1 principles of reliable distributed systems lecture 5: failure models, fault-tolerant broadcasts...

1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar

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Page 1: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems

Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and

State-Machine Replication

Spring 2005

Dr. Idit Keidar

Page 2: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


Today’s Material

• Distributed Systems 2nd edition, Sape Mullender (Editor) – Failure models, from Ch. 2– State machine replication, from Ch. 7– Fault-tolerant broadcasts, from Ch. 5– Vector clocks, Ch. 4 & Ch. 6 of Attiya-Welch

Page 3: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


Models of Process FailuresCrash

Receive OmissionSend Omission

General Omission


Authenticated Byzantine




Page 4: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


Correct vs. Faulty Processes

• Look at a complete run (execution)– external observer’s view

• A process that does not fail in a run is correct in that run

• Otherwise, the process is faulty in the run– a process that fails any time in the run is faulty

throughout the entire run

Page 5: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


Threshold Failure Model

• t out of n processes may fail

• t is usually given as a function of n, e.g.,– t < n– 2t < n– 3t < n

Page 6: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


Models of Link Failures

• Failures can be attributed to links instead of processes

• Reliable links: – every message sent is eventually delivered

• Failure types:– Crash– Loss (omission)– Timing– Byzantine

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Synchronous vs. Asynchronous

• Synchrony: – bounded latency, clock drift, processing time– process crash failures can be accurately detected

• Asynchrony: non-assumption– process crash failures cannot be accurately detected

• Failstop– like asynchronous, but crash failures accurately


• Unreliable failure detectors – later in the course

Page 8: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


Why These Models?

• Abstractions we can work with

• Behavior we care about– we don’t care if loss is due to router or network

card– we don’t care if Byzantine behavior is due to

software bug, hardware bug, or intrusion

• What happens if we run the algorithm and failures not in the model occur?

Page 9: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


Providing Abstractions of Models

• In a synchronous system, we can implement failstop over crash

• If loss is bounded, we can use retransmission and abstract it away

• A process that detects that it is slow or incorrect can crash itself, simulating the crash model

Page 10: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


State Machine(Active) Replication

• Client sends updates to all servers

• All servers are identical deterministic state machines– fixed number of replicas– start in same initial state

Page 11: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


Fault-Tolerant State-Machine Replication

• How many replicas to mask – t crash failures?– t Byzantine failures?

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Replica Coordination Requirements

• Agreement: all correct replicas receive all client requests

• Order: replicas process requests in the same order

Page 13: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


Broadcast Service for Replication

• Primitives: broadcast(m), deliver(m).– For simplicity, assume m is unique.










Page 14: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


Reliable Broadcast Specification

• Validity: if a correct process broadcasts m then all correct processes eventually deliver m

• Agreement: if a correct process delivers m then all correct processes eventually deliver m– Uniform agreement: if any process delivers m then all

correct processes eventually deliver m

• Integrity: m is delivered by a correct process at most once, and only if it was previously broadcast

Page 15: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


Reliable Broadcast Implementation

• Model: – asynchronous– process crash failures– reliable links between pairs of correct processes

• Simple implementation …• Does it work with links failures?

– under what condition?

• Does it solve Uniform Reliable Broadcast?

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Ordering Properties for Broadcasts

• FIFO: If some process broadcasts message m before message m’, then every correct process that delivers m’ delivers m beforehand.

• Causal: If message m causally precedes message m’, then every correct process that delivers m’ delivers m beforehand.– causal order: transitive closure of FIFO + some process

delivers m before broadcasting m’

• Total order: If two correct processes deliver both m and m’, they deliver them in the same order.

Page 17: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


FIFO Broadcast• Reliable Broadcast + FIFO• Simple implementation on top of reliable

broadcast (using sequence numbers)


Reliable Broadcast



FIFO Broadcast



Reliable Broadcast



FIFO Broadcast


deliverbroadcastReliable Broadcast

FIFO Deliver

Page 18: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


Causal Broadcast

• Reliable Broadcast + Causal

• Implementation using Reliable Broadcast

• Reminder: last week we saw an implementation using

logical (Lamport) timestamps (LTS) that enforces total order in addition to Causal

• Fault-tolerance?

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Vector Clocks

• Process pi has a vector clock VC[1…n]– VC[i] is the sequence number of the last

message broadcast by pi– for j≠i, VC[j] is the sequence number of the last

message pi delivered from pj

• VC is sent with each message m– for j≠i, m.VC[j] is pj’s latest message that

causally precedes m

Page 20: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


Vector Clocks: Sending

• At process pi, on broadcast(m)– VC[i] := VC[i]+1– use reliable broadcast to send m with VC to all– deliver m locally

Page 21: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


Vector Clocks: Delivery Rule

• Upon receive m– place in message buffer

• Deliver m from pj from buffer if– VC[j] = m.VC[j] -1 – forall k≠j : VC[k] ≥ m.VC[k]

• Upon deliver – VC[j] := VC[j] + 1

VC[j] is the number of messages of pj that

causally precedepi’s subsequent



Page 22: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


Vector Clocks Example




<0,0,0> <0,1,0>

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Atomic Broadcast Services

• Atomic Broadcast:– Reliable Broadcast + Total Order

• FIFO Atomic Broadcast– FIFO + Reliable Broadcast + Total Order

• Causal Atomic Broadcast– Causal + Reliable Broadcast + Total Order

HW question: are FIFO Atomic Broadcast and Causal Atomic Broadcast equivalent?

Page 25: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


Causal Atomic Broadcast in Failstop Model

• Order messages by logical timestamp (LTS)– Break ties by process id

• Use FIFO Broadcast• When is a message with LTS t delivered?

– Reminder: failstop = failures are accurately detected

– Assume further that no message from a faulty process arrives after its failure is detected

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Example Exam Question









m3 m4


t=0 t=5 t=10






1 1,1






1 2



Page 27: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


Atomic Broadcast in Asynchronous Systems???

Alas, impossible if even one process can crash

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The Consensus Problem

Each process has an input, should decide an output

• Agreement: correct processes’ decisions are the same

• Validity: decision is input of one process

• Termination: eventually all correct processes decide

Page 29: 1 Principles of Reliable Distributed Systems Lecture 5: Failure Models, Fault-Tolerant Broadcasts and State-Machine Replication Spring 2005 Dr. Idit Keidar


Consensus versus Atomic Broadcast

• From Atomic Broadcast to Consensus

• From Consensus to Atomic Broadcast – Homework question

• From now on, we will focus mainly on consensus, and keep in mind that it suffices for Atomic Broadcast

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Other Models

• Asynchronous– Consensus, and hence Atomic Broadcast impossible

even with one crash failure

– Reliable Broadcast possible

• Synchronous with Byzantine failures– Consensus, and hence Atomic Broadcast possible with

up to t = n-1 failures, assuming authentication

• Middle ground models will be discussed in future lessons

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Now, Back to State Machines

• We can build state machines using Atomic Broadcast

• A client can forward its request to one of the servers to broadcast to the others– resend on timeout if the server fails– more than one for Byzantine failures

• What about client failures?– Crash? Byzantine?

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Multicast Problems

• Processes organized in groups– groups have names– messages sent to groups– like broadcast, but for group members– processes can join and leave groups– more in upcoming recitations!

• Processes may care about who else is a member of the group (group membership)