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100 100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500 500

Middle Ages Renaissance

Empires II




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Team 1 Team 2 Team 3


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Economic system based on ownership of land; land is

exchanged for military service and loyalty

A 100

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A 100

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Became the only organized institution throughout


A 200

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The Roman Catholic Church.

A 200

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Holy Wars fought between the Christians and Muslims over the city of Jerusalem

A 300

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The Crusades

A 300

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Brought an end to Feudalism; killed many people, spread as a result of the Crusades

A 400

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Black Death(Bubonic Plague)

A 400

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A 500

How did the Crusades help

end feudalism?

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• People were aware of outside world

• Cities grew from trade

• Power of Nobles declined

• Demand for Eastern goods increased

A 500

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Economic system based on Money, replaced

feudalism, also called a market economy

B 100

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B 100

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A rebirth of ancient learning, especially Greek and

Roman Ideas

B 200

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B 200

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New way to question things,

Less dependence on Religious teachings,

Look at human experience

B 300

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B 300

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Name two artists of the Renaissance

B 400

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Da Vinci


B 400

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Main theme in Machiavelli’s

The Prince

B 500

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Rule by fear

The ends justify the means

B 500

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Code of honor between Japanese Samurai,

similar to the European Knight’s code of


C 100

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C 100

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• Spread their empire from the east to the Middle East to become the largest Empire ever.

• Led by the Khans.• Made the Silk Road safe

to trade along again

C 200

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Mongol Empire.

C 200

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Mansa Musa, the leader ofMali, became a ___________

C 300

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C 300

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C 400


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The Incas built extensive road systems and because

of their geography developed this farming


C 400

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Terrace Farming

C 400

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• This Empire was ruled by the Turkish Muslims who took over

parts of the old Muslim and Byzantine lands.

• Led by Suleiman the Magnificent

• Cut off trade between Middle East & Europeans

• Now looking for an all water route

C 500

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C 500

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• Developed the rudder and compass

• Zheng He was a great explorer

• Ended exploration because of ethnocentric

beliefsD 100

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D 100

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Reasons for Exploration(Hint: 3G’s)

D 200

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D 200

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Economic relationship between a mother country and her colony

Need for raw materials and markets for finished goods

D 300

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D 300

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World wide exchange of products and ideas

between the Eastern and Western Hemisphere

after Columbus discovered the new world

D 400

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Columbian Exchange

D 400

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Spanish government gave Spanish colonists

permission to use the native as slave labor under this system.

D 500

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Ecomienda System

D 500

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This invention spread Martin Luther’s ideas world


E 100

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The Printing Press

E 100

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The Catholic Church sold these, which bought

forgiveness and entry into heaven.

E 200

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E 200

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This was one result of the Reformation…

E 300

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Split in Christianity

Roman Catholic Church loses power

People questions beliefs

E 300

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Name 2 Protestant Beliefs

E 400

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• People earn salvation by believing in God

• Do not need the church to interpret God’s words

• The Bible needs to be written in everyday language

E 400

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Catholic Officials met here to plan how to fight the Reformation and restore

power of the Catholic Church

E 500

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Council of Trent

E 500

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One long-term effect of the Crusades was the

(1) development of Pax Mongolia(2) fall of the Ming dynasty(3) control of Jerusalem by Europeans(4) growth of trade and towns in western


F 100

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(4) growth of trade and towns in western


F 100

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One way Japanese feudalism during theTokugawa shogunate was different fromEuropean feudalism is that during this period ofJapanese feudalism

(1) political power was more centralized(2) foreign missionaries were welcomed(3) emperors were overthrown in coups d’état(4) most wealthy merchants were able to attainhigh social status

F 200

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(1) political power was more centralized

F 200

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How did the Commercial Revolution change economic practices in Europe?

(1) The manorial system was established.(2) A capitalist economy was developed.(3) The Church became a major economic power.(4) Colonies were granted independence

F 300

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(2) A capitalist economy was developed

F 300

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One impact Gutenberg’s printing press had on western Europe was

(1) the spread of Martin Luther’s ideas(2) a decrease in the number of

universities(3) a decline in literacy

(4) the unification of the Holy Roman Empire

F 400

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(1) the spread of Martin Luther’s ideas

F 400

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The Spanish encomienda system in the Americas resulted in

(1) the strengthening of indigenous cultures

(2) political independence for the colonies

(3) the exploitation of natives(4) religious freedom for the majority of

peasantsF 500

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(3) the exploitation of natives

F 500

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The Final Jeopardy Category is:

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Final Jeopardy Question

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What was a result of the efforts of Prince Henryof Portugal, Christopher Columbus, andFerdinand Magellan?

(1) The importance of Mediterranean traderoutes was established.(2) The modern concept of universal humanrights was promoted.(3) The European view of the physical world wastransformed.(4) An understanding of the benefits of culturaldiversity was encouraged.

What was a result of the efforts of Prince Henryof Portugal, Christopher Columbus, andFerdinand Magellan?

(1) The importance of Mediterranean traderoutes was established.(2) The modern concept of universal humanrights was promoted.(3) The European view of the physical world wastransformed.(4) An understanding of the benefits of culturaldiversity was encouraged.

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(3) The European view of the physical world was transformed.

(3) The European view of the physical world was transformed.