10 key characteristics of postmodernism

10 Key Characteristics Of Postmodernism Redwood City : CA : USA | Apr 25, 2011 at 8:13 PM PDT By Stephanie Sklar XX XX Views: Pending Postmodernism isn’t a word that’s easily defined, and its origins aren’t easily traced. We find it used to describe architecture, art, technology, and literature among other areas; either originating from modernism or opposed to it. Most notable is postmodern thought, which involves several key characteristics that are generally acknowledged by many of those who subscribe to the philosophy. In this instance, postmodernism is anti-modern, as evidenced in the following list: 1. Disillusionment with modernist thinking Postmodernists are uncomfortable with the modernist’s inability to make strides in achieving peace and progress in society. Therefore, they challenge the conventional way of operating. 2. Opposition to traditional authority Overall, authority is dangerous and not to be trusted. Authority figures are to be opposed due to their loyalty to the establishment and rigid beliefs in moral truths. 3. Truth is relative There are no impartial truths. They have been defined by people and groups who use them to obtain power. One individual’s perception of reality doesn’t always match another individual’s perception of reality. For instance, even though you may view an individual of the opposite sex as in a relationship based on their apparently conventional practices that suggest that they’re taken, they may not see themselves as in a relationship.

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Page 1: 10 Key Characteristics of Postmodernism

10 Key Characteristics Of PostmodernismRedwood City : CA : USA | Apr 25, 2011 at 8:13 PM PDT By Stephanie Sklar XX XX Views: Pending

Postmodernism isn’t a word that’s easily defined, and its origins aren’t easily traced. We find it used to describe architecture, art, technology, and literature among other areas; either originating from modernism or opposed to it. Most notable is postmodern thought, which involves several key characteristics that are generally acknowledged by many of those who subscribe to the philosophy. In this instance, postmodernism is anti-modern, as evidenced in the following list:

1. Disillusionment with modernist thinking

Postmodernists are uncomfortable with the modernist’s inability to make strides in achieving peace and progress in society. Therefore, they challenge the conventional way of operating.

2. Opposition to traditional authority

Overall, authority is dangerous and not to be trusted. Authority figures are to be opposed due to their loyalty to the establishment and rigid beliefs in moral truths.

3. Truth is relative

There are no impartial truths. They have been defined by people and groups who use them to obtain power. One individual’s perception of reality doesn’t always match another individual’s perception of reality. For instance, even though you may view an individual of the opposite sex as in a relationship based on their apparently conventional practices that suggest that they’re taken, they may not see themselves as in a relationship.

4. Facts are useless

Facts can change daily or they may be utter lies. This comes with believing that truth is subjective and that it’s something that shouldn’t be generally acknowledged.

5. Rationalization

Opinions are what matter in postmodern thinking. Provided that the opinion is rationalized, it can be accepted as the best explanation. This means that science is rejected for the reason that there is no objectivity.

6. Morality is relative

There isn’t a moral system that’s right for everyone. Traditional beliefs that have been accepted

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for hundreds of years fall by the wayside when people accept that truth is relative. This is where many Christians are at odds with postmodernists.

7. Each religion is legitimate

Postmodern thinkers believe that there isn’t one religion that’s “right.” Instead, all of them are legitimate. If you subscribe to a faith based on personal experiences and it’s compatible with you, then it’s accepted by postmodern thinkers.

8. Belief in internationalism

Postmodernists reject the idea of nationalism for the reason that it drives nations into conflict with each other, discouraging healthy human progress. Internationalism ensures that we’re looking out for the greater good, uniting instead of dividing.

9. Collective ownership

Postmodern thinkers disapprove of the idea of individual ownership. It would be most fair if we divided and distributed goods as a group.

10. Equality

Postmodernists believe in equality for all, regardless of race, sexual orientation, class or religion. Therefore, there isn’t one right way to live.