1 the byzantine generals problem leslie lamport, robert shostak, marshall pease presented by radu...

1 The Byzantine Generals Problem Leslie Lamport, Robert Shostak, Marshall Pease Presented by Radu Handorean

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Page 1: 1 The Byzantine Generals Problem Leslie Lamport, Robert Shostak, Marshall Pease Presented by Radu Handorean


The Byzantine Generals Problem

Leslie Lamport, Robert Shostak, Marshall Pease

Presented by Radu Handorean

Page 2: 1 The Byzantine Generals Problem Leslie Lamport, Robert Shostak, Marshall Pease Presented by Radu Handorean


Byzantine Generals Problem (metaphor)

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GBP – the Generals

Loyal Generals Behave according to THE algorithm

which should ensure that They decide upon the same plan (A) A small number of traitors shouldn’t

be able to force a bad decision (B)

Traitorous Generals Try to mess the final decision Send any info they want

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GBP – the Generals

(A) => Every loyal general must obtain the same v(1)…v(n)

(B) => If the ith general is loyal => v(i) must be used by all (loyal) generals

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Byzantine Generals Problem (formal)

0 .. N-1 processes in a complete graph

Process 0 needs to send a value v to all others such that (IC1) If process 0 is non faulty then any

non faulty process i receives v (IC2) If processes i and j are non faulty,

they receive the same value Note: 0 is non faulty, then IC1=>IC2

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Impossibility Results – Oral Msg

Oral message – the content is entirely under the control of the sender

No solution if more than 1/3 of the generals are traitorous

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Traitorous Lieutenant


he said “retreat”

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Traitorous General


he said “retreat”

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Impossibility Results – Generalization

No solution with fewer than 3m+1 generals for m traitors

Proof by contradiction: reduce the problem to the 3 generals problem Assume 3m (let’s call them Albanians) or

fewer generals can cope with m traitors Build the solution with Byzantine


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1 Byzantine simulates ~1/3 Albanians 1 Byzantine simulates 1 Albanian general

& m-1 Albanian lieutenants (m, m, respectively)

Max m traitor Albanians IC1 & IC2 hold for Albanians (assumed) IC1 & IC2 hold for Byzantine (implied)


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Solution with Oral Messages

A1. Every msg. is delivered correctly A2. The receiver knows where the

msg. comes from A3.The absence of a msg. can be

detected A1&A2 – a traitor cannot interfere with a

msg. between others A3 – a traitor cannot drop msg.

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Oral Messages – Cont.

No order from a traitorous commander => RETREAT by default

OM(m) – alg. for 3m+1 generals with at most m traitors

Use the majority function for decision Majority value if exists or RETREAT Median value if they are an ordered set

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(1) The commander sends his value to each lieutenant

(2) Each lieutenant uses the value from the commander or RETREAT if the commander is silent

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(1) The commander sends his value to each lieutenant (vi)

(2) Each L acts as commander for OM(m-1) and sends Vi to the other n-2 (or RETREAT)

(3) For each i and j!=i, Li receives vj from Lj in (2) (or RETREAT); Li uses majority(v1..vn-1)

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Example m=1, n=4, L traitor




v x

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Example m=1, n=4, L traitor




x z

y y



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OM(m) - Proof of Correctness

Lemma1: for any m, k, OM(m) has IC2 for more than 2k+m generals and at most k traitors IC2: if the commander is loyal, every

loyal general obeys commander’s order Proof: induction on m

OM(0) – trivial m>0

Commander sends v to n-1 lieutenants

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OM(m) – Proof - Cont.

Each loyal general applies OM(m-1) with n-1 generals

(*) n>2k+m => n-1>2k+(m-1)

>each loyal Li gets vj=v from each loyal Lj

At most k traitors and (*) =>a majotiry of n-1 lieutenants are loyal

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OM(m) – Proof – Cont.

Theorem: OM(m) satisfies IC1 and IC2 if there are more than 3m generals and at most m traitors

Proof: induction on m OM(0) satisfies IC1 and IC2 (no traitors) Commander = loyal & k=m in Lemma

=> IC2 => IC1 Commander = traitor => at most m-1

traitorous lieutenants

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OM(m) – Proof – Cont. There are more than 3m generals =>

more than 3m-1 lieutenants 3m-1>3(m-1) & apply induction

(OM(m-1) satisfies IC1 & IC2) => for each j, any 2 loyal Ls get the

same value for vj in step 3 => any 2 loyal Ls get the same array

(v1...vn-1) in step 3 => the same majority(…) => IC1

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Solution with Written Messages Generals send unforgeable signed

messages Add A4 to A1-A3:

A loyal G’s signature cannot be forged and any alteration can be detected

Anyone can verify the auth of a G’s signature

NO assumptions about a traitorous G’s signature

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New Solution C sends signed orders to Ls Each L adds its signature and

forwards the message, etc… Use a function choice(…) to obtain a

single order choice(V) = v if v if the only elem. in V choice(V) = RETREAT if V is empty Any choice() function must have these


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Notations x:i = msg. x signed by G i v:j:i = msg. v signed by Gs j and I G0 = commander (C) Vi = set of properly signed orders

received by Li Loyal C => Vi has only 1 element Do NOT confuse with the set of msg. !!!

(many different msg can carry the same order)

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SM(m) Initially Vi = empty for each I (1) C signs and send v to each L (2) For each i:

(A) if Li receives v:0 and Vi=empty (i) Vi={v} (ii) Send v:0:i to all other Ls

(B) if Li receives v:j1…:jk and v not in Vi (i) Add v to Vi (ii) if k<m send v:j1…:jk:I to all other agents

(3) When Li receives no more msg., he obeys choice(Vi)

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SM(1) - Example

Attack:0 Retreat:0




1 2

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SM(1) – Proof

Theorem2: SM(m) solves GBP for at most m traitors C = loyal => sends v:0 to all Ls

Every loyal L receives v in (2) No loyal L can receive v’:0 in (2B) Vi = {v} for all i Loyal Ls obey choice() in (3) => IC2 => IC1

C = traitorous

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SM(m) – Proof – Cont. C = traitorous

Loyal Li and Lj obey the same order in (3) if Vi = Vj from (2)

If Li receives v in (2A), it sends it to Lj in (2Aii)

If Li adds v to Vi in (2B) => must receive a first message v:j1…:jk

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SM(m) – Proof – Cont. If j is one of the jr, v must have already been

added to Vi If not

(1) k<m : i sends v:j1…jk:i to j (2) k=m : since C=traitor= > max m-1

traitor Ls => at least 1 of j1…jm is loyal This loyal L must have sent v to j so j has

that order

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Missing Communication Paths The Generals’ graph is no longer complete

3-regular graph not 3-regular

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Definitions (a) {i1,…,ip} is a regular set of neighbors of

I if Each ij is a neighbor of I For any k!=i there are paths gj,k from ij to k not

passing through i s.t. any 2 such path only have k in common

A graph G is p-regular if any node has a set of p regular neighbors

Note: a 3m-regular graph has min 3m+1 nodes

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G must be p-regular (0) N = p-regular set of C’s neighbors C sends the order to every L in N For each i in N, Li receives vi from C

or RETREAT; Li sends vi to every other Lk as follows:

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OM(m,p) – Cont. (A) if m=1, it sends along gj,k

(B) if m>1, it acts as commander for OM(m-1, p-1), after removing C

For each k and i in N, k!=i, Lk receives vi from Li, or vi=RETREAT; Lk uses majority(vi1,…, vip), where N = {i1,…ip}

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OM(m, 3m) – GBP O(m,3m) solves GBP for at most m traitors

(proof below) Lemma1: for any m>0 and any p>=2k+m,

OM(m,p) satisfies IC2 for at most m traitors m=1

L obtains majority(v1..vp) At most k traitors and p>=2k+1 => more than

half of the p paths –> loyal Ls -> if C is loyal then the majority() if his command


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Lemma2 – Cont. m>1

Assume for m-1 If C = loyal, each of the p Ls in N has the

correct order p>2k -> a majority are loyal & each sends

the correct order Each loyal L gets a majority of correct orders

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GBP – Cont. Theorem 3: for any m>0 and any

p>=3m, OM(m,p) solves GBP for max. m traitors Lemma 2 & k=m => IC2 C = loyal then IC2 implies IC1 C = traitorous

m=1 => all Ls = loyal and gj,k do not pass through C

m>1: induction since p>=3m implies p-1>=3(m-1)

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For 3m+1 generals, 3m-regularity = complete connectivity

IC2 cannot be satisfied if a message C->L is “routed” by traitors

IC1 cannot be satisfied if L1 and L2 can only communicate via traitors

These assumptions are too strong

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If the subgraph of loyal Ls is connected =>SM(n-2) is a solution (n=# of Gs) regardless of # of traitors

Definition: the diameter of a graph is the smallest # of edges to connect any 2 nodes

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Theorem 4: If there are at most m traitors, and d=the diameter of loyal Ls subgraph, SM(m-d+1) solves GBP

Proof: similar to Theorem 2

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SO WHAT ??? Use of redundancy and voting to

achieve reliability Majority voting

All non faulty processes produce the same result (from the same input - e.g. 2 non faulty processors read a clock)

If the input unit (G) is non faulty, all non faulty (loyal) processes (Ls) use the provided value

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SO WHAT – Cont. A1..A3(A4)

A1 – every msg. sent by a non faulty proc. Is delivered correctly The failure of a communication line

cannot be distinguished from the failure of a component => max m failures

Real life effect: lowers connectivity, does not forge information

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SO WHAT – Cont. A1..A3(A4)

A2 – a processor can determine the origin of a msg. Most important is that a faulty proc.

cannot impersonate a non faulty one In practice we should use IPC over fixed

lines rather than fancy network switching A4 obsoletes A2, is satisfied

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SO WHAT – Cont. A1..A3(A4)

A3 – the absence of a message can be detected Use of time-outs:

Fixed maximum time to produce and deliver a message

Sender’s and receiver’s clock’s are reasonably synchronized

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SO WHAT – Cont. A1..A3(A4) A4 – processors sign messages s.t. a

non faulty processor cannot forged Signature = redundant info. Message signed by i = (M, Si(M))

Si must satisfy If I is non faulty, no other processor can

generate Si(M) – cannot be guaranteed Random multiplication Malicious intelligence

Given M and X, any processor can verify X=Si(M)

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