10th making cities liveable conferenceattendance at the 10th making cities liveable conference as...

10th Making Cities Liveable Conference Hotel Grand Chancellor, Brisbane, 10- 11July 2017 PROUDLY SPONSORED BY: Conference Handbook

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Page 1: 10th Making Cities Liveable Conferenceattendance at the 10th Making Cities Liveable Conference as pleasant as possible. If you require assistance, please visit the Conference Secretariat

10th Making CitiesLiveable Conference

Hotel Grand Chancellor,

Brisbane, 10 - 11 July 2017

Proudly sPonsored by:

Conference Handbook

Page 2: 10th Making Cities Liveable Conferenceattendance at the 10th Making Cities Liveable Conference as pleasant as possible. If you require assistance, please visit the Conference Secretariat

10th Making Cities liveable ConferenCe 2017 - Page 3

General InformationThe following information is offered to make your attendance at the 10th Making Cities Liveable Conference as pleasant as possible. If you require assistance, please visit the Conference Secretariat at the registration desk and we will do everything to assist you with your enquiry.

Registration and Information DeskThe registration desk will be located in the Pre-Function Area (Level 1) and will be open as follows;

• Monday 10 July 8:00am – 5:30pm• Tuesday 11 July 8:30am – 5:00pm

Conference EntryEach delegate will be issued with a name badge upon registration. The name badge must be worn at all times as it is your official pass to all sessions, lunch, morning tea, afternoon tea and Welcome Reception.

Social Media

• Blog: liveablecities.org.au/blog• Twitter: @healthycities #HealthyCities• Facebook: /LiveableCities• Linkedin: /angelacgreene

InternetComplimentary Wi-Fi internet has been arranged for all delegates. To connect your devices please follow these simple steps;

1. From your device, connect to ‘Chancellor Functions’2. Open a web browser which will redirect you to the

login page3. Enter in the following login details4. Username: HC20175. Password: conf176. Accept the Terms and Conditions7. You are now connected!

Mobile PhonesPlease ensure all mobile phones are switched to silent while in conference sessions.

AccommodationAccommodation accounts must be settled with the hotel on check-out. The Committee and/or the Conference Secretariat are not responsible in any way for outstanding accommodation accounts.

WelCoMe to the 10th Making Cities liveable ConferenCe

Thank you for joining us at the 10th anniversary of the Making Cities Liveable Conference and your commitment to contributing to our city environments through learning, knowledge and collaboration.

Amidst the chaos is an apparent resurgence in civic democracy world-wide, along with the efforts of everyday people to have their voices heard, and the rise of the city as a driver of global stewardship. This understanding of the central role of cities and communities to sustainable development was reinforced at Habitat 3 — the United Nations’ third 20-year global summit on housing and sustainable urban development — and the ratification of the UN’s New Urban Agenda.

All this activity means that conferences such as the 10th Making Cities Liveable Conference are more important than ever. Conferences such as these create the ‘commons’, a place where policy makers, practitioners, researchers, advocates, community developers and citizens can come together to “put health high on the political and social agenda of cities and to build a strong movement for public health at the local level” (as described by the WHO European Healthy Cities Network).

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved with this conference and for their valuable contribution. The Keynote Speakers and other presenters will embrace the conference theme of Collaborate, Innovate, Mitigate and Connect.

I encourage you to take the opportunity to network with industry peers and to share ideas over the next couple of days.

Best wishesDr Iain Butterworth, Conference ChairManager Population Health and Planning, East Division Department of Health & Human Services, State Government of Victoria

ConferenCe seCretariat Isabel Venables, AST Management Pty LtdPh: 07 5502 2068 | Fax: 07 5527 3298 Mob: 0432 897 023Email: [email protected]

Association for Sustainability in Business Inc.Hayley Pena, Program Research Manager 0431 917 300Bec Byrnes, Business Partnerships Manager 0435 354 953

telePhone direCtory

Registration Desk 0432 897 023

AST Management Pty Ltd 07 5502 2068

Hotel Grand Chancellor Brisbane 07 3831 4055

Black & White Cabs Brisbane 133 222

Virgin Australia 136 789

Jetstar 131 538

Qantas 131 313

Tiger Airways 02 8073 3421

10th Making Cities liveable ConferenCe 2017

Dr Iain Butterworth, Manager Population Health and Planning, East Division, Department of Health & Human Services, State Government of Victoria (Conference Chair)Dr Bhishna Bajracharya, Associate Professor, Urban Planning, Bond UniversityDean Griggs, Manager Social Investment, City Communities, City of MelbourneSuzette Jackson, Director, Innate EcologyAssociate Professor Caroline Miller, Massey University, New ZealandKerryn Wilmot, Architect, Research Principal, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology, Sydney


10th Making Cities liveable ConferenCe 2017


Speakers Prep room is located in Chancellor 7 on the ground floor. If you are a presenter please ensure you upload your presentation at least 1 hour prior to your scheduled presentation time.






level 1 - hotel grand ChanCellor brisbane

Page 3: 10th Making Cities Liveable Conferenceattendance at the 10th Making Cities Liveable Conference as pleasant as possible. If you require assistance, please visit the Conference Secretariat

Towards a walking world

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With a growing desire to create more liveable streets, we help shine a light on the benefits of walking as a catalyst for 

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Page 4: 10th Making Cities Liveable Conferenceattendance at the 10th Making Cities Liveable Conference as pleasant as possible. If you require assistance, please visit the Conference Secretariat

10th Making Cities liveable ConferenCe 2017 - Page 7

laurie buys, Phd, Professor, sChool of design, theMe leader, infrastruCture for sustainable CoMMunities, Queensland university of teChnology

Professor Laurie Buys is the Theme Leader of Queensland University of Technology’s ( QUT ) Institute for Future Environment’s (IFE) Infrastructure for Sustainable Communities Theme and Professor in the School of Design in the Creative Industries Faculty. She is also the Director of Senior Living Innovation – an industry research collaboration whose aim is to optimise the lifestyles of future seniors by identifying innovative approaches to designing for future housing, products and services. Her research directly explores the understanding of, and accountability for, the real effects felt by people resulting from changes in their physical, social and cultural life.

Laurie has established strong collaborative partnerships with various community, industry and government organisations to investigate the dynamics of liveable communities, centred around the idea that transdisciplinary approaches to addressing challenges lead to more sustainable outcomes. Professor Buys was National President of the Australian Association of Gerontology ( AAG ), is an AAG Fellow and an AAG Distinguished Member.

aMy Child, senior transPort Planner, aruP

With over 14 years national and international experience, Amy Child is a transport planner at Arup specialising in transport strategy and travel demand management. She holds qualifications in Civil Engineering, Urban and Environmental Planning and Transport Planning and Management.

Passionate about all things ‘city’, Amy strives to provide transport solutions which are equitable, considerate of the urban fabric and enhance the user experience. She offers a wealth of expertise in developing transport strategies with a focus on walking and cycling. Most recently she has been involved in the development of low stress cycling infrastructure suitable for all, rather than the brave few. To date Amy has had a number of career highlights including developing the transport strategy for the new Perth Stadium and working with the Olympic Delivery Authority providing travel planning advice to businesses impacted by the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games.

Peter ellyard, futurist

Peter Ellyard is Melbourne based futurist, strategist, speaker and author. He has had a long involvement in public policy and in the development and implementation of long term strategies . He is a graduate of Sydney and Cornell Universities ( Ph.D ). Peter has been CEO of 4 public sector organisations concerned with the future, the environment, planning, industry and technology and was a Chief of Staff of Environment Ministers in Canberra for three years. He has worked with the UN system including as a Senior Adviser on climate change and biodiversity protection to the 1992 Earth Summit.

He is a Fellow of the Australian College of Educators, the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand, and the Australian Institute of Management and is the author of three books, most recently Destination 2050: a concepts banks and toolkit for future makers ( 2012 ). He is currently writing software that will provide such a concepts bank and toolkit that will enable others to shape their and our future.


andreW hesloP, soCial entrePreneur, CoMMentator, CoMMunity advoCate, founder of neighbour day

Andrew Heslop is an award winning keynote speaker and community leader with a global reputation as a social entrepreneur for founding Australia’s annual celebration of community, Neighbour Day.

Through his initiative Andrew has empowered communities and demonstrated how the power of advocacy can positively change the way we interact, achieve and communicate. In 2014 he gifted Neighbour Day in perpetuity to Relationships Australia. He now holds the role of Ambassador and Neighbour Day founder with the organisation. Andrew is also an Australia Day Ambassador, a member of the Qantas Frequent Flyer Advisory Community, an Australian Ambassador for Jamie Oliver’s global Food Revolution Day and an Ambassador for the Garage Sale Trail.

He has formerly held the Australian Government roles of Champion for the National Broadband Network, Champion for the National Compact and as an Outreach Partner with the Office for the Not–for–Profit Sector in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

dr Melanie loWe, leCturer in PubliC health, australian CatholiC university, Melbourne

Dr Melanie Lowe is a lecturer in public health at the Australian Catholic University, Melbourne. Her research spans the urban planning and public health fields, examining how to plan healthy and liveable urban environments. She works collaboratively with multidisciplinary teams of researchers and policymakers to strengthen the consideration of health in urban policy and planning.

Melanie has published work on integrated planning, urban design and health, liveability indicators, translating research into practice, and policy options with co-benefits for mitigating obesity and climate change. In 2014-15 she was a founding National Co-chair of the Australasian Early Career Urban Research Network ( AECURN ).

Cat Matson, Chief digital offiCer, City of brisbane

Cat Matson is Brisbane’s Chief Digital Officer (CDO) and is charged with the digital transformation of the city as a means of accelerating economic growth and equipping small to medium enterprises with the digital skills to accelerate their business.

As an experienced digital and start-up strategist and respected business leader, Cat drives the Digital Brisbane strategy. The CDO delivers programs to improve digital uptake in the small and medium businesses, educates children on coding and supports start-ups and budding entrepreneurs, while also connecting visiting entrepreneurs with Brisbane’s business community.

Cat is a passionate advocate for human-centric ‘smart cities’, recognising that digital is an enabler, not an outcome in its own right. She is a regular panellist and moderator for key industry events, speaking about everything from digital in small business to the problem with smart cities.

Cat endeavours to discern trend from fad in the digital space and determine how businesses can leverage new technologies to reach their full potential.


Page 5: 10th Making Cities Liveable Conferenceattendance at the 10th Making Cities Liveable Conference as pleasant as possible. If you require assistance, please visit the Conference Secretariat

10th Making Cities liveable ConferenCe 2017 - Page 9

brent MCalister, exeCutive direCtor sustainable develoPMent, lisMore City CounCil

Brent has over 25 year’s award winning expertise as a local government senior manager, planner and place making champion. He has worked in New Zealand, NSW and Queensland local government mainly in regional cities.

He has won planning awards for growth management plans. Brent cherishes being awarded the Mainstreet Association 2016 champion’s award for promoting CBD revitalisation projects in Australasian town centres.

Marianne taylor bsC, arChiteCtural historian, house deteCtive

Marianne Taylor is the “House Detective”, a freelance architectural historian who specialises in investigating the history of houses. With an extensive background in heritage conservation and management, she also provides consultancy services in these areas.

In 2015, Marianne was the recipient of the Helen Taylor Research Award for Brisbane Retro. This project involved researching and recording surviving “as built” examples of post-war houses, culminating in a highly successful exhibition and e-book.

Marianne seeks to promote the importance of retaining examples of our old buildings. She is particularly passionate about the sympathetic adaptive re-use of buildings, as a sustainable and environmentally conscious alternative to demolition.

Peter sMith, Ceo, City of Port PhilliP, viCtoria

Peter has over 25 years experience working in the public sector at all three levels of Government in Australia where he has held senior management roles in the Federal Government, NSW and SA State Governments and in Local Government in both Adelaide and now as the CEO at the City of Port Phillip in Melbourne, Victoria.

Peter is passionate about community engagement and building community capacity and resilience through co-creation with Governments and has a relentless focus on achieving better outcomes for the communities that he works with and on providing better value for customers and recipients of Government services. He has spent many years reforming Government services to deliver better value and is a leading advocate of place based approaches to achieve this.

His strengths include strategy, governance, placemaking , housing and urban development, leadership development and organisational change. He has also worked as an adjunct professor where he has spent over ten years teaching MBA students strategy and leadership in Hong Kong and Singapore.

Peter also has considerable experience as a Board Director on Government and NFP Boards, including past chair of Place Leaders Asia Pacific. Most recently he worked as an Asia Pacific representative on the international Future of Places Advisory Board which worked directly with UN Habitat to recognise and establish the importance of public space within the new Urban Agenda of the UN.

8.00am - 8.45am registration With arrival tea and Coffee

Keynote Plenary SeSSion

leichhardt and WicKham roomS | chair: iain ButterWorth

8.45am - 9.00am

WelCoMe and housekeePing

Hayley Pena, Program Research Manager, Association of Sustainability in Business

WelCoMe froM the ConferenCe Chair

Dr Iain Butterworth, Manager Population Health and Planning, East Division Department of Health and Human Services, State Government of Victoria

9.00am - 9.30am iMagining and ConstruCting a liveable Planet 2050Peter Ellyard, Futurist

9.30am - 10.00am building a sMart, ConneCted brisbane

Cat Matson, Chief Digital Officer, City of Brisbane

10.00am - 10.30am the role of Walking in (re)Creating liveable Cities

Amy Child, Strategic Transport Planner, ARUP

10.30aM - 11.00aM Morning tea With exhibitors and Poster Presentations

Keynote Plenary SeSSion

leichhardt and WicKham roomS | chair: iain ButterWorth

11.00am - 11.30am the neW urban agenda: Pursuing a sustainable, healthy and liveable urban future

Dr Melanie Lowe, Lecturer in Public Health, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne

11.30am - 12.00pm beyond taCtiCal urbanisM: Why Cities need PlaCe Making to CoMPete?Peter Smith, CEO, City of Port Phillip, Victoria

12.00pm - 12.30pm not Pretty enough: brisbane houses of the 50s and 60s

Marianna Taylor BSc, Architectural Historian, The House Detective

12.30PM - 1.30PM lunCh With exhibitors and Poster Presentations


JULY 10 8.00AM - 1.30PM

Page 6: 10th Making Cities Liveable Conferenceattendance at the 10th Making Cities Liveable Conference as pleasant as possible. If you require assistance, please visit the Conference Secretariat

10th Making Cities liveable ConferenCe 2017 - Page 11

each SeSSion incl 10 minS Qanda

the neW urban agenda

leiChhardt rooM Chair: bhishna bajraCharya

CoMMitMent to health

WiCkhaM rooM Chair: rayoni nelson

bringing nature baCk

terraCe rooM Chair: roel Plant

oPen disCussion

roMa rooM Chair: Caroline Miller

1.30pm - 2.00pm the key to iMPleMenting the neW urban agenda is sMall, inCreMental Change, not MasterPlans

Planning for health: barriers and enablers for healthy Planning and design at the loCal governMent sCale

bring nature and Children baCk into the neighbourhood

toWard a resPonsive CoMMunity infrastruCture Plan

Ms Lucinda HartleyCEO and CoFounder, CoDesign Studio

Mr Anthony McCoskerPlanning Consultant/ PhD Candidate, Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute

Ms Angela WrightConsultant, Nature Play Queensland

Dr Marjan HajjariSenior Project Manager, Fishermans Bend Taskforce, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

2.02pm - 2.32pm ProMoting the neW urban agenda in australia’s MetroPolitan regions

herston Quarter redeveloPMent: suPPorting neW Models of Care through Positioning, Partnering and PlaCe-Making

What does a loW Carbon loCal diet look like for Melbourne?

WalkshoPs: a PraCtiCal eduCation PrograM for governMent eMPloyees

Mr Jeff HumphreysSenior Principal, Cardno

Mr Adam DaviesPrincipal, HASSELL

Dr Seona CandyResearch Fellow, Resilient Urban Systems, Victorian Eco-Innovation Lab

Ms Annie KentwellActive Living Coordinator, Heart Foundation

2.34pm - 3.04pm Where does it stoP? defining ProjeCt sCoPe in an inCreasingly ConneCted World

inCorPorating aCtive living PrinCiPles into statutory Planning: a suCCessful Case study Within Canberra, australia

living infrastruCture - just add Water

#iMaginetoMorroW - early engageMent in the West tooWooMba land use investigation

Mr Matt JohnsonAssociate Director, Turner & Turner

Dr Anthony Burton Research Fellow, Canberra Urban and Regional Futures, University of Canberra

Ms Kim Markwell Environmental Scientist, E2Designlab

Mrs Michelle Milton Senior Planner, Strategic Planning and Economic Development, Toowoomba Regional Council

3.05PM - 3.30PM afternoon tea With exhibitors and Poster Presentations

PROGRAM - Monday PROGRAM - Monday

each SeSSion incl 10 minS Qanda

the neW urban agenda

leiChhardt rooM Chair: suzette jaCkson

CoMMitMent to health

WiCkhaM rooM Chair: Caroline Miller

bringing nature baCk

terraCe rooM Chair: angela Wright

oPen disCussion

roMa rooM Chair: Marjan hajjari

3.30pm - 4.00pm the groWth betWeen the green and the gold

air Pollution Choking our Cities - hoW We Can iMProve the health of City dWellers, Making our Cities better at the saMe tiMe

greening the interaCtional sPaCe betWeen building and street in neW Multi-storey aPartMent buildings in the subtroPiCal City

Can i be your neighbour?

Ms Amy Degenhart Architect and Director, degenhartSHEDD architecture + urban design

Miss Michelle Cottrell Urban Planning Leader, Queensland, Arup

Dr Rosemary Kennedy Director, Subtropical Cities Consultancy

Ms Natalie Rayment Co-Founder, YIMBY QLD

4.02pm - 4.32pm oPPortunities for australia’s future - learnings froM the old World for neW World Cities

10 great ideas for an aCtive australia

delivering vitaMin g: an exaMination of the iMPortanCe of green sPaCe in sustaining our Well-being and Ways We Can address the groWing shortfall in our urban Centres

get your hands dirty: the role of taCtiCal urbanisM in City building

Mr Anthony Franklin Senior Town Planner, Brisbane City Council

Mr Martin Lambert President, Parks and Leisure Australia

Mr Christopher Mahoney Founder and Director, VERDé Design Group

Mr Aaron Donges Transport Planner, SMEC

4.34pm - 5.04pm an urban PhenoMenon is taking PlaCe in the streets of brisbane

Caring for an ageing PoPulation and CoMMunity heritage

More trees Please: toWards an australian set of urban green sPaCe MetriCs

understanding the boundaries and inClusiveness of urban sPaCes of CaraCas’ barrios through territorial transferral ProCess

Dr Marci Webster-Mannison, Architect, Melbourne Design Studios

Ms Clare Rogers Director Community Services, Kiama Municipal Council

Dr Roel Plant Associate Professor and Research Director, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney

Ms Gabriela Quintana Vigiola, Lecturer, University of Technology Sydney

5.05PM - 6.30PM WelCoMe reCePtion | Courtyard

JULY 10 1.30PM - 3.30PM JULY 10 3.30PM - 6.30PM

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10th Making Cities liveable ConferenCe 2017 - Page 13

PROGRAM - Tuesday PROGRAM - Tuesday

each SeSSion incl 10 minS Qanda

the liveable neighbourhood

leiChhardt rooM Chair: luCinda hartley

CoMMunity PartiCiPation and soCial develoPMent

WiCkhaM rooM Chair: iain butterWorth

shoWCasing regional liveable Cities and Centres

terraCe rooM Chair: Mark Casserly

oPen disCussion

roMa rooM Chair: Caroline Miller

9.00am - 9.30am delivering liveable neighbourhoods: What does this Mean to residents?

beazley Park and the rolleston Coffee Cart

toWns in transition: froM PoliCy to PraCtiCe, and suCCess

hoW Can We harness oPen data to deliver Positive outCoMes for PeoPle?

Dr Natalie Allen Director, Natalie Allen Consulting

Mrs Jaymie WebsterPrincipal Planner, Strategic Planning, Central Highlands Regional Council

Mrs Michaela HuelinManager Planning and Environment, Central Highlands Regional Council

Ms Carley Scott CEO, Developing East Arnhem Limited

Ms Jessica Christiansen-Franks CEO and CoFounder, Neighbourlytics

9.32am - 10.02am age’n’deM: age and deMentia friendly streetsCaPes toolkit

froM big ideas to sMall interventions: aChieving feasible Changes through design-based university-CoMMunity PartnershiPs

liveability, lifestyle and ChoiCe in tooWooMba

What Motivates a Pro environMental Culture?

Mr Guy LuscombeDirector, Glad Studio

Mr Carles Martinez-Almoyna, Research Associate and Teaching Fellow, Victoria University of Wellington

Ms Josephine RafteryPrincipal Planner, Toowoomba Regional Council

Ms Meg ArgyriouActing CEO and Head of Engagement, ClimateWorks Australia

Mr Adam MajcherEngagement ManagerClimateWorks Australia

10.04am - 10.34am transforMation through PartnershiP

big data? start your CiviC innovation exPeriMents faster and Put CoMMunity value first With ‘sMall data’; the data you already have!

shaPing southern doWns - a rurban CounCil

adaPtive CyCles of australian Cities

Ms Joanne KyrkilisTeam Leader Social Policy and Planning, City of Whittlesea

Mr Chris Bracher Community Development Manager, Master-planned Communities, Mirvac (VIC)

Mr Bruce Mills Manager Place Services, City of Parramatta Council

Ms Tracy Dobie Mayor, Southern Downs Regional Council

Dr Simon TozeSenior Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO

10.34aM - 11.00aM Morning tea With exhibitors and Poster Presentations

each SeSSion incl 10 minS Qanda

the liveable neighbourhood

leiChhardt rooM Chair: jasMine roberts

CoMMunity PartiCiPation and soCial develoPMent

WiCkhaM rooM Chair: iain butterWorth

resPonsible resourCe ManageMent

terraCe rooM Chair: Caroline Miller

oPen disCussion

roMa rooM Chair: kerryn WilMot

11.00am - 11.30am the aCtivity based City CoMMunity engageMent and PartiCiPation in the Master Planning ProCess - lessons froM brazil

sMart City - an integrated resourCe ManageMent aPProaCh

rethinking urban transPort and liveability: enabling inner-City areas to fulfil their role and funCtion at the aPex of australia’s inCreasingly knoWledge intense eConoMy

Mr Steve PearseManaging Principal Sydney, dwp|suters-Sydney

Ms Paula Saad AntonioArchitect and Urban Designer, Arup Pty Ltd

Mr Alberto CostaHead of Engineering, Veolia ANZ

Dr Michael KaneDirect Urban Economic and Integrated Transport, Economic Development Queensland

11.32am - 12.02pm the interMix aPProaCh: aCtivating a sMart PreCinCt

hoW to engage the soCially isolated When designing CoMMunity engageMent PrograM

energy effiCienCy, generation and reCovery at sydney Water

light rail - a Catalyst for Change in Western sydney

Mr Paul EdwardsGeneral Manager Workplace Experiences, Mirvac

Ms Tania CrosbieDirector, The Crosbie Collective

Mr Peter Anders Project Engineer (Energy Specialist), Liveable City Solutions, Sydney Water

Ms Louise SuredaDirector Planning and Environment Services, Transport for New South Wales

Mr Tim GreenEnvironment and Sustainability Lead, Transport for New South Wales

12.04pm - 12.34pm Change to Walking: using ‘nudges’ to enCourage Walking for short triPs

engaging beyond the usual susPeCts: develoPing a regional Plan for Cairns

loW Cost loW teCh infrastruCture solutions: a PlaCe for Waterless CoMPosting toilets

iMProving CoMMunity engageMent in aerotroPolis develoPMent to ProMote health

Ms Rayoni NelsonA/Manager Physical Activity, Sport and Healthy Eating, VicHealth

Ms Alice WoodruffChange to Walking Program Manager, Active City

Ms Amanda Newbery Director, Articulous Communications

Mr Peter VollertManager, Ecoflo Wastewater Management

Dr Cesar CalalangSenior Project Officer, South West Sydney Local Health District

12.35PM - 1.30PM lunCh With exhibitors and Poster Presentations

JULY 11 8.30AM - 11.00AM JULY 11 11.00AM - 12.30PM8.30am - 9.00am registration With arrival tea and Coffee

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10th Making Cities liveable ConferenCe 2017 - Page 15

Keynote Plenary SeSSion

leichardt and WicKham roomS | chair: iain ButterWorth

3.30pm - 4.00pm Creating PlaCes you love - the key to a liveable City

Brent McAlister, Executive Director Sustainable Development, Lismore City Council

4.00pm - 4.30pmliveable neighbourhoods: What does that really Mean?Laurie Buys, PhD, Professor, School of Design, Theme Leader, Infrastructure for Sustainable Communities, Queensland University of Technology

4.30pm - 5.00pmthe CoMMunity you Want starts at your front door

Andrew Heslop, Social Entrepreneur, Commentator, Community Advocate, Founder, Neighbour Day

5.00pm - 5.15pmConferenCe Close and Prize draW

ColleCt your raffle tiCket at the door to go in the draW. Must be in the rooM to Win

one full registration to the 2018 ConferenCe

australia’s first Well buildingMs Jasmine Roberts, Ecological Sustainable Design Engineer, Arup

beyond PlaCeMaking: hoW to insPire aCtive Citizens to shaPe neighbourhoods that PeoPle love and feel ConneCted toMs Lucinda Hartley, CEO and CoFounder, CoDesign Studio

greenis - a green infrastruCture strategy for tooWooMba regionMs Josephine Raftery, Principal Planner, Toowoomba Regional Council

POSTER PRESENTATIONSPoster presentations will be on display for the duration of the conference in the Foyer.

PROGRAM - Tuesday

each SeSSion incl 10 minS Qanda

the liveable neighbourhood

leiChhardt rooM Chair: bhishna bajraCharya

CoMMunity PartiCiPation and soCial develoPMent

WiCkhaM rooM Chair: Caroline Miller

sustainable Cities

terraCe rooM Chair: kerryn WilMot

oPen disCussion

roMa rooM Chair: jessiCa Christiansen-franks

1.30pm - 2.00pm re-iMagining urban life to deliver liveable neighbourhoods

Planning inClusive and diverse PlaCes for WoMen

eMPathiC Conversations and oWners CorPorations: suPPorting the eMergenCe of vibrant vertiCal villages

froM Mining toWn to liveable City

Ms Elham Monavari Sustainability Manager, Mirvac

Miss Carmen LauSocial Planner, GHD

Miss BJ Jordan Stakeholder Engagement Consultant, GHD

Dr Janette CorcoranSenior Research Fellow (Adj), Federation University

Mr Mark Casserly Director Community Services, City of Karratha

2.02pm - 2.32pm aCtivating CoMMunities through innovative transforMation of loCal PlaCes for PhysiCal aCtivity

toWard an age friendly region: shoWCasing the develoPMent and aChieveMents of the age friendly illaWarra allianCe

a basis for sustainable evolution

greater sydney CoMMission - draft north distriCt Plan (hornsby region - Case study)

Ms Vanessa Phillips Senior Project Officer, VicHealth

Mr Mark Jones Director and Chair (AFIA), Edmiston Jones GBB

Mr David Matthew TaylorDirector, Taylor Brammer Landscape Architects

Mr Peter FryarDirector, Key Urban Planning

2.34pm - 3.04pm froM asPiration to reality: north sydney’s inner City liveable neighbourhood

eMPoWering PeoPle and building CoMMunity in the digitised World

disruPting the ParadigM - transitioning to one Planet CoMMunities

shaPing future Cities - above and beyond the teChnology

Ms Emma Booth Team Leader Design, North Sydney Council

Mr Dean Landy Partner, ClarkeHopkinsClarke

Ms Suzette JacksonExecutive Director, Bioregional Australia Foundation

Mr Matt MuirVice President, Consulting Services, CGI

3.05PM - 3.30PM afternoon tea With exhibitors and Poster Presentations

JULY 11 1.30PM - 3.30PM JULY 11 3.30PM - 5.15PM

PROGRAM - Tuesday

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10th Making Cities liveable ConferenCe 2017 - Page 17

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Arup is the creative force at the heart of many of the world’s most prominent projects in the built environment and across industry. We offer a broad range of professional services that combine to make a real difference to our clients and the communities in which we work. We shape a better world.

eConoMiC develoPMent Queenslandwww.dilgp.qld.gov.au/edq/development-projects

Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) is a specialist land use planning and property development unit within the Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning. EDQ engages with state and local government, the development industry and the public to identify, plan, facilitate and deliver property development and infrastructure projects to create prosperous, liveable and connected communities.

EDQ drives a range of development projects including large complex urban sites which facilitate renewal, regional residential projects which respond to community need, industrial activities which generate on-going employment opportunities and infrastructure projects which activate further development.


Novotel Coffs Harbour Pacific Bay Resort 11-12 September 2017



Australian RegionalDevelopment ConferenceRegional Development in a Changing World



CLOSING 31 JULY 2017W: www.regionaldevelopment.org.au | E: [email protected]

Page 10: 10th Making Cities Liveable Conferenceattendance at the 10th Making Cities Liveable Conference as pleasant as possible. If you require assistance, please visit the Conference Secretariat

10th Making Cities liveable ConferenCe 2017 - Page 19


the 10th Making Cities liveable ConferenCe is Proudly suPPorted by:

assoCiation for sustainability in businesswww.sustainability.asn.au

The Association for Sustainability in Business Inc. provides a forum for our member communities, to examine and discuss challenges to improving our sustainability and understanding the key factors that determine sustainable outcomes. The Association offers members access to practical solutions and strategies that will assist the development of sustainable practice.

Membership is free.


Page 11: 10th Making Cities Liveable Conferenceattendance at the 10th Making Cities Liveable Conference as pleasant as possible. If you require assistance, please visit the Conference Secretariat

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