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10 Days Daily Prayer Devotionals 201 7 Day 1: Journey to At-one-ment: A Movement of Faith for the Fulfillment of Jesus’ Prayer And the Glory that you [the Father] gave me [Jesus], I have given to them [present and future disciples], that they may be one just as we are one. John 17:22 John 17 Unity: The Impossible Prayer In John 17:20-23, Jesus prays an impossible prayer. Sometimes we gloss over the full weight of what Jesus is praying, so let’s take the time to unpack some of the implications of this prayer: “Let them [my disciples] be one just as the Father and the Son are one.” Consider this about God: The Father and the Son have lived in perfect unity from before the foundation of the world. The Father and Son are not created, not temporally bound, and obviously not sinful The inner life of the Trinity is the source of everything that exists! Creation flows from their union God’s unity is essential to His nature—it’s part of His very being! Consider this about human beings: We are created beings. We are bound by time and space. We are also sinful. We die. We are not God. God is infinitely higher than us in worth and glory. Consider that Jesus is praying this for the Church in the midst of this current evil age, in the midst of the world. He’s not praying for us to have this Divine unity in some future, perfected state (which would still be amazing and impossible). It’s a prayer for the world we inhabit, the here and now. And yet, Jesus is praying, in essence, “let created, sinful beings have the same perfect unity that has existed between US from before the foundation of the world…Let people be one with each other as God is one with God.”

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10 Days Daily Prayer Devotionals 2017

Day 1: Journey to At-one-ment: A Movement of Faith for the Fulfillment of Jesus’ Prayer

And the Glory that you [the Father] gave me [Jesus], I have given to them [present and future disciples], that they may be one just as we are one. John 17:22

John 17 Unity: The Impossible Prayer

In John 17:20-23, Jesus prays an impossible prayer. Sometimes we gloss over the full weight of what Jesus is praying, so let’s take the time to unpack some of the implications of this prayer: “Let them [my disciples] be one just as the Father and the Son are one.”

Consider this about God: The Father and the Son have lived in perfect unity from before the foundation of the

world. The Father and Son are not created, not temporally bound, and obviously not sinful The inner life of the Trinity is the source of everything that exists! Creation flows from

their union God’s unity is essential to His nature—it’s part of His very being!

Consider this about human beings: We are created beings. We are bound by time and space. We are also sinful. We die. We are not God. God is infinitely higher than us in worth and glory.

Consider that Jesus is praying this for the Church in the midst of this current evil age, in the midst of the world. He’s not praying for us to have this Divine unity in some future, perfected state (which would still be amazing and impossible). It’s a prayer for the world we inhabit, the here and now. And yet, Jesus is praying, in essence, “let created, sinful beings have the same perfect unity that has existed between US from before the foundation of the world…Let people be one with each other as God is one with God.”

Responding in Faith to Jesus’ Prayer

Let me share a little secret that I’ve learned over the years: Jesus gets what he prays for. What He asks of the Father is going to happen. He gets what He prays for, meaning that His Prayer is a Promise that His people will be one, as God is one with God!

The Word of God is the ultimate reality in the universe. You cannot stop it. It will be fulfilled! You can bet against it and resist it, but it will come from behind and beat all the odds until, steady and inevitable as the rising sun, it rises in glory for all to see. But there’s a funny thing about God’s Word—before it is fulfilled, it goes around disguised under the name “Impossible”. God’s word is like the prince disguised as a frog in fairy tales. Will we be able to recognize the true, royal name, “Inevitable”, in spite of its appearance to us as the unbecoming frog, “Impossible”? History is inexorably steering towards the fulfillment of God’s promises, until the impossible becomes reality. Now is the time to position ourselves on “the right side of history” by agreeing with God’s word, and becoming part of its fulfillment.

Faith is nothing other than agreement with what God says in such a way that we participate in the fulfillment of His word. When by faith we say, “AMEN”, we become participants in that word and receive what it promises. I believe God is looking for a people that will read Jesus’

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10 Days Daily Prayer Devotionals 2017

impossible prayer and say, “It’s going happen and I want to be part of it.” As we begin 10 Days this year, I ask you to become part of a movement of faith, a world-shaking cry of “AMEN” that will agree with Jesus for His prayer to be answered, for the Body of Christ to be “one as the Father and Son are one”?

Jesus, we confess that we are in awe because of your great grace toward us, that you would even desire to share the inner life that you enjoy with the Father with us! How can this be? We’re amazed by your generous promise “I am giving them my Glory…” Let it be, Lord! pour out your awesome and uncreated Glory on us, our families, our congregations, and our cities. Pour out your Glory, Lord and Let us be one!

Jonathan Friz, Deerfield, MA

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10 Days Daily Prayer Devotionals 2017

Day 2: Jesus’ New Commandment

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:34-35 NIV

It was the final evening Jesus would have with His disciples before His was crucified. As they shared the historic Passover meal, Jesus announced the long-promised new covenant. Then He gave them a new commandment.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

In keeping the pattern of previous covenants God had given, the new covenant and new commandment were to be inextricably linked to one another. The power of the new covenant would be demonstrated by the love those who believed in Jesus would have for one another—a love that had its origin in the loving union of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The heart of the command is that we “love one another.” The Greek word for “one another”—allelon—implies mutuality and reciprocity. It is a love that is exchanged between those that share the bond of faith in Jesus Christ.

The new command differs from “loving your neighbor as yourself” or “loving your enemies.” In these commands, there was no implied mutuality or reciprocity. But for those who embraced the new covenant and new commandment, this mutual loved becomes the mark of authenticity for all to see.

“By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

We are commanded to love as Jesus loved us. He laid aside His life—ultimately embracing death on a cross—out of obedience to His Father and love for us. The secret of His obedience and love was the love He received from the Father.

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.”

Jesus lived in the Father’s love for Him. He had known that love from eternity and now displayed it on earth. It was this love that flowed freely from Him to us. Now He instructs us to love one another with this same love we have received from him.

“As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

Our obedience to this command is no longer dependent on our finite ability to love others. Rather, our obedience is empowered by the infinite resource of God’s love for us!

Gaylord Enns, Chico, CALove Revolution Now!

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10 Days Daily Prayer Devotionals 2017

Day 3: From Envy and Entitlement to Contentment: The Hidden Secret of God’s Economy

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” – Philippians 4:12

Are we content with our "lot" and "plot" in life (meaning our circumstances and possessions)? Or are we coveting - even working toward - "more" or "better" as Western culture defines such things (materially, reputationally, numerically, influentially)?

"...But envy is rottenness to the bones" - Proverbs 14:30"Let nothing be done through selfish ambition..." - Philippians 2:3

We know God loves us, desires to bless us, and will always take care of us.

"may you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers" 3 John 2"... a good and large land, a land flowing with milk and honey" Exodus 3:8"Abram was very rich in livestock, in silver, and in gold." - Genesis 13:2"...never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging for bread" - Psalm 37:25

Yet, with certainty, we also know we must suffer difficulties and lack in this life:

"... I was beaten with rods...stoned...shipwrecked...hungered...cold and naked" - 1 Cor 11"In this world you'll have trouble - take heart, I have overcome the world” - John 16:33"Whoever desires Me, deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Me" - Matthew 16:24

How do we reconcile this? Many Christians think a Godly life is mostly one way (prospering) or the other (willing to suffer). Could it be both? Jesus says so:

 “Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal life. - Luke 10:29-30

A key to us here is: "deny yourself". Contentment requires this. When "we get our back up" and complain to God:

- I thought you would bless me (according to the way of my vain imagination)?- Why does he have more than me? Don't we serve the same God?- You call this financial trial prospering?!

"Peter: Lord, what about him?” Jesus: “What's that to you?” - John 21:21

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10 Days Daily Prayer Devotionals 2017

Are not these just complaints of the self rising up in indignation? Yet, contentment is humility. There truly is a difference between wants and needs. Wants can get tangled up in our expectations, entitlements, emotions and the flesh. Provision from God doesn't always come as we expect or even demand. We might complain: "my needs are not being met!" when we can't pay bills using money from our bank account. But who's to say that God can't take care of that another way, such as debt forgiveness or even an unexpected miracle without money? Is money (or a lack there of) an idol to us? Not everything in life revolves around money.

"Those with no money, buy and eat. Yes, without money and without price" - Isaiah 55:1"Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word from God's mouth" - Matthew 4:4

Contentment is also a matter of faith and maturity. When soldiers go to war, do they expect to take it easy? No, they face difficulty. But, are there times of R&R? Yes!

"Everything has a season; a time for every purpose under heaven" - Ecclesiastes 3:1

Contentment is denying "my rights" and is being fine with (even full of joy) how and what God provides. If he wants to bless us materially like Abraham or Solomon, that's great! But if we lust after such things outside of God's will and timing, what value is it? Do we want to end up like Saul? Solomon? No. Did God love Abraham more than Paul? Not that we're aware. God knows best. What if he's taking us through a wilderness to refine us? Yes Lord! May we be content in his goodness! He is a good Father!

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight - Hebrews 4:13Weary not in well doing, for in due season we shall reap a harvest - Galatians 6:9

Remember the workers in the vineyard who got paid the same wage no matter when they started (Matt 20)? Or, the older brother of the "Prodigal Son" (Luke 15) being disgruntled with his brother's party? Or, Lazarus and the rich man who in hell was told by Abraham that he already received his good things in this lifetime and (Luke 16)? The common thread: Don't compare yourself with anyone else. It’s a trap and a temptation. It will only "rot your bones" and create bitterness towards God and others. So, what can we handle? What will corrupt us? Only God knows.

"God is faithful, he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability" - 1 Corinthians 10:13

You know, in the end it is all for God's glory. Isn't He worth whatever we must endure?

Let’s pray.

Father, thank you for loving me and providing for my family. You know the number of my days and you know what is best. Lead me in Your ways, not in my own vanity.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Gregg Healeyhttp://newbreed.co

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10 Days Daily Prayer Devotionals 2017

Day 4: America, Your only Hope is in Returning

“For I, the Lord, do not change; therefore you, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed. From the days of your fathers you have turned aside from My statutes and have not kept them. Return to Me, and I will return to you,” says the Lord of hosts. “But you say, ‘How shall we return?’"Malachi 3:6-7 NASB

As I travel America, I often ask people: "How do you think America is doing?" The answer is always negative.  Then I ask why. I listen respectfully, then I say: "I think it's because we have forgotten God."  Many have agreed with me and we agree to pray for revival.  Others, respond in different ways but it is always a great way to start an evangelism conversation.   But what do you think? How is America doing? Could the problem be that we have we forgotten God?

Four Great National Sins

America, like Israel, is a covenant nation with the Lord. Our forefathers entered into a covenant and dedicated America to God, seeking to follow His law, and established America upon His commands. However, like Israel in the past, we have committed the four great sins that lead to national destruction:

We have forsaken God - turning our backs on God is the most heart-breaking thing to Him; we have committed spiritual adultery; we have stopped fashioning our laws and our national dependence upon Him.

We have shed innocent blood. In addition to the crime in our streets, we have shed the blood of more than 50 million children in the womb, innocent beings given to us by God, made in His image, created to fulfill His purposes on the earth.

We have committed sexual immorality on a vast scale. Only one kind of sex is permissible in God's eyes: sex between a man and a woman inside marriage. All other sex is illicit and illegal in God's eyes. "Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul." I Peter 2:11 NASB

Greed: The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was not only sexual sins, but that they did not have compassion on the poor. "As I live,” declares the Lord God, “Sodom, your sister and her daughters have not done as you and your daughters have done. Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had arrogance, abundant food and careless ease, but she did not help the poor and needy. Thus they were haughty and

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10 Days Daily Prayer Devotionals 2017

committed abominations before Me. Therefore I removed them when I saw it. Ezekiel 16:48-50

The Lord sent many, many prophets to Israel before its collapse and destruction. Even its collapse and destruction were redemptive. God did promise redemption to His remnant. But even until the very day destruction and judgment comes, and I feel it will be soon without massive repentance, it is possible for repentance to stay the hand of God. After extensive prayer and with all my heart, I believe that God is saying, "America, return to me and I will return to you." Just as He did in the book of Malachi and just as He did in many of the other books of the Old Testament, this promise is for us as a nation: If we return to Him, He will surely return to us.

As He says in the New Testament: "Thus it is written, that the Christ would suffer and rise again from the dead the third day, and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem." Luke 24:46-47.

The question is will we return to God? Will we turn from our sins and seek God with our whole heart, mind and soul?

Allan E. ParkerPresident, The Justice Foundation, San Antonio, TX www.thejusticefoundation.org

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10 Days Daily Prayer Devotionals 2017

Day 5 : Discovering Hope in Mourning a Wayward Nation

12 Therefore in that day the Lord God of hosts called you to weeping, to wailing,To shaving the head and to wearing sackcloth.13 Instead, there is gaiety and gladness,Killing of cattle and slaughtering of sheep,Eating of meat and drinking of wine:“Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we may die.”14 But the Lord of hosts revealed Himself to me,“Surely this iniquity shall not be forgiven youUntil you die,” says the Lord God of hosts. Isaiah 22:12-14, NASB

Living in America with our high value on maintaining an upbeat attitude with a smile, I now realize that I have significantly underestimated God’s heart and purposes for mourning, especially national mourning.

Whether we look at the declining influence of Christianity, the humanistic pervasiveness in our education system, the mainstreaming of sexual perversion, the national debt approaching 20 trillion dollars, or other indicators, it is clear that a deeply troubling shift, with severe consequences, is in full swing. In other words, when we look at the trajectory of our nation there are plenty of reasons to mourn.

Reflecting on the Valley of Vision chapter found in Isaiah 22 (see above), the Lord had already called Judah (the southern kingdom of Israel) to turn from its festivities to mourn over their national apostasy (v. 12). But the people continued to focus on what would make them feel good in the moment (v. 13) and it had become too late for them to turn back (v. 14). Clearly the sobering realities identified in this passage concerning ancient Israel have implications for us today.

This passage also reveals that the people were capable of seeing their declension and the natural response should have been to mourn. In summary, if we observe a cultural departure from God and His will and ways, we are to mourn while maintaining the hope of sanctifying repentance for believers and saving repentance for the lost.

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10 Days Daily Prayer Devotionals 2017

Mourning Brings Hope?

But what about the heart of God related to mourning, especially as we focus today on mourning over our nation? To my surprise, whenever I seek God and enter into mourning for our nation, I do not find that I become depressed. In fact, I often feel CLOSER to God and even feel HOPE rising! What is this about?!

I believe that when we enter into the heart of God, we come to understand that He is grieved by the lost who reject Him, the lukewarm temperature of His people, and the misuse of his blessings for selfish purposes. It is at this point, using our spiritual vision, that we began to see what He sees and feel what He feels. How could such prayers not connect with God?

While the Lord has not shown me that our nation will change its trajectory, nor avert further and greater judgments, He has given me the HOPE that comes from drawing near to His presence in a posture of mourning.

Father, I humble myself to see what you see in my family, neighborhood, church, and nation. Let me feel what you feel. Help me to mourn over those that have rejected your love, and within that love, have rejected your perfect plan and purposes. Jesus, I feel You grieving over Your perfect sacrifice, and the hope therein, because so few have responded. I feel Your concern over all those in Your body who are doing their best to live a good life, rather than abide in Your presence. Father, lead me into your understanding of this nation. Show me what brings joy to Your heart and tears to Your eyes. Amen.

Dave Warn is the founder and director of Forerunners of America, a ministry that helps people discern the hour, respond in faith—not fear, and to prepare to take in the greatest harvest our nation has seen in generations. Dave lives in Buchanan, Michigan with his wife and two sons.

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10 Days Daily Prayer Devotionals 2017

Day 6: The Hope of Israel’s Salvation

“…Have they stumbled beyond recovery? Not at all! But through their fall, to provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles.” Romans 11:11

As we draw close to the end days before Yeshua/Jesus returns, Israel’s salvation becomes paramount in God’s plan to glorify His Son upon the earth (Ezekiel 36:22-27).

When we read Romans 11 carefully, we can see that the Apostle Paul asks 3 separate questions relating to Israel’s plight and journey. In the 3rd question he asks rhetorically: “Did they stumble beyond recovery? Not at all!” He goes on to explain how the Gentile part of the family has a significant role to play in Israel’s salvation experience, to help draw them to jealousy and release God’s mercy back to them (Romans 11:11; 30,31).

In fact, I believe that the whole purpose of Romans chapters 9 and 10 is to lay a foundation to help unravel the great complexity of Israel’s salvation experience, which apart from The Remnant of Jewish believers (Question 1 - Romans 11:1-6), would come down at the end.

This salvation experience has already begun in a number of ways: in the natural realm through the re-establishment of Israel as a nation, with over 7 million Jews already being drawn back to her from over 100 nations.   Spiritually, we have witnessed the beginning of Israel’s awakening through the Messianic Movement, which began en masse in the late 1960’s after Israel took back the physical domain of Jerusalem.

These Jewish Messianic believers and those in the Church now make up the modern Remnant of Israel.   It’s paramount for Gentile believers to reconnect with Messianic believers as one family to help re-unite the Kingdom between Jew and Gentile (See Ephesians 2:19).  Gentile believers have a role to fully encourage and bless them into their Jewish identity, so they may reflect Yeshua back to their own people as a distinctly Jewish faith. 

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10 Days Daily Prayer Devotionals 2017

Restoration and Reconnection

If you are willing to accept it, Israel’s restoration has begun. But God needs our help to complete it, and we have a most crucial role to play. So, we must be willing to make adjustments for this time, just as the Jewish believers did when the Gentiles first started to come in. “Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in, and in this way all Israel will be saved.” “As it is written: The deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob. And this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins” (Romans 11:25-27; Deuteronomy 30:4-6 and Ezekiel 36:22-27).

As this happens, God will not take anything away from the Gentile church but rather bring us into the fullness of the harvest through the unveiling of this mystery that is happening before our very eyes, as His covenants towards Israel are fulfilled. This is a key element here to our understanding in God’s end time glory plan and the two are intricately linked together.

This is why we must now spiritually reconnect to our roots and heritage, as we will never fulfill our end time call as a Church operating as a separate entity away from Israel. Nor have we replaced them, but rather are a part of them (Ephesian 2:19,20). It may have been permissible to act this way during the “time of the Gentiles”, but as we move into this season of fulfillment, we need to reconnect spiritually as family in order for this spiritual transaction to properly work through us.

Unity Through Diversity

When the apostle Paul wrote about the unity of The One New Man (Galatians 3:28,29), he never meant to eliminate the distinction between Jew and Gentile.

When the Church was first formed, the Gentiles coming in were naturally associated to its Jewish roots and expression without having to follow the law. However, when Rome took over the Church it looked to eliminate this influence and set it apart and so its link to Israel was severed. The unfortunate influence of these supersessionist teachings have affected the Church for some 1600 years and now need to be broken off of us.

Just look how Paul behaved when he returned to Jerusalem and how apparent it was that the Apostles living there were still following Jewish customs (Acts 20:20-26). This is why he used the example of a man and a woman in the same text. As Jewish and Gentile believers, and as men and women, we are now one through Messiah/Christ in the Spirit through our salvation and are now co-heirs; however, we still perform different roles and have different expressions.

This has become apparent through the Messianic movement and their differing expressions of the faith. Gentiles were not called to practice exactly the same way Jews do, which was seen through the Church in Jerusalem but also now in the way in which Messianic believers worship and celebrate. Yet we are called to be one in Spirit with Israel’s Remnant; to love one another as Messiah loves His Church.  Especially now so our Lord can return to us, we must be reunited as one family; to be able to freely bless each other from within the unity of The One New Man. Our Father in heaven is longing for this reconnection. It is His design and footprint for this time and the very heart of Jesus' prayer in John 17, that His end time power would be unleashed upon His Church through the unity of Jew and Gentile.

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We are entering a new day in the Spirit and He is beginning to draw His body together back into the fullness of The One New Man, so greater unity and power will flow through us to reach a lost and dying world. In this light, there is a huge need for prayer and intercession to help bring this about, not only for Israel’s salvation, but also to awaken the Church into this end time role.

Praying For The Peace of Jerusalem

In this light, when we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, it is not just about blessing and protecting Israel, although these are important, but rather praying for God’s will to take place. Please understand that there will never be a real peace in Jerusalem until the Lord returns there to establish His throne upon the earth. So when we pray for Jerusalem’s peace, let us remind God of His own word and all that is still to take place in order for this to happen.

 In addition, if the Church is the chosen vessel for Israel’s salvation and the last great harvest of souls and that the two are intricately linked. Shouldn’t we adjust our focus to pray for the Church to fully awaken her to this call, until she is moving in it, as she should be? That when we pray through The Reconnection for the salvation of Israel, the natural outflow of this is God’s outpouring to the nations.

Please pray for the following:

The Reconnection in God’s family to take place spiritually amongst us.

For the Church to recognize and embrace the Remnant of Israel and the Messianic body to embrace their Gentile family.

For the body of Messiah/Christ to re-unite in The One New Man.

For the Church and Messianic bodies to move into their end time roles, for prayer, supplication, and evangelism.

For Israel’s spiritual awakening and for the Last great Harvest of souls, which are intricatelylinked together in this final push for the Kingdom of God.

Rabbi Grant BerryReconnecting Ministrieswww.reconnectingministries.org

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10 Days Daily Prayer Devotionals 2017

Day 7: Longing for His Coming: The Gospel in the Muslim World

“For I tell you, you will not see me again, until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’” (Matthew 23:39)

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14)

Raised in church since birth, I confess that in my youth the return of Jesus seemed distant and unlikely. Honestly, it was not something I was hoping, anticipating, or longing for in my lifetime. Sure I wanted Jesus to return…but not till I was “old” or after death! I was content hoping and planning for a simple, blessed, Christian American life.

However as I developed in relationship with Jesus, growing to know and love Him (His Real Presence and not just a concept or far off dream) and as He opened my eyes more and more to His Kingdom, something began to happen within me. I have found that the nearer we come to Christ Jesus and the more we experience His deep love for the nations, the more we discover the truth that He “is not slow about His promise [of coming], as some count slowness, but is patient toward [us], not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). As He draws us closer to Himself and imparts His heart for the nations, we begin to respond to His Spirit awakening us to earnestly long for Christ’s return, our Eternal Bridegroom.

Scripture is clear that two specific things must happen, will happen, before Jesus returns. I. His Kingdom Gospel will be preached to ALL nations,

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II. Israel will bless (receive) Jesus as Messiah.

Paul highlights these in Romans 9-11 as he reiterates Old Testament prophetic promises that nations not even looking for Jesus will discover Him as Savior-King and that Jews will be provoked to jealousy and recognize Jesus as their Messiah.

A few years ago my heart leapt with the thought, “What greater way for Jews to be provoked to jealousy than for Muslims getting saved?!” While living in the Middle East I began to hear many others repeating this same thought, as well as amazing testimonies of God at work.

We are living in such remarkable times! As we discipline ourselves to view world events through the lens of Scripture we see extraordinary things happening. Today, we are seeing a movement of Christ’s Spirit throughout Muslim nations as never before in history. Many believe that a great wave of salvation and revival in the Muslim world has already begun.

In our longing for Christ’s return we must awaken to these two requirements: all nations reached and the revival of our Jewish brothers and sisters. But also, in our vision to reach the nations and see Israel saved, we must cultivate greater longing for Christ. Only intimacy with God, attentiveness to His Voice, and His Real Presence will provide the unction and power to embrace the great cost and sacrifice required of us to reach the remaining unreached peoples, to fulfill the final task, to walk in the way of (and with) our beloved Master.

Are you drawing near to Jesus’ heart? Are you letting His heart permeate and captivate your heart for the nations to be saved and for Jews to receive Christ their Messiah? Do you focus your attention on our coming King – listening, yielding, obeying whatever He speaks to you? Are you letting His Spirit awaken your hearts with the longing for Jesus’ return, so that His Bride can be made ready? Listen and receive His heart for you, for your community, for your nation, and for the nations!

Jen CarlsonFire International MissionaryChicago, IL and Middle East

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10 Days Daily Prayer Devotionals 2017

Day 8: The Ministry of Reconciliation and Divine Division

 Therefore from now on we recognize no one according to the flesh…Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come… all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation… 2 Corinthians 5:16-18

Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, Charleston, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Walter County.

These names have become synonymous with other historic bastions of civil rights through the controversial police related deaths of black men and women over the past year. Through these conflicts, our nation’s infected racial wounds have been flayed open and our hearts fully exposed.

When we examine the Church’s effectiveness at embodying the spirit of John 17 in the context of today’s racial problems, we must admit that we’ve failed miserably. Due to gross immaturity in the understanding of God’s eternal plan for every tribe, every tongue, and every nation; many in the Church have no revelatory insight into the “why” of America’s contentious racial history or the “how” of applying biblical salve to the historic ethnic divides.

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10 Days Daily Prayer Devotionals 2017

Historic judicial and legislative rulings in the land still carry weighty and lasting consequences. Some of those rulings such as Plessy v. Ferguson or “separate but equal”, set precedents for the oppressive Jim Crow laws of the South and released dark spiritual activity over our nation. Times and laws have changed but the wounds remain and those ancient spirits continue to influence the generations.

Divine Peace-Making: The Ministry of Reconciliation

It is in the midst of this seemingly unsolvable problem that we are beckoned to activate our divine earthly occupation: the ministry of reconciling Man to God, Man to Man, and History to Eternity.

2 Corinthians 5 begins with a description of our citizenship in the Heavenlies. We long for the foundations of righteousness and justice that exist in our eternal home to rule our temporal space. As a result, we’ve tried to deal with societal problems that are sourced in the spiritual realm, such as racism, almost exclusively through civil and social means. For example, marches, boycotts, protests…even electing a mixed president..While there is value in those actions, we must go higher. As sons of God with access to the throne room of God, we can participate with God in rendering righteous decrees that impact our temporal condition and release divine peace into the chaos and complexity of these times. It’s this blessing that is captured in Matthew 5:9, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.” This divine peace-making grace is available to us before, after, and in the midst of conflict. But the ministry of peace-making isn’t activated without conflict.

Divine Division: Separating Flesh from Spirit

Do you think that I came to bring peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but division. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. They will be divided father against Son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother... Luke 12:51

I could never understand this scripture until my family and I moved to Ferguson to minister to both the police and the protestors in the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting. I realized that God was manifesting in the midst of the raging fires, using the racial crisis to create what I call the “divine division.” Not between Black and White, Latino and Asian, Democrat and Republican, but between the flesh and the spirit. In Christ our earthly lineage/ancestry is much less relevant as we move from being sons of men to sons of God.

This is evidenced in Matthew 12:46-50:

While He was still speaking to the crowds, behold, His mother and brothers were standing outside, seeking to speak to Him. Someone said to Him, “Behold, Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside seeking to speak to You.”  But Jesus answered the one who was telling Him and said, “Who is My mother and who are My brothers?”  And stretching out His hand toward

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10 Days Daily Prayer Devotionals 2017

His disciples, He said, “Behold My mother and My brothers!  “For whoever does the will of My Father who is in heaven, he is My brother and sister and mother.”

God is using the race issue to expose where our allegiances lie and separate the sheep from the goats. Will we continue to be defined primarily by our earthly ethnic origins and family and cultural preferences or defined primarily by our heavenly identity?

Today, invite the Holy Ghost to reveal the deeply rooted belief systems in our hearts that have kept us from truly loving one another across the divides. We must be willing to repent of suspicion, mistrust, fear, indifference; and let go of bitterness, anger, rage, and frustration. Together, we ask God to remove anything that has tainted our ability to truly live as citizens of the Kingdom of God, and to activate the ministry of reconciliation in this hour of great need.

Jonathan Tremaine Thomas is the founder and director of The Commission, a missions network committed to seeing Holy dwelling places established in the nations of the earth through prevailing prayer, unceasing worship and creative manifestation of the Gospel of the Kingdom. He lives in St. Louis, Missouri.

Day 9: Make Way for the Lord!

“The Kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ…” Revelation 11:15-18

God is looking for men and women who will make a way for the coming of the Lord. This is a unique moment in time, the moment of the story, and the moment when we can begin to almost hear creation groan. There is a longing in the whole created order for the revealing of the sons and daughters of God. History and time seem to be speeding up in anticipation of the great and glorious day of the Lord.

When I first became a Christian in the 1980’s, it was an assumed belief that the church would be getting less and less influential as the world became darker and darker. The vision of a weak church getting raptured from a world gone mad has been with us for some time. I was astounded to learn that this interpretation of the future is relatively new. It emerged in the 1840’s, and didn’t even get a strong following until the 1920’s. For 1800 years Christians believed that Jesus was coming back to a glorious church that had transformed the world and prepared for him to

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10 Days Daily Prayer Devotionals 2017

return. Yes, there would be injustices to put into order, but the plan seemed to be that our job was to make life “on earth as it is in heaven.”

Recently I have noticed a trend away from the rapture vision of the future to the vision of Jesus coming to reign on the earth. Imagine the day when the saints on earth join the saints in heaven proclaiming "The kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ!" This vision of a triumphant Jesus returning to claim the kingdom for his own moved our ancestors to found schools, hospitals, and orphanages. It moved them to end slavery, end child labor, and promote temperance. They believed in a call to “build Jerusalem in every green and pleasant land.” They wanted to be the good and faithful servants who had managed things wisely and presented a one hundredfold return.

As we focus on the return of Jesus at the end of the Ten Days of Prayer, let’s look forward to how we can be a commentary on our prayer time. How can we live out the answers to our prayers?

Will you say “yes” to God, and be used by Him? Will you make the choice to live for His glory alone? Will you come to Him, as broken and mixed up as you are, and surrender yourself as a living sacrifice? Will you give God your intellect, your creativity, your career plan, and even your gifts and say “let it be to me according to your word?”

Because you believe, you are born to do the impossible. You are called to build a throne for Jesus on the earth. You are called to make history, not just live in it. Because Jesus lives in you, everyone you meet will meet Jesus in you. You and the gifts that are expressed through you will begin to shape and transform the world around you.

This is an excerpt from An Army Arising: Why Artists are on the Frontline of the Next Move of God, by Christ John Otto, used by permission. Christ is the director of Belonging House, and his new book A Throne in the Earth is due out in early 2016.

Day 10: Longing for Transforming Revival in Our Communities

“Draw near to God and he will draw near to you” James 4:8

What would it take to see a move of God initiated and sustained in a geographic area? George Otis Jr., in researching many cities and regions of the world that have experienced transforming revival describes it this way:

In short, a transformed community is…

 A neighborhood, city or nation whose values and institutions have been overrun by the grace and presence of God

A place where divine fire has not merely been summoned, it has fallen

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10 Days Daily Prayer Devotionals 2017

A society in which natural evolutionary change has been disrupted by invasive supernatural power

A culture that has been impacted comprehensively and undeniably by the Kingdom of God

A location where Kingdom values are celebrated publicly and passed on to future generations.

Can any of us say that this defines the community in which we live? I believe the process of transforming revival is triggered when our appetite for God’s presence trumps all other hungers. We must give our attention to constantly hungering after the Presence of a Holy God! God promises to draw near to those who draw near to him (James 4:8). God desires to be with us much more than we desire to be with him.

The urgency of the hour requires an understanding of the gravity of our current condition. May our desperate cry be, “Come Lord Jesus, come and conquer us, come and save us, we are in desperate need of you!”

Let’s continue to seek him together, until our communities become “Saturated with the Presence of a Holy God”

For the Supremacy of Christ in all things,

Jason HubbardLight of the Word Prayer Center, Bellingham WA www.lowpc.org