10 secrets to creativity 1

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    Think like an artist!

  • change of scenery

    Some wayS to make it happen..


    01Its no secret that variety is the spice of life. Humans crave variety! If youve gone shop

    ping in

    the last decade, you can

    attest to this fact. Buy bread

    at the grocery store and

    you are faced with about a

    hundred different options.

    Rye bread, wheat bread,

    white bread, potato bread,

    flatbread, and many many

    others. The point is that we

    expect variety!

    As an artist, its important

    that you change your scen-

    ery from time to time. Artistic

    inspiration comes from your

    environmentthe things you

    see, smell, hear, touch, and

    feel everyday. When you

    experience nothing but the

    same old things day after

    day your creative well can

    run dry.

    Get up and get out! Take a

    walk down streets youve

    never explored before. Ride

    the bus across town and

    check out that park every-

    ones been talking about.

    Get in the car and just drive!

    Whatever it takes for you to

    change your scenery. Youll

    gain a broader understand-

    ing of the world you live in

    as well as some great new

    material to draw from.`

    s e c r e t



    Think like an artist!





    take a walk in the park

    Find a trail youve never

    walked before.Take a close

    look at the new sights all

    around you.

    Sit in a new chair

    Humans are creatures of

    habit. Chances are you sit

    in that same comfy chair

    everyday and see the

    same old angles. A simple

    change in your point of

    view may just reveal some

    new possibilities.

    Take a different

    route to work

    Get out a map or your

    GPS and see if you can

    find a different route

    to take to work or your

    daily appointments.

    Buy a new house

    Ok, maybe thats not very

    realistic, but you could always

    try rearranging the furniture

    in your current home. Who

    knows, it may feel like youre

    living in a brand new house.

    This simple act of change may

    also inspire some creative

    new art projects to tackle.

  • seek out inspiration

    Some wayS to make it happen..


    02Sometimes inspiration strikes you where you are.

    Most of the time, however,

    youre going to have to go

    looking for it. Museums are

    a great place to start your

    search. Museum curators

    have assembled some of the

    worlds greatest works of art

    in one place for you to glean

    from. Take the time to walk

    slowly through a museum

    and study its pieces,

    paying special attention to

    composition and technique.

    Dont be afraid to borrow

    from the masters; theyre

    called masters for a reason!

    Nature can be a great place

    to find inspiration as well.

    Anyone who has spent

    time in nature can tell you

    of its power to inspire.

    Spending time at your local

    park, nature center, zoo,

    or aquarium can drastically

    improve your creativity. With

    so many sights and sounds

    to draw from its no wonder

    that many great artists have

    created works inspired by


    s e c r e t



    Think like an artist!



    2Check out a muse


    Visit a local museum or, if you

    can swing it, make a trip to

    one of your countrys

    national museums.

    take pictures

    Carry a camera with you,

    and dont be afraid to

    use it. When you see an

    object, animal, or face that

    you feel would be a great

    subject for a drawing or

    painting, snap a picture

    and hold onto it for future

    reference. Of course,

    youll want to check with

    the person, parent, or pet

    owner firstit might save

    you some trouble.

    Spend time in nature

    Even in the city you can

    typically find a park or quiet

    plot of nature where you

    can just sit and observe the

    beauty around you. Bring a

    sketchbook with you and take

    the opportunity to sketch

    what you see.

  • change it upSome wayS to m

    ake it happen...

    03In baseball theres a pitch called the Change Up.

    The change up is a highly

    effective tool used by

    pitchers to confuse the

    batter. The pitcher will

    throw what appears to be a

    fastball, but he throws it from

    further back in the hand. This

    causes the ball to leave his

    hand at a slower speed and,

    though it looks to the batter

    like a fastball, its actually

    moving at a slower velocity.

    The unwitting batter swings

    too early and hits nothing

    but air.

    How could a change up

    in your daily routine improve

    your effectiveness as

    an artist?

    Doing the same thing day

    after day is greatif youre

    a robot. Get out there and

    do something new! The

    number one killer of creativity

    is monotony. By doing

    something new everyday,

    you are forcing your brain

    out of its catatonic state and

    giving it something new to

    compute. This sudden spike

    in brain function increases

    your capacity for creative

    thinking and is sure to inspire

    new and exciting ideas.

    s e c r e t



    Think like an artist!


    Spice it up!Pick up a good coo


    and try cooking something

    new for one of your meals.

    Its easy to return to your old

    favorites day in and day out,

    but you may be pleasantly

    surprised to know that there

    are other great options

    available. Cooking something

    new and exciting could

    provide just the flavor your

    day needs!

    Go back to school

    Community colleges

    offer some great classes

    for a minimal fee. Look

    for classes like: pottery,

    painting, welding,

    carpentry, swimming, and

    foreign language studies

    just to name a few. Check

    with the college closest

    to you, and see if any of

    the offered courses sound


  • keep your

    creative friends close

    Some wayS to make it happen..


    04Surround yourself with creative people!

    Whether you realize it or

    not, you are affected by

    your environment. When

    you spend your time around

    other artists and creative

    thinkers, your creativity will


    s e c r e t



    Think like an artist!

    1Branch outTheres a good cha

    nce that

    youre the only artist in your

    household and dont come

    in contact with others who

    share your affinity for fine

    art. This is a great reason to

    enroll in art classes at your

    local community college or

    community center. If these

    options arent available, there

    are also many resources

    offered online. Its quick and

    easy to join, and you will have

    instant access to people who

    share your passion and want

    to offer their assistance.

    2Get involvedMost cities or town


    have some form of art

    community, see what your

    own hometown has to

    offer. Keep your eyes and

    ears open for art contests,

    shows, and exhibits. This

    could be a great way to

    meet and mingle among

    some like-minded artists

    in your area.

  • 3

    talk to other artists

    Find out what medias they

    are working with and what

    materials or techniques

    they endorse. Give their

    suggestions a try, and see if

    you find that perfect fit!

    think outside the box

    There is no steadfast rule

    that says you have to use

    art supplies from a store.

    You can create art from

    just about any material.

    Take a look around your

    local scrap yard or thrift

    store for materials that

    could be combined to

    make a unique piece

    of art.

    Visit an art supply store

    Take a stroll through your

    local art supply store and

    see what art supplies catch

    your eye. This could be

    detrimental to your pocket

    book, so be sure that you

    dont get too caught up in

    the shapes and colors.

    take your pickSome wayS to m

    ake it happen...

    05The beauty of art is in its many forms; you dont have to be constrained to just one!

    If youre a painter, pick up a

    pencil and sketch. If pottery

    is your thing, try your hand

    at writing a poem. The more

    portions of your brain you

    can activate, the better. You

    may be surprised by what

    your new pursuits teach you

    about your preferred art form

    or media.

    s e c r e t



    Think like an artist!


  • a fresh startSome wayS to m

    ake it happen...

    06Dont get bogged down with one project.

    If you find yourself in the

    midst of a creative drought,

    go in search of a fresh new

    project to start.

    This isnt to say that you just

    give up on what you were

    working on and never return

    to it. It simply means taking

    a break, giving your mind a

    chance to process all youve

    been doing, and returning a

    little later with a new set of


    Dont start too many

    projects, however. There

    is something to say for

    finishing what youve started.

    Work on your new project

    only as long as it takes for

    you to see the other in a

    new light.

    s e c r e t



    Think like an artist!


    Collect your ideas

    As you take pictures

    throughout the year, have

    your favorites developed and

    keep them in a maybe later

    box. When you find yourself

    struggling to find inspiration

    take a look through this box

    and see if anything sparks

    your creativity.

    SketchKeep a sketchbook


    you wherever you go and

    sketch things that you

    see throughout your day.

    Going back through your

    sketches in the midst of

    a creative drought may

    bring on a deluge of much

    needed inspiration.

  • exerciseSome wayS to m

    ake it happen...

    07When youre hungry you eat, right? You eat because yo

    ur body

    is in need of the nutrients

    that keep it running. Well,

    your brain needs blood and

    oxygen to continue its

    complex calculating.

    The very act of exercising

    drastically improves your

    brain function and, in turn,

    your creativity. It doesnt

    take much; you can combine

    your exercise with changing

    your scenery and seeking

    out inspiration. Three for the

    price of one!

    s e c r e t



    Think like an artist!


    Set a timerSet a timer while

    you draw.

    Draw for 30 minutes, and then

    get out and take a walk around

    the block for 15 30 minutes.

    Taking a break not only keeps

    you fit, but taking time away

    from your drawing will give

    you a fresh perspective when

    you return.

    have a schedule

    Making a schedule each

    day will help you keep track

    of your time. Its easy to get

    caught up in your artwork

    and forget that anyone or

    thing else exists. Schedule

    specific times of the day

    for artwork and exercise,

    setting an alarm to remind


  • take a breatherSome wayS to m

    ake it happen...

    08Life can be hectic.

    Sometimes its important to

    just get away from the stress

    and noise of the daily grind

    and recharge your batteries.

    Art can be a great way to

    unwind and relax. You dont

    necessarily need to take on

    a laborious, time intensive

    project either. Something

    as simple as doodling on a

    piece of scrap paper can be

    enough to free your mind

    of distractions and build

    creative confidence in the


    s e c r e t



    Think like an artist!


    make timeSet aside a specific

    day of

    the week or hour of the day

    to devote specifically to your

    artwork. Spend time alone,

    away from distraction and

    just draw or paint for fun.

    Dont worry about creating a

    masterpiece; just do whatever

    helps you relax.

    Get awayGo on a vacation. N

    ot only

    will this give you a break

    from the daily grind, but

    it could be the change

    of scenery you need to

    rekindle your creativity.

    Vacation doesnt have

    to mean going out of

    state or country. It can

    be something as simple

    as traveling across town

    to stay with a relative

    or spending a night at a

    hotel in the next county


  • read, listen, watchSome wayS to m

    ake it happen...

    09Creative thinkers have roamed this world for thousands of years and, fortunately, many of them were kind enough to leave behind some examples of great art.

    Books, movies, and music

    are great resources for

    artistic inspiration. Take a

    few hours and peruse the

    shelves of your local library,

    searching for titles and

    images that trigger your


    There are thousands of

    great movies out there as

    well, many of them about

    art, artists, or the creative

    process. Listening to

    classical music is also a

    great way to find inspiration.

    Many classical composers

    were inspired by beautiful

    scenes in nature, and their

    music often illustrates these

    images in the minds eye.

    s e c r e t



    Think like an artist!


    Visit the library

    This may seem obvious,

    but the library is a fantastic

    resource for creativity.

    You have a nearly endless

    supply of books right at your

    fingertipsall for free. Many

    libraries now have thousands

    of DVDs and CDs to choose

    from, as well.


    bookstoresTheres something


    a secondhand bookstore

    that has the power to

    inspire creativity. Maybe

    its that old book smell, or

    perhaps its just being in

    the presence of so much

    information. Whatever

    it may be, secondhand

    bookstores are a good

    place to visit when

    seeking inspiration.

  • 10The best thing you can do for your creativity is create. Simple as that! The creative process gets easier as you do it.

    An amazing thing happens

    when you are engaged in

    creative activities. New ideas

    actually spring from the

    project you are working on

    at the time. Eventually, youll

    find your mind overflowing

    with new ideas, and when

    you get to this point its

    important to remember to

    write them down in a journal

    or sketchbook. Dont count

    on remembering them later.

    Everything you do or

    experience throughout

    your life plays a role in your

    creative process. Creativity

    is the ability to recall those

    experiences and connect

    them to the present in a

    new and exciting way. You

    possess all of the tools

    you need

    s e c r e t



    Think like an artist!

    just createsomething!

    heres a blank canvas,

    just create something!