1 september 2007 assisting napa implementation: focus on early warning systems un international...

1 September 2007 Assisting NAPA implementation: focus on early warning systems UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR) Silvia Llosa www.unisdr.org

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September 2007

Assisting NAPA implementation: focus on early warning systems

UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR)Silvia Llosa



Global Trends: Disasters are NOT natural

Increased intensity and frequency of natural and human-induced hazards

Increasing vulnerability:• Socio-economic: poverty, unplanned

urban growth, lack of awareness and institutional capacities...

• Physical: insufficient land use planning, housing, infrastructure located in hazard-prone areas...

• Environmental degradation: unsustainable management of ecosystem services, coasts, watersheds, marshlands...




• Launched in 2000 by UN General Assembly Resolution

• Successor of the International Decade on Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR) 1990-1999

• Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2007

Goal is reducing human, social, economic and environmental losses due to natural hazards and related technological and environmental disasters.

International Strategy for Disaster Reduction

I S D RInternational Strategy

for Disaster Reduction


Hyogo Framework 2005-2015: Increase the resilience of nations and communities to disasters


1. Gobernability / institutional and legal bases

2. Identification of risks and early warnings

3. Knowledge and education

4. Integrating underlying factors (climate change)

– Identifying the risk– Adopting specific measures– Informing about the risk– Mobilizing resources

5. Preparedness for effective responseWorld Conference on Disaster Reduction, Hyogo, Japan, 2005


Disaster risk reduction - practical actions to reduce vulnerability to natural hazards

Develop culture of prevention and resilience Build institutions (policies, legislation, plans...) to actively

contribute to these goals Identify risks (hazard & vulnerability assessments, mapping...)

and avoid high risk zones Build hazard-resistant structures (schools, hospitals, houses...) Protect and develop hazard buffers (forests, reefs, mangroves..) Improve early warning, preparedness and response In other words, implement the Hyogo Framework for Action


ISDR initiative: Prioritizing early warning systems

What: Help develop fundable proposals for early warning systems

For whom: At first, few African LDCs that prioritized early warning systems in their NAPAs

How: through direct interaction with early warning experts and hands-on workshops

– (1) build technical capacity on early warning among NAPA team,

– (2) training for proposal writing for early warning project.


ISDR initiative: Prioritizing early warning systems

Why useful: to fulfill the additional funding requirement for project proposals submitted to LDCF.

Responds to LEG`s findings: capacity needs to improve project proposals.

End result: technically sound proposals that could be funded through humanitarian or development sources.

Funding: UN/ISDR itself is not a funding source. This initiative is supported through partnership with World Bank and its Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery.

Scope: starting small, aim to assist others in following years (including Asian, SIDS, etc)


What can we do for you?

If no NAPA yet or have not prioritized early warning, ISDR would still like to assist.

Help for institutional development for reducing risk and integrating climate change into development planning & programmes– ISDR regional offices could point you to info on

vulnerability and historical risk patterns for your country/region

– Contact with your National Platform for Disaster Reduction/risk management institutions

– Connect you to info on risk reduction programmes in your country and region


What is early warning?

The provision of timely and effective information, through identified institutions, that allows individuals exposed to a hazard to take action to avoid or reduce their risk and prepare for effective response.


Four components of early warning systems

1. Risk knowledge

2. Monitoring and warning service

3. Dissemination and communication

4. Response capability


Early warning system components

1. Risk knowledge

– systematically collect data and undertake risk assessments– hazards and vulnerabilities patterns/trends well known– availability of risk data and maps

2. Monitoring and warning service

– monitoring right hazard parameters– sound scientific basis for forecasting– generation of timely and accurate warnings


Early warning system components3. Dissemination and communication

– ensure risk info and warnings reach all at risk

– risks and warnings understood– clear and useable warning information

4. Response capability nationally and in communities

– up to date & tested response plans– use local capacities and knowledge– preparedness & readiness to react to



Get in touch

United Nations International Strategy

for Disaster Reduction

Contact: Silvia Llosa

[email protected]