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Page 1: 10-01-1914


L~;i;':-Ci --.-.--:-.1 I

Page 2: 10-01-1914


-woul\1 cm:omrn ;;w=ru ~or~~ I'OUR'~Al!( PE~ to yo11 to o ' .1 li F antn.tn Pen that y ou couhl curry around in your poC.'ket or btig 1n uny po<~i­tlon with the po~itiTc a~ .:: ur­ance tba.t it wouldn't l eak? ([. In Moan'• No~n-Lul;able there is no WliY in whlcb the in,k cnn posaibly leak out. This pen i~ alwo.ys really tor instant " .:w, and tbe momen\ it touc h e s tho p ttpcr, writes, without nnv pre­hwlntLJY shaking w i 1t.~lev"1', Furthe1·more, it wlll cu.r~ all grades or iuke, incJcUillg Copy. log ancl Indialnks. fl. There are nanny different klods or :ronnluin !>ens on t.lw market, bot thor~:: i:. only oue tb!lt ie absolatel1 :mt h:lfllrtory, e.od that itt Mowc'a Noo·l.edual:le.

ll ''-..

\Vhen you \Vant an excellent line of reliable stationer·y, kind­ly favor us with your order and we will guarantee you satisfac­tion.

We have some very choice note paper· with envelopes to tnatch, with or \Vithout initials.

Bring us your wants in en­gravings. Ask to see Aamples of the work done.

\Ve carry the best line of

Kodak and Memory Books

See our excellent number with college colors

H. R. BRINK, The Bookman 48 East Eighth St., HOLLAND. MICH.

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r: Two Heads are Better than one

DOD \Vhy not bring yours and ours together and d ecid e what l<ind

of a . uit, ovr•rcoal or shoes you w iII st·lcel for your Fn 11 and

\\' inh·r wea r

DD or eours. tht· deeis ion i ~ up to you . \Ve' ll sell

·1 y<>u nothi11 ~! unless you're ~alisfied 1hat you really

\\'a nt it. But our t·Xpl' rit>nee derived front the

study ut' l'asltion':-.. trend and your individual needs

enable~ u~ to vol u ntccr helpful suggestions.

DO Suits $10 to $25 Overcoats $8 to $30 Shoes $2 to $5


The Lokker-Rutgers Co.


~E:=:=::3E::S:'t=u=d=c=l=lt='s=· =l~l~~=·a=d=q=u=a=r=t=c=rs=· =aEr:==:~=:~

Page 3: 10-01-1914

2 THE NC'll OR

Hotel Cafe S E. Eighth St.

Special Dinner Everg Dag SOc Service a Ia Carte

Special Dining Room for Banquets and Parties

Open for inspection at all time. ~Jway~ Open.

JOHN HOFFMAN, Prr: ,·rietor

Hallowe'en Goods =----

Decorated Crepe Paper, Crepe Pap.,. Festoon.· , Garlands, Caps, Napkins, Plates, Favors, Lunch ets, Gummed Seals and Place Cards.

Plenty of Whinnies

Fris Book Store All kinds of


CENTRAL MARKET Molenaar & De Coed, Props.


Canned Goods of Every Vuricty

For Your Blow Outs

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Lincoln Office Supply House It East Eighth Street


All Supplies Subject to

10% Discount as per Contract

The Boston Restaurant Same Old Place


Meals Lunches

Catering Cut Flowers


Milk and Cream Citz. Phone t 041 N. HOFFMAN, ProJ.

Students Hav your Watches and Jewelery re_

paired at

Wykhuizen & Karreman 14 W. Eighth Street Next to P. s. Bater & Co.

Page 4: 10-01-1914

'rJIJ~ A~( 'llOH

Don't Hesitate Abo11t Coming to Look

OccasionalJy, a man will te JI us that he felt sensative about coming into our store simply to look at and try on a suit or overcoat.

We always make haste to inform this type of gentleman that we find particular pleasure in waiting on and sho\ving our merchandise wheth­er or not the one who is looking intends to pur­chase.


' .

IDl1r l\t1rQnr "~prm in Dro ..


William of Orange

William o( Oran~e. Holland's noblest s~n! . Huw ri ch how stron~ thy character shm_es still, E 'en as in days when Alva wrought the Jll.

N U MB E R 1

Though faith and Jon• and mercy were u~d~nc; . Thoug h powers would force thee to sub~1JSsu~n _prone, Thou~h "pain h er soldiers sen t thy sons to kJil_, l Though t rcach~ruus rulers tried th~ love to .~hd ' Still thou wert calm, unmoved, 0 SJlent One.

Tl f . "th ·n God shone clt>ar in darkest hour, 1y at 1 ll Thy richl·s , honor, kindred. blood, yea.a Was given to thy country, :ln d thy pow r Was consecrated to Cod's IHghcst call. Where ~ervicc could be given, thtrc thou wert; Ne'er didst thou waver, ne'er shook fear thy heart.

G. 1L Ly:cn!la '1"

Page 5: 10-01-1914



II. flarn·, sec what a nice brown ha~ t-- fl Pa tin n .~ :-...

in the water! Do g-et it fur llll', it " · ill he :--n nil·c t<~ put in my playhnu~e."

"I wundcr what it l·an he ? I 'II g...:t it a :-. :-;non as it Auat :-: ncar tht• bank."

llany Colby. a he~y 11f ele\-en , .<.' :t r:--. and ),j ....

:--ister Luc-ile. a~ed eight. wen: playing u n the l>a;,J,;. .... 11i a .... lllall :--trcam that ran thn~ttgh a liclcl ncar their hc1nH.' . w hen J.th·ik saw a brown hand hag flnatin g· in the \\alcr. ll :un j.,1111 .J :t

long :--ti<.- k ;tnd \\'aitcd fnr tltl' hag to l'llnH: \\'ithin r ca.ch. ~111 , 11 the water carried the hag nca r shnre <lnd with the aid 11 i tlt(· ~ tir~ I larry hrnught it up te~ th e hank. \\'here Lu r ilc ~ra"pccl 1t \\'lth eager hands and lifted it up nntn the g·rct·n hank .

"Oh. I larry, it looks ju:--t like papa's hand bag. 41llh· it p ..

uot sc1 hr<~wn and the buckle:-- arc 11c1t a~ s hin,·. J ~\'otHi e.r hcH\' i t g-n t i 11 t n t h c w a t c r ? · •

"Someone must ha,·c drnppecl it o fT the train while "nino· I J'...l :-... :-... o\·~r t 1e >nug-e. Let'~ open it and sec if there i:-; anything in it.

f f tt ~foes not belong to an_nmc perhaps mama will Jet nm keep 1t tu put y o ur doll clothe~ in ." -

Tit~ children dragged the bag further up n n the hank and :tftcr a ~1ttl~ tu~~Jc with the cta~ps and :--trap=-- I larry succl'cckcl Jn npcn1ng 1t. J h •rc were some nlcl dnthc~ in it. ancl n n takinn

these n ut. the~·. found only an o ld o\·cral l suit and a piec-e c~ black d o th. I hc;-;e they thre\\' upon the hank. and a!-- tiJ<.'\' found no name of anv kind in the h·t"" llarr\· .. · . 1 · • ..r •:-...· • . \\.t...,d >nttttll dnsc tt \\'hen they were startled tu hear a , ·oicc cum i 11 .. f rum within. :-...

. "Oh. l!ttle hny and girl. I am ~<, g lad _\'till ~a,·ccl me frcnn hclllg earned ~Jy ~he stream into thl' ri,·er. ~tt re ly 1 \\' ~ttdd han.' ht•cn earned 111 t<1 the Ia ke and lt~~t 1' ,- t J1e · n \·er had guttcn hold of me.''

The chi l c~ren \\'ere frightened. Ila rrv took hi s hand off the bag- and Luril c cra\\'led c:lo:'l' up behind- him .

''Do 1111t he afraid, f will not harm you .

"\tV hu arc y o u ?'' asked I J a rry.


.. l am J o hnny 13rownbag-, and now that you ha\'C been so kind tn me. 1 will tell you the s t ry of my li fe if you wi h to hear it."

"()11. please do." an~n-crerl the children. "But do not get ton ncar to us. fur mama once tc , lcl us a s tory o f J o hnny Brown­leg:-:. a had iairie \\·hu pinched little boys and g-irls in their .... lcep. and we arc afraid you arc hi s cousin because you are ca lled J oh nny Brnwnhag-."

··lla,·c nn fear. I am afraid I will die soon. and because _,nu ha,·e been :-:c1 kind t c1 me I will tell nnt the ~tnrv o f my - .. -life anrl a :--ecret whic h I ha,·c kept fnr many years.

.. :\ly lirst home \\'a :' in l'hiL·ago. One m o rning-. while I ,,·as s tanclin g- ()Jl a ~ hclf in a :' lc •rchtlll :'e on Euclid Street. a man L·;une in and t11uk me dll\\' 11 frnm the shelf. h,uked me O\'er and :--a iel, 'That's a pretty g11ocl-l< P king hag-. guess I'll put it in the ~lc ·aull'Y s hipment.' lie then too k m e intu a nuther roo m and ..:.ct nH' dt )\\·n on the flw 11· a mnng a num her of o ther bags, suit­L·a~e' . ancl trunks. \\'hat a buzz nf ,·u ices a nHlllg" those differ­e nt hags and s uitcases ! .\11 were wnnd ring what was to !tappen. I wa ;-; :--c1 frightL'ned that J nmld n o t talk. Soon I sa w a man picking up the hag~ and putting- them into a large box. •\ftcr we were all L·n,wded into the box he put a co,·er o \·cr u s and. my! htl\\' dark it wa:-- in there. \\"e all huddled dn:::e t c ,g thcr and wcmdcrec.l what ,,·as to happen. when all o f a ~ ucldcn we felt uur~ch·e:-- tumbling- o\·ct· and o \·er. Finally we cea~ed tumbling and it seemed frnm the jarring- as tho hgh \\' t

were hein~ carried on a wago n . r do not know hnw long we rode nor whct·e ,,.c ,,·cnt. A iter what ~eemed an age we again went tumbling t>\·cr and nn .. •r. when we heard someone po und­ing on the box and the L·n,·er wa~ taken off. I l o w glad we were to ~cc the lif,!'ht: hut we :--till hud'<lled dose tog-ether. for ,,·e did n u t knu\\· where we were. :\ man began to take us irum the box. and when he tnok me o ut he du~tcd my nice brown coat and brass btH.:klcs. and carried me up~tair~ into a large rnnm where 1 was again placed upn n a shelf.

"I heg-an to lunk around me t o sec what my new home was like . ,\11 ahuut me 1 =-'a "' hand hags.- hig bag-s, small hag~ :

thin hag~ . fat hags; green hags. brown hags. black bag:;; and ktM s ,,f en:ry kind and dc~cripti11n . '\\' ell.' thuught l, 'thi 1 •

• t guutl ly c nnpany u f bag~ ~o 1 think L will stay here . i .r [

Page 6: 10-01-1914


knn\\ I ~hall J,~.,.. l1app_, .· .u.· q \1 a i n t l' d \\ i t It t It L' , • t 11 1...'1'


. \ " t ht· day-.. pa ...: .... cd hy I hcc:une h:t;.! .... and tllll...' tnld llll...' that Ill\' new . -

llelllll' \\a...., c:t ll l'd till' 1\c• ... t·nth:tl l~a ~ ancl Tru11k IIP\l"t'.

.. :\I y ~lay in my Ill''' It• •m-.: wa:-' nc•t a It 111~ ••111...' . ( )nt• ll' ' •rn-

111)..! a young lllan cant<.: in and ~aid Itt: wantt:d a hand ha~. II-:

\\:t...., plann i n~ cttl takin;..: a tr ip a tTtl:-':-' thl' lak1...· te• hi~ cdd h•>lllt'. • I II d ~ i II l'(,,' h l ' \\' tl :-' I I Ill Y ~ I I j II ;._: j t ' J' a f e \\' d :t _\' :-' Jt 1...' d j cl Jl I 1l \\' l :-' Jt t I )

take a ...: uitca~t· . ;t ... t ha t ''' ' uld he t e~ c• l•ig and tn•uhk:--ome. The ~.,.·Jt:rk t1111k m~...· dt~\\' 11 irum the :-:hclf. and ac; T likcrl the appearance ,,1 the~ cHtn;..: man. I tried t c• lnnk 111\' he .... t. llnw 1 jHtiTed nut my :--ick~ t11 make my hl'tl\\'11 .... ,,at ~leek and :-:mnnth,

and ht~\\' I :-'parkkcl my bra-..:' hurkk:-: in the :-'ttnlight that wa =-­

:--treaming in thn•ugh the "indtl\\'. The _nnmg- man loo ked ;11c <n·cr and my hl'art n .·ry nearly lcapl.'cltlltt nf Ill \ ' throat fn1· jtty when he ~aid.'( ;uc:-:~ I'll takL' thi:-: one; it ltlllk:-: iike a pretty "OU<I Inn· · :--. . :..... .

"lie paid the ckrk. \\'he> thanked him ancl huwed ~racunt~­ly . picked me up. and :--tarll'd nu t ni the ~tnre. Su jaunty wa~ hi:' :-'tep and llll'I'J'_\' hi~ \\ hi-..tlt- t hat I \' 11 \\' l'd r \\'Citt ld dll Ill\'

hc:-.t tu pka~l.' him. .\itt•r \\' t' had heen walkinn f11r alunt-l ;-..

t\\ cnty minute~ ,,.e ~ tt~ppl'd heft~re a large. g-rey ~tone huild-

tng. The )'Pttng man rang the dnur hell and ~uon a ~en·ant appeared .

.. 'llere. Jim. take thi~ hag up t11 m,· re~1lt11 and put it on my tahlc.' ~aid my 11<.:\\' ma~ter.

"'Thl· ~en·ant totd..: me. carril'cl me up t\\'11 flight :' nf ~tair:-.

and. ••pcning a de1or \\'hid1 ll'd int• • a ~ma ll l'tHint , he p lacccl me un a tab!<:. \\ ' h~...·n the :-'t' n ant \\Tnt 11\lt I ht'•"an to h'<•k ;-..

:dH 1tt t me. The r1Hllll \\'a:' tlc•t a \' l.'l'." large c1ne. hut it " ·a:-- ,·en·

lll'at and ta"'tl'ittll) arrangl·<l. < )n thl.' wall:' were pictun·~ an~l banner~. and 1111 a ~heli in t)Jll.' ct~rnc r w ere ~e,· cral trPphy

ntp" .. \hu\'C: the bw •kca :-- e \\·ere arrangt•d in the f(lrtn of the

ktter .\I. t\\'n ha~chall duh~ and a hn1ken na r. Frmn the appearan1..:e ni the rn11111 I judged that my new ma~ter \\'as a l·nllege man ancl hacl ht.' l'll ;tc ti,·e in athktic:-'. \Vhile] wa:-. l11nking around, my gazt• fl.'ll upun a picture that hung- cliret.·tly

;d"''l' the table liJH•n ''hil'lt I had been plat:cd. It \\'a~ the pinun.: 11l a youn g gir l :--carn· ly t•Ut ui her teen :-:. \\ ' hile I wa~

lo (I k i 11 )..!' a t t IJ e p i r l tt n :. t II e d 1 11 • r t , p t ' Ill' cl a 11 d m y m a :-- t e r "' t e p p c <i :n . 11c placetl ~ume buntllc~ u n the table, tuok 'JlT hi::; hat and

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coa t. threw them on a chair and came n\·cr a nd pit-keel me up . r\iter lt~uking lllt' .,,·c r ag;tin he t 4111 k a pen and in:'icle. ju:-:t

J,eld\\' my ni~...·e :-'hiny lt~ck. he printed· the name 'I farry ~ulhy.'

"I low quec1·," intl'rrupll'cl llarn·. "that i:-' my name and 111 y rather.:'. t ()()... - ~

"~o it may he. hut ytllt knt~\\' there :tre many oll)\·s :tnd I Ut) n u t dnuht but that th~...·rt• ar~...· many llaJT)':-'. -

"T,l J..!'l 1lll with Ill\' 'll•n·. llarn·. i11r ~~~ I ~hal l 11tn\' t'all . - -'

my new nta:--ter . th l'll pl:h:l'cl till' little pal·kag<> \\ hid1 ht.• had J,rcntght within me. Th t.•J'l' \\':t-- a litth.• ~ ha\\ I l11r hi.; muthcr. a pipe iur hi..: iather. glt•\T" it•r hi~ ~i~ter. ;1 bt111k, writing­pap.,. ancl a pu...:tal allnttn i11r hi :-- lilt le ln·t~ther..... There was

u Ill' 1 i tt I t.: p a~...· k a g t' a II ''t' r y l.' a r l' i nil y \\' r a p p t' cl a 11 c1 t i e cl a n d I t' utdcl :wt ~ee \\hat wa' in it. I imagined it "a:' :-'wnt:th ing ic1r the girl wiH I:-'t' pi~...·tun• llltltg· alHI\' l' th e table. .\fll'r put­

ting in a f.,,. h:tndk~...·rcltiei-... tie~ . and a l'1tl lar ur t\\' t>, I larry cJu....,l•d a nd Jp~.,.·kecl lllt.' and s~...·t 111l' dnwn IH.' :-' ick the 1>1 u ,kca~e.

" . \ fl...•w hcntr~ lalt'r I larry pickl•d tnt' up and \\' l' :'tarkd fc•r the boat. \\ ' 1...• had t11 take a car. and after aiH•tJt a hali ht~nr' "'

ride we ~ut tilT and then· I :--a\\· thl' lake it•r the lir:--t tinll'. ~ l y! how hig it clid ~ecm! .\t lir:-- t I was :-'tHllt'\\'hat 1ri~htl' lll'd

at the tlH ittg'ht ni :-:a iling ,,,·er it. 11 11\\' l'\' l'J'. when I :'a\\· the

hig IHla t that we \\'l'r · t•• ridt• in I dicl 11 11 t fed :'II afraid. and '-JtH'e I wa~ with ll;u-r,· I tru .... tccl a great deal in him. \\ ' t• Wl'nt al>11ard and it was 111 •t lc lllg' IH:i(ln .' a whi~tk bc~an tn

bit~\\' and a ht·ll t n ring. and the \\ hnlc boat beg-an ttl quin·r

;l:-' though it \\'l'l'l' ali' e. Th~...· l>~•at l>l.')..!"an t•• 11111\. t' :-:lt•\\·ly and ..,IHlll \\'C \\'ere c•ttt nf tilt• cha nn e l and intu the lak~...·. \\ ' hen \\'C

~ut 11ttt un the lake the huat 1110\' l.'cl =-- till ia:-:ter. I \\'a~ pka~ed with the lltH' l'Ity c1i my lir ... t h• •at ridl.' and it-It jtt:-'t a:-- thuu~h I

were an ul d :-;ai lur. The lakl• wa~ ni cl.' and ~mllnt h ancl the .... un wa...: ju~t 'lroppin~ helcl\\' the wall•r like a hnge hall ni lin·.

"I larry tt lok me up t1 • hi ... :-' t 1 tenl111ll .... ct me cluwn un the

bunk. and th~...·n went 11t1t j,, ~...· kin )..!' the dt~t•r hl.'hind him . I ~~~~·n 1 • 11 :.1 ~ I c c p a n d a i t c r I h a d I> l.' t•n a...., II...·~.· p i 1 1 r :-on m c t i Ill c I a \\' c • k c with a jump. Sum-.:thin;.:. ... l·emed t 11 h~...· t11 :-':-' ing- me had..: ancl it~t·th and. uh! IHH\' my ... id'-·...: and ~tnmach did acl11...•. I became .:11 di zzy I nntld h:trdly -.ee. Jtbt t hl'll llarr.' canw in . .;e t me

un th~...· fl ,,ur. and :--aid ttl ltim:--e li a.., he wa :-: gl.'l tin g int11 the bunk, '( iuc~~ it "ill he a prctt) nntgh ni g ht.' I did 1111t ~ J eep

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the rest of the night. .:\Ty head ach d just terribly and T held my :-\ides as tit!"ht as I l>os:-:ihl)· cou1cl. T thoucrht mornino-

·~ ~ ~

w o u I d n e \' e r come. but fi n a II y. j us t as r f c I t t hat I could not stand it much longer. lig-ht began tu come in at the windnw and the tossing and the twi:-:ting- seemed to stop a little. After a little while the whistle began to blow and I thought that we must he ente1·ing- the harbor. The hell began tn ring the sig-nal fur slow speed and with a g-rating suund. as thcmgh it were rubbing ag-ainst sunH~t h in g. the b(la t stupped. There was a hurrying and scurrying llf feet o\·erhead. and I knew that we had cnme to our destination.

''!larry jumped out llf his hunk. dre~sed in a hurn·. grahhed me and ran up the :-\tairs to the main deck. Lnnking ahuut he spied someone duwn on the wharf and. wa,·ing his hand. he mad fnr the stairway leading tn the gangplank. lie was ,·ery anxious to get ashore, and in his cagerne:-\s he even hecame sn rude as to justle the women folk quite roughly. As he mad his way u\·er the gangplank. a young woman. smiling­"'weetl_v. came to meet him. I recognized her a=-- the original uf the picture which hung lH"er 11 arry·~ table. . s I larry went lorward to greet her I turned my eye=-- away. for I kn w that it was nnt p >I i te to lnnk on when lon:r:-' meet aft cr an a b:-\cn ce.

"\\'hile we hurried tn catch a car I d used my eyes and t.ars. fnr I had been taught that child'ren :--huuld he ~een and nut heard, and e~pecially when f()nd. young- hearts arc talking ...;wect nothings. \\'hen we got ttl I larry's home how pleased they all were t<.~ ~ee him. :\ftcr exchanging greetings, I larry opened me and tl..>ok nut the little remembrances he had brought. Such 'Ohs' and ':\h;-;.' and ~uch hugs and squeezes 1~ !larry g t from his hrnthers and sister. The neatly wrapped package !larry deitly slipped into hi~ pocket. and J knew it was not to he presented in the presence of the others. :\I r. Culhy immediately filled his pipe. =--at down in his easy chair, and as he blew ~moke ring-s h e saw hi~ dream=-- abuut hi~ son materializing. .:\lr=--. Colby'=-- eyes tilled with tears as she stn1ketl her shawl, and. going intu the kitchen. ~he buried her head in the =--oft ful<.ls oi the shawl and quietly began tu cry. ieeling that I larry wa~ fulfilling her h(lpes and that he had ll i 't betrayed her mother- lu\·e.

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THE ANCHOR 11 --------------------------------

"Th c t """ cia v~ that II a rry wa~ to ~tay home pa!'. ed 'tttickly. ancl we w ... cnt hat·k ttl Citicagll. \Vithin the next f~w rear ... llar-r\· and I made numcrnu~ trip~ and l g-ot to be qutte a golld :-.ail:.r. ( >ne day. in the fall. I larry came t his r om .til <.' xt·itcd and. putting a few dirty n >llar. within me and a "rinklt•d lll't·ktie ur twn. hurried tu the boat. On hoard the l)ll'tt he \\Till immccliateh· tl> his :-\tateruom and. opening me, lu: .put :.1 littl~ square packag ·away down in one corner. After that 1 did n•>t lea\"l' his hand~ and he carried me wherever he "alked ,,n the deL·k. I wondered what could be the matter; "Jt,·. inst ·ad 11i dean L·,,Jfar:-- and prc~~ed tic~. he had taken the dir~ ,. 1111c:; , and wll\·. sinn: he had placed the little package ithi;lc ui me. he ha;l not let me out uf hi~ hands. ·ure1y he had ncn.•r at·tcd thus hdnre. \\' hen we gnt to I larry's home, ~.,·, · ~.,· n· •ntl' cxn·pt the ynung· lady. whu had met us at the hoat and .an·t~mpanit•cl u=-- t() I larry's humc. were surpri~cd to see It i m. ~he h lu=--hcd a ncl d n >pped her eye~ as II arry ':-; muther ~~ ~~·k~o.·cl at h~o.· r. llat-r\· c\·a<.ling all quc~tion~. took the little pat·kag-e uut oi mt·. ~..·ailed· the young lady a:o:.ide and takin~ her : 1rm. k·d her into the parlur . father Colby winked knowmgly : tl :\Irs. Cnli>L .\fter a ~hurt time I larry came out of the par111r "ith tl~c young lady leaning on his arm. She_ was :o:.miJ­ing happily and tt•ars. tell - tales of joy. were g1is~entT_lg 01~ her l'YI..' la:-.hc=--. In the j,1lcl=-- ni I larry·=-- :o:.lee\·e she tned 111 \"~111 to h.ick a 1 ittk d ia mnnd that II arry had just placed on her finger. 1 tarn· hlu :o:. hc<l like a small b11y caught at some mischief; lli..' \Tt: hd,,re tl(lr aiter ha,·c I :-;een him ~o Au:o:.tered. (;uing up tt 1 hi:-- tlltJthcr he ttulk hl·r hand and in it placed the hand ,f the .• irl at hi =-- =--ide. ~ nt a wurd wa:-\ ~puken; word:-; are inadequate ~ . \\ lwn heart.- arc welling •n·cr with JUy.

"II a 1-r,· ,,·cut h:u·k to ChiL·ago the next day, happy and thinking oi· the few n· mainin~ bachelor clays hefurc him .. The d:t\"" ancl weeks pas:-.ed. and with the co ming of the s~>rm_g I n ... :L'i' cd a new mi:--tre:-''-'. I larry and his wife went to ~~~- e tn a littl. h,tllll' that I larry had iurnished on the North ~ tde. I "a:-- J•k:t :-.ed with my new mi:--tn:s~ and liked my new home. 1 , 11 ~.,. da,· Jlarrr ramc ht,me all :-;mtle:-;; he was to ha,·c a twu "cT k-..· ~· acati 1 ,;L That ni~ht at :--upper it wa~ planned tn ~pend ~~~ ~ , a '"' ati 1 ) 11 at 1 Jarry· s 1dd home at-rn:-'s the lak.c. :reparat~ n s

.I' ' 111(1 tJ1••...,e l .. lUSed 111(! a "TCat dea) tJI patn; hut ~ lllCe ' e re n1auc ~ '- · ~ · :-,

Page 8: 10-01-1914


t ltl'll I lt:t\·c.· reJ'••in:d uft<.'ll ),et·,·ttt-.· ,,,- tlt t· I - I · re-..u h "' t !at pa111. :\Jr-.. lla rn· ntl a lt"lt· in my lining. ju-.t IH.·I••\\' 11tll' t•i 111\' =--nap~. and madl' a :-- mall Ju•c kct th<.:r ·. She \\'a-. real ic111cl t:i !"\)\\ ing and =-'\\'imming . and sa id tll;tt \\hen t ltc..· ,· \\'11lllcl "t• t 11 thl' n ld l1c:tdt \\'ht'l'e :-. Itt.• a-.. a gir l ltacl lt·anH.:cl- t11 :--\\'in~~ :--he

\\'llll~~l JHt~ her d .i:tmciiHI in the little p11<.:k<:t i"r -..ait· keeping-. l>unng· tltc11· \' :tcaticllt ll arry and hi" \\'iie •,jtt·n \\'ent t , ,

1ltc ht.·:ll·h. and t~nt• clay a:-- they \\'ere gc1ing llllt j,l("water JiliL·-.. ~ I .- .... _ ll:~rry put _Iter ring in the lit tiL· p.,ckt·t and lc..·it me t•• kct.·p tt -.ale lt•r hL· r 111 tltc ~.·lu:c k-rcHII11 . \\ ' hilc the,· \\'erL· "tl lll' ;

1 man l t~t•kcd in :t t t h~.· \\ ind tt\\' , :-.eeing- the cl<: rk .Int-. \' an7I ,, ith hi~ ha~.- k turned. th~.· m a n reached thr(ltt .~h the \\'i;tdt~\\. tc 1uk

IJ,dd •~~' 111<' and madt• 11IL I :-'t·reamccl as l•nHI a-.. I c.·"ulcl f .. r hl•lp hut tllt o ne sel'l11l·d ttl hear me. The man l>nardecl a l·:1r. :tnd \\ lh.' tl \\'l' h.·tc l .L't ' tlt' .·t 111 ·1 I" J f .~ • 1 c c1r 111•1rc \\'e g<Jt 111 H.' 11rt' a -.. mall. tttmhle-<1••,,.,1 It tt · I 11· I. II . 1'1

c) :--c . w 11 ( < e 11 111 1 a l' and e I clc r lnt-..lw-... C >nee in the Jt.,n:-'c . the man broke 111\' luck and IIJll' ll.cd me..•. I d:e\\' the little ptlt' kl't a~ far undl'r tl~e -.nap :t"' ~ ~>" ..... tJ,Jy cuu ld. ll1r I did n< 1t \\'ant him t •• lind the ring. Find­rn g· ''nly the t\\'t' bathing ~ uit :-' and a ic\\' tt~ill't ar t il'll'._, the man '\\'nre and. g·••ing ups tair=--. thrc\\' me intu the attil'.

.. · . \ Ja,.' tlh•ttght I. ·n,,,,. my day" of :--l'n· in· an_• <..' IHiccl and my ni L· c hnt\\' ll l..'uat and my :--hiny lntl'ldt..·:-' ,,·ill 111t•ulder ancl !·u .... t in thi:-. dark plal·c.' Still . I n .. j• •il·l·d at Jta,· in~· =-''' l·an:fulh· pn •tcncd th · ring·, ancl I , .,,,,·ed that I \\'uuld e \·c..·r· kcl'p m~· ~ 'l'l'l'l . That night I l't •ttld Jl(lt go t11 :"-lt-cp. and \\hil l' I \\'<t-s th inking ,,f \\'hat had h:q>penc..·d . a littl e 111Dl1 :-'e came r unnin .. ·


l,y. \\ ' hen he -..a,,· me..· Itt..· "t11ppt..•cl and :-'aid,-.. '( ;1111d t:n.: ning. :-. t ran .~t·r. It o \\' arc you:· .. ·c ; .... d <.:\ · cnin~· -..aid I. ·J 3 111 1111t \' t•n· \\' l' ll. th3nk \ 't l\1. - ~

.. ~I 1·. ~ I• •ll ... <.· tIt t: 1t a:--ked \\'hat t h c t n •ul, le w a:-'. an cl I t, ,J d !tim my ... t11ry; IHJt I \ \ ' <1:-- \cry careiul 11 11t t u nH'Jtti•Hl the ring-. i I< · "_\' lllpathized \\'ith me. a nd ))(.·it~re he lcit \\'c had hel'1111ll' qu itt: irit:nclly . . \iter th;tt tltt..· 111fltbC l>l'callll' a regular ,. i ~ it11r and I ),l.C41 111l' quill' j.,nd ,,j hint. I in,· itecl him tn !>riner 11 \·c..·r


lri ~ i:ttnil_\ and l•, li\t..' ,,· ith 111e. Fuurtecn h111g' yt·ar-.. I lay

t ia·n· in th<· att il· . a nd I ittrni :-. lh·d a IH•lllt' it•r· :\ Jr. :\ft~u ~c and :dl ,, j lri "' dc.- ... t·<' tHI:tnt -.. ir••lll thl· clay I had in,· itecl ~Jr . ~l tl ll "e t • • n .rn t • ; 111 d I i ' l ' ' ' i t h 111 c ·. < J t w ( · \ ·c 11 i 11 g· t Itt..' a tt i c d, H 1 r 11 p l' Ill' d . 11d .t lllall l ' alllc..: ir1. 1111t tiH: man \\'htl had :-: tctl e n nw. hut a

, I


l 1

• I •


tar~e man with' c.:r_, dark hair anclct~mplcxitHt. \\' hilc he wa:-'

i ·~~·kin;...: an•tlltd he ... pied me and pi~.· ked me up . lie turnc..·d me up-.iclc ci11\\JJ. thn·,,· 11lll till' littiL· lllil·e. httlllt' a nd all. <tnd car­• icd Jt tc d 11 \\ n :- tai r:-- . li e then gt•l a :-'l'l'e\\' d ri,·cr and fixed my i••l·J, which had hccn lll't1ken all tll c:-'c year:-- and had cnu~c<l me t' tllttinual pain.

"Titat nigh t the man put within me the..: ti\'Crall :-.nit and 1i:t rk pil'Cl' "i rJ,,tJt '' hirh _,,,u ha\e ju:-'t thrll\\' 11 thc..·rc upnn th e :.!~'"lllld .. \ J, .. ut 111iclni ~ ht he t•11 •k me and \\'l' 'tartcd 11ttt into 1 ltc.· ni;...:ht. It \\':t " a n :ry dark ni~ht and I l'ttllld nnt ~ce \\'here \\ l' werL· gc1 in ~· . . \iter \\'l' had g"lllll' ""me cl i!" tancc the man :--lc•ppcd. t•'' 1k ••ut the dt1the .... and put th em •lit. The black ~'~••tit lrl· put arc• Uilcl hi-.. i :tl'<..' . ka\ ing- jtt:-'t e n ctu g h :-.p&lt..'C to louk tltr c• Ui-:11. I th l' ll JT:t li ;~~.: d that the man \\·a .... <t lmr~lar. (;t~ing

:t l ittk furtltL·r. ltl' hid behind a building- and \\'aitcd . li e mtt ~ t lta\·c knii\Ul that ... , , m~.·h,Hh· \\a:-- l·oming that \\ay. fnr it \\'a :-. lltll hIll !..!. ''It en I hea r d j,,. ~t-:--tl')l-.. and S t 1111<..'• •ne talking. Tltc hurgl:u.' jumped , ,ut and in a gruff ' '"ice told them tu h" ld up tltcir hand-.. . It \\'a-.. a \ ' llllll:.!' man and lady . Th e yt1ung matt

1utnpecl it•n\·ard t• • prc•~el't thL· lady ancl the burglar :--hnt him. ·, ;r;tl1hin~ me. th e httr~lar ran ancl c\id 11 11 t :-- t••p until he had , u 11 a J,;11 g di-..tance fn•lll the pla~·l· 11i t he ht ,Jclup. \\' hen he th~~u~ht that hL• hatl ;..,: e~lll' a ... a i • d i:-- tatn- e he -..t"ppcd. t~tnk pfT the , ·,,·l'rall-. a nd ldack ~.:lc1tlt. put t he m \\'ithin me and \\'ent un

agatlt .

.. Finalh· \\'l' ~.·a mt.' t 11 a irt..·i~h t yanJ .... and there the man g •1t

1111 ; 1 traill ~hat ,,a ... ju .... t gni n~ tt lll. \\' h e n \\'C ramc to tlt i-.. -.. tn·a 111 h L· th n·\\ lllL' , ·, (( tltt· trai n . and a:-- I icll int•) the \\'atl'r I th t~ tt "h t th:tt m,· l ' tH i lw d L·••llll'. :\"'' that _,.,,u ha\e l•c ~.. n :--n

1 ind~ 11 me and -... ;l\ ~,.·d me ir"llt clnl\\'lling. I \\'ill tdl ~ uu uf the

,el-rt·t that I ha \L' :..!U:trkd i••r :--n many year:--."

ltt't then !larry heard hi-.. lll t~thc r l·a lling him and. pick ­ing ;,p tlt c.: bag. he and Lu l· ik -- t:trte<l aLTtl ;o.:' the rtclcl ftH' h(llll(.! .

·1 hL' \' Jrad ) 1 l· c.·t~tl1L' ~~~ iutcrL·-..tcd in the :-' tt•ry that th ey had n<~t 1111 ti~Td that t he :-- un had :tlrl·.tdy :--d. llu rrying tc ~ \\ arcl th_etr 1J, 1111 L tl 1 ~,.· , · 1nct t hl'ir iather and m• •thcr \\Ito \\'cre Jll' .. t :--e ~llll f..!' ••U t lt• lut-,k i11 r t lit.: lil. ~~.ciu:~ t he ha~ !l arry ha_tl. \lr~. oil)\·

l•" •k it ir,• •t t hi:11 ;t :td :t ked lt: lt t \ \ ltc..:tl' Ire had lut111d 1t. . , ; ,

d 1ildt en Jn~gan t11 t ell th e.: ' ' ll tHkriul :-- t ury \\ hich the h a :· l.,uJ

Page 9: 10-01-1914


t o ld them, whe n l\ J rs. 'olby gan; a littl·· t tl 1 '" :-- ar ec cry anci ~aid,-

.• \ \' hy · Papa. lnnk ; t IIi:-- i!'­pf your nam e sti ll , · i:-.il>le!

y<~ur ul_d ha .~ . ...:L' t'. hl·rc j .., p <Ht I WI tJHicr If the ring i ... :-- till hcrt•?

" :hl're I put it tilL· day \\'(' "ent lll. \I{ 1.1·:~ ~Tc > p 1'1 ·: 1.~. ·1.;.

()h. Dear, here 1't · · I S, JUSt

THE ~ARABLE OF THE PRODIGAL FATHER. (lsctl hy l>l'rlll l . . ' 1. r \ . . · !":-- nn u · S:--lll'IHltll n Pr t::-- ... )

L'Fl'T \ 1' 1 ~' . -~man had t\\ o :-otllh,' .·tlt<l tl f 1 1<: yc lllllgcr

u t .•em ~aid to hi~ father. •·j;,.tlll' ' r. '" gin: llll' th e portHill of thy tim e. ancl I tty attL·n t ittll. <ttHI thy cumpaniunship. and th ,. 1 t o me.' ' " Cll tlll !'e "'h ic It fa! kth

he ))a id the I ·· ·i\.ln_d he c)i,·ideu unto them his li,·inn in th a t >Oj !" >Ills and setlt 1 • r--

sc hool. and t 1 · · · · 11111 tu a sckrt prcparat11rv ° C ancJJJ~· schonl ·tn d t II • belie,·e that he \\ .. lS cl ·. I. r' 1. fl l'P L'ge and tried t••

. ~ . oJng- lis u I duty hy th e hn\'. .\ nd not lll «t ny clars after. th e iath .. ... . . . . .

est !-' and aspirat' . : I . . el r--.tlh<.:led all IJJ:-- Inter-. lOll!' cliH amh ttton s and t k I . . . .

a fa r cuuntn· int<' ·t l·tlt I f k no tb J•'urney lntn , • .. c < o s t• ,l .. -.: · 1 1 1 1

and o ther thin~,.s \\'hJ . . 1 1

· . · • IH >nne s and st:curi ti cs ~· c.: 1 < o not Interest a 1 . • . 1 \\'a~ ted hi . I .· . . . ( Hl) • ell)( there he

~ >rccwus <1]>portuntt)· 11f 11 •• .. . . 1 . son. elll~ c.l c.: ll1111 t u Ill~ 0\\'11

A nd when he 1 1 la( :'pent tilt: \ ' CJ'\' best f I . . r f ga in ed m o ney hut had fai led t " r I: .. .'f. :•. lis ' c and llaci mi•Thty famin e i 1 I . . I til< . • ttt:-- .tctt()ll, there aruse a

r-- I 11:-- lCart; and he heu·n t I . ~ympa thy and re~tJ Clll11 l >' •

1 . ~c 11 0

>C 111 want of c:: cllliOIIS 11J>.

And he \\'Cllt a nd joined himself to I ' f I ·I co_un try ; an(~ t h cy cl Cl' ted hi 111 C ha i rm ;l ;~l:()(; t ~1 ~c ~ r ::~;;ell f l hat mtttee and l resident of the Cluh ·t nd . , t I . ()111 -

nd he would fain h·t,·e ..,.Ltl . . ,. I I·. !"lf<.:n lim to ongres~. ~ ...... s Je< lllllSe . 't l I I

o ther men did cat ancl 11 . "' 1 t lC tu :--ks th a t ~ 0 lnan .. ·a,·c tt11t, 1· ship. r-- < 11111 any real friend -

But when he came t o him!"clf he s·tid .. of m y acquaintaJH'C ha,··· I . ·, . c ' ll o w man y men

"' H ') :-- w tom t ftc · 1 wh o understand them . who t ·tlk . I t I . ) unc er!'-tand and

· 1

• .t >ou t 1c1r bllr s · 1 · w tt 1 their hoys 'tnd seen f 1 ,., · ~•n c as son ate

• c • 1 per ec t y lrtppy in tl o f their son and 1 perish 1 . 1 1 " H: comradeship

, . lere \ Jt 1 lcart hun•,.er I 1 · ·11 . o · \\ 1 an ·e


and gn t o my son . and will say unt him. 'Son, I have sinned against ll ca,·en. and in thy sig-ht; 1 am no more w rthy to be called thy iathcr: make me a:' nne of thy acq u aintances.',

.\nd he aro:'e and nttne to his snn. Rut while h e was yet aiar 11fT. his son saw him and was mn,·ed with astonishment.

:tncl instead nf running- and fallin~ nn his neck. he drew back

atld \\as ill at ea:'c. . \ncl the father ~aid unt11 him. "~un. 1 ha,·e ~ inned again~t

I kan:n. and in thy sight: I am no more worthy to he called thy father. FPrg-i,·e me nnw anrl let me be y n ur frie nd ."'

But the son saici. .. ~nt :--o. I wish it were possible. hut it is l• 1" late. There was a time when 1 wanted to know things. whl'n l wanted companionship and counsel. but you w ere too husy. l got the infnrmatim1. a nd I gnt the compan ion~hip; h ut I ~nt th e \\'nlltg" kind and now. ala~ . lam wrecked in ~nu l and in body and there i:' nothing yuu can do for me. 1 t is too

late, too late, too late ." IJL:\KE \\·. l~ODFRE Y. Brooklyn.


() · want m e to tell you about o ur ~ettl1ng here?

\\'ell. perhap:-. it w u nlcl be well. Y uu ynun~ people. li,· ng- in luxury. little real ize how we !'- trugg led. suffered and sacrificed, that you mi g ht ll(l\\' cnj()y what y~1u ha,·c. <>h. no. l han~ ne,·er regretted it. hut J can no t forg-et ho\\'

,,·c kept :'tcaclfastly u n thrnugh hardships and clisappointn1ents

ior th e ~ake of o ur children. " \Y el l. cnnrlitinns w ere not \'<: ry pru~pcrou:' in th e Xcther-

iand~ and did n o t promise tn heL·ome much better. so some of us began t o talk about emigration. \\·e thought uf the Du tch East lndie~ and of 'ape uf ( ;n<'cl I l ope. but after we had ~cnt twu men t o in\·cstigate. we decided to go to America. A cnmpany t> f about fiity :--ailed in September. lt 46, on the ·southerner,' a brig. ancl we were on the ocean forty-~e,·en days. Dan~erous? \' cs. 1 suppose it was, hut we were so full nf hope and enthusias m that w e :'carccly tho ught uf that. For­

tunatL·ly we hacl 111 1 s e\ ere :' ltlrtll :' . "\\ ' hen \\'C arri ,·ed in ~ ew York, we didn't know exac tlY

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I fi THE \~( ' lJOH

\\ lw 1 , • ' ' • • , \\ 1 1 ' \Trt · gttlll ~. < · It~ r Jll' ' '~tl~ · I •• · il· .'.l··t.· 'll':\.;t ... . \1 i, 111 :.· :111 \\ '. . 1

. • • 1 .... t . It II ... Ill I tl I I\\ :t. ; Ill t) \\ I •II d t . l' l' d \ .. j 1\ i ll.' ·' • :: I: : t." . Y .. 11 ,,, ., .. ''~' It I . I r I . . -:u 1111 II t•:t 11 I I( ' ... J:;t( • 111 ll tt· , 11l1 1 •••• \\ \.: l ! rk IIIII \\ : t\ ' " lklt ,•it :tlld \\aited tiH·n · a it:\\ d:t~ · \\ . :; , l )r. \ ·111 1\ :t:tltt·. ••llr lt-:ttft.r. dt ·l· id<:d "lt<' rt: t• 1 ~'·· l.'" in...: t , tltl· ' I • '"' ~' 1 d. 11:" i ;..~: tl i 11 11 i t " :1 .. i IIIJ ' • •"" i I d ( · t • , ~. , I a ·' , •II rl .\ I ; ; i....: a n . ..... \\\ ' \U' III Ill) Ill r:r:wl, l.:tk(·. \\ llidt IJ<.: tl l .. tt ~llt \\:t· t' tl' Ill ·t

"- llil :tf,l,· J·l:tn· f,t.'l': llt "-<' .. r 1ft,. r icl1 ..,,,if. thl' L'' •l11t llcrci;tl ad·.all­l:tg t·..., .. n·l·n·d ''-' 11:" i,;..::tti••ll. tltl' pn·~imit _, l' • t it· lakv. "'iridt """ld "'"clt-r:ttl· till' tvntpc.·r:ttun·. and l,t·<·a u-..,· ,, j t l c iatt tltat il '':1 ..., :t ..... , .. , \\lll'l'l' 111:111." ''"11ld l•L· aiJit: l•• litH} " " "" \\ itlt•• lll d:llt"''~' .. r "'"lttc.-ri"" , ... 1 • tl · · 1 · - · :-- • :--· ··" _, Ill I(• -..prtll ~ 11) K-1/ \\l' :trt l\t·d Ill· 1 l' · t'" Ill i II ,;..: h Y till· \\ a _, " i . \ lie~ a 11 • \\ It l' r c \\ l' IL· i t t h e " ll lltl· 11

uutil ."'' ,·.,ttld prc.,ide "'ll llll' -.. IH: lter j,,r them . . \ part~ ,,j

. \ltll'l'tt' :t lh \tdtttttccn:d t11 ''"llll' " · ith u .... t" tcal· lt u-. It" " l•• ,· ll•'f• lt'l' l' .... . J,uild f,. ,;..: IH'" "'' "' :111d t1• m:tkl' r";tel ...... j, 11• ,,l. kill'\\'

ll ' l_\' Jittll' :tlHIII( :-. llcft tllilt g...,, :111d. 11 f l'lllll'"-l'. tfte re \\l'l'l' Jill

clv:trillg ...... 1111 11••tt .... l' ..... illld 1111 n •;~<l ...... l.'xn·pt lndi:tn t rail-.. . until \\t. ' lll:ldl' tltl'llt. < >ur li r-..t ... f1l'ltcr \\':t-.. put up 1111 t ill· !till l':t .. t .. i II .. IJ:tnd . \\llt·rc \\l' tl1••u;.:.l1t till' city \\'t~llld IH: . It \\:t .... a \t'l' \ cr11dl' :1f'fair hut it ..., l' f'\ ' l•d until "t· ct~ uld make.: a hcttl-r llltt• ancl it ":t:-. illll'n·:-. t in~ in ln·in~ tltl· pl:t~..·c.· \\'hl'rt' the fir:--t 11i 11Ur

ltlltllhc.T dil·d ;tnd tltl· lir:-- t dtild \\'il' h11r11.

"l ' 11til \\'l' l'11t1ld l~t1ild a cllllrcll. \\l' hl'lcl ...,l·n· icc.::-. out-nf­d1"11· ..... . \\ ' l' ~· ttl clt•\\11 :t lar~(· tn.·L'. Lhed till' :-- tlltltp a-., a pu lpit :t11d tltt· ! .. ,;..: lnr :t h~..·ndt. Y11u think it htllttrl rll tt :--. pt·rltap:--. IHJt

i 1 " :'"' :I ''l' r Y "'l' r i 1 11 1 ~ :t fT: 1 i r t 1 1 ll ~ . ( • h u r d 1 "'l' n · i r l', It ad ttc.· , ·c 1

llll::tlll :'II llllll'lt lc~ IIH' ;1~ lltt•tt, \\ IH·n \\'l' wen· mt·l· ti 11 ~ di :--:tp­l.~~~~~~lllll'llh and dl:--l'II LJr:tgl'lltt·nt 1111 all -..ide" . and mi~ ltt lta\·l· :a tll-d. lt:td it n,,t hl'\'11 i••r tltl· ltc.:lp .. f ,,ur c;"cl.

" \\ ' c.· :--'""' n·:tli ;~ c.·d that \\'l' tH't·ckd .... lllll' itll'lll 1 ,j ~CI\' l'l'll -111l'lll: :-'tl a~ \\·c.· n•ttld 11111 hLTIIIl te citizlth in tllll'di:t tch·. \\l' ~ c.· ..... ··h l'd ••llr~l· h· t·:-- int" a kincJ .. r dl'llllll'racy . gn\'l'rni 11~- a;c,•rd ­tll~ l11 tltc.· lll:ljttrit.' rule.-. C >ur lliL'etin,;..:..., \\l'l'l' knuwn a:-- '\ '1dk-..­\Tr~ : tclt-rittgen' :tlld tltc.Tl' \\t' di~t· u-.. ..... l·cl and regulatt-d l al~tn· :tttd \\ :tgl' :-', tkcid('d l1• l~tt i ld r11:trl.., :1 11d hrirlge ...... 11 rganizt'd 11 ur ~~.·~lt~td and L' \' l'll ..... l·ttlt·d Jll'l':-.fltt:tl .~ril'\:llll'c.·:-- . ~lany :-'tr:tlt_t: . tlllll .;..!:-- \\' t'l'l ' hrtl\tgllt up f,,r di :-; ~.· u ...,:-- i .. tt and tllatl\' ltl':ttl·d ar~ u -lllt'lll ..... lll'ld . .

"( >ur littk ct~lu11y \\ ;, ..... jtt :-- t likl.· tiiiL' l:trgl' i:11 nih·. all can11

.. I :-- •


i11r eac.·h (lthcr and putting their money into a l·ommon fund ' ' ith whil'h t '' htt\' ... upplie-.. . \\ ' c huilt a 'cnltllly store' from '' hidt pr~~, · i .... i•tJb. h•ntght "ith this m•tney. wen.· ~i,·en nut. ' IIJ:tt \\';t .... n••t :t -..Ul'l' l':--:-- and Ja...,ll!d ~ran·l·ly a year. :\ 'ndony 'l'"'"'l.. i' ''a-.. lh111;.:.ht 1111 the -..a me prinl·iplc hut that. too. wa~ n i:tilun·. In additi•llt t• • thi :--. 1111r ignnranrc and lac k nf cxpcri-·ncl' ca u:-:t•d tt:-- tr••tthll'. inr we th()ught we cnnlcl rcpru<lucc

c, •t HI it i 1 111.... n f t h l' \.' l ' t lw rIa ncb h c r c . an cl w c h u i It a \\' i 11 d m i 1 I nl·:tr thl· <;rand ll:t,·cn l,ridgl' and latct·. ;t wat •r-po\\'l't· mill. I ;,,th ''ere Utt ..... tH·n· ... -..iul ancl y••u l':tn imagine how all thcst· lailtttT .... dr:tilll'd the l't)J,,ny ,,f lllttncy.

"In the lattl' r part ,,j that summt•r. when\\'(' tllllU~ht we ,· .. uld ... tand 1111 ll11tl'l'. malaria hr11ke 11t1t and the C(llt~ny :'onn !wl·:tme 11tH.' hl·d 11i ... ickttt'"''· Th e ~trange dimatc. the un­draitH'd mar ... lws. llll:-'anitan· t'llt tdi t ittllS. lad.: tlf mecliral aid . , 111 d ni l':'o\pericnl'l' \\Trl' t11 I> Ia me f( •r the ~prca<l uf the d1:-'case .ttld the grea t 1111•rtality. I'll nc\·(·r furget <.'ntcring :-'Olll uf tftt,..,t• crtt\\dt·d hut .... whl· re l'ach iamily was iun:ed ttl accom­llt••dall' it-..eli tn a il'w .... quart' icct. \\'here ht~tl!-.ehnld dutic~ "l' l'l.' IH·in~ ..:arril·d 1111 :tmicl :-- ie kiH:. ~ . clcath and the drc~s ing­,.j ,·,•rp~l·~. <>h. it \\'=t' terrihll'! \\ ' c were ncar th point of <il•-..p:tir. "lwn :-- tHl<knly the \\'Cather changed and we were """' t•tl. Tlw autl\11111 and ''inter were ~tl mild that we could wnrk ,,ut~idl· lllt 1Slt li tltl' time and the in,·:did:-; ~tHl ll rceo\·ered.

" .\t thi:-- time \\'l' :-'hll \\·ell anoth r· one "r l1Ur llnllancl tr:tih. altlt••Ugh \\l' did twt kn''"' :tt thc.· time that it was pec.·u ­lt:tr t11 u~. in t·hc ercdi1111 11i a ·\\·cc::.-huis.' an orphan-a~ylum . \\ ' l' \\'t' r. ttl't'lt:--lt,mt•cl t 1• lta\T t lllt' in the ~cthcrlancls ancl ct' th m:tl:tria ltacl kit m an \· L'lti ld rcn urphan~. \\·e tnnk thi~ mean ..; to l' :trt' f111' them. It ha-ppened that the children were aduptcd hy t:1111 ilie-.. ancl that tht• lntilding \\' :t:-' nc,·cr tt:-..ed f.,r the ()riginal purp1•..,l'. but it :--h11\\ ed 11ttr :-'pirit. at least.

"( >t 1c thin ~. \\~hirlt \\'ill "'hn\\' Y' 'u the incnn,·enicnrc:o; and rkpri\:tlillll~ \\.' l.' \\'l.'J'l' itHTed t ll ~ttf>m it til, \\'a~ thl' dil'ti c uJ~y ,u• lt:td j 11 ,.J 1taining 11l11' ... uppli c~. Thc~c hacl to he hrnug-ht 111

1n, 111 . \llq.~:r 11 hy ~~~ -team ttr .-~,metillll'..., l'\' Cil till hack " ' ·cr tht· , ,·ry p 111 ll'l''l ni r .. ad'. \\ .l' ren·i,·ecl mai~ only n n_l'C' a \\· ~ ·k . t••r that ltad t•' l,e carril·tl in t•n hack a dt-..tanre ol h .·n 1111le..:. . Y 11 u c ;111 inta~inc what an i...,1,Jatcd iccling- that ~a,· c u :-- and

Page 11: 10-01-1914


h u w w elc me some new:-; \\'a!' from those whom we had le ft

behind. ''.-\ ftcr the lir:'t trying year~. condition=-- gradually grew

better. < >ur g-nmnd was in a fai r runditiun. we had uur l·r• •P =' · and ead1 family . except the ncwl·umcr'. h acl it:' u \\·n h o u se and ra rm. O ur hupe wa:-; n.·,·i ,·ed a nd we went about o ur wnrk with rene\,. d cneq .. ~_,. and determinatiun. \\ ' e all felt that a ~ ~ real deal nf credit i11r 11t1r sun: t· =--~ wa:-' dut• n ur minister and

icader, Dr. :\ . C. \ ' a n l~ aalte. ior uftcn his rourag-e and pcr:-;l·­, ·erance. cheered and spu rred u s nn when we were <•n th e p c1 int

1f g-i,· ing up. But the prc~ent de,·elt~pment of the coJ,m,·. it :-:. material pru:-'perity. and in tellectua I a ncl Stlt: ial c l e,·at i, 111 which ha:' raised u s innn the immigrant:-; 11i 1H47 ttl th e :\merira n t' iti ze n s of tnclay. mu:--t i>l' attril ntt ed largely to the fact that we hacl t:••m e h ere wi t•h th e definite purpos e ni bettering the ecun u tlli e. ~ucia l and religit•us cunditi1ms. nut :--o mu ch fnr

oursl'h· e~ . hut for our pn:--terity. ' 17.


1. S :\ B B< >TT. h a , . y n u m e t o ur n e w lmarclcr ?" EleaJH )r .\ bhot h•t,kc<l up into th e beaming.

go< d-natnrccl iare oi her landlady . "Ynn mean the forei g ner. I s ttp)Hl:--C. :\lr:-;. \\'illi am:-;. I han!

lltltit:cd him. hut nut t a lked with him . I le i .... a (;reek, isn't he?"

" ~o; an Armenian. I am !"n sorry f11r the pont- fellow .

Yuu ~ee . he !cit :\ rmenia thinkin g- that he could g·t·t W1 >rk here a t ~nch high wage:- that hl· \\' ~tUid bec ,mle rit:h in a s h ur t tim e . li e is sn pentliar. huwe,·cr. th at he has ft•und :-;carceh· an,·thinu· - - :--..

lt> cl\1 , and he finds it hard ttl li,·e . :\J r . :\l iltPn ha:' g-i,en him a

)11 1-.;i tillll in hi :-- gTt'enhtHbe IJUW. hut th e p:,l\· is \'(."ry Sllla )J. f du \\'i:--h that Yl• Lt coul d sec som e uf the jewel ;-; he h a :-' . I'm

s u re he r•ntld sell tJIH'lll. hut he <luesn't seem t n care t n. or

~t tlt crwise his pril'e:' 3re t nn high. lie ha:' a :' tring uf bead...,

th at is heauti iul."

:\1 i: s :\) ,hot finished h er s upp <."r and r e tirC'cJ t o the library. ~ he wished s he might s et: th ()St: jt:\\'cl s . f,,r ~t)mehu\\' . --he wa s

al\\'a \· ~ ia!" l: inatecl hy l tdcl, peculiar ur nam e nls.

j \ I

t , I •

f • I


I r



··Sec. :\J i:'s . \!,hot. here an: the beads f was telling you alHntL Ill· didn't like t11 h:l\e me take them. hut f promi!"ed t11 l11·ing tlH.'lll right bark . . \ ren't they g-rand?"

.\nd the landlady ' ..., eye-- ...,Jt"nc with admiration. Thl· ~irl llttcn•cl an cxdamatit~n uf delight. She had n e ,·er

·.;et•n anything ""''l' xqui .... itc. :\ dtnthlc :'tring of beads of a 1110~1 lll':tutiiul :--hack ,.j red: ca1.:h head perfectly can·ed and perfe t

itl l'I J tllt~lll' and \'lll t• r . and till' da:'p a rare design in dull g ld. ~Ill' e'alllilll' d tltcm l':trdully. and then handed them back tu

~dr'. \\ ' illiam'. \\ ' hat ran· \\t~rkmanship! ~he \\'anted tho:e

i1eacb. and\\' ~'" gtting tu ha\T them ii sudt a thing were po ~ ­

.... ihlt:. The pril·e might he ah"''c her mean:-:.. hut she was ~uing

tu tn· tu 11htain them . The next C..'\' l'Jling l·: lt'annr .\hhnt waited in the libra ry

until the i!lreigner had ~· ·ne int11 the dining-hall tn s upper. There was s •• llll' thing pathetic in the littl e man's appearance. IIi ..; iace wa:-- thin and haggard; hi:- eyes Wl'rc :-'unken a nd dull;

and. a"' he walked. he I•H•kl'd ~o: on:'tantly about him, as if fearful that :-'•tlllelllle might be j,.J]It\\'ing him. :\li:--"' t\hhnt w nt in

and t•u•k a :--eat next l11 him at the tab le . "l.a ... t night :\lr:'. \\' illiam :-' s h 11 wcd me the beautifu l string­

,,j l>t•ad..- "hil·h Y• lll hr" ng·ht with you from }'llllr home in . \tne ri~.· a l ha,·e nl'\Tr "'l'l'll anyt h ing- ..;o 1\n·cly . You don 't

1.: ar~.· tt• :--l•ll t hem. c\11 yt•u?" The man's dark eyes brightened an in:-'tant. and he n odded.

"Y~o•s? F••r ho\\' much?" Tltt· man ln ... ·:-' itall'<l. . \ s hrc \ ·d light s hune in his eye.

" l·•>rty !" .. FortY <], ,]}a r~ ? Tha (:-' tnn mudt. l ' :l n 't pay it ...

. \ gain tltl' man he:--itatcd. "Thirty." he :-.aiel. The girl 'hut •k her hl·:td. ··l·: ,·en that i=-- ton much. I'll

.. i,.,. '''u twcnt\·- li,·e d,dJar' i••r them . Twent\'-li,·e dollar~ ;--. ... .. .I

l a .... h . Du \ ' I l l\ UIHkr .... t:llld ?" The .\ rmenian n.,ddcd . " \\' ait!" he ~:tid . ancl ran up the

.. tair'. Uuickly hl· rctllrnecl. carrying a :-'mall package. J le

lllt•ked ... tc..·althily al>••ut i1 1r a llH>mcnt. and then handed th e pa~.· k:t g l' t11 thl' girl. ~he t~J>l'nl·d i t. and ~aw that it t·•mtained the head... . Then .... ltl· , .• ,unkd 1111t hcf,,rc the exei t ed man

L\\ t..'n t y - ll,·e dttllar:-- . .. Y !l \1 tll tl ll:ll; nnt :--a,. where you buy!" :-;aiel the man .

Page 12: 10-01-1914


ln her rt HJ lll that t'\'Cning the gi rl ag-ain examined the head s. "I s u re ly clid ~. ct a har~ain. and the m n ncy will la ... t th e pc111r fl'llll\\ ' a l"ng timt·. I \\' n tHkr \\hat the hc:-tds are. and wh~· r :: lit.: ~~~ t thc111 . I l c ;u: t t'd :-'11 str:tll~eh· :thtllll my kll ill·~· \\'hcrc I hcntg •llt tlw m . I wcntcl<.'r if he ~.:uuld han: \\ ' t'IJ, l'n· gtlt the IH.·ad :-' . and th ey're perfect beauties.''

The head s . he 1\n.·, ·er. did tl tl l prnn.> an entire enjnymcnt. F,·ery time s ite wort' thl' lll .... ,,mcthing· unfnrttt11:1te lwppened . { >ne dity s h e 1« >:-- t ht•r k ey..;: an n tht·r :--he hrc •k c a mirr(l r . and this mis i11 r tunc \\'as foll••\\·ecl h.r the u s ual ruuncl 11f an·iclcnt..;; then h e r leading :-a k •.., Jady left \\'ith u ut gi,· ing notice . and tltll' t>i the otht·r clerk's -.; lipped till the :--tait·s ancl s prained her ankle. :\ I i .... f" r t llllt' f" ll 11 \\' c d 111 i :-- i" r tune. a n d a I \\'a ' · s \\'hen s h c won.· tlte . \ nnenian heads .

. \ s s it ' walked t el\\ ani her hoarding- hou se one nt )oll. -..c , ·­eral \\·ecks later. :-- lte ll(ltic:ccl. in the square. t\\'n foreigners e:agcrly <:c ltl , ·crs i ng. Site It H 1kccl at them l'l t~se ly. fnr s h e thuught that n tH.' 11 i them mig ht I>L' the .\rmcnian. but she "a"' Lhat th ey \\ e t·e stran~ crs. :\ -.. :'he p:.t:"'!--Cd. they turned :1nd l11uked at her. at \\ lti (' h tltll' uf them spc.kc a it•\\· hurried \\'urds in . t>mc in re ign t•mg uc. The ~irl's curit •sity \\'as arnusccl. hut ~ It ' \\'alkcd on.

Sc,·cral clays pa-.;~ut ancl th e .\ rnwnian had left the c ity. Then. one m urn i tl g', the t Wll men s lt ' had :-:ct· n in th e sq tt:t t·e entered her s tnn·. lt >okecl ar()ttnd. and \\'alk •d o ut a g-a in. ~hl'

paid tltl att e nticm tu th l'ir al'titlllS. ftll" :--he thnn.~·Jlt that thc..·y had m a< k s o 111 e 111 is take.

: \ g-ai tt and ;1gain :-: lt e :--:1\\· thc..·:' c t\\'o ftlrcignt·r:-: ahtl llt th e c: ity . Tht·y seemed tP f1•llnw ltct·. t •• watch h er. :111<l niten they pas.:-.cd by Iter s tt ll'<.'. and :-- tuppL'd lt• lt~tlk in thron~h the \\'in ­dnw. lntt their a c tiutb \\'t' re p<..'t' llliar. ll tl l tlhtlttXitlltS. {)nc e\' <.•ning-. h ,,,,.c,-e,·. ~Itt• attended a reccptittn and . a~ s h e \\':t ~

\\alkin g- dt l\\' 11 the hall inHll the clre:-:~ing--rnom. ~ht• saw. t'tllll­ing ttl\\':trd her . ntH.' ,,f the icltTi~· n<..'rs .. \ ..:. he pa:--:--c<l. hi"' g lance il'll npnn the IH:ad :-: "hi~- h she \\' t•n• abt~ ttt her neck. :tncl s he "':t\\ :1 peculiar. ~ in i:- t~·r l c~ttk in !tis ey es. Slw \\'o ndcred ,;,~ttl';.\' \\hat t ha t '""k l'tl ttld m c:tP Lut .... ,Hill fttrg •'t ahuut th~..· i Ill' i d l' Ill.

"I he th '~ l aitl'nttultl. :\I r ..... ( ;,,udrich. the ma\ t11'..; \\ iic, v11tered :\lis~ :\hbllt's s t• •rL'.


Page 13: 10-01-1914


.... a!.~-" .

1,.~ ·.

Pr •1.-s<:(lr v' Ettuc;~ li on


Prof•,sor of Phlln'lnph) lin d R1bl .-

T If J•: • \ ~ (' II 0 H 21

"l .lt"ttllttr. lt:t\l' ~··u ltl':trd tht· -..tran~c .... t11ry ahnut th~ \ 1111\'lti;ln .... ~ y,.ll Ita\ 11.1 ~ \\ ~:11. it 'l'l'llt .... that a \l':tr ag11 a ~lt ill;.! ••i -.an·~..·cl l·~..·;tcl--. '' lti~·IJ IHIII!.! i11 a temple i1~ . \ rm~·nia. \\:1-. 't•dt·IL Tltv tlti~:i \\:t .. :t peculiar 111;111. :111 \ rnwni:tt l. wltc • ir:td '•ll t t~..·l~t•\\ h~..·c••lltt· \l'l'_, ttltll·h )'n:juclin·d again--t tltt' :.!"''­ll'ltlttl' llt :t11d r~..·li!.!i"" ,.f \ nllt'tlia. and till· c•piniclll \\'a-.. t ha t IH· tlt 1111 "1t l l•• :1\ l'll!..!l' llillt .... elf •·i '"llll' int:t!_!i nan \\ rclll'' In· --t~..·al ­"1',.: tit"· ·-:t, ·l\ d 1,~..-:td-- . \\ It~. :1 th~..· thdt "a-. di .... c"' l'l-:~1 t.hl' man l1: 11 I I k d . :t 11 d it \\ :t ... 111 Ill• 11 l' d t h a t It 1.. had ;..: ~>Ill' t " . \ 111 c • .' ric a . I"'' ••I tlt~o.· ll'lllJIIv !..!ll;tJd-. '''"k ;t ,,." t•• l'l.'l'(t\l.'r till.' head-...

:111d th~..·_, { .. JJ,,,,v,: t hl' tll:tll . It 'l'l'lll-.. th a t be \\l'llt lir .... t t11

~l'\\ ~ oork: l•ut \\ lt~o.· ll hi~ Jllll-tlll . .... arriu•d h~..· h:tCI llt••,t•d \\' l· .... t ­

\\:trd . . \t la-..t till'_, tra~..·cd lti111 too thi-... ~..·ity. hut hl.' had ldt 111.. i11rc till'.' f, tltltrl him .

.. It 'l'l' 111 - . It"'\' v' v r. l l1 ; 1 t 11 , · It a 1 .... , 'I d t 11 t· h l' a d ... tc 1

\\lllll all hl'l'l'. It llltt .... l lt:l\ l' ln .. TII --•IIIII' ••Ill' -..t:L.' in:..:. :tl till· t•tlt\1111 • r till: T:t\l'lll Thv t"" klllplo..· !:_ liard-.. lt:\\l'

:--• 1111\.'

~a 11 i­IH..Til

;jloolJlld IJI..'IL' j,,J' -V\\.I:t) \\l'l'k-.. :tlld Jt:t\l' todd Jlll IIIIL' thl'i l iou -itn· ....... lllltil ·' c..·-..fl·rcla_,. '' lll' tl :\It· . ( ;,.,,driclt a-..k"·d tlt~..·IIJ "hat :Ill' ck-.incl in ooui· ,·it_, Th~..' ~:~,- ~... 1111 ,k-..crip ti••tl ,,j tltl' 1 •l':td --.• tlld dv-ir~..·d '''' lll·lp in ro..·l·••'.l'rin:...:. tltl'lll. 1 .... 11·l it lilt ­

' .tllll .'". FIt: 111, 'r :- \\ h l' r, · d i d ' ' •ll 1111 ' ' • u r Ill' " J, L ad ..... ~ \\ "ul• 11.1 it 1~~..· --t i'.tll~ l ' il !lt• ,-v \\ e : L· t it~.· --alTl·d hl·:tcl<·"

l·.ll':lll••r \J,J,~ , ,- .. i:tco..· ttlrttlcl r~..·d :tnd "hite in tu rn. Tl1e j,v,· llli :tr a,·t j, 'II' ,,j tlto..· i••r1.. i :.~ th· r-.. "1.. r1..· l''l'!ai11vd: thl· 1111..'11 had l\'11 hvr ""':tr tit~.· J,~... ,d .... : h:ul '-l' ..... J•o..·,· tl'd lwr. lnll dl·-.ired ' " l•1..·

.tJ, ... ,J utl'l.' ,-~,. nain l11: i"rl' tl · -~ :ttl, · l~ll'tl·d t!tl· rn·,., ~..-r~. l~ut

:\! 1 .... . ( ;r:th:tnl 1t:11 ... t ,,, •l I It••\\. ' I Lo..· ~. ttl l.tu:...:.lt L·(I. and :I ll'" l..'ro..·d: · \\ .. uldn't i t :- !~ut tit~.··· ~.· ·- II " d:tl~ :...:. vr :th .. tlt t hat. :\lint· :tiT In

Ill I I Ill' :J n.... ' .• I .... t I \ ltl..'; I d... ..

• I l \ .

I IJ l' \

.. :\ I ' l1u .... J,: 1111 I .... ; Ji c : t il : 11 It l' 1 l! i nJ, .... 1 h ~..· " "m; t 11 It: 1 .... h: it tlw l ' lt~.. \·Jn~..· 11ian-- t•old i. i1 11 tl t:ti t il ' ' d" tt"t think"'· and

":t\o..' ltiilt tllo..·ir ,-. .. nl ,, j Jt .. n, r th.tt thv\ ""uld lir-.t J,l. , l 'll.tolt 111 l'l'!.!:trd ' " tho..· ,., It~.. rl':tl• .. tlt • "i Lltl' l•l · :t.J ..... and " ••uld tlto..·lt l•u' tlto..·111 l•o~~..·l. Til~.·_, ... ;,id t : tl..'~ , .. ,,uJd d•• thl· t l!i~..·i w•

1.11111. i••r tlto..'.' ),lJil'\ld l11ttt itt .... :tlll. Tht·ir ••nl~ ck-..tr L· \\:t ' l•• "' ·,,,vr t lt1.. lol',ttl ... '1tl ••ttl tll:d,in:..:. th1..· --l·•l'\ public. and t hen \ II IVIllrtt l11 . \1111\..'llia ."

I . , \.' Ill !tl' l' -- ll)'pt·r I'

:"--lit' ''a -.. -... url· that 111..'1' !

Page 14: 10-01-1914


were the sacred bead!-i, and just as :'Ure ,,·a ;;, !-ihe that the .1\rmenian!-i knew that she had the heads. \\'hat wa!'i she t n do? There was o ne thing upo n whic h s he was fully ckcidcd . - ... h e was ~oing- to keep those heads. She w o uld not wear the m ag-ain in public for a lo ng- time, and then perhaps the men w o uld think they had made a mistake.

That nig-ht !-ihe wrapped the heads in a handkerchief. anrl put them carefully in a little wicker tea-po t in her honk-case. For the next two days !-ihe !-ia w n o thing- of the Armenians. Then. n ne afternoon, ~lr~. c;ondrich ca lled aga.in.

''lfave you heard anything- m ore of the beads?" I·: Jeanor asked her laughingly.

"No. J ha,·en't, aud Mr. (;nodrich h a~n·t !'ieen the m en . either. 1 wonder if they ha,·e left t o wn. The,· mav ha,·e fol­lowed the woman who hough t the heads. -\ \' e 'II prnha hly ne,·er hear o f them again."

That e\·ening ~Ii !-i!'i :\bhot attended a cnnccrt. She re­turned to her rooms and retired at o nce. Somehow h er mind constantly re\'crted to the r\ rmenians, a nd the s t ory nf the beads. \Vhen s he tinally fell asleep, it wa!'i t o tlrea1~1 that a man. f earfu 1 in s tatu rc and f ea tu res. entered her room. wa I ked direct ly to the book-ca:'e. took the beads from their hidinn·­place, and left the room again. She awaken ed with a start. a 1~d !:omething- pro mpted her to g-o to the bo<Jk -casc, and sec whether the bead~ were !-iafe.

She removed the co ,·er frnm th e tea-pot. and a sheet nf paper, tog-ether with a r 11 of bill~. fell out and lav at her feet. The he~d~ w ere gone! Slowly s h e pit-ked up tl;e paper and <1pened tt . "' he turned up the g-a~ and pcru~etl the n o te. whic h read as fa llows:

"Yo u buy sacred beads. \V e take heads back to Armenia. Leave money. You kee p m o ney, we keep beads.··




Ill·: write1· nc\·cr fully apprec iated \\'o rd ·worth's lilll: :-> ,

' 'Jny wa:-- in that dawn tc he ali,·e; But tn h e young- " ·as , ·cry hea,·en, ..

until this pa"' t s ummer. The lir~t new~ nf the l·:ur"pt·an war pn..;iti\'{~ly hypnotized the uneasy

JtH: tn•p .. ti-.. 11i ~(' \\. Yt1rk . . \ t ••ne time. the cruel magician. \\ 'ar. \\c•uld wa\T hi:-- wand and 1111 the penplc. en masse , with "' (' r huhl>ling cnthtbia"'Jll. and then again the more :-.erious a" ptT t the dread reality .,j the atruciou~ butchery w o uld ~: au .... c the fc•lk tu st11p and c"n"'ider.

It wa"' a t'cl ll1l1111W s ig•h t t 11 sec. standing in front o f the clilYcrcnt ·.,n:--ttl:ttc ( >t'fices. hand:-- nf patriot:'. many in uni ­iul lll . eagerly a\\aiting· t e• return tn their F atherland. The \\ ritcr recall" a typi l·;tl :--l' l' llL'. Fc•ur hundred ( ;ermans were -- tandin ;.:, in fnHtl e1f the <;l·rn1an l·: mbas~y urtic:c- an e uthu sia!'t l,t·~an :--ingin:.:,· the "\\' adlt ;tm l~hinc"-immcdiatcly the moh '-a ught up the :--train a nd they -..an~ it with a zest that thrilled th e I• ,·:-- ta ndcr. Prcst·n t h ·. their zeal lead them to man: h - . tltriiU !-!11 the :-- t rt'l' lS -..till :-.in~ing thl' '"\\ .acht am Rhine" and '' l kut .... r hland L'her . \JJe ..... " In unc c•f th e :--ide :->trccts. their ... ,,Jig:-- n .:-l'dtc .~..·cl th(· ··~I ar-..cilk ." ior h e re tht•y pa~:->ccl the I; I'L' lll'h l'nnsulatc t1t'lin.:. in in111t t~f whil'h were just a:-; many ca!-!cr Frenc h patriot". ~ul·h clcmnns tratinn augured riu t and the pcdil'c:. 'l'l'ing this. :--ttclll put an end to it.

Thi :-:. t~..·n s~..· e,l·itcJ11L'Jll. a few days later. t cu •k on the form 11i "cnuinc kar and thi"' e:-'JleL·iaiJ , · amlln:.!.· the J)tHlrer clas:-'e:--.

~ - ' ~

Fl·ar eli !c-:--ing t:t~..· lll cl llL'Y \\ hich they had dcpu:->ited in the ~a\ ing-. 1; :t11k:-:.. inr tilL'." rca,.,nc<l thus : l·:urnpe needs m el!le\' te• carry till thi:-- \\ar. ~he will hnrrow from .\m crlc.:a. :\mer­ira will pt•Ur c1ttr harcl -earJH: tl m n ney into l ~un1pe and who knc•\\ :-- then what will happc11. The hazard is ton g-reat. Such '"" iL· kacl maltY tu "run the hank." One o f the ~trong-cst. if

;-. -1111l the lirml':--t ~a,· ing .... Bank~ in the city. had the unfortunate name "( ;L·nnan ~;l\ in~:-- nank." This hank cine:' l>u:--incs!' in tit L' It c; 11 t e , i t h e ), • \\ e r c.: a .... t :-- i clc . . \ r ume • r r a 11 riot t c 1 l h i !'i e IT e c t that the.: c ;e r ma'l ~;" i11 ;.: .... l~ a11l had "llercd t11 the Kai :--er <•I! < : i .. tl 111 _, l h c i r c 11t i r c capi ta I. an cl t hal t hi~ m on c)' w a~ t • ' J, c

Page 15: 10-01-1914

24 TilE .\~('JIOR

~hipped t, !tim in a fe\\' clay!". The next lll ll rJiill ~. :t d .. uhk line

'''e hJ,,~· ~:--.in length was a,,· aitin~ the "IH:nin~ ,,j th1.. l•ank·~ "".''~"· ~llllllar incident:-- C<lll"l'cl the banking .. n i l· i:d-. t " , 11;tl' l ·· , 1:--.ty clay laws:· whirh prnn.'cl a lik-sa\· t:r it~r n t:tll\ a lt :lttk which nthcrwi!"c Wllttlcl ha,·c ~"nl' t•• the w;dl. ·

Tlte dtlsing ur the Stuck J·:xdt<lli .L!C SllltllCkd till' kth.' ll l••r IJti'.)' \\ 'a ll Street. The t·nmmctHiahlc il'atnre 11! tltl'" l' tn in !.· cia)" "a:-- tht· rapidity and sauencss 11i the acti11th a11d clt.l'l·k·,· l'.rc•ught ahnut by the .. men higher up... I lad ll11l Lilt· ~t .. ck

l·.xchangc IH~cn cl"scd. mall\' and 111any :t nwn ,, .. uld "·" IJt'l'll rccluccd t11 paupcri:--m. ~ .. \1 11 n~ th.e onrc hu!"y ri,·er frn nt. LIILTL' \\ :t ... littk a ~.· tittJJ.

\\hat a "ad :'!gil t it \\'a!" to !"l'L' dc•zcn:-- uf "••n:an ~n· ' ll•otlttd-.·· !~udcllt·d together in dry clod.;:! ~~~t a -.ingk ( · ;~..·r;ll:tll .. )111 , tlared l~a,· e the lludson. inr tht•_, knew that ~~ ut .. itk ~;1111 )\ ll ""k. l•rt'IH.·h aucl l·: ngli sh rrui .... cr~ were 1~ in~ in \\':tit. ·

. \ I t hI Ill~ h t It e !'-- c i ll r ide ll t :-- \\' (.' r l' r i II e d \\. i t 11 l' .': l" i ll.. ' I l l • . II l . \ l' t ~ltcy ~\'l're of a cruel and biting nature a-- '' L'll . Tllt·--L· a r~· :t

ll'\\' 11 1 tilL· man~· incident!' which made an i~trklil•lc itnp rc --.-. i,, 11 lll>tlll an eye wttness.

< ; I ~ C > I { < ; 1·: S T 1·: I \: I \: < ; 1·: I\ . · It •. ==..;;:~= -

The Pine Tree

Each year I see one lone outstanding t n ·t· Clad in the garment uf the s ummer .}Jfl. :-> 1,

Dry,. wan, and s hivering in the wintr!J blast : ll u.n_ll 'not pay the season's riyht(ll l (i•c, l~ 1u1l~ not .set i ts f rost-seared lea (am: fn'€', J~u t l1ke some greedy m i!'ler, all aghast, Who hordes his dirty treasure to th · lw·;l It .'Jighs, it moans, i t sings in sullen drcc-.' 0 (o~lish tree, to dote on summer gone! 0 }a1thless tree, that never feels how s JJJ·iug Co.'!lCS to the world to make a leafy da w 11 ,

Brmg rccompen..c;e for all despvi lnwnt bred.' 0, . that ~~night, when youth and beauty' . ., ..,11cd, Wtlh f a1 lwg hands to its vain semblnn cc: cfiuy.'

Kdward Zagtrs ' IX




){( )\\'I)S of g-irls came hurrying from the train

at \\ ' illiams· Bay and piled into the waiting hnats.

l·: , ·crynne wa:-- eagct· and expectant. c uri lm::- ahtnlt the experience!" and the fun w e were to ha,·c. Th~..· lake trip to the :\ ssociation amp. just at :--llti'l't. wa" a ,·cry )en-ely introduction to tim. e

piv:t"tli"L'"· hut 11111 .. t ni all we enjoyed the g-Jimp~c:-- nf th white ''-' lit .. am .. ng the tree ... thl' buihlings upon the hill". and th , ) .. pin!.! w:1tL' r fr~tnl ni the camp itself. The lirst thing- th;1t \\'C

n"ticed \\:t-.. girl". jthl girls. <~iris here and girls then.•. in ~ rt • liJl ' and al e •ne. all ready to welcome the newcomers :tnd tn ;.! ttick th 11p the hill t11 tlw large. airy dining-hall. There \Yl'

\\vrv intrctclucvcl all arcm ncl. and prepared tu enjuy ourscln:s t. I t h L' ill I 1.

. \ t the lllt' l'ti11g in the laq~e . open atr auditorium that night. \\'l' "at din·c.: tly behind snmc rnws of ~ hine:-;c s tud ents. ~n '-·r;tl , •i t hL''l' girb had hecn to ( ;ene,·:t hcfnre. and all 11f I I 11.' 111 \\ ... r l' II right. h :t p p y. a 1l c) f lt II () f fun. r ll d e d. \\' e snn 11

l••ttlld that they laugllt•d most ni the time. It wa:-; a plca:--urc t .. ~.·,· th e ir animatt·cl ia~.·~,.· !" and to hear their queer. garbled

F ll ~· l i-. h . c >th' t ' hi11e-.~..· gir l wa;-; the teacher ur a mi:-;:-;ion stucly ,· I:J .. - :tlld hl·t· 1'1141111 \\'a .. always cru wdcd with l'agcr listclll'r".

\\. ,· .... ,,. 11 het·;une an·n;-;tnmed to the n)u t iuc of Clas'-'l's in

ti lt' llltlrttill g . n : rn·ati••ll t~f =-'••me surt in the aftertH on. ;ltHl a ... vn il'L' iu thl· :tndit~trium at night. < >ur day \\· a ~ hegnn hy the ntt ~ lll g •• ; the ri !" ing hell whkh sunncled thrllugh the t•ntirc l:tlllp . ttnlc'-':- we had ht'l'll pre,· inusly a\\'akenecl hy the l ight

t'ctllllll~ in under c•ttr tc11t Aap:-- or the singing of the l>ircl...; in thl' t r t·t·-- tll..':trl,_, .. Thtt!"L' t•arly mornings were wonderful. The

I llll dt •\\ 11 the hiJJ til tht• Jake. the clear. pure air. the rush rtlr ltll':tl.da -.1. ancl the "II"ly. ll oly . ll oly" we sang hcinr" the nH·:tl. lillvd ti' \\'ith the zt':--t nf liie and prepared u s fllr the clay':-

"• ,rJ.:. .\ncl it \\':t"' \\e~rk. though delig-htrul. f-irst, th re \\'Cre our

l~ihll' ,·J:t .. -. (' ""· t · .. u,·,c-. Wl're tdTcrcd cc>\·cr in g c,·cry part .. r tltl' )~ ... d, . ir .. m prt~phet..; t•, epi :-- tl c :-- . \\'ords fail me to tel111i Jt,," \\tllldl'rilll t iH'""t' da..., ... e , were and what they meant t•• all

Page 16: 10-01-1914


of u ~. 'T'hc chici attrat·tit~n of thl: L'cmkrence. hnwt.•\·t.·r. was the !'eric~ uf lcl'turc-.. Clll .. Th e l ·:~~cntial~ •• r th e Chri ... tian Faith ... gi,·cn by PrCJfc:;,nr I .ung:tLTl'. Th i:' '-'t·ril·~ wa :-- pureh·

intcrdcn• •minatic•nal in charactl·r and \\'a' ciL·:'ig-ned ic•r l'\' Cr~· g-irl alike. They prci\'Cd ,·ery in!"trttcti\·l· and helpful. .r\itt:r the lec ture came ••ur \· arit~u"' mi :-;!" ic•n !'-tlldy cla...;:--c.-.. ,, hich were ,·ery intcre=--ting. :-- ince the lt';tder~ \\'en.· ~ttd1 line. ctpai .Ic l11l' ll and \\'omen. The dili"t·rent lL'l'llllil·:tl cuun c il-... •• i,· in" ll '

~ ~

prac tiL·a l hint~ c•n . \ ~ ... "ciatie~n \\·11 rk. lini:--lll:d the me~rning. Tht.• aih:rtlcu•n \\'a ~ cle,·c•ted tu reLTe:tti1111. Thl'll tlwre

were l>ua ting-. :'\\' i111111ing-. and w;tlking. J,e:-ick:- all kind:- 11i game:--. <>nc clay all ,,j till: -..c,·t·n hundred and twc• girb \\Vr('

taken fnr a hua t ridl· arPund the lake. :-topp ing i .. r an llc•llr at <;l'lll'\'a City. The -..hc•n \\':t~ lin ed \\· itll heautiiul h"n1 .... and

l'Ulllltry palaL·c:-: \\ hich we~uld han: heen \\'t~rlh :t lc•ng trip tc) :-l'C. \\ ' call enjc•yl·d it thuruughly. :\ne~ther tillll'. l'\ en l~cHh· went in relay:-; t c• H'l' thl· famc•u~ YL·rkl·:' ••h:-;en·at c•n· . -" hil·it contain~ the larg-e:-:t reirarting ll'k:--ropl· in the ,,·ur l;l. Fir-.. r there \\'a;; a ;-;tcep hill t11 rlimp. and thl'll \\'l.' :-ucld'-· nh· l':lllll' 11t1t un the len:! ni the great huildin;.,!. l'h t~te~grap\t ..... ~·,j th e -..n 11 •

llltH Jil. and ;;tar:' were :'hll\\'11 u:-;. :t11d then up thl· \\ inding :-- tair­l ' a;-; c \\' e \\ e 11 t t' 1 :- t· e t h l' g rca t t c ll' :-l.·l 1 p l'. ( > nc c ,j t h l' 111e 11 t h e r l'

ga,·e a :--lh lrl. L'Xpi;IJlatt~ry talk. made the fl•H•r ri:--l' and th · <I tlllll' r c \ · u h ·c. a 11 d :--lll'l' e l' c k d g c Ill' r a II y i n g l'lt i 11 g u :- in t n a 11 :,\\·eel frame Pi mind. The ,· icw t~i the \\ h• de l:tkl·. :--pr(·ad llllt ;)dorl' u :-: a:-; \\' l' ~!lHtd nn the platfc•rm at the h;t-..c 11i tht.• cle~nw, wa:-; \·cry line.

. . < >n that ~ame clay. the ( ' ltinl·:.;e girl:-; ga,·e a little party. I he wckumc :--pt:el.·h \\':t :' in thL·ir nati\·c tc•ngue. <.'hine:-\l' :--•t JJ g.;

\\'L're ~un g-. a l'hine..;c .. , tunt" \\'a~ gi,·t:n. and l'\·cn ( 'hi nL''l' reirc:--hmetlt:' \\'ere ~l'J'\'l'd. There \\'l'rl' ,,thcr p:trtil':-:. tc111. <)ttl'

day all oi the g- irl ~ nwt at a rcl·cpti111l 1111 th e :--paci"u ' I:t\\ 11~ tH.:ar the lake. and at an11ther timl' the r l· \\'L'rc dili'l'l'l'tlt de­tl t~ lllinatinnal n .!l'l'J>tiun:--. Then tht:rl.' wa-.. an aitl'l'll•H •ll ·•i\ en


up t1> \\all'r :--pe~rt;-; . ...,\\'i111111ing and h11at r~tn·:--. and iatll'\' di\ in~.

flcrhap :-; the bc:--t time \\l' had. hcl\\' l'\'L'I'. '""'' '"-\\'hat \~· v calkcll'c,J]cgl· l>ay . Thl'll allt•i thL· g irb in t~ llr n·ntr:tl lil·ld came lll:trching . dn·:-.-..l·d in \\ ltitc \\'ith \·ari-l·cdllrcd ..... a ... Ju•..., t•• ll.'JH'l' .-; l'11L tltL' dif'fl'rl·nt -., tall'-.. . -.,i n gi 11 g "ur -.. t:ttl' ...,,,ng ...... Fach · t~tle ;-;an~~ her :--clllg' dut in .~ a pa11l11lllina: rcpn' "' l'lll ing it . and


then all united 111 a r >Und. The field ·ecretaries had a funny, little pantt~mim .. ton. The four Japane ·e girls bowed and -..crapcd in a dcscriptiun t fa fashionable call in Japan, and the

' hinc:-;e g-irl~ made a reali~tic Chinese school, in which every­one shuutecl a;-; hJUdly as she could. The moving-picture man

wa ;-; kept hu~y that day. In this \\'ay our aftcrno ns were kept very full. The

e\·cning:-' \\'ere spent in a Yariety of ways. Once we had a bt>autiiu1 , ·cspcr ;-;cn· ice nut o n the hill in the moo nlight. Then we had \'ariuu;-; add rc;-;ses. one hy Re\' . (;a nt-ield uf \ Viscon ~ in. anuthcr by Professo r llcnderso n, and still ano ther by the on­

iL·rcnce exccuti,·c. Ralh· evcninu· wa:-' the m os t excitine-. Then we all lined

., ~ 4."]

up an·ordin~ tn del g·atinn:-; , ' ith banners and color flying, and man:hccl u\·er the hill tn th e auditorium to the music of .. ( >n \\'a rd. Chri;-;tia n Sold icrs ." The hu ilding was decorated \\'it h kmncr~ a ncl Ao\\'cr~. and e\·eryone was in the best of ... pirits. The program cun;-;isted of Yario u · rep rts from the dificrcnt tield~ oi As:-.llCiation w o rk. ( ne girl talked f the ,,· ,~ rk dune in the rural di~trkts hy the Eight \\'eek ::; lubs, and ui the g-ood they \\'ere duing. A representative from India tuld t•i the :-;chou!~ in her country pro,·ided for by the Ass cia­tiun . :\ Jnpanc~c girl and another from China made their appcab fur help and in~piratiun and told o f h w much Amer­ican cullcge \\'omen had meant to them. One of the girls from .-\ rmcn ia de;-;c rihcd in halting Engl i:;h the awful i~ola tion and dc;-;pair ;-;he had kit \\'hen cumpc11cd to wait for seven long clay =-- at Elli:' ) ;-;land. when :-;he fir:-;t came tn our country. ~he

-...aid ;-;he had thought the American people "the cruellest in the \\' u rld:· hut added quaintly that ;-;he didn't any m re. She gave \\'!tat \\'a;-; pcrhap;-; the best idea of \\'hat o ur A ssociatio n may mean tl> n girl. in dc:-crihing her fir :-; t experience and her feeling that .. the \' . \ \' . was hack of her... The whule eYenincr was iullui inten~e intl'rt"'t, and we \\'ere all ~orry when the meeting

dt,;-;ed. The final ;-;cr\'icc wa=-' c )nducted by our conference e:xecu-

. '1 . l. t1 r After her beautiful addres~ the \·olunteer tl\'C, ·' 1:-\:-\ l1 L" •

chuir =-' Ut1U', "Peace 1 lea,·e with you. ~ly peace g ive I untu yuu. ·

Page 17: 10-01-1914


aod th e l'nnfl'rl'nc · \\":t:' l'IHit'cl. :\u. lhJt l'nded. iPr it ~till li,·t•.:; on in uur heart-- and. I ht~pe . in t•llr li,·e-.;. \\' e cannttt 1.1:--t' the \\' IIIHl<..·riul in:--piraticnt g i\ en u :-.. :tlld we \\'nuld ltttL if we <..'c•ulcl. Till' ''newish remain .;. that many lll• •n· g-irl~ may g-n ltl' Xt year t11 g<..· t a glin tp:-.<..' ni till' di,· inc \' i:-.ic•n. a:-. \\' l' h:t\'l' glimp-.,ed it then.·. ~ . \ R.\ .\ . \\ ' 1 ~TEl~. 'Jr,.



Ill ·: intp r t.•..., .... j,,lt:-- n ·cl'i,Td at l .akl' ( ;l'IH' \·:1 :1n' dt•<·p ancl )a .... t ill ;,.!. Thv_,. :trl' nc•t rlitting :tnd t. ' lllctticnt:tl. l•ut .... tr ik~.· dl't.' p int••tltl·hL'art. It ctnll••t ht· ct!lll'r­'' 1 ... l ·. Tit t.'l" l' . \\ Ia t 'I' t.' n :t t u r l' h a ... p: t in tv d It t.' r 111 .... t l'11antlin~ and :tpprt~pri:t tl' :--C t'llt':-.: thl'rl'. "l~t• rt.• l:tkl.' and ""'"'cl. hill :tncl , ·alky ;tlikt• knd l'1ll'h:tnt -

111l' ltt: thl' r~o· . \\'hl' r t.• ll:Jtll rL' and man It:" L' cctmhinecl t' ' "":t l i-..h till' nt'L'd :' a11d dl·-..i n·-- .,j l11•th thv ~.· :trl·-in· <..· and tltv IHtrcknt·d ltc:art: th<..TL' hc:t' l.' ll 'l'l'lll-.. tc1 ht.· n<..·arc-..t till· l':t r tlt: thl·n: man .... t :111d" ''11 :t p:tr " · ith m:tn. :t nt! Crl':ttt~r ancl t.'r<..·:tlltrl.' \\rt• ... tk . 1 11 d \ ·, 11 nn111nl' : t ltc r t.' " t. · I i n d t h l' I . :1 k l' < ; L'lll' ' ·a l ·a 111 p .

\\ l' l' :tllll ll l IIIII ht.• illl)ll'l' ....... l.d "-" th<..· dt't.' Jl and t_!l.'nlli 1ll' l~.l'li11 :~ 1•i i~.·Ji,, " .... h l)l til:n p~·nad~.·- tltL· l.':tlll)'. Tit .. : gra-..p ,,j

al1 ~. · IJ: t 11 cl 1 • I i ~.·IJ, '" ..., "' , •l II l'l' i 11 ..., t i t ut i, 111 .... i.... a .... " ~.· h . .-" lllt.' :t .... 1 .... 1h :11 ,,f ''llr ''"" llll'll . In \\1•rk ,,r in pf:t_, : in din ing lt: tll. :tttdi t ~·rit1lll. o~r t1)11 1 11 tlt t. :tlltk1ic li l'ld. all llll'l.'l up"n :t t.'ctJllltto~n h:t .... i"' . \ II jlt.'tty p r~.·jncli, v-.. and r ~.· Jj ~ j,,u .... diffL'I' t.' lh'v- :1 ·,· l,f,tllul ••llt )! , l lh· t lllt.' flllll .:t llt<..' llt:tl prillt:ip lt· .. j un it\ 111 ;, l . ,,llllllt 1ll l':t1t-..t.'. t ' IJ itlt.' l'. lndi:tn . _l :tp:tl tl' 't.'. \n lt.·ric:tn :tncl l .:11i11 \ nJt.'l' i,·:lll \\ :tl k :tnt! t :tlk l ''~ t.· tltt.•r . -i ng and pr:t.' t ~­- t · II 1t • r. :!II d 1111 i tl' i 11 1 h ,_ · ... I' i r i t 1 ,j :1 ~.·, 'lltttll 111 Jlt.'t. · d t 11 :1 t n ll1 .. t ltl' · .1 t i · I i l' • I " • llll' t.' t 1 IJ t. · d 1.' m : 111 d .... 11 i 1 h ~.· " 1 • rIc I. \\ · '-' ,: a t .. ·It t it t. i d , :1

, ,j :t ~~ ~,·:t tl' '' " "lid th .t n tl\lr •• \\11 n:tiTt•\\ -.. plll'rl' 1 i a~.·ti,it\. \\ ,. t.' \.J 1 t.Ti t.·1 h't.' :t i~·rl'- l.t-..t~. · 11i a \\~· rid Jh,qJt ,.:rh~·~·~l. \' · \.. \.tt ,·IJ .t 'i-..i, •n ,,i thl.' ... n J,Jinl t.' lll' ..... 11l :1 t r uh ll t•h k I'i.l'. J,, "·"111

in .. : Ill Jl t.'l" :--•>~t:d \· , •llt.t,'l "itll tlh· ~rt.':lll':-- 1 lllt. ll 1 i, ~ n r t ~. ."li :.~u--"''11.1: 1111.'11 \\ it,~ ... ,· ii, ~. · ... Ill' .111 in .. pi r : tt it~t1 t•l t ilt.· l t.•lJ ,. \\ .... t11tl .t I ' lll · , q.- itl~ )'•' \\t.J' I•• t) h• \\ lll't .. t ltl'.\ ... )!l':lk.

:' 1 h ·IJ .I : \. t I 11.' i I q ·' "l' .... I i 1.1 I Ill : I " l' I It l. i 111 )I:·, . ..., .... i I •11 ... ' I i I .. I k \.. lll'll t.'\.1 truf _, J. l ..... t in:~ .. 1 n:.tttt.·r , ,( tit~. · h l•:,•· t r. llhl.' r tlt: tll ,,j 1:11.'

'1'111·~ ANCHOR 29 ·--- ----

mind; an l'l"ft·l't h<..' tt<..-r felt than put into s many w o rd;-;. Do , .• ,u wc•nckr ''It,. we n·cnnlllll'Jtcl Lake ( ;enc,·a t o the f llows?

l'RED DE J O~(; , 'l G.

Th l' thi11g that impres"'ccl me nH>st at the ;enc\·a ,< nfcr­l'1H' l' \\':t..., til at re 1 ig it HI:-- :-.pirit that pre\·ailcd throughout cac It day·:-' \\1 1rk .. \t nc• timl' pre,· itltl:O: had J been at a place where

'' r11ng d11ing w,ntlcl he - " nut uf o rder or where o ur tri\·ial mi .... d<..·me;tn,,r..; :-.<..'<..'Jncd .... ,, great a:-:: at tl1i ~ confer ence. It wa-.; a ... if L'\·cry iellt~\\' eamt• in ttl touch with the )j,· ing Chri;-;t. :\ll·n wiJ,, 11<..' \<..'r hc.:ic•rt• had ielt the ir o wn spiritual tH.'·d-.;.

lt<'t' :tllll' CII IH'<..' rtH'd nc•t 1111ly aluHlt their own hut abo about the •lt' t•d ... c•i t~th<..•r:-.. The <;en .,.a cunfcrcnce is not mere ly a rt'' j, al. hut it j .... a pl:tl"<..' where.: each man mus t meet him~eli i:t~.·c · t•' i:t t'<..' :11ul I ltc.:n: dt•l·ide \\'hat part he i:-' t o take in tht• ~ l'l':t t \\'c n·ld- \\' iclt· l':\. p:tn:' ittll ni Chr istianity . 'The rei igi .. n pre­... t·nll'cl there i:-. a pr;\\: ti c:d n·ligit~n iur o ur e\·ery day l iie. [

-., iall' t.' rl' ly :t<h· i-..t• e\ cry ~tllciL· nt at ll()pe to attend one ni these t.t•llil·r 'lln· ... during hi:-. cttlll'ge life.


It i ll••t p r,,J,:tllll· that a ny tllle ui the tight hundrccl -lifty lill 11 \\'ltct "t.'tll it• l .akl' ( ;l'llL'\ a " ·ill C\'et· iurg-et that trip. The l .: tl c· <; ' Ill'\ a t "•n li<..·n ·ncc 1<..-a,·<..•:-. an imprc.,.siun \\'hich cannt't i,t.• "ra .... t·c l. < >l h ' ,··· talcl ll• 1t ,·en· well li:-'ten to such men a" i:i .... Jt,. p llutd t.r-..c •ll . H i.., h~tp ~,f<..-J),l\\Til. }{IIbert 1 ~. ~J>L'Cr. ])ad Fl li••tt and hv t ltL· .... anw man that he \\'as hcfnrc h e \\"Cnt.

I he l .: tkc I ;l'1h'\ a l"c•ltil'n:1We la ~t June hn •ught men in t11 " , l l ..... t. ·r li\ in~ rl"la ti••l~"'>hip wi th their ~a,· iuur than they had ,., t·r t.'X fll'ril'nn·d hcic •n·. S11mt' \\"hn had ne,·er hcf,,re ad, nc•\\ lvc~ ;...: t.·d I lim :t..., their S:l\·iPur. among them sc\·cral il)r­" i· :n ... ttJCIL-nt-... :t\.·'-·cptl'd II im there. ( >thers whl> had cxperi­l"ll.-<..· cl that rcl:tticnt-..hip. l';\)leril'necd it there a s the\· ne,·c•· did ln·t••n·.

·nw k~.·yt t~tl' t•• thl· :-.u~.·ces:-:: nf the ·nnicrcnce. as all oi till' tlll<.. ~: :ttt.· · \\ill agrl'l' . \\'a.; prayer. The delegates sa\\' the ;•• •\\t' r ~ · i pr:t .\1 '1" iJiu ..., tr:ttl·cl in the li,·es uf the lcacler :-; a ncl . , .. :d . l·r .... . ~tt td :tlm 11·~ t <..'\Try (klcgatc felt it s influ ence in hi ~

II\\ II Jifc . .,.hl' intltJL'IH' I.' 11 i t he l' tlllfcrcn <..·c \\'as , and i :-:: felt. in the liic

Page 18: 10-01-1914


ui en.·ry dcle~atl'. hut it i~ going· f:lrlht· r than that. rt i~ guing-141 !Jl' il•Jt in a)) the CIJ!)c..· .L'l':-- n .' ))J"l':--Clltt'cl there. and it j ~ uui n ~~·

· ~ :--.. :--..

l• • lH.' fc..·lt thrnugh 1111t the '' ht~lc \\"t•rlcl.

The La kc ( ;cnc..·,·a C11n il'n·nrL' i ~ an e,· iclcnrc nf pr1 •gres~ in Chri=--tianit\· and ci,· ilizatinn. Ju =-- t a~ the ~lt~gan 11f the leading captain..; 11i indu ...;try i=-- "l·:rticicnc_, . ... :-on abll i:-- the ,~ll"·l!"·,,rd 11i Le tH·,·a "l·:nicil·ncy." The ~cntiment ui th c, .. ,jl'l"l' lll'l' \\:t--. admiral,)_,. l'X J>I"l':':'Cd hy ~l r. 1·:. T. l'tdttlll \\hen he ... aid."( ;,,d dt~L''"' ll11t \\·i:--h t11 put a nttlncl man int 11 a --.c pta n· hnk... ~ Ia ny h;l\·c..· t h••llg h t that Cc..•ttC\' :t ·=-- ~ole 11h j cc..· t , ... t11 pl:ll'l' men hc:hincl thl' pulpit, hut :--uch i=-- nt•t the ca-..<.'. ' I he..' primal purpt•:--c ,,j t h e..· ~tudcnt Cc•nfcrcnrr i:-; t •• :--hll\\' men ll~t· "idc..·r mi:---..i1111 ,,j li ic and t•• teach the principle 11f lllht·l­ii h nt·:--:--. \\ ' L' knu \\' that the.· qtt<::-- ti t•n n[ :'e lf i~ tran scl'nded 1he m•nnent a man allie:-- him ~ c..·li tu a g-rea t ra u :--e. lll·rc..• lie~ ( ;l' llv,·a'...; tl)lJIPr tunity . L ' p••n that t:ampus u tH.: meet:-- men wlh1 ··mh··dy th e..· 1 r11c..· t 'hri:--tian pri t n·ipa l ~ and idea b. tHll' hear-..

JH':t k l·r...; \\'h11 ha,·e a real and Yital mt·=--~a~e t11 dcJi,·e r. and lrc•lll a ll thl· ... e kadl·r:-. ,,j a ~rl·at l' :tll:--l' thcrl' radiate :-- a :o-t~ me-

1hing "hi,·h ,·r"·:ttc..•:-- the..· :tllllt1:--phcre 11i < ;l'lh:\·a. \\ ' c kc..·l and l,llll\\' that tlw ~la :' tl'r i:-- 'milin!-!, 1111 l .akl' ( ;Clll'\·a and that her ll ltll r l' - ll l'l'l'=-'"" j..; a-- =-- urcd .

l .:tkc..· t ;~,_. ,w,· a Ita ... bn •ad l'lH:d my ,-jl' \\" ni rclig·i11n. It h:t~

1: 111 ~ ht llll' t hat rcl igi,,n j .... u11in·r -.. :t1. Thl·rc 1111 cli:--tinctinn wa -. lll :tdr lwt \\'l't·n the..· J :tpant --v. the..· Chine:-;c. the..• II inclu . the !l:t\\ :t iian. the lll'gru . ur the..• .\mcricall. Then· lltl di :' titH't iuu ,,;, ...; m :1d c..· l)c..'l\\"l't.'ll :\kth .. di ~ t. Bap ti =-- t. lxcfurmed. •>r any othc..·r , k 1 1" 111 i 11 :tt i " " . \ \ · e a II a p pea rc..· d a=' t >llL' un i t l' d c h u r c h . n- 11 r k­in .~ t111'-l·lli:'hl_, i••r lllll' gn·at \la:'ll' r. ThL'rc tH> di=--tinl·tia•n \\:t -\

m:tde het\\"t:l'll rich and )HHtr. t~ld and ytntng-. tt.·achcr and pupil. \\ t.' \n~t'l' :til ;..:.:tthc..·n·d tc•g·c..·ther tn plan a united line uf att;tl·k. \\ ' t· :d l :--t'l'llll'd til hl· in ... pirc..•d with thl' heliei that \\"hen on • :dlil' .... ltitn-..l'li "itlt a grc..·at "·at1"'l'. =-'l'lf nnt :'l he trall :'l'C tHll'd. and tlt:tt "'' mu ... t h:t\l' an tlll :--l' lrt ... Jt u utl .... k ll) Hil l liic. It \\:t ~ thi :-­uni,c..•r:-;:dity "i rl'ligi••n and tlw un ~l· lti-.hnc..·:-.=-- .,f e,·ery lllll' there tha t impn•-..-. '-•d me..· lllll'l .... t rcnlg ly at ( ;<'lli..'\' : t.



Expcril'tH'ing l•tlly. i:-- hl'lil' \ ing 111 t ;c..'lll'\ a. Y11u gl' hc­~ · an l' c•tiH'r-.. :-.ay it j .. ;~•uH) rl'alh f11r .... t'li--..ati--iac..·ti"n: a nd \•• lt l·•• llli.'l,ac..·k ha\ing pJt.a ... ;tntly di...,app••illlL'd yuur~cli. (; ,,,,c) ltlll ..... ic i .... a grL·at in ... pirati •• ll. and ( ;l'IH: ,·a·=-- ...;1111g~ ar~.-· nttt:'ic in ­dl't ' tl. T" ltl·ar in1111 a cli--t:tlll"i.' tlt:tt mi!.!hty c••mpany in the . \11 't lt~rilltll ~ in g "1.-aitll 11i l >ur F;tthcr .... ," make..•-.. a man llll.-ry I•• ;..:L'l tltvn·. \\ hvn Ill' ~d.., tltl·n· lh· -..ing .... IH'l' :tll"L' ltc..• l·an't 11c..·lp it. lll·.tr tlH· qll :trtc..' L :--in;..: "Tiw lx ic.. hl ·- ,q- ( ;r:tcc in Chri .... t k .. t1 .. . .. :til c) \ Ill! li : 1\ l' I I h Ill ..: h t ... iII r .t d ; I \ . ~ I a k l' a 11 l'l r II n - . -t " It'· =t r i 1 lll'' t ' c..· a r.

.\:\ Til< >:\Y \ ". \ :\ \\ " I ·:~TI ·: :\I:L'I\(;, 'J (,_

l.:ckl' c;l.lll'\:t --:tid t11 n1c..·. "\\' h:tic..•, c..·r '"ur .,rcupa til lll 111

I til' i ....... j,, .. I• • J,l. '1111 c:tll ll• lt "L't :tl .. n ·• \\'ith .. ut ,· .. ur il·JI,,\\·-;--.. :-. .. :..... :-.. .. lll:tll. 11~ :tltc..·r c:tll he !.!l"l :tl u ng \\·it he •u t .""ll: ..... , 1 it'-.. up t11 _,., 111

t• • m:tl v till Il l •--t 11 i -'••11t-.c..·li in ,,rcll'r L11 ltl·lp him t11 IH' at hi ... i J l_. , t

"It l.ak \• .. <Il l ai; 't ' ' ••it T ! !11:111 ... ,,. l•l' IIi tilL ll .J' t tl "l' to tiH· :.... ti.·:tll·--t t't!tnla·r ,(mc..·n. I>, -'"u \,ettll t•• IH· -...uclt a nt:tn ? · : hc11 -..tli\t' l ' dt.' H'I"p aJJ .. i .'""llr i:Jl'llltil' ... ~pirit11al. l'lty-. it·a ) :.11d ltttc..llc..·\tllal. .\ ,.,jd J,liilg •IIH'--...irll'd. I>" '' '' t n tlt i,:ttc..' : 11111 ' I' i 1 i t u a I 11 ; t t 11 r 1.' : ll t It c..· c..· ...: p l'll ""l' " i -' 11t1 r 1 , It y ... i ~.·a I :t n c1 i n -I t !k,·tu:ti. IIIII' \ :tJllL' tltl• l~t•cJ_\ a11d 111i11d :th11\ l' th ''IIlii.

" 1\ t.•t-r'-:ttitt ll. l'du,·:tti"n :tlld l'ttn-..ecrat i,•n thl'-- c..' arL' th, i r1111l_, ',j 11· .J,Jl· lll:tllh• 11HI. I i -'"'Ill "llt.''"·l'c..·cl in k l'epin~ tJH' ,l' ' n pr••Jwr tt.l:ttic•n I•• c..·:tch 11tlll'r. -'"ll \\ill CttllH' nearer,,, tltt• • i : t 11 d :' 1 d -..v t tl) 1 J, _, t It t. · p c..· ri t.' · t Ill a 11 • J t.: .. u -. l · It r i ... t. T It e n . :, 11 d 1i. c· J1 ••ttl_, , \\ill _,,,II lind y•t~ tr trne nicltl· i ll thi -.. ,,Jd ,,,,rJd ,,f • .u 1 ·- . ~ \ · t ' it t. · a It L' r :t II. i · : t l1l :111 -... It i ~ h v-. t .-: til i n g ...


I t i... 1 1t • r It :t 1' .. ; 1 :- i 11 t i k i • • r u ... '\ It • • h :" c..• I , l'l' n a t t h l' I . :1 J.: e 1, t il \a l ·"n;,.l c..·ll. l'. t·• t ··~ t" :;·,.,:tl.;: l'll <·n t hu-.i:t ... lll ant•1ng '"II

'" h:l\ L' ""t l•t.' t' ll t!t .: rl'. hy tc..·l iin·..:. "i it-. \\ 11111lc:r-.. a-. it i'"' i .. r tit• ·· ,,)t , , lt:tq· ,;IIIH.' l· ur·•IH' .. tt• Jt, ,Jd th""'t.' "h" h:t\"l' nc..·\er !1 1 ··n v:t · l ,,1 (hi.-:.~ ~~ t·nr: tptnrvd. J,_, tt·c ••tllltin~ the..• 'l'h ·nd"r"" · ·i ,: ,~ 1 1!· 1 \\",, rJd. I~ .. Lh lllll--t Ia· t:'-)H'l il' th' l·cl t•• II(: ,,j · it:tl illll ,. I 1~,:: \.~· lt"i''-' I•• :trr 11 t' <'11"11 " lt in ti.Tt·-- t :11111111g 11t1 r

: : .• t d t.• "' · U i"\ :t b r:·,• ikll'":ati••ll tlti-. yv:tr. l.:r,t _, t·:tr lt.l· ,._ ' ''":·..: ll••ll· ll ··J•I..it.. . .... ~~l theY . :\1. t ' .. \ . t 'll llil ·rc n,-,.: thi -..

Page 19: 10-01-1914

32 THE A~CHOR - --------------------------- - -year we l111pl' f,,r l\\1 t' l ' that numlar. ( ·,.n ... tanr pe··...,,.n:tl l'll ll­

tac t f,,r l<:ll <J;n .. \\ ith nH·n \\ IJ,, ... l' pcr .... •n1:tliti"·- an· -.atur:llul

'' ith Chri-..tianity: <tcldn· ...... l ... J,y nH.· n '' h" n ·:dii'\.' ;1 ... it· \\ r], '·

the need-.. :tnd ••pp•• rtunitil. .. ir~r --t·n i'-'l' : intim:ttl· :t~ · quaintan ~· <' with 111l' ll irum many ,·.dll·:..!t·-. and ll lall.\ l:tnrl ... : t iH:-.t· arv till'

thin .~ ... that gi,·e t!Jt, ... l. \\ 11., h:t\ l ' l•ev11 : 11 ( •l' 1l l:\ a. Ill' \\ , 111 h u ­..,ja ... m. 111..' \\' idea) ... Ill'\\' t' •tll\ 1CI1• IJI "'- , IH.'\\ )'111'1'• ... l ....

jlJll:\ J. 1>1 : )~CII ' J\. ·1:: .

Tlfl~ _1-\.NCIIOR. Published by TilE AN 'HOI{ ASSOCIATION, llope College, Holland, Mich .

.\s,nc·iate l•:tlitnr!­Catht•t•tllc G. lh•khu 1:; 'ItS

lit•nrl.!l' Stt•ininl.!t' r 'hi

!-..lll'II 'LY l·:dnor Sarah 11. Tt·ouapcn 'IG

Su h-.•· ri l't ion )I a lllll! t ' l'

<.it•nri.!C Pl!li!rim '1U ,\~~l. Sub. Man:u:cr

l\1 :11·ti11 Eul.!<'n • Fllpsc.o 'n\



,JO liN J. DE BOER ' 15

1·::\t•ltaoa~c l·:cllt.or Fn·d t t. Ol' Jon I! '16

Bu-.1 n• • ~'>., :\Ia na.H·r Marion(:. Go~sclink '1~,

.\:.> t. Bu-. in•·,.:. .i\lana~c•

ll l!nry Lockhorst '17

Starr Artist M uriel Fortuinc ' 17

A lumol Editor Adriana S. J<ol}·n '18

l..tli' ILI l~rtttor

Dorot hy l'icters '1~ JohnS. Moore '1 7

.\ thh'tir 1-:.-lit.or Miner Stc~rcnt!a '15


,\ cldn· ... :-alll'"llllllllllit·atiun-. lll '1'11~: .\:sc · tii•IC. llllPl' t'o11l'l!c. HolhlDU, Mich igan. Jo'ur .\ll\ •·rtl ... ill~ H:t t t• .. :tl•l'l~ tn 1\u-.in• · ..... ~laua).!•·r . Ent.t·n·tl :11 tlw l't l'-t t Hlk•· at I Iuliano. M il'hi:.!:IO. a M't·oml-l'ltl"'" mall matt.c-r.

d~tor~al . \ nH•:--t IH.:art.' \\'t:ktllllL' 111 llt~Jll.' and the wi:-:h fur a happy.

-. uL·ce:--... iul. and bu--~ ~ t::tr. tht: .\m:h•lr Stair c~tend:-; to pro­ll.·...::--,,r ancl :-:utde nt. \\ ' c iL'l.'l that the larg-l! heart uf our Alma \ latl·r i:-. largl! l.'lltlttgh it•r all and that thc strang-e feeling~ :111.:illl! nt t•• L'llllling t•• thL· l·11lkgc ''ill :--tHlll gi,·c place to the · pirit 11i it-ll""· .... hip ancl ;..!'H'd will that ha:-: e\·cr characterized t:ll.' :-.CilaHii. lhll \\ ith thj.._ lir...,t i:-::O:UC uf thl' .\nchnr We feel tha t it " · ill 1111t hl' ami:'-. t11 :--uggl':-t a it.:\\ ni the things which ;tit: \\'t>rthy ,,j tht~ugltt and ~un:'idcratitm in mind, whether tlti-.. year j ... the lir:--l at ll11pc ur nut.

:\la1l\· ,,j the :--t udent;-; ha,·c found out in the Senior year tltat tht'\~ ha,·l! mi:-- ... cd tllll' nf thl· grcatc;-;t priYilc~es of their entin.• n~ur:-l' hy 1111t makin~· iricnd:' uf thl!ir pn)fe. :-:or~· , t a lk­iu~ "'' l.'t· tlt\.·ir plaus and ga ining· many timt:s the \·cry sug~es­~i, ·nt:-- whiL·h \\1>uld h~t\T 111adc the ye:u· ... muc h pleasant r. It may be the ,·ery mean~ h .. which the dirticulty in ·o mc branch

Page 20: 10-01-1914

T I rJ•; :\ ~ (' II 0 H

1'; ··tud_, 111:1_, ''l' ... -l,:tn:d up. ,~,.· .... ultill~.:_ i11 tiH: e.:ni••' llh'rlt .. j .... 1111..·

'lll•jt·~. t '' lti, II )',., ., i••u ... J_, lt:td .. ,T111Vd dull :tlld. ciirticult. Tltl'll :t~:ti11 tiH'I I..' ll:t\\.' ltl.' \'11 -. ttlelc: llt-. :11 the: .. ,·It~·•d \\It ••

• • ' · 11 11.. · d u 11 a I d I.' t • 1 I i 11 d 1 11 c: 111 -. ~.· I ' l ' .. a 11 d .... i 111 p )_, d r i i t c: d :t J, " 1 ~ · JJII•IIth :titl'r lll••lltlr :tncl p• ·r11:rp-. l' \ l' ll _\'l:tr aitc.: r _\c.::tr. 11:t\ i11:.:

''" d~.. · lilli tc · :ri111 l• •\\: t r d '' lti, ·l1 ' " ""rk and app:trvllth ,." ttll..'tlt \\ itlr tltv llt• ·r ~,.· p:t --~it t ;..! lll :t t J.: in tit ... · -..uhjn· t. :'tH.: II. --tude.: nt ­;,.t\1..' lt••l , ,,JJ_, \\':t-ll.'cltll~..i t ''"'' tillll'lllll it:t\1..' lr:tcl :t ckcidvdl,· dc:trinr~..·rJtal ittllllt'11l'l.' liJ'••II ••tllc:r .... . \\ ' 11\ tht·\· .... h .. uld ,_.,v 1 J,-c.: ' • •llt~..·rJt " it It t II~.· lltl'rt .•cc idt·tJt:tl 1 ,,.,: 111 ,.,:lilT' ~ ,j t l1v cia, . " It~.·" !ti• · \\itlt it-- :..:n·:tt :t llcl ~l:tlld ''Jli'Pitllllitiv- j-. cilli::::~,jilt:_: tht· i t J'l'l p:tt at j .. ,, a11cl ,·J., ~,. ... , <tJ•Jd i, :tt i1111 .. : tIlL' 111rli' idu:tl t"

\\J l.,lll 11:1\l' htTII :tfi'., rcl vcl t h c: .tc h:tnt:t:..:t..-- .. ; the• ili!..!ltl'r vdt ~t· a ­ii••tl. j .. ind~..·ul -.tr:tn.:..:t· . F~.IJ." -- t111knt. \\lll· t h .... ·t .'•Ill 1!:"' cnntllcd in t ltv ~..· .. JJv ~:c: ••r i11 till· prvp:11at"r.' dl'JI:trfntvllt. J:t_, .... ,c:r_,thi~t ;: 11111h:r trihull. t h1..· l~t•ur -. "'l'l'tll i11 '-111dy. tlh· ttlllc liJI''" 1ltv :ttllll'ti•· ti• · ld . tl:v )'ri' ill · ;. : ~.·-. ., f tit~.· l iln·an· and tiH· ••cid_,. :tnd dt·ntand th ;t t tlll.-. l' -.IJ:tl l r~..·tunJ te~ , ... u .. t;ch r~.. · .. 11 Jt-.

: 1 ' I': t Y. ., II ...- i 11 ' . ....... 1 11 ! v 11 1 1 ' I l i Ill .._. cl' .. .._. n c: .. j 11 .. t ~ 1 .. r \ ·: t1 ~ 1 n· " a r c1 . I tl . . . t .. (.Ill.• H' 111\l--lllllllt •· ! 1lltllll.'\-. l.'\' l'l'\ J,j, ,,j \\hidt lllll-..1

i'r"dll c t· r~,.· .... ult-- ••r l~t·l~~-- t. ~~~ a :.•;~in t•• · :1\- !1 and L' \l'l'\ ""l.' ._, ..... ltid ~~ 11\·:trt_, \\e.:k11 111 ~ t•• I ha r ( Hd ll ") 'l'. ,,j h·h, --t ,;am~..· :tlld ll..'l'"' d "car .. · I""' tttcl. a11d "1..· uu--t that ~hl· ma,· l'll lllll "'' L': tl·h and all l• • up iJ,.Jd tlti -. inhcritan~..· ~..·.

OUR NEW F ACULTY MEMBERS. '-' . I ·I:\ l'.l:lll,:..:l' ' h:t\l' 111..'1..'11 lll:tcJ...- I ll tllL'll':tdlill~ j, , l'l.l' 11j "' 'l't.'

"lit-~ L' ~ llll"l· I :t -.. t J t 1111..'. \ \ e d v .. i n · t" g i , ..... . \ n...-1 11 , r r L': 1 c1 l' r ~ ~ 1

\\ttJ'd llj illiiiJ'IJl:t l it~ll \\ itll ll..'g:tl'd ltl l..'; tdl llj tilL• --i~ 111..'\\' tl.':J t.'ll­

e 1 .. t l1: 1 L It :1\ I.' ...-' 'm L' t11 • •tt r 'l'Il", I. T II t...' 11 L' \\ II L' a c i " i l It c 111 11 d c r 11 I: 1 11 !..! 11 ; t ~! .... d .... p a n ll l l' Ill i .. :\ 1 r .

i·:d\\anll ·: li;t-- . \),- 1·1· I · I' · 1 .. ·. 1a:-- \\';, .. ••'I ll til nt--:--la a1u "-L'ntrt·d hi-.. 1..a1 h educ:ni. nt tht.:rl..' in tilt• JJ., ...-h ~dn1k and !~cal ( ;nnna­:-- ium .. \iter graclttatiun ir• 1111 thv latkr in:--titutio 11 he tr;t,· ~..·krl i11 Frann· and acquired :t fir:--t l1:111d kil ll'. \' ll'dg • ltf the Frl'n ch iangtt;t~e. pl'nple and c u ~ t••llt'- . Ill' thl'n , ... ,~, ... t 1 , the nitl'cl State:-- , ancl . aitl...'r hi~ .!..:racltt:tti'"' irt~tn tlw Kan 'a"' ~tate Nnrmal Schu•tl, t· ~ tahli ;-; hed th · 111•tdl.' lll languag·t· cll•p;trtmcnt in that

culkge and tau gh t tlrc.:rl' i"r =--~·\ 1..11 ~car -... I >uri 11 ~ thc -..l' ye<ll :·


ltl' t••11k a ~..·c• ur-..e i11 lll~tcknt l:tn :: u;q.,! t':-- at tilt· graduatc;dHHll t'i il:tl\arcl l'ni\er-.ity. lie- .... crund ltj .... ma:-: tt·r· .... <kgrcc fr••m th~..·

~:t;tcluatc ~,·h•Hll "i l ' hir:tg•' L' ni\1..'1:-: ity . lhtrin;..:, tilt· la-.t ei.~ht .'car~ he ha:-- taught tllt~clcrn lan~ uag-e:-- at Jlur<itH.' l'ni\Tr:--ity. I aia,·etll..' . Indiana . In l'n,ft·:--:--ttr 1-:Jia~ thL· .... ttuknt:-- pf ll t~ pc

i1:1\ e a g-enial frit'tHI and a th••n •u:..:h. cntl:--cientit lll:' tc.:achl'r.

I >r. ( ;_ nlllllll' ~kl'rL'<l l~ 1111\\ head:-: thl' philn~llphy depart­illl'lll c•f ll"pe. l>r . :\kl 'reary graduatl..'cl fn11n :\tu .... kin~um l 'cdkg('. <>hi ll . in JXCJ:; and innn the .\ lkght·ny Thet~lngind

~enti11an· . l'itt-.IHtrg. in l~'>K lie then had itntr ~ l.'ar:-: ni --tn·n­llflll'- hut 'aluahlc ~·~pl'rit' lllT UJ>''" the hnme mi-.-.:-.inll lil·ld-. in K:tll'-:t=-' a11d < )klahllma. in l••calitic:' that Wt' re tht·ll ju .. t l..'lllerg­ing fn1111 J,arhari,nt. IIi:-- graduate w11rk ha=-- het'll 111 II i .... lttry and < ;rel.'k at Chi ~..·ag-n l'ni\ cr-.ity and in l'ltitn~nphy at the ( ;nn'l..' l'ih· ~dltt~ •l 11i l'hiltl,ctp)l\·. IIi:-- dPt.:tt~r ' :-- degree wa' - -re~nfcrrect In· (;nn·L·l ' it,· L't~lkge in P>l3 . l>r. :\h-Creary l'11111C.::--

ln u-. fr"m- L'11npcr ·(~lkge. ~terling-. Kan::--a:--. where he \\a:-­lcll.·at •cl :'ince )C){)/ .

\\ 'c h:l\e already i"l11HI I>r. :\kl'reary ltt he an e~ccllcnt teal·ltcr. an ahlt.: cc•un:--l'llllr. a11d ttlll' wlttt "ill he ,,f ~real help t•1 the n ·l ig iou:-: urgan iza t it~n :-: ui the I..'Pllcge.

I >r. Frt•dcrick < ;Prcl"n \\' aidl' t:' in chaq!,c ,,j ••llr dcpart­llll..'llt nf J·:ducati•1n. Dt-. \\' aide \\' <1:-- horn in Lnlldctll. ( lnt:uin. clllf I a f t l' r g r a d l1 a t i 11 g i 11 I ~()() w i t h h ()Ill I r :-- i 11 l h l' l ' ) a :' 'll.' a 1 ( ·~~ur :--t· fnllll \\ '(':'tern l'ni,· cr~ity. I.•11Hl11n. ht· pur:--Ul'd gradu­;1 tc "-lllth· at llan·ard. lie wa:' Pr11ic:'' ttr tti <..'Ja,.;ic=-- at King ( 'nl kge .- Tcnnt·=--~c<.'. 11>02- J<>O-+. Fellow in Peclag·"!-!Y at :\ e\\· Ycn·k l'ni,·ersit,·. 1'>0~ - 1'>07. and Jlrnit'~:'nr ,,f lli.,.tnry a11cl l·:clu­ct t icnl at the .\riztlll:t ~tate :\Prmal. l'J07-JC)1-+. The clcgret•-. c•i \1. Pel. and Pel . D . \\'ere grnnted him hy :'\e\\· Yurk L'nin~r­

_-.ity in 1'>07 and l'Jll re:'pcctiYcly.

:\Irs. \\' aide ... ·ume~ from a S o uthern iamily of Tyler. Tc~a~ . ~he i:' a grad ua tc nf the State n i ,·cr~i ty nf Texa .... ancl hold:-; a ~l<t:'tcr':' degree from the Sdlt1C1l of Pedagogy, ~ew Ynrk l'ni,-cr~il\· .

Dr. \\ 'aide prnmi:--c~ t11 gin; our Department of Edu...:atio n

the standing- i l ought tu Ita ,·c.

Page 21: 10-01-1914


.\Ji,~ .'\Ita Lich i~ a graduate •tf till' l"lli\t'r""ity ••i \Ji rhi~an ( Jf)1.1) . ~he i~ flllin~ the pn'-'itillll nr itl:--trttt'tiiJ' in l·:n;..!Jj ... lt kit ,·acant b ,- :\Ii~;; ..\Tonrc. \\"c ha\T " '' dc•uht that her WCJrk \\ill l1c dnnc with thoroughnc~ and "ki lL

( >ur faculty ha~ been ... trcn.t.: tiH:ncd much in the J)(.T:--• 1 11

11f Jllhn Tillcma- of the da"' 11r JIJI-L IIi" influt'tHT a ... ;, ...,tu dcnt alllflllf.!' ;-;tudcnt..; ha~ l>ct·n prai""C\\·••rthy ;ttHI \\L' :trl' l'flllfidcnt that the growth in thi' :--amc clin'l'ti"'' will illlTl':t ... <.: .

.\I r. Tillcma wa~ ho rn at l ~:t:--t Clint,.n. Ill. lie n ·n·i,·l'd 111 ... prl·paratnry arl(lccdlcg-c tra inin~ at ll11pl'. The .\nclt11r takt· .... plc·a .. urc in referring- to him a~ it' i11rmer l ~di t llr-in-l'hief.

\I i..;:-- .\lay Loui:-:c ~ru:-::-:t·. dattt!htcr nf llt~pt·. )<)()7. i:-. an.,tltl'r . tclditinn tn our i~tcuJt,- . .\li:-.=' nnt ... :--t· wa:-. hnrn in Zcclancl. rc­cci ,·ccl her pn: parHt11ry training in< ;rand ll:n·t' ll and t'ctlllpll'tcd

ilt'r cnur:-:c at llnpc. ~he ha' tau ;..: ht j,,r f11ttr yt·ar..; in the :\",.rthwc~tcrn : \ cadcmy. .\1 i ... , Uru :--='t' ha~ alrt•ady g.ti 11 u l th t• l"<• lllidcnt·c o f man\· and we rcjnit'l' t11 11:1\·t• her with u:-- .

Y. M . C. A . TOPICS.

The fnJiqwing i:-- a li:--t of the t"pit·:-- and ll':tcll'r~ f11r t ltc Tuc ... d;l\· C\'Cnin<r mcctin ...... 11f the Ycntn"· \Jell·~ l'hri:--tian . \ .... .. - ~ ~ ~

"'"t·ia tinn fnr the fall term:

~~cptt•mhcr 22- Lnoking- l'ntu _lc :-: u :-- ............ ... I . De 1:1•LT

~cplt'mbcr 2CJ-:\ (;nod Bc.~inni11g ...... l)rl'-,iclcnt \ 'cnnenta ( ktnbcr 6-- ·a II of Chri~t ( Cllrht'LTa t ic111 \ lct't in .~·:-.)

........................................... ""····················· ........... \I . ~tt' ;.,.:.l'tt:~ <t

( ktr1her 13- Jnint Reception.

< >t· t<1 ber 2 \li=':-:inn~ ................................... l~t'\" . \ ' an 1-..:t· r:--l' ll ( ktr 1hcr 27- Thc (;rca t llltt!--illll ... . . ........... l'r11f l'''t w \: ,·ke rk ~ ,,,· ember 3- ldcal~ YCr~u~ Rcaltit::-- ........ .. ... - ....... T. z,, l' lllt-r \:,,,·ember 10- \\'cck of Pran.·r.

\:en t'll11>cr 17-Per~onal Influence ............. ............ <;_ ~tciningcr \:o,·crnbcr 2..J-- . od'~ ~ift :-: and < >ur ( ;ratitudc .................... .

..................................................................... : r. \ ·an \ V c~tcnhu rg I )ccc 111 her 1- Ch ri =' t ian i zing R eJ i g-illn ........ 1~ l ' , . . \ 'an Zo me rl' 11

f)cccmhcr 8-~1 i~~innary ~1 Cl'tinr..,: .. ........ .. .. .... C. Stoppt· l ... I )cccrn her 1 ~-True Loya lty ( Cun~t'cra ticm \1 ·c t i ng)

.................................................................................... II . .\1 aa!'-:-.Ctl

~ l


\\ 't·r; ttt·--da ' 11l•1tllitt:.,:. ~ljHt·mht· r ltl, n-;t ... tht• gnat annual ,;d; , d:t\. '' ht·i~ al ltht• ll "pcitt'""· iull"i t·n thu .... ia :-111 :tncl in high ')'it:it-.. . -~~;ttltt'l'l' d i11 tltt· t·lt ;tpvl L" cht:c r "C >lcl ll"pc" :tlld tc1

\\L·k~trllt' ~. ld irit· nd .... Tlw largt• lllllllhcr 11i IlL' \\ :--Ludt:nt ... '"""

l":lll :.,! hl the "J>itit 1 1i g'""l \\ill and irit..• tHiline-...-. \\itlt \\hidt they \\l,'l\.' -...1 ill.':t rtil.' ''':kc~tn t·<l. :\Jan\" irit·tHI-.. and i11r111l'r :-.tucknt-­.. [ 11"1'~ \\l'l"l' tltctt · 111 li .... tl'll t11 t ht· a tldn· ....... 11i the IJ,.tl. ( ;_ J. 1 >ic·l, t·tll:t. and t•• lltl' \\l'kllllll' ;,.!i' l ' ll l1~ l>r. \ . l'lllll'llla .

T Itt• tl H ' 11 tl·l' i ..... II j. t it l' y I I un :~ \ll' 11..... :t ll d \" llllll g \\. ll 11 H' ll.' l ' Ill i , 1 i a 11 . \ ..... I .... i; 1 t i • .J 1 .... h; 1\ l' I H. T 11 \ c r y I H t .... ' • t h c..-... L' I i r -.. t w c l' k "". llhvl;n:_: ti ll' tll'\\ ~ tlllhtll .... 111d lwlpin:_: tllt•m ht•t"lllll' iamiliar i"qlt \\ itlt til· -...-It ... ) and -...clttud Iii~·. ( >n the lir ... l Thur ... day : 1itc.·t tl••" i l ,,j ,; , .... llt..' \\ \t':t r . theY.\\·. t ' . . \ . :_::t\ l' a rn.· ·ptie~n

i ll tlw IlL'\\ :_:it!.... l ' lt l: \ c..:a tht·r \\a ... ~"'l'l')'ticlll<tll) lint' :--11 that 1 iJ .... 1;t \\ 11 p: 1 rt _, \\ a .... j u -. t 1 It L' t It i 11 :-! . I ; 1 • t 11 t · ~~Ill'!-! t' :111 cl I \ r cpa r a -1 .. n .. jr l ... " 'l't' ,, .... 11 rvpl'l' ' l'llll'd and a h:tppy aitl'rll11un W:l"' . .-' )1\"111 t ll~lt l h·r.

Tu .. >d:t' ni ;....lt \. ~t·pt v lllht• r _2CJ. \\·;, .... till' rt•l·t·pti"n l'\·ening •d tl'l' Y. \i. t .· .\ . ' I h~..· ~ ·• ttn g lllt'll ~ ;t\" t• tllt'lll'L'h'l'' up to a

1 ~.11_, . "' 111 timt..· :tnd tlt,n·· .. 1111 dt~ttllt :thc1UL till' fun 1.'\·cryonl.' ;, • t t 1 I .. . 1 I ··l'. I ·,,1 .11 ·,,1 ' ....... I I > r . \ l' llll• · n 1 a ,L' a , ... · . 1 ""ll ' • r ; 1 ' ' , 11 ' " 11 • < :--. :-.. l,llo. .~

J>a rti .... a.t.: n··. vpl j, 11 .... at .. · q •i; t~..· the tit in !,! . 111 tlH· l~..:g i;tnin : .. ;: : 1: 1 ·1 1 •I · . ·1 · t • , · 1'1\\ ··I I tltt tH'\': -..tuclvnt ... int1• tla· l'll llv ~t· t II . • \_ • ...,\. ( .. ..· \. • I t t • '- •

:i · t i-. ;lit·-.. :ttld t • 1 -..1t1 '" l h ~·tn 11~,,.,. l ruly \\ t'k1•lllL' tht.•y arc. ~, ,, t..·t. tl .... , •cidi c:-- l i:l\ .... l' lll l tt:ti tll'd i11r tltt'lll.

r >11 Frida~ ~\c..nin !.~ ai tc..r tltt' pull. t he \lim·n·a g·irl-.. ga,·c :til l l ll.lll"l11 : tl tc .· .·; otillll I I an lclt: 11 '\\ l'repar:ttllf'_\' ~jr) ... in till'

I l l I . .... 1111 it·lt at h11nH' i11 the l·h ... ·t·ry ! ·••l'll•i l••l\" ,;, • \lt~· 1)('

I• 1 ·,·,·.,. · ' ttl•! , .,. 111 in i•11 :t ~ .. , i:tl "I I ·rltimt•. Th,· \lint:n·a ... 11 I i ' I I I I I ,..., • • • ' •

• ,· ·. 11 j•l t ,, l ic la i ll" \ <'tl t11 l1v quill' thv a tt r;H·tiun ' ': 1 •. \ :\' 1 ' •1 • •• I I • I .. ' I

. · · I 1 ,, i 111 ·' r .. . i r t ' ~ i tn.t·nf :- \' < r l' 'L'r \ t d. •I 1 II •' l ' \ • 11111 ~.

I I) I ' · ...._. · t • , . • .·1 , •.. ,,.1_,. t•• t It• ' llt'\\- ~ irl ... . \ \ ' t•cl-• • It' , . Jllll .~II \ l l ' y · ~ ·· L I ~ •

Page 22: 10-01-1914


nesday c\·cmng-. September 23. The hall wa=-- decorated in a

mt~." t unique way t d l':trry (• Ut the eff<:c t oi an an·tic party.

~uit li·~llls fallin.,· tlll •• littcrin u· !"now and c\·cr•rrccn branc hes ~ :--... ....... ~ ~

~:t \ ' L' a :-;pknd id rcpn •dudit~n ui a lliH·thcrn zt •nc.

ill • atm• •=-piiL·rc with••Ut wa :-; kL·pt irc=--h and e<H>l.

a warm \n:k• llllC mad e cn: r_\Uill' feel happy.

In thi:-. way. while within.

Till' Philatlll·a ~··cict\' als11 l' lll crtained the new girl=-- with :til ini•.nnal party in their StH:il· ty hall. :\n interesting- program

\\ ~1 :-' ~ 1\' l' ll, aitl·r wllicll tile girb :-.pen t a dclig·htiul :-.ucial lh.ntr

tug e ther.

On the c\·t·ning- 11i September 2R the . ~nrn~i:' . tWiety cnt r­

taincd tl1e Ill' \\' girls. \ ' oorh<:cs rec c ptiun hall was a merry

pi:ln· tlJat C\'Ciling. f"r thl' j11lly ~pirit nf the girb WaS quite

~·a t c hing . The n•t)lll wa!' arranged in the coz iest way. On

,•itller s ide 11f th · lireplac<.>. the ~ea ts were decked wit h pil­

,.,"·s. Till..' nttlllL'rnu =-- lHntquets 11i sah· ia ~ added still mure to

till' l'llt•cry atnl"=-'phcre. l·:n• ry g-ir l went away \\'ith th e

mL·J11 • >rY t •i a happy c , ·e n i ng.

< )j all th e l'\' t:n ings fllr a guod time. the Friday nig-ht after 1lle pull st·~.· nwd the , .<:ry lll':-. t. !·: ,·cry cull ·gc cla:-'S indulged in

:t party . Thl' Fn·sll mt•n and ~~~phclll111l'l'S dL'l'i(kcl t11 remain in

ttl\\ 11 that tlwy might he ncar l':tdt ,,ther. \\'hilc the Juniurs

=~nd ~l·llit•r:.: sp nt the l'\' cning· t•ll th' beach at :\Jacata\\'a.

:\ ..... k the ~~~pllumc,n·s ii they like icc-cream! The hay- rack

1 icl · ni till' .Juniurs wa:-. quite a 11 11\'l'ltL E,·eryhocly cnjuy ' d hinh<:lf thllrt Jttg hly.

Thl' t'ulh:gc Y. :\f. C. :\. des ire:-; tl> announce that ~Jr.

l~cgi nald Buchanan. "hn is the traYeling !" ·c rctary tJf the

Student \ 't~l unlccr :\ln\·emcnt. \\'ill !-- JH.' IHl <ktt,ber IXth and

JtJth at tlllr colll'ge. :\lr. Ducha n:lll is a graduate of .:\ld~ill

L' ni\·t•r:-'ity and lluron TIH~11logkal ' u llcgc and is precmi­

lhlltly wL·Il litt<:d iur \\'ork am(lng s tudents. \\' <:may therc­i"re L·••ngratulatc o ur:-;lc\· :-; upun our good i•,rtune in hl..·ing­

;tldt.: tt l SL'l' tiiT a Yi:-.it irnm him . lie \\ill htlld meetings with

t h c Y . :\I. l'. . \ . a nd Y . \\ · . C. . \ . and t It ' \ · u I un tee r Han cl. a s n :- 11 a " pcr :-.t~nal inten· icws \\ ith thuse interes ted in the lield

ui mi s:-. i••n .....

i 'I

I I l



ltlumn1 The 1\c \. .\l hL·rt ()Jtlllan. ·,·3. a11d l1i .... i:tmih· ha\e macll·

tln:i r trip te~ Japan "''' iar in ..;.aicty. :\li s .... Janet-< >ltm:tn. '1-+. \\ill teaL·h in Japan.

The 1-!cY. Ja l·"l ' I l<:cm--tr:t. '10. whu rt'l't'nt ly gracluat<•d lrnm thv \\ 'l· .... t ern ThL·.,J.,g iral ~cminary. kt"' l~t't'll in ..... talled a~ p:t:-.t"r ni Trinit\· l~ei"rmcd Ch un·h ,,j l'hi,:a"t•. - ~

\\ ' ith ""IHTII\\' \\(.' l'l'l'lll'd the ck:tth ttf tell(' 11i II li i' o )d est

:tlnmni. the l~l'\ . \\ ' illi:tm :\l t~vrd~· k. D. D .. \\'ltll pa.-~c cl a\\':t_\' ••n tlw 17th ,,f l:t !-- t lll«~lltlt. :titer "t'\·er;tl m •• nth-.. 11f iliiH· ...........

l > r. :\ I n e r cl y k w a.- a m c ml n.: r c • i t 11 L' I i r :-. t c Ia .... "' g- rad nat l' d f n •m IJ .,pe. and abn t 1111k hi-.. thclllog ical training lll·n·. lie scn·l·cl

:c--. p:t't"r 11f ..... l.'\·e ral ni th l' \\.,' ... tent chttiYht·"' and 11111y lately

n·mn\cd t'' llt,JI:tncl t•' ')H'IHI the re-. t c•i hi .... Jiic.· in n•tircment irc•m :t c ti\e :-.vn· i~.·v. Thn·u~ l.c•tt t hi ... liivtinw. l>r. :\lt•t·rd~ k

111 :1 i 11 t :t i Ill' cl a I i 'T h · i 11 t <: n .... t i n It i... . \ lm a :\ I at L' r. -=-' l' n i 11 ... a "' a - ~

•lll'llll•er .,j thl' Cttunril at the tim e 11i hi .... ckath. Thl·rc 1111\\'

• c 1ll a i 11 h n t t h r e c 111 ('Ill h l. · r-.: 1 ,j tIll' o I cl ·I a !'--..... " i I X(,(, . \\' h i c It u rt • .. -:-..

in:tlly numhl.'rl'd eight m e n .

:\11'. IIL·:.:sel 1·:. Yntc.: ma, ' 12. :'ailed ~l'ptt·mhcr 2J f,H- l·.n g­

i:llld. " ·herL' he will pnr :-: nc a t hrt'l' _\'l..':u· .... · rc•lli'!--C ,,j "'t udy at t l:dt~rcl L'ni\·L-r:-.it\'. :\lr. Ynt<:ma i!'- the ""l'CIIIlll f{h ••ck .... ~dt•tlar \\ hcl Ita-.. g••IH' t•ttt f1c1111 ll ••pe l'tclkgl'.

Dr. \\ ' illiam lh· Kl ·inc. '( J~ . "h11 ha ... IH." Il a prc•mincnt

1•1..' .... !,· ian in (;rand ll:n ~.·n. Ita-.. ~ in.• n up hi .... pr:h·ti.-v thcrl'

.11ccl ITllln\·cd \\'ith hi.- iamih· t• 1 . \1111 . \ riHII'. \\hen· he \\ill clu tu• ~ t -g radn:tll' \\urk.

Thl' 1\l'\'. J. 1·:. l"uizL·nga. 'tJfJ. h:t :-' a);.:,, l'l'l1111\' t'd \\'ith hi-..

1 a 111 i I ~ t u . \ 1111 . \ r I J 11 r. \\ h l' r ~.· h c \\ i II .. t 11 d y i 11 r a y t ·a r.

\\ · c n · ~~ ITt t" 1111 t c I 11 ~· 1, a .... '· i 11 !-!' 11 i :t 1111 t Ill ' r "i I 1 .. 1 H' • ....

.\ lnmni, !.r. IILIII ic tl "' l: :tr••tl ,,j tiH· cl:1 .... .., coi 1~/:;. l>r. l~arlllt

\\:t ·, ,,,r nt:lll_\' yL·ar-.. a -...une .... siul ph~ --ic ian a t :\lu--kegt,n and

Page 23: 10-01-1914


l:t tl' r :tt 1\·ll:t. Inn-a. ''hen.· he n·...;ickd at thl' time ,,f hi!' death.

1' !;\' 1\c\ . \ i,· t, •r \\" . l~ l~..· l,kink. '01), ha-. gi,·en up lti :-. "''rk

.. t It'll ;.! l~t:ttll'h . \: . ,1 .. 111 t :d.-l· up hi " Ill'\\' pa .... t11rat ,· at l':tna -

J••h:llic. :~. Y . \Jr -. . l~h· J,kink \\:t:-. \li :--:-. . \ ~IlL' .... ~taplekamp 11i \ it l' ~. ; I ... ... I I j I I I( ,, l .

l'h l· 1\~..· '· J)irk lh·k ... tr:t. 'Ol•. h:t!' retunH..'d with \lr :-. . lh·k -. . ·· tr.t t <~ thl· .\ r:thi:tll mi...;-.j,,,, lil'ld. after :-.JH'llding ;-;nmc tim e in t h i~ ~·it~. \\ ' hih· h l·n·. \J r. l)yk:--tra ;-;t u cliecl :tt the \\ 'L·:-.tl·rn l"hc • .J,,:..:i"·: tl ~vminan· . lini-.hin;..! thl' l'l' la:-.t \1:1\·. . . .

\J r .... . Fr:tlll''' ' l'hl'lp' ( lttv. ·~2. ha~ re turned tn her htlllH' t l \ lh:tn.'. \:. Y .. :titl'l' '-}H'tHlill;.! the ~ttlll nH·r at l ~a--t ~~~rth­

:J l' ld. \l:t ... ...;:h.'hll .... l'lt:'.

!'r, i. I k rhl·rt t ~. K~..·ppl·l. 'Kq. Ita..; rcturnl'cl tn < ;:titl<.''-\·ille. F!. •r ida. \\ lh:rc h~,.• ' l't' liJlll.':-- :t l·h:tir at the ~tate L'ni\' l'r ... it\'. \ l r. J.(q p t•l 'JH.' lll t h t• :--ummer :t tlti...; htlllH' in Zcl'lancl. .

T il t• 1{\'\. J •dl n \1. \ ' an der \l l' nl cn. ''JI. ·II· l~•llli ~ ,· ilk.

1,, ·:1 th· k~. ~ J• t'I! t ... \'\l' r:tl \\'el·k .... 11i the pa:-.t :-.nmnH·r in Zt•clalld . tit' ! I J, • II :t tl• ! . I ) u r i 11 ;..: l h l ' 1111 111 t h 1 1 i . \ u g u "t. I> r. \ · a 11 d l' r ~. ! ~,. u :~.. ,1 · ,'\llj'il d hi ~ i"r llll'r pulpit at llt1pe Ch u rc h .

·1 :: l "~,.·,. < ; '- rri t J. 1\·nnin;..: .... ·o,;. , ,f . \rahia. \\·a ... a recl'nt

j , ;l :· : :1 :>i - ... ·i n . \\ h i!:..• lwn· he adclrc,-.cd t he ~t tHknt ' at

' ~--. · :: :1 \\. \ \ :\.·n ~,.· · · .... '1<1. 11 i /.el'l:tncl. had platllll'cl tc 1 t!•• i: ..... --:=::: ·· :. · t:": .: .. : ~tud _,. t iwre. l~tu ha..; hel·n c•~mpellvcl · · .. : · _ .. · > : ~ : t • ~ ·~~u tll 1 1 i t h ~· • 1t1 t h rea k " i t It e 1·: u n 1 1 H.' an

,_ I ' · h :t ... ki t c~.· tltr:t I Jla rk. \\ h('l'l' he

-I . • ... .... II l. c :: i :.:

' , .. '

I f ••• • ' ·-·· .

[ ;· .. ,_c . '11 / . ha ... a c l' l'JHL·d :t p••~ iti ~t n 111 the . 1 .•·r;l l.:.n:...ua:..•l·~ at llt~pc Ct~lkg ' .

' • t t 1 • •

THE CLASS OF 1914. In ... , ::~ .. :t • c· i :t ,. J,,,.n :ti,Jc t,, a-..n·rt:titt. the nH·ml >l'l'~

• .J til l· l'l:t~ - , ,j 1' 11-t :trc· l· ·~·: ll c· d in the itt llll\\ill " td :ll' "-' "" thi "" ;-...

~ l.''' r : <· .. rnc·li:t ~~ ~~um :t. t<·a ~· hi n ~~ in !lull lliglt S,·h""l. !lull Ia . Kat h n 11 I '1 ·1 ~~ r i 111. :t t I H.: r IH 11lll' i 11 I J., I Ia 11 d .


Dnn1thy Trt~111JH.:n. teal'hin~ at \: c llil· J. \ ' andcr \ ' L·ldc. taking

l · .. \ .at l>ctn•i t.


'cdar (;run: .\ l.'adcmy. a training l.'nttr:-.c in Y. \\ ' .

. \ dria11a ll ammckt HII. tcachin;.:; in ChiL·<tg-o Public Schn()l~. l~uth \ ' a ndcn Bl'rg . teaching· in Zeeland II igh. ~ina L ind e m an, tc;.u:hin:.!" in Cu11pcr:-.\·ille ll igh . Cooper:-.­

' ille. ~ I it-h . I lai'cl l'lctncnt!'. tcad1ing in Dangnr II igh. Bangor. ~Ii ~._·h .

I kkn f{ llc) .. i .... at her ht\lllC in .\ m:'tt•rdam. ~cthcr1ttnd" .

l ' h;.t r1t~ lk Dl.' l'n:t·. at her he llllC in Zccla nd. 'nrnc lia J. ( >ltman~. mi ... ~ i .. nary tn Japan.

. \ r tiJLtr \ ' i:--:->cr. l'ni,·cr!-'it \' "f ln\\'a.

ll t•tJry l; iJkcrt. Prinrcttlll ~cminary. I I c r h c r t \ · a 11 \ • r a 11 k c n . X c \\' U n 1n ..:. \\' i r k S e 111 i n a r y . l·:d" in 1-( ~,c:.·ppc. tcaL"hing· in 'cdar (;run: .\ c::Hicmy . \\'i:--.

Jul111 Fli~ ht. ll artfe~rd Seminary . llcnry \ 'an ll u ute. t eachi n :.!" at Tall Timber. ~l ontana. l'ltarle:-- PeeL teaching at ~l arinn . Ky. l .cpp•• Jl, ,tgictcL tcat·hin).! at c;L· r man \ ' a ll ey. 111. l{nbct t K '' H •d:-.ma. Pri nrct••n Semina n·. J • ~hn \ ' an Stric:.·n. ~ c"· Brun~ \\· id.- SL·minary. l'a.' llltiJHl l.uhbcr" . t eaching at < )rang·c Cit\'. Iowa. I knr~ Tcr K cur:--t. lll ino i ~ l'ni,·cr~ity.

Cyrus l> n•ppcr'. L'niYcr;-;ity nf ln\\·a. I·:J m c r T c r \ I a a t. t l ' a 1. • h i n ; ... :: i n C c cl a r ( ; n n · c . \ L' a cl e m y . \ \ · i ' . ~ idtt t!a ~ ~ic h tl·rnw 11. f'rin cc t(l\l !-'em ina n ·. II. \1 ichavl \ ' een:-.rhntcn. \\· c~tern Thc<~lngiral S e m in ary. II a rry II• dT'. \ \ ' e..,tcrn The1 ) l n~ical ~em i nary . \\' illiam ( ;reenliclcl . L'ni,·cr;-;ity ni ~I ich ig-an. l'tti'Jlt'iitt:-- \Ju ...;te. ~e\\· nnt ll:'\\ ick ~e111i11ary .

' lart·tH' C l .nkkcr. L'ni\·cr:-. ity \If -:\lichigan.

Jlcnn· laruh~ . \\ ' l' :'tenl Thc•.J,,~j~._·al St•minar\'. .. . . .. ( ·,Hlrad Jnn; .. ::cwaarcf. a:'~i:'tant ~ccrctary at Dattlc Creek

y. :\1. l' .. \ . Clan:nn; JJ , ,J Ieman. \ \ ' c:'tcrn Rcsen·c · n i \'Crsity. Clc\·c-

iand. Jnhn R icmt·r~ma. L·n i,· cr~i ty nf :\1 ic hig-an . J a~.·nh . \It h u i:-: . \\ ' c...;tcnt Thcnlngica 1 ~em in a ry.

J 11 h11 ~1uy ~kcn '. teal.'h in g- al {)ran~c City .\ radcmy, I u wa . Joh n Till cma. in ~trurtur at I lope ' ullegc.

Page 24: 10-01-1914


l.c••tt .:\luldl' r. \\ ' a-..ltiugtt•ll l'ui\·L·r:-;ity. ~t. Ltmis. lll·nry l'"PIH:n. l'rincl't tl ll ~l'minary.

lntL·r-cPih:;...:iatt• atltktil·:-: did we want. fcllc•w:-;? \\'ell. in ­tcr-c,,J Jcgiate athktic:-. \\'l' han:. with the t' ~<:c plion of ft~tJtl>all. ~~~llh.' 11i tt ::. :-;till ha\· ~·. "a :'edt :-pc1t in u ur heart:-." fnr the grea t ;.: ante ancl ft~r us it j ... rather :--tran~c llclt tc) h t·ar tltt' ~.;-x-t - hut "hat i:-; the U :'t: - :--cl it ha-.. J,ct.·n decrct.•d and :-;11 it is. Hut ''ur l~t,pc:-- it•r a l>alllJcr year in athletic l'P llt<>t =-- arc nut at all !dPtlt'd uut. Th~· prc,:- pt.'l't :- iura winning basket hall team ar·c i.rigltl. \\ ' ith 111• •:- t . ,f the ,,Jcl men had' and a few high Sl'hPcll -.. La r.... i 11 c 1U r I i Ill' - ll p. \\ l' \\ i II :-' u r d y It a v t• a t cam w h i c h w i II lltak,· a ;...: • IIH) :-;ltll \\'illg \\'itlt tilt.' clthl'r t.•ullcgc team:-;. Baseball aud tr:H·k \\' t~rk \\'ill he g i\en Jll11rc attentinn than hert·tofc,rc. · c• tktt in th .. :-.t· l•raJlt'ht.•;-; ni athll'li c;-; \\'C \\'ill abt> I>\.' well rcpre-l' nll' d. T e nn i . .- i :-- I ' c l' nm i n ~ a r a t It c r p • 1 1 ntl a r g a m c a 11 d w i t IJ

:\lr. \ \ ' iut~T a:-. lll:tnager wc n eL"d n c1 t feat· that the cc•ttrb will :Jtlt I>L' tal\l'tl ca re oi. :\I r . \\ ' inter \\'a:-' elected t o rill tlte \':tt:ant:v l<Itt:-.cd ),y the n·:-;ignatit~n 11f :\I r . < ;el>harcl.

I i at hI c tit- g an H .. ·:-; are pI a y L' cl • •nl y in r t II c pIty =-- i L' a 1 de' ·c l11 p­lllcttt tlt c t.'tlntcstant JTcci\'l':-. it is d"uhtful \\'ltcthcr thl')' arc worth '' hilc. There i:-; m c,rc to be ,,htaincd. T o win with fair ••r fu ttl mean :-' :-ht mld 1111t he ttppcrmc•;o-;t in utt r minds. hut to pla) the game iair and then win i;-; a nol>lc practice. \\ ' e hc­!ic\ l' that II up~· 'nllcgc ha- t a ken a step in a<h·anre. \\ ' e need nu longer pIa y i nd cpen dent lea m :-:. but nuw it i :-; o ur p ri v il cgc to play m urc college lcam:'. ~len wh u think the ~amc as we do. wltn:'e )Htrpu;-;c in life is the :-;amc as nur~. and who e~pcd

u~ to he gentlemen alway:-;. will no\\· meet our team . Let tt:-­

:-.how them, tllcrcfllrl'. that Jl.,pc ·~~liege studenh arc true :-' J><lrl~mcn-willing to light tt~ the end and if defeated t u take Jcfcat like men.



"The ~nplts mu:-.t he beaten:· :-;aid a Frcshic. the lir:-.t time lte put his f11nt ou I lnpc l"ollt•g•: soil. 1 t is :-;aiel the lir~t man t•1 he elected at the Fn·~.hman clct":-. meeting- \\a s the tug of \·. ;•r captain. llardly "·.,ttld tl11.:y wait fnr the L'\Cnt. E,·t-ry .:ih·tn"' ' 'l. '' L' c••ulcl :--l'C th l' ll• in : r• •up:-: cd twP ••r three march­:•t · ,.(( lt~ --••tllt ' :--L·dudcd ;··• l 1 prar t i,·e. It is :-aid that in titc ''ut-kirt:-. ••i the rlty hardly a t ree i-., k it :-- ta nding. all lta \­ing been pulled hy the amhitit~u:-; men .

. \t e~at·tly -+ 11\·lnrk the battle wa.- t11 commen c e, and it \\as u nly the fault 11f the pis t td that it didn't. .\11 pistc)b ccmed to he he\\ itched on tha i day . . \ ftcr a minute or twu.

the tu "n in" was a"ain started and this time :-;tarlccl for g nod . ~M ;-, ~

inr it seemed as if the cncl wcntld ne\'Cr come. The Frcshic~ ~ain ed rope. The ~~~phs immediately drew it back. The Snphs shifted plact•:-; . The Frcshic:-; cheered . Uut n u t so s oon , \ ' tilt newcomer. for the Sl'Ctllld \·car men arc still ali,·e. F nr

thirt,·-three minute=-- the :-'ee-~awing- game L'nntinued . and th e n tite r~ wa:-' nn more hope fnr the ~uuth-hank protertnrs. Lik wat~r rah thL'\' followed. u ne afte r the other. There is tHl

han1t dunl'. ~n,;hs. ycnt had a hath; the Fre=-- hie=-- didn't. If y o u

can hear all defeat;-; a=-- y o u ~tuncl that u nc. y u u may boast a

,·ictun·. "I.-he tug-- c• f-war wa~ :-;upen· i~ed by members o f the Scnin r

cla~s. The S ophomore road1 wns J. ~l ot~re. while \Jr. <;i)hert And :\1 r. Drew held the reins for the Fresltmett. :\II mu~t he ;.!ivcn credit for true spt~rt:-.man~ltip. and the large crowd that witnes~cd the light :-.ay it was the best tug-u f-war in years.

Page 25: 10-01-1914


~..· nn· I,, 11 d.::- .. J•n,f. l·: lia :- " J rel'CI IIliiii.' IH) Jclill!-..1 111· .., l·: tt l'.\l.') t1 pl'cli ;t.

tltink \•Ill \\ill lt:t\ l' 1111 cliflintlt,· in rc tllt' llth cri tt~ the natPt·."

Uttt..·:-- ticllt \\ ' II\· :-- !J,.ttldll't t iH· Fn·:--lt ie:-- ~~~ lll':tr tltt..· pa r i-:? . \ n-..\\t' r J: n·a u -. ~..· tlrt· -..q ui iTl' l"' tll i~ ltt get th <.: nl.

A New Wrinkle.

I lcnn· \\a -.. 't·n· prt~ucl 11f lti-.. kittl'll .. and lll' ll tl~ht tltc Ill t • ' l11 ''' t • ' t II e ' i ·· i t 11 r. I I i.. 11 111 t h u · h e a t d t It l'tll c 11111 i 11;..: ; d, •11 ~~ tltl' ktll and .. rl:rrm td at the nt•i ... l'. r alkd ~ · ut . "l>"n'l lturt tltl· kitlt' ll :-- . llc11n· !" ":\••. ll ll• tl r ~..· r ... came tlte ~ tn:--wer . "I'm ~.·ar-

' ·' i 11 ~ t I t~..· 111 J, y t lw :-- t c 111 .... ..

l'n•f. 11:rttcr ... ,.n th e I k~· Ill i;t . t I I

fa tn il) .'. T <.· l. indc "(>It! arl· ,."ll lakin ;.! c:arc 11 i it "!tile tit<.·, · an.:

a \\ a,· ?"

A Little Misundertsanding.

Tlte jan it••r ,,f tltl· prilltar.' -..cit",.] w;t .... a fit..·n·t· '"'l),ill;.! tllatt. \\ ' illit.· l'u nTII had -..pelll lri:-- fir-..t day in :-- c ltct~ll. a11d -.u r pri .... l.'rl lti ... tllr•tltt.·r • 111 cttntin~ ht~me hy hl·in ;...: \' <..'ry :--i lt·nt ;rnd llt •uHh ·. Tlt1.· lll' ' l lllclrllillg Itt· n:ius ed t11 gtt tc1 :--l·ltt~t~ l. \\ ' ltl'll :-- Ire tr it..·d l 11 take !tint tltt·rt· ltc kicked and sq uirmed until :--he i...- l It i 111 .., t a y at It t11lll' . . \ l II till 11 ~ It l ' t 11 J d It j ~ j at It Cr. " \ V It at'S

tltt..' mattl'r. ck;rr ?" a:-kt·d the fat her. " \\ ' t~n't nnt ... II t n sdt(lu l . :-.

if ntamma tak~s \ ' til t ? .... ~~~. 1111, daddy. 1'111 afraid. Y c th'da,· a hi ~ J,j~ tll:tll c:t llll' int" :--c ltt11d with a ladd l' r- and ill'

'''""~·cl :trtlltlld ~ 1rtd Itt.· -..; t id \H.' \\'CIIt't lta11g tltt•nt toda,·­\\ ·' lJ hang tltl'lll t tlntiiiT\1 \\ _''


Rhea-''1\ren't :--tHnc ni the latc~t hat~ ah-.:.urd ?" Lockhnr~t-''Yc.:.. hut when .... ,,me people put them o n,

I hl:_\' cit 1 It H 1k ...," appropriate."

Dr. \ "cnncma (in d1apel) - '"Thc Juniurs may nccupy the ~cttccs in the rear.''

.\ :--idt• from Jt~hn st lll-- · ·1 like ..;e ttcc.:. better than anylhing­cbe.' '

Dr. r ~ tia.:. l·:tnw t, , iantlty mee ting- and rrpnrt ·d the lat c ..:.t \\';rr nt' \\S. Ill· -..aid. " I -..a,,· the .:.t~n: ·sl'e ell- " ai-..cr.' (C. De K<.•y..:.c r) .

S t t • i n . ( t h c d a ·' · a it c r t h c .. P tt II .. ) _ .. I h e a r \ ·u tt It 1 =' t \ · "'t e r-da ,. ~ ..

Hazel Fortuinc-"I should say not.'• Stein. "I nw:111 ,·n u r we cream. II ~17t·l- "( )h! ,- ~Il l.

An Advertise1nent.

" \\"antl't l. a nu1m i11r a gentleman twenty-eight feet l j)n g­;rnclt\\l' lll_\" - t\\ •• ic~..· t \\ide. ( l>i c k Sm:tlkg an m:ty apply ).

Jus t a Mistake.

.\11 lri-..ltman l' :t111 < ,,,. ·r ltl thi s l'lll111try t•l rrnd hi.:. brn thcr. Ill' lt:tcl th<' lltllltlH.' r. 22<n nrll:td\\'ay. a nd a-.. he \\":lS \\·alking d"'' n l:n.ad\\:t_\' he :--a\\' a tr• lllcy -ca r g-~• hy. < )n it he read. 22U J l~rll:td\\a\". "\\"ell. \\ell." he cr i~..· cl. " t lwn.: '..:. m,· hn •tht·r'..; h11u..;c r unning away.''

~l ax Re~.·...;c (c:tJn·a=--sing-) - Tn a lms\· <l itnr-·· .~ir.

.. · h ~·nld like t•• ctll ,.,lltr a ttentiun tn ~little \\~1rk I han.· here." B11-..y l·:ditclr - "Yt>--. \\.l· ll le t m e ca ll ,., ,ur att enti11 n t•, a

"Jt,,J.... l11t "i '' 111 k I han.· here.'' (I w~ • IHkr ii ~Ia~ -..11!<1 :t hoc•k) .

Cass e for Worry.

.\ quaint Picl tH.'grtr ... tl' pped up t11 tlte tic k et windtlW and

llll r r il'd h · di.·Jll:t ntlt-<1 a ti t..· kct i11r l' i~i11u t Junction. " ll ope ch• tt :.irt "':n · Ill' 1•111 !.~ l'lltllin·:· he ..;aid anxi"u .... Jy. "~ly nt..·pJw,,.· ... ,e·, ),,,, .. .. " .\J,,ut tl'n minull':--. tuwk." the c lerl · r ea:-- .. urctl him . Till· cl.trJ, _, \\t.·ttt t• • tlt<· plati••rm and :-:.tudit..·d th • nul-11.'1 it t-!111:11 t1 '1 r~ ...;c rilltt--ly. Then he n. turned t u th e wincl11\\' . .. , >id ,·pu -. :1 ' tn,· train ,,.,,uJd be 'J ,ng- in tvn minutes . -.:.ah 7'" he

Page 26: 10-01-1914


asked anxiously. "Yes. uncle." "Jest axl·d ynu, sah . 'cause <lat dere hoard says all train:-- o11 t ime \·cpt nne. and I wa~ jt·"t li g-e r in· d at d at d c r ' , 11 e w o ul cJ he m i 11 e: · .. . \ II t ra ins nn t i m . :-.0111e nne has tampered with the nulJctin-fluard." l'XcJa imcd

the clerk. and he rushed nuhide. li e stared f11r a m nmcnt :tl

Lhe s ign and then at the ncg-r(). Slt1wly hi:-. ian.· rel;txul intn

a hrnacl gTin. The 13ullctin-IHJanl rl·ad: " .\II trains 1111 tinw Sept. 1. ··

··E,·crybody o ut hut th e wash. ;mel that':-- g-c,ing 1111t in the m orn 111g.

Stranger (a t fn>nt doPr) - "l'cll ikc tc• '"'P<.'ak 111 \J r . Jnnc:--:· :\laid- '' li e's uut. sir:·

Strang-er- " .:\f rs. J o n es will <IP then." ~I aid- " Sh c · s u u t. tnu ...

Strang-er (after due cnns idl'ratinn and matured (k lil>cra ­

tion) - ''\\ 'cl l. I'll jus t sit dt lwn In· the lire and wait ttntil the\· rl' tll rn ."

~laid-'· J'm :'orry. s ir. hnt the lire ·.._ 11llt. tcud"

:\Ji~~ lmmink (in Cerman cb~;; )-"~lr . \\"intl'r. :tn ..... ,\er thi: quc~tiun in ( ;crma n : \\"ic ist < >tt', ~··

:\ rt- "( >tto ist nicht hicr. ahl·r <.: r i'-'l -..cr warm ... ~lis~ lmmink-"\"c~ . but th at's hardly an an -.. \\Tr tu m,·

question ...

:\rt- ''\Yell. yuu'rc ;; upposcd t u tt:-.c Ynttr imag-inati 11 11 .

Vaupel! & Aldvvorth Successors to Gerber Drug Co.

(;o•ncr S•h !!i•r.-..-• & (;.-n•rul Av~.

llollond .. !\lieh.

Ne.,.•· 14 .. iran in un (,ld ~funcl

Come in and Get Acffllctinlt•d

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ' SCHOOL of ' ' '•':"~~/) EIGIIEERING CIVIL MECHANICAL. ElECTRICAl and CHEMICAL


s.nd ror. eatatogue. TROY. N.Y.


Patronize Casper Belt's BARBER SHOP Nearest the College

Hardie Should Be Your Optician Because he has had 18 years of Optical Experience. Because he uses the most modern methods Because he has the most completely equipped

Optical Room in Holland.

Your Eyes Examined without Charge.

H. W. HARDIE, The Jeweler 1 $l W. 8th St.

Toilet Articles that are Right ----Sold At-----

~ SMITH'S DRUG STORE ~ Soaps, Taloums, Combs, Brushes, Etc.

We Appreciate Your Trade



Citz Phone • ., .. :a 91 99 E. 81h Stre~t

The Holland City News does a whole lot of work for people who

appreciate Good Printing

Page 27: 10-01-1914


Dr. James 0. Scott DENTIST _ _..._~·--

Evening Appointments Tues. and ctt. from 7 to 9.

IOD«S-1·30 t• 12 I • . l 30 te 5 p a



If you want to know all about them ASK ME

WM. J. OLIVE, General A~ent

Phone 1124 HOLLAND, MICH.

----------------------------------------Make Appointments Now

for Your Holiday Photos. By sn doing, you get better

ser\'icc and avoid the worry

anti rush of the Holiday bus-



19 E. 8th St. Up Stairs



I I .




\ .

. .


-------first Class

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Geo. H. Huizinga & Co. :;f,~-~~i~~~" 38 E. 8th Street, Holland Main Street, Zeeland

We MaKe a Specialty of

Correct Photographs ~

Don't decide until you have seen what we have to


Best Work at Lowest Prices

E. J. Mac Dermand STUDIO

Zeeland Phone I 07

Peoples State Bank Holland, Michigan Capital $50,000.00

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C.mmm:ial an• SavlnC Departments

John G . Rutgers, Cuhier Henry Winter, Ass't Cashier

41 on Time Depeslts

Page 28: 10-01-1914



Have your Orations, Debates, Theses, Etc. TYPEWRITTEN

All \vork done same day received. 40% Discount to Students. InquirP of

W. A. SCHOLTEN ' 4 1 East 10th St.

~--.~~----------------~~ Waganaai-- & Ha1nm

Ma nufacturers of

Calkin's Ice Cream Private Orde rs Promptly Atte nded T o

Citz. Phene 1470 51 W. 8th St. Holland, Mich.

STUDENTS ... -. - . - · ·-----

We welcome you at our store where you will feel at home

Nick Dykema Tailor : HaHer : Men's Furnishings

Charter's Barber Shop

Our Work Speaks for Itself ENUFF SED ....

6 W. Eighth Street Next to Van's Restaurant

• •

. • • I



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Pictures and Post Cards Pillow Tops and Pennants

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Coster Photo Supply Co. 19 E. 8th St. Phone 1582

Page 29: 10-01-1914


C: J . D I E KBM A, Pre"itJ~: nt 1! . J . I.UIDENS. C uhic r \\' ~t. J . WESTV I·. EH. A u1 . Cu .. hier

f "'IR S'"f STATE BANK With Savings De~artment

C:\PlT \I .. ~l fl<JILUS aut! lJNDIVJPEil PHOFITS, $127,000.00 DEPOSITS $1,45··,(;00.00

Corner Eighth Street and Central Ave. HOLLAND, MICIUt;AN

RED + CROSS Barber Shop

Everything Sanitary Agency for the Baxter Laundry Company

LAUNDERERS and DRY CLEANERS 198 River Ave., Phone 12 t 0

''GYM. SUITS. Shirts, Pants, Shoes, Stockings, Support­ers, Etc. at


H. VAN TONGEREN The Sporting Good's Man

DU MEZ BROS. Dry Goods, Cloaks, Millinery, Carpets and Groceries

31 and 33 E. Eighth St. Holland, Mich. C it izens ' P ho ne 1028

. .


HOPE COLLEGE and Preparatory School


An institution of the Reformed Ch urch in America.

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Open to all who dt:sire 3 thorough Preparatory and Collegt- education.


Christian hut not sectarian

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Care-ful supervision of the health and momls of t hf' students.

Flourishing Young Mt>n'!> and Young Women's Christian A -;ocia­tions

Literary Societies for men and women

School of ~~ usic vocal and in­strumental.

Prizes. Scholarships. Lecture ('ours.-.

COURSES OF STUDY In the Preparatory School three courses, Classical , Latin and Normal

Scientific. The last n::~med is planned t>Specially for those who wii'h to tit t hems.-lves for teaching

In the College tivA courses. - the Classical, Philosophical, Natural Science, Modern-Language English. and Modern-Language Mathematics.

Students enrolled in any one of the five groups may fit themselves for teaching, and obtain the Miciligan State Teacher's Ccrtifkale without further normal school attendance.

The Western Theological Seminar y

of the Reformt-d Church of America is located in Holland ad­

joining the Cullege Campus. Corps of Experienced Instructors

L 0 C A T I 0 N: H 0 L L A N D , M I C H I G A N

Holland is a city of 11,00' inhabitants! on Macata~a Bay, openin~ into Lake Michigan; good boating, bathinJ!, tishtng and skating; he~lthful ~h.mate; pictun·sq11e scener·y;sup('rior church privile~es; !'o saloons; boat hne to ~htcago; in tf'rurban t-lt>ctric nc to (;rand R~p icls; matn hnc P~>re Marqu~ttc Ratl Road from f~rand Rapicls to Shicago; good connt>ctions to all other pmnts.


Page 30: 10-01-1914

Let Us Save On Your Fuel , Bills

You will find the Holland Furnace is not like other makes. It is simpler and easier to operate, nwre eco­nomical in fnel consutnption and special construction and materials where the strain is greatest make the Holland give longest service anti satisfaction under the manufac­turer's double guarantee which we stand back of also.

The Holland burns any fllel-soft coal-slack screens-bard coal-lignite or wood, with the least waste. Patented beat radiator in Holland saves heat­&moke travels twice as far. The Holland is

Gas and Soot Consuming

Double grate sur·face­patented cored a ir-admitting double firepot, burning fuel from sides and top, nature's way, are special patented features we want to show you. Come in and see the H olland of jus t the size suited to your pla~e, or_ask us for catalogue, wh1c~ "111 solve your beating questtons more economically.

Call Today

Holland Furnace Co. Holland Michigan

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GRAHAM & MORTON LINE CHICAGO STEAMER ____ ..,. __ _ Daily Service

Between Holland and Chicago

LPaY l" llnlland 8:00 p. m. daily, going via St. Joseph

Leave Chicago 7:00 p. m. daily, going via St. Joseph


CHICAGO DOCK FOOT OF WABASH AVE. Chicago Phone 2162 Central