10 commandments for reducing stress

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  • 7/21/2019 10 Commandments for Reducing Stress


    10 Commandments For Reducing Stress

    1. Thou shalt not be perfect or even try to be.

    We sometimes impose unrealistic expectations on ourselves. We think we should

    never be tired, grumpy, make mistakes, react rather than respond etc. Be gentle on

    yourself we usually expect far more from ourselves than anyone else would ever

    dream of expecting!

    2. Thou shalt not try to be all things to all people.

    Save some time for yourself! We all need a little space to just breathe, be, stop and

    take stock. If we rush around ignoring our own needs, trying to satisfy everyone

    elses needs we burn out. And are no good to anyone especially ourselves.

    3. Thou shalt always leave things undone that ought to be done.

    When we are stretched and trying to do everything that needs to be done and more,

    the toll on our own bodies is severe. We usually attack our own immune systems.

    Unfortunately, its not like we have a fuel gauge that says Warning! Immune system

    on reserve! so we can stop and refuel. We dont even know its happening until we

    become ill for no apparent reason! Sometimes its really smart to stop, take a

    break, relax, regroup and refresh before you go on to finish what ought to be done.

    4. Thou shalt not spread thyself too thin.

    Taking on too much, working too long, volunteering for extra work or activities,

    parenting, studying and working, travelling all the things that make up life in the

    laser track (or todays society), mean that we are all just doing too much to be well.Pace yourself and..breathe!

    5. Thou shalt learn to say No!

  • 7/21/2019 10 Commandments for Reducing Stress


    You can do this very gently and respectfully. It is respectful to yourself when you

    recognise your need for time out and give it to yourself. It may feel uncomfortable

    initially, especially if you have created an image for yourself where others think we

    can always rely on good old ___ to help out. For your sanity and energy and vitality,

    learn to say No!. Even if you say no, not yet as a start! Remember you are a very

    worthwhile person and deserve time to yourself. And it is quite possible to say No!

    with respect. Sometimes, when you say No! you may be helping other people

    develop and grow as they have to learn new skills and you may even increase their

    respect of your time, energy and efforts.

    6. Thou shalt schedule time for thyself and for thy supportive network.

    Social support family and friends are critical for a strong immune system. People

    who are isolated from family and friends or who feel alone become ill more often that

    those with even one or two friends around them. If you are someone who has no

    friends or family near you, join community or church or volunteer groups. Visit

    orphanages or old peoples homes. Adopt a grandparent! Join clubs, play team

    sports, go to classes and learn a new skill. If you do have family and friends around

    you, make time for them they are very important to your wellness and longevity.

    7. Thou shalt switch off and do nothing regularly!

    I know, I know, you dont have time to sit and do nothing. So then you must plan time

    later to be sick! If you make time to sit and do nothing sometimes, you rest your spirit

    and soul. Now, Im not being religious here its just that we all have a spirit inside

    us. Its the thing that is the essence of you. That gives you energy, zest for life,

    enthusiasm. It makes life fun and even childish sometimes. Most of us are so busy

    running around doing things we have not nurtured our spirit for years. So its still

    there its just very tiny and faint. Give your body, your mind and your spirit time to

    regenerate, and repair and revitalise. Busy disease affects most people in our

  • 7/21/2019 10 Commandments for Reducing Stress


    society. It may be work busy, children busy, or just busy. If you keep yourself

    frantically busy all day every day then;

    a) the quality of what you do will suffer

    b) youll never have time to plan your life

    c) youll go nuts.

    8. Thou shalt be boring, untidy, inelegant and unattractive at times.

    Who cares what other people think? Of course there are times when we must be

    aware of appropriate behaviour in certain situations. But its important to give

    yourself permission to be you! People like you not your clothes! Wear ugg boots and

    fluffy slippers they keep you warm they dont change your personality!!

    9. Thou shalt not even feel guilty!

    This is a humdinger commandment! We should or shouldnt ourselves too much.

    We berate and blame ourselves and feel bad or guilty for no good reason other than

    we should have known (by being a mind reader) or we shouldnt have been tired and

    crabby. The next time you are feeling guilty, stop and ask yourself what have I

    done? and who said I shouldnt have done it? If you didnt consciously set out to

    hurt someone else, then forgive yourself for making a mistake. Mistakes are learning

    opportunities not failures. What do you say to yourself about mistakes?

    10. Especially thou shalt not be thine own worst enemy, but be thy best friend.

    If you arent your own best friend who is? Who criticises you more than anyone else?

    Your self esteem is related to what you say to yourself about yourself as well as

    what others say and think. Listen to the way you talk to yourself and be gentle, kind

    and loving. Be a loving parent to yourself and accept yourself for the worthwhile

    person you are wart (cute warts!) and all.

  • 7/21/2019 10 Commandments for Reducing Stress
