10 mysteries of prayer

10 Top Hidden Mysteries in Prayer From Rodney A Drury Peoria Prayer Center and Redneck Mystic Media

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10 Top Hidden Mysteries in Prayer

From Rodney A Drury

Peoria Prayer Centerand

Redneck Mystic Media

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Your best prayers may be when you feel the worst.

When we are the most excited, most passionate, we believe the Lord feels the same way. This is simply not true.

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When people do the right thing and don’t get a reward for it, like good feelings, do you love them less for lack of feelings? More of God’s love may be present when you feel less of it.

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Showing up counts as prayer.

Sitting in God’s presence, waiting on the Lord, regardless of what else happens, counts as communion with God

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“Be still and know that I am God” is a real thing. If rocks can cry out just by being there, so can we.

Rock on!

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Overexcitement, positive passion may be the reward for your prayer.

Yep. When we draw attention to ourselves we might also be receiving the full reward for our prayers. Attention.

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Thinking your energy, your passion or your fervency is the cause to answered prayers is not good. Passion with a spirit of self-control allows God to get the glory for being God and not us.

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Anyone can love God.

Not true. Sin separates us from the love of God and from loving God. Don’t assume people separated from God can love Him.

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Repentance and forgiveness are real. They allow sin to be broken and the heart to be awakened. If you have gone years without repenting, confessing your sin or asking for forgiveness, you might want to give it a try.

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Hate is a part of loving God.

Yep, that is true.

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Hating sin, hating your desire to sin, hating your willingness to sin all are ways to love God. In fact, most lingering sin cannot be broken unless you hate, despise or at least dislike that sin.

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Constant distractions ruin your prayer time.

No, that is not true. They may ruin you enjoying your prayer time, but God is not bothered by them.

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When you are trying to pray and distractinonskeep knocking at your heart’s door, it’s ok. It is normal. It is to be expected that the world and temptation will want in.

Turning away from the distraction and back toward God is a great way to spend an hour or a day in prayer.

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If you’re not praying with passion, you’re not praying.

Nope, not true.

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It’s great to have passion. But it’s a gift from God. Can you fake passion? Can you work it up? I hope not.

While few of us like duty, it is enough to be the kind of child of God who does what God desires regardless of how we feel. Some people have more passion when they don’t try to have some.

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If you hear something from God, you should tell everyone you can.

No, most things we hear from God are for us. Be like Mary, the mother of Jesus, and ponder those words more than proclaim them.

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There is a temptation to let people know “I’m spiritual,” “I hear from God.” We all want to be validated. We all want to be have significance. Just be mindful of how your needs might be affecting His gifts.

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Praying scripture is more powerful than praying spontaneously from your heart.

All the words we say come from the heart, so no, this is not true.

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You can pray scripture like an echo, just a sound bouncing around. That is an echo and not a prayer. But your can read a prayer and from your heart cry out. Then it’s not a echo but a cry.

But it can be tricky. Some people thinking they are only an echo are crying out loud to God. Thank God He is the judge and were not.

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The best, fastest and most reliable way to grow in intimacy with God and to enjoy Him is to OBEY.

Yep, that’s true.

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People try to depend on gifts, anointing, callings or other methods of intimacy with God. Remember God did not know some people performing miracles. Obey God and His love will fill you more and more. Even if no one else knows you are obeying, God knows.

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Let’s Pray

Right now, look up at God and smile.

With all your heart say, “I love you.”

Don’t worry much about how it feels.