1 q3: how do we get there? cohort b 2 goals and assessment instructional programs instructional time...

1 Q3: How do we get there? Cohort B

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Q3: How do we get there?

Cohort B































































All Critical Elements Must Be In Place


What is the overall effectiveness of our grade-level instructional support plan (CSI Map)?

How are we doing with our benchmark students? What do the data tell us?

How is the combination of current programs/strategies working for our strategic and intensive students?

So what do we do next year?

Linking Q2: How are we doing? with Q3: How do we get there?


Activity # 1: What is the overall effectiveness of our grade-level instructional support plan (CSI Map)?

Materials Needed: • Table 2 from “How Are We Doing?” section• Grade-Level CSI Maps • highlighter pens (green, yellow, pink)

Step 1:In grade-level teams, revisit the Summary of Effectiveness data from Table 2 of the “How Are We Doing?” section. In particular, examine the total percentage of students who made adequate progress toward the spring benchmark goal in your grade level.


Table 2 Evaluating Winter to Spring 2006 Grade-Level Instructional Support Plans: Percent of Students Making Adequate Progress Towards DIBELS Benchmark Goals


Goal Measure

Total percent of students at each grade that Made

Adequate Progress

Percent of Intensive

Students that made Adequate


Include actual numbers of students,

e.g., 1/5 or 20%.

Percent of Strategic Students

that made Adequate Progress

Include actual numbers of students,

e.g., 25/50 or 50%.

Percent of Benchmark

Students that made Adequate


Include actual numbers of students,

e.g., 95/100 or 95%.

Winter to Spring


Winter to Spring


Winter to Spring


Winter to Spring



87% 86% 79% 93%

How effective was the grade-level winter to spring instructional support plan (CSI Map)?


What is the overall effectiveness of your grade-level instructional support plan (CSI Map)?

Step 2:Using the criteria below to determine the appropriate color, draw a box around the perimeter of your CSI Map to indicate the overall effectiveness of the grade level system.

Green top quartile in the state of Oregon

Yellow middle quartiles in the state of Oregon

Pink bottom quartile in the state of Oregon


What is the overall effectiveness of your grade-level instructional support plan (CSI Map)? K-1

• Kindergarten:

Green top quartile (87% or more made adequate progress)

Yellow middle quartiles (57% - 86% made adequate progress)

Pink bottom quartile (56% or less made adequate progress)

• Grade 1:

Green top quartile (72% or more made adequate progress)

Yellow middle quartiles (48% - 71% made adequate progress)

Pink bottom quartile (47% or less made adequate progress)


What is the overall effectiveness of your grade-level instructional support plan (CSI Map)? 2-3

• Grade 2: Green top quartile (61% or more made adequate progress)

Yellow middle quartiles (39% - 60% made adequate progress)

Pink bottom quartile (38% or less made adequate progress)

• Grade 3:Green top quartile (60% or more made adequate progress)

Yellow middle quartiles (42% - 59% made adequate progress)

Pink bottom quartile (41% or less made adequate progress)


Time Period InstructionalRecommend


Participation in Core Supplemental andIntervention Programs/


Supplemental and InterventionProgram Delivery

Frequency ofDIBELSProgress


Determining InstructionalEffectiveness

benchmark: Who: Benchmark students

When: M-F: 9-10:30; 1-2:30

Activities: Houghton Mifflin

Group Size:Whole group: small group: 5-6

Read Well KHM Challenge

HM Class Management

Who: Certified teachers,instructional assistants

When:X w/in 90 minutesX outside of 90 min

Time: M-F: 30 min

Group Size: 5-6

DIBELS 3/yr Who: Collaboration gradeteam: literacy coach,certified teachers,instructional assistants,specialists

How Often: 1/month

Criteria: HM theme tests,Read Well K assessment

strategic: Who: Strategic students

When: M-F: 9-10:30; 1-2:30

Activities: Houghton Mifflin

Group Size:Whole group; small group: 5-6

Read Well KHM Extra Support

HM Classrm ManagementHM ELL

Who: Certified teachers,specialists, instructionalassistants

When:X w/in 90 minutes (HM)X outside of 90 min (RW)

Time:M-F: 30 min

Group Size: 5-6


ProgressMonitor at 3wk intervals

Who: Collaboration gradeteam: literacy coach,certified teachers,instructional assistants,specialists

How Often: 1/month

Criteria: DIBELS, ProgressMonitors, Houghton Mifflintheme test, Read Wellassessment

Winter toSpring

intensive: Who: Intensive students

When: M-F: 9-10:30T-F 12:30-2:30

Activities: Sections ofHoughton Mifflin

Group Size:Whole group; small group: 5

Read Well KLanguage for Learning

Who: Certified teacher,specialist, instructionalassistants

When: (HM)x w/in 90 minutesx outside of 90 min (RWK)

Time:M-F: 60 min (whole group)M-F: 60 min (whole group)

Group Size: 5-6


ProgressMonitor at 3wk intervals

Who: Collaboration gradeteam: literacy coach,certified teachers,instructional assistants,specialists

How Often: 1/month

Criteria: DIBELSRead Well K assessment


What is the overall effectiveness of your grade-level instructional support plan (CSI Map)?

Green Box =

Sustain or minimal modifications needed to your overall grade-level CSI Map

Yellow Box =

Moderate to substantial modifications needed to your overall grade-level CSI Map

Pink Box =

Substantial modifications needed to your overall grade-level CSI Map


What is the overall effectiveness of your grade-level instructional support plan (CSI Map)?

Your Turn!

Complete Activity 1 using your data and grade-level CSI Map.


Activity # 2: How effective were the grade-level winter to spring instructional support plans for benchmark,

strategic, and intensive students?

Materials Needed: • Table 2 from “How Are We Doing?” section• grade-level CSI Maps• highlighter pens (green, yellow, pink)

Step 1:Revisit the Summary of Effectiveness data from Table 2 of the “How Are We Doing?” section. What percentage of benchmark, strategic, and intensive students made adequate progress toward the spring benchmark goal?


Benchmark Students


How effective is the grade-level instructional support plan for benchmark students?

Kindergarten Example

Step 2:If your school is in the top quartile for benchmark students making adequate progress (97% or more benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in green.

If your school is in the middle quartiles for benchmark students making adequate progress (76%-96% of benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow.

If your school is in the bottom quartile for benchmark students making adequate progress (75% or less of benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.


How effective were the grade-level, Winter to Spring Instructional Support Plans (CSI Maps)

Table 2 Evaluating Winter to Spring 2006 Grade-Level Instructional Support Plans: Percent of Students Making Adequate Progress Towards DIBELS Benchmark Goals


Goal Measure

Total percent of students at each grade that Made

Adequate Progress

Percent of Intensive

Students that made Adequate


Include actual numbers of students,

e.g., 1/5 or 20%.

Percent of Strategic Students

that made Adequate Progress

Include actual numbers of students,

e.g., 25/50 or 50%.

Percent of Benchmark

Students that made Adequate


Include actual numbers of students,

e.g., 95/100 or 95%.

Winter to Spring


Winter to Spring


Winter to Spring


Winter to Spring



87% 86% 79% 93%


Time Period InstructionalRecommend


Participation in Core Supplemental andIntervention Programs/


Supplemental and InterventionProgram Delivery

Frequency ofDIBELSProgress


Determining InstructionalEffectiveness

benchmark: Who: Benchmark students

When: M-F: 9-10:30; 1-2:30

Activities: Houghton Mifflin

Group Size:Whole group: small group: 5-6

Read Well KHM Challenge

HM Class Management

Who: Certified teachers,instructional assistants

When:X w/in 90 minutesX outside of 90 min

Time: M-F: 30 min

Group Size: 5-6


strategic: Who: Strategic students

When: M-F: 9-10:30; 1-2:30

Activities: Houghton Mifflin

Group Size:Whole group; small group: 5-6

Read Well KHM Extra Support

HM Classrm ManagementHM ELL

Who: Certified teachers,specialists, instructionalassistants

When:X w/in 90 minutes (HM)X outside of 90 min (RW)

Time:M-F: 30 min

Group Size: 5-6


ProgressMonitor at 3wk intervals

Winter toSpring

intensive: Who: Intensive students

When: M-F: 9-10:30T-F 12:30-2:30

Activities: Sections ofHoughton Mifflin

Group Size:Whole group; small group: 5

Read Well KLanguage for Learning

Who: Certified teacher,specialist, instructionalassistants

When: (HM)x w/in 90 minutesx outside of 90 min (RWK)

Time:M-F: 60 min (whole group)M-F: 60 min (whole group)

Group Size: 5-6


ProgressMonitor at 3wk intervals


How effective is the grade-level instructional support plan for benchmark students?

First GradeStep 2:

If your school is in the top quartile for benchmark students making adequate progress (100% of benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in green.

If your school is in the middle quartiles for benchmark students making adequate progress (90%-99% of benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow.

If your school is in the bottom quartile for benchmark students making adequate progress (89% or less of benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.


How effective is the grade-level instructional support plan for benchmark students?

Second GradeStep 2:

If your school is in the top quartile for benchmark students making adequate progress (91% or more benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in green.

If your school is in the middle quartiles for benchmark students making adequate progress (78%-90% of benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow.

If your school is in the bottom quartile for benchmark students making adequate progress (77% or less of benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.


How effective is the grade-level instructional support plan for benchmark students?

Third GradeStep 2:

If your school is in the top quartile for benchmark students making adequate progress (93% or more of benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in green.

If your school is in the middle quartiles for benchmark students making adequate progress (80% - 92% of benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow.

If your school is in the bottom quartile for benchmark students making adequate progress (79% or less of benchmark students made adequate progress), highlight the benchmark section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.


Strategic Students


How effective is your grade-level instructional support plan for strategic students? Kindergarten Example

Step 4:If your school is in the top quartile for strategic students making adequate progress (76% or more of strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in green.

If your school is in the middle quartiles for strategic students making adequate progress (34% - 75% of strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow.

If your school is in the bottom quartile for strategic students making adequate progress (33% or less of strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.


How effective were the grade-level, Winter to Spring Instructional Support Plans (CSI Maps)

Table 2 Evaluating Winter to Spring 2006 Grade-Level Instructional Support Plans: Percent of Students Making Adequate Progress Towards DIBELS Benchmark Goals


Goal Measure

Total percent of students at each grade that Made

Adequate Progress

Percent of Intensive

Students that made Adequate


Include actual numbers of students,

e.g., 1/5 or 20%.

Percent of Strategic Students

that made Adequate Progress

Include actual numbers of students,

e.g., 25/50 or 50%.

Percent of Benchmark

Students that made Adequate


Include actual numbers of students,

e.g., 95/100 or 95%.

Winter to Spring


Winter to Spring


Winter to Spring


Winter to Spring



87% 86% 79% 93%


Time Period InstructionalRecommend


Participation in Core Supplemental andIntervention Programs/


Supplemental and InterventionProgram Delivery

Frequency ofDIBELSProgress


Determining InstructionalEffectiveness

benchmark: Who: Benchmark students

When: M-F: 9-10:30; 1-2:30

Activities: Houghton Mifflin

Group Size:Whole group: small group: 5-6

Read Well KHM Challenge

HM Class Management

Who: Certified teachers,instructional assistants

When:X w/in 90 minutesX outside of 90 min

Time: M-F: 30 min

Group Size: 5-6


strategic: Who: Strategic students

When: M-F: 9-10:30; 1-2:30

Activities: Houghton Mifflin

Group Size:Whole group; small group: 5-6

Read Well KHM Extra Support

HM Classrm ManagementHM ELL

Who: Certified teachers,specialists, instructionalassistants

When:X w/in 90 minutes (HM)X outside of 90 min (RW)

Time:M-F: 30 min

Group Size: 5-6


ProgressMonitor at 3wk intervals

Winter toSpring

intensive: Who: Intensive students

When: M-F: 9-10:30T-F 12:30-2:30

Activities: Sections ofHoughton Mifflin

Group Size:Whole group; small group: 5

Read Well KLanguage for Learning

Who: Certified teacher,specialist, instructionalassistants

When: (HM)x w/in 90 minutesx outside of 90 min (RWK)

Time:M-F: 60 min (whole group)M-F: 60 min (whole group)

Group Size: 5-6


ProgressMonitor at 3wk intervals


How effective is your grade-level instructional support plan for strategic students? First Grade

Step 4:If your school is in the top quartile for strategic students making adequate progress (51% or more of strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in green.

If your school is in the middle quartiles for strategic students making adequate progress (21% to 50% of strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow.

If your school is in the bottom quartile for strategic students making adequate progress (20% or less of strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.


How effective is your grade-level instructional support plan for strategic students? Second Grade

Step 4:If your school is in the top quartile for strategic students making adequate progress (27% or more strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in green.

If your school is in the middle quartiles for strategic students making adequate progress (5% - 26% of strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow.

If your school is in the bottom quartile for strategic students making adequate progress (4% or less of strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.


How effective is your grade-level instructional support plan for strategic students? Third Grade

Step 4:If your school is in the top quartile for strategic students making adequate progress (29% or more of strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in green.

If your school is in the middle quartiles for strategic students making adequate progress (9% to 28% strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow.

If your school is in the bottom quartile for strategic students making adequate progress (8% or less of strategic students made adequate progress), highlight the strategic section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.


Intensive Students


How effective is your grade-level instructional support plan for intensive students? Kindergarten Example

Step 4:If your school is in the top quartile for intensive students making adequate progress (89% or more of intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in green.

If your school is in the middle quartiles for intensive students making adequate progress (52% - 88% of intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow.

If your school is in the bottom quartile for intensive students making adequate progress (51% or less of intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.


How effective were the grade-level, Winter to Spring Instructional Support Plans (CSI Maps)

Table 2 Evaluating Winter to Spring 2006 Grade-Level Instructional Support Plans: Percent of Students Making Adequate Progress Towards DIBELS Benchmark Goals


Goal Measure

Total percent of students at each grade that Made

Adequate Progress

Percent of Intensive

Students that made Adequate


Include actual numbers of students,

e.g., 1/5 or 20%.

Percent of Strategic Students

that made Adequate Progress

Include actual numbers of students,

e.g., 25/50 or 50%.

Percent of Benchmark

Students that made Adequate


Include actual numbers of students,

e.g., 95/100 or 95%.

Winter to Spring


Winter to Spring


Winter to Spring


Winter to Spring



87% 86% 79% 93%


Time Period InstructionalRecommend


Participation in Core Supplemental andIntervention Programs/


Supplemental and InterventionProgram Delivery

Frequency ofDIBELSProgress


Determining InstructionalEffectiveness

benchmark: Who: Benchmark students

When: M-F: 9-10:30; 1-2:30

Activities: Houghton Mifflin

Group Size:Whole group: small group: 5-6

Read Well KHM Challenge

HM Class Management

Who: Certified teachers,instructional assistants

When:X w/in 90 minutesX outside of 90 min

Time: M-F: 30 min

Group Size: 5-6


strategic: Who: Strategic students

When: M-F: 9-10:30; 1-2:30

Activities: Houghton Mifflin

Group Size:Whole group; small group: 5-6

Read Well KHM Extra Support

HM Classrm ManagementHM ELL

Who: Certified teachers,specialists, instructionalassistants

When:X w/in 90 minutes (HM)X outside of 90 min (RW)

Time:M-F: 30 min

Group Size: 5-6


ProgressMonitor at 3wk intervals

Winter toSpring

intensive: Who: Intensive students

When: M-F: 9-10:30T-F 12:30-2:30

Activities: Sections ofHoughton Mifflin

Group Size:Whole group; small group: 5

Read Well KLanguage for Learning

Who: Certified teacher,specialist, instructionalassistants

When: (HM)x w/in 90 minutesx outside of 90 min (RWK)

Time:M-F: 60 min (whole group)M-F: 60 min (whole group)

Group Size: 5-6


ProgressMonitor at 3wk intervals


How effective is your grade-level instructional support plan for intensive students? First Grade

Step 4:If your school is in the top quartile for intensive students making adequate progress (51% or more intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in green.

If your school is in the middle quartiles for intensive students making adequate progress (21% - 50% of intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow.

If your school is in the bottom quartile for intensive students making adequate progress (20% or less of intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.


How effective is your grade-level instructional support plan for intensive students? Second Grade

Step 4:If your school is in the top quartile for intensive students making adequate progress (18% or more intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in green.

If your school is in the middle quartiles for intensive students making adequate progress (2% to 17% of intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow.

If your school is in the bottom quartile for intensive students making adequate progress (1% or less of intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.


How effective is your grade-level instructional support plan for intensive students? Third Grade

Step 4:If your school is in the top quartile for intensive students making adequate progress (34% or more of intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in green.

If your school is in the middle quartiles for intensive students making adequate progress (14%-33% of intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in yellow.

If your school is in the bottom quartile for intensive students making adequate progress (13% or less of intensive students made adequate progress), highlight the intensive section of your grade-level CSI Map in pink.


How effective are your grade-level instructional support plans for benchmark, strategic, and

intensive students?

Green Box =

Sustain or minimal modifications needed to the identified level of support section on your grade-level of CSI Map

Yellow Box =

Moderate to substantial modifications needed to the identified level of support section on your grade-level CSI Map

Pink Box =

Substantial Modifications needed to the identified level of support section on your grade-level CSI Map


How effective are your grade-level instructional support plans for benchmark, strategic, and intensive students?

Kindergarten Example

Step 5:For each instructional recommendation, document student progress:

For Example:


38 established on PSF

3 emerging on PSF

0 deficit on PSF


Time Period InstructionalRecommend


Participation in Core Supplemental andIntervention Programs/


Supplemental and InterventionProgram Delivery

Frequency ofDIBELSProgress


Determining InstructionalEffectiveness

benchmark: Who: Benchmark students

When: M-F: 9-10:30; 1-2:30

Activities: Houghton Mifflin

Group Size:Whole group: small group: 5-6

Read Well KHM Challenge

HM Class Management

Who: Certified teachers,instructional assistants

When:X w/in 90 minutesX outside of 90 min

Time: M-F: 30 min

Group Size: 5-6

DIBELS 3/yr 38 established on PSF3 emerging on PSF0 deficit on PSF

strategic: Who: Strategic students

When: M-F: 9-10:30; 1-2:30

Activities: Houghton Mifflin

Group Size:Whole group; small group: 5-6

Read Well KHM Extra Support

HM Classrm ManagementHM ELL

Who: Certified teachers,specialists, instructionalassistants

When:X w/in 90 minutes (HM)X outside of 90 min (RW)

Time:M-F: 30 min

Group Size: 5-6


ProgressMonitor at 3wk intervals

27 established on PSF7 emerging on PSF0 deficit on PSF

Winter toSpring

intensive: Who: Intensive students

When: M-F: 9-10:30T-F 12:30-2:30

Activities: Sections ofHoughton Mifflin

Group Size:Whole group; small group: 5

Read Well KLanguage for Learning

Who: Certified teacher,specialist, instructionalassistants

When: (HM)x w/in 90 minutesx outside of 90 min (RWK)

Time:M-F: 60 min (whole group)M-F: 60 min (whole group)

Group Size: 5-6


ProgressMonitor at 3wk intervals

3 established on PSF3 emerging on PSF1 deficit on PSF


How effective are the grade level winter to spring instructional support plans?

Your Turn!

Complete Activity 2 using your data and grade-level CSI Map.


So what do we do next year?


Activity 3: Complete the PET Action Planning Tool

Oregon Reading First

PET-R Action Planning Tool

based onPlanning and Evaluation Tool for

Effective Schoolwide Reading Programs - Revised(PET-R)

byEdward J. Kame’enui, Ph.D.Deborah C. Simmons, Ph.D.


PET Action Planning Tool

• A tool designed to help schools achieve an effective schoolwide beginning reading model. The tool will assist school personnel in identifying relevant goals within the schoolwide model and pinpointing actions necessary to achieve those goals.


Planning and Evaluation Tool (PET) for Effective Schoolwide Reading Programs

• Goals, Objectives, Priorities• Assessment• Instructional Programs and Materials• Instructional Time• Differentiated Instruction, Grouping, Scheduling• Administration, Organization, Communication• Professional Development


Element I:Goals, Objectives, Priorities

• are clearly defined and quantifiable at each grade level

• are articulated across grade levels• are prioritized and dedicated to the essential

elements in reading• guide instructional and curricular decisions• are commonly understood and consistently used

by teachers and administrators within and between grades to evaluate and communicate student learning and improve practice.


____________ ElementaryOregon Reading First

Action Plan2005-2006


Goal Actions Documentation of ActionCompletion



InstructionalPrograms andMaterials

1. Implement core program with ahigh level of fidelity (Grades K-3).

1. All staff participate in refresherDI training in the Summer or Fall.2. Weekly collection of LessonProgress Reports (LPRs) from allreading instructors (includingassistants). National Institute forDirect Instruction (NIFDI) versionof the form is used.3. Ongoing support provided byprogram-specific consultant:(a) conference calls every twoweeks between coach, consultant,and Title teachers to review LPRs.(b) consultant spends 3-4 days permonth on-site to observe readinginstruction and provide feedback.Coach shadows consultant on thesedays.(c) “articulation” planned at leastonce a month for each grade levelto address common training needs.

1. List of staff who attended DIConference in the summer,including sessions attended.Training agendas and list ofparticipants for Fall trainings.2. LPRs3. Conference call logs fromconsultant.4. Consultant log documentingteacher observations each month.5. Copies of written feedbackprovided to teachers fromconsultant.6. Agendas and sign-ins fromarticulation meetings.7. Contract with DI consultant.

1. Coach, TitleTeacher

2. Coach

3(a). Coach, DIconsultant

3(b). Coach, DIconsultant

3(c). Coach, DIconsultant

InstructionalPrograms andMaterials

2. Select and implementinstructional programs that provideexplicit and systematic instructionon critical reading priorities for allstudents in grade 3.

1. Implement Horizons C/D orReading Mastery IV with higherperforming third grade students.Only those students who place outof Reading Mastery IV mayparticipate in alternate activities.Alternate activities must be researchbased.

1. LPRs2. DIBELs data and in-programassessments for those students notparticipating in ReadingMastery/Horizons.

1. Coach, 3rdGrade Teachers

InstructionalPrograms andMaterials

3. Provide sufficient instruction inthe essential elements to allow themajority of K students to reachlearning goals.

1. Implement Reading MasteryClassic in place of Reading MasteryPlus in K so as to begin instructionon critical phonemic awareness andphonics skills from day one. AddLanguage for Learning to addresslanguage/vocabulary developmentneeds.

1. LPRs2. Classroom observations byregional coordinator.

1. Coach, RC, KTeachers

PET Element

Goal Actions




PET Action Planning Tool

School Action Plan

(Goals, Objectives, Priorities)


PET Action Planning Tool


PET Action Planning Tool• Complete elements II - VII• Elements II and VII will be completed as a school team.

Elements III, IV, and V will be completed in grade level teams*. Element VI will be completed by the principal and district team.

• Discuss goals listed under each element• A school may check off a goal as being complete

ONLY IF all actions to the right of the goal are already in place or have been completed.

• Goals that that are not currently completed (and the relevant actions) will become part of your school’s action plan for 2006-2007.

* Grade level teams will complete these sections of the tool 3 times - once for intensive, strategic and benchmark instructional support plans.


PET Action Planning Tool


Element II: Assessment

• Please complete as a school team.


Elements III, IV, and V:Instruction

• Please complete in grade level teams.

• Element III: Instructional Programs and Materials• Element IV: Instructional Time• Element V: Differentiated Instruction, Grouping,

Scheduling• Complete these sections three times - once for

benchmark, once for strategic, and once for intensive instructional support plans.


Elements III, IV, and V:Instruction

• Note that if an instructional support system (benchmark, strategic, or intensive) is quite effective (i.e., almost all students made adequate progress), then problem-solve at the individual student level. How can you intensify instruction for those few students who are not making adequate progress?


Element VI: Administration, Organization, Communication

• This section will primarily be completed by the principal and district team representative.

• Item #5 will be completed in grade level teams:5. Concurrent instruction (e.g., Title, special education) is coordinated with and complimentary to general education reading instruction.


Element VII: Professional Development

• Please complete as a school team.

• Item #1 will require each member of the team to complete a Teacher Needs Survey1. Teachers and instructional staff have thorough understanding and working knowledge of grade-level instructional/reading priorities and effective practices.


PET-R Action Planning Tool: What actions are necessary to achieve our schoolwide beginning

reading goals?

• For each element, go back and highlight those actions that are not completed.

• Highlight any goal that has incomplete actions.

Coach: Highlight Elements II and VII

Grade-Level Teams: Highlight Elements III, IV, and V (and item #5 from Element VI)

Principal/District Team: Highlight Element VI


PET-R Action Planning Tool


PET-R Action Planning Tool: Prioritizing Grade-Level Actions

• Now that you’ve highlighted actions that have not been completed, it’s time to prioritize.


PET-R Action Planning Tool: Prioritizing Grade-Level Actions

In grade-level teams:

1. Review the data to determine the area(s) of greatest need (benchmark, strategic, intensive support) in your grade.

2. Review highlighted actions for those area(s) from the PAPT - Elements III, IV, and V. Select the few actions that are most critical for improving instructional support for those particular area(s) (benchmark, strategic, intensive).

3. Consider whether there are actions from the 05-06 School Action Plan that were not met that would be important to include.

4. Record selected high priority actions on grade-level action plan breakout forms.


Grade-Level Action Plan Breakout FormGrade Level Instructional Support (Total)


Percent AP:


Benchmark Instructional Support

Data: Key Proposed Action(s)

Percent AP: •

Quartile: •

Strategic Instructional Support

Data: Key Proposed Action(s)

Percent AP: •

Quartile: •

Intensive Instructional Support

Data: Key Proposed Action(s)

Percent AP: •

Quartile: •


Activity 4: Revisit 2005-2006 CSI Maps• What changes need to be made?

Materials Needed: • grade-level action plan breakout forms (just completed)• 2005-2006 Winter-Spring CSI Maps• Post-It Notes Revisit the high priority grade-level actions identified in Activity

#3. Examine your 05-06 CSI Winter-Spring grade level instructional support plans for your benchmark, strategic and intensive students. Using Post-It notes, add notes to your CSI map reflecting desired actions/changes based on the prioritized actions.


Time Period InstructionalRecommend


Participation in Core Supplemental andIntervention Programs/


Supplemental and InterventionProgram Delivery

Frequency ofDIBELSProgress


Determining InstructionalEffectiveness

benchmark: Who: Benchmark students

When: M-F: 9-10:30; 1-2:30

Activities: Houghton Mifflin

Group Size:Whole group: small group: 5-6

Read Well KHM Challenge

HM Class Management

Who: Certified teachers,instructional assistants

When:X w/in 90 minutesX outside of 90 min

Time: M-F: 30 min

Group Size: 5-6

DIBELS 3/yr 38 established on PSF3 emerging on PSF0 deficit on PSF

strategic: Who: Strategic students

When: M-F: 9-10:30; 1-2:30

Activities: Houghton Mifflin

Group Size:Whole group; small group: 5-6

Read Well KHM Extra Support

HM Classrm ManagementHM ELL

Who: Certified teachers,specialists, instructionalassistants

When:X w/in 90 minutes (HM)X outside of 90 min (RW)

Time:M-F: 30 min

Group Size: 5-6


ProgressMonitor at 3wk intervals

27 established on PSF7 emerging on PSF0 deficit on PSF

Winter toSpring

intensive: Who: Intensive students

When: M-F: 9-10:30T-F 12:30-2:30

Activities: Sections ofHoughton Mifflin

Group Size:Whole group; small group: 5

Read Well KLanguage for Learning

Who: Certified teacher,specialist, instructionalassistants

When: (HM)x w/in 90 minutesx outside of 90 min (RWK)

Time:M-F: 60 min (whole group)M-F: 60 min (whole group)

Group Size: 5-6


ProgressMonitor at 3wk intervals

3 established on PSF3 emerging on PSF1 deficit on PSF

Select stronger intensive program -



Activity 5: Grade-Level Share Out• How are we doing? How do we get there?

Materials Needed: • completed grade-level action plan breakout forms• 2005-2006 winter-spring CSI Maps• chart paper and markers

Work in your grade-level team to prepare a brief share-out of your grade-level data and proposed high priority actions for next year. Share data summary and key proposed actions from instructional support areas (i.e., benchmark, strategic and intensive) with the entire school team. Building principals facilitate the large group share-outs.


Next Steps• Each grade-level team should turn in one copy of the

completed PET-R Action Planning Tool - Elements III, IV, and V (for benchmark, strategic, and intensive) with highlighted actions/goals to the coach. Also include #5 from Element VI. Include a copy of the action plan breakout form.

• Principal/District Team Representative will turn in a copy of Element VI to the coach.

• Coach will save Elements II and VI which were completed by the school team.

• Coach will collect Teacher Needs Surveys and summarize results.


Next Steps• Early Reading Team will take the completed sections of the PET-R Action

Planning Tool from the IBR and combine into a draft of a School Action Plan for 2006-2007.

• Early Reading Team will draft an 06-07 RF budget that is linked to the School Action Plan using the budget worksheets provided by ODE/ORFC.

• Drafts of the School Action Plan and budget will be turned into the Regional Coordinators on June 30, 2006 along with “How Are We Doing? Reports from principal and district. Principals and District Team Members should plan to share out their reports some time in the month of June.

• ODE/ORFC will send a complete school report, including DIBELS and SAT-10 data to RF schools in July.

• Leadership Team (district, principal, coach) will adjust School Action Plan/Budget as necessary based on the report.

• Leadership Team (district, principal, coach) will submit a final draft of School Action Plan/Budget to ODE/ORFC at the end of August.

• CSI Maps for fall-winter 06-07 will be due in September, 2006.


06-07 School Action Plan


06-07 School Action Plan