1. opening the doorforbiddenpatterns.com/images/innersanctum733.pdf · i cannot allow myself to...

1. Opening the door This may be the most important thing you will ever read. It is not written to merely cheer you up or to give you hope in the face of adversity, as valid as those things are, but to help you to realize the wonderful Power that could be at your command. I seek nothing less than the transformation ofyour spirit, if you would but let these words do so. For, as fanciful as it may sound, you can experience the unlimited blessings and joys of the Great Abundance. For the answer to every question and the solution to every problem in your life already exists; the wray forward is already there. We don’t see it because we do not allow ourselves to. Hopefully what you find herein will change that. What follows can be your passport to continuous blessings, comfort and joy. You can experience a constant sense of reassurance. You are born for this. All bad things in the present will pass. Every present irritation and limitation that clouds your life will cease. Darkness will give way to light, suffering will give way to joy and redemption. You will feel a comfort beyond comparison, a comfort beyond explanation. I speak from experience. I cannot allow myself to tell you anything I know to be false. I regard myself as a guide to the opening 2

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1. Opening the door

T his m ay be th e m ost im portan t th in g you will ever read. It is no t w ritten to m erely cheer you up or to give you hope in the face o f adversity, as valid as those th ings are, b u t to help you to realize the w onderful Power tha t could be at your com m and. I seek n o th ing less than the transformation o f your spirit, if you w ould b u t let these words do so. For, as fanciful as it m ay sound, you can experience th e un lim ited blessings and joys of the G reat A bundance. F o r the answer to every question and the solution to every problem in your life already exists; the wray forw ard is already there. We don’t see it because we do not allow ourselves to.

H opefully w hat you find herein will change that.W hat follows can be your passport to continuous blessings, comfort

and joy. You can experience a constant sense o f reassurance. You are born for this.

All bad th ings in the p resen t will pass. Every p resen t irrita tion and lim ita tion that clouds your life w ill cease. D arkness will give way to light, suffering will give way to joy and redem ption . You w ill feel a comfort beyond comparison, a comfort beyond explanation.

I speak from experience. I cannot allow m yself to tell you any th ing I know to be false. I regard m yself as a guide to the opening2

door, a door w hich opens to a G reater Reality. N ot the reality of grubby day-to-day life and its petty irrita tions, b u t the G rand Reality of an In n er L igh t, a pervasive glow o f peace, reassurance and fu l­film ent.

I f there is just one th ing I have learn t in life it is that all anguish, despair and hopelessness are b u t an illusion. It is a false reality we have given ourselves, based on false assum ptions; a false reality w hich we have no t only foisted on ourselves b u t also allowed others to foist on us.

O f course there are m any w onderful teachings and books to show a be tter and m ore uplifting way to live. We listen and we read and yet we rem ain w here we are. We may catch a glimpse o f a G reater Reality, bu t th a t is all it is, m erely a peep of, or a fleeting b rush w ith the G reat A bundance.

W hy do we no t th in k that we can live perpetually in this Great and Inner Abundance.}

W hy can we take only one step forw ard and always w inding up several steps back?

W hy should living in and w ith U niversal C onsciousness seem so unobtainable, so elusive?

It is so because we believe it to be so. W ithou t even realizing it we close the door to our sp iritual self.

I am here to show you how to open th e door.You are here to open it.Together we can both enter.

2. Acceptance is the beginning

T h a t the door should open we should accept th a t it can be open. A nd open it shall be. Each and every tim e a qu iet m om ent presents itse lf say th e follow ing softly and w ith conviction:

T he door is open. I can go th rough . I accept th a t it is com pletely open. I accept tha t I can go through.

T h e door opens in to the In n e r Sanctum . It leads to your true self; it leads to the infin ite riches o f your true golden being.

We could say that we have two selves. T here is the self we know: ‘m e’, ‘m yself’, ‘w hat I th in k ’, ‘w hat I feel’. We all know this self, it is th e one we are stuck w ith every m om ent o f ou r consciousness. Som etim es we get sick of it and thoroughly annoyed. We wish we were som eone else. We get sick of our shortcom ings, our lack of fortitude, our faults and weaknesses.

T h is is the ‘se lf’ we know, the only one th a t m ost o f us know. M ystics call it the ‘true se lf’ and for the vast m ajority of us it rem ains elusive and unknow able, even if we tru ly believe in its existence.

It is th is self which is the repository of all wealth. I t is the Seat o f A bundance, the Inexhaustib le Storehouse. T h is self is eternal, un b o rn and deathless. I t was here before your ‘little se lf’ arrived and rem ains after it has gone. M ost of us live in com plete ignorance of it w hilst those aware of it rem ain frustra ted by its apparent elusiveness.

B ut it is n o t elusive. We have m erely subconsciously decided tha t it should be elusive. We have closed the door w ithou t realizing it.

T h e E ternal Self is not bound by your subconscious, let alone your conscious m ind. Know it or not, you are the em bodim ent of th is Self. It is the Infin ite Intelligence, the Cosm ic M ind , U niversal Consciousness, and any num ber o f o ther attem pted descrip tions o f it. You are it. It is the vital pow er that sustains you, energizing your en tire being. I t chooses to be you for the duration o f your time on this planet. W hen your tim e here expires w hat ceases is the little self, the ‘m e’ factor. T h a t goes, bu t the E ternal You rem ains. D eath is b u t closure and re-awakening. It is closure for th e little self. D eath is m ere transition , change.

T h is no tion o f the E ternal Self is there to be experienced now, and once experienced one cannot be the sam e again.4

At present you live only h a lf a life - if even that. W hen para­psychologists assert th a t m ost o f us live at on ly ten percen t o f our full m ental and spiritual potential they are no t w ide o f th e mark. We do no t, however, have to m ake some great H erculean struggle to try and live at our full potential, we have only to accept that it is possible, and to trust that it is possible.

W henever you have a quiet m om ent to say th e following do so, eyes closed or open, as it suits you. W ith conviction say:

I accept th a t I can be m uch better. I allow m yself to be better. I tru st com pletely in a favourable outcom e.

It takes only a m om ent to say, and can be repeated several tim es, any tim e, any place, as discretion perm its.

H ad I know n or realized m any years ago w hat I know and realize today how m uch different m y life w ould have been! How m uch d isillusionm ent and heartbreak I w ould have been spared! W hat was in th e way of m y best in terests was me. T h e little self was in the way, shu ttin g the door in m y face.

T h e trouble is the little self always th in k s it knows best. It doesn’t. It is w hen we let go o f our little self and let the Eternal S e lf guide us that we make the transition from mediocrity to greatness.

It can be done. You have only to accept tha t it is possible. Acceptance o f th is tru th is th e beg inn ing of your liberation.

3. Living abundantly

Loneliness is a feeling hard to escape for m ost o f us. Even if we are surrounded by people all the tim e we can yet feel isolated. It is a loneliness o f the spirit. I t is an awareness th a t w hen we suffer we suffer alone, when we are d isappointed we are d isappoin ted alone, and w hen we experience pain it is ours and ours alone. All th is is felt because we th in k tha t the little ‘m e’ is all there is.

W hen you en ter the In n er Sanctum you will recognize xhaxyou are never alone. T he en tire universe is w ith you. W hen you enter the H oly Place you discover an inexhaustib le com forting feeling of w arm th and inspiration .

T h e great lie we tell ourselves is th a t we are alone and tha t we have to sm iggle alone, b a ttling the odds, and at the end o f it all we die. W hat a thought, no w onder we despair! A nd if we have spiritual inclinations we are yet troubled by doubts. We m ay believe in som ething ‘b e tte r’ or ‘h ig h er’, b u t we don’t actually experience or feel it.

O ur sp irit rem ains alone and im poverished, and sm all w onder we find life hard going!

All these thoughts o f lack, hardsh ip , struggle, being m isunder­stood, being taken for granted , and so on, m ust be set aside, so th a t the G reater R eality m ay p resen t itself.

I am no t saying th a t once you know the H igher Reality life then becom es a bed of roses. T ru th be to ld , th is hard ly m atters, for w hat really counts is how you feel and respond to everything. Rem em ber, you could possess every m aterial advantage and com fort and yet still feel incom plete. You could have everything th a t anyone could possibly w ant in m aterial term s and still feel em pty and even isolated.

U nhapp ily for m any not only do they feel incom plete they also do n o t ‘have every th ing’. Far from it, the ir life may be of m uch hardsh ip and travail. It is surely difficult to feel ‘com plete’ if one’s life is beset by financial w orries, health problem s and irksom e people.

T h e good news is tha t the G reater Reality addresses all these things. In th is R eality you do no t have to rem ain at th e m ercy of o ther people or w orrying about how to pay the ren t or fuel bills, or any o f the o ther difficulties o f every-day life. Access to the G reater Reality supplies all needs, em otional, sp iritua l and financial. In n e r com pleteness is not incom patib le w ith m aterialism , you can ‘have 5'ou r cake and eat it too’. In the G reater Reality every th ing is good. Realizing th is opens your m in d to ideas and insp ira tion for the6

solutions to everyday problem s tha t otherw ise w ould not p resent them selves.

L ife is to be enjoyed, to be lived as vigorously as you wish. M oney is no t an evil, but a powerful force for good. Because m ost people seem ingly have a confused and am bivalent a ttitu d e tow ards m oney it does them no good if they get too m uch o f it. T here is a w orld o f difference betw een appreciating m oney and being enslaved by it. W hen you hear of the rich and fam ous ow ning m ansions in different countries, w ith a fleet of lavish cars plus the inevitable yachts, you w onder how m uch do they actually value and appreciate w hat they have. P resum ably they take it all for granted , w hich is to take h a lf o f the fun out o f their good fortune. Besides, you can only live in one place at a tim e. W hilst variety is im portan t it m ust be tem pered by m easure. Too m uch o f a good th in g is to d im in ish its w orth.

T h e real beauty of great w ealth is how m uch good it can do: how it can prosper w orthy projects and causes. How it can m ake so m any happy and how it can alleviate suffering.

T h e po in t is tha t the less w ell-off and th e wealthy, generally speaking, have a lim ited view o f w ealth, and th a t is why the form er rem ain lacking and the la tter incom plete.

N ature is full o f the colour green and it is no coincidence th a t the dollar bill is green. Both represen t w ealth, a p o ten t expression of the abundance o f U niversal Consciousness.

E n tering th e In n er Sanctum brings us in to the presence of A bundance, an Inexhaustib le Supply o f bo th the good and the nourishing.

I f we w ant to be better o ff m aterially we m ust recognize th a t it is sp iritually good to be rich : these are n o t in im ical states b u t com plem entary. We should open ourselves to th e Spirit o f A bundance.

So m oney and m aterialism is good. T he only th ing th a t’s bad is people’s attitude.

You can partake in U niversal A bundance. I t is not confined to money, it operates th rough all existence. You should no t only enjoy an abundance o f m aterial com fort, b u t also an abundance of good


health ; an abundance o f good hum our ... and an abundance of every good and pleasing th in g tha t life has to offer. T he m ega-rich w ith the ir m ansions and yachts rem ain feeling incom plete because they can only view abundance through one m edium .

Step by step we need to let go of ou r lim ita tions and negative attitudes. L im ita tion is the very opposite to A bundance. We keep th in k in g th a t so m uch is ‘im possible’ so it is sm all w onder tha t th e Spirit o f A bundance cannot filter through.

T h e problem is th a t in clinging to th e idea o f lack and shortage we feel safe. ‘L e tting it go’ is easier said than done, for it can leave us w ith a feeling of em ptiness and insecurity. A t least in accepting lim ita tion and lack we know where we stand, and th is is a k ind of security. Above all we need to feel safe, b u t i t’s a false security, for it leads now here and leads us to greater hardsh ip in the long run. We need to feel just as safe w ith the th ough t o f ‘I can’ as we do presently w ith ‘I can’t ’.

At the same tim e one needs to be kind to oneself. A fter all, to doubt and to fret is only to be hum an. You are guilty o f no sin as such. Yet you sin against yourself. You do not w ant to rem ain ‘m erely hum an’ all your life. You can partake of the D ivine, experience ‘C hristhood’. Forgive yourself for being weak and ask for help to be the opposite. Say the following w ith firm belief and conviction w henever you have a quiet m om ent:

‘I can’ is surely be tter than ‘I can’t ’. H elp m e to th in k this way. H elp me to forgive myself.

Repeat several tim es if you wish and at various m om ents in the day w hen they p resent themselves. You don’t have to stop and m edita te or m ake yourself ‘com fortable and relaxed’. You can say it s ta n d in g , ly in g dow n, w a itin g a t a bus sto p , an y tim e , a n y ­w here, according to discretion; b u t never if you are feeling tense. W hat speaking such phrases does is condition your consciousness for w hat follows later. It prepares you for the Secret o f the In n e r Sanctum .

4. Divine help is always there

We can never be ‘alone’ if we believe help is available - n o t the help o f m ere m ortals w hich is often illusion - bu t the help o f the Infin ite M ind itself. T he ‘Infin ite M in d ’ is th a t all-pervasive Secret In te lli­gence perm eating all creation and which responds to the individual need o f the believer as i f that believer was all that existed. Even though the universe teem s w ith inexhaustib le life form s, trillions and trillions expressions o f consciousness, you are all that exists in your moment o f need.

T his seems a staggering idea for the sceptical m ind to accept. B ut tha t doesn’t matter. If you were a sceptic you alm ost certainly w ouldn’t be reading th is anyway. T he sceptic has usually m ade up his m ind in advance while yet declaring he is ‘open-m inded’ and ‘im partia l’. T h e sceptic will never be able to experience the G reater Reality because he, too, clings to the idea o f lim ita tion . W hatever one lim its oneself to then th a t’s where one rem ains. Beyond that one canno t go, there can be no progress.

You and I are here to explore th e prospect of progress, of som ething be tte r - much better - than w hat we already have. And even if you are already spiritually open and know the grandeur of the G reat A bundance you will be ready for yet more. For there is no end, no lim it to th is experience.

For as long as you live and breathe you can keep going onw ard and upward. Remove the shackles of lim ited th o u g h t and your sp irit is set to soar.

You are no t destined to rem ain stuck in one place. Even if you already feel com plete and happy - 1 doub t if there are m any who can say tha t - you can still go yet h igher in spirit.

True, indeed, that life consists of ebbs and flows, ups and downs, and that we cannot always be ‘on top’. W ith in the Greater Reality th is is neither here nor there, for each bad thing will lift us in its own way.

T his is only possible w hen living in the Infin ite . O therw ise bad th ings are just tha t - bad.


You don’t have to accept life’s negativ ity at face value. T he G reat A bundance w ill enable you to see th rough it.

B ut isn’t th is just ‘m ake believe’ som e m ight ask. In a way it is, b u t i f you create the Universe you want you will get it.

W hether you know it or n o t you are already a partaker in the D ivine. T he D ivine Presence already dwells w ith in you. O nly w hen you accept th is idea and recognize its po ten tia l can its realization in fact begin.

You have only your life to live and there can only be one sp iritu ­ality for you, the one you create and accept. You cannot live in anyone else’s concept o f the ‘U niverse’.

W hat is false - and ultim ately a heartb reak in g illusion - is try ing to live your life according to som eone else’s standards. M ost of us are guilty of try ing to live our life according to the standard and expectation o f others w hich is u ltim ately a betrayal o f our own best interests.

You can only live to the full - in com plete creativ ity - as a ‘m agus m axim us’, w hen you are a ttuned to your own true higher calling. You can live a life o f so m uch better quality than you do at present. Ask for help th a t you m ay receive it.

Try saying the following any tim e, as you are inclined, w hen a quiet m om ent presents itse lf w hen you will n o t be observed or disturbed. It takes only a few seconds.

O pen m y eyes. L e t me see. H elp m e to see. Let m e see that, w ith your help, everything can be m uch better.

Say every day for weeks, m onths - for however long it takes, depending on how you feel about your progress. I canno t tell you how long anyth ing takes, for the In fin ite M in d functions only at your soul’s rate of vibrations and no other. Your ‘progress’ cannot be m easured by anyone else’s standard.

People w ith spiritual in terests are often p rone to m ake p ro ­nouncem ents on th e ir sp iritual status. It is odd in particu lar how some will pronounce that they have a tta ined such-and-such a10

‘degree’ in a certain lodge, society, or some others calling for ‘neophytes’ and ‘in itia tes’. O ne is supposed to be im pressed, b u t I find m yself baffled. You can be left feeling ‘now here’ w hen you hear o thers speak like this.

In tru th our ‘sp iritua lity ’ cannot be m easured or guaranteed. You are only as good as your present m om ent and w hat you feel cannot be equated w ith another person’s standard. Indeed one should n o t be th in k in g in term s o f ‘standards’ at all, nor indeed o f ‘progress’.

You are already on ‘T he Path ’ by v irtue of reading this. It is your path , no t m ine, nor anyone else’s. W here it goes and how long it takes depends on you. M y objective is to continually rem ind you to be true to yourself, to follow your own L igh t, your own G uid ing Star, and no t to be daunted by the th ough t o f being alone or nowhere. You are firm ly on the ladder from w hich there is no stepping down, let alone falling. O n this path there is no tu rn in g back; your soul is impelled to follow it.

T he divine help is always there, always on tap, every m om ent of every hour. You only have to condition yourself for th is reality. Just get yourself used to the idea o f it.

Do not be cheated by doubt. T he only person who is going to be short-changed is yourself, if you allow doubt to prevail. T h a t ano ther person w ould consider you foolish to believe w hat I w rite only reveals their lim ita tions of thought. You have to decide. W hat p re ­cisely is there to lose by doing so? By yielding to p resen t lim itations you are already a loser, so how m uch m ore are you prepared to com prom ise yourself?

I refuse po in t blank to let doubts take over. We are never entirely free o f them , for that is the hum an condition . I am alert to this and shu t them out, for time and again they have been proven to be without foundation. It is the Reality th a t I believe in and live in tha t is v indicated over and over again. If I am w orried about doubt I ask the Infin ite M ind to forgive m e so tha t I m ay forgive myself.

D oubts are bogeym en: stand up to them and they vanish. T h e ir sole purpose is to underm ine th e spirit, to keep us w here we are, to hold us back, to stop us from tak ing ano ther step on the ladder


upw ard. Instead of doubt believe in help , for it is always available.H idden b eh ind all gloomy feelings is a deep stirring com fort. A sk

to be comforted. We all need comfort. We all need to be reassured. T he River o f A bundance gushes w ith it. Before going to sleep at n igh t, sim ply say:

Please com fort me. Please reassure me.

Say it w ith your whole soul. Allow yourself to yearn for it. Repeat several tim es. W hile you sleep your In fin ite G uard ian will soothe your soul.

Ask for th is every n ight, if so inclined.N ever be afraid to adm it it th a t you need com fort and reassurance.

Do not be afraid to be afraid.Fear, too, is ano ther bogeym an, an illusion. In tim e the grip of

fear will lose its hold as you ascend the ladder. M eantim e m ake allowances for feeling fearful. You can afford to forgive yourself for it because it w ill soon becom e a th ing of the past.

Com fort and reassurance are no t forthcom ing from others and in its absence we can feel terrib ly alone. Now you know you can ask for it, and come it surely will.


W hen we hear of the In fin ite M ind , U niversal Consciousness, Cosmic M ind, and any of the o ther nam es and expressions applied to w hat religionists m ay sim ply call ‘G od’, we m ay be confused as to w hat to th in k or what to im agine. T h is is not te rrib ly im portan t, for w hat really m atters is th a t you accept it is there. I t doesn’t have to be rationalistic. Leave tha t to th e cynic and the sceptic. ‘R ational’ people already have th e ir m inds m ade up, so th e ir lives are bound to a particu lar lim ited path. You can join them , i f you w ish. Sceptics12

declare they are ‘open-m inded’ : this is precisely what they are not. They th ink that everyth ing can be rationalized and explained - and you can’t get more lim ited than that!

Your inner world is not defined by rational thought. And nor is the Infinite M ind bound or confined by any image of it. It is as fluid and as flexible as the needs of your inner life. There is no room for the logical here, certain ly not ‘logic’ in the way most people understand the term. We choose our belief. We believe that there is something Big and Wonderful there. We know that we can’t be ‘completely mad’ to th ink in this way, for all human history is marked by religious worship. Every race of people has believed in something beyond what they can m erely see and touch. So profound a human need to revere or worship is clear evidence - i f ‘evidence’ we seek - that it is essential to the human soul. And if the soul is so in need of it does it not make sense - if we want to make ‘sense’ of it - that surely there must be ‘something there’? After a ll, a person wouldn’t be able to feel physically hungry if there was no food to satisfy it.

But religion is always defined by the cu lture in which it is placed. That is why there are so m any conflicting beliefs. The o n ly un ifying feature is the n e e d to b e l i e v e in s om eth in g , no matter w ha t it is.

As this need seems w ired into the hum an psyche I am not en tire ly sure how disbelievers get along. W hat I have observed, however, are their inconsistencies. For exam ple I am rem inded as I write this just as it has turned Christm as, that each and every one of them celebrates Christm as. (Paradoxically, someone like me doesn’t.) Surely being both atheist and celebrating any relig ious festival is odd, to say the least. How ‘rational’ is that?

I have noticed sceptics ‘touch wood’ for luck and even read their daily horoscope in the newspaper!

So w hilst I say ‘the rational’ is not som ething we should worry about, those who disagree, affirm ing that the rational is everyth ing, are, it seems ... irrational. T hey say one th ing and do another.

We are ‘relig iously-w ired ’ whether we adm it or not.I must say that I have found m y own b e lie f in the gods and

goddesses of the ancient world to tally liberating , for it addresses


different aspects of m y psyche. I don’t w orry about the ‘log ic ’ of such belief - I s im p ly find it liberating. It doesn’t m atter to me how Infin ite M ind is perceived. Some say that the concept of Infin ite M ind , U niversal Consciousness, and so on, is superior to pagan beliefs in ‘gods’, ‘goddesses’, ‘demons’, and so on. For me it ’s a non­issue. In any event the concept o f ‘Infin ite M in d ’ itse lf is pagan, the Christians never invented that, although some m ight equate it w ith their ‘God’. The ancients could live w ith any concept of d iv in ity and we should be able to do so too.

It is enough that you believe there is som ething L im itless and Inexhaustib le, a Great Sustainer and Eternal Comforter. It doesn’t m atter how you perceive or see this. It is not bound by any action or thought. If you accept it in whatever w ay you feel or see is righ t then that is its reality. If you reject it, it doesn’t exist. T he atheist gets what he wants. We a ll get w hat we want.

You seek hope, comfort, insp iration , a solution to your problems. You believe in the Infinite. All these th ings go together. You w ill find what you seek. To the degree that you open yourself to the Great Abundance you shall receive, for noth ing is im possible for it. You are a channel, a vessel, for its Inexhaustib le Expression. You w ill find it coursing through your veins, energiz ing your thoughts, reassuring your soul. You w ill feel im m une to life ’s travails. Your soul aglow7, you w ill w alk in the L igh t, on a Path that w ill take you to your true Destiny.

Of yourself none of these th ings are possible. ‘Of m yself I can do noth ing.’ In the Infin ite all th ings are possible. You w ill not only be its vessel, but you w ill become the R iver itself. You w ill be both Giver and Receiver. There is no d ivision or separation in the Greater Reality. You and the Infin ite are One, and there is no tu rn ing back.

The Door is open, you only have to go through. Once through there is no going back. You w ill be led forward. Problems w ill be solved as they suddenly become im m aterial: either w ay you w ill receive a solution. U ltim ately , y o u are the so lu t ion . As your inner life unfolds as the Inexhaustib le Infin ite enlarges it, you w ill find yourse lf as the answer to all your questions, the solution to your


problem s. A glorious peace perm eates your being. You will feel ligh tened of your burdens, and in th e ir place comes an irresistib le feeling of happy expectation and freedom from the opinions and dem ands of o ther people. You will have your own h igher opinions and expectations, allowing the Infin ite to guide you in th is way. You will be sustained and uplifted, and freed of prejudice and bias, and unshackled from resentm ent.

Expect to receive the best and you shall.D oubts cannot prevail in the G reater R eality and you will feel

unh indered , free to go forward w ith joy and expectation.You will be unbounded, liberated, released. F inally free. N obody

will notice you to be different, at least no t in the beginning. But you will be in no doubt about it. You will feel a particularly energized con­fidence stirring w ith in , som ething never experienced before. You will feel sustained, empowered, even propelled. Poor health w ill give way to good, m elancholy and mood swings becom ing a th ing of the past. You are about to enter a new era of positive feeling and purpose. D aily you can ask for help and you will get it. You will not be denied or ignored. T here are no boundaries to the sphere of the Infinite, and w ith in it your spirit is enlarged. Your soul will dance and your personality will enlarge, autom atically attracting the types of people you would like to know. You will be fuelled by the U niverse itself, for you are the Universe as only it can express itself th rough you.

All th is will be there for you, available to the sam e degree that you open yourself to it.

O nce I could never envisage any o f th is, b u t once I was open th e D oor opened too!

I have no problem w ith scoffers. T hey can scoff all they w ant. T hey have chosen the ir path . Truly they are right: they believe there is n o th in g and no th ing is ail they get. I f they th in k th ere is no life after death then tha t is alm ost certainly w hat they w ill find. T he m om ent th e ir last b reath expires they will en ter a dark hole of oblivion ... for w hat else could they expect?

Your choice is different. It is life affirm ing, b o th for now and after death. For the Inexhaustib le does no t w ither and perish. You choose


abundance of spirit, abundance of good health; an abundance of every blessing. W hat you set your heart on you can have. You do not have to accept second best. You can both receive and give good­ness. Generosity of spirit becomes second nature, for as you receive so shall you give. U nbounded shall your sp irit be, open and unrestricted.

L ittle by little )rou can allow yourself to be filled by th is Inexhaustib le Supply, renew ing and rev ita liz ing you. T he process w ill accelerate according to the degree you are open. A sk to let yourself be open ... and yet m ore open.

Being open to the Infin ite A bundance closes you to negativity. It makes you less vulnerable to the depressing vibration o f others. You keep out w hat you don’t need. Your choice is A bundance, not lack and shortage. You will go in one d irection only - forward. No m ore one step forward, two steps back. You w ill not be held back anym ore. O nce on the ladder you will be held up. The Infinite cannot - and w ill not - fa ilyou.

Look upw ard and allow yourself to be bathed in Cosm ic Energy. B reathe in and feel the Cosmic Breath. You are the heartbeat o f th e U niverse. O n th is p lanet there are som e seven b illion hum an souls - b u t only one you. You can only experience the Infinite Abundance through yourself. It is less that you have to reach ou t for it and m ore tha t you have to let it in.

D eep w ith in - the In n er P artn er - is the Pow er tha t transform s. Yet it is not w orking for you, for you have not opened the door. T h e Power w ith in will awake when the Pow er w ithou t is allowed in.

You can let it happen and you will.

6. The Inner Sanctum

Spiritual trad itions are always bo u n d up in a sense o f place. In astrology there are the twelve houses, referring to twelve different areas o f life. Houses represent dw elling places of the soul. In the16

R om an Catholic church there is the holy tabernacle where the sacred sacram ent is kept, a sym bolism o f the dw elling place o f the soul. Jesus supposedly spoke o f ‘m any m ansions’. C hurches, tem ples, and o ther places of w orship are sym bolic consecrations of the spirit. I, myself, was perplexed for m any years by my con tinuous dream s of d ifferent room s and various build ings u n til at last I realised that they were representations of different aspects of m y life.

T h e ‘In n er Sanctum ’ is a phrase to describe som e in tim ate ho ly place, real or im aginary, w hich is fo rbidden for the u n in itia ted to enter. Such term inology, and all such term inologies of space are b u t m etaphors for the ‘dwelling place’ o f the soul. I equate th is w ith the Sacred Presence of the Infinite. T he purpose o f th is booklet is to let you see how you can becom e aware of th is ‘p lace’ and how you can ‘en te r’ it.

O nce entered, you will no t be the same again. I t will be the beg inn ing of your new life. Each day you will feel re-born , em erging from sleep a new person. T he past is past, even th e n ig h t before, for everything changes w ith the new dawning. No m atter how m any tim es you have failed before, you can change now. You are always given another chance. You are given a new chance each m orn ing you awake. You are free o f the dead w eight o f yesterday. You can only live in the now. You are not the person you w ere yesterday despite proxim ity. Each day you can be ‘new \A s k that you be made ‘new ’. O r do you prefer feeling th e opposite - old?

O ld peop le fo rget w hat it is to be new. N o a m o u n t o f c h ee r­ful prom ise for the hereafter can com pensate for th e p resen t m om ent in the physical. The only true wealth is life itself, all else is secondary.

I f you have life and good health you have everything. T he m ore conscious you becom e of this and the m ore you treasure it, the more it shall be added to you.

Regardless o f your age, do not stop proceeding in a positive m anner. You are always as new as the m om ent, w hatever your age. You m ake your choice.

H ere is som ething you should do. M ake yourself com fortable,17

ensuring th a t you are n o t likely to be d istu rbed . T his m ay take only a few m inutes or it m ay last for hours. O ne never can tell. T his can be in an arm chair or in bed. I f in bed ensure th a t you are a little uprigh t, supported by pillows or cushions. Now dwell on the room you are in. O bserve everything. I f there are noises outside, such as ch ildren playing or th e sound o f traffic, just listen calm ly w ithou t m aking any judgm ent. Just take everything in. T hen th in k about yourself, tha t you are a part o f th is scenario. You are n o t separate from your surround ings and from any noise or com m otion outside. You are part and parcel o f the sam e situation , at this moment you may feel sudden peace. If so, the door to the In n e r Sanctum may soon open. Enjoy th is feeling. L inger on it.

L ooking around the room in your reverie, conscious o f your self, outside noises, and any th ing else, you might ju st sense that there is something else - or even someone - present.


It cannot be defined or explained. Try to rationalize it and it w ill cease. T here w ill be no doors opening for you.

I f you sense it your reverie m ay deepen and you may lose track of time.

You will no t sense th is Presence unless you are supposed to.T h is said, it is perhaps unlikely th a t you will sense th is Presence

first tim e. I t is m erely enough to enjoy th e reverie w hich you should repeat again and again.

It doesn 't have to be indoors. O utdoors will do just as well, so long as you can be com fortable and unobserved. T h e Presence can m ake itse lf felt anywhere.

A nother th in g you can do, also com fortable and reasonably uprigh t, ha lf close your eyes - o r close com pletely if need be - and observe some k in d of entrance, a doorway, a p a th , or som e wooded lane. T h is is th e opening to som eth ing h idden , m ysterious, elusive yet beckoning. T H IS R EPR ESEN TS T H E IN N E R SA N C TU M , or at least its ‘visible’ aspect. A t p resen t you have m anufactured an image to represent an idea. At th is precise m om ent it is pretence.18

You have to do this in order that the real door opens. I t is so simple. You have just im agined the entrance, or som ething sim ilar, leading who knows where and TH IS IS A L L YOU N E E D TO DO. Now just watch and observe - no th ing more.

Again you m ay find some k ind o f Presence. This you did not manufacture.

It is im possible to m anufacture it, for if you sense it you will know it is som ething divine, transcendent.


T h is is all you need for now. You don’t need to ask any th ing o f it.However, do not he dismayed i f you do not sense anything. IT W IL L

OCCUR W H E N YOUR SOUL IS READY.T h e D ivine Presence decides th is. Do n o t fret - instead,


7. Allow yourself to be drawn in

We have seen how the Inner Sanctum can be represented by a doorway, a wooded lane, or some such opening: b u t .you can imagine anything you like that represents your idea o f the Inner Sanctum. T h e In n er Sanctum is the sacred place of your soul : it is where the Eternal Self dwells. T h is is the true m eaning o f the holy tabernacle, except that the C hrist is within you: it never was the p roperty o f any church, that idea is for the ignorant masses. All religious cult and sym bolism represents h idden , deeper tru th s , inaccessible to the laity. You, however, are no t of the laity which accepts w hat it is spoon-fed: you expect m ore from your self and m ore from your life. You shall have both. T h is booklet is your guide to this end. T here is, of course, no such physical place as the In n er Sanctum , it can only be symbolized as such. O ur subconscious and, deeper still, unconscious


m ind, feeds on the idea of ‘p lace’, no t unnaturally , for we relate to space: the room we spend m ost tim e in , our hom e, etc. A car, even a tra in carriage, holds a sense o f space, evoking particu lar thoughts and sentim ents.

So go along w ith th is idea o f your In n e r Sanctum being ‘a p lace’. D O N O T BE A N X IO U S FO R ANY SIG N O F A ‘PR E SE N C E ’ O R ANY O T H E R K IN D O F W O N D E R . As I have already explained, you could experience th is the very first tim e or it may be ages before any th ing is felt. This is not o f concern. I have only explained th a t it m ay happen so th a t you will feel reassured tha t you are no t ‘m ad’. (W hen you actually know som ething or som eone is in the room - or in w hatever space you are in - w ithou t seeing or hearing anything, there is th a t im m ediate split-second though t, ‘I m ust be going m ad!’)

A nother sign of the Presence is a sudden fleeting arom a of sweet perfum e.

A t th is juncture I w ant you only to concern yourself w ith the concept o f a sacred place or som e k in d of po in t o f en try or passage w hich has a particu lar resonance for you. See th is place w ith eyes open or closed, w hichever you are m ore com fortable w ith. Look at th is en try po in t, or w 'hatever type of im agery you have chosen, and sim ply dwell on it. No more.

Dwell on the th o u g h t tha t it conceals Inexhaustib le Riches. IT CO N CEA LS E T E R N A L L IF E A N D AN A B U N D A N C E O F SPIR IT BEYOND D E SC R IPT IO N . IT ALSO H O L D S A L L T H E ANSW ERS T O YOUR P R E S E N T PR O B LEM S.

Do not be anxious to access it. For now just dwell on it. You m ay find tha t w ith each reverie the en trance becom es larger and m ore beckoning. I f so, allow yourself to go in.

See w hat happens.Please keep in m ind that we are not dealing w ith auto-suggestion

here or any type o f ‘m in d pow er’ or telekinesis. T his is n o t psycho­logy or positive th ink ing . You do not have to prove any th ing or m ake any th ing happen. You are dealing w ith som eth ing that w ill dictate its own terms. You sim ply allow yourself to go w ith it.20

N or is there ‘danger’ o f any k ind. For anyone to ever im ply there could be danger is arran t nonsense. T h is is the th in k in g of religious orthodoxy w hich frowns upon any sp iritual idea outside its rem it. YOU C A N N O T POSSIBLY CO M E T O ANY H A R M W IT H T H IS PROCESS. A nyone who im plies otherw ise is a com plete fool, condem ned to the ir own narrow lim itations. W hatever their sp iritual life consists o f i t can never lead anyw here. T hese people are terrified of th e ir own shadow.

So you may find th a t the space or gateway th a t you have created is draw ing you in. So you go in. W hat happens next is betw een you and th e Infinite. I cannot explain w hat happens here because your inner sacred experience is yours and yours alone.

I f you are no t ‘draw n in’ do no t fret. T he p o in t is to get used to the idea that you can be drawn in. You m ay no t feel any th ing , bu t the process is still w orking, as you shall eventually find.

T H IS IS N O T A Q U E ST IO N O F ‘M A K IN G SO M E L H IN G W O R K ’. T his process is abou tfinding yourself'.

Take com fort, for if you cannot find, you shall be found.You are w atched and cared for every step o f the way. All th a t

m atters is your sincerity. If this is w hat you really w ant it is w hat you will get.

T h is p resen t process is a prelude to asking th e U niversal Consciousness for help, guidance, and a so lu tion to your problem s. IT A LREA D Y HAS T H E A N SW ER TO E V E R Y T H IN G YOU N E E D AND W ANT, A L L O F W H IC H IT W IL L G IV E YOU IN D U E T IM E .

You are no t alone. You are su rrounded by B oundless Goodness. T his is sunshine to the soul in w hich you will surely bask, if not now then later.

Always rem em ber to adapt an a ttitude of kindness to yourself. You m ust becom e your own n u rtu rin g M other. You may suffer enough as it is, so you owe it to yourself to be k ind .

In order to receive love you m ust first give it to yourself T h e E ternal Self is rad ian t w ith love, a love you cannot receive until you are ready. A nd you get yourself ready by being k in d to yourself.


8. The Inner Sanctum of glowing health

Good health, or the lack of it, is one of the m ysteries of the hum an condition. Some folk sail through their whole life fit as a fiddle, being im m une even to the com m on cold, w hilst others at the o ther extreme are burdened by every kind of malaise, no m atter how careful they are. It is hard to rationalize any of this. The continuously healthy person may no t be a particularly agreeable type and their diet far from ideal. The chronically ill may, on the other hand, have a pleasing disposition and are careful about what they eat. It doesn’t seem fair.

O r so it seems.D iet, exercise, and a positive fram e o f m in d are the usual p re ­

scribed prerequisites for good health , b u t it is clear tha t they do no t always w ork, so why not? W hy does a ho rrib le person live to 90 and a good person expire at 70?

To find answers we have to dig beneath the surface.Few things can be taken at face value. M ost o f life is illusory. L ittle

is w hat it seems to appear and hum ans have an ex traord inary capacity for self-deception and dodging reality. I recall reading m any years ago how it was estim ated tha t two th irds of everyone in hospital needn’t be there at all, for they are there for entirely avoidable reasons inflicted upon them selves. T h en I m et a professor of m edicine and psychology who articulated m uch the sam e th ing : m ost patients are ‘p a tien ts’ because they cannot deal with their emotions.

W hen we refuse to deal w ith som eth ing em otionally then our body is forced to deal with it instead. T h is is the usual cause o f illness and disease.

It is not enough to be m erely ‘b rig h t and happy’ and to ‘th in k positively’ to enjoy good health - that is to dodge the problem !


T he condition of the soul depends on its coping w ith em otion.To the degree that we fa il to cope with or process our emotions is our

health determined.22

M O ST O F US ARE E M O T IO N A L L Y D ISH O N EST. We d isto rt our perceptions, shift the blam e, duck responsibility. O r we blam e ourself for everything, equally unreasonable and untrue. I f we won’t be honest then our body is forced to be, m anifesting a condition w hich corresponds to the thw arted em otional state.

Som ebody betrays you badly, som eone you trusted . You know you have to get on w ith your life, b u t w hat happens to the h u rt? You try to push it u nder the carpet; you try to ob literate it, for it is painful and difficult to dwell on, and you m ust get on w ith your life. Yet try as 3rou may you cannot get rid o f the feeling of h u rt - how does one ‘get r id of h u rt’? - eventually you lock it away in some dark place in your m ind. H id d en , it festers because it really hasn’t been processed or dealt w ith. It w inds up as illness in th e body.

O r we may have w ronged ano ther badly b u t find it hard to live w ith it. We try to dism iss it, hoping it will go away, bu t the only place it w ill go is the body. T he body is the repository of guilt.

T h e soul dem ands a resolution and if you can’t or w on’t deal w ith it th rough your m ind then it w ill ensure th a t you do th rough your body.

We are damned by our inability to process our emotions.T h e soul and body are in p o in t o f fact n o t separate units, b u t a

unified whole, any discord cannot be projected elsew here from it. W hatever happens in the soul affects the body and vice versa.

D octors do n o t have solutions. N or even psychologists who focus on the m ind ra ther than the soul.

T h e soul is beyond the reach o f the ‘professionals’. I t is supposed to be the specialty o f religion, b u t tha t, as m ost reading this are aware, is a joke.


T h e soul is try ing to m ake you ‘r ig h t’ th rough the body w hich can only be done th rough illness and disease.

All our em otions are confused to start w ith. We have no standards, no barom eter o f w hat is actually righ t or w rong for us. We m entally


process things invariably from a limited perspective, based usually on prejudice and resen tm ent, and rarely from the o ther person’s po in t o f view (which doesn’t necessarily m ean the o ther person is actually in the righ t and you are in the wrong).

We excuse ourself w hile no t allowing for ourself, a crucial, vital difference. Excuses are the product of irresponsib ility w hile allow­ance is an expression of love. (We can at the same tim e censure ourself and m ake allowances, an idea com pletely beyond many.) We also have unfair expectations o f others. We set standards for others - often based on a false prem ise - w hilst paying scant a tten tion to our own standards, or lack of them.

T ruth be told, we let ourself down far m ore tim es than anyone else does. M ost of us have this uncanny knack of p ro jecting our d is­appoin tm ents on others w hen we really are the one at fault. Self- deceit is subtle and knows no bounds! We don’t deceive the soul, however, w hich will p un ish us th rough our body.

I deal w ith m y own hurts and d isappoin tm ents by being totally frank w ith m yself at w hatever cost (w hich is far be tte r th an my body forcing me to). I will bo th chastise and forgive myself. I will regard the o ther person as a fool, or possibly worse, b u t realise th e ir action is probably the result o f their own insecurity. W hy shou ld I burden m yself w ith th e ir insecurity. I th rash it ou t w ith myself. I will allow no h u rt or em otional im balance to get past m y conscious and subconscious m inds - I know th a t I must deal with the problem.

Fail to deal w ith the difficult and it will reappear - if it hasn’t already done so - in your body.

O ne m ust stand up to the D evil in oneself or be m astered by him .Yet the D evil h im self is not necessarily all bad.Bad em otions can som etim es actually work for us, even enhancing

our health!It all depends on how we process them .I do not see situations in sim ple black and w hite term s. Because

the Creative Reality in itse lf is no t particularly ‘black’ or ‘w hite’.The important thing is to deal with what faces void Deal w ith it, or it

will deal with y o u !24

Deal w ith it on your terms II have seen som eone very angry. Now a psychologist w ould

typically say, ‘You m ust channel or diffuse your anger.’ B ut I said to this person, know ing their tem peram ent and circum stances, ‘You know this anger could actually work for you ... so long as you feel good about it.’

I do not regard hatred as being in itse lf a bad thing. M ost ‘sp iritu a l’ people are terrified at even the though t of th is em otion. To them it is a m onstrous though t, they cannot even begin to con ­tem plate it, let alone exploit it, although it m ay already - having slipped past the subconscious door - be c ircu lating in th e ir system. In tim e the ‘m o n ste r’ they w ill not confront w ill m anifest in th e ir body, if it has no t already done so.

T here is no such th ing as a scientific so lu tion to illness and disease. M edical science fixes th ings, it doesn’t solve them . If science could actually find a w ondrous way of erad icating cancer you can be absolutely sure that the body will find another - equally horrible - way o f manifesting unresolved conflict.


It is laughable th a t those w ho w ould scoff at w hat I w rite, declaring th a t I am prom oting ‘sp iritual fantasy’, are the very sam e who believe w ith a religious passion th a t science and technology- can solve everything and that disease can u ltim ately be elim inated. T h ere ’s ‘fantasy’ for you!

H um an ity chooses its path. We are all stuck w ith hum an natu re w hich is our undo ing unless we deal w ith it. O n ly the D ivine can save us from ourselves.

T h e Inner Sanctum can renew and refresh th e soul, m aking one feel whole and com plete ... and perfectly healthy!

Are you ready to let this happen?W hich do you prefer ... the sound prom ise o f the In n er Sanctum

or the deceit o f em otional hu rt?Yes, we do have a stark choice betw een disease and health!M ost people have already m ade th e ir ‘choice’ - w ithou t any idea


that they have! T hen they are gobsm acked w hen eventually they contract some terrib le disease, th is despite a lifetim e o f exercise and healthy foods!

If only yogurt, fresh fruit and honey could solve everything. ‘T h in k in g positively’ - how nice, how uplifting! P len ty of cycling, w alking, and sw im m ing - perfect health guaranteed!

L ook around you - everywhere there are life-long health con ­scious people who have eventually succum bed to chronic illness!

T here is also, o f course, the problem of ageing. N ot so m uch a problem b u t how we perceive it. We do no t have to see ageing as an inevitable cause of bad health. I t is instructive th a t in those cultures w here there are substantial num bers o f active people in th e ir 90s and 100s, they are conspicuous for the ir v itality and lack of disease.

W hat we expect in life is w hat we w ill get!L et us now get down to practicalities. P resum ably you may have

an illness or some chronic condition w hich you w ould dearly love to be shot of. Indeed you can be shot o f it and regain control of your life, as you shall see.

View the In n er Sanctum or its outer appearance w hich, as we have seen, can be im agined in any k in d of doonvay or entrance, or any type o f h idden or m ysterious place. O bviously you will need to be relaxed, as previously explained, propped up by cushions or pillows. T h in k of your illness or disease for a few m om ents and then allow your thoughts to go straight from tha t to the first bad or upsetting th ing you can th in k of.

T he fact th a t your m ind goes stra igh t to this particu lar bad th in g suggests a connection between this and your illness. I f you find th is p resen t feeling hard to face or cope w ith , then ask for help as follows:

Please help me to look at th is objectively. Please help me to deal w ith it. Please help me to be pa tien t w ith myself.Show m e how to be k ind to myself.

Shift your thoughts away for a m om ent to the idea of the Sanctum itself. Dwell on the gateway or w hatever im age you have already26

conjured. A fter a few m inutes you m ay feel you can re tu rn to the em otional problem . I f not, let it go and re tu rn to it ano ther tim e.

W hen you can, look at the problem and try and view it as someone else would. In fact try and view as several d ifferent people w ith different backgrounds and attitudes w ould, each w ith the ir own perspective. T h is helps to lessen the pow er tha t th e problem has over you. Even this may be enough for you now. So you w ill re turn to it next tim e.

T h e problem has to be dissected, b roken up, even trivialized. T h is problem , traum a, w ound is like a dem on. D em ons m ust be con­fronted, otherw ise they destroy us. I f th is is particu larly difficult for you th en proceed slowly and patiently. D on’t push or stress yourself needlessly. If you are k in d to yourself th e External Self will also be k in d and will help you get th rough it and obtain a resolution.

Ask yourself probing, difficult questions. H ow really justified is your hu rt? I f justified, why} W hat is so im portan t or vital about your hurt/grievance tha t it m ust be defended and h u n g on to? Is such defence w orth your p resent physical suffering?

Speaking for myself, m ost o f the em otional h u rt in m y own life has been self-inflicted, even w hen I though t it was ano ther person’s offence against me. B ut then I’ve always been tough on myself. ‘To be k in d you som etim es have to be cruel.’ I know th a t if I m ake excuses I am u ltim ately short-changing myself. You m ust adopt a sim ilar stance. I t ’s your health - and perhaps even your life - w hich is at stake.

I f no m atter how hard you try you cannot get around this hurt and how m uch you have been w ronged and disappointed, that leaves only one inescapable conclusion: T H E PRO B LEM IS W IT H YOU. U lti­m ately it isn’t about the other person. T he w ound you have personi­fied by him or her is a smokescreen for some crisis w ith in yourself.





T E C T E D ’.So you’ve been ‘set upon’, double-crossed, cheated, and so on.

Well, welcome to the o ther billions of suckers w ho have experienced the same. I t’s called ‘life’. If you can’t cope w ith it the o ther option is death, w hich will com e sooner ra ther than la ter if you don’t cope.

You are owed nothing. You are en titled to no thing. Forget about ‘rig h ts’. T here aren’t any, not as far as existence is concerned. People pay lip service to ‘rig h ts’ to m ake them selves feel good, b u t by and large th ey ’ll walk all over your ‘righ ts’ every tim e if it suits them .

Are you very m uch different to them ?You are no t the centre of the universe, no m atte r how m any o f us

were m ade to feel tha t way by our parents. T his is no t a con trad iction of m y statem ent that you are ‘an expression of th e U niverse’, for th is is a different th ing. WThen we th in k we are ‘ow ed’ we are in tru th at odds w ith the universe. No w onder we are ill.

You have to go in to the h u rt, in and around your feelings, in to and around yourself. Try and see yourself as others m ay see you. T h ro u g h the ir eyes are you seen as ‘ow ed’? P robably not.

L et us now assum e th a t it is not som eone else who has wronged you, tha t instead it is you who have wronged them. You may have w ronged them badly and it may now h u rt you m ore than it even h u rt them . T his person m ay not be around anym ore so you are unable to m ake am ends. T he guilt perpetuates itself.

G et th is straight: you do not need the forgiveness o f the injured party. W hat you need is the forgiveness o f yourself.

That is your problem .If you cannot forgive yourself you m ust ask yourself why. D on’t

accept the first answ er th a t comes to you, for we all have a rem arkable capacity to delude ourselves.

T h is inab ility to forgive yourself m eans you either have too low an opin ion of yourself or, paradoxically, too h igh an opinion. E ith er way you have a d isto rted view o f self. T h is is an even deeper problem .

Allow the possib ility of your self dissolving w ith in the G reater Self28


of the In n er Sanctum . Allow yourself to disappear ... be nothing. Ask - and allow - the E ternal Self to restore you, to renew and re ­bu ild you.


If you can’t let go, ask tha t maybe you can. You need no t ask for m ore than th a t at th is stage.

You will be heard and you will be helped. You are n o t alone in your dilem m a.

All em otional crises revolve u ltim ately around a crisis o f self. T h e em otional w ounds are only an expression of a deeper m alaise about how we feel tow ards ourself.

T he answer is to let go, be dissolved and to com e back restored. T his is a sp iritual and m etaphorical concept and is at the heart o f all m ystical thought.

L et none of th is be com plex and convoluted to you. Be as a child and trust. A SK TO BE H E L P E D . Trust tha t you will be. Trust the feeling that you then receive. Stay w ith this process and see w here it takes you.

It is also qu ite possible tha t w hen first looking for the connection between illness and your em otions several different situations may spring to mind. In w hich case you should explore all individually. Ask for guidance. W atch and trust. T here is no hurry, everything in its due tim e. Allow yourself to be guided and you will feel so. You are heading for a healing o f the spirit. Once tha t is ob tained , th e healing of the body is only a m atter o f time.

O ne needs to be taken apart so tha t one can be pu t back together by the D ivine Self. It is only th en you will find who you are. You m ust first lose yourself so that you m ay find yourself. T h en you w ill be healed. Instead of false claim s o f ‘en titlem en t’ typical o f the little self one experiences th e refreshing waters o f A bundance and Plenty. In U niversal Consciousness there are no pe tty feelings, only the inexhaustib le love of w hich you can now partake. N ot only are you going to be healed and m ade whole you will not be hurt again. Because you will have changed. T he ‘old you’ could be hu rt, bu t no t the ‘new ’.


You will no longer feel the need to prove yourself e ither to yourself or to others, for you will be aware of your true w orth in the D ivine.

B oth illness and glowing health are a choice. You have chosen the latter. You will have it.

9. Mone}^ needs

T he Infin ite M ind , A bundance, is m oney itself. T here is no division betw een m oney and the spiritual. A bundance is abundance, w hich­ever way you cut it. A bundance of the sp irit’ and ‘poverty of the pocket’ are a con trad iction - such d ivision is the th in k in g of lim ited m inds.

R eligionists are fond of p o in ting up this false division. ‘D on’t w orry about poverty in the here-and-now for you will be rich in heaven.’ W ho really w ants to buy tha t idea? We can only live the life of here-and-now , a life in w hich we can look around and see it teem ing w ith A bundance, a life bu rstin g w ith riches o f every k ind. N atu re is rich and beautiful beyond descrip tion . It is th e physical reflections of Spiritual A bundance. We can partake o f it, here and now. T here is never shortage for him who believes. T h e ‘shortage’ exists only in the m ind of lim ited though t, for the reality is starkly different. For us it is a m atter o f choice. We can choose to believe in paucity - in w hich everything is scarce, in stark contrast to the evidence of natu re - or we can believe in prosperity, a reality in w hich everything is available. T he greater your belief in the availability of th ings the greater your likelihood of ob ta in ing them .

In m atters financial there are three or four ways available. T h e first and m ost obvious is p roviding a service or supplying a p roduct in re tu rn for m oney; the second is inheritance or finding som ething valuable, discovering lost treasure; the th ird , very m uch a fantasy, is w inn ing in som e game of chance, invariably a lottery. T h e first one is the m ost im m ediate and practical, and the m ost likely because you30

are in control, the o ther two are un likely because they are very m uch out o f your control. T h en there is always the op tion of raising m oney th rough a loan, bu t th is is an illusion. F o r you still have to find a way of paying it back, w hich re tu rns you to the first th ree options. W hen going to the In n er Sanctum for help let it decide how you are going to be helped. T h is is p e rtin en t if at p resen t you have no obvious m eans of raising capital.

S itting or ly ing com fortably, im agine your idea o f the In n e r Sanctum , a sacred place, or en trance to it. Now th in k o f the m oney you need. W hen ready, speak or th in k in your head som ething like, ‘Howr can I find the m oney to pay m y b ills?’ Or, m ore specifically, ‘H ow can I get £10,000 - please show m e how.’ Repeat several tim es, then let go. L ook again at your ‘holy place’, and if the inc lina tion is there allow yourself to go in. A t this very m om ent you move from the m erely im agery to a m agical reality. T he D iv ine elem ent is now apparent, for once you ‘en te r’ you are no longer in control o f the process.

At th is m om ent Reality w ith a capital R is present. You will know som ething is happening. You canno t explain or describe it - you can only experience it. Now, there m ay be no m ore th an th is at present, but th is is sufficient. You m ay w ithdraw after a few m om ents, or linger in your reverie if you so wish. A fterw ards you m ay no t be en tirely sure o f w hat happened, because in an in s tan t your percep­tion o f tim e and space changed, even dissolved.

O n the o th er hand, you m ay no t have en tered at all - you just d idn ’t feel inclined. T h is, too, is okay. It is sufficient th a t you asked for guidance, th a t you asked for help. For you are always helped.

C ontinue w ith th is procedure for as often as you wish, always asking for w hat you need or w ant. Do n o t fret about your experience of th e Inner Sanctum . L ittle or n o th in g may occur; on the o th er hand you could go in and be totally transform ed for you will have come face to face w ith the D iv ine Self. You w ill never be the sam e again.

W hatever happens, or doesn’t happen, will serve its purpose and you are always safe. T here are positively no ‘side effects’. You do


n o th in g tha t you don 't w ant to do. You are in the presence of your own L igh t, w hether you are aware of it or not. This is the only authority in the world you need acknowledge. O nly th is - your inclination , your in tu itio n - knows w hat is righ t and w hat is w rong for you.

T h is is ‘gnosis’ - knowledge of the D ivine. T he only G od you need to acknowledge is the one in th e In n er Sanctum - no t the God of the Bible or the church or the synagogue, or w hatever else purports to represent spiritual authority.

T he Infin ite M ind w ill not leave you in the lu rch in regard to your financial affairs. Keep asking. How you get an answ er or a solution to your problem s can come about in any num ber of ways. W hilst in your reverie an idea m ay flash into your head - som eth ing you had never though t o f before. O r you may awake in the m orn ing w ith such an idea. In fact such an idea could pop into your head any tim e - w hatever it is, it alm ost certainly holds th e answer to your dilem m a and you should act upon it.

At the same tim e, in all th ings m onetary, you m ust do something yourself that will help.

T he E ternal Self is no t a substitu tion for w hat you yourself m ust do. You m ust explore all avenues, and the E ternal Self w ill be w ith you as you do so.

All options m ust rem ain open, w hich m eans you shou ld do your part in w hatever m anner you can . If you are open to all options the E ternal Self has the w idest possible b e rth to help you.

I am rem inded of a m an I spoke to yesterday who recently p u t these ideas in to practice. A pensioner w ith very small savings, he was suddenly h it by some unexpectedly h igh expenses to talling some £7,000 in all. H e had no im m ediate way of increasing his incom e and he was anxious about howT he w ould cope. Fortunatelv, being of a sp iritual fram e of m ind , he was very open to w hat I suggested he could do. ‘Even if you th in k I ’m crazy, and if you th in k you are crazy try it, w hat have you got to lose?’ I said. Weeks passed, then m onths, and n o th ing changed. I said, ‘C ontinue - there is still n o th in g to lose.’ L ike m ost o f us, he was constan tly receiving unsolicited offers in the post. H e now looked at each one carefully,32

for who knows, there could be som ething tha t m igh t hold the solution to his problem s. O ne such item , w hich previously he w ould have autom atically discarded, was from a life insurance company. It was a statem ent of shares held in his nam e, w hich puzzled him for he had no recollection of ever pu rchasing shares from th e company. H e had enough savvy to recognise th a t such a ‘sta tem ent' could easily be some k ind o f ploy to extract a response from the recipient. Reading the sm all p r in t o f this statem ent he saw that it said, ‘I f you sell your shares today they will be w orth £8100.’ H e though t th is m ust be a scam. Even so there was a form enclosed to com plete for selling shares, so he com pleted it and p u t it in the m ail, expecting to hear no m ore. Yesterday he phoned m e to say th a t he h ad received £8100 (for A m erican readers, please no te tha t was about $15000 in 2014. N ot a great sum , bu t very handy if you are struggling).

H e still has no idea how he ever cam e to own shares w orth th a t m uch - or any am ount for tha t m atter, as he has no recollection of buying shares at any tim e in his life! H e has never understood stocks and shares, all his life keeping w hatever spare cash he had in the bank or in a b u ild ing society.

If you ever m eet anyone who n o t only believes in bu t lives in D iv ine A bundance they w ill regale you w ith stories of m oney m ysteriously tu rn in g up w hen m ost needed. Sales in business inexplicably surging, genuine financial opportun ities yield ing great rew ards, and so on. T h e ir m oney needs always met.

10. Allergies and phobias

Allergies, phobias, and sim ilar dysfunctions o f body and m ind can have the pow er to debilitate like any illness. Even m ore so th an illness they are m ore likely to be rooted in som e crisis o f the self than in any conflict w ith o ther people. A llergies and phobias are the antithesis of liv ing in the Infin ite , liv ing in Abundance. T h e Infin ite


is liberation and inexhaustib le renewal, w hilst allergies and the like are enslavem ent and lim itations. T hey can m ake our life a misery.

W hat possible rationale can be given for being d istu rbed by a cat’s fur or a flower’s blossom - bo th expressions o f the Life Force. T he soul has clearly set itse lf in opposition to Life itself.

T h e problem isn’t in the cat or the flower, b u t in one’s need to distance ourself from them . O ne sets up a defensive shield. O ne w ants to be defended from life itself. W hy?

Phobias can also be crippling. Fearing spiders or rats is hardly a problem : such fear doesn’t affect one’s ability to live fully. Fearing space, too m uch of it or too little, on the o ther hand can badly ham per us and hardly accords w ith any notion of ‘abundan t liv ing’. Som e­w here in one’s being there is a rejection o f life present.

Paying out thousand of pounds in therapy is the usual path taken to try and resolve such long standing problem s. You don’t need that. By reading and re-reading everything here - from cover to cover - you can slowly and surely becom e your own therapist. You don’t have to pay a penny m ore th an w hat you paid for th is to find a solution.

In some sense you need to withdraw from yourself for you are the problem. No, it certainly isn’t som e pussycat or flower’s pollen!

G oing to the In n er Sanctum helps you to w ithdraw , it is a way of leaving yourself behind.

As previously explained, m ake yourself com fortable, in bed or an easy chair, propped up by cushions or pillows as necessary. You must adopt an attitude that you could - at least in theory - let go o f the thing that bothers you. If you feel tha t le tting go is ‘all b u t im possib le’ sim ply ask for help th a t you can at least contemplate th e idea o f le tting go. T his is all you can expect from yourself at present. N o th ing is to be hurried . T here is no tim etable for anything. W hat you do require is patience. You have been a hard taskm aster to yourself harbouring such negative feelings, it is tim e to give yourself a break.

YOU C A N N O T B LO C K O U T O R SEEK TO C O N T R O L L IF E , w hich is w hat all these type of irra tional conditions are about. T he L igh t has come in , life m ust be allowed to en ter your soul.

You have a choice. You accept the Infin ite - life at its m ost34

w onderful - or you continue as you are, u ltim ately a denial o f life at its m ost w onderful.

I f you choose the In fin ite it will help you to break free, at your pace and at your tim e. T here is no rush for results.

Ask the In fin ite tha t you can be k in d to yourself. Ask to be helped, cleansed, healed. Accept your own presen t discom fort and try to deal w ith this. Ask to be helped in spite o f yourself.

Now, a therap ist m ay try and get you to unravel past difficulties in your life in order to find the answers to your p resent problem s. You can circum vent all that by contem plating the thought o f letting yourself go.

Ask tha t you can be helped to see th a t you could th in k of le tting go ... little by little.

You are the problem , and before you can deal w ith the problem tha t disturbs you - the allergy, the phobia - you m ust deal w ith yourself. Deal w ith yourself and the rest will so rt itse lf out. You are no t alone in dealing w ith yourself, the E ternal Self is w ith you every step o f the way.

No furry anim al or flower is responsible for any th ing in your life, apart from the pleasure you shou ld be able to derive from them .

Give yourself a break. T h in k of w hat you have to lose (w onderful) and o f w hat you have to gain (m ore w onderful than you can now im agine).

In your cushioned reverie, dwell on the sigh t of the entrance to the In n er Sanctum . T his is the gateway to inexhaustib le peace. T here are no allergies or hang-ups here; all th a t is left outside. You don’t have to go in. T he tim e m ay no t yet be right. All depends on your inclination at the m om ent. T h is is n o t about ob tain ing results, or fixing anything. L ooking for a ‘qu ick’ resu lt seems hard ly appropriate for som ething tha t may have bothered you all your life.

All tha t you need at this stage is to contemplate th e need for change.You are perhaps full o f com plexities: this could be because you

have considered yourself the centre o f the universe and have been35

shocked tha t life and people don 't m easure up to your expectations. You probably take yourself too seriously, so seriously th a t you project your annoyance on to innocent anim als and plants. W hat have they ever done to you?

Keep re tu rn in g to th e Inner Sanctum u n til you are ready to m ake your move.

N EV ER , EVER, D O U B T T H A T YOU CAN BE H E L P E D . D o u b t is always curtailed when you ask to be freed. E ventually doubt disappears completely.

I am not offering som e sort o f cheap sho t of com fort for a complex problem . I know that D ivine H elp is there, b u t do you?

Trust. A sk that you can trust. Ask in your own words. D on 't fret about feeling foolish. It is, if you like, a prayer to yourself. B ut som eone else is listening. T here always is. You w ill be helped to the degree that you w ant to be helped. Allow yourself as m uch tim e as 3rou need. W hilst one should be tough on oneself in facing up to the options, once you have chosen to follow this p a th you should m ake kindness to yourself a habit.

Fears are grounded in some dilem m a at th e core o f the soul; that is why they are so hard to eradicate, and sm all w onder we spend a sm all fortune on psychologists’ fees hop ing for a way out. We all live in some k in d of fear - n o t necessarily always a bad thing. W hat m atters is how fear affects us on a daily basis. If it is ham pering us and denying us pleasure we need to do som ething about it.

T h e solution is there in the In n e r Sanctum . You need to let love and security in. Once you live in and with the Presence your secure place is assured. You w ill no longer feel in danger, not fre tting th a t the w orld is going to cave in on you if you do the w rong thing.

At the th reshold o f the In n er Sanctum , dwell on your fear, your phobia. Do you fear to enter the Sanctum ?

Your fear is deep and com plex in cause, b u t you m ust carry the bu rden of try ing in order to resolve it. Ask the Presence to help you let go o f it, asking the Presence to let Itse lf in instead.

T h e Presence is Inexhaustib le Love and Security; P ro tection36

and N ourishm ent. Em brace it, allow it to perm eate your whole being.

D on’t fret th ink ing tha t this is unobtainable. You don’t have to alter anything. It is enough that you read these words, and read them again and again. F requent com m union with the Inner Sanctum ensures that the process continues and progresses. H ealing o f the soul is already taking place, even if it doesn’t seem im m ediately apparent.

E m otional problem s you’ve been stuck w ith for years do not go overnight.

You began healing yourself by the purchase o f th is booklet. R ead­ing it and re-reading it conditions your soul for reveri t. A llow yourself to be comforted by what you read. I f i t’s w hat you w ant to believe th en believe it. B elief is everything. It opens all doors, le tting fears ou t and security in.

You do no t have to be enslaved by th e events and conditions of the past. Allow change to take its course, for it already is.

H um our helps. Try and view your fear from ano ther person’s p e r­spective. See though his eyes how rid iculous it m ay seem, although to you it is any th ing but. He can have no idea how you feel. Even so you m ust try and get in to his head, because he really sees the fear for w hat it actually is, and his reality is certain ly valid to you in th is instance. D oing this helps to take the pom p ou t of your fear.

Overblow n dem ons of the psyche soon evaporate when faced w ith hum our, perspective and harm ony.

You are no t the centre of the universe, the E terna l Self is. Ask th a t you m ay be dissolved into the E ternal. I t can only happen in your reverie, w hilst for the rest of the tim e you will just be the ‘same you’. Yet you will know som ething has changed.

Allow yourself to be nourished , renew ed and reinvigorated by this w onderful idea. I t rem ains only an ‘idea’ w hen you haven’t experienced it. Once experienced, it becom es th e L iv ing Reality the soul so needs. O ur need to be nourished is p ro o f in itse lf that the nourishm en t exists, for otherw ise there w ould be no hunger o f th e soul.

In the m eantim e your fear will lose its hold on you.37

11. Love and harmony

All love m ust sta rt from w ith in . F irst we m ust love ourself. T h is is not self-love in the conceited sense. T h e love o f yourself w hich you need is based on the concept th a t you are not en titled to anything. Now, tha t seems a com plete paradox. B ut people w ith the biggest sense o f en titlem ent have also the biggest hang-ups.

T h e little you is owed or en titled to nothing. You have no m ore en titlem ent to be treated w ith respect th an anyone else. Respect has always been in short supply. D on’t th in k you have been singled out because you have been h u rt and betrayed - you have on ly received w hat m ost of us receive. N either are you here to make life easier for others (oh, I can hear the howls of altruists!). T h e w orld is as it is. You cannot change a th in g - b u t yourself. You s ta rt th is by allowing the Love of the Infin ite to en ter and perm eate you. T h is is the only love tha t sustains; it is not ego-love. ‘N ot being loved enough by m um and dad’ is totally irrelevant.

U ltim ately you m ust becom e Mother and Father to yourself. M other nourishes, Father disciplines. Self-discipline is th e corollary of self- love. I can sm ile and like w hat I see in the m irro r (M other) but also call m y se lf‘a bloody fool’ for doing such-and-such th ings. ‘Don't do tha t again’ (and I won’t): both create a balance. A nger and dism ay are n o t necessarily bad, it just depends on how they are processed. Do we process them at all and m ake them work for us, or do we leave them to fester and attach to som e deeper anxiety?

O pen yourself to the spirit o f A bundance and its Inexhaustib le Love, the only love you need. T h en you will have true self-love and you w ill positively enjoy being your ‘own M other and F a th e r’, w hich is w hat you should have been all along. Parents played th e ir role and th a t’s done, b u t the true paren t is you.

W ithout a doubt the m ost com m on request m ade o f self-help m ystic w riters is tha t o f love. It is always the same th ing : how can I get such-and-such person to love me; how can I get them to love m e again, and so on. Similarly, ‘H ow can I get my sister to forgive m e?’,38

‘How can I m ake my siblings get along w ith one ano ther?’, and the like.

T h e In fin ite M ind has the answ er to all these questions - and everything else, o f course!

L e t’s begin w ith the basic, ‘H ow do I get h im /her to love m e?’ Indeed, how can you ‘get’ anyone to love you? It is the w rong question, bu t it doesn’t stop anyone from asking it. You cannot be pro tected from yourself. W hat really is the po in t is w hether the o th er person is actually righ t for you in the first place (the usual answ er from Infin ite M ind is ‘n o ’), b u t if you don’t w ant to know that (and m ost people don’t), th e only way to proceed is to seek a way for them to get to know you better. T h e In fin ite M ind will give you this inform ation. Allow yourself to en ter a reverie without actually seeking an answer to this question. T h in k of the person you w ant and dwell on the In n er Sanctum .

At some po in t, if n o t now th en later, a totally unexpected idea will p resen t itself. You will need som ething original, for the m ore th is person is unaw are o f you or your feelings th e m ore original and innovative the idea should be. It will come to you.

W hat the In n e r Sanctum will do is provide you w ith th e idea. T he know-how, w hat happens beyond th a t is in ‘th e lap of th e gods’.

R ekindling love w ith som eone you have separated from is m ore tricky. Anyone who seeks th is is alm ost certain ly in self-denial about the relationship . Again, they are asking the w rong question and pu rsu ing the w rong agenda. B ut if one insists, one can ask In fin ite M ind. Again, the response will be an idea th a t w ill give the opportun ity needed. Say several tim es a day the following:

How can I get (state his or her nam e) back w ith m e?

Repeat a few tim es, eyes closed. T h a t’s all. T h en , w hen you have the tim e, allow yourself to contem plate the In n e r Sanctum in the usual m anner I have explained for o th er situations.

All you need is one good idea. O ne good idea is all it takes to change everything.


T his is one area in w hich Infin ite M in d m ay no t be so obliging. I f no idea is forthcom ing no m atter how m any tim es you ask, it is a clear sign you should no t be pu rsu ing th is agenda.

To be separated from som eone you still love is no t an easy situation. O n the o ther hand, it does represent an opportunity , for as one door in your life has closed ano ther is opening. It is necessary tha t the o ther person exits your life in order for ano ther to enter. U sually the next person is better.

Som ething I cannot fail to notice in rom antic scenarios is th a t m ost o f us settle for second best. T he person we are w ith is n o t necessarily the righ t one for us, we th in k they are, b u t in tru th we have deluded ourself. It is usually too late by th e tim e we realise it.

How do you get the spark back into a m arriage? You m ust always consider th a t your spouse m ay not actually w ant any spark re ­ignited. They are quite happy w ith how th ings stand. T h e trouble is tha t you are not. Yet the Infin ite M ind will give you a reply, although it m ay not be w hat you w ant to hear. E ith e r way, the E ternal Self w ill guide you th rough your predicam ent.

T he m ore you let yourself go in favour of th e E ternal Self tak ing over th e m ore help you will receive. You will never be alone and you will never lack for love.

Trying to set th ings righ t in relationships is invariably fraught w ith risk. I have observed such attem pts backfire tim e and again. It is particu larly hard w hen it is a relative you w ere once close to, b u t som e inciden t changed everything and you have never felt rig h t since. I f it is your fault then it should in fact be easier to m ake am ends because the onus is on you and j^ou are correct to m ake a move. If the fault is w ith the o ther - yet you w ant to be ‘rig h t’ w ith them again, ‘let bygones be bygones’ - then you are in tricky territory. Yet the E ternal Self will guide you, and if it doesn’t give you any ideas it is a sure sign tha t it is telling you to leave well alone.

T h e procedure is always th e same. Ask, in your own words, for exactly w hat you want. Repeat over and over, i f so inclined. Dwell on th e Inner Sanctum and if it is righ t th a t you shou ld m ake up w ith the o ther an answer will certainly be forthcom ing.40

All in all we place too m uch im portance on th e love o f others. It hard ly m atters in relation to the love you should be giving yourself.

N o o ther person can supply this. In fact all d isharm ony w ith others springs from an essential d isharm ony w ith in jjo u rs e lf - and th is is just as true w hen others are at fault!

We cannot carry the bu rden of o th ers’ shortcom ings. T h eir in ­ability to love adequately should not be your problem . Your problem is, are you adequately loving yourself?

W hen you are in harm ony w ith th e E ternal Self - th e source o f true inexhaustib le love - your needs are met. T h e love you receive from another is a bonus.

N ever rely on the love of ano ther for your happiness. For it w ill d issipate and you will be left m arooned. True love begins w ith he or she who looks at you in the m irror. You are loved by the Infin ite and th a t’s all that m atters.

12. The end and the beginning

D on’t w orry if you find any th ing I w rite hard to grasp. C larity comes w ith reading it again and again. A nd as m any tim es as you wish. W hat doesn’t m ake sense first or second tim e suddenly takes on a m eaning later. T h a t is the natu re of th is work. T h is is n o t a novel or som ething to read to pass the tim e. It could, depending on your own in p u t, change your in n er life forever. Always be pa tien t w ith yourself as you pursue this adventure o f the soul. E verything I w rite is no t m erely ‘words of com fort in a troubled w orld ’. Indeed, som e of w hat’s w ritten is hard ly com forting at a ll!

Your healing and renewal began the m om ent you decided to purchase th is after reading the advertisem ent. I t is w hat you needed to do. It was your first step. It was also a w holly ‘m agical’ step, for th is booklet is destined to be read by very few people. T h a t puts you


into a select band of people. You may no t know anyone else who has purchased th is booklet, but each and every one who has has tapped into a secret energy, an energy yet un ique to each ind iv idual reader. For any th ing on mass sale, any book or publication sold th rough bookshops or superm arkets belongs to the m ainstream , no m atter how ‘m ystic’ its content. T his booklet, and the others I have w ritten , cannot belong to the m ainstream . T hey will always be on the b o rd er­line of acceptance, even in ‘sp iritua l’ circles. A nyth ing th a t enhances your sense of ow ning or belonging to som eth ing special or out of the ord inary elevates your inner power.

So the power w ith in the words of th is booklet becom e a reflection of your own power, and vice versa.

W alking in the Infin ite pu ts you in a different sphere from the masses. T his alone generates its own power, w hich w ill becom e apparent to you as tim e goes on. W hat is w ritten here is for you forever. Allow it to renew you, refresh you, com fort you. In p u r ­chasing this booklet you have invested in your soul and in your fu ture life. Yet you are b u t at the beginning. We are all the beginning. T he ‘en d ’ is an illusion, for all endings are beginnings in disguise. You are re-born continuously. N o th ing can halt your progress. Take a m agnifying glass to your hand and m arvel at the mass o f in tricate detail on it. T h en th in k that all th is is in the hand alone - a repository of millions o f atoms. T h is is A bundance. You are Abundance. You cannot possibly be any th ing o ther than the expression o f U niversal Energy. Your hand is only a fraction o f the bew ildering com plexity of your body. A nd th is same com plexity and abundance can be found in all living th ings - and even in inert m atter. W hich m eans that the Life Force w hich dwells in you, perm eating every m olecule of your physical being, also dwells in every th ing else - even the inert. T h a t is w hy w hatever happens in your w orld can - if you so choose - also happen in o ther worlds. For the U niversal C onsciousness unites us all.

You have no need to com pare yourself favourably or unfavourably w ith anyone else. You are your own universe. You are in fact the Universe only as it. can be.

You are the beg inn ing and the end. You are all tha t is.T h is has n o th in g to do w ith egotism . T he egotist is above all

insecure. In the Infinite M ind there is no insecurity only A bundance, Love, Com pleteness, expressions of one irresistib le reality.

T he egotistical person th in k s he is the ‘centre of th e universe’, believing tha t the w orld both revolves around him and owes him . Every one of these egotists, and we are all su rro u n d ed by them , carries a gigantic chip on the ir shoulder. T hey w hinge and com plain about everything because the w orld is not operating according to the ir exacting standards. T hey expect favours w hilst behaving as they please, regardless of the consequences, and behave as if they will never die.

People behave as i f there was no such th ing as m ortality. An 80- year-old m an com plains to me tha t so-and-so cost 25p m ore than it did yesterday, and is getting h im self in to a rig h t stew about it. H ow im portan t is th is com pared to the possib ility th a t he could be dead by th is tim e nex t week? O bviously it has not even crossed his m ind , for if it did he w ould consider th a t no m atter how hard up one is one is - alive. Is th a t im portant?

W hen people double-cross one ano ther presum ably one reason they do it is th a t m ortality doesn’t count. For it is the th o u g h t of our own m ortality tha t m akes the no tion o f k indness so vital.

W hen living in the L ig h t o f U niversal C onsciousness you are aware that every m inu te counts, that th e p resen t is always precious. N ot just because of your m ortality: if you found you could live another h u n d red years - it w ould still be im portan t. O nly th is m om ent ever counts. For you are reborn every m om ent and never m ore so than w hen you realise tha t you partake o f the D iv ine Essence w hich perm eates every pore of your being. Every m orn ing you awake you are ‘bo rn ’. Q uite literally, for science tells us that the body never stops renew ing itself. How m uch greater our po ten tia l for life - we who seek to live in A bundance - w hen our sp irit is infused w ith the no tion of reb irth as well as o u r body. Together, the L ife Force is m ultiplied.

You need never fear any ending, for the gift o f the Cosm ic M ind43

is tha t every ending is a doorway to som ething else. It is the story of our planet w hich has been here for so m any billions of years despite countless catastrophes. A nd so we ind iv idually endure no m atter w hat life throw s at us, and those am ongst us tu n ed in to th e Infin ite are all the stronger for it. T he will to succeed canno t be extinguished.

W hen you are thoroughly fam iliar w ith the procedure I have described you will see and experience for yourself the w onder o f the ‘G reater Reality’ of w hich I speak: an unspeakable joy th a t sustains you w hatever the adversity. You need take no heed o f ‘B ible bashers’ on th e one h and and atheists and cynics on the other. You will knozv the tru th . N ot a m inim al tru th , b u t a gleam ing reality w ith in , purify ing and renew ing you continuously. You are not beholden to any doctrine, no Ten C om m andm ents, no Torah, no K oran, no any th ing else dressed up as the ‘unalterable w ord of G od’. L et the atheist live in his w orld of intelligence and the fine senses, while we can live in his idea o f ‘m adness’.

You will never feel alone, despite p artic ipa ting in som ething the masses cannot understand. You will know th a t you have a Silent Partner, a G uardian Genie, always there, always sustaining, never failing you.

No m atter how crest-fallen or ill you are, all can change. Lack can be changed to A bundance. Because you accept th a t you are no t ‘owed’ you will receive everything. Be grateful for w hat you receive and yet m ore w ill be added to you. You are the way forw ard, you are your own destiny, your own fate. You w ill not e rr if you follow your in tu itio n and ask the H igher M ind to guide you. Ask tha t these w onderful concepts becom e a L iving Reality in your daily life; and so it w ill be.