1 world bank safeguard policies dr. stephen f. lintner senior technical advisor world bank june 2007


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World BankSafeguard Policies

Dr. Stephen F. LintnerSenior Technical Advisor

World Bank

June 2007


World Bank: Four Points of Focus

Focus on Poverty Reduction, including Millennium Development Goals

Commitment to Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development, supporting Outcomes from the Rio and Johannesburg Summits

Promoting Country Driven Development Effectiveness, including the Paris Declaration

Actively Supporting Responsible Growth Worldwide


World Bank Group Founded in 1944 185 Member Countries Operates Through:

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)

International Development Association (IDA) International Finance Corporation (IFC) Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) International Center for the Settlement of

Investment Disputes (ICSID)


World Bank Development Policy Loans Poverty Reduction Strategy Credits Investment Loans Financial Intermediary Operations Social Funds/Community Driven Development Rapid Response - Emergency/Post Conflict

Operations Global Environment Facility/Carbon Finance Output Based Aid


Environmental and Social Review

All Bank Supported Operations Reviewed for Environmental and Social Impacts and Risks

Development Policy Based and Poverty Reduction Strategy Credits (when appropriate) Strategic Assessment Poverty and Social Impact Assessment Other Appropriate Instruments

Investment Lending Safeguard Policies


Safeguard Policies Focused on evaluation and management of

impacts and risks Mechanisms for integration of environmental

and social issues into decision making Provide a set of specialized tools to support

development processes Support participatory approaches and

transparency Do not address all environmental and social

aspects of programs and projects


Safeguards Reorganization

Environmentally and Social Sustainable Development Network Merged with Infrastructure Network

New Combined Network is Named Sustainable Development

Change Supports Integration and Mainstreaming of Environmental and Social Dimensions into the Infrastructure Lending Program

Quality Assurance and Compliance Unit (QACU) and Regional Safeguard Coordinators (RSC) Moved to Operations Policy and Country Services Network


Safeguards Reorganization

This Change Maintains the Independence of the Senior Technical Advisor and other Safeguards Staff and Supports Broader Mainstreaming of Environmental and Social Dimensions into Bank-wide Policies and Strategies

It Enhances Linkage of Safeguards to the Harmonization and Development Effectiveness Agenda which is Coordinated by this Network


10 Safeguard Policies Environmental

Assessment Natural Habitats Forests Pest Management Physical Cultural


Plus Disclosure Policy

Involuntary Resettlement

Indigenous Peoples Safety of Dams Projects involving

International Waters Projects in Disputed



Environmental Screening Category A - If it is likely to have significant

adverse environmental impacts that are sensitive, diverse or unprecedented. These impacts may affect an area broader than the sites or facilities subject to physical works

Requires full Environmental Assessment Category B - If potential adverse impacts

are less adverse than those of Category A projects; these impacts are site specific; few if any of them are irreversible; and in most cases mitigation measures are readily designed

Requires a more targeted Environmental Assessment


Environmental Screening Category C - If it is likely to cause minimal

or no adverse environmental impacts

Beyond screening, no further Environmental Assessment action is required

Category FI - If it involves investment of Bank funds through a financial intermediary, in sub-projects that may result in adverse environmental impact

Requires, when appropriate, that each FI screen proposed subprojects and ensure that sub-borrowers carry out appropriate environmental review for each subproject


Factors AffectingSafeguard Screening

Type - Project or specific components have inherent environmental risks

Location - Proximity to environmentally, socially and culturally important areas

Sensitivity - Potential impacts may be irreversible or environment sensitive to changes

Scale - Extent of environmental and social issues


Key Safeguard Instruments

Sectoral or Regional Assessment Environmental Assessment Environmental Management Plan Resettlement Action Plan Indigenous Peoples Plan Pest Management Plan Dam Safety Plan


Consultation An integral element of process for

Environmental Assessments, Resettlement Action Plans and Indigenous Peoples Plans

A two-way process in which beneficiaries provide advice and input on the design of proposed projects that affect their lives and environment

Promotes dialogue between various levels of government, communities, CSOs, NGOs and implementing agencies to discuss all aspects of the proposed project both during preparation and implementation


Disclosure of Information

Supports decision making by the Borrower and Bank by providing the public with access to information on environmental and social aspects of projects

Documents disclosed include Environmental Assessment, Resettlement Action Plan and Indigenous Peoples Plan

Disclosed at World Bank InfoShop and in country at appropriate sites and in local languages


Approaches at World Bank

Strategic Impact Assessments Increasingly Being Used for Policies, Programs and Plans

Current Safeguard Policies Remain in Use for IBRD and IDA Lending

Piloting Use of Country Systems for Selected Countries and Projects – IBRD and IDA

Initial Phase of Use of Performance Standards – IFC and MIGA


Bank Policy on Piloting the Use of Country

Systems Expanding the Use of Country Systems in Bank-

Supported Operations – Issues and Proposals OP/BP 4.00 – Piloting the Use of Borrower

Systems to Address Environmental and Social Safeguard Issues in Bank-supported Projects

Pilot Program Launched and in Progress Interim Progress Report Submitted to Board


Two Principles

Equivalence of Laws and Procedures

Acceptability of Implementation


Use of Country Systems Countries for Pilots Identified on Basis of Their

Performance and Interest Assessment of Equivalence and Acceptability

Prepared by Bank Staff Assessments Are Subject to Consultation and

Disclosure Prior to Project Approval Legal Agreements with Bank Provide Remedies

for Non-Compliance Use of Country Systems Projects Subject to

Inspection Panel Process


8 Policies in Pilot Program

Environmental Assessment

Natural Habitats Forests Pest Management Physical Cultural


Involuntary Resettlement

Indigenous Peoples

Safety of Dams Projects involving

International Waters Projects in Disputed



Use of Country Systems AFRICA

Ghana - Energy Development Ghana – Transportation South Africa – Wetlands Conservation Uganda (African Development Bank) –


EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC Philippines – Country Safeguard Policies Review

EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA Poland – Transportation (Pre-Pilot) Romania – Municipal Services Romania – Transportation



Jamaica – Municipal Services Mexico – Small and Medium Infrastructure (Pre-Pilot)

MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA Egypt – Industrial Pollution Prevention and

Abatement Tunisia – Municipal Solid Waste Management

SOUTH ASIA Bhutan – Transportation Bhutan – Urban Development India – Power Transmission and Distribution


Use of Country Systems - Partners

Bhutan ADB, Danida, GEF, SDV

Ghana AfDB

Egypt CIDA, Danida, JBIC, USAID


Tunisia EIB, GEF, GTZ, KfW

South Africa GEF


Inspection Panel Supports Transparency and Accountability Independent 3 Person Panel Reporting to

Board Current Cases:

Africa Regional – West Africa Gas Pipeline DR of Congo – Forestry Issues – 2

Operations Honduras – Land Administration Project Uganda – Bujagali Hydropower

Similar Mechanisms Established for Regional Development Banks and JBIC


Harmonization andDevelopment Effectiveness

2003 High Level Forum – Rome

2005 High Level Forum – Paris

2008 High Level Forum – Ghana


Ghana – 2008 Heads of Agencies and Ministers of Finance

and Planning to Attend Meeting Will Review Progress on Harmonization and

Development Effectiveness and Outcomes as Mandated in the Paris Declaration

Key Areas of Focus on Safeguards: Environmental Assessment Process, Including

Strategic Environmental Assessment Pilot Program for the Use of Country Systems Capacity Building for Regional, National and Sub-

National Institutions


World Bank: Four Points of Focus

Focus on Poverty Reduction, including Millennium Development Goals

Commitment to Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development, supporting Outcomes from the Rio and Johannesburg Summits

Promoting Country Driven Development Effectiveness, including the Paris Declaration

Actively Supporting Responsible Growth Worldwide


More Information on Safeguard Policies at the

World Bank Group Safeguards Website

www.worldbank.org/safeguards Use of Country Systems Website

www.worldbank.org/countrysystems SEA Tool Kit Website

www.worldbank.org/seatoolkit IFC’s Sustainability Policy Framework
