist developing countries in trade policy issues,

    through technical assistance and training programs

    To cooperate with other international organizations

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    Dr. S. Jain 11


    WTO is a member-driven consensus-based organizationwhere all major decisions are made by its members as a

    whole. The WTOs agreements have been ratified in all

    members parliaments.

    Unlike other international organizations, such as the

    World Bank and the IMF, in WTO the power is notdelegated to the board of directors or the organizations


    Thursday, February 14, 2013

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    WTO - In a nutshell

    The basic structure of the WTO agreements: how the six main areas fit together

    the umbrella WTO Agreement, goods, services, intellectual property, disputes andtrade policy reviews.


    Goods Services Intellectual property

    Basic principles GATT GATS TRIPS

    Additional details Other goods

    agreements and


    Services annexes

    Market access



    schedules of



    schedules of

    commitments(andMFN exemptions)

    Dispute settlement DISPUTE SETTLEMENT


    Thursday, February 14, 2013 12Dr. S. Jain

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    Dr. S. Jain 13

    Organizational Structure of the WTO

    Highest authority : The Ministerial Conference

    Second level : General Council

    Third level : Councils for each broad area

    of trade

    Fourth level : Subsidiary bodies

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    Dr. S. Jain 14

    Principles of the Multilateral Trading System

    under the WTO

    Trade without discrimination

    Gradual move towards freer markets through negotiations

    Increased predictability of international business


    Promoting fair competition

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    Dr. S. Jain 15


    An umbrella agreement establishing WTO

    Agreements for each of the three broad areas of trade

    covered by WTO



    Intellectual Property

    Dispute settlement

    Reviews of governments trade policies

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    Dr. S. Jain 16

    General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade


    Opening up of the industrial sector

    Reduction in tariffs

    Tariff bindings

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    GATT General Agreement of Tariff and Trade

    It all began with trade in goods. From 1947 to 1994,GATT was the forum for negotiating lower customs duty

    rates and other trade barriers; the text of the General

    Agreement spelt out important rules, particularly non-


    Since 1995, the updated GATT has become the WTOs

    umbrella agreement for trade in goods. It has annexes

    dealing with specific sectors such as agriculture and

    textiles, and with specific issues such as state trading,

    product standards, subsidies and actions taken againstdumping.

    Thursday, February 14, 2013 17Dr. S. Jain

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    Dr. S. Jain 18

    Creating Fairer Markets in Agriculture Sector

    Although earlier rules of GATT did apply to agriculturetrade they contained loopholes. As a result, internationaltrade in agriculture became highly distorted,especially with the use of export subsidies which wouldnot normally have been allowed for industrial products.

    The Uruguay Round produced the first multilateral

    agreement dedicated to the agriculture sector. Theobjective of the agreement on agriculture was to reformtrade in agriculture and to make policies more marketoriented.

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    Dr. S. Jain 19

    Elimination of Non-tariff Measures through the

    Tariffication Process

    Subsequent to the Uruguay Round, quotas and other

    types of trade restrictive measures were to be

    replaced by tariffs that provide more or less

    equivalent levels of protection.

    This process of converting quotas and other types of

    non-tariff measures to tariffs that represent about the

    same level of protection, is termed tariffication.

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    Dr. S. Jain 20

    Binding Against Further Increase of Tariffs

    In addition to elimination of all non-tariff measures by

    tariffication, all countries have bound all tariffs

    applicable to agricultural products. In most cases,

    developing countries have given binding at rates that

    are higher than their current applied or reduced rates.

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    Dr. S. Jain 21

    Domestic Support

    Under the Agreement on Agriculture, domestic policies

    that have a direct effect on production and trade have to

    be cut back. The domestic support in the agriculture

    sector is categorized under Green, Amber, and Blue


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    Dr. S. Jain 22

    Green Box: All subsidies that have little or all most minimal trade

    distorting effects are exempted from commitments towards


    Amber Box: It is a ceiling on the total domestic support that a

    government may provide to domestic producers.

    Blue Box: Certain categories of direct payment to farmers are alsopermitted where farmers are required to limit production. This also

    includes government assistance programmes to encourage

    agricultural and rural development in developing countries

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    Dr. S. Jain 23

    Export Subsidies

    The agreement on agriculture prohibits export subsidies

    on agricultural products unless the subsidies are

    specified in a members lists of commitments. Wherethey are listed, the agreement requires WTO members to

    cut both the amount of money they spend on export

    subsidies and the quantities of exports that receive


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    Dr. S. Jain 24

    Standards and Safety Measures

    Article 20 of the GATT allows governments to act on

    trade in order to protect human, animal, or plant life or

    health, provided no discrimination is made and this is

    not used as disguised protectionism.

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    Dr. S. Jain 25

    Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)


    The SPS measures sets out the basic rules on food

    safety and plant health standards. This allows countries

    to set their own standards which have to be based on

    science and should not arbitrarily or unjustifiably

    discriminate between countries where identical or

    similar conditions prevail.

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    Dr. S. Jain 26

    Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)

    This agreement complements with SPS measures and

    attempts to ensure that regulations, standards, testing,

    and certification procedures do no create unnecessary

    obstacles to trade.

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    Dr. S. Jain 27

    Opening Up International Business

    Opportunities in Textiles

    From 1974, until the end of the Uruguay Round, the

    international trade in textiles was governed by the

    Multi-fibre Arrangement (MFA). This was a

    framework for bilateral agreements or unilateral actions

    that established quotas limiting imports into countries

    whose domestic industries were facing serious damage

    from rapidly increasing imports.

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    Dr. S. Jain 28

    Post-MFN Textile and Clothing Scenario

    On full integration into GATT and final elimination of quotas, the

    Agreement on Textiles and Clothing ceased to exist on 1 January,

    2005. This has opened immense opportunities and challenges for

    the developing countries.

    Thursday, February 14, 2013

    G l A t T d i S i

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    Dr. S. Jain 29

    General Agreement on Trade in Services


    GATS is the first and the only set of multilateral

    rules governing international trade in services.

    Negotiated in the Uruguay Round, it was developed

    in response to the strong growth of the services

    economy and the greater potential for marketing

    services internationally.

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    GATS General agreement on Trade in Service

    Banks, insurance firms, telecommunicationscompanies, tour operators, hotel chains and transport

    companies looking to do business abroad can now enjoy

    the same principles of freer and fairer trade that

    originally only applied to trade in goods.These principles appear in the new General Agreement

    on Trade in Services (GATS). WTO members have also

    made individual commitments under GATS stating which

    of their services sectors they are willing to open to

    foreign competition, and how open those markets are.

    Thursday, February 14, 2013 30Dr. S. Jain

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    Dr. S. Jain 31

    General Obligations and Disciplines

    Mode 1: Services supplied from one country toanother.

    Mode 2: Consumers or firms making use of aservice in another country

    Mode 3: A foreign company setting up subsidiariesor branches to provide services in anothercountry, i.e. commercialpresence

    Mode 4: Individuals travelling from their own

    country to supply services in another,i.e. presence of naturalpersons

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    Dr. S. Jain 32

    Salient Features of GATS

    Most-favoured-nation (MFN) treatment Commitments on market access and national



    Objectivity and reasonability of regulations


    International payments and transfers

    Progressive liberalization

    Thursday, February 14, 2013

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    TRIPS Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights

    The WTOs Intellectual Property Agreement amounts to

    rules for trade and investment in ideas and creativity.

    The rules state how copyrights, patents, trademarks,

    geographical names used to identify products,industrial designs, integrated circuit layout-designs

    and undisclosed information such as trade secrets

    intellectual property should be protected when

    trade is involved.

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    Dr. S. Jain 34

    Protection and Enforcement of IPRs

    The WTOs agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual

    Property Rights (TRIPS), introduced intellectual property rules in

    the multilateral trading system for the first time. TRIPS lays

    down minimum standards for the protection of IPRs as well as

    the procedures and remedies for their enforcement. It also

    establishes a mechanism for consultations and surveillance at the

    international level to ensure compliance with these standards by

    member countries at the national level.

    Thursday, February 14, 2013

    Curbing Unfair Marketing Practices

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    Dr. S. Jain 35

    Curbing Unfair Marketing Practices

    International market competitions get distorted mainly by unfair

    trade practices, as:

    If the exported goods benefit from the subsidies

    If exported goods are dumped in overseas markets

    The agreements on Anti-Dumping Practices (ADP) and on

    Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM) authorize importing

    countries to levy compensatory duties on import of products.

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    Dr. S. Jain 36


    A product is considered to be dumped if

    The export price is less than the price charged for the same

    product in the exporting country, or it is sold for less than

    its cost of production and

    Dumping is causing injury to domestic industry in the

    importing country.

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    Dr. S. Jain 37

    Agreementson Anti-dumping Practices (ADP)

    The WTO agreement on anti-dumping allows governments to act

    against dumping where there is genuine (material) injury to the

    competing domestic industry.

    Thursday, February 14, 2013

    Th A t S b idi d C t ili

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    Dr. S. Jain 38

    The Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing


    This agreement disciplines the use of subsidies andregulates the actions countries can take to counter the

    effects of subsidies by other countries.

    It can launch its own investigations and ultimately

    charge extra duty (known as countervailing duty) on

    subsidized imports that are found to be hurting domestic


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    Dr. S. Jain 39

    Category of Subsidies included under SCM

    Prohibited Subsidies: Those subsidies that require recipients tomeet certain export targets, or to use domestic goods instead of

    imported goods.

    Actionable Subsidies: Subsidy has an adverse effect on itsinterest such as :

    Hurts domestic industry of importing country

    Hurts rival exporters from another country when the two compete in

    third market

    Hurt exporters trying to compete in the subsidized countrys domestic


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    Dr. S. Jain 40

    Emergency Protection from Imports

    A WTO member may restrict imports of a product

    temporarily (take safeguard actions) if its domestic

    industry is seriously injured or threatened with injury

    caused by a surge in imports.

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    Dr. S. Jain 41

    Attempting to Reduce Non-Tariff Barriers

    Growing use of unconventional Non-Tariff Measures

    (NTMs), such as health and safety measures, technical

    regulations, environmental controls, customs valuation

    procedures, and labour laws by developed countries has

    become a major barrier to market access to exports from

    developing countries.

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    Dr. S. Jain 42

    Import Licensing Procedures

    The agreement attempts to simplify and bring

    transparency to import procedures.

    It requires governments to publish sufficient

    information for international traders to know how and

    why licences are granted.

    Thursday, February 14, 2013

    C V l i

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    Dr. S. Jain 43

    Customs Valuation

    The WTO agreement aims for a fair, uniform, and

    neutral system for the valuation of goods for customs

    purposesa system that conforms to commercial

    realities, and which outlaws the use of arbitrary or

    fictitious customs values.

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    Dr. S. Jain 44

    Pre-shipment Inspection

    The pre-shipment inspection agreement places

    obligations on governments that use pre-shipment

    inspection such as non-discrimination, transparency,

    protection of confidential business information,

    avoiding unreasonable delay, use of specific guidelines

    for conducting price verification, and avoiding conflictsof interest by the inspection agencies.

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    Dr. S. Jain 45

    Rules of Origin

    Rules oforigin are used as the criteria to define where a product was made.

    The Rules of Origin Agreement requires WTO members to ensure that their

    rules of origin are transparent; that they do not have restricting, distorting, or

    disruptive effects on international trade. The Rules are administered in a

    consistent, uniform, impartial, and reasonable manner.

    Thursday, February 14, 2013

    Agreement on Trade Related Investment

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    Dr. S. Jain 46

    Agreement on Trade Related Investment

    Measures (TRIMs)

    The TRIMs stipulates that no member shall apply any

    measure that discriminates against foreigners or foreign

    products. It also outlaws investment measures that lead

    to restrictions in quantities and measures requiring

    particular levels of local procurement (local content

    requirements) by an enterprise.

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    Dr. S. Jain 47

    Plurilaterals Agreements

    Fair trade in civil aircraft

    Opening up of competition in government procurement

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    Dr. S. Jain 48

    Ensuring Transparency in Trade Policy

    WTOs Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM) aims

    to achieve transparency in regulations in the

    following ways:

    Governments have to inform the WTO and fellow-

    members of specific measures, policies, or lawsthrough regular notifications.

    The WTO conducts regular reviews of individualcountries trade policies.

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    Dr. S. Jain 49

    Settlement of International Trade Disputes

    Dispute settlement is the WTOs unique contribution

    which provides effectiveness to the rule based

    multilateral trading system. The WTOs procedure for

    settling disputes makes the trading system more secure

    and predictable.

    Thursday, February 14, 2013

    i S l

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    Dr. S. Jain 50

    Dispute Settlement ProcessTime Taken Stages60 days Consultations, mediation, etc.

    45 days Panel set up and panellists appointed6 months Final panel report to parties

    3 weeks Final panel report to WTO members

    60 days Dispute Settlement Body adopts report

    (if no appeal)Total One Year (without appeal)

    6090 days Appeal report

    30 days Dispute Settlement Body adopts

    appeals reportTotal One year 3 months (with appeal)

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    Dr. S. Jain 51

    Ministerial Conferences

    Singapore Ministerial Conference (913 December, 1996)

    Geneva Ministerial Conference (1820 May, 1998)

    Seattle Ministerial Conference (30 November - 03 December,


    Doha Ministerial Conference ( 914 November, 2001)

    Cancun Ministerial Conference (1014 September 2003)

    The Hong Kong Ministerial Conference (1318 December,2005)

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    Dr. S. Jain 52

    The Deadlock in WTO Negotiations

    Doha work programme were suspended in July, 2006.

    mainly due to lack of consensus between developing

    and developed countries, and the complexity of issues

    involved multilateral negotiations other get stalled.

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    Dr. S. Jain 53

    GATT/WTO System and Developing Countries

    Although developing countries form a much bigger group

    numerically under the WTO, decision-making is significantly

    influenced by the developed countries. Therefore over the years,

    the divide between the developed and developing countries in the

    WTO has widened, leading to deadlocks in the process of

    multilateral negotiations.

    Thursday, February 14, 2013

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    Numerical targets for agriculture

    The reductions in agricultural

    subsidies and protectionagreed in the Uruguay Round.

    Only the figures for cutting

    export subsidies appear in the




    6 years: 1995-2000



    10 years: 1995-2004


    average cut for all agricultural

    products-36% -24%

    minimum cut per product -15% -10%

    Domestic support

    total cuts for sector (base

    period: 1986-88)-20% -13%


    value of subsidies -36% -24%

    subsidized quantities (base

    period: 1986-90)-21% -14%

    Thursday, February 14, 2013 54Dr. S. Jain

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    Textiles: back in the mainstream

    The schedule for freeing textiles and garments products from import quotas (and returning them to GATT


    The example is based on the commonly-used 6% annual expansion rate of the old Multifibre Arrangement.

    Step Percentage of products

    to be brought under GATT


    removal of any quotas)

    Percentage of products

    to be brought under GATT


    removal of any quotas)

    Step 1:

    1 Jan 1995 (to 31 Dec 1997)


    (minimum, taking 1990 imports as



    per year

    Step 2:

    1 Jan 1998 (to 31 Dec 2001)

    17% 8.7%

    per year

    Step 3:

    1 Jan 2002 (to 31 Dec 2004)

    18% 11.05%

    per year

    Step 4:

    1 Jan 2005

    >Full integration into GATT (and

    final elimination of quotas).



    >Agreement on Textiles and

    Clothing terminates.

    No quotas left