10 commandments vs law

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  • 7/27/2019 10 Commandments vs Law


    Are American Laws Based On

    the Ten Commandments?

    Many lawmakers and public figures have stated in the past few years that

    the American legal system is based on the Ten Commandments, and have

    used that as justification for the posting of said document and the

    erection of monuments to them on public property. However, the truth is

    there is little relationship between the American Legal System and that

    set forth in the Bible.

    The American legal system derives directly from the legal system of the

    nation we were colonies of - Great Britain. The code of precedent we use is

    based on English Common Law, and early cases where precedent was used

    because laws did not yet exist to cover situations new to the fledgling nation

    referred to English Common Law precedents. The English Common Law was

    made the law of the Kingdom of England with the signing of the Magna

    Carta, which was the first document in history to guarantee a level of rights

    which the Crown could not revoke.

    But surely English Common Law was based on the Ten


    No. English Common Law is precedent-based law, gaining full force from

    the time of the Norman Invasion in 1066. At the time of the signing of

    the Magna Carta, it was solidly in place. It was a law of villages and

    manors, not of Assize (Court of Appeals) Courts, and as such, relied

    heavily on local customs and cultural artifacts. It was also the law

    that applied to the common, rather than the noble. Royal and Noble law

    was derived from Lex Salica, the Salic Law of Clovis in the 400's.

    Common Law was a mixture of the laws derived from the werhgeld, or

    tribal law, and remnants of Roman law, along with common sense andprecedent. These laws were all strongly secular, and though the medieval

    mind was steeped in religion, the Salic Law and the werhgeld are

    surprisingly low on religious content.

  • 7/27/2019 10 Commandments vs Law


    Was the Lex Salica or the Corpus Juris Civillis based on the Ten


    The Lex Salica was much more strongly based on the Ancient European

    werhgeld than even the English Common Law. The Lex Salica mostlycodified what had been traditional practices amongst the tribal and

    semi-nomadic peoples of Pre-Modern Europe. It is essential to remember

    that, after the fall of Rome in 476 CE, Europe was without a unifying

    government or even a solid communication system for over 300 years.

    Local laws and rulings became much more important than codes or

    distinctions made by distant princes or Bishops. The Corpus Juris

    Civillis predates Christianity by several hundred years, although it

    evolved even during that time. At the time that it was introduced to

    Britain (53 BCE), Christianity had yet to be born, and the Roman Empirewas still polytheistic and polyreligious. While Jews were tolerated in

    the Roman Empire, they were not the government, and few, if any sat on

    the Senate. The Ten Commandments, and the rest of the Judaic Law, were

    not parts of the Roman Civil Law Codes.

    Roman Law was also precedent based, and it meshed well into werhgeld,

    the Lex Salica, and later the English Common Law. For the most part,

    Roman legal philosophy was based on the many Roman and Greek

    philosophers who had written on the behavior of man and the governing of

    an empire for centuries.

    It is important for Americans to know where their laws came from. Our

    laws are of natural evolution from the earliest days, when humans first

    started living in groups of more than extended family members. Our laws

    are heavily based in the Northern European traditions, and many of our

    codes reflect that. Payment for wrongful death and injury is the salient

    feature in the werhgeld, where even the families of slaves would be

    compensated for the deaths or injuries. The concepts of Habeas Corpus,

    innocent until proven guilty, and individual as agent of the governmentare all strong elements of the Corpus Juris Civillis. The laws of

    inheritance that are still the chief precedent for probate in the US are

    primarily derived from Lex Salica, while insurance law more closely

    resembles the Lex Salica and the werhgeld than it does the Biblical laws.

    Where do the Ten Commandments fit in?

  • 7/27/2019 10 Commandments vs Law


    In short, it doesn't. The Ten commandments are a different cultural

    document, derived loosely from the Code of Hammurabi, rather than the

    Roman or Greek Tradition. The laws of the Old Testament of the Bible are

    very loosely based on the Code of Hammurabi, though the interpretation

    is poor, and many important pieces of the Code were left out of theCommandments. It is important to remember that while both code and

    commandments reflect their culture, they were not developed for Northern

    Europe. Instead the Code and the Commandments were developed almost

    exclusively for a nomadic, desert dwelling people. Social interaction

    variances will require adaptation. Since laws reflect the culture, and

    culture is influenced by climate, religion, family structure, and

    economics, the likelihood of two cultures, with differing climates,

    economies, social structures and religions having legal systems that

    bear more than a passing resemblance is small. Many of the institutionsof the Old Testament were foreign to Pre-Christian Europeans - fast

    days, inherited slavery (as opposed to term debt bondage), a single day

    for worship. The law code of Northern Europe would have been as out of

    place in the Middle East as the Old Testament was for the Europeans.

    Finally, Northern Europe was primarily agricultural, while the Judaic

    tradition is semi-nomadic. A Small farming town has a different set of

    legal needs than a wandering tribe in the desert, though the basics -

    strictures against harming others, theft and respect for the law - tend

    to be common.

    Finally, remember that the Ten Commandments were and are a religious

    document. The first three are solely religious, and the attending

    regulations of Exodus are impractical, cruel, and outmoded for Modern

    Western Society. Consider - if the Ten Commandments were our legal

    basis, we would have to post police officers at every expensive car

    dealership to write tickets for coveting. Obviously, there is only the

    most tenuous resemblance between our laws and the laws of the Bible.

    So what does this mean to me?

    It means that you should be skeptical of politicians who claim the

    United States' laws are founded on the Ten Commandments. This person

    either has no real knowledge of our country's legal history or s/he's

    doing something known in political circles as " social grandstanding",

    trying to get a personal and social view legislated.

  • 7/27/2019 10 Commandments vs Law


    Now, since three-quarters of the politicians in State and Federal

    government are lawyers, it is inexcusable for most to not know the legal

    history of the country. So, be wary!

    It also means that you have ammunition when a judge or a school board

    wants to put up copies of the Ten Commandments - there's no secular

    purpose for them to be in any public place, and if they are in a public

    place, then they violate the Establishment Clause of the First

    Amendment, which states that Congress shall not favor any religion over

    any others.

    This Anti-Tract is Provided by: Constance EdwardsContact: [email protected]

    2002 Permission is granted to freethought and Secular groups to

    reprint this document, provided that a) no text is changed without

    written permission of the author, and b) no fee is charged for the

    distribution of this document, except to recoup printing costs. If this

    document is to be sold for more than $0.15, the author must grant

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