10 book cover task

10 Book Cover Task

Upload: katie-taplin

Post on 16-Apr-2017



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10 Book Cover Task

Page 2: 10 book cover task

The font that is being used here is a serif font as it has all the flick, ticks and lines that indicate this is a serif font. I think that the font ties in with the book because it’s a book for all ages so it doesn't’t have a young themed font or an older themed font.

The font being used on this book is a serif font because it has the flicks and ticks. This font is very bold and the colour choice they have chosen makes it stand out and also fits in with the theme of the book as the ring they have got is gold and so is the font.

Page 3: 10 book cover task

This Books font is a serif, its quite bold and has a lot of curves and round edges to make it look more appealing to the younger age range.The colour red they have chosen is quite plain and simple but stands out from the rest of the book as they are subdued colours.

The font used for this book is a sans-serif font because there are no lines ,flicks or ticks. Its interesting that they have put the title at the bottom of the book instead of the top. I think they have don’t this to emphasize that war happens on the ground. Also the use of colour such as red and orange relates to the blood that has been spilled.

Page 4: 10 book cover task

This font is quite chunky and bold, the font used is a serif. The Name of the author has the biggest font size and then the name of the book. In the background of the book there is fire from something that has blown up or been set on fire and the design on the logo is also the same colours as the fire with a deeper tones to stand out.

This font used is a serif and the main title is all in Block capitals to draw your attention. The colouring of the first word is in yellow as ‘Private’ is a type of cop and the colour of the tape they use during an investigation is yellow, then the rest of the title fades into the colour of the background.

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The title on this book is centered in the middle of the page and it looks like it has been engraved onto the meddle that is hanging form the top of the book.They have also done a play on word and copied ‘The Huger Games’.

The font used here is a serif font due to not having any flicks, ticks or lines. The font is very curvy and round with a red outline to symbolize blood.The image of the pin is also a key symbol to the book because she wears the pin and its her symbol of the mocking jay.

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This book uses the serif font and is used because the event that takes place in the book is very formal and so the font is very formal too.The colour of the font stands out against the dark blue background.

This book is the newest Harry potter book released in 2016 and the font used is still serif which makes the audience realize that they have stayed true to the font type they use but they have altered the typeface slightly to give to a edgy look.