10 fundamental truths in god's living word e-mail [email protected]

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Page 1: 10 Fundamental Truths in God's Living Word  e-mail luke1234@cox.net

www.drivingthruthebible.com e-mail [email protected]

Page 2: 10 Fundamental Truths in God's Living Word  e-mail luke1234@cox.net

1. God is Alive, and Eternal: Gen 1:1; Rev 21:22

2. The Father is Alive, and Eternal: John 17:5; 24

3. Jesus Christ is Alive, and Eternal: John 1:14

4. The Holy Spirit is Alive, and Eternal: Gen 1:2

5. The Bible is Alive, and Eternal: 2 Pet 1:21

6. Satan’s Alive, temporarily ruling the world: Eph 2:2

Page 3: 10 Fundamental Truths in God's Living Word  e-mail luke1234@cox.net

• “All have sinned (missed the mark) and fall short (are separated from) the Glory of God” Rom 3:23

• “The wages of sin is death (eternal separation from an eternal God)” Rom 6:23

Page 4: 10 Fundamental Truths in God's Living Word  e-mail luke1234@cox.net

• At the cross, Jesus Christ bore the entire cost to redeem us, to pay our sin debt in full (Eph 2:8-9)

• The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin (John 16:7-10)

• We must accept Christ’s offer of redemption (John 3:5-8; Rom 10:9)

• Once “Born Again, we come Alive in Christ”; then the eternal, living, Holy Spirit (our translator) comes to live permanently within us (John 14:17)

Page 5: 10 Fundamental Truths in God's Living Word  e-mail luke1234@cox.net

• The living Lord Jesus Christ made you come alive for a purpose. 1 Cor 12:7-11

• That purpose is the Great Commission: “Go and make disciples of all Nations.” Matt 28:19

• The Holy Spirit empowers you for that purpose

• You must be refilled with the Holy Spirit often to continue to carry out that purpose. Acts 1:8; 2:4; 4:31

Page 6: 10 Fundamental Truths in God's Living Word  e-mail luke1234@cox.net

1. In prayer and supplication (humble petition, like crying out for water, being lost and dehydrated in a hot desert… You gotta’ want it!) Acts 1:14

2. “Ask, and it (refilling) will be given unto you,

3. Seek (witnessing opportunities), and you will find,

4. Knock, and it (revival inside the church, and awakening outside the church) will be opened unto you.” Luke 11:9