€¦ · __10 8pking valley driving i'akk. |®cond day ot tir*...

__10 8PKING VALLEY DRIVING I'AKK. |®COND DAY OT Tir* 8TOMER THOTTIh'O MEETIWO.SATIS HVOBX8 TUB WINNER Of TUB '2 AO I'L'ESE, AND WKLbAiX BOY AND S1UUIMAN TUB TEAM BACK. ] Sekijna VAi.unr, S. V., August '.'5, 1875. The Rcrond day of the Bummer trotting meeting of tie Spring Valley Driving Park was very successful, fbere wan a Hue attendance, an excellent track, lovely weather and two events of interest. TUB 2:40 Pl'KMB. Firat to be called for the amusement of the spectatori was the 2:40 parse of $150, mile heats, beat three In Ave, in harness; $00 to the Brat, $40 to the second and >o in the third horse. Of ten entries theru an. eared before tba Judge* John Murphy's irowa mare Katie Hughes, Thomas Carr's hay gelding Harry Irving, H. W. Howe's brown gelding Freucby, C. B. Stewart's bay gelding Red Bird, /. B. Dean's bay stallion Dean's Hainblctonian, Peter M awe's bay gelding Major S. and J. Pierce's bay mare Witch. Before the start the pools averaged:.Katie Hughes, $40; Dean's Hambletonian, $20; Held, $12. fhey got away at the eighth attempt, with Witch a length the best of it; but before the quarter polo was Reached Dean's Hambletonian went to the trout and at Abe half mile was one length in advance. He main- tamed this position until entering the stretch, when Katie rushed to the front and landed the winner of the heat by one length in 2:42. Dean's Hambletonian was Second, Witch third, MajorS. fourth, Harry Irving fifth, Frenchy sixth and Bed Bird distanced. Ratio Hughes now sold over the field $25 to $15. Five of the horses ( jnnie upon the track and the drivers of these, not no- t being the absence of tho sixth, came for the word, and j thinking they had roceived it, went half a nolo at a ^ lipping pace before they were awaro that the judges j hadn't sent them away. This little mistake caused con- Udcrable laughter and some annoyanco to tho backers ^ r the favorite. There was much delay in getting away, t the word only being given at tho thirteenth trial, with v Katie Hughes and Dean's Hambletonian head and head, 1 the others well up. Katie broke on the turn and Dean's ^ stallion went to the front and stuck there until the half ^ mile was reached, when Katie went up to him and won t by half a length In 2:42, MajorS. second. Dean's Humble- t toman third, Witch fourth, Frencby filth and Harry j Irving sixth. The third heat, after *a spirited contest, B was captured by Witch ill 2:451,, Frenchy second, Ratio | Hughes third, Harry Irving fourth. Dean's Uuuibletoniau j filth and Major S. sixth. The fourth heat and race were 1 awarded Ratio Hughes, in 2:44. Frenchy was second, . Dean's Hauihletouian third, Witch fourth, Harry Irving filth and Major S. sixth. Second money was given 1 Witch and third premium to Frenchy. j THK TU1I BACK. Next on tho card was the purse of $150, for teams, mile heals, best three in five; $00 to the tlrst, $40 to 5 tliu second and $20 to the third. There responded to i the bell for the word Peter Manee's brown gelding Creedmoor and bay gelding Revenge, John Haslett s Sorrel gelding Welsey Hoy and bay gelding Sherman and I John Pierce's gray mare Flora and brown gelding Joe Clark. The pools averaged:.Joe Clark and mute, <_' $6o; Welsey Hoy and mate, $4<i; Creedmoor and mate, ). $26. At the seventh trial they got the word with Wei- p Bey Boy and mate a trlllc in front. Flora und mate next and Creedmoor and Revenge a length in the rear. 1m- mediately alter leaving the score Welsey Boy and mate c and Flora and mate went into tho air, when Creedmoor a and Revenge went to tho front and were never alter- y ward headed, landing the winners of the heat by one p length, in 2:51. Welsey Boy and Sherman were second and Flora and mate just saved their distance. Creed- moor and Revenge were the lavorltes immediately after the heat, but before the word was given each of the p others sold Urst choice. The word was given at the 7 sixth scoring for tho second heat, and, s alter being closely contested, Welsey and mate J, landed the winners, Creedmoor and male second, j and Flora und mate distanced. The third heat was captured by Creedmoor and Revenge in 2:61, when they became great favorites in the pools. Welsey and riher- C man. however, lauded the winners of the fourth und fifth hosts and the raco, to the consternation of those who were betting against them. First and third pre j miums were awarded Welsey and male, Creedmoor and' Revenge taking second money. scxkaky. Spuing Valuey Driving Park.Spring Valley. Rockland County, n. V., August 25, 1875.Second Day or the Simmer Trotting Meeting.First Rack..Purse of q $160, for horses that never trotted better than 2:40; mile heats, best three in Ave, in harnes; $90 to the tlrst, g $40 to the second and $20 to the third horse.. J udges. 6! R. F. Calloway, William L. Laurence and All red A 0 Rliven. John Murphy's br. m. Katie Hughes 11 3 1 w John Pierce's b. in. Witch. 3 4 14 b Charles Dickerman's br. g. Frenchy 6 5 22 c J. R. Dean's b. a. Dean's Hamblelonian 2 3 5 3 Peter Manee's b. g. MajorS 4 2 6 0 c Thomas t'arr's b. g. Harry Irviug 5 6 46 t C. Russell's gr. m. Stella dr. f William McMahon's br. in. Sally Mack dr. C. D. Sessions' blk. m. Lady Black Hawk... dr. time. 2 Quarter. Half Mile. a First heat 41X 1:21 X 2:42 Recond beat 41 \ 1:21 X 2:42 ^ Tbird heat 43X 1:24 2:45X 1 Fourth heat 43 X 1:23 2:44 t Same Day.Second Rack..Purse of $150, for teams: nuie heats, best three in five; $90 to the first, $40 to the second and $20 to the third team. j r J. Haslelt's a g. Welsey Boy and b. g. Sherman 2 12 11, Peter Manee's br. g. Creedmoor and b. g. I v Revenge 1 2 1 2 2 J John Pierce's gr. m. Flora and br. g. j joe nurse a uis. -j J. Kyeiyon's Harry and blk. m. Eveline, dr. e A. Corni-lison's b. g. Judge Robertson and mate. dr. tisk. a Quarter. Half Mite. < F irst heat 45^ 1:27% 2:51 j olid heat 44 1:20 2:61% Third beat. 43 1:25 2:51 Fourth beat. 42 1:25% 2:50 i i'dth beat 43% 1:25 2:40 r to-day's sport. j The meeting will close to day with two events.the h 1.45 and 2:30 purses.each with eleven entries. HAMPDEN PARK RACES. . i FIRST RACE, FOB THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS, WON BY BAT ADELAIDE.SECOND RACE, FOB d FOUR THOC8AND DOLLARS, WON BI HOPEFUL. TILLED RACE BT ORIENT. SnuxoriSLD, Mass., August 25, 1ST5 t The finest of summer weather seems to favor the ' {Springfield races. The recent heavy rains served to lay 't the dust and cool the atmosphere, and the elements of t nature all seem to combine now in furnishing some of 1 the choicest days that have favored the Connecticut , valley during the whole summer season. t I ne attendance to-day was more than double that or ( yesterday. The grand stands, of which there are two r Spacious ones, were well filled, and around the track r were a miscellaneous throng and a multitude of vehicles, 1 almost bewildering In numbers. The grand stands are j moat elaborately and tastefully decorated, and the scene altogether Is one of rare splendor und attractive-. (( ncaa One of Boston's famous Brown's, but once Giluiore's.furnishes superb music during the weary Intervals between heals, and there are other provisions J equally thoughtful fur the incidental enlvrtainmenl of the visiting thousands. The truck itself is in excellent t condition, and the followers of the turf speak of 11 * as tho best they have encountered during the season. ths raci.vo. i As was to be expected, the races were all uncommonly ' Interesting. In the grand stands, where nearly all tbo seals were filled, the crowds watched with anxious hearts and straining eyes every step and skip of the fleet aniinals as they shot round the course, and the victors were Invariably greeted with a round of enthusiastic plaudits rns 3:20 cum made the finest trotting of the second day, and the horses proposing to start made their appearance in front of the grand stand soon after the somtnencement of the one half of which was the award for auccesa, ona quarter for the houor of being iiecond and $760 divided between the third and fourth horsea, the fourth receiving a return of his entrance money only. There were ten entries for the race ax lollowe:..folio Trout, Boston, brown tnare Jean Inge low; W. H Crawford, browu inarp Annie Collins, J. H. Phillip*, New York, buy mare Uav Adelaide; A. J. Keek, Syracuse, N. Y., cheatuul Kidding Bonner; l'ike ,k Bowun. Haverhill, N H.. bay gelding Young Hauler, K. C. Robinson, Spniiglleid. roan gelding Alton Jloy; O. S. Taylor, Springfield, bay gelding K. C. Robin on; Aldcn Goldsmith. Blooming Grove, bay mare Kllle I lean*; -I Dougrey, ,lr Uecliaoiosvilla, gray Ben Smith; Morrell Higbie, Canton. III., bay gelding Little Fred. Of theae horse* Youni Rattler Alton Mov ami E. (J. Robinson were drawn, and only tlio other seven started. The first heat was won by Little Ered In 2:27 Tho eecoixt heat was won by Adelaide in MV , The third , heal was won by Adelaide In 2:211)$. The rourth heat brought Ilonner to the wire in 2:21! The fifth li<-ut was gained by Adelaide in '2:2.') and she took the race. TilK 2:20 RACB. I The trotting In this class was for a purse or $4,000, $2,000 to the first, $1,000 to the second, tlUKi to the third and $400 to the rourth. The entries were as follows r.John Hplan, New York, h g. Kansas finer, red and gre«n Ben Mace, New York, g. g. Hopeful .gray aud blue; W. M. Dohle, Philadelphia, h. ru. lstdy Maud, gruy. All three or the horses started and when the word was given Hopeful look the first place and kept it well until the end of the heat, winuiug ill 2:2ft V The second heat was won by Hopeful in 2:24**, and he won tho third heat aud the race in 2:20. Kansas Chief was die. (Slu ed Hopeful, by the result, got the first and third tuouey and Maud the second. tub 2:31 class 1$ wea nearly at a'aiocfc batora the marshals an NEW YOI non&r.'.l the 2:31 Hass of horses. They were a fine looking lot of trotters, anil of the nituibi r Orient and Lady Turpln had been by turns the favorites, each luting occasionally selected against the Ib id. On the drawing Honest Harry took the |«>le, Red W.illaeo Second, Orient third, Nellie Walton fourth, l»idv Turpiu tlfth, Mat Tanner sixth and Bate man on node. N>-d Wallace made the pace, and won the llrst lieut in 2:21. The reeond heat was raptured by Orient iu 3:2tO*. lie valued tbu race it Ilia third beat without dilllcully iu RACING AT LAWRENCE. Lawaxam, Mass., August25, 1R75. The second day's races at Hiding Turk were largely attended. The 2:3.1 race, with five starters, was won by Joe Ripley. Time, 2:38 s,.2:38»4.2:38. The 2:42 race, with live starters, was won by Colonel Dean. Time, 2:41.2:40.2:44 V LONG BRANCH RACES. FIRST DAT OF THE E1TKA MEETING AT MONMOUTH PARK.POOL SELLINQ IN THE dT* LAST EVENING. This 1a the 11 rat day of the extra racing meeting at Long I)much, which will be continued to-morrow and Saturday. The purses aro liberal, and the programme euibracea a variety of events which ruust coil to Una popular truck each day largo assemblages. Four races aro marked for the opening sport, these being.lirst, a purse of $1KJ0, for all ages, ouo uiile, * nb muldou allowances; three year olds, 5 lbs. ; four( eur olds, 7 lbs.; fiveyeurulds and upward, 10 lbs. There will probably lace the starter for this Hitchcock's Century, 108 lbs., and Letilia 11., 106 IbA ; Spindrift, 114 lbs.; Fclairo, 111 lbs.; chestnut tlily by ,'cnsor, OH lbs.; Camden, 114 lbs.; hay liliy by Dickens, >2 lbs.; Gilliflower, Kg lbs.; B. V. Carver, 114 lbs.; levolt, 82 lbs.; Burgoo, 9S lbs.; Vanderbilt, 108 lbs.; Vurrior, 08 lbs.; Long Branch, 114 lbs.; Vornuiigo, 82 bs., and Wyndbam (Court Ilumpton), 08 lbs. Second on tho programme is the purse of $400 for hrco-yeurolds, dash of one and a hall'miles. The win" ler ol'any slake ruco Is required to carry seven pounds xlra. In this there will more than likely contend Jack 'wigg, Goldmine, buy coll by l'auic, l'upcr Maker and 'ertiango. Next comes the purse of $400, one mile and three- uarlcrs, fur all ages. (This race substituted for tbe wo-year-olds purse.) There will come to tho post in his Donnybrook, Osage, Century, Ecliure and Hummy. The sport of the day will wind up with a handicap lurdlc race, purse of $600; $360 to the first, $100 lo the econd auii $60 to the third horse; nolo heats over four lurdles, the distance being eighty jards. Five are exlecled to start for this; these being Audubon, 142 lbs.; Susy Bee, 144 lbs. ; Coronet, 146 lbs.; Cariboo, 146 lbs., aid Moonstone, l6o lbs. , l'ools were sold on three of these events last evening n the city, the lollowiug being a fair average of the trices obtained:. DASII Of OXK Ml LK. .Johnson's.., ^ :pindrift $17 60 80 leld 20 00 luu OSS AMD TUItSE ylAUTKH MILES. Jahruun't. Turf Ex. lonnybrook -.....$30 00 100 100 ' i.sage 0 10 | J "tury « " W 56 1 .clairu 4 8f lutumy 3 0 UAXDICAE 111 HI1LK ItACK. Juliruun'i. Turf. Ex. uriboo $40 KX) 100 150 .udubou 40 1*0 65 86 [oobslouo 20 05 65 76j lusy Bee 20 60 35 60 j orouel 22 56 40 40 j HOW TO KKAC1I THK I'ARK. j The Now Jersey Southern Itailroud steamboats will ' ,'uve pier N'o. 8 North lllver (loot of Hector street), at i ,9:46 and 11 o'clock A. M., and loot of Twenty third i treet, North River, ul 10:3U A. M., conveying pusscncrs direct to the Park. The lirst racu will bo called at :30 1'. il. sharp, eacli day. ] )UR RIFLEMEN AT HOME. i IANQCET TO THE AMERICAN TEAM AT THE BROOKLYN ACADEMY OE MESIO.A WARM WKL- COME. The officers of tho Second division of the National iuard at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, last evening avu a grand testimonial banquet to their commander, Injur General Thomas 8. Dakin, and the other members f the train. The Assembly Rooms of the Academy rere decorated with elegance and good taste. Tricolorcd unting drooping in graceful festoons from the central handelicr, linking it with medallions, shields, State oats of arms and national colors on the walls. The ables, three in number, atlorded ample accommodation or the hundred distinguished guests. At the table near he head of the room sat General Dakin, hanked by day or Hunter and General Tracy, with Colonel Gilder- ileeve, of the team, near him. A magnificent monuvuh their delicious odors. At the Jong tables exteudng down the room, among the gayly attired officers, sat he men who outshot the crack marksmen of Groat iritain, the American team. Colonel Mitchell, the eferee, was also in attendance. Among TIIK COXPAOTT rere General John B. Woodward, Judge X. B. Morse, r.; General P. S. Crookc, L. rt. Burnham, ex-District tttorney Rodman. Surrogate Veeder, Kelix Campbell, 'liuune Kinsella, Demas Barnes, Judge Delmur, Genrnl J. S. Catlin, General James B. Craig and Superniendeut of Police Campbell. At twenty minutes to line o'clock the company inarched into the hull. After ppetiteft lia<l been satisfied, the orchrstru rendered Irafulla's latest composition, thu "American liiheToain ilarch." WKLCOXB TO TUB VICTORS. Colonel Valentine read letters from Governor Tilden, idjutant General Town-end and Major General Shaler egretting their unavoidable absence. Mayor Jobu W. I enter then delivered the address of welcome, lie aid that It was not his purpose to indulge n any tlatlory to General Dakin with regard to his 1 enlevements uu tuo ueiu ui ijomvuouiii., uui 10 i'iend to hlin the congratulations on his victory and that d the other members ol the team. Ho proposed the leallh of the team. He hoped that they might hit tho nark every time (Cheers.) General bakin said tiial the language of the Mayor lemanded especial thanks. His iniud reverted with ileasanl rotleclions to his departure, when he was tonored by the attendance of many pleasant friends, ie did not then expect this great demonstration. That t was gratifying to hnn lie need not mention. Through ,heir generosity he would be guilty of great Injustice if le did not tell them how greatly their attentions wero ippreciated by the team who acted in tho ecent friendly contests. He tendered warm thanks o tho citizens of Brooklyn and to the news|Mipcr press if Arm rica and Ireland for the spare they had devoted o correct reports of their achievements. The rccep- .ion that they had receivod showed that the hospitality if THK IRISH PROPLK :ould not be excelled by those of any other nation. Ho 'epeated his assurances of regard for those present and cprutod his thanks lor that manifestation of their es- com and good will. Mayor Hunter then offered the toast, "Tho American iille Team," which was received with cheers. COLOMSL Gll.OKKsI.KKVK, 'aptain of the team, being introduced, responded in llling terms, and concluded by proposing the health of TIIJC IRISH KISI.K TRAM. This sentiment, which wa» received with great cheers, vas followed hy tho siuging of the German toast, "Your leailh, my dear," hy a glee club. COLONKL MITl tlNLL, he American referee in the great contests over the valer, responded to this toast. He said that it was not uany weeks ago, when in llclfasl, he was called upon to propose the toast he had now the honor of responding ,<>. It was a pleasure to respond lo a Sentiment about .heir friends. As nature had given their buauliful island, lost had given the Irish warm and generous hearts. The other toasts were as follow*:."The Coinnmnderin Chief," responded to by Colonel E. B,»tng; "The National Guard." responded to by Major General J, II. Woodward; "The Army and Navy," Ceueral Isaac S. Cathn; "The Pre**,1' Hon. Thomas Kinaella; "The Cnlted .Sutes." General Philip 8. Cooke; "The Empire State," Duma* Harden; "The City of Brook- lyn," William C. DoWul; "The Ladies," Joseph Howard, Jr. COLEMAN, OF THE AMEHICAN TEAM. NkwhuhO, August 25, 1875. Roswell C. Coleman, of the American rille team, wnn snlhuslaatlcally welcomed on reaching his home at Uoaben last evening. There was a procession, consistng of the Lcatherstoeklng Hide Club, of which ho Is president, and the (JUt)ru 1 Ire Department, headed by ihe Goshen Band. A speech of welcome was delivered >y B K. Champion, which was modestly and approprlitcly responded to by Mr. Colernau. The festivitiescon* inued through the evening. JAMAICA (L. L) lMFLEMEN. The second contest at rille shooting for the gold badge >f the Jamaica Rod aud Kille Association will tuko [ibice on the association's ruhtfc. on Wednesday, the 8lh jf September. Tlio budge was won at the (Irst contest iy Mr William H Kimoudorf. It la necessary that a member ahall win It three times in succeainon before he all hold It permanently. PIGEON SHOOTING MATCH. _______ I Terms have been arranged for a friendly contest at Hasten, Pa., between J. P. Robertson, of Hoboken, and Karllc P. Mesa, of Kaston, two noted pigeon shooters. The conditions under which the shooting is to lake place are eighteen yards tswndary, twenty-one yards rise, from one ground trap, ounce and a quarter shot; number of birds, thirty. The match is to tuke place to day lor |JOU a side All disputed points are to tie settled aooorduia to the lame island rule* i IK HERALD, THURSDAY, AMUSEMENTS. A ntVBNILK OI'KRA TllOnpE. The Mexican Juvenile Opera Hondo Troupe, nnmt'ering Ihtrty eight persoM, arrived in town yesterday irom .-an r ram x-". » " » "" « Filth Avenue Theatre tin Monday and is said to conLuu come wonderful artists. Among tliem may bo mentioned SenoriU Gabriel Mnda y Moron, aged Qfloen years, cantatrieo In Italian o[xTa; Carmou Muila y Moron, leading prima donna, eight yours of age. ami <itintlalti|N>. a littl« prima donna of nix years. Besides those there are oilier* of eipiul merit iu llieir several rulet. Since the day* of the wonderful Marsh children, so famous in this city in 1H55-S, probably no Juvenile troup«< lias ap|M'ared In this country to compare with tile Mexican children; therefore thero is every probability of thoir success. Kvcry opera will bo presented with appropriate scenery and costuiuca. ACADEMY OK MT7HIC. In consequence of the difficulty in managing the machinery for the drama of "Around the World In Eighty Hays," at the Academy of Music, the initial performance has been postponed until Saturday night. Tickets purchased for to might will be duly honored then. Mt'SICAIi AND DItAMATXC NOTEH. On Monday the Globe Theutre reopens In the variety linn. The San Francisco Minstrels will reopen their pleasant little opera bouso ou Saturday evening next. This evening the graud spectacular play "Around the World in Eighty Days" will bo produced at the Acudcmy of Music. Most of tho scenery and costumes are IdcuticoJ with tboso used in l'aris, where the piece was llrsl produced. It met with enormous success. No effort has been spared by tho Klraifys, under whose management the present production takes place, to make it one of the most imposing theatrical spectuclcs ever witnessed iu this country. Tho American rifle team have accepted an invitation from Jarrett k Palmer to visit Booth's Thcutru next Monday ovoning, tho occasion of Barry Sullivan's llrst appearance. They will occupy a box vit-dvii to that of tho Irish-American Reception Committee. The Sixtyninth regiment. Colonel Cavunagh, will bo assigned to the front balcony scats. Tlio proscenium boxes will bo superbly decorated, and the exterior of tlio theatre is to be clothed with innumerable Hues. At the conclu- slon of the performance Mr. Sullivan will be escorted to tlio Fifth Avenue Hotel by the soldiery and the regi- mental bund, and Operil's orchestra will give him a grand serenade. The ritlo team will bo on the balcony to review the troops and witness the pyrotechnic displaythat is to bo made by the Messrs. Kdgo. THE NATIONAL GAME. riLE CHAMPION FLYAWAYS CARRY OFF THE FIRST PRIZE. The amateur champion Flyawaya, of this city, comleting for first prize at tho base ball tournament at lohnstown, N. Y., yesterday, defeated the Clippers, of [lion, by a score of 20 to 8, thereby securing the flrst prize of $300. The lolluwing is the score:. INNINGS. Clubt. lit. Id. 3d. 4th. 6th. 6th. 1th. 8th. 0th. Flyawaya 2 0320721 3.20 Clippers 00300030 2. 8 FLYAWAYS VS. YOUNG COMPANIONS. The tilth nine of the Flyawaya defeated tho Young 1'ompunious in a well played ten inning garno yesterday, it Melroae, by a score of 14 to 13. The following is tha icore:. INNINGS. Club*. lit. 2d. 3d. 4th. 6th. 6th. 1th. 8th. 0th. 16th. Flyawaya... 0 4 2 0 1 3 2 1 0 1.14 Young Companions... 502030120 0.13 To-day tho Clippers, of llion, and the Murphya, of rrov (the latter being compose^ 01 om Haymakers una futiiuins), play oir for second prize. The Flyaways play no gauie to-day, bat to-morrow they will "play the Utica Club ut Utica. OBITUARY. J. A. SCHMIDT. J. A. Schmidt, Esq., who died of apoplexy, on the 24th Inst., at his residence, St. Paul's avenue, Staten Island, was an educated and accomplished gentleman, respected by all who knew htm. A native of Prussia, he came to this country a quarter of a century ago. and was at the time the most successful wine broker in New York. Having a thorough acquaintance with the growth of the vine and all matters connected with the making of wine, he established, twelve years ago, the MontlUy .Statistic/, aud eight years ago the H inc and fruit llepurtfT. He also published for a short time a wine journal in Herman. He commanded the coulideuce of the wine importers and the cultivators of the grape in this country, and was considered an authority in all matters connected with the wine trade. DANIEL I1LAISDELL. Daniel Blalsdell, Treasurer of Dartmouth College, and President of the Dartmouth National Hank, died at his residence in Hanover, N. H., last evening. COENTIES REEF REMOVED. The examination made on Monday of the Coentics Beef, in the East River, opposite Counties slip, on wliich General Newton has long been engaged, under appropriations by Congress, proved that the obstruction has been entirely obliterated. SHIP] MM> NEWS OCEAN STEAME11S. [UTIS OF PKPARTCKB FROM HKff TORE FOR THE MOUTHS OF AUGUST AND HKITKJJHKK. .Simmer. .Sat/*. Oertinatiun (>J)'ue. Iteumark Aug. 2t>. London.... 00 Broadway Cimbria Aug. 26. Hamburg.. til Hroadway City of Berlin Aug. 28 Liverpool.. 15 Broadway Baltic Aug. 28, Liverpool, 19 II road way Helvetia Aug. 28 Liverpool., tiu Broadway lilyaia Aug. 28 (ilaagow... 7 Howling Green Mosul Aug. 28 Bremen.... 2 Howling Green Idaho Aug. 31. Liverpool.. 211 Broadway Scythia Sept. 1 Liverpool. 4 Howling Green State ol Virginia.. Sept. 1. Glasgow... 72 Broadway Rotterdam Sept. 2 Rotterdam 50 Hroadway klopstock Sept. 2 Hamburg., til Hroadway Republic Sept. 4 Liverpool.. 19 Hroadway City of Richmond Sept. 4 Liverpool.. 15 Hroadway England. Sept. 4 Liverpool.. 09 Broadway California Sept. 4. Glasgow... 7 Bowling Green Vilie de 1'ari* Sept. 4 Havre 55 Hroadway Liouau. Sept. 4, Bremen.... 2 Howliug Green Montana Sept. 7. Liverpool.. 29 Broadway Russia Sept. 8 Liverpool.. 4 Howling Green State of Georgia... Sept. 8. (ilaagow... 72 Hroadway Erisia Sept 9. Hamburg.. HI Hroadway City of Cheater.... Sept. 11. Liverpool. 15 Hroadway Egypt Sept. 11. Liverpool.. 09 Broadway City of Brooklyn.. Sept. 11. Liverpool.. Broadway Britannic SeDt. 11. Liverpool.. 19 Hroadway Victoria Sept. 11. Glasgow... 7 Howling Green Main Sept. 11. Bremen 2 Howling Green Nevada Sept. 14 Liverpool.. 29 Hroadway Bothnia Sept. 15 Liverpool.. 4 Howling Green State of I'ennayl'a. Sept. 15 Glasgow... 72 Hroailway Wieland Sept. IB Hamburg., til Hroadway I' t;aland Sept. 10 Rotterdam. 50 Broadway .. 1. U.L - I II, Ainerique >ept. IX. Havre Broadway Dakota Kept. 21. Liverpool.. 29 Broadway Abyssinia Sept. 22 Liverpool.. 4 Bowling llraei I'ommerania Sept. 2.1 11 n.n>l>nric.. 61 Broadway Algeria Kept. 29.[Liverpool. 4 Bowling l.rean Maaa Sent. .'Ml, Rotterdam. !V> Broadway Knevia Sept. 30 iiatunurg.. 61 Broadway anr- notice to captains ok vessels entering THE PORT OK NEW YORK AT NIGHT..The Nsw Yosg IIkilald lias adopted a dialingiilnhtng Costnn night signal for use on hoard the iigRiLD steam yacht, showing while burning the colors red, green, red, changing from one to the other in succession, and can be seen several miles distant. Captains of vessels, upon seeing this signal, will oblige ns by preparing any marine newt they may have lor the Ship News Department of the IIkiulii. »sr 1'ersoni desirous of communicating with vessels arriving at New York can do so by addressing to such vessels, care of IIkrald news yacht, pier No 1 East River, New York. Letters received frotn alt parts of the world and promptly delivered. Duplicates are required. ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK.THIS DAY. RUN AND MOOR, Rfon WATKK. Pun rises ft 21 Gov. Island evo 4 34 Pun sou 6 42 Sandy Hook evs 3 49 Moon rises morn 12 02 Hell (jute eve 0 10 PORT OF NEW YORK, AUG. 25,1875. CLEARED. Steamer State of Indian* (Brj, Sadler, Glaagow.A Kald, win k Co. Steamer Keirulator, Howe, Savannah.R Lnwdrn. Sleatner Gulf .Sirmm, Tribon, Charleston.J W (^ulntard A Co Steamer Geo II Stoat. Ford. Hand. Ship Irayrnar (Kus), Kalatroin, Crouxtadt.Punch, Kdye k Co. Ship Atlaa (Nor), Lnracn, Havre.Funch, Kdye A Co. Ship Admiral, lairing, San Franriacn.Sutton A Co, Hark Albert, Heed, Svdney, NsW. It W Cameron A Co, Hark tCyclone (Br), rorbca, Peuarllr Koadt for orders. Brett, Son A Co. . Hark l.ibra (Nor). Jorgensen, Terboryahavn.0 Toblaa k Co Hnrk Knnahlne, Clark Stettin.Win Nelson, Jr. HriK Chriatiua Hr), Thompson, Glasgow .Jura Terry A Co. Hrly I'annet do Nova York (Port), Ctinher, Oporto. HagItnlfrr Hunn. iiriir Thomas Tnrull. Thompson. Barbadoe.L WAP Arm atrony.. Hrly Kliaa Thomson, Hates. Arroyo.I, W A I* Armstrong. Hrly Oliver (Br;, Weeks, Jacmai. It Murray, Jr, Hrly Adella, lie Loon, Urani, Clsnfuegoa. I'araooa A ' A HaaahMm, AUGUST 26, 1875.-TEIP: RchrGen C.oasales (Dom), Whitney, London.George W Brown. Hchr AB Perry. L.ft. Olbara, Cube J B Ward A Oo. flehr Mary K Staples, Burrell, Brunswick, On.Brett, Hon Schr My Hover, Brown. Charleston.Kvans. Ball k Co. Hchr Huuny Shower, Plaglis, New llaveu.Kackelt A Bro. ARRIVALS. RirugTNU BY TilPC JfKKALD HTKAM YACTIT8 AND 1IBRALD WIIITKSTUNK TKLKGRAPI1 LIMB. Steamer California (Br). Ovenstone, Glasgow Ang 14 And Moville 16, with ipdsa ami passengers to Henderson Itms. An if 23, no lat. Ac. passed a German steamer, hound east. Steamer State of Virginia (Br), Moodla, Glasgow Aug 13 and Larue 14th. with indso ami passeinfers to Austin. Baldwin A Go. 11 nscHy westerly winds u tii donna foil for ft days; Aug 22. lat 4H, Ion 49. passed between two ieeherirs ifoit BOO foot high: la* 98, lat 41 Aft, Im 81, passed Gu uard steamer bound east; saute date, lat 40 58, Ion 62 17, a German steamer do; *nm»* date, lat 41, Ion 67 41, a Dutch bark, showing: letters OHKP. Steamer Acapuico, Gray. Asninwull Aug 16, with mdse and passengers to the Pact He Mail Steamship Co. Aug 20, lat 19 if), ion 74 26, passed steamer Colon, hence for A*pinwall.all well; 21st, J U Moore, a passenger, diod of paralysis. Steamer Cltv of New York, Tim merman. Havana Aug 21, with mdse aud passengers to P Alexandre A Sons. Aug 22, lat 27 10, Ion 79 43, passed brig Sarah Giliuorc. of Stockton, from Jamaica, bound N same date, lat 28 46, Ion 79 53, spoke bark ITavelock (Br), from Havana for Queonstown, with 4 men sick 24th, lat 35 37. Ion 74 21, passed schr Lilly B Preach, bound 8. Steamer Cortes, Probum. New Orleans Aiig 17, with mdse and passengers to Clark A Seaman Shin C Grinnell. Borland, London July 15, Isle of Wight 1H, with merchandise to Grinnell, Minium A Co. Aug 2, lat 4S ()9. Ion 35 60, fell in with a vessel dismasted and abandoned, all three masts hanging over the side It being calm, sent chief officer and carpenter on board; tried to make out her name, but could not, H being smeared over with some dark colored paint; should Judge her between HGO and IMS) tons, and cither a Swedish, Norwegian or Danish vessel; thought it prudent to set lire to her, and did so for the safety of ocean travellers. Aug. 19. lat 42 20. lou 62 40, hail a hurricane from 8 H K to 8 S W; was eighteen dav* from the Hunks, with culms and light southerly winds. Ship Ktrathearu iof Glasgow), Jarman, London 2.1 days, with mdse to order vessel to Henderson llros. Hark Charles C l.«'ary (of Huston), Stilphen Liverpool. 2.1 days, to Snow A Burgess. Hail variable weather up to thn Hanks: thence 12 days fogs and calms. I .at 46 20. long 48 »l, passed six icebergs, three very large ones; August 10, off Halifax got the last of a hurricane, blowing with great violence from bK to N W for four hours; lost nearly a whole suit of sails. Hark Tiomo (Nor). T.arsen, London DO days. In ballast to Tetens, Hockmaun A Co. Is anchored at Bandy Hook for orders. Hark Kepha (Mori, Tergesen, Grimstad via Sydney, OB, 51 days. In ballast to Punch, Kdye A Co. Ia anchored at Sandy Honk for orders. Hark Joseflua (Swe). Herndstaaon, Antwerp 48 days, with mdse to Punch, Kdye A Co. Hrig I'andita (Ft), Courtols, Colombo lf>4 dava, with mdso to liowland A Aspinwall. Rounded Cape of Hood Hope June lit and crossed the Kquator June 25 in Ion 29 W; June 4, off Cape of Hood Hope, exchanged signals with bark Roman, whaler (of New London), cruising Hrig Woodland, Valentine. Bristol 29 days, in ballast to Murray, Ferris A Co. Aug 11, lat 4ti, Ion 48, passed several large icebergs; 12th, on the Hsnks, spoke fishing schr Chas lloilgdon, of i'rovincotowu.all well, with DUO quintals codfish. Hrig La Creole (Dutch), Schubert, Rio Haclia 22 days, with fustic, Ac. to Dnvale A Co. Hrig Orloff (Br), Kelfouutain, Cow Bay, CB, 17 days, with coal to Perkins A Job; vessel to llstton A Watson. Schr L P Mallory. Stetson, Old Harbor, Ja, 111 days, with logwood to A 11 Solomon A Co; vessel to Bentley, Gihlersleeve A Co. fir Bark V Rredsdorff (Nor), which arrived 24tli, la consigned to Punch, Kdye A Co (not aa before reported). PASSED THROUGH HELL GATE. BOUND SOUTH. Steamer Franconla, Bragg, Portland for New York, with mdse and passengers. Steamer Klectra, Young, Providence for New York, with mdse and passengers. Steamer Auios C Barstow, Howard, Providence for New York, with mdse and passengers. Hrig Arabella, Sandford, Windsor', N3, for New York 8 davs, (with plaster to C W Bertuux. Schr Sedona, Kawley. Windsor, NS, for New York 21 days, witli plaster to H W Loud A Co. Selir.l K Chandler (Br), Pettis, Windsor, NS, for Now York 8 davs, with plaster to D R DeWolf. Sclhr R Rose (Br), Vaughan, Clieverie, NS, for Now York 16 davs, with plaster to D It DoWof. Schr Aria (Br), Shuloe, NS, for Now York 13 days, with piling to Wilson Godfrey. Sclir Siak, Sherman, Alma, NB, for Now York, 17 day*, with lumber to Chase, Talbot A (V Schr ltuiigatira (Br), 1'yo, Hopewell, NB, for New York, 12 days, with stone to P 1 Nevius A Son. Schr Mocking Bird (Br), Bradley, St John, NB, for New York 8 duys, with lumber to P I Nevius A Son. Schr Jessie Hart, Hart, St John, NB, for Now York 15 days, with lath to order. Schr A C Watson (Br), Sharkey, St John, NB, for Now York 9 days, with lath to Boardmau A Co; vessel to P I Neviua A Sen. Schr Ocean Ttanirep Phillins Rocknort foe New York with granite to Johnson A Co. Schr Isabella, Miuuu, Nantucket for Now York, with fish to Rogers A Co. Schr Klectru, Fisher, Nantucket for New York, with Bah to C E Henley. Schr Ripplo, Brown, Nantucket for New York, with fish to Roger* A Edward*. Schr America, Miller, Rockland for New York, with lime to J K Brown. Schr Kedahedac, Hall, Box Island, Me, for New York, with grnnite to order. Schr Adam Bowley, Stonovan, Bluehill, Me, for New York with stone to Bridge Co. Schr Eaconia, Crockett, Rockland for New York, with lime to J K Brown. Schr K Slower. Hubbard, Connecticut River for New York, witli stone to order, Schr Herald, Hall, Rockland for New York, with lime to J R Brown. Schr IIattic C<mml>«, Bishop, Rockland for New York, with lime to .1 It Brown. Schr Trade Wind, Ingram, Rockland for New York, with lime to J K Brown. Schr Ella I'reeeey, l'reasey, Rockland for Now York, with ilme to Candee A l'reasey. Schr Sarah, Norwood, Calalf for New York, with lumbar to order. Scbr Eva IMvertv, Hand, Pawtuckct for New York. Scbr Kim City, (telly, New Bedford for New York. Schr Harvest, Corwin. Providence for New York. Schr M 1* Mimin, Ferris, Warren for New York. Schr A P Craniner, Ineard. Bridgeport for Baltimore. Schr Rescue, Kelley, Boston for New York. Schr Escort, Haw kins, Bridgeport for New York. Schr Penthea, Roger*. New lluven for New York. Schr S L Thompson, Hull, Providence for New York. Schr Hydrangea, Clark. Stonington for New York. Schr John Warren, Mcflarr, Providence for New York. Schr Richmond, Jourdan, Sairhavcn tor New York. Schr Odell, Wln*low, Providence for New York. Schr Franklin Pierce, Highlander, Poll River for New York. Scbr Connecticut, Smith, Stonington for New York. Schr Klbridge llerry, Clifford. New Bedford for New York. Schr Challenge. Terry, Greenport for New York. Schr Sarali A Rend, Head, Portland, Ct, for New York, Schr Kliiabeth Uehart, Snow, Boston for New York. Schr Eoui* Walsh, Andrew*, Sag Harbor for New York. Schr Iaicj Ames, Bishop, Boston for New York. Schr 1* M Wheaton, llarri*, Providence for New York. Schr Ruth Darling, Gear, Ronton Tor New York. 8chr Sarah W Blake, Briggs, IHghton for New York. Schr Memento, Wilbur. Providence for New York. 8cfarJ M Freeman, Kldridge, Fall River for New York. Schr .Jennie, Rogers, Fall River for New York. Schr 0 I' Shultis, Young, Providonee for New York. Schr Henry Rernsen. Allen, Fall River for New York. Hchr A T Rowland, Rowland, Providence for New York. Schr Annie B. Hogan, Salem for Now York. Hchr Oregon, Freeman, Wick ford for New York. Hchr J B Allen, Allen, rail River for New York. Schr Louisa A Lockwood, St John, Norwalk for Georgetown, DC. Hchr Tillie, Parker, Salem for Naw York. Schr Storm, Adams, New Ilaveu for New York. Schr W W Hraiiiard, Fitch, New Bedford for New York. Sclir S J Smith, Baldwin, Providence for New York. Schr Cloud, Murray, Now Haven for New York. Schr Win Allen, Joneii, Now Huven for New York. Schr Joe Carleton, Uowaoll, Boston for New York. Schr Eugene, Foster, Norwich for New York. Schr Win Whitehead, Titus, Providence for New York. Schr J R Mitchell, Morrell, Stamford for New York. BOUND EAST. Schr J A Hatfield, Hatfield. New York for St John, NB. Schr J as Bayle*. Arnold, Port Johnaon for Providence. Schr Emma A Ellen. Fox, Port Johiinon for Hartford. Hchr Kachacl June, Lewis, llobokeu for Newport. Schr Olivia O'.Mullen O'.Mullen, New York for Boston. Schr Hudson, Chase, Hohoken for Now London. Hchr Hester, Davis, Klixabethport for Portcbester. Hchr Eiuiiy C Dcnnison, Allen, lioboken for Providenon. Schr Richard Iiill, Smith, Newburg for Fall River. Hchr Konina, Phinney, Ellsabethnnrt for Boston. Hchr New Kegulu*. Ewart, Now \ork for Pawtucket. Bohr J S Wcldon, Ilowet, Port Johnson for Providenca. Hchr If P Ilalleck. Ifalleck, Lioboken for Providence. Schr E Waterman, Nlcholli, Rondout for Nantucket. Schr Sarah E Jones, Phinney, Rondout for Boston. Schr R Foster, Cole, lioboken for Boston. Schr P Brown, Sackett^ Ilaverstraw for Providence. Schr Jonathan Cone. White, Rondout for Salem. Schr Win McLoon, Spear. New York for Portland. Schr I) L Hturgess, Chase, lioboken for New Bedford. Schr Alice B Be arse, Hoboken for Boston. Schr (len Sheridan, Stewart, New York tor Boston. Sclir Helen, Perry, lioboken for New Bedford. Hchr T B Smith, Bowman, New York for New Bedford. Hchr U Doming, Boardinan, Newburg for Hartford. BELOW. Bark S J Rogart (of Annupolla, MS), Reynold*, Bremen 37 daya. In ballaat to ileney A Varkcr. SAILED. Steamer* Algeria <nr), fur Liverpool; Plate of Indiana nali; I'ottaville, Philadelphia; ahip Aniartlc (1<r), Liverpool; bark* Mixpab (Br), Cork or S'aluinuth; Svanfldd (Nor). Stet tiu; II S Stover, Havana; brig* Adeile McLonti, Clenfneirns; Jennie Norton, I'once; Harry Vlrden. Matauiaa; IIiuricli tiler). Bremen; Tliomaa Turrull, Harbadoa; Daniel Trow bridge, do; Kliaa Thomson, Arroyo. Sailed J4th, ateamera Wyoming, for Liverpool; South America, for Rio Janeiro; City nfMexico, for Havana, Ac hark* Albiua. lor Rotterdam; Nathaniel, (or Philadelphia; brig ('aacatelie, for Uoaton. Wind at annaet EHK, light. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Rftkkok Ctmtit Dowua collided with tho xntaek R M TliMike in Caatlne liarl.or Ian Saturday, <loiii|r considerable damage to both veaaela and aeriouely injuring C'apt Abbey, ol tlie cutter. Ship Hkralij op Tint MfiRxmn >of Boston) baa been (old at Hamburg to Messrs Jaa It Tibbeta and Isaac Hetlbum, and will continue under llie American flair. Her price fixed la understood to be £f>.lkkl. and I'apt R ll doegnon has taken Coiiimaiid of her. her former niaater, Capt D McLaughlin, re turning to Buaton. Skip Kant, Rich, from Mejillonea, which arrived at Ham bury July ill, met with heavy damage* on tlui voyage. Ad vicet front Hamburg of Aug 12 atate that abe will have u make extenaive repaira. Haiik Stark* (Dan), from Baltimore for Qneenatown, wlilcb put into New London 24th partially diamaaled. will make repair* a* aoon a* poaaible. ('apt Sorenaeli reporti that on the IStli inat. during a gale, while acudiliuk' without mtli, hi" veaael wa* thrown nn her brum enda, when tbc cargo shifted und he waa obliged to cut away the foremast t< right the ship After tlie tale aubaidrd Juryiiiaata wer« ripped and the veaael bore away for New London. The yen ael'ii hull appear* to be In pood condition, anil the cargo li not ditmaired to any ureal extent Tltn veaael Inat foreniu*l atld nil attached, alao luatntopgallautmaat. inix/entupmual ami jibbonm. Bark Julia Khhicr (Br), Bartow, at North Sydney, ell Any 1" from Liverpool, report* having collided with the Nor wepian tiark Velox lit lat 4M 45. Ion 5^ .Mi At I'J AM tin ( man on the lookout reported a veaael oil the port tack will IIO aide lights. but allowed a brltflit aft We then put tin helm hard aport, hut the veaael w is ton clime to clear, canv lug away Jlbhoom. cutwater and receiving other damage The Velox waa deeply loaded, front Montreal, hotinu u Qucenstown for order*. We laid by, at tlie Captain's reijnesl till n AM Sou clearing we found the Velox not much dam aged, only mirxvninaat gone aa far as we could tell. At'. AM wore ship and proceeded on our voyage to North Sydney Haim () EA* iOur). front Kadi* for Quebec, belore re 1 ported atlioro at Caribou 1'oiut, ha« buuu coudumaad MM «AUlMiAi4iuff tfaakAAAJUof UM u&UuvjUtoM. LE SHEET. Bark I'kiok (Hrl, from Cow Bay. CM (Ang 5), for New York, with ro.l, wrut ashore (no date (riven) on ( omu s Island and he. become a total wreck; cargo and vesae! .old. The Union registered 211) tons, was built Rt l'ictuu lu lntil ami bailed from A rich at, C11. Hark II Bkuakks, henre for Elslnore, which put Into Boaton partially, hae tinielied repair, and cleared Join I net to re.umo her voyage, Brio iv m. Tinkkk, from Boeton for Calaia. to load lor West Indies, while in charge of a St John pilot .truck on (Ion KiH-k, knockiiiK off forefoot, part of shoe and started copper forward. BchR Kkrvcra W ITrnnrt l. was the Xmasted srlir reported a. having been dismasted hy Ntrikintr a shoal near ( ape May. She I. also stripped of nearly allhcrsalla. She waa towed from the Delaware Breakwater yesterday to Philadelphia. Senk CARWtfA, which arrived at l.cwcs. Del, 25th Inst., from the Fishing Banks, reports a severe time experienced in reaching the harbor; had decks swept, Ac. 1 Fall Kivkr, Mass, Atiir 24.The iron steamer Hercules, owned by the Philadelphia ami Beading Kidlroad Company, from Philadelphia with a cargo of coal for tbe Fall Kiver Coal Company, sunk iu about 15 feet c>r water soon after reaching tbe wharf of the latter company, in this city, this afternoon. As sho was slowly approaching the wharf she swung against Hodman's breakwater, breaking a hole through her side, ller large pumps, although under water, arc in operation, being supplied with steam which is pumped down from a small engine ou ileek. Sim rests on bottom, ami the water seems to gain. Her cargo Is being discharged as fast as possible. Halipax, NS. Aug 25.The government schr I,a Cituadlenne was totally wrecked at St. Paul's Island 011 Friday last. The rrew were saved. She was engaged carrying stores to lighthouses, and hud been thoroughly overhauled and repaired before leaving here. Bark Nyunsa, from Port Modway for Liverpool, is a total wreck at Placenta, NF. She was only launched a few weeks ago at Port Modway, and was six days at sea when wrecked. She is owned by E 0. Zeeley, of Port Medway, and valued at$5",<««>. Halifax nflices lose $11,ODD insurance ou her cargo of deals. The vessel Is insured abroad. Norfolk. Aug 25. Put In, sehrs J W Stickney, for Now York, sud Chas W Holt, for Boston, both loaded with coal and leuking and other damage. A brig, with foremast gone, is at anchor 15 miles off tho Capes; wreckers have gone to her assistance Oak Bluffs. Mass. Aug 25.Portions of a wreek consisting of top hamper. house and masts, supposed to belong to a schr, were passed hy the steamer River Queen, while making a passuge across the Sound thin morning. It in probably a portion of Home vessel wrecked during the present storm. The dubrii wan seen a few mile* oil' Nantucket liar. San Filancisco, Aug 25.The quarantine nftiecrH on going on hoAiid the ship Now York, which arrived 29d from Liverpool. found 24 of her crew of 4') down with scurvy of a tmilig11 hiit type. The disease wan not confined to the hluck crew, but uIno attacked the white officers. The condition of the crew wun terrible. It Mold the »hlp hu plenty of (Yeah provisions on hoard, and every precaution was taken to disinfect the whip aud preserve clean line**. A court of inquiry will he called. Shipbuilding.Warren Nettleton, of Fnlrhnvon, has a large ft-mmtted schooner on the stocks, which is to bo launched in in a few weeks. He has contracted to build a ship for New York parties, the work to he doue by next April. SPOKEN. Rark W A Farnsworth (Br), Patten, from New York for Liverpool, Aug ID, lat 40 44, Ion 07 .'W>. Bark Otto Georges (CIor), from Bordeaux for Philadelphia, Aug 24, 15 inileH SSK of Ahsecom. Brig .Jessie Uhynas, from Baltimoro for Boston, Aug 22, Barnegat bearing N by K 70 miles. Brig Ida Fulton, from Philadelphia for Halifax, Aug 24, 40 miles KSK of the Highlands. Schr Geo Calhaun, from for Philadelphia, Aug 24, 15 miles SSE of Absecom. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND CAPTAINS Merchants, shipping agents and shipmasters are informed that by telegraphing to the Hkrald London Bureau, No 40 Fleet street, or to the Paris ollice. Rue Scribe, the arrivals at and departures from Kuropoau and Eastern ports of American and all foreign vessels trading with the United States, the same will be cabled to this country free of charge. Captains arriving at und sailing from Freuch aud Mediterranean ports will lind the Paris oflico the more economical and expeditious for telegraphing news. OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. Antwerp, Auk 25.Sailed, steamer Nederland (Belg). James, Philadelphia. Barrow, Auk 24.Sailed, bark Lois (Br), Raymond, Tybae. Bkrgk.v, Aog 22.Arrived, brig Annie (Dun), Brown, Baltimore. Hkkmk.v, Aur 22.Arrived, ships Auguste (dor), Wicrichs, Philadelphia; Victoria (Br), Warren, do; Constantla (<ler), Soltenborn, Baltimore; Olo Smith Ploug (Nor), Carlson, ; bark K lteck (Her), Waltjen, Philadelphia; Lydia (Br), Chalmers, New Vork. Cardipp, Aug 24.Arrived, bark Ada (Br), Crosby, Quebec. OoPKNHACitJJ, Aug 19.Arrlvod, bark P A Manch (Nor), Berentsou, New York for Stettin. Cakm, Aug 23.Arrived, bark Kllaa Prosper (Fr), Davot, Faacagoula. Dobi-ix, Aug 24.Arrived, bark Edinn (Br), Robinson, Si John, NR. Bailed 24th, bark Jupiter (Gcr), ITagmar, United States. Elsinurk, Aug 22.Arrived, barks Ntija (Nor), KnttUen, Baltimore for Dant/.ic; Nordstjernen (Nor), Paust, l'eusacola for Kiel; Mathilde (<ler), Rackow, Now York; Minnie llunter. Woodman, do for Stettin. Pal mouth, Aug 24.Arrived, ship Iudia, Patten, Lobos. Grkknock, Aug 24.Arrived, barks Jane Young (Br), Mc Donald, Richibueto; Champion (Br), Alien, Quebec. Hrlvokt, Aug 24.Arrived, Felicia, from New York (?). Sailed 24th, barks Jannetje (Dutch), Schrier, New York; Otto (Dutch), Philadelphia; August (tier), Ohrloff, Wilmington. NC. Hamburg, Aug 23.Sailed, bark Brigitta (Ger), Kroger, Q.n 1'n.uiim Havkk, Aug 23.Arrived, berk Vlder (Nor), Jobaussen, lUchmiind, Ve. Ltncurooi., Aug 25.Arrived, bark Arlca (Br), Herbert, Shudiac. Also arrived 25th, ship Zephyr, Hwoetser, New Orleans. Hailed 24th, ship Star of the West, Taylor, New York; bark Ocean (Nor), Bergb, United States. Sailed 25th, ship Matterhorn, Arey, Coquirabo. Also sailed 25th, 4 I'M, steamer Pennsylvania, Harris, Philadelphia. Lompok, Aug 25.Arrived, ship Winslow (Nor), Erlckscn, Quebec; barks Neptunits (Nor), Wisnes, Three liivers (Canada) Charles (Nor), Ness, Quebec. Also arrived 25th, brig Albert (Uer), Abrams, Wilmington, NC. Also arrived 25th, steamer Thames (Br), Campbell, Quobee. Sailed 25th, ship Ontario, Patterson, New York; barks Primus (Nor), Nielsou, United States; Paolino (Ital), Ferrigni, du; Warden Law (Br), Smith, America; brig Annie W Goddurd (Br), Johnson, United Slutos. LiMKitiCK, Aug 25.Sailed, bark Franco et Platte (Fr), Lequeuse, United States. Pasauth Koads, Aug 25.Arrived, schrs Herbert J Olivo (Br), Stewart, St John, NB. PoitTRCSU, Aug 24.Arrived, schr Maggie Uurthan, Small, St John, NB. Qurkkstowx, Aug 25.Arrived, ship J A Thompson, Thompson, San Francisco; brig Marietta (Ital), Ferrara, Philadelphia. Also arrived 25th, harks Cromo (Aus), Sterk, New York; Otac Mlho (Aus), Cstticieh, do; brig C Neumann Uaedobehn (tier), Hethloff, Philadelphia (was reported arrived 16th). Arrived 24th, steamers The Queen (Br), Bragg, New York i, a»i... mi., ir ......... ii,r... i,,,t>. ur uivri)i><vf, amm «vo*vu .v. w ....... proceeded). Rottkudah, Aug 21).Arrived, barks Mynheer (Ger),Te§n»w, Wilmington, SC; Sarah B Caun (Br), Kldridge. New York. Arrived 24th, ship Josephine (Nor). Smith, New York; bark Clara (Ger), Kruse, l'hilodelphia. SiiAiir.NKss, Aug 23.Arrived, bark City of Ottawa (Br), Dunn, i'eusacola. Samtanokr, Ang 19.Arrivod, brig Annie Vail (Br), 81m- mnns. Savannah (before roportod without date). Wolcakt (Germany), Aug 19.Arrived, bark Catharino (Swe), Remmaussen, I'ascagouia. foreign ports. CiLUO, July 14.Suited. bark Mary Wiggins (Br), Moshor, Pabellon do Pica; 17th. aliliM Alexander. Humphreys. IndepeitdonciH Hay; Saratoga, Kendall, Pabellon do Pica; 21st, Prussia, Uicli, Indopendouc'ia Hay; 23d. barks St Lucie, Witsou (from Now York), Payta; '24th, Mabel, Hellett, Iudencncla Hay; Hevudo (Br), I Took way, and W T Ilarwnod (Br), I)owley. Pabellon do Pica: 2Hth, Carlton (Br), Dnrkee, I tidependencia Hay; 28th, ship Triiuountuin, Jones, Pabellon do Pica. Sailed 24th, ship Celcntial Empire, Barstow, Pabellon do Pica. flow Hat, CB, Ang 28 Cleared, brigs S II Odiome (Hr), and Victoria Amelia, Now York. ('awning, NS, Aug 23.Arrived, schr Guiding Star (Br), Porto Rico. Havana Ang 24.Arrived steamer Tappahannork, Pendleton, New Orleans; 25th. Austin. Simpson. Kiwkport (Texan); bark (Jucen of Cornnorco (Hr), Crowley, Brunswick, (la. Sailed, 23d, whr Kite A Joaie liiinkerH, New Orleans; 24tli, steamer Gussie, Morgan, Indianola 25th, bark Hantissima Trinidad (Hp), Lopex New York; eeiir Thereaa (1, Gutiares, Shieldsborough. Miss. Haijiax, NS, Au« 24.Arrivod, brig Magenta (Hr), Oporto. Loan# pk Tikrra, JuIt 12.(Cleared provlouily, ship Martha liowker, Grecnharik, Europe. In port duly 12. ship Peruvian Congress (Hr), Power, Idp. Liverpool. Aug 20.Hailed, "learner Hidouiaii (Hr), Ed- wards, Halifax and St John, NB. Livrkpool, Aug 20.Hailed, bark Zlba (Hr), Thome, Charleston. Matawxa*. Aug 24. Arrived, schr Albert W Waitc, Pettin- gill. Portland. Sailed 25th, brig Mauliua (Br), Todd, for north of lluti teras. North Htdnrt. CB, Auk 24.Arrived, barks Amity, from England Assyria (Hr), Edgelt, London; Hollo Stewart (Hr), Gllllat, Barrow. Parkllow iir Pica, July 12.In port ships Alert, Littlefield; fjoretto Fish. ( arney; John Hrvce, Morse, and Si .it it air Mil ;itv..rv 1.1.,. f......... If...,,..- I W u moll iifr). K'liiionif, and North Blur (Br), Roberta, do; Ml da* (Hri, Campbell, do. I'jmam «. Auk 15.Arrived, steamer Winchester, Whltebory, Central Am ricu Ht .Ion.*, N It, Aug 25.Arrlvod, brig FideII* (Br), Young, Philadelphia Hulled ilMh, bnrk Iniinaritiel. Belfast. Victoria, Aii^ 15.Arrived, burlt Blanche (Br), Bam! bruugb, Liverpool. ; AMERICAN TORTS. ASTORIA (Oregon), Aug Arrived, uhlp Dilharre (Br), McNultv, Kong Kong. ALKaANOKIa, aug "24. Arrived, echre W H Ililfton, Ap- pontiUur, Kline, Moore, New York: Sully M Htoaliuan. and K Hi OUir, Kdward. for Oenrgetown. Sailed >t .uner H (' Knt^clit. A»»vr York. | APPoNAl'ii, Aug *21.Hulled, tcbrt Geo b Vredland, \ uucH*nf. Oeorgetowii. do. 1 ' host* >n, Aug 24.-Arrived, brig Antolopo, Wood, Philadol' pliia for Portland. I 2 >th -Arrived, Htowner Olnucue, Heart®, Now York; thlpt H uti om Rigliu. WoodWury. OoUaiibiirg; Andrew Jack ton, Hurtled, Liverpool; brig Talh llo. Peirr«oH, PURadnlpiiia; tchr Hill Baxter (Br), l( i\ter, Kuni Harbor. LI. 1 Clear«*d.Hie uners Saxon. Snow, Philadelphia, Oen Wall- l **l.-H1UtW>«« Yacht bar ha U a i akchMh (Hon A, New York), EHInore diavintr repaired) ; D ( Iiapln, B"nk5 ltamror. Me; Mt:gnat irooh, lleiitliiyway, Portland; Pearl, lieu ley, do; aclira L A lloae, Roan, Alexandria, >a; I C Tryou, Nickerson, Baltimore; Cofcassett, llakor, 1 hlladel plila. BALTIMORE, Auk 25-Arrtved, aleamer Vlneland, Bnwen New York: bark Mauitou, North, Matanzaa; aclira llowart William*, Wainwrlpht, New York; John K Shaw, Cox, do^ Calvin K linker, Hakor, Kennebec; Lulu, Know, Richmond Mo, Cleared.Steamers Louisa, Walker, Edenton, NO; Elins belli, Clurk, Now York; achr Kamiio It William", Shearer, Now York. , Sailed.Barks Frlirate Blril, Trieste; Anita, Stettin; K II YarriiiL'ton, I'Hmamhauo; bripi Mary A I'Kum, Do sehr* Kdna Hnrwnod, IIui'wimhI Mataur.aa; Miunlo ti X,aild for llavro, went to sea 22d kaniidr, Aid,' 23.Arrived, bark Brunawiok. Iliitrhinaon, Portland; aclira Webster Barnard. Smith, Bonaire, Wl; AliUI Ihllin. Wood, Klixabethport; J M Morales, Eldridtce, Philadelphia. <'loarod.Brig Marshall Dutch, Turner, Charlottetowa PHI. HKLKAST, Aug 23.Sailed, achr Orion, Patteraon, New York. BATH, Auk 21.Arrived, aclira Vaahtl Sharp, Lee, Philadelphia; Laurn Bride-man, Clark, ltultimoro: K A llava. Smith, Cambridge, Mil; Stophon llardliiK, Harding, Now York Sntilla, Rivers, Satilla River. Sailed.Schr llailoton, Ropers, Albany. 23d.Arrived, achr Ohurlio Stuadmun, Dnnton, New York for llallnwoll. Sailed.Scbra Itnth T Carlisle, for Georgetown, DC; Only Bon, Mender, and Oriole, Henderson, Now York. CHARLESTON, Auk 21-Sailed, hark Charlotte (Oor), Wullia, Quaenstown. 24th.Arrived, aclira St Croix, from Boston Harry G Their ard, Steelman, New York. J.'ith.Arrived, steamer HarriahurK. Worth, Philadelphia. Also arrived, steamer Kanita, Philadelphia; brlK Trainone, Bristol. K. Sailed.Steamer Georgia, Crowcll, Now York. OOIIASSETT NARROWS, Auk 22.Arrived, achr J A Hallock, Crawford, Georgetown, DO. Sailed.Sidir Alice Hell, llutliaway, OeorKetnwn, DC. DIGllTON, Auk 22.Arrived, schr Hunter, from Philadelphia kdgartown, Auk 21.Arrived, achr Eclipse, Dixon, » Brooklyn for Nuntiickct; 28d. schr J 1 Wallace. Woodbury, Iloboken for Bristol, Me; sloop Dudley, Williams, from Now York. EAST GREENWICH, Aug 24.Sailed, schr Keystone, ITiitoll. New York. FORTRESS MONROE, AugJH-Paxxed in for Haiti wore, bark Ada Carter, from Mutauxus. Arrived.Bark Tillld (Nor), from Belfast, I, seeking; fiehi* Addio Herney, from Newborn for New York; Kdwurd Stan* ley, from Richmond for Portland. VALL RIVER, Aug 28.Arrived, sehrs Quickstep, from Philadelphia: .J M Freeman. Kldridge, New York; Julia Willetts, Mediator, Mesaetiger, Frauklln Pierce, R P King, Win N Gosner, S L Crocker, vv S Thompson. Sailed.Sclirs John E Han ford, Westgato, Georgetown, DO; Minnie Kinnie, Parsons, Philadelphia. 24th.Arrived, steamer Hcrculus, from Philadelphia. KKY WEST, Aug 25.Arrived, steamer Clyde, Kennedy, Galveston for New York (and proceeded). Ll'BKC. Aug 28.Hailed, senrs Charlie Morton. Pike (from St John, NH), for Penarth Hoads, for orders; Mary K Staples, Trott (from Calais), do. do. NEW ORLEANS, Aug 25.Cleared, steamers Hudson, (lager, New York; Margaret, Baker, Havana; schr Lily ol the Vail*v (Br), Leitrh, Belize (Honduras). NORFOLK, Aug 25.Put In. sclirs J W Stickney, for New York, and Chaa W Holt, for Boston, both from coal porta, leaking. NKWBFRYPORT, Aug 24.Arrived, steamer Achillea, Artis. Philadelphia. NEW BEDFORD, Aug 25.Arrived, schr Daisy E, Parkhurst, Alexandria. Sailed.Sclirs Alfred Braybrook, Georgetown; Hattia Perry, Elixa Jane Raymond, Ocean Wave, John J Worthington, 1l T Potter, W D Mangam, and Elm City, all for New York. NEWPORT, Aug 24.Sailed, schrs Roamer, McFarlln. New York; I) Davidson, Freeman, New York for Boston) sloop Nearchus, Marksman, New York. PM.Arrived, schr Ohas E Hazard, Bartlett, Weehawken for Ipswich. Sailed.Schrs Terrapin,Wooster, Iloboken for Boston ; Lucy Ames, Bishop, Providence for New York. In port.Schrs Elvira Bancroft, from Iloboken for Boston; Elisha T Smith, Baker, from Virginia; I) T Willetts, Staplln, for New York Julia Ann, Howell for do. NORWICH, Aug 24.Arrived, schrs D A R Canal No. 5, from Trenton ; Neptune, do. Sailed.Schr Neptune, for New York. NEW LONDON, Aug 21.Arrived, bark Svanon (Dan), Sorensen, Baltimore for Queenstown (see Miscellany) schrt Geo F Brown, Now York for Providence; Success, iloboken for do; James English, Providence tor Now York. NEW IIAVKN, Aug 22-*-Arrived, brig Rising Sun, Griffin. Ponce: sloop M Brush, Benton, l'ort Johnson. PHILADELPHIA, Aug 25.Arrived, sclirs Thomus O Smith, Hand, Charleston; Woniier, Pluny, Portsmouth; Ann II Hickman, Shaw, do; A I) Scull, Frambes, Salem; C W May, Davis, Roxbury: Aim J Loughlin, Smith, Lynn; M K Trainer, Osteins, do: E Hinnlckxon, Penewell, Gloucester; Hattie Paige, Godfrey, Boston; Geo Churchman, Rlslev, do; F B Colton. Birch, do; J Paige, Long, do; Murths Welch, Burge, do; MA McUahan. ('all, do; L H Ives, Van Zandt, do; Alexander I larding, McBride, Somerset; Wild Pigeon, Conary, do; Mary 1) Craimier, Horner, do; W G Deerborn, Scull, Providence; Mary F Corson, Nickerson. do; Kstelle Day, Tracey, do; J J Moore, Franklin, do; John A Griflin, Foster, do; Authca Godfrey, Shaw, Warren. Also arrived.Steamers Beverly, Wallace, from New York; J S Shriver, Wood, from Baltimore; schrs hnow Bird, Crlppx. from Guaco, NB; Fannie llaumer, Crook, from Nantucket) Governor Burton, Phinuey. from Somerset; Agnes R Bacon, Hcitley, from Boston; Rebecca Florence, Rich, Portlandl Flaviila, Paine, Provlncetown; D Faust, Plummer, Ellaworth; George L Bradley, Chipman, Bangor; Hannah Little, Hanson, Now York; llwitie L Fuller. Smith, do; A J Bentley, Williams, Boston; N W Magec, Hudson, do; S L Bums, Burns, dot James Ahlordice. Roekhill. dot Klvie Davis. Arm- strong, do; H II Hawes, Fort, Salem (J W Hall, Jr, Glieen, do; George Nevlnger. Smith, Lynn; D Brittain, Carroll, Gloucester: American Eagle, Xcwlovu, Danvcrsnort; Thomai Bordon, Churbuclc, Fall River; Ida Delia Torre, Chase, Somerset. Cle ared.Steamer Ohio, Morrison. Liverpool; »chri AH Kotchum, Ketchum, Portsmouth; w A Levering, Smith, Portsmouth ; K M Uuchler, Mulov do; K Nickerson, Nickerson. Boston; A C Paige, Haley; Edith L Steers, Corson; Mary u Tarr, Conwel!; John StrtKip,Nickerson Marion Gage. Furuian, and Goo Churchman, Kisley for do; Joseph Buy more, Durdge, Cambridge ; Martha Welsh. Burdge, do; Klla T Littie, Crawford, Cambridgeport: It II Shannon, Wilson, Danversport; S L Kusscll, Smith. Lynn; Young Teaser, Slocum. New Bedford; Yankee Boy, Henderson, East Greenwich; li W Buell, Ireland, Providence; Fannie Uanmer, Brooks, Nantucket; li N Miller, Miller. Boston. Also cleared, steamers Perkeomen, Pierce and Ariea. Whllden, Boston; Florida, Crocker, Providence; K C Diddle, Pierce, Now York; Mayllower, Davidson, do; barks Genuania (Ger), Cluver, Bremen; E J Heratv, Canning, Saco; P Atkins, Atkins, Boston; Kstell Day, Traoey, Roxbury; 3 Godfrey, Young, Milton; Lainartihe, French, Somerset; John A Griffin, Foster, Providence. Sailed.Steamer Perkiomen. Nrwcamtlk, Del, Aug 25, AM.Bark Brazil (Br), from Havre via Sydney, CB. and Sandy Hook, passed up at 5 PM yesterday and anchored above here and still remains. Hchn Sea Flower from Newport, and Mary E Femerick, from Boston, passed up this morning. Steamer Centipede, for Boeton, and scbr George Glendon, Jewett, for Portland, passed down last evening. Schrs Deccora, from Portsmouth; Althea, frum do, and Owen P Hinds, from Calais, passed up last evening. Noon.Schrs Luella A Suow. for Boston; Lamartine, foi New Bedford Mariou Gage, for Boston; J K Manning, for dol Ella T Little, for Lynn, und Mary Weaver, for Boston, passed down since the morning report. PM.Steamer Myrtle is now passing with tho Pollock Lightship from New York for Wilmington, Del. Schrs Isaac L Clark, from Boston; Virginia L Heckman, do; Ceres, Dover, from New Haven; Susan darker, from Salem; Abhie Pitman, from Portland; J D Ingrnham. from lluddam. and Jos Eaton, from Lynn, passed up this PM. Bark M K Chapman (Br), for Ctenfncgos, passed down in tow schr Aries, for Boston, passed down also Hchrs Annie H Ketchuru, for Boston Wyoming, for Halem, and Geo Walker, for Portland. Schr American Eagle left for Philadelphia PM. A hark in sight of Reedy Island is heating fit). Lkwks, Del, Aug 25, A M.Bark Nellie T Guest remains for Philadelphia; steamer Richmond arrived from New York at 5 A M. Arrived, ship Matnura (Br), from Havre, in ballast foi orders; two barks, names unknown, passed in at 11 A M. P M.Bark Dover and one brig have passed oat to-day. Vessel* In tho harbor.Schrs Charles II Kclley, for Boston; N 8 Brown, for Danvur*; L B Fi»k, for Bostou; Sallie B, for do, mid J II Moore, for Portland. PORTLAND, A tig 23.Arrived, sclir Sophia Krana, Dyer, Alexandra. 25tli.Arrived, schr John Bird, Philadelphia. (Roared.-Kehr hi K Dresser, Buracou. PORTSMOUTH. Aug 24.Arrived, achr Rillie H Derby, May lor, Philadelphia. Sailed.Schr* Emily A Jenuie, Hewitt, and Laura V Rote, Allen. Philadelphia. PROVIDENCE, Aug 24.Arrived, steamer Vindicator, lingers, Philadelphia; schr* Katie .1 lioyt, lieaiiy, Port Johnson; Eliau Williams, iiamliii, liobukou. Sailed.Hclira Westmoreland, Allen; Elizabeth Magco, Ma gee, and Jennie A Shepard, Kdgell. Philadelphia; Nicholas 'denrhof, Mchrhnf, und Florence, Backctt. llaveratraw; Willow Ilarp, Ilortovi, Kondnut; P M Wheaton. Barrett; Cyrus Chuinherluin, Adams; Sarah L Thompson, Hull Muri etta Hand. Ooldsmith; Marsena Munsoit, Daytou ; Signal, Sattrrly; Hydrangea, Clark, and Win P Burdeu, Adama PAWTUOKKT, Aug 24.Arrived, achr E II Brazos, Ray nor, Port Johnson. Sailed.Schr« Eva Diverty, Hand, and Panthea, McDald. New York. RICHMOND. Aug 38.Arrived, steamer Wyanoke, Couch, New York; bark Edwin (Nor), ChrisiotTcrseii, Liverpool via City Point. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug 17.Arrived, achr Montana, Ais derson, Sail Bias. 23d.Arrived, ship New York (Br), Curphey. Liverpool. Also arrived ship Airllo (Br), Kacburn, Oloagow (not m misprinted). 21th.Arrived, ship United States, Lunt, Liverpool. Cleared.Ship Harvest Queen, Junsen, Cork; Louisiana Oliver, Liverpool. 25th.Arrived, steamer Montana, Connoly, Panama, Acship Carrie Reed, Orowell, New York. SAVANNAH, Aug 25.Arrived, steamers Seminole, Mathews. Ronton: Hen Barnes. Cheese man. Now York; burk Orelf (Her), from Jantsen, West Coast Africa. Sailed.Steamer Leo, Daniels, New York. SACO, Aug 21.Arrived, achr Wm Tlco, and Eagle. Phlla. dolphin; Freddie Eaton, Soiitli Aiuboy; 23«1, Sallie Mair, Philadelphia; Hlobe, New York. SOMERSET, Aug 21.Arrived, achr R II Daley, Crocken Sailed.Mir Mary D Cranmcr, Horner, Philadelphia. 22d.Arrived, eehr Lottie Heard, Perry, Philadelphia! barire Pioneer, CumtningN, IVoboken. 2'ld.Sailed, Nehru Lavina Jane, Molt, New York; Johl Munlove, Torroy, do. HALEM, Auk 211.Arrived, echre Salllo H Godfrey. Kateei J C Cottinhuin, Ayron; J VV V'an nam an, Sharp, and Kebecoi M Smith, Grace, I'hihnl^lphiu; M C Hart, Keene, Port Johnnod; LA Lenian, Letuiin, Ilohokeu; E (a Knight, Pratt, New York for Hungor. STO.V [N'UTON. Atift 23.Arrived, Nehru Ham# Cork, from Port Johnnun Ciuineeticut. Smith, do; Jletiey A Aun. Ifolx* « ken; Thou Kllli, Kelley, New York for Warenain: Whistle;* Keefe. do for Taunton Darling, do for Bangor; LlarUaa Ai' lei), Crocker, Perth Ainboy for Hoeton. VINKYAkD ICAVKN, Aug 24. Arrived, echrt Mary 1 Hrudnhaw, Georgetown, DC, for Boston; Louie K Smith Philadelphia for do; Yottciuitu, Port Jobiuoii for Hound Pond Me. Sailod.Schrs Win Pickering, South Shore, And Albert J ameioii. 25.Arrived, nchra Mary A Dritry, Baltimore for Boaton; . Maggie Cummin*, Philadelphia for Cohaaxot: J antes Wall, South Ainboy for Dauiariacotta; Maud Beiuo (Br), Frederick* ton for order*. Sailed.Schr Ocm. WI LMINGTOX, NO. Aug 25. Arrived, steamer D J Foley, Donnell, Baltimore; bark Falken (Nor), Christcntien, Lot* don. WAKflEN, Aug 24- Sailed, eohr Mary M MiiYlin, Ferrla Kli/ahethport. WAItKllVM, Auk 23.Hailed, xclir* Angler, Bu»»e, llobo ken; Clyde, Holland, Georgetown, DC. NIICBliLANBOl s. A" IISIILI'TK DIVORCES OBTAINED KHOM DIKKKKcut State* for numeroiu cnu»o«; legal everywhere; meiiubllclty required; no charge until divorve granted; advice tree. M. HOCsK, Atterney, lot Broadway. A -HERALD BRANCH OKKICK, BROOKLYN, COR , ner of Kultnn Avenue Kiel Bee rum -treot. < tpen from H A. M. to it I' >1. l)n Sunday (toil 3 tu it 1'. M. rpiJItMAH It AONKW. TI1K GREAT NEW YOR» I grocer nnd ten denier, 3D Veaey etreet, Now York.Kveryliody tJmuld call nnd gel bargain*. V^MNUllKHTKR'it Sl'IiCl TIC 1'IL.U A certain «nd epocdy euro for NKUVOU8 DKBILITT. t WEAKNESS, AO.. thoroughly teetod fur 80 year* with perfeci nuacae*. TWO to SI X boxoe are generally aulliciuol *, elluct a radical cure. Kur furllior infortnation. Ac,, eond l®» a (Uvular: til per box; nix hoxue tt>, tty mail, caret# lealed. witli full direction* tor uve. Prepared oaly by W1NOI1 Ksl'KR A .'r^ no Jeua. i

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TUB TEAM BACK. ]Sekijna VAi.unr, S. V., August '.'5, 1875.

The Rcrond day of the Bummer trotting meeting of

tie Spring Valley Driving Park was very successful,fbere wan a Hue attendance, an excellent track, lovelyweather and two events of interest.

TUB 2:40 Pl'KMB.

Firat to be called for the amusement of the spectatoriwas the 2:40 parse of $150, mile heats, beat three In

Ave, in harness; $00 to the Brat, $40 to the second and>o in the third horse. Of ten entries theru an.

eared before tba Judge* John Murphy'sirowa mare Katie Hughes, Thomas Carr'shay gelding Harry Irving, H. W. Howe's browngelding Freucby, C. B. Stewart's bay gelding Red Bird,/. B. Dean's bay stallion Dean's Hainblctonian, PeterM awe's bay gelding Major S. and J. Pierce's bay mare

Witch. Before the start the pools averaged:.KatieHughes, $40; Dean's Hambletonian, $20; Held, $12.fhey got away at the eighth attempt, with Witch a

length the best of it; but before the quarter polo was

Reached Dean's Hambletonian went to the trout and at

Abe half mile was one length in advance. He main-tamed this position until entering the stretch, whenKatie rushed to the front and landed the winner of theheat by one length in 2:42. Dean's Hambletonian was

Second, Witch third, MajorS. fourth, Harry Irving fifth,Frenchy sixth and Bed Bird distanced. Ratio Hughesnow sold over the field $25 to $15. Five of the horses (jnnie upon the track and the drivers of these, not no- tbeing the absence of tho sixth, came for the word, and jthinking they had roceived it, went half a nolo at a ^lipping pace before they were awaro that the judges jhadn't sent them away. This little mistake caused con-

Udcrable laughter and some annoyanco to tho backers ^r the favorite. There was much delay in getting away, t

the word only being given at tho thirteenth trial, withv

Katie Hughes and Dean's Hambletonian head and head, 1the others well up. Katie broke on the turn and Dean's ^

stallion went to the front and stuck there until the half^

mile was reached, when Katie went up to him and won t

by half a length In 2:42, MajorS. second. Dean's Humble- t

toman third, Witch fourth, Frencby filth and Harry jIrving sixth. The third heat, after *a spirited contest, Bwas captured by Witch ill 2:451,, Frenchy second, Ratio |Hughes third, Harry Irving fourth. Dean's Uuuibletoniau jfilth and Major S. sixth. The fourth heat and race were 1awarded Ratio Hughes, in 2:44. Frenchy was second, .Dean's Hauihletouian third, Witch fourth, Harry Irvingfilth and Major S. sixth. Second money was given 1Witch and third premium to Frenchy. j

THK TU1I BACK.Next on tho card was the purse of $150, for teams,

mile heals, best three in five; $00 to the tlrst, $40 to 5tliu second and $20 to the third. There responded to ithe bell for the word Peter Manee's brown geldingCreedmoor and bay gelding Revenge, John Haslett sSorrel gelding Welsey Hoy and bay gelding Sherman and IJohn Pierce's gray mare Flora and brown geldingJoe Clark. The pools averaged:.Joe Clark and mute, <_'$6o; Welsey Hoy and mate, $4<i; Creedmoor and mate, ).$26. At the seventh trial they got the word with Wei- pBey Boy and mate a trlllc in front. Flora und mate nextand Creedmoor and Revenge a length in the rear. 1m-mediately alter leaving the score Welsey Boy and mate cand Flora and mate went into tho air, when Creedmoor aand Revenge went to tho front and were never alter- yward headed, landing the winners of the heat by one plength, in 2:51. Welsey Boy and Sherman were secondand Flora and mate just saved their distance. Creed-moor and Revenge were the lavorltes immediately afterthe heat, but before the word was given each of the pothers sold Urst choice. The word was given at the 7sixth scoring for tho second heat, and, salter being closely contested, Welsey and mate J,landed the winners, Creedmoor and male second, jand Flora und mate distanced. The third heat was capturedby Creedmoor and Revenge in 2:61, when theybecame great favorites in the pools. Welsey and riher- Cman. however, lauded the winners of the fourth undfifth hosts and the raco, to the consternation of thosewho were betting against them. First and third pre jmiums were awarded Welsey and male, Creedmoor and'Revenge taking second money.

scxkaky.Spuing Valuey Driving Park.Spring Valley. RocklandCounty, n. V., August 25, 1875.Second Day or

the Simmer Trotting Meeting.First Rack..Purse of q$160, for horses that never trotted better than 2:40;mile heats, best three in Ave, in harnes; $90 to the tlrst, g$40 to the second and $20 to the third horse.. J udges. 6!R. F. Calloway, William L. Laurence and All red A 0Rliven.John Murphy's br. m. Katie Hughes 1 1 3 1 w

John Pierce's b. in. Witch. 3 4 14bCharles Dickerman's br. g. Frenchy 6 5 2 2 cJ. R. Dean's b. a. Dean's Hamblelonian 2 3 5 3Peter Manee's b. g. MajorS 4 2 6 0c

Thomas t'arr's b. g. Harry Irviug 5 6 4 6 tC. Russell's gr. m. Stella dr. fWilliam McMahon's br. in. Sally Mack dr.C. D. Sessions' blk. m. Lady Black Hawk... dr.

time. 2Quarter. Half Mile. a

Firstheat 41X 1:21 X 2:42Recond beat 41 \ 1:21X 2:42 ^

Tbird heat 43X 1:24 2:45X 1Fourth heat 43X 1:23 2:44 tSame Day.Second Rack..Purse of $150, for teams:

nuie heats, best three in five; $90 to the first, $40 tothe second and $20 to the third team. j rJ. Haslelt's a g. Welsey Boy and b. g.Sherman 2 12 11,Peter Manee's br. g. Creedmoor and b. g. I v

Revenge 1 2 1 2 2 JJohn Pierce's gr. m. Flora and br. g. jjoe nurse a uis.-jJ. Kyeiyon's Harry and blk. m. Eveline, dr. e

A. Corni-lison's b. g. Judge Robertsonand mate. dr.

tisk. aQuarter. Half Mite. <

F irstheat 45^ 1:27% 2:51 jolid heat 44 1:20 2:61%Third beat. 43 1:25 2:51

Fourth beat. 42 1:25% 2:50 ii'dth beat 43% 1:25 2:40 r

to-day's sport. jThe meeting will close to day with two events.the h1.45 and 2:30 purses.each with eleven entries.





SnuxoriSLD, Mass., August 25, 1ST5 t

The finest of summer weather seems to favor the '

{Springfield races. The recent heavy rains served to lay 'tthe dust and cool the atmosphere, and the elements of tnature all seem to combine now in furnishing some of 1

the choicest days that have favored the Connecticut ,valley during the whole summer season. t

I ne attendance to-day was more than double that or(

yesterday. The grand stands, of which there are two rSpacious ones, were well filled, and around the track r

were a miscellaneous throng and a multitude of vehicles, 1

almost bewildering In numbers. The grand stands are jmoat elaborately and tastefully decorated, and thescene altogether Is one of rare splendor und attractive-. ((ncaa One of Boston's famous Brown's, butonce Giluiore's.furnishes superb music during the wearyIntervals between heals, and there are other provisions Jequally thoughtful fur the incidental enlvrtainmenl ofthe visiting thousands. The truck itself is in excellent tcondition, and the followers of the turf speak of 11 *

as tho best they have encountered during the season.ths raci.vo. i

As was to be expected, the races were all uncommonly '

Interesting. In the grand stands, where nearly all tboseals were filled, the crowds watched with anxioushearts and straining eyes every step and skip of thefleet aniinals as they shot round the course, and thevictors were Invariably greeted with a round of enthusiasticplaudits

rns 3:20 cummade the finest trotting of the second day, and thehorses proposing to start made their appearance in frontof the grand stand soon after the somtnencement of the

one half of which was the award for auccesa, ona quarterfor the houor of being iiecond and $760 divided betweenthe third and fourth horsea, the fourth receiving a returnof his entrance money only. There were ten entries forthe race ax lollowe:..folio Trout, Boston, brown tnareJean Ingelow; W. H Crawford, browu inarp Annie Collins,J. H. Phillip*, New York, buy mare Uav Adelaide;A. J. Keek, Syracuse, N. Y., cheatuul Kidding Bonner;l'ike ,k Bowun. Haverhill, N H.. bay gelding YoungHauler, K. C. Robinson, Spniiglleid. roan gelding AltonJloy; O. S. Taylor, Springfield, bay gelding K. C. Robin

on;Aldcn Goldsmith. Blooming Grove, bay mare KllleI lean*; -I Dougrey, ,lr Uecliaoiosvilla, gray gcld.ngBen Smith; Morrell Higbie, Canton. III., bay geldingLittle Fred. Of theae horse* Youni Rattler Alton Movami E. (J. Robinson were drawn, and only tlio otherseven started.The first heat was won by Little Ered In 2:27 Tho

eecoixt heat was won by Adelaide in MV , The third ,heal was won by Adelaide In 2:211)$. The rourth heatbrought Ilonner to the wire in 2:21! The fifth li<-ut wasgained by Adelaide in '2:2.') and she took the race.

TilK 2:20 RACB. IThe trotting In this class was for a purse or $4,000,

$2,000 to the first, $1,000 to the second, tlUKi to thethird and $400 to the rourth. The entries were as followsr.John Hplan, New York, h g. Kansas finer, redand gre«n Ben Mace, New York, g. g. Hopeful.grayaud blue; W. M. Dohle, Philadelphia, h. ru. lstdy Maud,gruy.

All three or the horses started and when the word wasgiven Hopeful look the first place and kept it well untilthe end of the heat, winuiug ill 2:2ftV The secondheat was won by Hopeful in 2:24**, and he won thothird heat aud the race in 2:20. Kansas Chief was die.(Slu ed Hopeful, by the result, got the first and thirdtuouey and Maud the second.

tub 2:31 class1$ wea nearly at a'aiocfc batora the marshals an

NEW YOInon&r.'.l the 2:31 Hass of horses. They were a finelooking lot of trotters, anil of the nituibi r Orient andLady Turpln had been by turns the favorites, eachluting occasionally selected against the Ib id. On thedrawing Honest Harry took the |«>le, Red W.illaeoSecond, Orient third, Nellie Walton fourth, l»idv Turpiutlfth, Mat Tanner sixth and Bateman onnode. N>-dWallace made the pace, and won the llrst lieut in 2:21.The reeond heat was raptured by Orient iu 3:2tO*.lie valued tbu race it Ilia third beat without dilllcully iu


Lawaxam, Mass., August25, 1R75.The second day's races at Hiding Turk were largely

attended.The 2:3.1 race, with five starters, was won by Joe

Ripley. Time, 2:38 s,.2:38»4.2:38.The 2:42 race, with live starters, was won by Colonel

Dean. Time, 2:41.2:40.2:44V



LAST EVENING.This 1a the 11 rat day of the extra racing meeting at

Long I)much, which will be continued to-morrow and

Saturday. The purses aro liberal, and the programmeeuibracea a variety of events which ruust coil to Una

popular truck each day largo assemblages.Four races aro marked for the opening sport, these

being.lirst, a purse of $1KJ0, for all ages, ouo uiile,* nb muldou allowances; three year olds, 5 lbs. ; four(

eurolds, 7 lbs.; fiveyeurulds and upward, 10lbs. There will probably lace the starter for thisHitchcock's Century, 108 lbs., and Letilia 11., 106 IbA ;Spindrift, 114 lbs.; Fclairo, 111 lbs.; chestnut tlily by,'cnsor, OH lbs.; Camden, 114 lbs.; hay liliy by Dickens,>2 lbs.; Gilliflower, Kg lbs.; B. V. Carver, 114 lbs.;levolt, 82 lbs.; Burgoo, 9S lbs.; Vanderbilt, 108 lbs.;Vurrior, 08 lbs.; Long Branch, 114 lbs.; Vornuiigo, 82

bs., and Wyndbam (Court Ilumpton), 08 lbs.Second on tho programme is the purse of $400 for

hrco-yeurolds, dash of one and a hall'miles. The win"ler ol'any slake ruco Is required to carry seven poundsxlra. In this there will more than likely contend Jack'wigg, Goldmine, buy coll by l'auic, l'upcr Maker and'ertiango.Next comes the purse of $400, one mile and three-

uarlcrs, fur all ages. (This race substituted for tbewo-year-olds purse.) There will come to tho post inhis Donnybrook, Osage, Century, Ecliure and Hummy.The sport of the day will wind up with a handicap

lurdlc race, purse of $600; $360 to the first, $100 lo theecond auii $60 to the third horse; nolo heats over fourlurdles, the distance being eighty jards. Five are exlecledto start for this; these being Audubon, 142 lbs.;Susy Bee, 144 lbs. ; Coronet, 146 lbs.; Cariboo, 146 lbs.,aid Moonstone, l6o lbs. ,l'ools were sold on three of these events last evening

n the city, the lollowiug being a fair average of thetrices obtained:.

DASII Of OXK Ml LK..Johnson's.., ^

:pindrift $17 60 80leld20 00 luu

OSS AMD TUItSE ylAUTKH MILES.Jahruun't. Turf Ex.

lonnybrook -.....$30 00 100 100 'i.sage 0 10|J"tury « " W 56 1

.clairu 48flutumy 3 0

UAXDICAE 111 HI1LK ItACK.Juliruun'i. Turf. Ex.

uriboo $40 KX) 100 150.udubou 40 1*0 65 86[oobslouo 20 05 6576jlusy Bee 20 60 3560jorouel 22 56 4040j

HOW TO KKAC1I THK I'ARK. jThe Now Jersey Southern Itailroud steamboats will ','uve pier N'o. 8 North lllver (loot of Hector street), at i,9:46 and 11 o'clock A. M., and loot of Twenty third itreet, North River, ul 10:3U A. M., conveying pusscncrsdirect to the Park. The lirst racu will bo called at:30 1'. il. sharp, eacli day. ]




COME.The officers of tho Second division of the Nationaliuard at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, last eveningavu a grand testimonial banquet to their commander,Injur General Thomas 8. Dakin, and the other membersf the train. The Assembly Rooms of the Academyrere decorated with elegance and good taste. Tricolorcdunting drooping in graceful festoons from the centralhandelicr, linking it with medallions, shields, Stateoats of arms and national colors on the walls. Theables, three in number, atlorded ample accommodationor the hundred distinguished guests. At the table near

he head of the room sat General Dakin, hanked byday or Hunter and General Tracy, with Colonel Gilder-ileeve, of the team, near him. A magnificent monuvuhtheir delicious odors. At the Jong tables exteudngdown the room, among the gayly attired officers, sathe men who outshot the crack marksmen of Groatiritain, the American team. Colonel Mitchell, theeferee, was also in attendance. Among


rere General John B. Woodward, Judge X. B. Morse,r.; General P. S. Crookc, L. rt. Burnham, ex-Districttttorney Rodman. Surrogate Veeder, Kelix Campbell,'liuune Kinsella, Demas Barnes, Judge Delmur, GenrnlJ. S. Catlin, General James B. Craig and Superniendeutof Police Campbell. At twenty minutes toline o'clock the company inarched into the hull. Afterppetiteft lia<l been satisfied, the orchrstru renderedIrafulla's latest composition, thu "American liiheToainilarch."

WKLCOXB TO TUB VICTORS.Colonel Valentine read letters from Governor Tilden,

idjutant General Town-end and Major General Shaleregretting their unavoidable absence. Mayor Jobu W.I enter then delivered the address of welcome, lieaid that It was not his purpose to indulgen any tlatlory to General Dakin with regard to his 1

enlevements uu tuo ueiu ui ijomvuouiii., uui 10 i'iendto hlin the congratulations on his victory and thatd the other members ol the team. Ho proposed theleallh of the team. He hoped that they might hit thonark every time (Cheers.)General bakin said tiial the language of the Mayor

lemanded especial thanks. His iniud reverted withileasanl rotleclions to his departure, when he wastonored by the attendance of many pleasant friends,ie did not then expect this great demonstration. Thatt was gratifying to hnn lie need not mention. Through,heir generosity he would be guilty of great Injustice ifle did not tell them how greatly their attentions weroippreciated by the team who acted in thoecent friendly contests. He tendered warm thankso tho citizens of Brooklyn and to the news|Mipcr pressif Arm rica and Ireland for the spare they had devotedo correct reports of their achievements. The rccep-.ion that they had receivod showed that the hospitalityif

THK IRISH PROPLK:ould not be excelled by those of any other nation. Ho'epeated his assurances of regard for those present andcprutod his thanks lor that manifestation of their es-com and good will.Mayor Hunter then offered the toast, "Tho American

iille Team," which was received with cheers.COLOMSL Gll.OKKsI.KKVK,

'aptain of the team, being introduced, responded inllling terms, and concluded by proposing the health of

TIIJC IRISH KISI.K TRAM.This sentiment, which wa» received with great cheers,

vas followed hy tho siuging of the German toast, "Yourleailh, my dear," hy a glee club.

COLONKL MITl tlNLL,he American referee in the great contests over thevaler, responded to this toast. He said that it was notuany weeks ago, when in llclfasl, he was called upon topropose the toast he had now the honor of responding,<>. It was a pleasure to respond lo a Sentiment about.heir friends. As nature had given their buauliful island,lost had given the Irish warm and generous hearts.The other toasts were as follow*:."The CoinnmnderinChief," responded to by Colonel E. B,»tng;"The National Guard." responded to by Major General

J, II. Woodward; "The Army and Navy," CeueralIsaac S. Cathn; "The Pre**,1' Hon. Thomas Kinaella;"The Cnlted .Sutes." General Philip 8. Cooke; "TheEmpire State," Duma* Harden; "The City of Brook-lyn," William C. DoWul; "The Ladies," JosephHoward, Jr.


NkwhuhO, August 25, 1875.Roswell C. Coleman, of the American rille team, wnn

snlhuslaatlcally welcomed on reaching his home atUoaben last evening. There was a procession, consistngof the Lcatherstoeklng Hide Club, of which ho Ispresident, and the (JUt)ru 1 Ire Department, headed byihe Goshen Band. A speech of welcome was delivered>y B K. Champion, which was modestly and approprlitclyresponded to by Mr. Colernau. The festivitiescon*inued through the evening.


The second contest at rille shooting for the gold badge>f the Jamaica Rod aud Kille Association will tuko[ibice on the association's ruhtfc. on Wednesday, the 8lhjf September. Tlio budge was won at the (Irst contestiy Mr William H Kimoudorf. It la necessary that a

member ahall win It three times in succeainon before heall hold It permanently.


ITerms have been arranged for a friendly contest at

Hasten, Pa., between J. P. Robertson, of Hoboken, andKarllc P. Mesa, of Kaston, two noted pigeon shooters.The conditions under which the shooting is to lakeplace are eighteen yards tswndary, twenty-one yardsrise, from one ground trap, ounce and a quarter shot;number of birds, thirty. The match is to tuke placeto day lor |JOU a side All disputed points are to tiesettled aooorduia to the lame island rule* i


A ntVBNILK OI'KRA TllOnpE.The Mexican Juvenile Opera Hondo Troupe, nnmt'eringIhtrty eight persoM, arrived in town yesterday

irom .-an r ram x-". » " » "" «

Filth Avenue Theatre tin Monday and is said to conLuu

come wonderful artists. Among tliem may bo mentionedSenoriU Gabriel Mnda y Moron, aged Qfloenyears, cantatrieo In Italian o[xTa; Carmou Muila yMoron, leading prima donna, eight yours of age. ami<itintlalti|N>. a littl« prima donna of nix years. Besidesthose there are oilier* of eipiul merit iu llieir severalrulet. Since the day* of the wonderful Marsh children,so famous in this city in 1H55-S, probably no Juveniletroup«< lias ap|M'ared In this country to compare withtile Mexican children; therefore thero is every probabilityof thoir success. Kvcry opera will bo presentedwith appropriate scenery and costuiuca.

ACADEMY OK MT7HIC.In consequence of the difficulty in managing the machineryfor the drama of "Around the World In Eighty

Hays," at the Academy of Music, the initial performancehas been postponed until Saturday night. Ticketspurchased for tomight will be duly honored then.

Mt'SICAIi AND DItAMATXC NOTEH.On Monday the Globe Theutre reopens In the variety

linn.The San Francisco Minstrels will reopen their pleasantlittle opera bouso ou Saturday evening next.This evening the graud spectacular play "Around the

World in Eighty Days" will bo produced at the

Acudcmy of Music. Most of tho scenery and costumesare IdcuticoJ with tboso used in l'aris, where the piecewas llrsl produced. It met with enormous success. Noeffort has been spared by tho Klraifys, under whosemanagement the present production takes place, to

make it one of the most imposing theatrical spectuclcsever witnessed iu this country.Tho American rifle team have accepted an invitation

from Jarrett k Palmer to visit Booth's Thcutru next

Monday ovoning, tho occasion of Barry Sullivan's llrst

appearance. They will occupy a box vit-dvii to that oftho Irish-American Reception Committee. The Sixtyninthregiment. Colonel Cavunagh, will bo assigned to

the front balcony scats. Tlio proscenium boxes will bo

superbly decorated, and the exterior of tlio theatre isto be clothed with innumerable Hues. At the conclu-slon of the performance Mr. Sullivan will be escorted to

tlio Fifth Avenue Hotel by the soldiery and the regi-mental bund, and Operil's orchestra will give him a

grand serenade. The ritlo team will bo on the balconyto review the troops and witness the pyrotechnic displaythatis to bo made by the Messrs. Kdgo.



PRIZE.The amateur champion Flyawaya, of this city, comletingfor first prize at tho base ball tournament at

lohnstown, N. Y., yesterday, defeated the Clippers, of[lion, by a score of 20 to 8, thereby securing the flrstprize of $300. The lolluwing is the score:.

INNINGS.Clubt. lit. Id. 3d. 4th. 6th. 6th. 1th. 8th. 0th.

Flyawaya 2 0320721 3.20Clippers 00300030 2. 8

FLYAWAYS VS. YOUNG COMPANIONS.The tilth nine of the Flyawaya defeated tho Young

1'ompunious in a well played ten inning garno yesterday,it Melroae, by a score of 14 to 13. The following is thaicore:.

INNINGS.Club*. lit. 2d. 3d. 4th. 6th. 6th. 1th. 8th. 0th. 16th.

Flyawaya... 0 4 2 0 1 3 2 1 0 1.14YoungCompanions... 502030120 0.13To-day tho Clippers, of llion, and the Murphya, of

rrov (the latter being compose^ 01 om Haymakers una

futiiuins), play oir for second prize.The Flyaways play no gauie to-day, bat to-morrow

they will "play the Utica Club ut Utica.


J. A. Schmidt, Esq., who died of apoplexy, on the24th Inst., at his residence, St. Paul's avenue, Staten

Island, was an educated and accomplished gentleman,respected by all who knew htm. A native of

Prussia, he came to this country a quarter of a centuryago. and was at the time the most successful winebroker in New York. Having a thorough acquaintancewith the growth of the vine and all matters connectedwith the making of wine, he established, twelve yearsago, the MontlUy .Statistic/, aud eight years ago theH inc and fruit llepurtfT. He also published for a shorttime a wine journal in Herman. He commanded thecoulideuce of the wine importers and the cultivators ofthe grape in this country, and was considered an authorityin all matters connected with the wine trade.

DANIEL I1LAISDELL.Daniel Blalsdell, Treasurer of Dartmouth College, and

President of the Dartmouth National Hank, died at hisresidence in Hanover, N. H., last evening.


The examination made on Monday of the Coentics

Beef, in the East River, opposite Counties slip, on

wliich General Newton has long been engaged, under appropriationsby Congress, proved that the obstructionhas been entirely obliterated.



.Simmer. .Sat/*. Oertinatiun (>J)'ue.Iteumark Aug. 2t>. London.... 00 BroadwayCimbria Aug. 26. Hamburg.. til HroadwayCity of Berlin Aug. 28 Liverpool.. 15 BroadwayBaltic Aug. 28, Liverpool, 19 II roadwayHelvetia Aug. 28 Liverpool., tiu Broadwaylilyaia Aug. 28 (ilaagow... 7 Howling GreenMosul Aug. 28 Bremen.... 2 Howling GreenIdaho Aug. 31. Liverpool.. 211 BroadwayScythia Sept. 1 Liverpool. 4 Howling GreenState ol Virginia.. Sept. 1. Glasgow... 72 BroadwayRotterdam Sept. 2 Rotterdam 50 Hroadwayklopstock Sept. 2 Hamburg., til HroadwayRepublic Sept. 4 Liverpool.. 19 HroadwayCity of Richmond Sept. 4 Liverpool.. 15 HroadwayEngland. Sept. 4 Liverpool.. 09 BroadwayCalifornia Sept. 4. Glasgow... 7 Bowling GreenVilie de 1'ari* Sept. 4 Havre 55 HroadwayLiouau. Sept. 4, Bremen.... 2 Howliug GreenMontana Sept. 7. Liverpool.. 29 BroadwayRussia Sept. 8 Liverpool.. 4 Howling GreenState of Georgia... Sept. 8. (ilaagow... 72 HroadwayErisia Sept 9. Hamburg.. HI HroadwayCity of Cheater.... Sept. 11. Liverpool. 15 HroadwayEgypt Sept. 11. Liverpool.. 09 BroadwayCity of Brooklyn.. Sept. 11. Liverpool.. 1» BroadwayBritannic SeDt. 11. Liverpool.. 19 HroadwayVictoria Sept. 11. Glasgow... 7 Howling GreenMain Sept. 11. Bremen 2 Howling GreenNevada Sept. 14 Liverpool.. 29 HroadwayBothnia Sept. 15 Liverpool.. 4 Howling GreenState of I'ennayl'a. Sept. 15 Glasgow... 72 HroailwayWieland Sept. IB Hamburg., til HroadwayI' t;aland Sept. 10 Rotterdam. 50 Broadway.. 1. U.L - I II,

Ainerique >ept. IX. Havre BroadwayDakota Kept. 21. Liverpool.. 29 BroadwayAbyssinia Sept. 22 Liverpool.. 4 Bowling llraeiI'ommerania Sept. 2.1 11 n.n>l>nric.. 61 BroadwayAlgeria Kept. 29.[Liverpool. 4 Bowling l.reanMaaa Sent. .'Ml, Rotterdam. !V> BroadwayKnevia Sept. 30 iiatunurg.. 61 Broadway

anr- notice to captains ok vessels enteringTHE PORT OK NEW YORK AT NIGHT..The Nsw YosgIIkilald lias adopted a dialingiilnhtng Costnn night signal foruse on hoard the iigRiLD steam yacht, showing while burningthe colors red, green, red, changing from one to the otherin succession, and can be seen several miles distant. Captainsof vessels, upon seeing this signal, will oblige ns by preparingany marine newt they may have lor the Ship NewsDepartment of the IIkiulii.»sr 1'ersoni desirous of communicating with vessels arrivingat New York can do so by addressing to such vessels, care

of IIkrald news yacht, pier No 1 East River, New York.Letters received frotn alt parts of the world and promptly delivered.Duplicates are required.


Pun rises ft 21 Gov. Island evo 4 34Pun sou 6 42 Sandy Hook evs 3 49Moon rises morn 12 02 Hell (jute eve 0 10


Steamer State of Indian* (Brj, Sadler, Glaagow.A Kald,win k Co.Steamer Keirulator, Howe, Savannah.R Lnwdrn.Sleatner Gulf .Sirmm, Tribon, Charleston.J W (^ulntard ACoSteamer Geo II Stoat. Ford. Hand.Ship Irayrnar (Kus), Kalatroin, Crouxtadt.Punch, Kdye k

Co.Ship Atlaa (Nor), Lnracn, Havre.Funch, Kdye A Co.Ship Admiral, lairing, San Franriacn.Sutton A Co,Hark Albert, Heed, Svdney, NsW. It W Cameron A Co,Hark tCyclone (Br), rorbca, Peuarllr Koadt for orders.

Brett, Son A Co.. Hark l.ibra (Nor). Jorgensen, Terboryahavn.0 Toblaa kCoHnrk Knnahlne, Clark Stettin.Win Nelson, Jr.HriK Chriatiua Hr), Thompson, Glasgow .Jura Terry A

Co.Hrly I'annet do Nova York (Port), Ctinher, Oporto. HagItnlfrrHunn.iiriir Thomas Tnrull. Thompson. Barbadoe.L WAP Arm

atrony..Hrly Kliaa Thomson, Hates. Arroyo.I, W A I* Armstrong.Hrly Oliver (Br;, Weeks, Jacmai. It Murray, Jr,Hrly Adella, lie Loon, Urani, Clsnfuegoa. I'araooa A

' A HaaahMm,

AUGUST 26, 1875.-TEIP:RchrGen C.oasales (Dom), Whitney, London.George W

Brown.Hchr A B Perry. L.ft. Olbara, Cube J B Ward A Oo.flehr Mary K Staples, Burrell, Brunswick, On.Brett, Hon

Schr My Hover, Brown. Charleston.Kvans. Ball k Co.Hchr Huuny Shower, Plaglis, New llaveu.Kackelt A Bro.


WIIITKSTUNK TKLKGRAPI1 LIMB.Steamer California (Br). Ovenstone, Glasgow Ang 14 And

Moville 16, with ipdsa ami passengers to Henderson Itms.An if 23, no lat. Ac. passed a German steamer, hound east.Steamer State of Virginia (Br), Moodla, Glasgow Aug 13

and Larue 14th. with indso ami passeinfers to Austin. BaldwinA Go. 11 nscHy westerly winds u tii donna foil for ftdays; Aug 22. lat 4H, Ion 49. passed between two ieeherirsifoit BOO foot high: la* 98, lat 41 Aft, Im 81, passed Guuard steamer bound east; saute date, lat 40 58, Ion 62 17, aGerman steamer do; *nm»* date, lat 41, Ion 67 41, a Dutchbark, showing: letters OHKP.Steamer Acapuico, Gray. Asninwull Aug 16, with mdse

and passengers to the PactHe Mail Steamship Co. Aug 20,lat 19 if), ion 74 26, passed steamer Colon, hence for A*pinwall.allwell; 21st, J U Moore, a passenger, diod of paralysis.Steamer Cltv of New York, Timmerman. Havana Aug 21,

with mdse aud passengers to P Alexandre A Sons. Aug 22,lat 27 10, Ion 79 43, passed brig Sarah Giliuorc. of Stockton,from Jamaica, bound N same date, lat 28 46, Ion 79 53,spoke bark ITavelock (Br), from Havana for Queonstown,with 4 men sick 24th, lat 35 37. Ion 74 21, passed schr LillyB Preach, bound 8.Steamer Cortes, Probum. New Orleans Aiig 17, with mdse

and passengers to Clark A SeamanShin C Grinnell. Borland, London July 15, Isle of Wight

1H, with merchandise to Grinnell, Minium A Co. Aug 2,lat 4S ()9. Ion 35 60, fell in with a vessel dismasted and abandoned,all three masts hanging over the side It being calm,sent chief officer and carpenter on board; tried to make outher name, but could not, H being smeared over with somedark colored paint; should Judge her between HGO and IMS)tons, and cither a Swedish, Norwegian or Danish vessel;thought it prudent to set lire to her, and did so for the safetyof ocean travellers. Aug. 19. lat 42 20. lou 62 40, hail a hurricanefrom 8 H K to 8 S W; was eighteen dav* from theHunks, with culms and light southerly winds.Ship Ktrathearu iof Glasgow), Jarman, London 2.1 days,with mdse to order vessel to Henderson llros.Hark Charles C l.«'ary (of Huston), Stilphen Liverpool. 2.1

days, to Snow A Burgess. Hail variable weather up to thnHanks: thence 12 days fogs and calms. I .at 46 20. long 48»l, passed six icebergs, three very large ones; August 10, offHalifax got the last of a hurricane, blowing with great violencefrom bK to N W for four hours; lost nearly a whole suitof sails.Hark Tiomo (Nor). T.arsen, London DO days. In ballast to

Tetens, Hockmaun A Co. Is anchored at Bandy Hook for orders.Hark Kepha (Mori, Tergesen, Grimstad via Sydney, OB, 51

days. In ballast to Punch, Kdye A Co. Ia anchored at SandyHonk for orders.Hark Joseflua (Swe). Herndstaaon, Antwerp 48 days, with

mdse to Punch, Kdye A Co.Hrig I'andita (Ft), Courtols, Colombo lf>4 dava, with mdso

to liowland A Aspinwall. Rounded Cape of Hood HopeJune lit and crossed the Kquator June 25 in Ion 29 W; June4, off Cape of Hood Hope, exchanged signals with bark Roman,whaler (of New London), cruising

Hrig Woodland, Valentine. Bristol 29 days, in ballast toMurray, Ferris A Co. Aug 11, lat 4ti, Ion 48, passed severallarge icebergs; 12th, on the Hsnks, spoke fishing schr Chaslloilgdon, of i'rovincotowu.all well, with DUO quintals codfish.

Hrig La Creole (Dutch), Schubert, Rio Haclia 22 days,with fustic, Ac. to Dnvale A Co.Hrig Orloff (Br), Kelfouutain, Cow Bay, CB, 17 days, with

coal to Perkins A Job; vessel to llstton A Watson.Schr L P Mallory. Stetson, Old Harbor, Ja, 111 days, with

logwood to A 11 Solomon A Co; vessel to Bentley, GihlersleeveA Co.fir Bark V Rredsdorff (Nor), which arrived 24tli, la consignedto Punch, Kdye A Co (not aa before reported).


Steamer Franconla, Bragg, Portland for New York, withmdse and passengers.Steamer Klectra, Young, Providence for New York, with

mdse and passengers.Steamer Auios C Barstow, Howard, Providence for New

York, with mdse and passengers.Hrig Arabella, Sandford, Windsor', N3, for New York 8

davs, (with plaster to C W Bertuux.Schr Sedona, Kawley. Windsor, NS, for New York 21 days,

witli plaster to H W Loud A Co.Selir.l K Chandler (Br), Pettis, Windsor, NS, for Now York

8 davs, with plaster to D R DeWolf.Sclhr R Rose (Br), Vaughan, Clieverie, NS, for Now York

16 davs, with plaster to D It DoWof.Schr Aria (Br), Shuloe, NS, for Now York 13 days, with

piling to Wilson Godfrey.Sclir Siak, Sherman, Alma, NB, for Now York, 17 day*,

with lumber to Chase, Talbot A (VSchr ltuiigatira (Br), 1'yo, Hopewell, NB, for New York,

12 days, with stone to P 1 Nevius A Son.Schr Mocking Bird (Br), Bradley, St John, NB, for New

York 8 duys, with lumber to P I Nevius A Son.Schr Jessie Hart, Hart, St John, NB, for Now York 15

days, with lath to order.Schr A C Watson (Br), Sharkey, St John, NB, for Now York

9 days, with lath to Boardmau A Co; vessel to P I Neviua ASen.Schr Ocean Ttanirep Phillins Rocknort foe New York

with granite to Johnson A Co.Schr Isabella, Miuuu, Nantucket for Now York, with fish

to Rogers A Co.Schr Klectru, Fisher, Nantucket for New York, with Bah to

C E Henley.Schr Ripplo, Brown, Nantucket for New York, with fish to

Roger* A Edward*.Schr America, Miller, Rockland for New York, with lime

to J K Brown.Schr Kedahedac, Hall, Box Island, Me, for New York, with

grnnite to order.Schr Adam Bowley, Stonovan, Bluehill, Me, for New York

with stone to Bridge Co.Schr Eaconia, Crockett, Rockland for New York, with lime

to J K Brown.Schr K Slower. Hubbard, Connecticut River for New York,

witli stone to order,Schr Herald, Hall, Rockland for New York, with lime to J

R Brown.Schr IIattic C<mml>«, Bishop, Rockland for New York, with

lime to .1 It Brown.Schr Trade Wind, Ingram, Rockland for New York, with

lime to J K Brown.Schr Ella I'reeeey, l'reasey, Rockland for Now York, with

ilme to Candee A l'reasey.Schr Sarah, Norwood, Calalf for New York, with lumbar to

order.Scbr Eva IMvertv, Hand, Pawtuckct for New York.Scbr Kim City, (telly, New Bedford for New York.Schr Harvest, Corwin. Providence for New York.Schr M 1* Mimin, Ferris, Warren for New York.Schr A P Craniner, Ineard. Bridgeport for Baltimore.Schr Rescue, Kelley, Boston for New York.Schr Escort, Haw kins, Bridgeport for New York.Schr Penthea, Roger*. New lluven for New York.Schr S L Thompson, Hull, Providence for New York.Schr Hydrangea, Clark. Stonington for New York.Schr John Warren, Mcflarr, Providence for New York.Schr Richmond, Jourdan, Sairhavcn tor New York.Schr Odell, Wln*low, Providence for New York.Schr Franklin Pierce, Highlander, Poll River for New

York.Scbr Connecticut, Smith, Stonington for New York.Schr Klbridge llerry, Clifford. New Bedford for New York.Schr Challenge. Terry, Greenport for New York.Schr Sarali A Rend, Head, Portland, Ct, for New York,Schr Kliiabeth Uehart, Snow, Boston for New York.Schr Eoui* Walsh, Andrew*, Sag Harbor for New York.Schr Iaicj Ames, Bishop, Boston for New York.Schr 1* M Wheaton, llarri*, Providence for New York.Schr Ruth Darling, Gear, Ronton Tor New York.8chr Sarah W Blake, Briggs, IHghton for New York.Schr Memento, Wilbur. Providence for New York.8cfarJ M Freeman, Kldridge, Fall River for New York.Schr .Jennie, Rogers, Fall River for New York.Schr 0 I' Shultis, Young, Providonee for New York.Schr Henry Rernsen. Allen, Fall River for New York.Hchr A T Rowland, Rowland, Providence for New York.Schr Annie B. Hogan, Salem for Now York.Hchr Oregon, Freeman, Wickford for New York.Hchr J B Allen, Allen, rail River for New York.Schr Louisa A Lockwood, St John, Norwalk for Georgetown,DC.Hchr Tillie, Parker, Salem for Naw York.Schr Storm, Adams, New Ilaveu for New York.Schr W W Hraiiiard, Fitch, New Bedford for New York.Sclir S J Smith, Baldwin, Providence for New York.Schr Cloud, Murray, Now Haven for New York.Schr Win Allen, Joneii, Now Huven for New York.Schr Joe Carleton, Uowaoll, Boston for New York.Schr Eugene, Foster, Norwich for New York.Schr Win Whitehead, Titus, Providence for New York.Schr J R Mitchell, Morrell, Stamford for New York.


Schr J A Hatfield, Hatfield. New York for St John, NB.Schr J as Bayle*. Arnold, Port Johnaon for Providence.Schr Emma A Ellen. Fox, Port Johiinon for Hartford.Hchr Kachacl June, Lewis, llobokeu for Newport.Schr Olivia O'.Mullen O'.Mullen, New York for Boston.Schr Hudson, Chase, Hohoken for Now London.Hchr Hester, Davis, Klixabethport for Portcbester.Hchr Eiuiiy C Dcnnison, Allen, lioboken for Providenon.Schr Richard Iiill, Smith, Newburg for Fall River.Hchr Konina, Phinney, Ellsabethnnrt for Boston.Hchr New Kegulu*. Ewart, Now \ork for Pawtucket.Bohr J S Wcldon, Ilowet, Port Johnson for Providenca.Hchr If P Ilalleck. Ifalleck, Lioboken for Providence.Schr E Waterman, Nlcholli, Rondout for Nantucket.Schr Sarah E Jones, Phinney, Rondout for Boston.Schr R Foster, Cole, lioboken for Boston.Schr P Brown, Sackett^ Ilaverstraw for Providence.Schr Jonathan Cone. White, Rondout for Salem.Schr Win McLoon, Spear. New York for Portland.Schr I) L Hturgess, Chase, lioboken for New Bedford.Schr Alice B Be arse, Hoboken for Boston.Schr (len Sheridan, Stewart, New York tor Boston.Sclir Helen, Perry, lioboken for New Bedford.Hchr T B Smith, Bowman, New York for New Bedford.Hchr U Doming, Boardinan, Newburg for Hartford.

BELOW.Bark S J Rogart (of Annupolla, MS), Reynold*, Bremen 37

daya. In ballaat to ileney A Varkcr.

SAILED.Steamer* Algeria <nr), fur Liverpool; Plate of Indiana

nali; I'ottaville, Philadelphia; ahip Aniartlc (1<r), Liverpool;bark* Mixpab (Br), Cork or S'aluinuth; Svanfldd (Nor). Stettiu; II S Stover, Havana; brig* Adeile McLonti, Clenfneirns;Jennie Norton, I'once; Harry Vlrden. Matauiaa; IIiuriclitiler). Bremen; Tliomaa Turrull, Harbadoa; Daniel Trowbridge, do; Kliaa Thomson, Arroyo.

Sailed J4th, ateamera Wyoming, for Liverpool; SouthAmerica, for Rio Janeiro; City nfMexico, for Havana, Achark* Albiua. lor Rotterdam; Nathaniel, (or Philadelphia;brig ('aacatelie, for Uoaton.Wind at annaet EHK, light.

MARITIME MISCELLANY.Rftkkok Ctmtit Dowua collided with tho xntaek R M

TliMike in Caatlne liarl.or Ian Saturday, <loiii|r considerabledamage to both veaaela and aeriouely injuring C'apt Abbey, oltlie cutter.Ship Hkralij op Tint MfiRxmn >of Boston) baa been (old

at Hamburg to Messrs Jaa It Tibbeta and Isaac Hetlbum, andwill continue under llie American flair. Her price fixed launderstood to be £f>.lkkl. and I'apt R ll doegnon has takenCoiiimaiid of her. her former niaater, Capt D McLaughlin, re

turning to Buaton.Skip Kant, Rich, from Mejillonea, which arrived at Ham

bury July ill, met with heavy damage* on tlui voyage. Advicet front Hamburg of Aug 12 atate that abe will have umake extenaive repaira.

Haiik Stark* (Dan), from Baltimore for Qneenatown,wlilcb put into New London 24th partially diamaaled. willmake repair* a* aoon a* poaaible. ('apt Sorenaeli reportithat on the IStli inat. during a gale, while acudiliuk' withoutmtli, hi" veaael wa* thrown nn her brum enda, when tbccargo shifted und he waa obliged to cut away the foremast t<right the ship After tlie tale aubaidrd Juryiiiaata wer«

ripped and the veaael bore away for New London. The yenael'ii hull appear* to be In pood condition, anil the cargo linot ditmaired to any ureal extent Tltn veaael Inat foreniu*latld nil attached, alao luatntopgallautmaat. inix/entupmualami jibbonm.Bark Julia Khhicr (Br), Bartow, at North Sydney, ell

Any 1" from Liverpool, report* having collided with the Norwepian tiark Velox lit lat 4M 45. Ion 5^ .Mi At I'J AM tin

( man on the lookout reported a veaael oil the port tack willIIO aide lights. but allowed a brltflit aft We then put tinhelm hard aport, hut the veaael w is ton clime to clear, canv

lug away Jlbhoom. cutwater and receiving other damageThe Velox waa deeply loaded, front Montreal, hotinu u

Qucenstown for order*. We laid by, at tlie Captain's reijnesltill n AM Sou clearing we found the Velox not much damaged, only mirxvninaat gone aa far as we could tell. At'.AM wore ship and proceeded on our voyage to North SydneyHaim () EA* iOur). front Kadi* for Quebec, belore re

1 ported atlioro at Caribou 1'oiut, ha« buuu coudumaad MM«AUlMiAi4iuff tfaakAAAJUof UM u&UuvjUtoM.

LE SHEET.Bark I'kiok (Hrl, from Cow Bay. CM (Ang 5), for New

York, with ro.l, wrut ashore (no date (riven) on ( omu sIsland and he. become a total wreck; cargo and vesae! .old.The Union registered 211) tons, was built Rt l'ictuu lu lntilami bailed from A rich at, C11.Hark II Bkuakks, henre for Elslnore, which put Into Boatonpartially, hae tinielied repair, and cleared Join

I net to re.umo her voyage,Brio iv m. Tinkkk, from Boeton for Calaia. to load lor

West Indies, while in charge of a St John pilot .truck on(Ion KiH-k, knockiiiK off forefoot, part of shoe and startedcopper forward.BchR Kkrvcra W ITrnnrt l. was the Xmasted srlir reporteda. having been dismasted hy Ntrikintr a shoal near ( ape

May. She I. also stripped of nearly allhcrsalla. She waa towedfrom the Delaware Breakwater yesterday to Philadelphia.Senk CARWtfA, which arrived at l.cwcs. Del, 25th Inst.,

from the Fishing Banks, reports a severe time experiencedin reaching the harbor; had decks swept, Ac. 1

Fall Kivkr, Mass, Atiir 24.The iron steamer Hercules,owned by the Philadelphia ami Beading Kidlroad Company,from Philadelphia with a cargo of coal for tbe Fall KiverCoal Company, sunk iu about 15 feet c>r water soon afterreaching tbe wharf of the latter company, in this city, thisafternoon. As sho was slowly approaching the wharf sheswung against Hodman's breakwater, breaking a holethrough her side, ller large pumps, although under water,arc in operation, being supplied with steam which is pumpeddown from a small engine ou ileek. Sim rests on bottom,ami the water seems to gain. Her cargo Is being dischargedas fast as possible.Halipax, NS. Aug 25.The government schr I,a Cituadlennewas totally wrecked at St. Paul's Island 011 Friday last.

The rrew were saved. She was engaged carrying stores tolighthouses, and hud been thoroughly overhauled and repairedbefore leaving here.Bark Nyunsa, from Port Modway for Liverpool, is a total

wreck at Placenta, NF. She was only launched a few weeksago at Port Modway, and was six days at sea when wrecked.She is owned by E 0. Zeeley, of Port Medway, and valuedat$5",<««>. Halifax nflices lose $11,ODD insurance ou hercargo of deals. The vessel Is insured abroad.Norfolk. Aug 25.Put In, sehrs J W Stickney, for Now

York, sud Chas W Holt, for Boston, both loaded with coaland leuking and other damage.A brig, with foremast gone, is at anchor 15 miles off tho

Capes; wreckers have gone to her assistanceOak Bluffs. Mass. Aug 25.Portions of a wreek consisting

of top hamper. house and masts, supposed to belong to a

schr, were passed hy the steamer River Queen, while makinga passuge across the Sound thin morning. It in probably a

portion of Home vessel wrecked during the present storm.The dubrii wan seen a few mile* oil' Nantucket liar.San Filancisco, Aug 25.The quarantine nftiecrH on going

on hoAiid the ship Now York, which arrived 29d from Liverpool.found 24 of her crew of 4') down with scurvy of a tmilig11hiit type. The disease wan not confined to the hluck crew,but uIno attacked the white officers. The condition of thecrew wun terrible. It i» Mold the »hlp hu plenty of (Yeahprovisions on hoard, and every precaution was taken to disinfectthe whip aud preserve clean line**. A court of inquirywill he called.Shipbuilding.Warren Nettleton, of Fnlrhnvon, has a

large ft-mmtted schooner on the stocks, which is to bo launchedin in a few weeks. He has contracted to build a ship forNew York parties, the work to he doue by next April.

SPOKEN.Rark W A Farnsworth (Br), Patten, from New York for

Liverpool, Aug ID, lat 40 44, Ion 07 .'W>.Bark Otto Georges (CIor), from Bordeaux for Philadelphia,

Aug 24, 15 inileH SSK of Ahsecom.Brig .Jessie Uhynas, from Baltimoro for Boston, Aug 22,

Barnegat bearing N by K 70 miles.Brig Ida Fulton, from Philadelphia for Halifax, Aug 24,

40 miles KSK of the Highlands.Schr Geo Calhaun, from for Philadelphia, Aug 24, 15

miles SSE of Absecom.

NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND CAPTAINSMerchants, shipping agents and shipmasters are informed

that by telegraphing to the Hkrald London Bureau, No 40Fleet street, or to the Paris ollice. Rue Scribe, the arrivals atand departures from Kuropoau and Eastern ports of Americanand all foreign vessels trading with the United States,the same will be cabled to this country free of charge.Captains arriving at und sailing from Freuch aud Mediterraneanports will lind the Paris oflico the more economical

and expeditious for telegraphing news.

OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS.Antwerp, Auk 25.Sailed, steamer Nederland (Belg).

James, Philadelphia.Barrow, Auk 24.Sailed, bark Lois (Br), Raymond, Tybae.Bkrgk.v, Aog 22.Arrived, brig Annie (Dun), Brown, Baltimore.Hkkmk.v, Aur 22.Arrived, ships Auguste (dor), Wicrichs,

Philadelphia; Victoria (Br), Warren, do; Constantla (<ler),Soltenborn, Baltimore; Olo Smith Ploug (Nor), Carlson,

; bark K lteck (Her), Waltjen, Philadelphia; Lydia(Br), Chalmers, New Vork.Cardipp, Aug 24.Arrived, bark Ada (Br), Crosby, Quebec.OoPKNHACitJJ, Aug 19.Arrlvod, bark P A Manch (Nor),

Berentsou, New York for Stettin.Cakm, Aug 23.Arrived, bark Kllaa Prosper (Fr), Davot,

Faacagoula.Dobi-ix, Aug 24.Arrived, bark Edinn (Br), Robinson, Si

John, NR.Bailed 24th, bark Jupiter (Gcr), ITagmar, United States.Elsinurk, Aug 22.Arrived, barks Ntija (Nor), KnttUen,

Baltimore for Dant/.ic; Nordstjernen (Nor), Paust, l'eusacolafor Kiel; Mathilde (<ler), Rackow, Now York; Minniellunter. Woodman, do for Stettin.Pal mouth, Aug 24.Arrived, ship Iudia, Patten, Lobos.Grkknock, Aug 24.Arrived, barks Jane Young (Br), Mc

Donald, Richibueto; Champion (Br), Alien, Quebec.Hrlvokt, Aug 24.Arrived, Felicia, from New York (?).Sailed 24th, barks Jannetje (Dutch), Schrier, New York;

Otto (Dutch), Philadelphia; August (tier), Ohrloff, Wilmington.NC.Hamburg, Aug 23.Sailed, bark Brigitta (Ger), Kroger,

Q.n 1'n.uiim

Havkk, Aug 23.Arrived, berk Vlder (Nor), Jobaussen,lUchmiind, Ve.

Ltncurooi., Aug 25.Arrived, bark Arlca (Br), Herbert,Shudiac.Also arrived 25th, ship Zephyr, Hwoetser, New Orleans.Hailed 24th, ship Star of the West, Taylor, New York; bark

Ocean (Nor), Bergb, United States.Sailed 25th, ship Matterhorn, Arey, Coquirabo.Also sailed 25th, 4 I'M, steamer Pennsylvania, Harris,

Philadelphia.Lompok, Aug 25.Arrived, ship Winslow (Nor), Erlckscn,

Quebec; barks Neptunits (Nor), Wisnes, Three liivers (Canada)Charles (Nor), Ness, Quebec.Also arrived 25th, brig Albert (Uer), Abrams, Wilmington,

NC.Also arrived 25th, steamer Thames (Br), Campbell, Quobee.Sailed 25th, ship Ontario, Patterson, New York; barks

Primus (Nor), Nielsou, United States; Paolino (Ital), Ferrigni,du; Warden Law (Br), Smith, America; brig Annie WGoddurd (Br), Johnson, United Slutos.LiMKitiCK, Aug 25.Sailed, bark Franco et Platte (Fr), Lequeuse,United States.Pasauth Koads, Aug 25.Arrived, schrs Herbert J Olivo

(Br), Stewart, St John, NB.PoitTRCSU, Aug 24.Arrived, schr Maggie Uurthan, Small,

St John, NB.Qurkkstowx, Aug 25.Arrived, ship J A Thompson,

Thompson, San Francisco; brig Marietta (Ital), Ferrara,Philadelphia.Also arrived 25th, harks Cromo (Aus), Sterk, New York;

Otac Mlho (Aus), Cstticieh, do; brig C Neumann Uaedobehn(tier), Hethloff, Philadelphia (was reported arrived16th).Arrived 24th, steamers The Queen (Br), Bragg, New York

i, a»i... mi., ir ......... ii,r... i,,,t>.ur uivri)i><vf, amm «vo*vu .v. w .......

proceeded).Rottkudah, Aug 21).Arrived, barks Mynheer (Ger),Te§n»w,Wilmington, SC; Sarah B Caun (Br), Kldridge. New

York.Arrived 24th, ship Josephine (Nor). Smith, New York;

bark Clara (Ger), Kruse, l'hilodelphia.SiiAiir.NKss, Aug 23.Arrived, bark City of Ottawa (Br),

Dunn, i'eusacola.Samtanokr, Ang 19.Arrivod, brig Annie Vail (Br), 81m-

mnns. Savannah (before roportod without date).Wolcakt (Germany), Aug 19.Arrived, bark Catharino

(Swe), Remmaussen, I'ascagouia.

foreign ports.CiLUO, July 14.Suited. bark Mary Wiggins (Br), Moshor,

Pabellon do Pica; 17th. aliliM Alexander. Humphreys. IndepeitdonciHHay; Saratoga, Kendall, Pabellon do Pica; 21st,Prussia, Uicli, Indopendouc'ia Hay; 23d. barks St Lucie, Witsou(from Now York), Payta; '24th, Mabel, Hellett, IudencnclaHay; Hevudo (Br), I Took way, and W T Ilarwnod (Br),I)owley. Pabellon do Pica: 2Hth, Carlton (Br), Dnrkee, ItidependenciaHay; 28th, ship Triiuountuin, Jones, Pabellon doPica.Sailed 24th, ship Celcntial Empire, Barstow, Pabellon do

Pica.flow Hat, CB, Ang 28 Cleared, brigs S II Odiome (Hr),

and Victoria Amelia, Now York.('awning, NS, Aug 23.Arrived, schr Guiding Star (Br),

Porto Rico.Havana Ang 24.Arrived steamer Tappahannork, Pendleton,New Orleans; 25th. Austin. Simpson. Kiwkport (Texan);

bark (Jucen ofCornnorco (Hr), Crowley, Brunswick, (la.Sailed, 23d, whr Kite A Joaie liiinkerH, New Orleans;

24tli, steamer Gussie, Morgan, Indianola 25th, bark HantissimaTrinidad (Hp), Lopex New York; eeiir Thereaa (1,Gutiares, Shieldsborough. Miss.Haijiax, NS, Au« 24.Arrivod, brig Magenta (Hr),

Oporto.Loan# pk Tikrra, JuIt 12.(Cleared provlouily, ship

Martha liowker, Grecnharik, Europe.In port duly 12. ship Peruvian Congress (Hr), Power, Idp.Liverpool. Aug 20.Hailed, "learner Hidouiaii (Hr), Ed-

wards, Halifax and St John, NB.Livrkpool, Aug 20.Hailed, bark Zlba (Hr), Thome,Charleston.Matawxa*. Aug 24.Arrived, schr Albert W Waitc, Pettin-

gill. Portland.Sailed 25th, brig Mauliua (Br), Todd, for north of llutiteras.North Htdnrt. CB, Auk 24.Arrived, barks Amity, from

England Assyria (Hr), Edgelt, London; Hollo Stewart (Hr),Gllllat, Barrow.Parkllow iir Pica, July 12.In port ships Alert, Littlefield;fjoretto Fish. ( arney; John Hrvce, Morse, and

Si .it it air Mil ;itv..rv 1.1.,. f......... If...,,..- I W u

moll iifr). K'liiionif, and North Blur (Br), Roberta, do; Mlda* (Hri, Campbell, do.

I'jmam «. Auk 15.Arrived, steamer Winchester, Whltebory,Central Am ricuHt .Ion.*, N It, Aug 25.Arrlvod, brig FideII* (Br), Young,PhiladelphiaHulled ilMh, bnrk Iniinaritiel. Belfast.Victoria, Aii^ 15.Arrived, burlt Blanche (Br), Bam!bruugb, Liverpool.

; AMERICAN TORTS.ASTORIA (Oregon), Aug Arrived, uhlp Dilharre (Br),McNultv, Kong Kong.ALKaANOKIa, aug "24.Arrived, echre W H Ililfton, Ap-

pontiUur, Kline, Moore, New York: Sully M Htoaliuan. and KHi OUir, Kdward. for Oenrgetown.Sailed >t .uner H (' Knt^clit. A»»vr York. |APPoNAl'ii, Aug *21.Hulled, tcbrt Geo b Vredland, \ uucH*nf.Oeorgetowii. do. 1

' host* >n, Aug 24.-Arrived, brig Antolopo, Wood, Philadol'pliia for Portland. I2 >th -Arrived, Htowner Olnucue, Heart®, Now York; thlpt

H uti om Rigliu. WoodWury. OoUaiibiirg; Andrew Jackton,Hurtled, Liverpool; brig Talh llo. Peirr«oH, PURadnlpiiia;tchr Hill Baxter (Br), l( i\ter, Kuni Harbor. LI.

1 Clear«*d.Hie uners Saxon. Snow, Philadelphia, Oen Wall-l **l.-H1UtW>«« Yacht barha U a i akchMh (Hon A,

New York), EHInore diavintr repaired) ; D ( Iiapln, B"nk5ltamror. Me; Mt:gnatirooh, lleiitliiyway, Portland;Pearl, lieu ley, do; aclira L A lloae, Roan, Alexandria, >a; IC Tryou, Nickerson, Baltimore; Cofcassett, llakor, 1 hlladelplila.BALTIMORE, Auk 25-Arrtved, aleamer Vlneland, Bnwen

New York: bark Mauitou, North, Matanzaa; aclira llowartWilliam*, Wainwrlpht, New York; John K Shaw, Cox, do^Calvin K linker, Hakor, Kennebec; Lulu, Know, RichmondMo,Cleared.Steamers Louisa, Walker, Edenton, NO; Elins

belli, Clurk, Now York; achr Kamiio It William", Shearer,Now York. ,

Sailed.Barks Frlirate Blril, Trieste; Anita, Stettin; K IIYarriiiL'ton, I'Hmamhauo; bripi Mary A I'Kum, Dosehr* Kdna Hnrwnod, IIui'wimhI Mataur.aa; Miunlo ti X,aildfor llavro, went to sea 22dkaniidr, Aid,' 23.Arrived, bark Brunawiok. Iliitrhinaon,

Portland; aclira Webster Barnard. Smith, Bonaire, Wl; AliUIIhllin. Wood, Klixabethport; J M Morales, Eldridtce, Philadelphia.<'loarod.Brig Marshall Dutch, Turner, Charlottetowa

PHI.HKLKAST, Aug 23.Sailed, achr Orion, Patteraon, New

York.BATH, Auk 21.Arrived, aclira Vaahtl Sharp, Lee, Philadelphia;Laurn Bride-man, Clark, ltultimoro: K A llava.

Smith, Cambridge, Mil; Stophon llardliiK, Harding, NowYork Sntilla, Rivers, Satilla River.Sailed.Schr llailoton, Ropers, Albany.23d.Arrived, achr Ohurlio Stuadmun, Dnnton, New York

for llallnwoll.Sailed.Scbra Itnth T Carlisle, for Georgetown, DC; Only

Bon, Mender, and Oriole, Henderson, Now York.CHARLESTON, Auk 21-Sailed, hark Charlotte (Oor),

Wullia, Quaenstown.24th.Arrived, aclira St Croix, from Boston Harry G Their

ard, Steelman, New York.J.'ith.Arrived, steamer HarriahurK. Worth, Philadelphia.Also arrived, steamer Kanita, Philadelphia; brlK Trainone,

Bristol. K.Sailed.Steamer Georgia, Crowcll, Now York.OOIIASSETT NARROWS, Auk 22.Arrived, achr J A Hallock,Crawford, Georgetown, DO.Sailed.Sidir Alice Hell, llutliaway, OeorKetnwn, DC.DIGllTON, Auk 22.Arrived, schr Hunter, from Philadelphiakdgartown, Auk 21.Arrived, achr Eclipse, Dixon, »

Brooklyn for Nuntiickct; 28d. schr J 1 Wallace. Woodbury,Iloboken for Bristol, Me; sloop Dudley, Williams, from NowYork.EAST GREENWICH, Aug 24.Sailed, schr Keystone,

ITiitoll. New York.FORTRESS MONROE, AugJH-Paxxed in for Haiti wore,

bark Ada Carter, from Mutauxus.Arrived.Bark Tillld (Nor), from Belfast, I, seeking; fiehi*

Addio Herney, from Newborn for New York; Kdwurd Stan*ley, from Richmond for Portland.VALL RIVER, Aug 28.Arrived, sehrs Quickstep, from

Philadelphia: .J M Freeman. Kldridge, New York; JuliaWilletts, Mediator, Mesaetiger, Frauklln Pierce, R P King,Win N Gosner, S L Crocker, vv S Thompson.Sailed.Sclirs John E Han ford, Westgato, Georgetown, DO;Minnie Kinnie, Parsons, Philadelphia.24th.Arrived, steamer Hcrculus, from Philadelphia.KKY WEST, Aug 25.Arrived, steamer Clyde, Kennedy,

Galveston for New York (and proceeded).Ll'BKC. Aug 28.Hailed, senrs Charlie Morton. Pike (fromSt John, NH), for Penarth Hoads, for orders; Mary K Staples,Trott (from Calais), do. do.NEW ORLEANS, Aug 25.Cleared, steamers Hudson,

(lager, New York; Margaret, Baker, Havana; schr Lily olthe Vail*v (Br), Leitrh, Belize (Honduras).NORFOLK, Aug 25.Put In. sclirs J W Stickney, for New

York, and Chaa W Holt, for Boston, both from coal porta,leaking.NKWBFRYPORT, Aug 24.Arrived, steamer Achillea,

Artis. Philadelphia.NEW BEDFORD, Aug 25.Arrived, schr Daisy E, Parkhurst,Alexandria.Sailed.Sclirs Alfred Braybrook, Georgetown; Hattia

Perry, Elixa Jane Raymond, Ocean Wave, John J Worthington,1l T Potter, W D Mangam, and Elm City, all for NewYork.NEWPORT, Aug 24.Sailed, schrs Roamer, McFarlln.

New York; I) Davidson, Freeman, New York for Boston)sloop Nearchus, Marksman, New York.PM.Arrived, schr Ohas E Hazard, Bartlett, Weehawken

for Ipswich.Sailed.Schrs Terrapin,Wooster, Iloboken for Boston ; LucyAmes, Bishop, Providence for New York.

In port.Schrs Elvira Bancroft, from Iloboken for Boston;Elisha T Smith, Baker, from Virginia; I) T Willetts, Staplln,for New York Julia Ann, Howell for do.NORWICH, Aug 24.Arrived, schrs D A R Canal No. 5,

from Trenton ; Neptune, do.Sailed.Schr Neptune, for New York.NEW LONDON, Aug 21.Arrived, bark Svanon (Dan),

Sorensen, Baltimore for Queenstown (see Miscellany) schrtGeo F Brown, Now York for Providence; Success, ilobokenfor do; James English, Providence tor Now York.NEW IIAVKN, Aug 22-*-Arrived, brig Rising Sun, Griffin.Ponce: sloop M Brush, Benton, l'ort Johnson.PHILADELPHIA, Aug 25.Arrived, sclirs Thomus O

Smith, Hand, Charleston; Woniier, Pluny, Portsmouth;Ann II Hickman, Shaw, do; A I) Scull, Frambes, Salem;C W May, Davis, Roxbury: Aim J Loughlin, Smith, Lynn;M K Trainer, Osteins, do: E Hinnlckxon, Penewell, Gloucester;Hattie Paige, Godfrey, Boston; Geo Churchman, Rlslev,do; F B Colton. Birch, do; J Paige, Long, do; MurthsWelch, Burge, do; M A McUahan. ('all, do; L HIves, Van Zandt, do; Alexander I larding, McBride,Somerset; Wild Pigeon, Conary, do; Mary 1) Craimier,Horner, do; W G Deerborn, Scull, Providence; Mary F Corson,Nickerson. do; Kstelle Day, Tracey, do; J J Moore,Franklin, do; John A Griflin, Foster, do; Authca Godfrey,Shaw, Warren.Also arrived.Steamers Beverly, Wallace, from New York;

J S Shriver, Wood, from Baltimore; schrs hnow Bird, Crlppx.from Guaco, NB; Fannie llaumer, Crook, from Nantucket)Governor Burton, Phinuey. from Somerset; Agnes R Bacon,Hcitley, from Boston; Rebecca Florence, Rich, PortlandlFlaviila, Paine, Provlncetown; D Faust, Plummer, Ellaworth;George L Bradley, Chipman, Bangor; Hannah Little,Hanson, Now York; llwitie L Fuller. Smith, do; A J Bentley,Williams, Boston; N W Magec, Hudson, do; S L Bums,Burns, dot James Ahlordice. Roekhill. dot Klvie Davis. Arm-strong, do; H II Hawes, Fort, Salem (J W Hall, Jr, Glieen,do; George Nevlnger. Smith, Lynn; D Brittain, Carroll,Gloucester: American Eagle, Xcwlovu, Danvcrsnort; ThomaiBordon, Churbuclc, Fall River; Ida Delia Torre, Chase,Somerset.Cleared.Steamer Ohio, Morrison. Liverpool; »chri AH

Kotchum, Ketchum, Portsmouth; w A Levering, Smith,Portsmouth ; K M Uuchler, Mulov do; K Nickerson, Nickerson.Boston; A C Paige, Haley; Edith L Steers, Corson; Mary uTarr, Conwel!; John StrtKip,Nickerson Marion Gage. Furuian,and Goo Churchman, Kisley for do; Joseph Buy more,Durdge, Cambridge ; Martha Welsh. Burdge, do; Klla T Littie,Crawford, Cambridgeport: It II Shannon, Wilson, Danversport;S L Kusscll, Smith. Lynn; Young Teaser, Slocum.New Bedford; Yankee Boy, Henderson, East Greenwich; liW Buell, Ireland, Providence; Fannie Uanmer, Brooks, Nantucket;li N Miller, Miller. Boston.Also cleared, steamers Perkeomen, Pierce and Ariea. Whllden,Boston; Florida, Crocker, Providence; K C Diddle,

Pierce, Now York; Mayllower, Davidson, do; barks Genuania(Ger), Cluver, Bremen; E J Heratv, Canning, Saco; PAtkins, Atkins, Boston; Kstell Day, Traoey, Roxbury; 3Godfrey, Young, Milton; Lainartihe, French, Somerset;John A Griffin, Foster, Providence.Sailed.Steamer Perkiomen.Nrwcamtlk, Del, Aug 25, AM.Bark Brazil (Br), from

Havre via Sydney, CB. and Sandy Hook, passed up at 5 PMyesterday and anchored above here and still remains. HchnSea Flower from Newport, and Mary E Femerick, from Boston,passed up this morning. Steamer Centipede, for Boeton,and scbr George Glendon, Jewett, for Portland, passeddown last evening. Schrs Deccora, from Portsmouth; Althea,frum do, and Owen P Hinds, from Calais, passed uplast evening.Noon.Schrs Luella A Suow. for Boston; Lamartine, foi

New Bedford Mariou Gage, for Boston; J K Manning, for dolElla T Little, for Lynn, und Mary Weaver, for Boston, passeddown since the morning report.PM.Steamer Myrtle is now passing with tho Pollock

Lightship from New York for Wilmington, Del.Schrs Isaac L Clark, from Boston; Virginia L Heckman,

do; Ceres, Dover, from New Haven; Susan darker, fromSalem; Abhie Pitman, from Portland; J D Ingrnham. fromlluddam. and Jos Eaton, from Lynn, passed up this PM.Bark M K Chapman (Br), for Ctenfncgos, passed down intow schr Aries, for Boston, passed down also Hchrs Annie HKetchuru, for Boston Wyoming, for Halem, and Geo Walker,for Portland. Schr American Eagle left for Philadelphia PM.A hark in sight of Reedy Island is heating fit).Lkwks, Del, Aug 25, A M.Bark Nellie T Guest remains

for Philadelphia; steamer Richmond arrived from New Yorkat 5 A M.Arrived, ship Matnura (Br), from Havre, in ballast foi

orders; two barks, names unknown, passed in at 11 A M.P M.Bark Dover and one brig have passed oat to-day.Vessel* In tho harbor.Schrs Charles II Kclley, for Boston;

N 8 Brown, for Danvur*; L B Fi»k, for Bostou; Sallie B, fordo, mid J II Moore, for Portland.PORTLAND, A tig 23.Arrived, sclir Sophia Krana, Dyer,

Alexandra.25tli.Arrived, schr John Bird, Philadelphia.(Roared.-Kehr hi K Dresser, Buracou.PORTSMOUTH. Aug 24.Arrived, achr Rillie H Derby,

May lor, Philadelphia.Sailed.Schr* Emily A Jenuie, Hewitt, and Laura V Rote,

Allen. Philadelphia.PROVIDENCE, Aug 24.Arrived, steamer Vindicator,

lingers, Philadelphia; schr* Katie .1 lioyt, lieaiiy, PortJohnson; Eliau Williams, iiamliii, liobukou.Sailed.Hclira Westmoreland, Allen; Elizabeth Magco,

Magee, and Jennie A Shepard, Kdgell. Philadelphia; Nicholas'denrhof, Mchrhnf, und Florence, Backctt. llaveratraw;Willow Ilarp, Ilortovi, Kondnut; P M Wheaton. Barrett;Cyrus Chuinherluin, Adams; Sarah L Thompson, Hull Murietta Hand. Ooldsmith; Marsena Munsoit, Daytou ; Signal,Sattrrly; Hydrangea, Clark, and Win P Burdeu, Adama

PAWTUOKKT, Aug 24.Arrived, achr E II Brazos, Raynor, Port Johnson.Sailed.Schr« Eva Diverty, Hand, and Panthea, McDald.

New York.RICHMOND. Aug 38.Arrived, steamer Wyanoke, Couch,

New York; bark Edwin (Nor), ChrisiotTcrseii, Liverpool viaCity Point.SAN FRANCISCO, Aug 17.Arrived, achr Montana, Ais

derson, Sail Bias.23d.Arrived, ship New York (Br), Curphey. Liverpool.Also arrived ship Airllo (Br), Kacburn, Oloagow (not m

misprinted).21th.Arrived, ship United States, Lunt, Liverpool.Cleared.Ship Harvest Queen, Junsen, Cork; Louisiana

Oliver, Liverpool.25th.Arrived, steamer Montana, Connoly, Panama, AcshipCarrie Reed, Orowell, New York.SAVANNAH, Aug 25.Arrived, steamers Seminole,

Mathews. Ronton: Hen Barnes. Cheeseman. Now York;burk Orelf (Her), from Jantsen, West Coast Africa.Sailed.Steamer Leo, Daniels, New York.SACO, Aug 21.Arrived, achr Wm Tlco, and Eagle. Phlla.

dolphin; Freddie Eaton, Soiitli Aiuboy; 23«1, Sallie Mair,Philadelphia; Hlobe, New York.SOMERSET, Aug 21.Arrived, achr R II Daley, CrockenSailed.Mir Mary D Cranmcr, Horner, Philadelphia.22d.Arrived, eehr Lottie Heard, Perry, Philadelphia!

barire Pioneer, CumtningN, IVoboken.2'ld.Sailed, Nehru Lavina Jane, Molt, New York; Johl

Munlove, Torroy, do.HALEM, Auk 211.Arrived, echre Salllo H Godfrey. Kateei

J C Cottinhuin, Ayron; J VV V'annam an, Sharp, and KebecoiM Smith, Grace, I'hihnl^lphiu; M C Hart, Keene, Port Johnnod;LA Lenian, Letuiin, Ilohokeu; E (a Knight, Pratt,New York for Hungor.STO.V [N'UTON. Atift 23.Arrived, Nehru Ham# Cork, from

Port Johnnun Ciuineeticut. Smith, do; Jletiey A Aun. Ifolx* «

ken; Thou Kllli, Kelley, New York for Warenain: Whistle;*Keefe. do for Taunton Darling, do for Bangor; LlarUaa Ai'lei), Crocker, Perth Ainboy for Hoeton.VINKYAkD ICAVKN, Aug 24. Arrived, echrt Mary 1

Hrudnhaw, Georgetown, DC, for Boston; Louie K SmithPhiladelphia for do; Yottciuitu, Port Jobiuoii for Hound PondMe.Sailod.Schrs Win Pickering, South Shore, And Albert

J ameioii.25.Arrived, nchra Mary A Dritry, Baltimore for Boaton; .

Maggie Cummin*, Philadelphia for Cohaaxot: J antes Wall,South Ainboy for Dauiariacotta; Maud Beiuo (Br), Frederick*ton for order*.Sailed.Schr Ocm.WI LMINGTOX, NO. Aug 25.Arrived, steamer D J Foley,

Donnell, Baltimore; bark Falken (Nor), Christcntien, Lot*don.WAKflEN, Aug 24- Sailed, eohr Mary M MiiYlin, Ferrla

Kli/ahethport.WAItKllVM, Auk 23.Hailed, xclir* Angler, Bu»»e, llobo

ken; Clyde, Holland, Georgetown, DC.


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