101 - ceragon - ip-10g front-panel - presentation v1.2

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  • 8/18/2019 101 - Ceragon - IP-10G Front-Panel - Presentation v1.2


    Proprietary and Confidential 


    FibeAir IP-10 G-Series

    Front Panel Description


  • 8/18/2019 101 - Ceragon - IP-10G Front-Panel - Presentation v1.2


  • 8/18/2019 101 - Ceragon - IP-10G Front-Panel - Presentation v1.2


    Proprietary and Confidential 

    %LI & Serial %onnection


    D'( %raft Line Interface )%LI*

    'a+, 11./00

    Data !its

    Parit" one

    Stop !its 1

    Flow %ontrol one

  • 8/18/2019 101 - Ceragon - IP-10G Front-Panel - Presentation v1.2


    Proprietary and Confidential 

    2OW & 2as" %o3 4ia 5a,io


    2ngineering Or,er Wire &

    6o co+nicate with "o+r colleag+e on the

    other si,e of the ra,io lin7# sipl" connect

    here "o+r hea,set

  • 8/18/2019 101 - Ceragon - IP-10G Front-Panel - Presentation v1.2


    Proprietary and Confidential 

    2xternal 8lars

    D'( Dr" %ontact 2xternal 8lars &

    6he IP-10 s+pports . inp+t alars an, a single o+tp+t alar

    6he inp+t alars are config+ra!le accor,ing to

    1* Intere,iate# /* %ritical# 9* :a;or#

  • 8/18/2019 101 - Ceragon - IP-10G Front-Panel - Presentation v1.2


    Proprietary and Confidential 

    L2D In,ications

    LINK : GREEN – radio link is operational

    ORANGE -  inor '25 alar on ra,io

    RED – Loss of signal, a!or "#$ alar on


    I%&: GREEN – I%& f'n(tions ok

     ORANGE - fan fail're

     RED – Alar on I%& )all se*erities+

    $F&: GREEN – $F& f'n(tions ok

    ORANGE – Loss of (o'ni(ation )I%&-


    RED – %& Fail're

    L   I    N    K    

    I    D   U    

    R       U    

    P   R   !   "    

    R   #    "    

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    L2D In,ications

    P5O6 :ain +nit & GREEN )when there no alars*

    S6'= +nit YELLOW )when there no alars*

    ORANGE  & Force, switch# Protection loc7

    RED  & ph"sical errors )no ca!le# ca!le fail+re*

    OFF  & Protection is ,isa!le,# or not s+pporte, on


    5:6 GREEN  & reote +nit O> )no alars*

    ORANGE  & inor alar on reote +nit

     RED  & a;or alar on reote +nit

    L   I    N    K    

    I    D   U    

    R       U    

    P   R   !   "    

    R   #    "    

  • 8/18/2019 101 - Ceragon - IP-10G Front-Panel - Presentation v1.2

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    ?ser %hannels )1*

    6wo software-selecta!le +ser channels )5@-

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    ?ser %hannels )/*


    :o,es of operation

    A 4311 8s"nchrono+s )(B00!ps*

    A 5S-/9/ 8s"nchrono+s )(B00!ps*

    A 4311 S"nchrono+s %o-Directional )B!ps*

    A 4311 S"nchrono+s %ontra Directional )B!ps*

  • 8/18/2019 101 - Ceragon - IP-10G Front-Panel - Presentation v1.2

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    ?ser %hannels )9*


     8llowe, config+rations

    A 6wo 5S-/9/ 8s"nchrono+s ?%s ),efa+lt*A 6wo 4311 8s"nchrono+s ?%sA One 5S-/9/ 8s"nchrono+s ?%# an, one 4311 8s"nchrono+s ?%A One 4311 S"nchrono+s %o-DirectionalA One 4311 S"nchrono+s %ontra Directional ?%

    C 8ll settings are copie, to :ate when wor7ing in Protecte, o,e

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    11/19Proprietary and Confidential 

    Protection Port


    Protection Port )onl" for stan,alone +nits* &

    Protect "o+r :ain +nit with a S6'= +nit

    Protection ports on !oth +nits ,eliver the proprietar" protocol tos+pport a+toatic or an+al switchover 

    6he F2 protection port is static )onl" +se, for protection# not traffic*3 Its switching is perfore,

    electricall"3 If the +nit is a stan,-alone# an external connection is a,e thro+gh the front panel3 If the

    +nit is connecte, to a !ac7plane# the connection is thro+gh the !ac7plane# while the front panel port

    is +n+se,3

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    6-%ar,s ) 8,,-on :eanines*


    Fiel, +pgra,ea!le o,+les )6-%ar,s*

    A 1B x 21 6-%ar, )9/ total per +nit*

    A DS1 6-%ar,

    A S6:1EO%9 :? 6-%ar,

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    6-%ar,s ) 8,,-on :eanines*


     8n optional S6:-1 interface car, can !e inserte, in a ,e,icate, slot in the

    s"ste the car, can transit an, receive +p to B9 21s in a channelie,

    S6:-1 signal3

    6he s+pporte, apping is 4%< onl"


  • 8/18/2019 101 - Ceragon - IP-10G Front-Panel - Presentation v1.2


    Proprietary and Confidential 

    G!2 Ports


    6wo G!2 ports# each port with / ph"sical interfaces

    Port H1 optical )SFP transceiver* or electrical

    Port H/ optical )SFP transceiver* or electrical

     G!2 ports s+pport oS as in IP-10 )sche,+ler# policers# shaper# classifiers*

    Port )'Port )2 

  • 8/18/2019 101 - Ceragon - IP-10G Front-Panel - Presentation v1.2


    Proprietary and Confidential 

    F2 Ports


    . F2 ports

    Port 9 Data


  • 8/18/2019 101 - Ceragon - IP-10G Front-Panel - Presentation v1.2


  • 8/18/2019 101 - Ceragon - IP-10G Front-Panel - Presentation v1.2


    Proprietary and Confidential 

    % +sing a Shelf %onfig+ration


    % operation is ipleente, +sing two-+nit !ac7planes# whichprovi,e the interconnectivit"3

    ?p to three !ac7planes# consisting of six ID?s# can !e stac7e, to

    provi,e an expan,a!le s"ste

  • 8/18/2019 101 - Ceragon - IP-10G Front-Panel - Presentation v1.2


    Proprietary and Confidential 

    % +sing a Shelf %onfig+ration


    All I%&s tat operate.itin

    te / sste a*e

    identi(al ard.are, anda(t

    as stand-alone 'nits.

     2e 3 lo.er 'nits (an be (on4g'red as 5ain 'nits6

     2e role an I%& plas is deterined d'ring installation b itsposition in te tra7( inter(onne(tion topolog

  • 8/18/2019 101 - Ceragon - IP-10G Front-Panel - Presentation v1.2


    Proprietary and Confidential


    Thank You !training8(eragon6(o