10 reasons why i believe in jesus

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  • 7/29/2019 10 Reasons Why I Believe in Jesus


    10 Reasons Why I Believe in Jesus

    By David Foster

    One of the coolest songs Ive heard in awhile is Brooks & Dunns runaway hit, I

    Believe. It talks about how a young mans faith has grown and blossomed over

    time through the influence of a friend. I have to admit that my beliefs have beenaffected by time, by people, by circumstances, and by a lifelong pursuit of truth.

    Because were in a period of time where there is so much controversy stirred up

    by The DaVinci Code book and movie about who Jesus is, and since Jesus has a

    way of entering back into the global conversation and sticking around like gumon your shoe, I thought it would be great just to list in the Dave Rave the 10

    reasons why, after studying, loving, living, serving, and talking about Jesus forover 3 decades, Im more convinced of the fact of His life and the force of His

    love than ever. So here are my top ten reasons why I believe in Jesus:

    1. His durability. I am more than a little impressed that after 2,000 years of

    controversy, opposition, rage, and anger, Jesus still remains the only constant,durable message of hope the world has ever known. He just wont be ignored.

    2. His being the fulfillment of prophecy.The majority of the Bible,particularly the Old Testament is taken up with prophecies about the Messiah.

    Jesus is the fulfillment of all those prophecies, not just that He fulfilled

    prophecy, but He is the fulfillment of all of those prophecies. His life, ministry,and work were all predicted hundreds and hundreds of years before they ever

    happened and they occurred exactly as they were predicted and prophesied

    when Jesus could have had no possible control.

    3. His teachings. While we have tried to civilize Jesus in our culture, Histeachings are indeed radical. As a matter of fact, if we followed His teachings to

    the letter we wouldnt have the violence and war that we have today. His

    teachings are recognized as morally superior even by those who do not

    recognize His deity.

    4. His life. His life has been the subject of study, controversy, expose, and

    research. And because of the life He lived, the impact of that life still remainstoday. Its a compelling argument to believe that He indeed was and is the Son

    of God, Savior.

    5. His promises. Jesus promised, for example, that Hed come to give life, that

    Hed come to give rest. Jesus promised that His church would prevail. Jesuspromised that eternity would be good for those who could believe. All the

  • 7/29/2019 10 Reasons Why I Believe in Jesus


    promises Hes made in my life have come true and Ive seen those promises

    worked out in the lives of so many others. The best is yet to come.

    6. His global impact. When billions of people around the planet today still

    claim the name of Jesus as the Messiah, as their Savior and Lord, it cannot be

    ignored. When Bono was asked about the viability of claims of Jesus Christ, hepointed to the global durability or impact through Jesus and His ministry eventoday as proof enough for him to follow Jesus.

    7. His love. His love is the greatest redemptive force on planet earth. He was a

    prophet of love. He preached and taught love and exemplified the greatest love

    when he sacrificed His life for us even while we were yet antagonistic towardHim and had nothing to offer.

    8. His accomplishments. Think of it, Jesus owned nothing, wielded no power,

    held no office, didnt travel far from His own home, and had only twelve

    official followers when he died. And yet from that small beginning, He has

    achieved an epic presence in the world for over 2,000 years. What He has

    accomplished cant be measured and what people have accomplished in His

    name has made life better for everyone and continued to pull the world back

    from the brink of disaster.

    9. His courage. When you study the life of Jesus, it was His courage in the face

    of opposition of beating, of mockery, of betrayal; His steadiness of purpose, and

    His singularity of mission that allowed Him to move forward even into spaces

    where He knew He would be betrayed and crucified. He was and is not only

    God, but man. And as man His courage is not only inspiring, but in every senseof the word, transforming because He lives in and through His followers. It is

    His courage that animates my life with purpose, hope, and joy.

    10. His inclusivity. Contrary to what a lot of Christianity has become today,

    Jesus was and is an includer. While a lot of religious legalism today is intenton drawing the circle small enough to exclude people, Jesus was always a big-

    circle person. He drew the circle to include whosoever will, may come. He

    hung around people of questionable reputation. He chose in His inner circle

    those who had no connection to the elite. Jesus was an includer. He was as

    comfortable with the scholars of His day as He was with common, ordinarypeople, or prostitutes. You might say Jesus never met a person that He didnt


    These are my top ten reasons why I believe in Jesus. The truth of the matter is

    each one of us has to answer these questions for ourselves. The fact that Im this

    confident and convinced or your mother is, or your brother, or your parents, or

    your pastor, or other people you know doesnt settle the issue for you. The one

    thing I love about Jesus is that He will accept a yes or a no but never amaybe. Everyone has to make their choice and once they make the choice,

    that choice makes their life. Think about how important the decision to say

  • 7/29/2019 10 Reasons Why I Believe in Jesus


    yes to Jesus Christ as your personal God and Savior could be to your

    transformation right now and forever.

    Acts 2:38 (HCSB)38 Repent, Peter said to them, and be baptized, each of you, in the name of

    Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the

    Holy Spirit.

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