10 must read books for emerging entrepreneurs (2)

Rising Africa:

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Page 1: 10 must read books for emerging entrepreneurs (2)

Rising Africa:

Page 2: 10 must read books for emerging entrepreneurs (2)
Page 3: 10 must read books for emerging entrepreneurs (2)
Page 4: 10 must read books for emerging entrepreneurs (2)

1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Image courtesy: thebestofzambia.com

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Think and Grow Rich

• This book was written 80 years ago by Napoleon Hill.

• The lessons of business it offers are invaluable and still

relevant today.

• Hill spent 20 years researching and interviewing more than

40 millionaires of his age.

• He started with Steel Magnate and Millionaire Andrew


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2. The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use

Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful

Businesses by Eric RiesImage courtesy: buzzsouthafrica.com

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2. The Lean Startup

• This book is written by Eric Ries who has been an entrepreneur in

residence at Harvard Business School.

• The Lean Startup provides useful insights into creating something

new under extreme uncertainty.

• This book has certainly given a new approach that is being

adopted around the world and is changing the way companies are

being built.

• It is filled with technical information, along with interesting

stories that back up the author’s assertions.

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3. How to Win Friends and Influence People by

Dale Carnegie

Image courtesy: www.bet.com

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How to Win Friends and Influence People

• This book has been termed as “The grandfather of all people-skills


• It has been guiding and inspiring entrepreneurs for over 80 years

and continues to provide useful insights on techniques for

handling other people.

• These techniques include six ways to get people to like you, twelve

ways to encourage others to buy into your thinking or nine ways to

change people's minds without any resentment.

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4. The Startup of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in

Yourself, and Transform Your Career by Reid Hoffman

Image courtesy: livemag.co.za

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The Startup of You

• LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman and author Ben Casnocha

wrote this book in the year 2012.

• This book provides valuable advice to entrepreneurs on how to

survive and network in this fast paced competitive business world.

• The most important advice of Hoffman and Casnocha is how to

take control of yourself to make the most out of your life, career

and business.

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5. Entrepreneurial DNA: The Breakthrough Discovery

that Aligns Your Business to Your Unique Strengths by Joe

AbrahamImage courtesy: www.biznisafrica.co.za

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Entrepreneurial DNA

• Joe Abraham has compiled all his experiences gained after

starting more than 20 companies, in one book.

• He forces his reader to ponder on important questions such as

what kind of entrepreneur are you, what are your strengths and

weakness and what type of people are you working with.

• If the reader find answers to these questions, Joe believes that

nothing can stop them from success.

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6. Socialnomics by Erik Qualman

Image courtesy: delagoabayword.wordpress.com

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• It is no mystery that social media is slowly becoming the

most important weapon for any business.

• In this book, Eric provides information on how social media

transforms the way we live and do business.

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7. Rework by Jason Fried & David Heinemeier

Image courtesy: www.moibrahimfoundation.org

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• Rework tells readers a better, faster, easier way to succeed in


• It is not one of those typical business books which give advice

on writing a business plan, seeking investors, studying the

competition etc.

• So if you are looking for a different type of book, this is sure

your pick!

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8. Who Moved My Cheese? By Spencer Johnson,

Kenneth H. Blanchard

Image courtesy: www.pinterest.com

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Who Moved My Cheese?

• This book is often distributed by managers to employees as a

motivational tool, but the lessons it imparts can be used by

anyone, a young child, an aged person, the rich or the poor.

• The crux of the story is how important it is to deal with change,

since change is the only constant in life.

• A successful entrepreneur is one who embraces change and

functions according to the norms of the business world.

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9. Good to Great by Jim Collins

Image courtesy: www.bellanaija.com

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Good to Grea

• This book has been one of the bestsellers in the business genre and

is called the modern classic of management theory.

• It revolves around one single question, “Can a good company

become a great company, and if so, how?”

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10. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your

Story in a Noisy Social World by Gary Vaynerchuk

Image courtesy: www.ameyawdebrah.com

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Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook

• The New York Times bestselling author and Social Media expert

complies a book with the best advice on how to use social media to

understand customers and emerge victorious in this competitive


• This book offers outlines for the right social media strategies or a

social media campaign that’s sure to throw your competitor out.

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Mara Foundation’s Ambition

We enable, inspire and empower ambitious entrepreneurs in Africa. With the support of our Mara Mentors we will:

Inspire millions of young people in Africa to become entrepreneurs.

Teach entrepreneurs new skills.

Enable entrepreneurs to turn business ideas into a reality.

Guide business owners to grow businesses and hire (more) employees.

Empower entrepreneurs by providing a platform to showcase their business and build their network.