1 presentation prepatory meeting social dialogue in sport paris 9 th and 10 th of september yves...

1 Presentation Prepatory meeting Social dialogue in sport Paris 9 th and 10 th of September Yves Kummer

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Page 1: 1 Presentation Prepatory meeting Social dialogue in sport Paris 9 th and 10 th of September Yves Kummer


PresentationPrepatory meeting Social dialogue in sport


9th and 10th of September

Yves Kummer

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• Introduction EEAA/EU athletes

• Background EU athletes

• Objectives EU athletes

• Objective and program coming 2 days

• Introduction all present players association

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• European Elite Athletes Association founded in january 2007

– SICO: Peter Hagsberg

– SP.IN: Walter Palmer

– PRA: Damian Hopley

– NL Sporter: Frederieke Leeflang

– NL Sporter: Yves Kummer

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• 1992 foundation AC Dutch Olympic Committee• 1996 Seminar AC: Commercialisation on sport• 2000 European Seminar: “position of the athlete

in Europe”• 26 representatives from 14 countries

• 2001 Seminar EOC in Rome and founding of AC EOC

• 2002 Founding NL Sporter• 2003 Seminar in Rotterdam: Social dialogue in

Sports• 15 representatives from 13 countries

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European Seminar: “position of the athlete in Europe”


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Legal and financial status of the Athlete in Legal and financial status of the Athlete in Europe Europe

• The legal and image rights of Athletes should be protected

• There should be a minimum income for full time top Athletes, based on nationally defined criteria

• A minimum disability fund and retirement fund is needed

• The taxation of sporting income should be harmonised internationally

• Athletes are entitled to information from the federations and NOC.

• Athletes should have the right to independent counselling.

• Athletes have the obligation to support their sport, federation, NOC.

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Working conditions in relation to AthletesWorking conditions in relation to Athletes

• There should be a review and definition of workloads and -conditions for athletes in Europe.

• Adult Top Athletes should not be governed by laws concerning workload, (except for doping), but young athletes must be protected.

• There should be an Athlete-influenced competition/tournament/event programme that is co-ordinated at Club, National and International level.

• There should be regulation of outside influences. • All Athletes must have access to high quality,

independent Medical (and other) advice

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Dependent and perhaps undesired Dependent and perhaps undesired relationships surrounding Athletes relationships surrounding Athletes

• Solutions need to be athlete centred with Athlete representation at all levels

• Definition of the roles of the coach and all people surrounding the athlete

• Establish an independent democratic advisory body for athletes

• Facilitate an ongoing process of information and education of the athletes and other related parties

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• More out-of-competition-control and more efficient methods of analysis help to fight doping.

• The health of the athletes is the central issue, education must be the forefront of doping prevention

• The quantity and the level of the international doping-control-program should be harmonised (WADA) and supported by international authorities such as TAS/CAS

• There is a necessity for governmental help and/or EU-regulation in doping issues, but sport should keep the lead

• The contents of food and supplements have to be fully listed on the label. More information must be available for athletes, coaches and doctors

• International harmonisation of the system of sanctions and of law. Athletes have to be involved.

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Athlete participation in the decision making Athlete participation in the decision making processprocess

• Athletes should be closer to, or ideally intimately involved in decisions which affect them

• A legitimate and strong athlete voice requires a legitimate and strong structure

• Athletes must endeavour to support and enhance existing athlete structures and seek partnerships which add to their experience

• The aims and objectives of athletes may, in the long term, be best served by the creation of a truly independent athlete organisation

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EU Athletes established 2007

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Objective EU athletes

1. Exchange information with the purpose if strengthen the position of the members

- study best practices of the members

- discuss social dialogue on a National level

2. Representation at the European level at the EU and other European sport organizations thus allowing elite athletes to speak with one voice towards governing bodies

3. To promote and engage in social dialogue with European federations, sport employers and organizations

4. To provide support to each others individual members in countries where there is no union and promote establishment of independent athlete organizations in countries where they do not exist

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Why now ?

• Writing of white paper by EU

• EU has strong influence in the future on sport EU legislation

• Awareness that only combination of local, European and international level can change/influence position of the athlete

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• Case by Case• Soft Law• Social Dialogue• Treaties• Block Exemptions

E.U Parliament paper (2005) lists the following options for

developing sports policy without specific competence

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Alternatives recommended

• Case by Case

• Soft Law

• Social Dialogue

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• Recommends Block Exemptions from E.U. law for sport institutions


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EU Athletes contribution

• Case by Case - EU Athletes members coordinate on individual cases to expand rights of athletes

• Soft Law - Contribute as a stakeholder in the White Paper process

• Social Dialogue - Fulfill role as employee Social Partner

• Creative Labor Actions to demonstrate solidarity

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Project social dialogue

• EU Athletes has receives subsidy for project on social dialogue in Europe: Preparation for Social dialogue for Elite athletes within the EU

• September 07– preparatory meeting in Paris

• October 07 – February 08 – working groups– Visits EU and other organizations

• March 08– Seminar in Amsterdam

• May 08 – Report

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Objective project

• Organize and structure athletes voice towards the EU and other social partners

• Create a social partner that meets the requirements for social dialogue

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Social Dialogue

• Established in the E.C. Treaty (Art 138, Art. 139)

• Social Dialogue Committees (25 current committees - including Aviation, Banking, etc)

• Participant requirements (organized at European level, representative and empowered to negotiate agreements, organizationally able to fulfill role as a social partner)

• Tasks (Recommendations, Agreements, Consultation obligation)

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Why are we here in Paris?Meeting goals

• Meet each other - Build a Network

• Exchange information

• Discuss our common issues

• Communicate positions to stakeholders and the European Union

Joint letter to EC and press release

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Case by Case

• Workshop 1 - Labor Law

• Exchange case information and build case database

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Soft Law = White Paper= “Coubertin” Action Plan

Workshop 2 - Europe/Social Dialogue

• Player’s Agents

• Protection of Minors

• Doping

• Corruption, Money Laundering and other financial crimes

• Licensing systems

• Media (solidarity mechanisms for equitable distribution of income)

• Structured dialogue with sport stakeholders

• Social Dialogue

• Others to be suggested by participants

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• 13.00 Introduction and background EEAA• 13.30 Introduction attendants• 14.30 Bus leaves for rugby match

– Drinks and snacks for own account• 18.30 Bus back to hotel• 20.00 dinner• 20.30 Lecture: social dialogue and white paper in

football by Tony Higgins• 22.00 The end

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• 8.00 – 8.45 breakfast• 9.00 – 9.45 presentation White paper by EU

(Andrzej Rogulski)

• 9.45 – 10.15 discussion• 10.15 – 11.00 workshop session I• 11.15 – 12.00 workshop session II• 12.00 – 13.00 Lunch• 13.00 – 14.00 presentation and discussion

workshops• 14.00 – 14.30 The road to Amsterdam• 15.00 The END

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NL Sporter

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NL Sporter

• Yves Kummer: president NL Sporter• Founded 2002• 400 members, spread over 20 sports• 218 cases• Starting to initiate sections (ice skating, field

hockey)• Biggest problems

– Not being recognized as counterpart– Finance to set up decent organization– Pit bull strategy (athletes are careful)