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  • 8/4/2019 10SR Accountability.finaL



    NOTE: These materials may not be copied, transmitted electronically, edited, published, or sold without the written

    permission of the author. Additional copies can be purchased and downloaded at www.claredegraaf.com

    All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978,

    1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


    To whom you are accountable spiritually?

    Of course were all accountable to God. And most

    Christians have a Bible study group or Christian

    friends they hang out with. But do you have a flesh

    and blood person who youve empowered to ask you

    the tough questions that will inspire you to live out the

    mission God has prepared for you in this life?

    I do! I have five men, and my wife has four women,

    who are committed to help us grow spiritually,

    relationally, emotionally, and even physically. These

    are the men who watch my life and my back. They

    pray for me, encourage me when I need it, and speak

    truth to me even when Id prefer not to hear it. Theyre

    my accountability partners, my friends, and my

    brothers in Christ.

    Each of you should look not only to your own

    interests, but also to the interests of others.

    (Philippians 2:4)


    More than twenty years ago, I received a call from my

    friend Tom that had a profound effect on my life. He

    asked if we could have lunch to talk about something

    God had put on his mind. Normally Id be wary. Whatdoes he want from me? That would be the first

    question that popped into my head, but I trusted Tom,

    so we met.

    Clare, he started out, Ive been frustrated lately

    with how little Im growing in some very important

    areas of my life. I really want to be a better follower

    of Jesus. I really desire to be a better husband and

    father and even a better friend to my friends. I have

    all these good intentions, but for one reason or

    another they just never seem to happen. The tyranny

    of the urgent, my job, the busyness of life, all kinds

    of factors seem to suck the life out of me and I rarely

    get around to doing the things I know God really

    wants for me.

    He had my attention. Immediately I identified with

    his frustration. What reasonably sensitive person

    wouldnt? Unlike God or our spouse or our children,

    our boss and customers and clients are sitting right

    in front of us or online, demanding our attention now,not when we have time, but NOW!

    For stay-at-home moms its the same. The demands

    of children and all the frustrations of keeping a

    household afloat can be overwhelming. When do

    they have the time to address theirneeds and grow

    in the relationships that mean so much to them? And

    mothers who work outside the home are in a whole

    other league.


    I grew up watching I Love Lucy, a popular TV show

    staring Lucille Ball, the dizzy wife of Ricky Ricardo.

    In one famous episode she and her friend, Ethel, got

    a job in a chocolate candy factory. Their job was to

    put candy in little wrappers as they came down the

    conveyor belt. But their supervisor kept speeding up

    the belt until candy was dropping off the end of the

    line. So to cover up their failure, they ate as many

    candies as they could, stuffed them in their clothes,anything to keep up. But they never could handle their

    supervisors expectations.

    Like Lucy at the candy factory, the line seems to

    speed up every day, and the most important people

    and aspects of our life get whats left over. At the end

    of the day, were so beat we just want to relax. We

    tell ourselves that well attend to our spiritual life and

    spend quality time with our spouse or children this

    weekend. But this weekend rarely happens. We tell

    ourselves this lie, and we desperately want to believe

    it, because we dont see any other answer.

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    So heres what I had in mind, said Tom. Id like

    each of us to write down a half dozen things we know

    we ought to do to be the kind of Christian, husband,

    father, and friend we want to be. Then I thought we

    could meet together weekly, exchange our lists, and

    empower the other person to ask the question, Howare you doing in ________________? and go right down

    the list. I need a real person sitting right in front of me

    to encourage me to move from where I am to where

    I know God wants me to be, and my family needs me

    to be. He also suggested that at the end of our times

    together, we pray for one another and the significant

    people in our lives.

    As soon as he finished explaining his plan, it was

    one of those dah! moments for me. Of course,

    thats what I needed! This wasnt one more persondemanding one more thing of me. These were goals

    I was going to setgoals both God and I wanted of

    me. I was just giving permission to another brother

    in Christ to ask me how I was doing and encourage

    me to godliness. Ironically, if my wife asked me the

    same questions, Id probably think she was nagging.

    But a man I trust asking me these same questions felt


    Still, I was wary. I knew that once I started down this

    road, Id actually have to do the things I said I wanted

    to do or Id feel guilty. And I hated guilt. But lets face

    it, my plan so far to mature in these areas wasnt

    exactly on fire, and his idea intuitively made sense. So

    I said yes before I changed my mind and Ive never

    regretted it.

    We agreed that it would be best to ask another

    person to join us, so we wouldnt get lazy. We prayed

    about another man we would both feel comfortable

    with and asked him in on this adventure with us.

    Over the years, in my experience helping hundreds

    of people find accountability partners and form

    accountability groups, Ive found that three to four is

    the ideal number of members. When only two people

    meet, over time its a temptation to simply end up

    having coffee or lunch and talking about life. Thats

    not a bad thing, in fact its a great thing, but thats

    not the purpose of accountability groups. With three

    or four, if the group drifts to just friendly discussions,

    someone usually is astute or spiritual enough to

    remind the group of our purpose for meeting, and

    keeps everyone on track.


    Accountability groups are small circles of

    Christian friends committed to encouraging one

    another to live out the will of God for their l ives.

    Two are better than one, because they have a

    good return for their work: If one falls down, his

    friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls

    and has no one to help him up!(Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)


    Here are some things to keep in mind as you begin

    thinking about choosing accountability partners.

    1 The two primary requirements for accountabilitypartners are that they be believers and ones you

    respect. Personally, there are a number of people

    who claim to be believers who I d never trust to be

    one of my accountability partners. Look for men or

    women whose character demonstrates a love for

    God and a heart for people.

    Why is this so important? You need to be confident

    that the counsel you receive from your partners is

    rooted in his or her commitment to the Bible and

    Jesus Christ, and not just their opinions. They dont

    have to be spiritual giants, but they should want

    to be.

    2 It would be beneficial if at least one person in yourgroup was spiritually mature and had a good grasp

    of biblical truths. If not, consider seeking out the

    most spiritual person you know. This person could

    mentor your group for three to six months rather

    than being a permanent member, until you feel

    youre going in the right direction.

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    He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as

    it has been taught, so that he can encourage others

    by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.

    (Titus 1:9)

    3 Each group should be made up of all men or allwomen. I dont recommend co-ed groups.

    4 The ideal group size is three or four, but I have sixin my accountability group now and it works.

    5 Make this selection process a matter of regularprayer and develop a short list of the names of

    people the Holy Spirit leads you to consider. These

    are people youre going to empower to encourage

    you, so think deeply about these people. This isnt

    like joining a Bible study that you can quit anytime

    you want, or a gym class where you count off by

    4s. Finding Gods best for you is critical.6 Find the first person before you ask a third

    or fourth. Then the two of you should select

    the next member of your group, and the three

    pick the fourth and so on. Before you meet to

    discuss whether or not someone is interested in

    an accountability relationship,send them to our

    website and ask them to download a copy of

    this booklet, or purchase a copy for them. Start

    your group off right, with integrity. Please dont

    photocopy these materials.

    7 Over the years Ive found that best friends makegreat accountability partners. Unlike casual

    acquaintances, they already know how you treat

    your spouse and your children. Theyve observed

    your life; they know your moods, your strengths

    and your blind spots. Almost universally, Ive

    found good friends who are accountability friends

    become even better friends over the years.


    Set some dates for the first few meetings and make

    it clear that at this stage no one is agreeing to be an

    accountability partner yet, but you want to meet for

    a few weeks to get to know each other better and

    discuss everyones expectations. Take a few minutes

    to review some common expectations.


    Absolutely everything that is said in this group is

    confidential, even from your spouse. Period. Everyone

    needs to know this is a safe place and gossip wontbe tolerated.

    A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy

    man keeps a secret.(Proverbs 11:13)


    If a person isnt willing to be vulnerable and

    transparent about their fears, their hopes, and

    their struggles, then not only cant they be helped,

    but they will discourage the rest of the group frombeing vulnerable. Having said this, it may take some

    members a few months to gain confidence in the rest

    of the group, especially if they dont know everyone

    well. But the bottom line is this: Your accountability

    partners cant help you unless they know whats going

    on in your life.

    Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you

    who are spiritual should restore him gently. But

    watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.

    (Galatians 6:1)


    Safety simply means that when a member or partner

    reveals something in their life, the rest of the group

    needs to listen without judgment, criticism, or advice

    unless asked for it. You will eventually get to some

    pretty raw issues or sins, but not if the group reacts

    immediately with judgment. Make this a safe place to

    bring anything, and make it a place of healing.

    Carry each others burdens, and in this way you

    will fulfill the law of Christ.(Galatians 6:2)

    Likewise, do not allow group members to complain

    about or dishonor their spouses. Only share

    information the group absolutely needs to know

    in order to help them understand issues in your

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    marriage, No jokes about spouses. They need to feel

    safe also.

    However, each one of you also must love his wife

    as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her

    husband.(Ephesians 5:33)


    Successful accountability partners are encouragers

    and cheerleaders. There are enough people out there

    who want to discourage you. This group is the place

    where you leave feeling more loved and encouraged

    than when you came. Continue encouraging each

    other throughout the week by sending emails, texts,

    handwritten notes, or voicemail.

    Therefore encourage one another and build

    each other up, just as in fact you are doing.(IThessalonians 5:11)


    Accountability is difficult. Studying the Bible is a

    lot easier than putting the truths of Gods Word

    into practice and holding ourselves and others

    accountable. Accountability groups can easily drift

    into Bible studies, with accountability happening

    only once or twice a year. The primary purpose for

    accountability groups is accountability. Above allmake sure that is happening, all the while encouraging

    personal and group Bible study for every person in

    your group, for the rest of your lives.

    Everyone who competes in the games goes into

    strict training. They do it to get a crown that will

    not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last

    forever.(ICorinthians 9:25)


    Agree that if you decide to be accountability partners,

    one of the covenants you will make is to pray for one

    another regularly. If thats not daily, at the very least


    And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all

    kinds or prayers and requests. With this in mind, be

    alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

    (Ephesians 6:18)


    1 Ask everyone to take 1530 minutes to give thegroup a brief summary of themselves, including the

    type of family they grew up in, education, hobbies,

    spiritual journey, and current information.. The goal

    is to get a feel for each persons spiritual maturity,

    transparency, and family or personal issues that

    have shaped their lives. This may take more than

    one meeting; take your time. Let each person know

    ahead of time when theyll be asked to give this

    brief biographical summary.

    2 Spend a week talking about your expectations for

    this group. Ask everyone why they are consideringbeing in a group like this and what they hope will be

    the results. What general areas of life does each

    feel needs the most attention right now?

    3 Unless you all know each other well, spend eight totwelve weeks in Bible study before you agree to a

    long-term accountability relationship. I recommend

    reading and discussing the first half of the book

    of Luke. At the end of this time of study together

    youll have a good feel for whether or not these are

    men or women you can trust to give you the wisecounsel you need.

    4 Set a date when everyone who wants to enter intoa long term accountability relationship, and has

    prayed about it, will communicate that theyre in.

    Appoint one person be the administrative leader to

    receive these calls or emails.For whateverreason,

    anyone, who does not want to continue can simply

    not respond. Make it easy for a person to opt out.

    You dont want anyone in the group who doesnt

    want to be there.

    Pray for each person during this period. Occasionally

    someone will really want to be part of a group, but

    is scared theyre not spiritual enough or they have a

    secret sin theyre afraid to reveal. Pray.

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    1 Decide how often youll meet, when, and where.Most accountability groups meet weekly for a

    minimum of one hour, but 90 minutes is better.

    Men usually prefer to meet in a cof fee shop,

    restaurant, or office. Women generally prefer tomeet in their homes or apartments. It doesnt

    matter where you meet as long as everyone feels

    comfortable praying.

    Choose an environment where your group will not

    be distracted by friends, co-workers, or family

    members coming and going. My group meets

    weekly in an office conference room. My wifes

    group meets in one persons home. Other groups

    of women with young children meet evenings when

    someone can babysit.

    2 Its helpful if the administrative leader puts togethera schedule of meeting times and topics for

    everyone, and emails an updated schedule every

    month or two. That way everyone knows whether

    or not youre going to meet over holidays, or when

    you know a significant number of your group cant

    meet. Our groups rule of thumb is that if half our

    group cant meet, we dont. We assume everyone

    will meet unless notified by phone or email inadvance, and we empower the administrative

    leader to make the decision.


    I started out this guide talking about each

    accountability partner writing down specific goals

    or things theywant to accomplish, then empowering

    others to hold them accountable. But, what does thatlook like and how do you get started?

    1 Have each person write their personal missionstatement. A personal mission statement is

    essentially a short paragraph that describes

    the person both God and you want to be, the

    relationships you desire to have, and the things

    you really want to accomplish in your life. Heres an


    The purpose of my life is to enjoy Jesus, be

    content with who he has made me, with theresources and gifts Ive been given and be a

    godly example to my wife, children, and friends.

    Ive written a workbook entitled Discovering Your

    Lifes Purpose, a guide for writing your personal

    mission statement and organizing a life that truly

    blesses God. It can be purchased or downloaded at

    claredegraaf.com. It leads you through a series of

    questions youll want to consider to better help you

    write your personal mission statement. It shows

    you how to develop mini mission statements forthe six significant areas of most peoples lives:

    spiritual, spouse, children, vocation and finances,

    friends and extended family, and physical and

    emotional wellness.

    2 You dont have to write a personal missionstatement before you begin setting goals, but its

    important that each person think deeply about

    the ultimate goal or purpose of their life. Lucius

    Seneca, a Roman Senator once said, If a man

    doesnt know what harbor hes headed for, no

    harbor is the right harbor. Even non-Christians

    know that the best place to begin is with the end in


    Paul himself knew full well the power of a spiritual,

    purpose driven life. I press on toward the goal

    to win the prize for which God has called me

    heavenward in Christ Jesus.(Philippians 3:14)

    3 Write your goals for the next quarter or 90 days

    organized along the lines of those on the following

    page. (Obviously youll want to modify these if

    youre not married or dont have children.) Begin

    with your personal mission statement at the top.

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    Spiritual Growth

    1 Average 15 minutes of personal Bible study and

    prayer, three days a week.

    2 Meet Jack for lunch and share with him what Godhas been teaching me.

    3 Begin listening to a Christian radio station or a pod-

    cast of a message each week.

    4 Write out my personal testimony.

    My Wife

    1 Pray together at least once a week.

    2 Spend half a day just with her, doing what she

    enjoys doing.

    3 Send her a personal note once a month.

    4 Plan a date night with just the two of us twice


    My Children

    1 Encourage my daughters involvement in Young


    2 Begin a monthly allowance with work, savings, and

    tithing expectations.

    3 Plan to have a date this month with both of my


    4 Look for opportunities to share personal

    experiences, including my failures. (Be transparent)

    Vocational and Financial

    1 Meet with my co-worker to resolve our differences

    at the office.

    2 Increase our personal monthly savings forinvestment purposes.

    3 Pass the corporate budget duties on to accounting.

    4 Be home by 6:00 p.m. every night. No work on


    Friends and Extended Family

    1 Invite my father to lunch.

    2 Set a date for one activity with a spiritually-oriented

    family or couple (Smiths?).

    3 Visit my grandmother at the retirement home.

    Health and Recreation

    1 Begin some form of exercise three times a week.

    2 Take a off just for me.

    3 Get my weight to 178 lbs.


    With Gods help I hope to complete these goals on ________________. DATE

    John Smith

    The purpose of my life is to enjoy Jesus, be content with who he has made me, with the

    resources and gifts Ive been given and be a godly example to my wife, children and friends.

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    Recommend to each person in your group that they

    take a half day off to get alone with God to write

    your personal mission statement and your first

    quarterly goals. This should be a spiritual exercise

    where you go before God and ask the Holy Spirit toshape your thoughts, your goals, and your life. Go

    to the mountains, a friends cabin or cottage, a hotel

    or park, any place you can get alone with God and

    yourself to think deeply about the life he wants for


    For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth

    come knowledge and understanding.(Proverbs 2:6)

    Begin by setting goals you believe you can realistically

    accomplish in the next 90 days. This gives youadequate time to meet your goals and not feel

    defeated if you dont meet them all. Remember, this

    is a marathon, not a sprint. If you can accomplish a

    dozen small things faithfully over each three months

    period, you will be amazed how your life will change

    after only a year or two.

    If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God,

    who gives generously to all without finding fault,

    and it will be given to him.(James 1:5)


    To get started, devote one special meeting to

    reviewing everyones personal mission statements.

    Have each person pass out copies of their mission

    statement. Give time for everyone to explain why

    they wrote what they wrote, and invite comments.

    Most people end up tweaking their statements over a

    several month period as God brings to mind changes

    in wording or priorities.

    If youre married, share your personal mission

    statement with your spouse. He or she should know

    the person you really want to be. You may want to

    agree in your group that everyone will do this.


    At the next weekly meeting, have each person pass

    out their goals for the next 90 days. Now everyone

    has everyone elses mission statement and quarterly

    goals. Since everyone needs time to complete their

    goals, devote the next 12 weeks to Bible study and

    prayer for each other. Once the 90 days are up, beginyour quarterly reviews:

    Every three months devote your entire time each

    week to one persons goals. On the week they

    are assigned, the individual being reviewed brings

    copies of their goals for the past 90 days in case

    the others forget to bring the ones they passed out

    three months ago.

    Area by area they should be prepared to give a

    report on how theyve done over the past 90 days.They share what theyve actually accomplished

    as well as things they have not yet done and why.

    During this report, any person in the group can

    ask any question or make a comment. Sometimes

    its obvious theyve set a goal, but their hearts no

    longer in it, so ask questions about that.

    They should also bring copies of what they want to

    accomplish in the next 90 days. We have a general

    rule that unless there is a compelling reason, all

    unfinished goals must be carried forward to thenext 90 day period, to avoid simply dropping the

    goal because its too difficult.

    Remember, youve given each other permission to

    ask questions about any part of your life. Some

    of these sample questions are in the Appendix at

    the end of this guide. Please bear in mind it took

    us meeting a few years before we felt comfortable

    and safe enough to ask some of the more probing


    Because we have six men in our group, this process

    takes six weeks to complete. After that time period,

    we either study the Bible or a book or topic that

    would benefit all of us. We have spent this time

    studying and discussing marriage, raising spiritual

    children, finances, temptation, and any and all areas

    we feel we need help with.

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    We schedule evangelistic events or discussion

    groups for non-Christians weve been praying for.

    Many of the men in our group have met with sons,

    son-in-laws, and even boyfriends and fiancs of the

    daughters in our group, to let them know we are

    available to them as a resource. We believe we have

    an amazing opportunity not only to encourage eachother on to godliness, but to actually impact each

    of our families.

    It is impossible to do everything people

    want you to do. You have just enough time

    to do Gods will. If you cant get it al l done,

    it means youre trying to do more than

    God intended for you to do...

    (...or youre spending too many hours

    on lesser things [Clare] )

    Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life

    May God bless you as you embark on this adventure

    of inviting several followers of Jesus to walk this

    journey with you. If your experience is anything

    like mine and the hundreds of people Ive met in

    accountability groups, it will be one of the greatest

    blessings of your life.

    Clare De Graaf

    At the end of these six weeks, we begin the

    quarterly reviews all over again. That means each

    year every person gives a report four times.

    While it s not always easy to see lasting change

    immediately, over the years every person in our

    group has seen tremendous growth and maturity.

    Every week we open with prayer or close by prayingfor one another. We invite anyone to share specific

    prayer requests, but if there arent any, we simply

    pray that God would shape us into godly men.


    Over the years, we and other accountability groups

    have done a variety of things to help us grow

    spiritually and relationally, such as:

    We try to go on two overnight retreats annually.

    We go to mens conferences or couples

    conferences together.

    We do father/child activities together.

    We join in activities together with our wives, such

    as concerts, seminars, dinners, worship, or host a

    guest presenter for our group and friends.

    We plan events to reach out to others, or toencourage others to establish accountability


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    At www.claredegraaf.com you will also find a number

    of resources you can use to grow spiritual such as:

    Discovering Your Lifes Purpose: a guide to writing

    your personal mission statement and living the life

    God and you always wanted.

    Spiritual Mentoring: a guide for finding and being a

    Christian mentor.

    Boundaries: a guide for setting healthy boundaries

    to safeguard your life.

    Clare De Graaf4079 Park East Court SE Suite 102

    Grand Rapids MI 49546


    [email protected]


    As Iron Sharpens Iron, Howard and Bill Hendricks

    The Accountable Man, Tom Eisenman

    The Man in the Mirror, Pat Morley (Chapter ?)

    The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren

    The Tyranny of the Urgent, Charles Hummel



    Life Transformation Groups



    Iron Sharpens Iron for Women


    Iron Sharpens Iron for Men


    Men of Integrity


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    1 Do you feel content in your singleness?

    2 What gives you joy as a single?

    3 What frustrates or saddens you?

    4 Are your relations with the opposite sex pure? What are

    you doing to keep it that way?

    Life, Character and Integrity

    1 What area(s) of your life are out of balance right now

    and what can you do to get them in balance?

    2 If virtues are the family uniform of followers of Jesus,

    are there any habits or sins which confuse your friends

    or co-workers about whose team you are really on?(Your language, jokes you tell, excessive use of alcohol,

    anger, gossip, bitterness, etc.)

    3 Describe your relationships with your mother, father,

    and siblings. If they arent good, what can you do

    to change that? What have you done to address any

    unresolved issues?

    4 What scares you? What is i t that you fear losing besides

    a child or your spouse? What currently is causing you


    5 Are the people youre working with (fellow employees)coming to you with spiritual or personal questions? Why

    or why not?

    6 Do you have a spiritual mentor? Are you a mentor to

    someone else? Describe those relationships.

    7 Is there a relationship you have that is tempting you, or

    in what circumstances are you most tempted?

    8 Do you have pornography blockers on your computer?


    1 How do you presently serve your church?

    2 Are you serving in other places or ministries in the


    3 Do you know what your spiritual gifts are?

    NOTE: As you begin asking each other these questions

    and you find common struggles, use the study periods

    between your quarterly review to work on them.

    Spiritual/Relational Check-up

    These are a sampling of the kinds of quest ions which

    ought to be asked occasionally in a healthy, mature

    accountability or mentoring relationship.


    1 Do you regularly read the Bible and pray? Tell us what

    that looks like for you.

    2 Do you feel comfortable meeting with non-Christians

    and discussing personal spiritual truths? When is the last

    time you did that? Tell us about it.

    3 Do you feel like your faith and obedience is getting

    stronger, weaker, or about the same? Do you know why?

    4 What are the weights in your life which keep you fromrunning free as a follower of Jesus?

    5 Do you think your life makes God look good?

    6 What areas of your spiritual growth probably need


    Marriage and Family

    1 Describe your relationship with your spouse.

    2 What topics do you find most difficult to discuss with

    your spouse and why?

    3 Would he/she say they feel loved and cherished by you?

    4 Who would he/she say is the spiritual leader in the


    5 Is there any area of your parenting skills you feel needs


    6 Which of your children do you find most dif ficult to

    relate to? Why, and what could you do to change that?

    7 Which of your children do you find easier to relate to?


    8 If your spouse were here, what would they say theyd

    like to see most changed in your life?

    9 Do you have any personal habits, like your language,

    anger, alcohol use, or TV viewing, that would confuse

    your children about a parent who claims to be a follower

    of Jesus?