10 anti aging fruits

10 Anti Aging Fruits The first Wealth is your Health; we all are grown up hearing this. What we eat is what we are, thus eating healthy food becomes very much important in this speedy life. Eating wrong diet, depending upon fast foods, etc damages your body slowly. Depending on foods which are not healthy for the body may invite many lifelong diseases like Diabetes, Heart Diseases, High Blood Pressure ultimately leading to early ageing. Thus, good healthy eating should be the priority. It is not at all surprising if you ask what good healthy foods are. A healthy diet for you consist of many fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, pulses, dairy and poultry. It is generally observed people following the FAD diets which definitely give you a quick weight loss and also a permanent damage in terms of your health and energy. Ageing is a process where body cells are damaged due to some external elements. If your cells remain well oxygenated and away from the damage with eat healthy foods, you can postpone the healthy ageing. There are some healthy foods for healthy body which prevent cell damage and act as Antiaging. 1. Avocado: One of the most wonderful fruit available. It is packed with many antioxidants. Being the rich in vitamin E, helps in glowing skin and hair. It should be on the list of healthy hair diet. It also helps to keep those wrinkles at bay.

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Page 1: 10 Anti Aging Fruits

10 Anti Aging Fruits

The first Wealth is your Health; we all are grown up hearing this. What we eat is

what we are, thus eating healthy food becomes very much important in this

speedy life. Eating wrong diet, depending upon fast foods, etc damages your

body slowly. Depending on foods which are not healthy for the body may invite

many lifelong diseases like Diabetes, Heart Diseases, High Blood Pressure

ultimately leading to early ageing. Thus, good healthy eating should be the


It is not at all surprising if you ask what good healthy foods are. A healthy diet for

you consist of many fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, pulses, dairy

and poultry. It is generally observed people following the FAD diets which

definitely give you a quick weight loss and also a permanent damage in terms of

your health and energy. Ageing is a process where body cells are damaged due

to some external elements. If your cells remain well oxygenated and away from

the damage with eat healthy foods, you can postpone the healthy ageing.

There are some healthy foods for healthy body which prevent cell damage and

act as Antiaging.

1. Avocado: One of the most wonderful fruit available. It is packed with many

antioxidants. Being the rich in vitamin E, helps in glowing skin and hair. It should

be on the list of healthy hair diet. It also helps to keep those wrinkles at bay.

2. Green Veggies: GO GREEN!! as all these green vegetables are very much

beneficial for your body. It not only keeps your weight maintains but also helps

cleans toxins from the body.

3. Fruits: All fruits are excellent Anti agents. Berries are loaded with Vitamin C

which helps to improve the blood circulation, keeps your body cells oxygenated

and most importantly built immunity.

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4. Garlic: This is one of the wonder foods. It helps prevents cell damage, keeps

your heart healthy and fit. Also acts as a blood thinner. Garlic when consumed

least processed or raw is most effective.

5. Ginger: This root helps in digestion and thus is very much helpful in maintaining

healthy gut function.

6. Nuts: Almonds and walnuts are like power house. They provide with Omega 6

fatty acids which are heart friendly and also good for your brain. Having 2

almonds and walnuts daily shows wonders.

7. Whole Grains:  Packed with dietary fiber and B complex vitamins, whole grains

have a great effect on skin and digestive system.

8. Olive Oil: Olive oil is rich in Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) which is good

for body and also very heart friendly. Olive oil shows wonders on skin and hair if

used regularly.

9. Melons: Make watermelons and muskmelons the top most food on your Anti

ageing list. Melons are rich in antioxidants which help keep your cells healthy,

glows your skin and keeps you hydrated.

10.Water: The most neglected nutrient of all. Nothing compares to water. Stay away

from all those aerated and carbonated beverages which affect your skin and the

whole body badly. Try having minimum 8-10glasses of water daily. You can also

try coconut water, lemon juice, buttermilk, etc. STAY HYDRATED.

There is no need to look for your age any more. Flaunt your younger look and

keep your body healthy with these Super foods.

legume : n. 1 leguminous plant. 2 edible part of a leguminous plant. [Latin legumen -minis from lego pick, because pickable by hand]

leguminous : adj. of the family of plants with seeds in pods (e.g. peas and beans).

Pulse : 2 n. (as sing. or pl.) 1 edible seeds of various leguminous plants, e.g. chick-peas, lentils, beans, etc. 2 plant producing these. [Latin puls]

gut : —n. 1 the intestine. 2 (in pl.) the bowel or entrails. 3 (in pl.) colloq. personal courage and determination; perseverance. 4 slang stomach, belly. 5 (in pl.) a contents. b essence. 6 a material for violin strings etc. b material for fishing-lines made from the silk-glands of silkworms. 7 (attrib.) a instinctive (a gut reaction). b fundamental (a gut issue). —v. (-tt-) 1 remove or destroy the internal fittings of (a house etc.). 2 remove the guts of (a fish). hate a person's guts colloq. dislike a person �intensely. [Old English]

flaunt : v. (often refl.) display proudly; show off; parade. [origin unknown]