1 optimizing your java applications for multi-core hardware prashanth k nageshappa...

1 Optimizing your Java Applications for multi-core hardware Prashanth K Nageshappa [email protected] Java Technologies IBM

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Slide 1Prashanth K Nageshappa
As The World Gets Smarter, Demands On IT Will Grow
Smart energy grids
global scope, processing scale, efficiency
Digital data is projected to grow tenfold from 2007 to 2011.
Devices will be connected to the internet by 2011
1 Trillion
Global trading systems are under extreme stress, handling billions of market data messages each day
25 Billion
70% on average is spent on maintaining current IT infrastructure versus adding new capabilities
Better performance
Consider TaskExecutor API
Too many threads can be just as bad as too few
Do not rely on JVM to discover opportunities
No automatic parallelization
Change serial algorithms to parallel ones
Tracing and I/O
Blocking disk/console I/O inhibit scalability
Consider breaking long synchronized blocks into several smaller ones
May be bad if results in many context switches
Java Lock Monitor (JLM) tool can help
Creates memory barrier
Use java.util.concurrent (j/u/c)
Non-blocking object access
Possible with j/u/c
Alternative strong synchronization
Exploit atomic instructions such as compare-and-swap in hardware
Supports compounded actions
HashMap → ConcurrentHashMap
TreeMap → ConcurrentSkipListMap
ArrayList → CopyOnWriteArrayList
ArraySet → CopyOnWriteArraySet
Strains on the VM
Excessive use of temporary memory can lead to increased garbage collector activity
Stop the world GC pauses the application
Excessive class loading
Updating class hierarchy
Invalidating JIT optimizations
Transitions between Java and native code
VM access lock
Small short lived objects are easier to cache
Large long lived objects likely to cause cache misses
Memory Analysis Tool (MAT) can help
Consider using large pages for TLB misses
-Xlp, requires OS support
Tune your heap settings
Can exploit cache hierarchy on a subset of cores
JVM working set can fit within the physical memory of a single node in a NUMA system
Linux: taskset, numactl
Locks and synchronization
Network connections, I/O
working set is too large for physical memory
High CPU is generally good, as long as resources are spent in application threads, doing meaningful work
Evaluate where time is being spent
Garbage collection
What is the limit on network access?
Are there storage bottlenecks?
JIT Compiler
Garbage Collector
Application Threads
Customizes execution to underlying hardware
Optimizes locking performance
Asynchronous compilation thread
Thread safe libraries with scalable concurrency support for parallel programming
Manages memory on behalf of the application
Must balance throughput against observed pauses
Exploits many multiple hardware threads
Pause time, Throughput, Memory footprint and GC overhead
All modes exploit parallel execution
Dynamic adaptation to number of available hardware cores & threads
GC scalability independent from user application scalability
Very low overhead (<3%) on typical workloads
May cause longer pause times
Picture is only illustrative and doesn’t reflect any particular real-life application. The purpose is to show theoretical differences in pause times between GC policies.
Thread 1
Thread 2
Thread 3
Thread n
Some pauses needed to collect longer-lived objects
Picture is only illustrative and doesn’t reflect any particular real-life application. The purpose is to show theoretical differences in pause times between GC policies.
Thread 1
Thread 2
Thread 3
Thread n
Uses multiple free lists
Tries to predict the size of future allocation requests based on earlier allocation requests.
Recreates free lists at the end of each GC based on these predictions.
While allocating objects on the heap, free chunks are chosen using a “best fit” method, as against the “first fit” method used in other algorithms.
Concurrent marking is disabled
Improved object allocation algorithm
Lock removal across JVM and class libraries
java.util.concurrent package optimizations
Stack allocation
Remove/optimize synchronization
Non-blocking containers
Right-sized application runtimes
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Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput or performance that any user will experience will vary depending upon many factors, including considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user's job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve results similar to those stated here.
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