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10- 1 Chapter Ten McGraw-Hill/Irwin © 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

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One-Sample Tests of One-Sample Tests of HypothesisHypothesis


WHATDefine a hypothesis and hypothesis testing.

WHYReasons behind hypothesis testing.

HOWDescribe the five step hypothesis testing procedure.

Distinguish between a one-tailed and a two-tailed test of hypothesis.

Conduct a test of hypothesis about a population mean.

Define Type I and Type II errors.

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What is a Hypothesis?What is a Hypothesis?

Twenty percent of all customers at Bovine’s Chop House return for another meal within a month.

What is a What is a Hypothesis?Hypothesis?

A statement about the value of a population parameter developed for the purpose of testing.

The mean monthly income for systems analysts is $6,325.

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What is a Hypothesis?What is a Hypothesis?

Hypothesis: A statement about the value of a population parameter developed for the purpose of testing.

A particular brand of rice imported to United States contains the arsenic at the level allowable by the EPA.

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What is Hypothesis Testing?What is Hypothesis Testing?

Hypothesis testingHypothesis testing

Based on sample

evidence and probability


Used to determine whether the hypothesis is a reasonable statement

and should not be rejected, or is

unreasonable and should be rejected

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Why Hypothesis Testing?Why Hypothesis Testing?

Hypothesis testingHypothesis testing

Why can’t we just conclude

from a sample of rice that has arsenic of 9.5

parts per billion

Because we want to make sure beyond a certain

level of doubt and we take into account the sampling


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How to Conduct Hypothesis Testing?How to Conduct Hypothesis Testing?

D o n o t re jec t n u ll R e jec t n u ll an d accep t a lte rn a te

S tep 5 : Take a sam p le , a rrive a t a d ec is ion

S tep 4 : F orm u la te a d ec is ion ru le

S tep 3 : Id en tify th e tes t s ta tis t ic

S tep 2 : S e lec t a leve l o f s ig n ifican ce

S tep 1 : S ta te n u ll an d a lte rn a te h yp o th eses

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Alternative Hypothesis H1:

A statement that is accepted if the sample data provide evidence that the

null hypothesis is false

Null Hypothesis H0

A statement about the value of a population


Step One: State the null and alternate hypothesesStep One: State the null and alternate hypotheses

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Three possibilities regarding


H0: = 0H1: = 0

H0: < 0H1: > 0

H0: > 0H1: < 0

Step One: State the null and alternate Step One: State the null and alternate hypotheseshypotheses

The null hypothesis

always contains equality.

3 hypotheses about means

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Step Two: Select a Level of Step Two: Select a Level of Significance.Significance.

The probability of rejecting the null

hypothesis when it is actually true; the level of

risk in so doing.

Rejecting the null hypothesis when it is actually true

Accepting the null hypothesis when it is actually false

Level of SignificanceLevel of Significance

Type I ErrorType I Error

Type II ErrorType II Error

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Step Two: Select a Level of Significance.Step Two: Select a Level of Significance.


Null Accepts Rejects

Hypothesis Ho Ho

Ho is true

Ho is false



Type I error

Type II



decisionRisk Risk tabletable

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Step Three: Select the test statistic.Step Three: Select the test statistic.

A value, determined from sample information, used to determine whether or not to reject the null hypothesis.

Examples: z, t, F, 2

Test statistic Test statistic zz Distribution as a Distribution as a test statistictest statistic




The z value is based on the sampling distribution of X, which is normally distributed when the sample is reasonably large (recall Central Limit Theorem).

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Step Four: Formulate the decision rule.Step Four: Formulate the decision rule.

Critical value: The dividing point between the region where the null hypothesis is rejected and the region where it is not rejected.

0 1.65

D o not

re ject

[P robability = .95]

R egion of

re jection

[P robability= .05]

C ritica l va lue

Sampling DistributionSampling DistributionOf the Statistic Of the Statistic zz, a, aRight-Tailed Test, .05Right-Tailed Test, .05Level of SignificanceLevel of Significance

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Reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternate hypothesis if

Computed -z < Critical -z


Computed z > Critical z

Decision Rule

Decision Rule

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Using the p-Value in Hypothesis Testing

If the p-Value is larger than or equal to the significance level, , H0 is not rejected.

pp-Value-ValueThe probability, assuming that the null hypothesis is true, of finding a value of the test statistic at least as extreme as the computed value for the test

Calculated from the probability distribution function or by computer

Decision Rule

If the p-Value is smaller than the significance level, , H0 is rejected.

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> .0 5 .1 0p

> .0 1 .0 5p

Interpreting p-valuesInterpreting p-values

SOME evidence Ho is not true

> .0 0 1 .0 1p

STRONG evidence Ho is not true

VERY STRONG evidence Ho is not true

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Step Five: Make a decision.Step Five: Make a decision.


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One-Tailed Tests of Significance

One-Tailed Tests of SignificanceOne-Tailed Tests of Significance

The alternate

hypothesis, H1, states a direction

H1: The mean yearly commissions earned by

full-time realtors is more than $35,000. (µ>$35,000)

H1: The mean speed of trucks traveling on I-95 in Georgia is less than 60 miles per hour. (µ<60)

H1: Less than 20 percent of the customers pay cash for their gasoline purchase. 20)

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One-Tailed Test of Significance


0 1.65

D o not

re ject

[P robability = .95]

R egion of

re jection

[P robability= .05]

C ritica l va lue

Sampling DistributionOf the Statistic z, aRight-Tailed Test, .05Level of Significance

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Two-Tailed Tests of Significance

H1: The mean price for a gallon of

gasoline is not equal to $1.54.

(µ = $1.54).

No direction is specified in the alternate hypothesis H1.

H1: The mean amount spent by customers at the

Wal-mart in Georgetown is

not equal to $25.

(µ = $25).

Two-Tailed Tests of SignificanceTwo-Tailed Tests of Significance

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Two-Tailed Tests of SignificanceTwo-Tailed Tests of Significance

Regions of Nonrejection and Rejection for a Two-Tailed Test, .05 Level of Significance

0 1.96

D o not

re ject

[P robability = .95]

R egion of

re jection

[P robability= .025]

C ritica l va lue-1.96

R egion of

re jection

[P robability= .025]

C ritica l va lue

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Testing for the Population Mean: Large Sample, Population Standard Deviation





Test for the population Test for the population mean from a large sample mean from a large sample with population standard with population standard

deviation knowndeviation known

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Example 1

The processors of Fries’ Catsup indicate on the label that the bottle contains 16 ounces of catsup. The standard deviation of the process is 0.5 ounces. A sample of 36 bottles from last hour’s production revealed a mean weight of 16.12 ounces per bottle. At the .05 significance level is the process out of control? That is, can we conclude that the mean amount per bottle is different from 16 ounces?

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Step 1 State the null and the alternative hypotheses

H0: = 16H1: 16

Step 3Identify the test statistic. Because we know the population standard

deviation, the test statistic is z.

Step 2 Select the significance level. The significance level is .05.

Step 4 State the decision rule. Reject H0 if z > 1.96

or z < -1.96 or if p < .05.

Step 5Make a decision and interpret the results.

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Example 1





oComputed z of 1.44

< Critical z of 1.96,

op of .1499 > of .05,

Do not reject the null hypothesis.

The p(z > 1.44) is .1499 for a two-tailed test.

Step 5: Make a decision and interpret the results.

We cannot conclude the

mean is different from 16 ounces.

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Testing for the Population Mean: Large Sample, Population Standard Deviation Unknown


s n


Testing for the Testing for the Population Mean: Population Mean:

Large Sample, Large Sample, Population Standard Population Standard Deviation UnknownDeviation Unknown

Here is unknown, so we estimate it with the sample

standard deviation s.

As long as the sample size n > 30, z can be approximated


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Example 2

Roder’s Discount Store chain issues its own credit card. Lisa, the credit manager, wants to find out if the mean monthly unpaid balance is more than $400. The level of significance is set at .05. A random check of 172 unpaid balances revealed the sample mean to be $407 and the sample standard deviation to be $38.

Should Lisa conclude that the population mean is greater than $400, or is it reasonable to assume that the difference of $7 ($407-$400) is due to chance?

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Example 2 Example 2

Step 1

H0: µ < $400

H1: µ > $400

Step 2The significance

level is .05.

Step 3 Because the sample is large

we can use the z distribution as the test


Step 4H0 is rejected if

z > 1.65 or if p < .05.

Step 5Make a decision and interpret the


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The p(z > 2.42) is .0078 for a one-

tailed test.

oComputed z of 2.42

> Critical z of 1.65,

op of .0078 < of .05.

Reject H0.

Step 5Make a decision and interpret the


Lisa can conclude that the mean unpaid balance

is greater than $400.

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Testing for a Population Mean: Small Sample, Population Standard Deviation Unknown




The critical value of t is determined by its degrees of

freedom equal to n-1.

Testing for a Testing for a Population Mean: Population Mean:

Small Sample, Small Sample, Population Population

Standard Deviation Standard Deviation UnknownUnknown

The test statistic is the t


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Example 3

The current rate for producing 5 amp fuses at Neary Electric Co. is 250 per hour. A new machine has been purchased and installed that, according to the supplier, will increase the production rate. The production hours are normally distributed. A sample of 10 randomly selected hours from last month revealed that the mean hourly production on the new machine was 256 units, with a sample standard deviation of 6 per hour.

At the .05 significance level can Neary conclude that the new machine is faster?

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Step 4 State the decision rule.There are 10 – 1 = 9 degrees of freedom.

Step 1

State the null and alternate hypotheses.

H0: µ < 250

H1: µ > 250

Step 2 Select the level of

significance. It is .05.

Step 3 Find a test statistic. Use the t distribution since is not known and n < 30.

The null hypothesis is rejected if t > 1.833 or, using the p-value, the null hypothesis is rejected if p < .05.

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Example 3Example 3





oComputed t of 3.162 >Critical t of 1.833 op of .0058 < a of .05

Reject Ho

The p(t >3.162) is .0058 for a one-

tailed test.

Step 5 Make a decision and interpret the


The mean number of fuses produced is more than 250 per


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The sample proportion is p and is the population proportion.

The fraction or percentage that indicates the part of the population or sample having a particular trait of interest.


sample in the successes ofNumber p


Test Statistic for Testing a Single Population Proportion

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Example 4Example 4

In the past, 15% of the mail order solicitations for a certain charity resulted in a financial contribution. A new solicitation letter that has been drafted is sent to a sample of 200 people and 45 responded with a contribution. At the .05 significance level can it be concluded that the new letter is more effective?

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Example 4Example 4

Step 1State the null and the alternate hypothesis.

H0: < .15 H1: > .15

Step 2Select the level of

significance. It is .05.

Step 3Find a test statistic. The z distribution is the test statistic.

Step 4State the decision rule.The null hypothesis is rejected if z is greater than 1.65 or if p < .05.

Step 5Make a decision and interpret the results.

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Example 4









Because the computed z of 2.97 > critical z of 1.65, the p of .0015 < of .05, the null hypothesis is rejected. More than 15 percent responding with a pledge. The new letter is more effective.

p( z > 2.97) = .0015.

Step 5: Make a decision and interpret the results.

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"Being a statistician means never having to say you are certain.“

A statistician confidently tried to cross a river that was 1 meter deep on average. He drowned.

"If you torture data enough it will confess" A biologist, a mathematician, and a statistician are on a photo-

safari in Africa. They drive out into the savannah in their jeep, stop, and scour the horizon with their binoculars. The biologist: “Look! There’s a herd of zebras! And there, in the middle: a white zebra! It’s fantastic! There are white zebras! We’ll be famous!” The mathematician: “Actually, we know there exists a zebra which is white on one side.” The statistician: “It’s not significant. We only know there’s one white zebra.” The computer scientist: “Oh no! A special case!”