1 the lessons from medical science “is god dead?”

1 The Lessons from Medical Science “Is God Dead?”

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The Lessons from

Medical Science

“Is God Dead?”

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Patrick Glynn, “God, The Evidence”, (1997)

Gerald L Schroeder, “The Science of God” (1997)

Newsweek magazine, July 27, 1998, “Science finds God”

Time magazine, June 24, 1996, “Faith & Healing”

Various articles from the Internet and CD-ROM encyclopaedias

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Charge led by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)

Psychoanalysis - a major force in the secularisation of society

Considered science and religion to be incompatible In 1899 spoke of a “new religion of science” to replace

the “old religion”

Considered religion an “enemy” whose credibility must be destroyed

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Freud repeatedly and aggressively attacked religion whenever he had opportunity to Called religion “a form of mental disorder”,

“narcissistic”, “an obsessional neurosis”

“Infantile” because religion thought to be a human invention to cope with the environment in the early evolutionary history of man

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Inspired a revolution in morals, leading to sexual liberties and loosening of sexual prohibitions

Doctrines were widely discussed - not just in academic circles but also in women magazines and parties Recall the scene discussing Freud in “Titanic”

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The Atheistic Bent

Other non-Freudian psychology theorists eg B F Skinner, also militant in their atheist belief

Freud shaped majority of psychologists for decades - and still does Only 43% of psychiatrist in US believe in God

in 1975, and only 1.1% of psychologists (1972) compared with 95% in the general population

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The Failure of FreudianismTurn-around in the last 20 years

Science research in psychology is disproving that religion is a neurosis or the source of it

Sexual liberties promoted by Freudianism have not led to greater pleasures, freedom, openness, or more meaningful relationships Failure of Freudian psychoanalysis - case of Woody Allen vs Mia

Farrow (early ‘90s)

Allen spent years in psychoanalysis. Yet he had an affair with his wife’s 19-year old daughter.

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The Failure of Freudianism

Instead led to emptiness, self-contempt, worthlessness, rise of disease and unwanted pregnancies, desperate sense of loneliness and guilt

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The Failure of Freudianism

The famous Dr Benjamin Spock rewrote rules of child-rearing based on Freudian doctrine “Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care” 1946, 50 million copies

sold, in 42 languages

Advocated raising children with a gentle touch

But produced disastrous results for a whole generation of children Spare the rod and spoil the child (Prov 23:13-


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The Failure of Freudianism

Charges by government and church leadersand even some physicians

Branded “father of permissiveness” and “anti-authoritarian”

Held responsible for “Spock-marked generation of hippies”

Charged with “breakdown in discipline and a collapse of conventional morality”

Another prominent failure of Freudian doctrine

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The Failure of Freudianism

Actually, no new discovery - already know these things from the Bible

Now however, there is abundant scientific research data to support what has long revealed to man

Modern research bears out that sin breeds misery - a morally unrestrained life erodes the value of life

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Religion and Mental Health

On the other hand

Research shows strong relationship between religion and healthy lifestyle - depression, alcohol and drug abuse, divorce, etc Showed that 80% of the time religion helps

Higher levels of personal satisfaction and well-being - even career success

Scientists are rediscovering the human soul - cannot deny its existence through a denial of God, and starve its needs

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Religion and Mental Health

Human mind designed to need faith - religion now considered a health factor for the mind

Post-secular paradigm for psychology: to understand the human mind, God and spirit must be considered

Synthesis of religion with psychoanalysis M Scott Peck’s “The Road Less Travelled” (1978) - on the

NY best-seller for 10 years “Chicken Soup” books

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Atheism in Medicine

In line with atheistic tide in modernism, many medical experts atheistic or agnostic Due to misconception that religion was a human invention

in the evolutionary process

Since Darwinism is now discredited, and psychologists are now rediscovering the human soul, medical science is also shifting in same direction

Like in psychology, religion now regarded as a health factor for physical health

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Medical Research

Research also shows strong link between religious commitment and physical health

Religion a powerful stress reducer, and hence positive impact on physical health

Like the Anthropic Principle, the human body and mind are designed for faith, i.e. “wired for God” (Herbert Benson, Harvard associate professor for medicine, an agnostic, 1996)

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Medical Data

“Can prayer, faith and spirituality really

improve your physical health? A growing and

surprising body of scientific evidence says

they can.” (Time magazine, June 24, 1996)

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Medical Data

From the National Institute of Health

Year Risk Amongst the religious (cf the non-religious)

1972 Heart disease 60%

1972 Suicide 50%

1989 Blood pressure 5 mm lower (lowers heartdisease by 10-20%)

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More Medical Data

From a 1987 review of 250 epidemiological studies: positive correlation between religious faith and physical health

From 1991 analysis of National Opinion Research Centre showed same results

1960’s study of meditation by Harvard professor Dr Herbert Benson showed positive medical benefits - with majority of patients choosing a religious focus

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Medical Data (TIME Magazine June 24, 1996)

A 1995 study at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center found that one of the best predictors of survival among 232 heart-surgery patients was the degree to which the patients said they drew comfort and strength from religious faith. Those who did not had more than three times the death rate of those who did.

Other studies have shown that men and women who attend church regularly have half the risk of dying from coronary-artery disease as those who rarely go to church. Smoking and socioeconomic factors were taken into account.

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Medical Data (TIME Magazine June 24, 1996)

A survey of 30 years of research on blood pressure showed that churchgoers have lower blood pressure than non-churchgoers - 5 mm lower, according to Larson, even when adjusted to account for smoking and other risk factors.

In a study of 30 female patients recovering from hip fractures, those who regarded God as a source of strength and comfort and who attended religious services were able to walk farther upon discharge and had lower rates of depression than those who had little faith.

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Medical Data (TIME Magazine June 24, 1996)

A 1996 National Institute on Aging study of 4,000 elderly living at home in North Carolina found that those who attend religious services are less depressed and physically healthier than those who don't attend or who worship at home.

Numerous studies have found lower rates of depression and anxiety-related illness among the religiously committed. Non-churchgoers have been found to have a suicide rate four times higher than church regulars.

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Faith and Healing

“Faith in the medical treatment, [is] wonderfully

therapeutic, successful in treating 60% to 90% of

the most common medical problems. But if you so

believe, faith in an invincible and infallible force

carries even more healing power. . . It is a

supremely potent belief.” (Dr. Herbert Benson,

president of the Mind/Body Medical Institute of Boston's

Deaconess Hospital and Harvard Medical School)

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Religion and Health

Harvard Medical School in Dec 95 held first conference on spirituality and healing in medicine, involving prominent physicians and theologians

US Congress created an Office of Alternative Medicine in the National Institute of Health in 1991 - charter includes investigation of mind/body effect

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The Spiritual Consciousness

Abundant medical research data showing that faith and spirituality helps man’s health


Why is the human body helped by religion?

Why is the human mind structured for faith?

There can only be one answer.

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Wired for God

Medical research and data now verifying what we already know by revelation – God designed the human body so!

“Our genetic blueprint has made believing in an Infinite Absolute part of our nature” (Herbert Benson)

“He has put eternity in their hearts” (Ecclesiasties 3:11)