
ASP141Y/101/0/2011 MPORTANT INFORMATION: Read this tutorial letter first as it contains the compulsory assignments. DEPARTMENT OF MARKETING AND RETAIL MANAGEMENT ADVERTISING AND SALES PROMOTION 1 (ASP141Y) Tutorial Letter 101/2011 SCHEME OF WORK, STUDY RESOURCES AND ASSIGNMENTS

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MPORTANT INFORMATION: Read this tutorial letter first as it contains the compulsory assignments.



Tutorial Letter 101/2011



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Contents 1. A word of welcome 2. Purpose and outcomes of this module 3. Lecturer for this module 4. Student support system 5. Study material 6. How the assignment system works 7. Details about the examination 8. Concluding remarks Appendix A – Additional reading list Appendix B – Assignment details

1 A WORD OF WELCOME We are pleased to welcome you to this module in marketing and hope that you will find it both interesting and rewarding. We shall do our best to make your study of this module successful. You will be well on your way to success if you start studying early in the year and resolve to do the assignment(s) properly. You will receive a number of tutorial letters during the year. A tutorial letter is our way of communicating with you about teaching, learning and assessment. Tutorial Letter 101 – this tutorial letter – contains important information about the scheme of work, the assignments for this module, as well as instructions on the preparation and submission of the assignments. This tutorial letter also provides all the information you need with regard to the prescribed study material and other resources and how to obtain it. We urge you to read it carefully and to keep it at hand when working through the study material, preparing the assignment(s), preparing for the examination and addressing questions to your lecturers. Please make sure that you obtain the prescribed material as soon as possible. You will also receive Tutorial Letter 301 at the start of the year. Please read Tutorial Letter 301 in combination with this tutorial letter as it gives you an idea of generally important information when studying at a distance and within a particular College. We have also included certain general and administrative information about this module in this tutorial letter (Tutorial Letter 301). From the onset we would like to point out that you must read all the tutorial letters you receive during the semester immediately and carefully, as they always contain important and, sometimes, urgent information. We hope that you will enjoy this module and wish you all the best!

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2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES OF THIS MODULE Purpose of the course The purpose and aim of this course is to enhance your understanding of the principles of marketing communication; the focus is on the areas of Advertising, Media management, Sales Promotion and Public Relations. LEARNING OUTCOMES: After completing this course, you should be able to:

• explain the nature of marketing communication and the communication process • explain the general principles of Advertising, as well as developing an advertising

strategy and choose the advertising media • discuss the nature, objectives and techniques utilised in Sales Promotion • discuss the general features of Public Relations, the major stakeholder groups and

the Public Relations campaigns that could be pursued • define the nature of Publicity and Sponsorship and the main methods/types that

could be pursued in each 3 LECTURER FOR THIS MODULE My name is Ms Marjorie Mtjekelo and I am the lecturer for this module. My contact details are as follows: Address: AJH van der Walt Building, Office number: 3-18 Telephone: 012-429 8303 Fax: 012 429 3759 E-mail: [email protected] Please note that lecturers should only be contacted for academic enquiries, that is, enquires about the content of the module. Letters to lecturers may NOT be enclosed with or inserted into assignments. Administrative enquiries concerning fees, receipt of assignments, examination dates etc should be directed to the relevant administrative departments as indicated below.

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Communication with the administrative departments of the university If you need to contact the University about matters not related to the content of this module, please consult the publication My studies @ unisa that you received with your study material. This booklet contains information on how to contact the University (for example, to whom you can write for different queries, important telephone and fax numbers, addresses and details of the times certain facilities are open). Always have your student number at hand when you contact the University. Please note that all administrative enquiries should be directed to the Unisa Contact Centre. Enquiries will then be channelled to the correct department. The details are as follows:

• Calls (RSA only) 0861 670 411 • International Calls +27-11 670 9000 • Fax number (RSA) 012 429 4150 / +27 12 429 4150 • Fax number (international) +27-12 429 4150 • E-mail [email protected] • Online address http://my.unisa.ac.za • Also study Tutorial letter 301 MRMALL8/2011 for further contact information.

4 STUDENT SUPPORT SYSTEM For information on the various student support systems and services available at Unisa (for example, student counselling, tutorial classes, language support), please consult the publication: My studies @ unisa that you received with your study material. 4.1 Contact with fellow students 4.1.1 Study groups It is advisable to have contact with fellow students. One way to do this is to form study groups. The addresses of students in your area may be obtained from the following department:

Directorate: Student Administration and Registration PO Box 392 UNISA 0003

You may also contact the Unisa Contact Centre at 0861 670 411 for help in this regard. 4.1.2 myUnisa Please note that contact with students via the internet is becoming more important as all your study material is also available under Official study material on myUnisa. You will also be able to utilise the Discussion forum where you can communicate with your lecturers and fellow students. Utilising myUnisa will also help you to get easy access to other resources and information of the university.

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If you do not have access to a computer, please call the contact centre to enquire about using a Unisa computer centre at the main campus or our satellite campuses. TO REITERATE: We will use myUnisa increasingly to communicate with our students, so it is advisable that you register with this service as quickly as possible and visit myUnisa regularly to keep abreast of developments. Think about checking myUnisa for any communication from the lecturer/Department before contacting us telephonically, as your query may already have been answered on myUnisa. To go to the myUnisa website, start at the main Unisa website, http://www.unisa.ac.za, and then click on the “Login to myUnisa” link on the right-hand side of the screen. This should take you to the myUnisa website. You can also go there directly by typing in http://my.unisa.ac.za. Please consult the publication: My studies @ unisa, which you received with your other study material for more information on myUnisa. If you should replace any of your study material, you can access this study material on myUnisa. 4.2 Discussion classes Discussion classes are presented in a few of the bigger modules in the Department of Marketing and Retail Management. The detail about these modules is provided in Tutorial Letter 301 MRMALL8/2011. You will need to confirm your attendance of these discussion classes well in advance of the scheduled dates. For more information regarding the discussion classes and registration for them, consult Tutorial Letter 301, Failure to register may lead to cancellation of a particular discussion class due to insufficient student numbers. 4.3 Tutorial support Unisa offers tutor services for students as additional academic support at the various Unisa regional learning centres throughout the country. A tutorial is an organised session where students and tutor(s) meet regularly at a particular venue and at scheduled times to discuss course material. The main purpose of the tutorial services is to facilitate student learning by developing the student’s independent learning skills and assisting students to become motivated. Tutorials help the students to develop and enhance their learning experience and academic performance through interaction with the tutor and fellow students. Tutorials are not compulsory and willing students receive tutorial support at a nominal fee. Interested students are advised to consult a learning centre closest to them to enrol for tutorials. For further information on tutorials consult the brochure My studies @ Unisa.

5 STUDY MATERIAL 5.1 Study material for this module The tutorial matter for this module is available in English and consists of the following:

• ONE study guide and a number of tutorial letters (supplied by Unisa)

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• TWO prescribed book (which you must obtain yourself)

The compulsory prescribed books for ASP141Y are:

• Koekemoer, L. 2010. Introduction to Marketing Communications. Claremont, Cape Town. Juta.

• Cant, MC & Machado, R (eds). 2010. Marketing success stories. 7th edition. Cape Town: Oxford University Press.

Important notice When studying your prescribed material, take note of the following:

• The whole study guide is prescribed for examination purposes. Make sure you are able to answer all the questions in the assessment section at the end of each study unit.

• Only sections in the prescribed book referred to by the study guide are required to be studied for examination purposes. For example, if the study guide instructs you to "Study section 4 in your prescribed book, the whole of section 4 (including 4.1, 4.1.1 etc) is included and may be asked in the examination.

5.2 Inventory letter At the time of registration, you will receive an inventory letter that will tell you what you have received in your study package and also show items that are still outstanding. Also see the booklet entitled: My studies @ unisa. Check the study material that you have received against the inventory letter. You should have received all the items listed in the inventory, unless there is a statement like “out of stock” or “not available”. If any item is missing, follow the instructions on the back of the inventory letter without delay. PLEASE NOTE: Your lecturers cannot help you with missing study material.

Please contact the Unisa Contact Centre at 0861 670 411 (RSA only), or +27-11 670 9000 (international calls) (also see par. 3 above).

Apart from this tutorial letter and Tutorial Letter 301/MRMALL8/2011, you will also receive other tutorial letters during the semester. These tutorial letters will not necessarily be available at the time of registration. Tutorial letters will be despatched to you as soon as they are available or needed (for instance, for feedback on assignments). If you have access to the internet, you can view the study guides and tutorial letters for the modules for which you are registered on the University’s online campus, myUnisa, at http://my.unisa.ac.za 5.3 Obtaining you prescribed material Please consult the list of official booksellers and their addresses listed in: My studies @ unisa. If you have any difficulties in obtaining books from these bookshops, please contact the Unisa Contact Centre.

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5.4 Additional reading list There are rapid developments and constantly new applications in the field of Advertising and sales promotions. It is therefore recommended that you get some exposure to developments in this field on a regular basis. This can be done by reading magazines on this topic and also by consulting the internet. To help you, we shall give you the names of some websites, books and articles you can read – these are listed in Appendix A. In order to link up theory and practice, we recommend that you consult some additional material in this exciting and interesting field. You can consult magazines, books, and relevant websites that you find for yourself.


The assignments for this module are contained in Appendix B, further on. Before you do the assignments please study the section below. 6.1 Assignments and learning Assignments are seen as part of the learning material for this module. As you do the assignment, study the reading texts, consult other resources, discuss the work with fellow students or tutors or do research, you are actively engaged in learning. Paying attention to the assessment criteria for each assignment will help you to understand what is required of you more clearly. 6.2 General remarks PLEASE NOTE: Enquiries about assignments (for example, whether or not the

University has received your assignment or the date on which an assignment was returned to you) must be addressed to the Unisa Contact Centre. (Also read section 3 above.) You might also find information on myUnisa.

You may submit your assignment in hard-copy (using a mark-reading sheet), or electronically via myUnisa. Hard-copy assignments should be sent to: The Registrar PO Box 392 UNISA 0003

You may submit your assignments electronically via myUnisa. Assignments may not be submitted by fax or e-mail. For detailed information and requirements as far as assignments is concerned, see the brochure: My studies @ unisa that you received with your study material. To submit an assignment via myUnisa:

• Go to myUnisa. • Log in with your student number and password.

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• Select the module. • Click on assignments in the left-hand menu. • Click on the assignment number you want to submit. • Follow the instructions on the screen.

Compulsory assignments There are TWO compulsory assignments for this module, both which are in the form of ten multiple-choice questions each. There are non-negotiable submission deadlines for each of these two assignments (see Appendix B). You need to submit the first of these assignments if you wish to gain entry to the examination! Both compulsory assignments, however, contribute to your year mark. 6.3 Commentaries and feedback on assignments You will receive the correct answers to your assignment questions in Tutorial Letters 201 (for assignment 1) and 202 (for assignment 2). These tutorial letters will be sent to you after the due dates of the assignments and will also be available on myUnisa. The assignments and the commentaries on these assignments constitute an important part of your learning and should help you to be better prepared for the next assignment and the examination. 6.4 Submission dates Refer to Appendix B for assignment questions and submission dates. 6.5 Year marks Your year mark, based on the mark obtained for the two compulsory assignments, contributes 10% towards your final mark, while your examination mark contributes 90%. The combined weighted average of your year mark and examination mark must be 50% or higher for you to pass the module. However, you must obtain a minimum of 40% in the examination, regardless of your year mark. If you obtain less than 40% in the examination your year mark will not be taken into account and you will fail. For example: Assignment mark 01 = 60% Assignment mark 02 = 80% Average mark = 70% (60% + 80% / 2) 10% of the assignment mark = 7% Examination mark = 50% 90% of the examination mark = 45% Final mark = (10% assignment mark) + (90% examination mark) = 7% + 45% = 52% You will need a mark of at least 45% to qualify for a supplementary examination. Refer to Tutorial Letter 301 MRMALL8/2011 for more information.

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7 DETAILS ABOUT THE EXAMINATION For general information and requirements as far as examinations are concerned, see the brochure: My studies @ unisa which you received with your study material. 7.1 Examination admission Examination admission will be granted to all students who submit the first compulsory assignment. Students who do not submit the assignment will NOT be allowed to write the examination. 7.2 Examination period This subject is offered on an annual/yearly basis, which means that there is ONE registration each year. If you register at the start of the year, you will write the examination in Oct/Nov 2011, while the supplementary examination (if applicable to you) will be written in Jan/Feb 2012. During the year, the Examination Section will provide you with information regarding the examination in general, examination venues, examination dates and examination times. 7.3 Examination paper The format of the examination paper for undergraduate subjects is as follows: First-level modules:

• The question paper will only comprise multiple-choice questions. There will be 70 multiple-choice questions each worth 1 mark, representing a total of 70 marks.

ALL EXAMINATION PAPERS ARE TWO-HOUR EXAMINATIONS! 7.4 Previous examination papers We do not supply students with previous examination papers. However, we will provide you with an example of a typical examination question/paper in Tutorial Letter 201. The purpose of this previous examination question/paper is not to provide you with content guidelines, but instead, to help guide you in typical multiple-choice examination question. We advise you, therefore, not to focus on this previous examination question/paper only, as the questions you will get in the actual examination paper will be different. You may, however, accept that the questions format that will be asked in the examination will be similar to the question provided in Tutorial Letter 201.

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8 CONCLUDING REMARKS We hope that you will enjoy this module. We believe it to be a very useful and practical module. Remember that the module requires you to work at your studies – the more you do, the more you will get out of your studies. Do not hesitate to contact me if you encounter any academic queries or problems in your studies. Kind regards, Ms Marjorie Mtjekelo Department of Marketing and Retail Management UNISA

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Appendix A – Additional reading list There are rapid developments and constantly new applications in the field of advertising. It is therefore recommended that you get some exposure to developments in those fields on a regular basis. This can be done by reading magazines on these topics and also by consulting the internet. To help you, we will give you the names of some websites you should visit and South African magazines that you can read – these are listed below in this tutorial letter. In order to link up theory and practice, we recommend that you consult some additional material in this exciting and interesting field. You can also consult magazines, books, and other relevant websites that you find for yourself. Websites I have endeavoured to provide a number of hyperlinks to useful websites to do with this subject. Please visit these websites and browse through their content and try to learn more about this topic. The wider you read, the more you will benefit from this course.

• www.marketingweb.co.za • www.marketingprofs.com

Please note: The dynamic nature of the web means that by the time you try to use these links, some of them may no longer exist. I suggest that you then do a search of Google (http://www.google.com) for the search term “advertising”. Books and Journals There are numerous books available on the market and you can, for the time being, consult your local bookstore and the Unisa library. You might want to consider the following books:

• International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management. 2002:30(4) p 179-185. • Journal of Promotion Management. Editor: Nelson, R.A. ISSN: 1049-6491. • Journal of Advertising. Editor: Laczniak, R.N. ISSN: 0091-3367. • Journal of Marketing. Editor: Rust, R.T. ISSN: 0022-2429:

Appendix B – Assignment details There are TWO assignments for this module. Both the assignments (the multiple choice assignments 01 and 02) are COMPULSORY and must be submitted. They both contribute to your year mark. You need to submit the first of these assignments if you wish to gain entry to the examination! The submission dates of these two assignments are non-negotiable.

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Assignment 01 – COMPULSORY – Must be submitted to gain examination entry When completing the mark reading sheet or submitting this assignment via myUnisa, be sure to use the correct unique number as detailed below: Assignment Due date Unique number 1 09 May 2011 861709 This assignment consists of ten (10) multiple choice questions. Each question is worth one mark and your mark out of 10 will be converted to a percentage. Refer to section 6 of this tutorial letter for information on the submission of assignments. QUESTION 1 When organisations such as Absa, Sanlam, MTN, or Vodacom develop new products or services, the only way for customers in the target markets to become aware of them is for the organisation to communicate their existence and attributes to them. Which one of the following may be regarded as a form of marketing communication that these organisations may use?

1 Trade deals 2 Personal selling 3 Bonus packs 4 Price incentives 5 competitions


QUESTION 2 The IMC process starts with the customer or prospect and then works back to determine and define the forms and methods through which persuasive communication programmes should be developed. Which one of the following is identified as the basic principle of IMC?

1 Brand integration 2 Direct marketing 3 Digital communication 4 Personal selling 5 Sport sponsorship


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QUESTION 3 The importance of the correct and appropriate marketing communication objectives cannot be overemphasised. What should the marketing communication objectives comply with?

1 Be measurable, transparent, future-oriented and not time related. 2 Be unachievable, planned, unspecific and particular. 3 Be short, unplanned, specific and time-oriented. 4 Be goal-oriented, immeasurable, time-related and specific. 5 Be specific, quantifiable, measurable, achievable and time related.


QUESTION 4 How can Nando’s use the elements of the marketing communication mix to communicate with its target market?

1 By employing the best employee team that can deliver the products to the end-consumer.

2 By re-engineering the marketing plan to increase the capacity of the target market. 3 By lowering their prices so as to win the market and increase their profit-share. 4 By sending their consumers sms’s and emails regarding their current financial status. 5 By using sponsorships, advertising, public relations and sales promotions strategies.


QUESTION 5 In the communication process, the … is the communicator, e.g. the person or company which sends the message to the target audience.

1 Recipient 2 Media 3 Sender 4 Marketer 5 Advertiser


QUESTION 6 What refers to any external factor which interferes with message transmission and which is not controllable by the sender or communicator?

1 Feedback 2 Noise 3 Channel 4 Media 5 Audience


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QUESTION 7 The value for the business is that the advertisement helps to sell the product and build awareness of the brand. Which one of the following may NOT be regarded as an advantage of Advertising?

1 It serves as a constant reminder of a particular product or brand. 2 It can reach potential customers when personal selling cannot. 3 The total cost can be very high especially if the adverts are televised. 4 It can create an image in the mind of the consumers. 5 It helps to build broad-based demand for a product.


QUESTION 8 Advertising is also a one-way form of communication with the target audience and the audience often doesn’t feel they have to respond or pay attention. Which one of the following may NOT be considered as a Disadvantage of Advertising?

1 It reaches a mass audience. 2 It is often seen as intrusive. 3 It is difficult to measure effectiveness. 4 Customers simply ignore advertisements. 5 The total cost may be very high.

(1) QUESTION 9 Before developing an advertising strategy, it is important to first analyse the market in which you intend doing business. It is therefore essential to conduct a ..... analysis.

1. growth 2. consumer 3. market 4. swot 5. competition


QUESTION 10 The hierarchy of effects can provide a model of the influence which a particular marketing communication can have on the consumer’s decision-making process. Which one of the following model falls under this category?

1 Maslow’s hierarchy model 2 Classical conditioning model 3 AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) model 4 Pavlov’s hierarchy model 5 Belch-and-Belch model



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Assignment 02 – COMPULSORY When completing the mark reading sheet or submitting this assignment via myUnisa, be sure to use the correct unique number as detailed below: Assignment Due date Unique number 2 08 August 2011 729324 This assignment consists of ten (10) multiple choice questions. Each question is worth one mark and your mark out of 10 will be converted to a percentage. Refer to section 6 of this tutorial letter for information on the submission of assignments. QUESTION 1 The ...... determines how much the organisation has to spend on advertising its products to the target market, and how the organisation is going to spend it.

1 Marketing budget 2 Financial budget 3 Advertising budget 4 Organisational budget 5 IMC budget

(1) QUESTION 2 Which one of the following is regarded as a primary objective of Advertising?

1 Creating brand awareness. 2 Discouraging enquiries. 3 Discouraging shopping. 4 Financial reports. 5 Organisational flexibility.


QUESTION 3 There must be valid criteria or standards for good advertising against which the advertisement can be measured or judged. Which one of the following may be regarded as one of the important criteria?

1 Sampling 2 adherence 3 flexibility 4 Credibility 5 Budget


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QUESTION 4 The ..... media carries messages to the masses in a country through radio and television.

1 Broadcast 2 Internal 3 External 4 Written 5 Telecommunications

(1) QUESTION 5 If UNISA uses the Newspaper to advertise its new courses, which one of the following may be a challenge/obstacle/weak point of the newspaper advertisement?

1 Reach specific markets 2 National coverage 3 Longer life span 4 Loyal readers 5 Poor reproduction


QUESTION 6 ...... refers to a plan to find a combination of the different media that will enable the marketer to communicate the message to the chosen target audience.

1 The operational plan 2 The media plan 3 The marketing plan 4 The advertising plan 5 The financial plan

(1) QUESTION 7 Organisations use sales promotions to launch a new product/service and to boost slumping sales. Which one of the following may NOT be regarded as a benefit or advantage of Sales Promotion?

1 Competitors may respond to a sales promotion campaign, and start a price war. 2 It is a form of communication which leads the customer to the product. 3 It is an incentive which gives value to the customer. 4 It invites the customer to engage in the transaction now. 5 It can be used for building interest in sales of products.


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QUESTION 8 Which one of the following may be referred to as a consumer-oriented technique?

1 Trade deals 2 Corporate identity 3 Donations 4 Couponing 5 Retailing


QUESTION 9 Resellers help to bridge the assortment, quantity and space gaps between the producers of products and the end-consumers. What Trade-oriented sales promotion technique could they use?

1 Trade-show promotions 2 Trade deals 3 Price incentives 4 Competitions and contests 5 Tie-in promotions

(1) QUESTION 10 Which one of the following statements is Incorrect/False?

1 PR (Public Relations) concerns the relationships of an organisation with other entities, whether organisations or individuals.

2 The function of PR is to provide information to the public in order to persuade them to modify their attitudes and actions.

3 PR manages perceptions and strategic relationships between the organisation and its stakeholders.

4 PR is a managerial function which continuously evaluates public attitudes and executes a programme of action to earn public understanding and acceptance.

5 PR can do the enterprise a great deal of harm, and most of the organisations may not recover from that particular damage.


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