10 ways to instantly have confidence

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  • 8/11/2019 10 Ways to Instantly Have Confidence


    10 Ways To Instantly Have ConfidenceDecember 23 byRyan ClementsinCommunication,Motivation 3!"# $%ares

    Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I

    cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doingit. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do

    it even if I may not have it at the beginning.

    Mahatma !andhi

    "ear e#ists at the heart of every unfulfilled dream. If there is something in our life that we

    want, we are going to have to confront some fears in order to get it. $aving confidence in our

    ability to achieve goals, to move forward in the face of fear, and to accomplish our desires, is

    critical if we are going to live a life that is personally fulfilling and meaningful. %ot everyone

    is born with natural confidence. &ome people struggle, and for many people, difficult

    circumstances in their own lives can really impact their self confidence.

    &o what can be done' (nyone can develop more self confidence if they take some simpleactions and, more importantly, build these actions into habits.

    $ere are )* ways to instantly have confidence.

    1! &ut a 'ittle (ffort Into )ur *++earance

    &ounds simple, but it really works. +hen we put effort into our appearance, our dress, and

    our grooming, we feel better about ourselves. oes this mean that we have to be savvy to all

    the latest fashions and spend a large chunk of our savings on wardrobe upgrades' %ot likely.

    -he most important thing is that we build a habit of doing the best with what we have, and

    small simple improvements in the ways we present ourselves will have a positive impact on

    how we feel and our confidence. ( secret weapon when it comes to our appearance shoes.

    -ake good care of our shoes. /pgrade them if necessary. !ood looking shoes go a long way

    for a good feeling person.

    2! Do *n *ct )f $ervice or $omeone (lse

    -his is critical. +e can be our own worst enemy when it comes to our emotions. Many

    times, we feel bad about ourselves simply because we are focused too much on our self.

    !etting outside of the self can be truly refreshing, empowering and goes a long way to

    building your self confidence. +here to start' 0ook around, there are people everywhere.

    "ind someone and do something nice for them. -hen find someone else and do something

    nice for them. (fter a while, you1ll be ama2ed at how great you feel.

    3! -e &re+ared&ometimes a lack of confidence is as simple as a lack of preparation. %ervous about that 3ob

    interview' $ow well did we prepare' %ervous about that upcoming e#am' $ow well did

    we study' %ervous about not making those sales targets' +hat was our preparation like'

    $ow effectively did we work' (ction is the best antidote to an#iety and fear. 4eing perfectly

    prepared for whatever we are about to do will give us confidence. +hen we know that we

    have made the best possible preparations for what we are about to do, we will be more


    "! Ta.e * 'oo. *t )ur &osture&eems funny, but it actually works. $ow do you stand' o you slouch' +hat is your

    posture like when you are sitting' +hen you stand up straight, and sit with correct posture in

  • 8/11/2019 10 Ways to Instantly Have Confidence


    your chair, you feel better about yourself. 5ou1re able to breath easier and this o#ygen supply

    does wonders for your brain and our body. 5ou need o#ygen to feel good and sometimes your

    lack of o#ygen can be traced to poor posture.

    /! $et a Microoal *nd *c%ieve It

    6onfidence is based on a belief that we are capable of achieving things, therefore we don1tneed to be scared. &ometimes we get into a rut where we don1t feel like we are capable of

    achieving anything. +hen this happens it can be hard to start, and big goals seem almost out

    of the question. &o what you need to do in this instance is to set a micro7goal and then

    achieve it. ( micro7goal is a very small goal that is in your power. "or instance, if you

    have a sales based career, simply make a goal of picking up the phone and calling 8 people.

    on1t even focus on making a sale. 9ust achieve the goal of calling. +hy does this work'

    4ecause it gives you momentum and it signals the brain that you can achieve things. If you do

    it over and over and over again : set a small goal and then achieve it : you1ll will be

    pleasantly surprised at how you feel.

    4! C%an5e )ne Tiny Habit+hen we get stuck in a confidence rut it can be very hard to change ma3or habits. +e 3ust

    don1t believe that we are capable of change, and we don1t have the momentum to support our

    desire. &o I1m not talking about changing big habits here, like stop smoking. I1m talking

    about tiny habits, like making a bed, or waking up )* minutes earlier, or choosing a salad

    instead of fries. -iny habits work because, like setting micro7goals, they give us momentum.

    Once you change one thing, you1ll want to change others, and best of all, you develop

    confidence from your past victories. &ince you have changed one thing, you know you are

    capable of changing others.

    6! $mile&ounds trite, but it really works. +hen we smile we are happier. +hen we are happier we

    have more self7confidence. It1s also contagious. -hink about you day7to7day life. +hen you

    go for a coffee break and the server gives you a warm smile, does it make you upset' oes it

    make you angry and really depressed' %ot at all. &ometimes that little gesture is e#actly

    what you need to make you feel better about what is otherwise a difficult day. +hen you

    smile, and when others smile at you, we all feel better. +hen you feel better, you have more


    7! Ma.e * 'ist of 10 T%in5s T%at We *re rateful or!ratitude is one of the most powerful tools against depression and lack of confidence. +hat

    is one of the quickest ways to feel grateful' &imply make a list. Make a list of )* things that

    you are grateful for. +hen the list is done, read it. 4y the time you1ve done that, you1re sure

    to feel better about yourself. 5ou reali2e that life isn1t that bad and that there are many good

    things in your life, right now. -his attitude of gratitude helps you feel more confident about

    moving forward and making new things happen.

    10! et *ctive and $tart (8ercisin5

    (s -ony ;obbins has said, emotion is created by motion. If we want to feel good, we need

    to move and breathe. Moving increases our o#ygen intake which increases our happiness and

    general sense of well being.

  • 8/11/2019 10 Ways to Instantly Have Confidence


    being pleased with the results that we see : results that we have created through our actions.

    -his will increase our confidence.